Lions Bay Metered Parking

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for Proposal
Metered Parking Services

The Village of Lions Bay (the Municipality) is primarily a residential community located
on the Sea to Sky Highway corridor 13 km north of Horseshoe Bay and is part of the
Metro Vancouver Regional District. With a marina, ocean beaches and mountainous
hiking trails, the Village is a popular area during the summer months, which puts a strain
on the already limited supply of parking.

There is currently no pay parking within the Village, with the exception of the marina
area which is privately operated, and the CN Lot, near Lions Bay Beach Park, which is
adjacent to the Marina. The Municipality leases the lot from CN and sells daily parking
passes for the lot through the Village Office and/or the Marina. There is also a
parking lot at Kelvin Grove Beach Park, which is free with a 3 hour time
limit for visitors. Residents of Lions Bay receive 2 resident parking decals
with their property tax notices, which permits them to park in many areas
of the Village which are otherwise restricted (i.e. Permit Parking Only).

For 2017, the Municipality is interested in running a metered parking trial for the CN
parking lot at Lions Bay Beach Park, the parking lot at Kelvin Grove Beach Park and for
the parking spots at the Sunset Drive trailhead for the Lions and Brunswick Mountain
hiking trails. Due to the seasonal nature of demand, we are looking to run this trial for
about 10 weeks during the summer, to establish the appropriateness of metered
parking in relation to peak demand.

The Municipality is requesting written proposals from qualified vendors interested in
providing a free trial of metered parking for June 24 to September 4, 2017 with the
proviso that if the Municipality chooses to continue the service beyond September 4,
2017, or re-implement it for the 2018 summer season (generally about 4 months, from
June through September) and presumably beyond, the successful proponent will
provide the ongoing services. Alternatively, non-meter solution options will also be
carefully considered. This is a request for proposals and is not a contract tender.

The Village welcomes potential proponents to attend an optional site visit on Friday,
June 2, 2017 at 11:00 am to better understand the dynamics, operations, locations and
access throughout Lions Bay and to provide a better understanding on the scope of

For additional questions, please contact Peter DeJong, Chief Administrative Officer,
Village of Lions Bay, 604-921-9333 or email

Proposal Requirements:

The Village of Lions Bay invites emailed Proposals from service providers for the
management of pay parking services at:

1. CN Lot at Lions Bay Beach Park approximately 25 stalls
2. Parking Lot at Kelvin Grove Beach Park approximately 27 stalls
3. Parking at Sunset Drive Trailhead approximately 15 stalls

It is estimated that a total of about 67 stalls could be used for pay parking at the 3
sites. At present, there are no lines painted at the CN Lot or the Sunset Trailhead, but
the Municipality is seeking quotes for this work from 3rd parties but Proponents may
include a quote if desired. Due to the lack of any historical data, Lions Bay is uncertain as
to whether metered parking will be a viable long term solution. As a result, the
Municipality is looking for solutions which will assist us in gathering and analyzing data
with respect to actual use during the trial period noted above.

Proposals should canvas the options available for metered parking solutions, from Pay
and Display to Pay by Stall # or Pay by Licence Plate. Proposals will also need to
indicate options for payment by phone, credit card or cash.

Proponents should indicate any cost differences for these methods of organization and
payment. Differences in cost for power requirements should also be specified, along
with any other delivery and maintenance requirements. It should also be noted that the
Municipality does NOT have a credit card merchant account so payment by credit card
(or by phone) would have to be processed by the Proponent.

The Village of Lions Bay is registered with the Province of BC for the use of the Bylaw
Notice Enforcement Act and is a member of the North Shore Bylaw Notice Adjudication
Program. Therefore, while metered systems can assist us in tracking & analyzing parking
use, and monitoring payment compliance, Municipal Bylaw Enforcement Officers will
need to be the ones providing enforcement the Municipality is not looking to contract
out that function at this time.

Proposals should indicate all costs associated with the proposal(s) for both the free trial
period this summer and, if approved, next summer and beyond. Proponents are
encouraged to offer options for ongoing service and the pros and cons of each option.

Optional choices should recognize that the Municipality really only has demand from, at
best, mid-May to the end of September and only hires Bylaw Enforcement Officers for
that period and, at present, only for Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory Holidays.

Please ensure all costs for the trial period, if any, as well as those associated with
ongoing service, if approved, are detailed in full, including:

Annual delivery and removal of meter and concrete base, if any;
Annual power setup and programming of meter, if any;
Maintenance of meter during the trial period and beyond, if any;
Data connectivity costs during the months pay parking is in effect, if any;
Transaction fees, if any;
Any other fees related to the provision of services.

Selection Criteria

Each proposal shall be evaluated based on the following criteria:

1. Understanding and responsiveness to the Municipality's objectives;
2. Fees and cost(s); and
3. Proponents qualifications.

All responsive submissions shall be reviewed in their entirety and all proposals will be
ranked based on the criteria contained herein. The Municipality may conduct interviews
of short-listed Proponents.

The Municipality will attempt to reach a final contract with the first-ranked Proponent.
If negotiations with the firstranked Proponent fail, the Municipality will proceed with
the next highest ranked Proponent.

Proposals will be received by email until June 9, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. and should be
addressed to:

Peter DeJong, Chief Administrative Officer, Village of Lions Bay
Submit electronically via:

The Village of Lions Bay reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive
technical or legal deficiencies, to make such investigation as it deems necessary to
evaluate Proponent's qualifications, to accept any proposal that may be deemed in
the best interest of the Municipality and to negotiate terms and conditions of any
proposal leading to acceptance and final execution of the contract. The lowest or any
proposal may not be accepted.

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