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New Pmt ea | ...and re with another woman , Ve i mee oe - Pri ta ae AT MOVIE PR Ss WITH THE FAMILY kore enti col Emu AT HUMANITARIAN EVENTS Be eee at this 2006 Uni Pere ene) Cerro returned to his Los Feliz, Calif, home. “[don'tknow what happened at the hotel,” notes the insider, “buche decided he should go home to Angie. He looked really sullen and downbeat when he left the hotel.” Although Brad, +8, understood that the Berzuif premiere was Angie's to shine — afterall, it's her movie is frustration has been building forsome time, a friend of his explains. He feels eclipsed by Angie wherever they go,” says the friend. “He says he finds iralmost surreal to be with her and feel invisible.” And it’s not justa red-carpet phenom- enon. People often ask Brad if his interest in humanitarian work, like rebuilding New Orleans, was inspired by Angelina, 32. “Brad gets upset by that,” says his friend, “as ifhe'd never had a serious side before he met her. He feels like the world sees him as an acces sory to Angelina. No matter what he does, it’s viewed as Angie's project.” Tension has also been building cover Angelina’s close bond with James MeAvoy, her co-star in the upcoming thriller Wanted, and a friendship Angie's developed witha new bodyguard named Billy. But Brad's mostannoyed about what's being over- looked. “Whenever he’s interviewed, he’s immediately asked about Angie,” says his friend. “It drives him crazy it’ like he’s her secretary or somethis Still, the couple appeared to have smoothed over their differences atleast temporarily while in London for the British premiere of Beowulf on Nov. 11 Leaving Claridge’s hotel around 6 p.m., “Brad had his arm around Angelina protectively,” says witness. Butat the premiere, they returned to their usual roles: “Brad stood back, while Angie talked to journalists about her role,” says the witness. Brad has told Angie how he feels, but there doesn't seem to be any solution. “She either tells him he’s being silly or she offers to try to stay in the background at one of Brad’ events,” says his friend, “Bur Brad says the idea of Angie being in the background of anything is absurd and he has a point. LIFEANDSTYLEMAG.COM 29

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