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1000 Potomac Street, N.W., Suite 420

Washington , D .C. 20007
T E L 2 0 2 3 3 9 6 0 6 0

To: Interested Parties

Fr: Pete Brodnitz
Date: July 1, 2010
Re: Recent Kentucky General Election polling

Race for Senate Tied at 44% Despite Paul’s 20% Advantage on Name ID Over Conway

Our most recent poll of likely 2010 general election voters in Kentucky indicates that the race for U.S. Senate is tied at 44%. And when
we push undecided voters to see if they lean one way or another, Conway has a slight edge of 2%:

If the November election for U.S. Senate were held today and the
candidates were…for whom would you vote?
Initial Initial w/
Ballot Leaners
Difference 0 +2
Democrat Jack Conway 44 48
Republican Rand Paul 44 46
Don’t Know 12 6

Currently, Rand Paul is better known than Jack Conway but, while they have comparable favorable ratings, Paul’s unfavorable rating is
almost twice as high as that of Conway:

Rand Jack
Paul Conway
% Name ID 82 63
% Favorable 45 42
% Unfavorable 37 21

Among voters who are familiar with both candidates, Conway has a double-digit lead over Paul:

If the November election for U.S. Senate were held

today and the candidates were…for whom would you
Difference +12
Democrat Jack Conway 53
Republican Rand Paul 41
Don’t Know 6

Conway Has Clear Path to Victory in November – Mainstream Views, Effectiveness and Being in Touch with Voters

Conway has several built-in advantages among voters – more voters perceive Conway as effective, and more voters perceive Paul as
controversial, ideological and out of touch compared to Conway:

 Paul leads Conway by a 23% margin on being too controversial to get things done for Kentucky (Paul 46%, Conway 23%);

 Paul leads Conway by a 13% margin on being out of touch (Paul 39%, Conway 26%);

 Paul leads Conway by a 10% margin putting his ideology ahead of what’s good for Kentucky (Paul 43%, Conway 33%).

The Benenson Strategy Group conducted 800 interviews statewide with likely 2010 general election voters. The interviews were
conducted June 26-29, 2010. The margin of error for overall results is ±3.46%. BSG’s clients include Governor Tim Kaine (VA), Senator
Jim Webb (VA), Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) and Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR). Peter Brodnitz, who conducted this survey, was
named “Pollster of the Year” by the American Association of Political Consultants in 2007 for his work for Kaine, Webb and the
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Conway June 2010 Benchmark Survey 1

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