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Style, Number & Appearances... Index. . Sees MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1994 - Trial ~ First pay... Pre-Trial Motions, Peremptory Challenges........ Jury’Impaneled & special oath........,.. WITNESSES - STATE JOHNNY RAY HAYES ‘ “Direct Examination by Mr. Turner...... Cross-Examination by Mr. Alexander.., Redirect Examination by Mr. Turner......, MITCHELL DUCKWORTH Direct Examination by Mr. Turner............4 Cross-Examination by Mr. Alexander. Redirect Examination by ur. Turner. HOWARD PATRICK Direct Examination by Mr. Turner...,........, Cross-Exemination by Mr. Alexander. , ° ‘Redirect Examination by Mr. Turner. ........, GREGORY PATRICK Direct Examination by Mr. Turner.....,, Cross-Examination by Mr. Alexander. Redirect Examination by Mr, Turner.......0.0..0.,... ‘TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1994 - Trial - Second pay....... “ARVIN WILLIAMS “ect Examination by Mr. Turner... 10 WwW 61 67 82 110 117 127 129 I Objection (Jury. out) No Cross-Examination The State Rests.....seeeeeeeeeeee Motion by the Defendants (Jury Out)..... Objection (Jury out).... INES - DEFENDANTS VERONICA JONES Direct Examination by Mr. Alexander...........0.0005 Cross-Examination by Mr, TUrner....s.seseseceeeeeees The Lefendants Rest............05 Objections to Instructions (Jury out) Closing Arguments: By Mr. Duncan for the State.........eeeeeeseee eee e es By Mr. Alexander for the Defendants. By Mr. Turner for the State.....sseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Verdict of the eee ee eee esata Sentencing of Defendants. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1994 - Motion..........+++ SE-1 136 137 139 142 143 144 148 153 165 174 176 177 10 a 12 13 a4 15 16 a7 18 19 20 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 : ‘ WHEREUPON, AT 10:25 A.M., MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1994, WITH THE DEFENDANTS AND ALL ATTORNEYS PRESENT IN ‘CHAMBERS, THE FOLLOWING PROCEEDINGS WERE HAD OUT OF THE PRESENCE OF THE PROSPECTIVE JURORS: BY THE COURT: About the plea-bargaining agreement, the District Attorney did not mention that the recommendation in the case of Christopher Patrick was a consecutive sentence, and with the announcement it is a consecutive sentence with the one he received last term of Court, I am going to accept his plea. All right. Now, I will hear your motion. BY MR. ALEXANDER: Your Honor, in February, 1994, pursuant to the Court’s directive, we filed various motions. One of the notions we filed was fo: and I was going to provide the Court a copy of that motion. That motion basically asks for the criminal histories of all witnesses who might testify for the State, and I think you will find it in the file. We haven‘t received any criminal histories on any of the Persons who have been listed as witnesses for the State. We understand Mr. Duckworth is currently incarcerated in’ the Department of Corrections at Parchman, and we have not received any documentation concerning that. It is our understanding he came into Court this morning in shackles. We also understand that Christopher Patrick, who has been listed by the State, has a criminal history, and 1 think the court just mentioned he had been convicted of some offense last term. We have not been provided with any documentation of that. As the Court is aware, under Mississippi procedure, in order to impeach a person based on criminal history, we would have to have available to us certified copies of conviction records and so a !

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