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(An EnglishVersion)

Blessedbethousacred land,
Happy bethoubeautious realm,
Thousymbol ofhi$ resolve,
Landof Pakistan.
bethoucitadel offaith,
Themightof brother-hood of man,
Maynation, countryandstate,
Shinein gloryeverlasting,
Ourflagof crescentandstar,
Guidetoprogess andperflection,
of thepast,
Ihepresent,inspirationof ourfulurc,
Symbol ofAlmighty's protection,




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Nameof the book Learning To Lead

Purposeof the book To promote value-oriented


Especiallyaddressedto The leaders in the making

Author Prof Saeed Rashid

Dedicated Address Principal Army Public School,

Mangla Cantt.

to Edition Second revised edition 1992

The F'utureJinnahs Publishers Marhaba Enterprises

Civil Lines, Jhelum Ph: P.P.7339
Pakistan Printedat Chan Charagh Printer


DeluxeEdition Rs. 200

Paper-back Rs. L20


a style
fHE AUTHOR Sinceleadershipis essentiallya wayof life'
doing' d
of living, a mode of fletng, thinking and "a''
Prof. Saeed Rashid received his formal education matter6f valuesand attitudes,so anyproper
oi*ining in leadership,has to be value-oriented
greater stresson the developmentof right
framework of
attitudes, over and above t^heexternal
number of years. Being a veteran of Pakistan Movement
his firm commitment and life-long mission has been to It is in view of this conceptthat theseorbntation
with the basic
promote Pakistaniat. As an educationist his main talks have been piepared' fhly deal
contribution has been in the field of value orientation. ;;il., and attitudet titat are called for'
to lead' The
He is known for his passion for character-building' i;il;i ,tug", of the process.of learning
of leading and
intention ls to give ariinsight into the art
His published works are as under: following.
LivingWith LeadershiP The points raisedand discussed in theselectures
Learning To Lead
In Search Of MaturitY
real problems
From School To College [ottt on the subject,they are very much
from years of
A Lasting Lighthouse and discerning oU."*uiiottt gleaned
The Character And Conduct Of Quaid-e-Azam practicale*perlencein this field'
Guftar- o-Kirdar- e-Q uaid- e- Azam Although these orientation talks' for
reasons,havebeen addressedto the young1:."9:t: "lll"
Mukalmat-e-Iqbal institutrons,mey
Shad Bad Manzil-e-Murad i"ua"rrt ip_orientededucational/training
of all the people
Kirdar-Ki-Kirnain are in fact meaniiot tttt consideration
or learningto lead'
Kirdar Saz that are interestedLitntt in teaching
Juraton KaY Nishan
Haq Nawaz Kiyani Shaheed Sitara-e-Jurat SaeedRashid
Akram Shaheed Nishan-e-Haider
Dastan-c-Ilm-o-Amal(2 volumes)
Character Building And Public Speaking
PakistaniatAnd Charactcr Building

, l_
21. Re-adjustingHabits 57
22. In Searchof HaPPiness 6l
23. Avoiding DePression 63
24. Conquestof Success 65
Preface I

1. In Searchof Ideals 25. SixteenPersonalitYFactors 69

2. D i sci p l i n e i sF re e d o m 26. Self-image 74
3. Ki n d so f C h a ra cte r 27. 81
4. 28. Your R i v al s andYou ..... 82
Image-building 8
5. Surplus Value l,l
6. Functional Seniority 13 PARTItr
7.' Two Ways of Learning to Follow . . . 1,6
8. Attitudes and Attributes of a lrader 18 29. T oth e GC s.... 92
9. Sincerity and l-oyalty . . 22 30. A Sol{ier's lrtter to his Son 95
10. Dimensionsof Discipline . 24 37. A Soldier'sPraYerfor his Son 101
1,1. Integrity - Moral and Psychological . . . . . . 27
12. Ma tu ri ty ......29 PART IV
13. The Ability to Respond 33
14. P e rsp e cti ve Ga p 32. 103
15. The Art of Gettingon . . 33. From a Father to his Son 105
16. The Unpleasant Part 47 34. Courage 108
77. Me ti cu l o u sn e ss ......49 35. Patience 110
18. Enthusiasmand Energy 51
' 36. Impatience . .:. Ltz
19. Investmentand Consumption. . 37. Climb the Hill tl4
20. Senseof Priorities 38, Beware 118
39. WhenYou Find r20

Now that after years of aspiring and struggling,

you have won the first round of your careet,stop a while
and give a seriousthought to the crucial questions;what
are your ideals of life? What things do you passionately
value more than the others,i.e; what are your personal
values?A career or a professionis only a meanstb an
end: what are the ends you considerworth pursuing?

Theseare someof the questionsand queriesthat

will have to be honestlylooked into if you have worth-
while ambitions in your life. Each one of us can be a
hero if he wantsto in his own way and in his own place.
Greatness lies not in what one actually achieves
(becausethat,dependson so many extraneousfactors
beyond one's control) but in what dreamshe honestly
dreams and what heights he sincerelywants to scale;
againstwhat heavyoddsand handicapsboth internaland
externalsucha fighter strugglesto inch ahead,only God
knowsand only with Him lies his reward.So eachone of
us, whatever be his position and whereverhe may be
strugglingin the causeof great valuesand ideals,is a
hero; and it's a privilege to live a hero'slife and when it
comesto, die a hero's death.

But that does not imply a life of deprivation.

Officersare alsohumanbeings.They haveeveryright to
good things in life. Plato in his ideal state, Republic,
iuggestedthat the "Republic"shouldoffer the very best

of^-the good things in life to its warrior_guardians

(officers)on the logicalgroundthat they ur" prEpur"Jio
give their best to the Republic.

. So aiming high and the pursuit of moral ideals

does not mean that you deny yourself legitimate 'Discipline' is from 'disciple. A disciple is a
comforts,pleasuresand privil.g", tt ut are due"; y"" learner. Hence discipline means learning, learning to
from your''Republic",bufit doei meanthat you *iff jlu. organise oneself to grow, to develop, to improve.
your very best to the Republic. Discipline means learning to be free, learning to be
So you, as a youngleader,had better seebeyond
- promised Discipline is freedom.To be more disciplinedis
the profession,beyondthe prospectivecareer,
beyond the eventful, youihful yeais, deep into the to be more free. Discipline is power. To be more
twilight of life. Doing that, fixing your eyes on disciplined means to be more powerful, more effective
the and more efficient. Discipline is security too. To be
guidingstarsbeyondthe horizonwi]l set your pacenow.
more disciplinedis to be more secure,more confident
God hasgivenyou a grand opportunityto be the and more courageous. Discipline is harmony and
architectof your own destinyand thai of the nation; lei harmonyproduceshappiness.
it not be said that you did not prove equal to the task.
What is a song? Discipline of sounds.What is
dance?Discipline of movements.What is a paining?
Disciplineof lines and colours.

FREEDOM: Freedom is of two types:Freedom from

and freedornfor. Freedom from sornethingis different
:t**t( tl from freedom for something.

To be free meansto be free to choose,choosing

implies thinking, for you can not make a choiceunless
you think about the possible advantages and
disadvantages of a choice.So only he can choosebetter
who can think better. And only he can think better who
is better educated and better disciplined. Freedom
involvesresponsibility.To be to be responsible KINDS OF CHARACTER
and to be more responsibleis to be more free. Those
who are not responsible or do not want to be is broadlyof two kinds:
responsible,feel a fear of freedom.They wish to escape - character
strong and weak. A strong will, courage and
from freedomby one meansor the other:Irresponsibility deter-mination constitutestrongcharacter;while a weak
or indisciplineis only a meansof escapefrom freedom. will, lack of determination and lack of confidencego
into the making of weak character.

There is another classification of character'

The heightsby great men reachedand kept Morally, charactercan be divided into two categories:
Werenot attained by suddenflight, good and bad. If a person'smoral valuesand attitudes
But they, while their companionsslept, ire good, he is saib to have good character'On the
Weretoiling upward in the night. othei hand, the one whose moral valuesand attitudes
are bad, is said to have bad character'
We have not wings,we cannot soar,
But we havefeet to scaleand climb, Given these four classificationsof character
By slow degrees,by more and more, amongstaverhgehuman beings,there are four possible
The cloudysummit of our time. combinations:

(a) Strong + Good

(b) Strong + Bad
****!r tt
(c) Weak + Good
(d) Weak + Bad

The ideal combinationis just one; strong + good

character.Men of strongand good characterare the salt
of the earth. They arJ the ones that make the world
better, hapPierand richer.

The people of the secondcategory'of strong +

bad charactLrtoo make their mark and sometimesdo

6 7
attain a spectacularmeasureof success in variousfields. will hold good for ever. Furthermore,overt behaviour
There is no dearth of suchmen aroundyou. In fact men might be misleading.A hundred and one subtlefactors
of this type seemto dominatethe sceneat the moment. enter into the making of character.But the four broad
Although they lack moral scruples,theyhavethe will,the classifications
hold good for all practicalpurposes.
courageand the determinationto pursuetheir designs.
We want you to developinto youngmen of strong
The third combination-weak + good character, and good character. Values are of two kinds: basic
is also quite common.A lot of good p.opt" fall into this valuesand religiousvalues;traits like courage,integrity,
category.They themselvesare good, do not do bad determination,hard work, etc.,are basicvalueswithout
things.nor.!o1hey want to breakdiscipline.But theyare which no nation or individual can ever make a headwav
weakin will. They are only passivelygood.They do not in any field. Without determination and hard work.
activelyresistevil. In fact they accept-it;for eximple, if without honesty(evenas a policy),and dedicationto a
a personof strong + bad characterdecidesto take the purpose(howeverbad), one cannotachieveeven a bad
lead in any form of indisciplineor undesirableactivitv. end, much less a good one. All men, Muslims or non-
the chancesare that the docile, good + weak ones Muslims,the morally good or the morally bad, have to
would sheepishlyfollow him. follow the basic character values. But there is vet
anotherset of valueswhich emphasizes not only justice
The fourth type-weak+ bad character,alsoforms but Ihsan and sacrifice for the good of others.These.
a-distinctgroup.They are either lackeysof strong+ bad valuesare essentiallyreligiousvalues.Others mav be
charactercategoryor a nuisanceon their own. iou ."r, ironestbecauseit is a good policy.A Muslim is honest
expectsomegood from a strong + bad man.At leasthe g 1 matter of principle The eharacter<lf a good
is not a coward and might have someself-regardbut a Fakistaniis cornposedcf hoth basicvaluesas *eil as
rnan of weak + bad charactercan go to any extent to religiousvalues.
degradehimselfor others.

These are four broad divisions of human

character with hundreds of shades in between the F'eastnot on the shore, frtr there
combinations.No two personsare alike in the patternof lto.ltly breathes the tune of li!<:
their character.character is not somethingstaiic either. tirapple witk the waves and dare
.F{umanbeingschange,imperceptiblysliding from one lwunortality is stife.
shadeto another.So you cannotpassa judgementwhich Iqbai

inclifferent,but in fact they are most stlsceptibleto what

IMAGI{ H{.-JILDING you do and what you do not do, to what you say and
*hut you do not say.They make a mental note of the
You rnaynot be curisciousof the fact that the way minutestdetailsof yourbehaviour'yourmannerisms, etc'
you dress, look, walk, talk and behave, Ieavessome Theywatchfor insiance,with critical eyes, how yo-u.deaL
impressionon those around you, whetherjuniors or with the offenders.They would at oncedetectand decry
seniors. After sometime, a mental picture of your if you are partial.toanyonefor one reasonor the other'
personalitystarts taking shape in their minds. This is your juniors may havethe sameweaknesses or vicesas
your imagethat is goingto determinetheir reactionsand you have, but would never excuse you for indulging in
responsesto you. This image-makingprocessgoes on them.
imperceptiblyall the time and may be most activeat a
time when you are leastconsciousof it. There is a good reasonfor that watchfulattitude'
Your superiorsunderstandthe difficulties of your age
What you reallyare,is not unimportant,but what and posiiion and may forgiveyou for petty lapses,but in
mattersmore, is the sort of imageyou haveprojectedfor the eyesof the juniois, you are a big gun' Yol are their
yourselfin the minds of your juniors and seniors.You hero; they ideilize you. They are genuinely.shocked
are liked or disliked, honoured or dishonoured, whenttreyfina that their hero hasthe feet of clay.Then
appreciatedor ignored with referenceto your image, they wouid swing'to the other extremeand rejectyou
which may be and often is, differentfrom your own self- struightu*ay.They would hate you as intenselyas they
image. onceadmiredYouPassionatelY.
So, in day to day life, your image mattersmost. So if you have any weakness(and who doesnot
Your superiorsmay be able to get an insightinto your have?) beca r eful nottobetr ay i t.Pay s pec i al attenti on personality, but your juniors will be mostly rudeness'
to the externalsof your behaviour-sloppiness,
ccncernedwith your overt behaviour,especiallywhen irrdecency, showof iemper,lackof moralcourageor bad
i,ouatreoff your guard,or under strain,or in high spirits l'aith.
they keenly
'.lr in low spirits. Under such conditions,
vratch you and form an image of your inner personality Thus leadershipis maintainedby prestige'
and iater on respondto you accordingly. havc high prestige, your orders will carry weight'
nrit. No6ody can effectivelylead by invoking
Your juniors are always inquisitive about you. 'tlrcrwis-e
l'carof authtlrityall the time.
They may keep mum, they may look unconcernedor

To sum up, you should be all the time careful
about the image you are building for yourself.But that SURPLUS VALUE
doesnot mean that you put up a false show to impress
others. This just can not happen.You cannot wear a Doing plain duty is not enough.If you want a
make-upall the time. If you work hard and take interest specialreward, make a special contribution or create
in your job, you do not haveto worry about the imageat what is called surplusvalue. You are rewardedfor not
all. It will take care of itself. just doingyour duty, but for what you havedoneon your
own in addition to what wasanywayyour obligation.The
more you do this, the more you arp valued and

So do not rest satisfiedwith carryingout whatyou

+***** have been asked to do in so many words; try to
understandthe intention behind the instructionand also
try to understandthe mind that has given the order.
What is the explicit requirementand what is the implicit
one? Ask yourself these two questionsand then get
going with the problem. Use all your intelligence,
resourcefulnessand initiative and give your senior a
pleasantsurpriseby doing the task better and quicker
There is nothing greater in this world than your own than he expected.The quality of work mattersas'much
conscienceand when appear beforeyour God you can say as promptness.
that you did your duty with the highest sense of integity
and with loyalty and faithfulness. Don't askunnecessary Don't takepetty
problemsto the senior;that betraysmentalreservations,
unwillingnessor incompetencr.
Put the surplusvalue in your work willingly and
The little bit which is your own,will in
the first place, give you personal satisfactionand
seconclly,will earn you the gratitudeof your seniors
thoughthey may nnt alwayssay so in so many words.

L2 13

Your image as good, honestand devotedworker will be F'UNCTIONAL SENIORITY

graduallybuilt up and will earn you respectand high
regard. You are going to ptuythe leader.As suchyou will
be exercisinga lot of power over your juniors as their
This is the time when the foundationsof your senior.So you had better be quite clear in your mind as
future careerare being laid. The questionwhetheryou to the nature of this senioritY.
are going to be a senior officer in about twenty-five
years'time,is beingdecidednow.A careeris marredor
made bit by and that too in the early yearsof training.
This may seema high aim, but you havegot to aim high.
Aiming high calls for stern self-discipline,unflinching,
intelligent hard work, and immense courage of
conviction.Naturally you will have to pay a high price
for a high target.
Yet the temptationis there to overreachyourself,
The idea of surplusvalue is not limited to your to overdo and over-reactand fall a victim to the false
positionas a leader.If you developa generalattitudeof feelingthat yoprare "hell of a guy",exceptionallygifted;
doing more than the minimum required,contributing intrinsieally.supeligr;born to rule, etc.,etc'
more than expectedand givingmore than receiving, you
would find your whole life better, richer and happier.

controlledor guided bY values.


You cannotplay the leader effectivelyif you are

not inspired by some great ideal of your own' by what
Bernar'dshaw called moral passion.The senseof moral
responsibilitywill keep a check on how you useJour
h.uthority unO will restrain you from overreaching,
overdoing,or over-reacting. while
indifferent or hostile (for a variety of reasons)'
some others will be pleasant, cheerful' willingly
Your task as_a leader is going to be doubly to imProve, obedient and
difficult. on the one hand,your autliorit! is a crosssectionof humanitY
are supposedto lead,not to are not expected nge is to get on with all of
to^be bullying or hard hitting; on the other hand, some them, to give them much
of your juniors, being immature, may strain vour into
patience.Teenagers,by and large, are a strangetot. If neededsecurity,and to help them grow and flower
It is
you are gentle and kind, they may take if as a sign of fine persons---amost demandingtask indeed'
weaknessand if you are strict and formal with tlem, rotn"itting like running a marathon race with
Yet it is w"orthrunning' others' scores of
they g.u-bl". Moreover, at times, they may enough
-uy behavemost unreasonably, lfi"- U"f"re you, haverun it and haverun it fast
thernselves but would expect
you to be meticulouslyreasonableand fair. Thev mav to touch the taPe first.
make a hundred and one mistakes,but if you ,uff.. u
In the long run, learning to lead will turn out to
lapse,once in a blue moon, they would ai on." catch
you and tear you to pieces.The immature onestend to be more rewarding than I
exaggeratebeyond all proportions.Sometimes,because learning here. While learn
ot unconsciousfears,they find it difficult to distinguish learning to tie confide
betweenreality and fantasy.If A mishaphappens6n.", understanding,fair and, i
integrated.Tn-eseare the
they would report as if it has been happeningforever.
mostuseful and helPful as
'Once' is 'always' in their idiom. Some .id.t, are
temperamentallynot cut out for the hard corporatelife, While learning to le
they feel ill-adjustedto the increasinglydeminding and
mistakes.Error is the stel
exacting pattern of the life over here, so thev find
everythingwrong aroundthem and blamethe seniorsfor learnto make decisionson
their real or imaginarysufferings. riskof goingwrongoccasio
will never learn to PlaYthe
Moreover,youngpeopleare rirostlyextremistsin nrakea nr-rteeachtime you make a wrgng move;analyse
of it'
liking and disliking thingsand people.Oui of a largelot it; find out what went wrong to avoid repbtition
li)xperiencecomesfrom intelligent experrrnenting'
of youngsters;some are b<iundto be peevish,,toirchy,
uncooperative,grumbling; fault-fincling,su.spicious, )t t (: t * * *

t6 17

TWO WAYS OF LEARNING like him; in fact he imagines he is like him'so he

TO FOLLOW deliberatelyand willingly tries to do what his hero does,
to speaku. t speaks,io dressas he dresses'In short he
eoei all out to imitate him in all matters,big and small,
ind doing so giveshim a lot,of satisfaction'

Training in followership wholly dependent on

conditioning is no eood. It is not effective and
dependablein times 6f ,tt"tt. Followership based on
identificationis more durable and dePendable.

who is worthy of submission,is in human nature'

* * ||(t* r.*
used for agesfor making human beingslearn to behave
this way or that.

The other way of learning to follow is by

idefrtification,i.e. tle iearner.identiiieshimselfwith his
senior,elder,ituperior or hero. That is, he desiresto be
l8 19

ATTITUDESAND ATTRIBUTES courage- the basicelementsof leadership.

OF A LEADER Leadinginvolvesdecision-making and courageto l
take a risk and accept responsibility for the
consequences. It is very demanding, whereas the
following is not so. Obeying orders may be physically
uncomfortable,but mentallyit is comfortable.So it is for
Military Academies have been doing exactly this for this reason that most people, even those placed in
centuriesand have done it fairly well. positionsof authority,do not like to make independent
hard decisions.In fact some may rnortally fear making
moveson their own. Suchnon-leadersmaywant to share
Given below is a resumeof what are generally
the responsibilityof decision-making with others,which
takento be the desiredqualitiesof a leader:-
resultsin sharingthe power too. Consulting othersis a
different matter, but the responsibilityof making a
WLL to LEAD: Will to lead is the firsr
requirement for leadership.However, will to leacl is decisionmust always rest ,with the one who is in the
lead.A true leader makesno excuseswhen he fails,nor
he looks for scapegoats.

TRUST: Trust is the essentiallink betweenthe

leaderand the led. As the renownedhistorian,Toynbee
has put it, "The leader must make his fellows his
followers".This canhappenonly if theytrust him enough
not to examineor attack each of his individual actions
and are willing to go along with him for a while.
Secondly.leading is not the same thing as
bullying, becausebullying springs tiom cowardice.A This unwaveringtrust in the leader arisesonly if
bully is essentiallva coward.He is weakwith the strong the followershave full faith in the leader'sintegrityand
and strongwith the we.ak.Bullying resultsfrom lack of in his abilityto lead.ion a much smallerscale,the same
confidenceand courage.Builying in fact is a coverfor a type of trust must be there betweenthe,playersof o :
feeling of inferiority. However,will to commandis the lcam ancltheir captain.The team captainor the leader'
crudefor.mof will to lead. Both involveconficlenceantl Irasgot to truilclup this trust in his calibreand integrity
if he wishesto function effectively.

PHYStrCAL STAMINA: Laders in all walks of

life are,knowmfor their immensephysicalstamina.They
have an inexhaustiblestore of energy,steelynervesand
irnmensecapacityfor sustainedhard work, both physical
and mental under most trying circumstances, and
moreover' need less rest and sleep to recoup. From
Alexander the, Great down the ages to the Quaid-e-
Azam, this is a constant pattern. This energJ and t<x*:*t*tF
staminahas nothing to do the with physicalrobustness.
It's in their bonesand nerves.UnflaggingenergJis the
lite-blood of leadership.

VISION: A leader is a personwith a vision.He

sees aheadand far deeperthan the peoplehe leads.
far I will not live out of me,
He has an uncannysenseof destinyand direction;and I will not see,witlto,therseYes
he knowshow to guide and lead his people. My good is good, mY evil ill,
I woudn'tbefree, I can not be,
FAITH: A leader is a man of immensefaith in While I take'ihirgs osllerspleaseio rate them'
his ideals and faith in his own ability to act:ualizethe I dare attennptto lay out 'ny own road'
ideals he has set himself. His convictionis unshakable
and inspiring. Disappointmentsdo not frustrate him.
Each falure reinforceshis determinationto hold on to
the last.

COURAGE: Apart from physicalcourageand

lnoral courage, of which a true leaderpossesses a lot, he
is not deficient in intellectual couragOeithe.r,:. .the
courdge to think dispassionatelyand:.fu.."'*re'.ieality
ratiqnally .and.not to let his 'egd' 's.tairditr the.watriof;
22 23
SINCERITY AND LOYALTY The purposeor the personsthemselves unworthy
of respectand love,canneverinspireloyalty.Mereforce
sincerity is not possibrewithout identification, of authoritycan haveflatteryanclforceclobecliencebut
without mentally extendlngyourselfto cover ttr" not the loyaltyinspiredby the aclmirablecharacter.
the externalthing, the objeci of your sincerity. ".,
In sum, you can get loyalty if you yourselfare
Sj"cerity is not possiblewithout a hard core of sincere and loyal to the great cause and also to the
love and respectfor thi purposeor for tt p"rrtn personsplacedaboveand belowyou.
are sincereto. "

Sincerity goes beyond the literal meaning of

words.It goesstraightto the spirit of the words
order, or of the assignedduty. -

.. li"cerity loyaltyand loyaltyaccepts

the unpleasantfrom the objectbf toyattyai gfaOfyaJ it
doesthe pleasant.
"The safety,honour and welfure of your country
comefirst, alwaysand everytime. The honour,welfareand
comfort of the men you command come next. your own
ease,cornfort,and safetycomelast,alwaysand everytime.,,

Gen Chetwood
(While inaugurating the I.M.A in 1932)

Loyalty is a matter of passionatefeelings;it is a

mental attitude; it grows out of the ,Self u, i flo*",
growsout of the stalk of a plant. Henceloyaltycannot
be imposedfrom outside;it iannot Lreorderedby dint of

24 25

DIMENSIONS OF DICIPLINE strongest people have fumbled and flatered in the Alexander,the Great, was able to conquerthe
There are three dimensionsof discipline:power, world but he was not able to conquerhis own spirit fully'
pleasureand security,each has its secrets.Let's look into He killeclhis dearestfriend Clitrus in a temper;he never
them. excusedhimself for that nor have the historians'

DISCIPLINE IS POWER: Discipline literally DISCPLINE IS PLEASURE: Discipline is a source of

means 'learning'. Learning to organize one's powers of power to conquer, power to win fame ancl glory' And
head and heart. Without organization,men'spowersand winning fame, status and prestige is a very satisfying
experience.It is a pleasure.So disciplineis indirectlya
source of pleasure too.

DISCIPLINE IS PRIDE,: Conquering external

higher achievements.The story of civilizationis the story oppositionpowers is a pleasurebut the most satisfying
of how man has been gradually able to learn to organize eiperience i, .onqu"ring one's own Self, one's own wild
and utilize his natural capacities.The better he was able pa.ssionsand pressing them into the service of great
to do this, the more spectacularthe advanceshe made. ideals.Those who can do it are the happiestpersonson
So discipline is a means of organizing and organizingis God's earth. Even if they have to die, they enjoy dying'
a means of producing power. Hence disciplineis power. AII martyrs clo it. socratescliclit when he willingly drank
a cup oi hemlock and slowly sank into eternal sleep'
Discipline or organizingimplies putting the pieces Jamuqa clid it when he asked ChangezKhan to kill him
insteadof sparinghis life. (In The SecretHistory of the
Mongols, tire inciclent has been described in vivid
cletaiis).Jamuqa had been ChangezKhan's chum as a
boy.Both greatlyliked each tlther.Later on, consequent
upon tribal rivalry,he turned againstthe great Khan and
70 of the Khan's most faithful men by boiling
tlrem into oil. Later on, he was captured ancl was
procluceclbefore him; ChangezKhan had a look at him
touches great heights. However, to clisciplineone's s<lnreho*he meltecl;in a flash of mercy, he wanted to
internal urges, is such a task that sometimes even the sl)arehis life. He askedJamuqa:

"How do you want rne to treat you?" INTEGRITY -MORAL AND

And the bold reply was:"Asan enemyis treated". PSYCHOLOGICAL

"What! Do you want the fate of an enemy?" Integrity is of two kinds--moraland psychological'
without moral
askedthe Khan . No effective leadership is possible It
"l do. I want to be killed"wasthe answer. i"i.gri,v fntegrity.isnot just honestyand
an officer' your
is th"ehard coie of character'If you are you are
And the greatKhanreluctantly obligedhim.That i;i;.. will, first of all, want to know whether
is the spirit of the man who khan conqueredhis Self , 'h";;;; on.t'foit in your dealingsand whetheryou are
who knowsthe valueof honour.He is greatevenin this ;;;;i;tand sincerein what you sayand clo'Above
how you use or
defeat. lfr"V *iff watch with the keenesteyes
Your slightest
So self-discipline is the greatest
or self-conquest ;ilfi fi',is,,t'u*Lu"i unintentionalor
source of power, the greatest source of pride and do immenseharm to your image'-Leadership
It givesa strangefeelingof superiority.You ;G;ily and falls over lack oflt' Brishtness'
if one lacks
becomebig in your own eyes.Nothing'slike that. knowledge,plent, will be all undlne
security. If you havegainedpowerthroughdisciplining Integrity is the primary root from which
makes.u .*3n
your capacitiesand organizingthem into a pattern , moral quuiiti". shoot out' Integrity
securitywill be a by-productof the process.As hasbeen responsiblr,.ourug"ous,dependable'
pointedout by the psychologists, the bestsecurityis that frant<and straightforward'
which you yourselfgive to yourself.Thus disciplineis leaders
securitytoo. Integrity in fact is the basicmoral trait;
old and the young
integrity'you know
uii-n""d integrity.If a peison has
let you down' You
that he is not goingto lie, cheat'or
know beforehanO Inat he will not dishonourthe trust
placedin him.
in mattersof
Keepingfaith, beingaboveboard
7A 29

money and material, being fair in personal dealings, MATURITY

honouring a promise and upholding the trust, are is a11...."
integral parts of leading, be it for a good end or for a in King Lear)
bad one.

Psychological integrity is a differilt matter. It

meansthat the personalityfunctions as a compactwhole
i.e., different trends, urges, emotions blencl together in
a hormonious pattern within the framework of personal
values and attitudes. Psychological integrity ensures
personal happiness, physical ancl mental well being,
freedom from anxieties and c<lmplexesancl maximum
growth of personality.
It results in greater .efficiencyand creativity. It
providesstability to conduct and strengthto character.[t
In fact the main aim of good education is to
is the source of moral courage.Absolute moral integrity
is an ideal, attainable tough not easyto attain, especialllr
in the context of current social conditions. However, a
minimum level is must.

Similarly perfect psychological integrity of

personalityis also an ideal. You need not despairif you
find yourself caught in the whirlpool of emotional
conflicts,or falling short of your cherishedvalues and
failing in sclmeof your commitments.
ripenessor maturitY.
To err is human. Fall we must, here and there,
but we must be up on clur feet at once,inchingaheddin So as a young leader, one of your prime
pursuit of ideal moral and psychologicalintegrity. objectivesshould be to acquire maturity' It is an
att:rinahlequality,thclughit has its levelsand degrees'

are somehints
What is maturity?It is difficult to givea precise shouldpursueit right from now' Here
definitionof maturity,but the functionof maturitycan that may helP:
be described.It is the ability to give an appropriate a situation
responsein a given situation,in other words,to react a" Do not get emotionallyinvolvedin
positions and
intelligently,keepingin view the possibleconsequences and ou"nitftaking extreme
of an action. Maturity involvesself-restraint, patience, alwaysleavea *ay out of the situation'
ob1'ectivethinking and the ability to foreseepossible get excited
repercussions of a decisionor an action,and thereby b. Do not loseyour temper'Do not
over trifles'
choosingone courseof actionout of several.
c. Do not believeor disbelieve whatis conveyed
Maturity implies patience and discretion,it to the
demandsthat you shouldnot act impulsively, i.€.,on the to you without verifyingit or listening
spur of the moment, that you shouldlook as far ahead other side of the storY'
into the future as possibleand foreseethe end-product be mentally
of your actions.It also demandsthat you should be d. Learn to forestall si'tuationsand
beforeit arises'
logicaland realisticin your approach. pr"put*O to meet a situation
tn ottrer*ords look aheaclandalsolook
a bad
und tutt" att precautions to avoid
If a seniorcadetor G.C. wishesto be respected
as a superiormemberof.thecadetcommunity,he hasto
evolvea pattern of behaviourin keepingwith the level '
of his seniority. e' Justicecomesbeforekindness'
In fact seniorityand maturityor ability to respond f. Be acutelyconsciousof the imagethat
properly should go together. Seniority devoid"of characteranglconductProjects'
correspondinglevel of maturity or responsibilitywill too soon nor provoke
inevitably be ineffective. Moreover, it may lead to g. Do not get prov<lkecl
unpleasantand embarrassingsituations. othersinto extremePtlsitions'
h. Avoid personal,out-bursts'incliscreet
.,Hence the most challengingtask beforeyou as a offensiveexpresslons'as they'hurt the self-
seniof\cadetis to developmaturity corresponding to the ancl he
respectof ttre other personmclst'
level of your seniority.This is a life-longprocess,but you
32 33

might retaliate in sheerdesperation.Similarly

sarcastic remarks and tone must alwavs be
Life is an unenclingchain of situationsand
I. In dealing with disciplinaryproblems,do not
assume authority that is not yours by

j. Make proper use of the chain of command:

never by pass it.
k. Do not criticizeyourjuniorsin their absence.
This would only harm you and nobody.

I. Do not take airs before your juniors. This

weaknessmight be exploited.

m. Fairnessand.firmnesscomefirst, alwaysand
every time.

n. Use the right tone, right words, dressand

placewhen you haveto exertyour authority.

I admire the courageof the way-farer,

who disdainsto set hisfeet
On the path that is not beset,
Personaltragediesand nationaltragediesmore
With deserlsand mountainsand streanns. from failure to respond
often than not 1t".
appropriatelyto changing The wholepurpose
Iqbai ui'y.,ut eclucationhere is to clevelopyour ability to
34 3.5

respond to the situations appropriately, not to any More often

than not, it so happens that people
specificsituation but to a complexvariety of situations
that you are likely to face in your life especiallyas an but clonot attainthe social'emotlonal'
officer in the Services. with their-age'
and intellectualmaturitycommensurate
of mostof our
positionor status.itli, it the basiccause
Cadets of the same entry can be different from
each other in many respects---inphysical strength, in
f91 t]tis
intelligence,in aptitude, in knowledge,and in courage. It is difficult to clevisea set of rules
But none of these differences matters as much as the effclrtsare aimeclat achieving
"Ju.o,ional correct moves'
differencein their abitity'to respond. that end, to enable you to make the
However,here are some broad guidelines:-
There is no limit to situationsand there is no
count of the responsesthat you have to make all the a. LIFE STYLE: Broad
time to meet them. But your suc€essin life and the
quality of this successclepenclson cultivating the ability
to make the correct move on the chessboardof life (that
you have to play on your own ). This condition of doing u choosea Particularcareer'
it on your own, deserves special attention. The best deviseclfor You is in fact the
afford to reject
coach in the world may be available to you to help you wav of life of a career officer; you cannot
learn a game; but once the referee blows the whistle, ;? il;;il ;] life.lf vouattemptto do so'vouwill
education and
you will have to do all the playing yourself and for undermine the superstructureof your
yourself. training.
haveto be
Si milarlyall typesof learningin t h e la s t a n a ly s is b. OUTLOOK AND ATTITUDES: You
priorities in life-
is a very personal affair. Moreover, there is no end to very clear in your mind about your
goals;and be
learning. The olcler:you grow, the more y<lu have to about immediategoals and.long-term
both eat
learn. The more imprlrtant post you hold, the higher preparedto pay thJprice for both' You cannot look
your rank, the more complexare the situationsthat you You must
rnis is impossible"
i""".ur." u"o tt* ii' possibleand.plan
have to responcl to. SO YOUR MIND, YOUR far into the future, as fat aheadas
PERSONALITY, YOUR CHARACTER-----IN A activitiesaccordingly' ln case'youare-unable to
t; "pi"usure
WORD YOUR ABIITITY TO RESPOND St{OUt_D i;;g; the immeJiut" for the sake of rea-l
36 3'7

distant pleasure,you won't be able to make much senseof humour. Laugh awayminor problems'Geniality
help you
heaclwayin life. Your attitudemattersa great deal. will keep your nerveslmooth. Indirectlyit will
Remember positive attitucleshave positive results. choosethe correct responseto a challengingproblem'
Thereforehavea burningdesireto forgeaheacl. Muster
all your energytrl realizethe goalyou havesetyourself. f. DEI-AYED RESPONSE OR DELIBERATE
RESPONSE:All human beingsare creaturesof impulse
c. MENTAL MATURITy: The ability to iespond in varying clegrees.But young people, like
involvesthe wholepersonality,yet it depenismostiyon particularlv prnn" to reaciingirnpulsively'Tooffsetthat
mental maturity. Mental maturity has vast knowledge t"ndsrrc), to make a delayed response..or
and varied experienceas its warp anclwoof. So stuiy deliberateresponseto complex problems"First think '
widelyand learnro think.Not everyb<ldy thinks.Collect weigh, calculale, foresee possible consequencesof
informzrtionlike a honey-bee,
clropby drop.Organizeit to'7",'taking into account its pros and cons' Then
respond t9-1h.'
into knowledge,rhen cligest it and ch-ange- it into the final move and adjust your position to
understanding. Go on doingthesethreethingsfor a long .onr"qu.n."t of thit move firmly and boldly'(This
time, and you will sooner or later developthat rare principle, however, will not be extended to situations
mentalqualitycalledinsight. '*h"r" you would be required to take quick
Your spontaneousresponseswill be correct if you
d. EMOTIONAL STABILITy: Temperis a matter succeederlin cultivating correct attitudes)'
of one'snature.Yet you shouldseeto it that as a leader
you do not suffer from lack of emotional stabilitv. g. VOICE, WORDS, AND ACCENT: In the end
invited to a seeminglyminor' but
Energyis the bed-rockof leadership;enthusiasmis iis iour attention is to be
have to
life-blood. But hypersensitiveness,excitability,ancl ieally a significant point. As a le.acler'you will
irritabilitystandin the wayof makinga correct."iponse. do a lot of talking to the junior cadets on
At the root of these emotional handicapi lies occasions. Sometimes you are their companlon'
nervousness, a feelingof inferiorityor lack of emotional ,o*"ti-.t a guide, sometimes a friend' and at other
stability. times a pure and simple commander----a stern
master andstrict disciplinarian'You have to acljust
to the
e. SENSEOF HUMOUR: Tensionand humourdo iJio.n, expression, uoi." and tone accorcling
not go together,just as tensionand effectiveresponses nature of iituation. correct idiom ancltone according
rnore effective'
do not go together either. A tenseman hardly laughs the situation would make your response
and hardly makes the right move either. Cultivatea In f:rct,you will be well advisedto choosethe right

38 39
and right placefor a paiticularoccasion.
If toughtalking
hasto be done,cloit whenyou are formallyclressed,
do it from the official seat.
As a responsible youngleaderyou shoulddevelop
a senseof perspective. A lot of grumblingand uncalled-
Ability to respondcorrectlyis a very complex
ability.It is rrot acquiredin a matter of clays.It,s a life for unj.ust'criticismof those placed aboveyou results
long process.So, start learningyour first formal lessons from lack of PersPectivg.
in ability to respondearnestly.
For exampleyou receivean order which makes
,.*r .r *r f.*{ .t( no senseto you.You makea requestttl your higher-ups'
'and it is rejectedout-right.You are
sucha g"nuin" requesthasbeencallouslyturned9ryn'
reasonis that the perspectiveor mentalvisionof your
superioris different.The order that looksodd to you as
an isolated piece may be an integral . part. of an
administrative frame-work, which is there in your
senior's mind. He has in his mind a host of
considerations, long range and short range'which are
not knownto you.dn" gt"ut differencebetweenyou and
your superioi is that when you.make a requestfor 3ny
iting your approachis entirelypersonal. You think it is
gooJ anrl n"i"ttury for you as an indiviclual,whereas
problemfrom the point
ioul ,up.rior hast6 look at your
Lf ui.*'of the goocl the cadetcommunityas a whole.
oneun fai r ac ti or r m ay s eti nm oti onaw htl l ec hai nof
reactiotts.What is gotid for you now may not he il t!"
Life k a wlnle interestof communityas a whole; moreover'if the
Luck is a whole superior allows the iequest in one case(yours)and
cliiallowsin another,thii wouldamountto favouritism,
which is sure to .arousedeep resentment'He cannot
affortl ttl be kind to you alone, less in exceptional


circumstances. Justicecomesfirst and kinclness

later. so
your superior has to look at things from a different 4T
angle.He knows that an exceptioneventuallybecomes it or challengeit. So in understanding
yourjuniors,try to
a precedent.He has to klok ahead into the future, into get an insightintclthe workingof their mind; how they
your future, and that of the community,and so some
look at things, how they tencl to react to work and
timesperforcetakesunp'pular and unpleasantdecisions.
discipline.Try to accommodate them as far as possible.
Neverprovokethem into
An individual, in self-interestmay be partial,
shouldhave a feelingfor their thoughtsanclemotions,
selfish and short-sighted.The senior has gor to be
and do not rub them the wrong way. Everybodyhas his
impartial, just, and far-sighted;so your task is io cJevelop
tenderspots.Do not touchthem all the time.Naggingis
a senseof perspectiveand learn to look at thines from the last thing to be resortedto.
an impersonal point of view. Thus you can und"erstand
real spirit behind an orcler and get an insight into the
However, the most seriouschallengeto your
inner working of the senior'smind, reflectingthe point
authority will come from your own rank group. Ilyou
of view of the administration.
are senior to them by virtue of appointment,do not
forget that you also belong to the same group. They
A lot of unhappinessand ill-will in this world- know_youfully well. Even if you are really sup-eriorto
springs from this unfortunate fact that people clo not
the wholelot, it will not be psychologically
appreciate each other's point of view. 'Ihey presume to acceptyour superiority.Do not assertyourselftoo
things and, without verifuing,believe in them. much, but do not acquiesceeither. Dealingwith your
own group calls for a greatdeal of maturity.
On the other side,your juniors too have a poinf
of view. They see the privileges you enjoy from a But the fact remainsthat the leaderand the led
differentangle;-soyou must also unclerstanclthe point of can never have the same as junior
vi ew of your juniors. Remember t h a t a ll a u t h o rit y cannotfully appreciatethe point of vicw of your senior
arousesresentmentof some sort in thoseplacedbelclw, who canneverfully accommodate hisjuniors,evenif he
and the authority of Course-matesarousesjealousyand understands their point of view.
anxiety, for it ntakes one conscious of on's own
inadequacyor inferiority. Human nature is apt to take
So eachseniorhasto play the role of an eclucator
the easyway out. Insteaclof recognizinganclappreciating to changethe heart of his juniors so that theysharehis
superiority,most people woulcllike either not to accept missionand, if possible,his vision.The perspectivegap
hasto be bridgedas far as possible.

42 43

There is anothermeansof closingthe perspective THE ART OF'GETTING OI'J

gap, i.e., through faith, confidence and respect.For
instance , the Quaid was a genius, a towering An important part of leadership concerns
personality.Barring a few, the teeming millions could
hardlyunderstandor appreciatehis politicalperspective.
But they all had immense confidencein him, in his
competency,in his integrity and in his leadership.And
it worked. You can emulate his examplein your own
Let it be plain to you that seniorityis relative,not
absolute.You are senior to so many and in turn junior


and asFakistanis.No one is superiorto the other,except

on one count,i.e., goodness(Taqwa).So rememberthat
an appointment or for that matter, any other ran\,
howeverhigh, does not make you superiorby itself. It
only confersupon you heavier responsibility,a gteater
Scienceis an instrumentfor the presentationof Lift.
opportunityto do good or harm to the peopleplaced
Scienceis a means of establishingthe Self.
underyour charge.
Scienceand art (ue seryanrcof Lift. '$
Avoid at all coststhe overbearingattitude.For a
lqbal leader,the greatesttemptationis to becomea blustering
bully;resistit. If you evergivein to this temptation,you
will neverlearn to tle a leader.

Asscrtionis tlne thing,bullyinganother.Do not

r r r ixup th c tttr cw i th the ttther .D ue as s er ti on c om es
l' r or rstr l t c onfi
r e :r 'r gtl rIr. ( 's l r l ) l ) os c s dc nc T
e.he onc w ho
problem but you should also try to be
of favouring
M Do not ever make the fatal mistake
It is true that we
one cadet at the cost of the other'
We have our
is confidentand brave will never stoop to the level of human beingsare creaturesof impulse'
are good workers'
terrorizing those who are weak. A bully is really a likes and elislikes.Somejunieirtroys
are not only
cowardand mentallydeficient,whereasa real leaderis obedient unO .o"p.rative wtrile o^thers
courageousand mentally sharp. naughty,Uut tli"ttpegiful and casual'with
"u"r,'no'ty, there.might,be
offensivemannersunA"*uy of talking;
So one thing that you shouldneverdo is bullying ,,grumbleis, colleciors of grudg":,ond
and indulgingin violence.And anotherthing that you there ryi:9T:
may De
oi .n*pLintt, touchy,-over-sensitive;
shouldneverdo is losingyour temper;suchresponses do or that' But be tolerant'Learn to
harm and neversolveany problem.Self-restraint is the understand Get on with all and get the best
rule to be observedalwaysand everytime. "u"ryon"'
one. That is exactlvvour task'
But self-restraintalone is not enough.It won't Finally, a very precious^ piece of advice:Good
take you far. Silenceis not enough,it can be frightful. Uoy,u,taLiight hrny.ttun toott aft'erthemselves' and do
bother them
We need music, flowers. A world without flowers and them broaCguiOairceand do not
do not givetoo
sweetmusic will not be worth living in. Similarlywe not bother yourr"lf about them' Likewise Keep them
needkindnessand sympathy.Human beingscan put up either.
much attention io proutem boys
with pain,but theycannotput up with cold indifference. within limits; thatls all' Let the senior attentron
Human beingsof all agesneedlove and understanding, ;il the way they deem fit' Your greatest
first and foremost. to those who are
ttt".iO go to ihe rnediocres'especiallv
are withdrawing'shy
diffident,who lack '*u'tn"'"' who
As a leader, be gentle in your speech and ;;i;dre-tied. Help them to comeup by givingthem
manners.In tacklingdisciplinaryproblems,be tolerant. them to stand.on
confidenceunO .Help
Give a patienthearingevento minor may ""to'ragement' deservesyour fullest
their own r."t. rtlr-ril"n', majority
look like a minor problemto you,but it maybe a source attention.
of great anxietyto a junior.
to learn-to
Being a leader is a great opportunity
Gentlespeechis too not enough.Be activelykind hands' It is a great
be human"l S"i," it with both
to the juniors,especiallywhen they are in distressor
sufferingfrom real or imaginarytroubles.Y<lungsters
separatedfrom their loving parentsunconsciously look
for parent substitutes.The staff would taclclethat

46 47
adventuretoo. Take it in that spirit. THE UNPLEASANT PART
Yourjob hassomeseemingly T:t:
and be
too. fnow them beforehand
to adjust to them'

There will be dema


You would also t

The quality of merq is not strain,d.
It droppuh as the gentlerain occasionalwell-Placedor.t
from lrcavenupon tlrc place
It is Wice blessed.
It blessethhim that givesand him that takes;
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest.
Youon a Particular
Shakespeare r ever or that You have lost
taken Place'
and emotional
Yet anothersort of unpleasantnessbe firm with
you have to
stresswill be your tot' when
your own classfellows.In the process,
you may losetheir
goodwill and friendship, and METICULOUSNESS
il they choose ro be
uncooperative, the situationmay strain'y*.".*..r,
hold on to the principle # tu, 'Meticulous'isan adjectivewhichliterallymeans,
friendshipand eventuallyyou *o'ufA before
*ln;-ot'i"oil;, 'too careful about small things or details'.
consciencewould be satisfied. Meticulousness means the state of being meticulous;
being very careful about minor details.
Theseand.many other situations,
now and later
on jn other positions or ,rrponriblity, Meticulousness is vital to success.
If you havegot
ur; ;;;";';"
confront you in varying intensitf. to do a job, do it meticulously. You cannotbe simplytoo
Hence the need to
cultivatethe courageto-fa." th;;;the meticulousaboutyour tasks.The more carefulyou are,
tacklethem. the more you attend to details, the tletter it is.
Meticulousness leadsto correctness whichcoupledwith
lnt anddemandingsituations minute details ensuressuccess.
ty required for successful
ther-nas apart of the game, So form a habit, a mental attitude of
meticulousnessin carrying out even minor, seemingly
seshavetheir.rnu n,ro.l,$i3li'Ll?l;, f,f il; unimportanttasks.All tasksassignedto you are intended runs '- -" to train you to undertake more complex and difficult
rvrosi ti,i"i;ff#JTj[,","::"ln
ni,r,"- ?l:"iffi:] tasksin futune.The simple leads to the complex,the
smoothgoingon However easyto the difficult , but exactness
and meticulousness
end, in the
thereis the honourandsatisfaction are a must.
Your positionas a_leade,i, of achievement.
But "box on". Come ;;;io u. a toughbout.
what way. As an appointment-holder, you are a sort of staff
officer on a small scale.If now you pick up the mental
habit of going into small details, it witt help you
immenselyin the days ahead as a real staff officer, as
well as in other walks of life.

By being meticulousand exact,you would also

gain confidencein your position and it would also
irnpressyour seniors.Seeingyour example,your juniors
50 i1
will be careful in their own work, and by finding you so ENTHUSIASM AND ENERGY
careful,your seniorswould assignyou tasksthat call for
greater responsibility and integrity. The circle is A personwho is lazy can never becomea good
complete.It all started from being very careful about officer. Being passivelygood is not enougheither. You
small detailsof tasks. must be up and doing. You must be enthusiasticabout
what you undertaketo do and do it earnestly.A leader
Somepeopledo not like meticulousness. Minding can only be effective if he goes about his job
the minute detailsdoes not appealto them. They sayit energeticallyand puts his heart and soul into his work.
is irksome,awfully boring. Well, it will be boring if it is If you do not take your task seriously,nobody would
not viewed in the right perspective.Meticulousness is a take you seriously.
meansto an end; the end is to be able to do greatthings
later on, yearsafter your assignmentasan appointment- Slothis one of the sevendeadlysinsaccordingto
holder is over.It is the groundworkfor producingcareer the Bible. Being slothful, you can never inspire
officers. confidencein your leadership.A bad man who is more
energeticand confident will have more followers and
will prove a better leader for a bad purposethan a good
man who is listless.diffident and indifferent leader of
evena good cause.

So erithusiasmis the marrow of leadership.You

must have a passion,a moral passionwith a passionate
Life's battles don't always go faith in your ideal. You must perform your
To the stronger or faster man; cornmonplace dutiesin relationto a greatideal,that of
But soon or late the man who wins sen*riceto Pakistan, to humanity and to Islam.
Is the man who thinl<s he can. Rememberthat courageand convictiongo together'

There are two basic concepts of Economics.

When you spendsome money to producemore money, and energy
have worked for about ten hours, the time
it is investment,and when you spend some money to for two hoursis' of course'
satisfua need or desirewhich doesnot producemore *", on healthyrecreation of your
g'oodinvestment.It will recoupyou' The cells
money,it is called consumption.A nation is rich and activity
brain that had been fatiguedby intensemental
strong if it produces more than what it consumes. you will be
*iii U" replaced o. ,"p-oit"d by rest and
Similarlyan individualis rich if he producesmore than hard work'
brrr", fitted for anotherrounclof sustained
he consumes. Investmentprecedesproduction. to the time
This is also investment.The sameapplies
soentin an afternoonnap of reasonableduration;
At this stageof your career,you have two most relutarty take rest after lunch for some time'
;h" il;;;
importantfactorsof productionat your disposal----time tneir chancesof working harder and
and energy and these are perishablegoods. lt is
for the rest of the daY'
imperativethat you make the most appropriateuse of
your time and energy.A large number of studentsare is a
So even well-earnedrest and relaxation
living with you. Even if their energiesvary,the amount not shy away
productive u.seoj time and energy' Do
of time is the same.Which of theseboysare goingto But the main thing
from recreatlon,tt too is important'
live fuller, happier and richer lives in future, say,in What
ir-,ttu, it shoulclbe induiged in moderately'
about twentyyears'time? The answeris simple:those
mattersis investment,not consumption'
who are investingmore todaywill be able to consume
more tomoirow. Hence you ought to be very careful
about how you useyour units of time and energy.Being
youngyou are at the peak of your energy.Let it not flow lft *:kti

into unproductivechannels.

And now is the opportunity of making the

maximum investment of your time and energy in
education.At everystep,ask this question:"What is the
bestuseof this unit of time and energy"? 'Am I usingit
on consumptionor on investment"? For instance,if you
We are herenot to play, to dream to drift
Wu ltoru hard work to c)oand loads to
Slun not the strugle, it's God'sgifi'
54 55
SENSEOF PRIORITIES A. The secret lies in their senseof priorities'
senseof priorities
studentsthat havebetter and stronger and other
(From a question-answersessionat a Study
Circle do better at all t",,t, """-s, andlnterviews the top in
meeting) ,n"rttgt-["r"g iiit theywho mostlyreach
theii chosencareer or profession'
Principal: There is a thought-provoking piece
of verses: by a senseof piorities?
O. Wkat do you
Lrfe's battles don't always go,
in late teens'
A. A studentin his teens,particularly
To the stronger or faster man; l' p"riJ in different direitionsbv lil
pryitorogical andeducational
presiures, .outigi1tl11
But soon' or late the rnan who wins that stage,he is a live wire, an over-flowinghe candraw -
mind' if
energy.ln this stateof his body and
and consequent
Is the man who thinks he can. the line between his wants and needs
his long term needs
up;;AJ h*ur"n"tt, is ableto place beforehis
in order of their reGtiuevalue or importance
and desires;this
immediate arrd moie pressingwants you' in
processin called,"1if"g the pr-ioritiesright' Mlnd
#ff* ih" u*ut"nessof endsand
pii*i1i"t t"'gttt,
are set right'
meansis a vital fu.tot' b"t" the priorities
of purposeand
a new life style emerges;a new-sense
habitsand study
direction takes .Lnttoi oi on"', living
piobleT'^ltt {act' in
O. Then which ones do better? habits; discipline ceasesto be any
or G'C'' there is
the life of a purpot"-oti"nt"d stubent irregularity'
no room left foi uny fntt of ind.iscipline'. and social
casualnessn, l.tOiiie'"nt" to educational OoYt:^'1lO
obligations. Hard work automatically tenslons'
comeson its own asthereare no
all this' efficiency
or conflict, intiJ"'-As a result of
O. Wtat are the characteristics of this categoty (i. incrcast:s,,n.t nu,lpr.rlof work, both
no wonderthat his
student? Wat is the secret of thcir doing bettcr? r
r.i,,.fi,i,,it*lyinrprrivcs'I'Ienceit is
academicanelsocial performance
is exceptionallygood.
Any modification in one's life style involves
Da you wte-6nta s(ty that only
9 tlrc mecliocre can replacementor readjustmentof habits.Habits are said
develop a senseof trtriority?'lsbeingirigttt lioiirliz to be secondnature.Lord Wellingtonwould say,"Habits
" are ten times nature."Flabitsare formidablethings,not
A. Not at all. I clid,notsaythat.The
mentallybright easyto displaceor replace.Rejectingthem does not
and talentedsrudentsthat a.e aureto help. Wishing to dislodgethem would not do. One
priorities,{o far batter than their
mediocre counter_ becomesa helplesstoy in the hands of one's own
addedadvantage entrenchedhabits.Personalitysplits,conflictresultsand
intellect'when tarentis carerurty "trrp".i",
nurtured,the resurtis unhappinessovertakesa personcaughtin the clutchesof
simplysuperb.Tho-sewho cro.iio"ptionurry
weril;;"y bad habits.Self-confidence is underminedand academic,
field of human endeavour,ur.- A.finitely
;he social and moral problems accumulateon account of
are both highly talentedand possess """r'ri",
an equally high one'sinability to get rid of undesirablehabits.Ftrowever,
:gn-r" of priorities. When I said the mediocreswith a habitscan be harnessed.There is no causefor despairif
high senseof purpose,do very *"11,
I _.un, ioiuy'ilu, you only use the correct technique.
the mediocrestudentswho ur" in majority,
n."O nit i.Ll
constrainedor handicappedby being NATURE OF T{ABMS
of priorities
whlch.un off_r",uny A habit is not a matter of knowledge.Knowing
iilffi,]t I

goodfrom bad would not do.


Does temperatnent play any part (a)

9. in tlte attainment Ilabits have a physical-basrs:
Habits are due to
oJ"academic excellencc or social responsibility?
deepensthe pathway.Each subsequent repetitionmakes
A Yes, it does to some
has been observed it further easier until it becomesautomatic.There is
that the students of balanceo
Jisposition and statlre neryouscompulsionto repeat it without your thinking
temperament concentrate better
on stuclies,.un *unk about it or wanting it.
hand.erand longer. Consequently
fhev proclucc hetter
results- and prove to be
responsible and (b) Somehabitshave a psychological
basis:You may
dependable.Of course, geniuses -'n."
are an exception.Tn not like them in your sober moments;you may even
sunl up, one could say: awareness
is all which,.r,,t" condemn them in day light, but it is possiblethat
priorities ught"

unconsciouslythey may be linked with your mental
conflicts, anxieties, obsessions,fears or perversions.
Srnoking, stealing,drinking, day-dreaming,uugruiq,
vandalism,wilful defianceof disciplin., .ruy-i,uroEninio
habits for psychological ,eajons. ln that case
psychological approach is needed to tackle the
undesirablepattern of habits.

(c). H-abitsmay havea chemicatbasis:if one getsused and every day during which a breakdown is,postponed
to introducinginto one's body througheating,irinking, adds to the chances of its not occurring at all.
p-uffingor injectingsubstances that uiing auoii chemical The second maxim is: Never suffer an exception
changesin one'sblood stream,this sori of habit will be
the hardestto counteract.once this stageis reached, to occur, till the new habit is securelyrooted in your life'
nothing short of clinical treatmentwill di All forms of
Each lapse is like letting fall a ball of string which
tobacco,codeine,nicotine,preparations andall so_called one is carefully winding uP; a single slip undoes more
sedativedrugs have a strong habit-formingtendency.
than a great many turns will wind again. So do not let a
They get assimilatedstraightinto the blood ind directiy
lapse happen.
affect the nervous system.Their excessiveur. por",
grave dangersto health, characterand efficien*. Th" Continuity of training is the great means of
period below twentyis the proper time to makerequired making the nervous act infallibly right-
adjustmentin one'shabit patterns.
A third maxim is: Seize the very first possible
How best to effect changesin habitsis the crucial
question. William Jarnes, the father of rnodern
psychology,in his monumental work, ,psychology,has
suggestedthe folowing approach:

"ln_the acquisitionof a new habit, or the leaving

off an old one, we must take care to launchourselvef
with as strongand decidedan initiativeas possible. Eventually readjustingof habits turns out to be a
Accumulate all possible circumstanceswhich shall problem of will, will-power. If you have a strongwill, you
can effect the changebetter. But unfortunatelymost bad
hahitstcrtclttl wcitkcn this very power-thenervesyou are
60 6l

To a large degreehappinessdependson a frame
of mind, on a habit of thinking. Personswho cultivatea
positiveoutlook can be happy in spite of circumstances
ihat would cause others to be totally unhappy.Every
Will-power is partly a matter of nervesalso.Have person wants to be happy. But merely wanting to be
a look at your health, nutrition, sleep,rest, exercise huppy does not make one so. Happiness is - no.t 1
schedule.Seethat you do not worry too muchor do not commodityto be bqught or sold. lt is not an inherited
subjectyourselfto constantstrainand stress.Take a self- trait either. lt does not dependon riches,status,power
directed course in strengtheningthe will-power. One or knowledge, though good health and provision of
useful tip is: Fveryday deliberatelydo or avoid doing necessities of life are prerequisites.Happinesscomesas
small acts which are normal, which you are used to a by-productof other activitiesof life. lt comesas the
doing or not doing.By repeatingthis exercise, you will rewaid of creativeliving. lt doesnot result from making
be strengtheningyour will-powerandgainingconfidence. happinessthe primary reasonfor living, but from living
unselfishly,amicablyand actively.
. Lastly it may be noted that habitsare channelsof
nervousenergy,so while attemptingtr-rreadjust,provide Sometimesa person becomesunhappy simply
alternativechannelsalso.Replacethe unwantedhabit begausehe indulgesin discontent.Be resignedto your
with the wanted one. If you want to stop doing life's fortunes,good or bad, and be determinedto live
something,start doing somethingelse in its place. successfully,happily, even so. Cultivate the habit of
Vacuumis not possible" happiness anci your life will be full of priceless
experiencesregardlesscf what comes and goes. You
New habits require new surroundings,new shouldnot, however,use an attitude of resignationas a
programmes,new activities,new interestsand new substitutefor accomplishmentor as an excusefor doing
friendsalso.You will have strengthened
the old habits lessthan your best.
for not taking proper care.
But each person'slife includes certain features
that no amount of effort or desirecan is most
***r ( r i*t( *t *

unfortunatewhen a person allows theseunchangeable

Sow an act, reap a habit; conditionsto interfere with his happiness.Nothing can
Sow a habit, reap a character. remove the possibilityof disappointment;you have to

developthehabitorro.urril2gyourthoughrs 63
on life,s
andpricelessmomentsrathertt u., onTir;pd;#;ir. iovs AVOIDING DEPRESSION
Lack of happinesssometimeresultsfrom faulty
&ttitudes,negative values and.narrowly materialistic
,r* * * *
outlook on life. Sometimesunhappinessspringsfrom
deep-rootedunconscious.mental conflicts,complexes,
fears,phobiasand anxieties.

But more often than not, occasionalor periodic

fits of depressionand boredom that collegestudentsfall
a prey to, are usually caused by factors physical in
Thev are as fallow:

InsufficientSleep:lt is easierto be at one'sbest

one possessesan abundanceof energy.During
one recharges one's neryous battery and
nishesone's store of energJ.When one getsplenty
of sleep,one feelg courageousand enthusiastical.Witha
Individtal acisl'sin reluion to the community, rleep deficit, one tends to be downcastand depressed
cven though things may be moving smoothly.
lone, he is nothing;
The wwe uists inThe river Fatigue:fatigue is more often than not an attitude
Outsidetlre river, it is nuhing.
of mind. lt results from a depletion of body's resources
IQBAL both physical and mental. When a person is fatigued,
even cherished incentives lose lustre and life appears

fatigueis retievedby physicalactivity and wearinpssof

64 65
musclesmay be alleviatedby the use of brain.
_ Generally fatigue results from overwork
sleeptessness and
(uiually ;;u, ;;;;;ing' tr," ;;il;";;).

3. *.:ety: ltconsumes
one neurotic,hypersensitiveand moody.

****t *{ .l i r .*

KINDS OF SUCCESS:It is hard to define success. ln

the truest senseof the word that person successful
who lives fully and creatively--whois happy, who finds
satisfactioqin life and who sharesblessingswith those
around.Not all can achievethe samedegreeof success.

level of person'sapcomplishments, but by the difference

between his starting point in life and his ultimate
Good heredity and a favourable environment,

important to decideas early in life as's

long-rangegoals.The boy who plansto be a scientistcan
tak6 adiantage of att opportunities to improve his
knowledgeof the subject.

The one who doesnot keep one'sgoal clear,is in

danger of getting distracted by passing interests or
tem-ptedto Jpendbne'stime and energyin waysthat do
not contributeto one'sultimate success'

rt* * x x * *

The race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong'
Old Testament

YOUR GOAL MUST BE CLEAR: In addition t0.

having deep insight into one's qualifications,it is



of modernpersonalitYtests.

Factor High Score Factor Low Score

DescriPtion Description

1. A+ Out-going A- Reserved
2. B+ More Intelligent B- LessIntelligent
3. C+ Stable C- Emotional
4. E+ Assertive E- Submissive
5. F+ Happy-go-luckY F- Sober
6. G+ Conscientious G- ExPedient
7. H+ Venture-some, bold H- Shy,fearful
8. l+ Tender-minded l- Tough-minded
9. L+ Suspicious l- Trusting
10.M+ Imaginative M- Practical
11.N+ Shrewd 3. Conscientious: Vs Unconscientious:
N- Forthright Somewhat
l2.O+ Apprehensive Honest; knows what
O- Placid is right and generallY unscrupulous;not too
1?91+Experimenting Q1-Conservative does it. even if no c ar eful about the
74.Q2+ Self-sufficient standard of right and
Q2-group-tied one is watchinghim;
15.Q3+ Controlled wrong where Personal
Q3-Casual does not tell lies or
16.Q++Tense desires.are concerned;
Q4-Relaxed attemPt to deceive
other s ; r es Pec ts tells lies and is givento
A detailed descriptionof ten out of
sixteen others'ProPertY. little deceits;does not
personalityfactorsor sourcetraitsin respectothers'ProPertY.
orderor po*.. unJ
importanceis as uncler:
4. Conventional: Vs IJnconventional,
1. Adaptable: Vs Rigid: Conforms to eccentric,acts
F l e xi b l e ; a cce p ts Insists that things be accePted standards, differently from others'
changes of plan wa y s of ac ti ng, Not concerned about
done the way he has
easily; satisfiedwith thinking, dressing, w ear i ng the , s am e
alwaysdonethem;does clothes or doing the
compromises;is not not adapthis habitsand etc; does the ProPer
u p s et, su rp ri se d , thing; seems same thing as others;
ways of thinking to has somewhateccentric
baffled,or irritatedif distressedif he finds
those. of the group; interests,attitudes,and
things are different he is being different.
nonplussed if his ways of behaving;goes
from what he routineis upset. his own rather Peculiar
2. Emotional: Vs Calm: Vs Not jealous:
Excitable,criesa lot, 5, Prone to jealotrsY:
Stable,showsfew signs begr udges the fikeJ peoPle even if
s ho ws a ffe c t i o n , of emotionalexcitemlnt of they do better than he
ac hi ev em ent
anger, all emotions, of any kind; remains others; uPset when does;is not uPsetwhen
to excess. calm even underactsin others get attention' othersgetattention,but
disputes,dangers, and demands more joins in praise.
hilarityetc. for himself; resentful
when attention is
givento others.
72 73
6. Considerate, polite: Vs Inconsiderate, there is conflict or
rude: no body) if things go
deferentialto needs insolent, defiant. and things go wrong; often
wrong; reluctant to
of others; considers brags; quick to take
take cr edi t for
o t h e r s ' fe e l i n g s;
achievements; does credit when things go
allows them before right; has a very good
not seem to think of
in line, gives ofinion of himself.
them the biggest him self as v er y
impor ta nt or
share.etc. rude. worthwhile.
7. Quitting: Vs Determined, Vs
gives up before he 10.Languid,fatigued,
persevering: slow: lacks vigour;
h a s t h o ro u g h l y sees a job through in
finished a lob; vagUe and slow in
spite of difficulties or spEech; dawdles, is
slipshod;works in fits te mptations; str ong slow in getting things
willed; painstakingand done.
thorough; sticks at
a n ything until he
achieveshis goal. r.struefirst
Now takea
externaldifficulties. -"jftlli
your own case."Know
I thYself i s the oldest and the
8. Tender: wisestmaxim.
Vs Tough, hard; governed
governed bv by fact and necessitv !kt l.**r*tt*X:8

sentiment; intuitive; rather than senti*"rf:

sympathetic; unsympathetic;doesnot
sensitive to the mind upsettingothersif
feelings of others; that is what has to be
cannot do things if done.
t h e y offe n d h i s

9. Self-effacing: Vs Egotistical:
blames himself (or blamesotherswhenever
74 75

(A dialoguewith a Psychologist)

Question. Sir, what is the importance of Self-image?


image. Self-imageis the base,the foundation,

the moving force of personality.

Question.Isn't the I.Q., the inherent mental ability that


Answer. f.Q does count but it's not the cleciding

factor. In fact:

Life's battles don't alwaysgo

To the stronger or faster man
But soon or late the man who wins
ls the nrrn. who t h in k s h e c a n .
is of how manytypes?
It's t.lre'sthinlqint about one's Self,theSelf-
imzrge,that m.rl es all the diffcrence, not the Answer. Broadlyspeakingof two types:
LQ nor any u'her one singlefactor.
a. Positiveor high Self-image'
Question.What is exlctly ;he conceptof Self-image? b. Negativeor low Self-image'
Answer. 'Image' lit,.'ri ly means 'mental picture' or Question.Which is more effective?
76 school.
Answer. Self-irnage,be it good or bad, high or low,
positiveor negative,is by its very nlture very From his environment,from the treatment
meted out to him; from .what others
active and effective.ltgoes on building or to hirn about
aroundhim, go on suggesting
destroying the personality all the time.
his worth, or capabilities as a person'
Therefore every care is to be taken by the
parents,by the teachers,by the executives Social suggestion-of this kind or that
and by the Commandersthat a positive,not countsa lot.
negativeSelf-image is built-up,for the quality
of performancemore or lesswhollydepends On the basisof what he hasbeenhimself
rat othershave been
on the quality of Self-image. A studentwith he himself, .starts
high Self-image is bound to excel at ielf---whether he is
academics,& G. C., an officer with positive erwise.Thisthinking
Seh-imagewould definitelydo better at all this
about one's Self (auto-suggestion),
Coursesand also on the battle field with
belief about one's inner limits and
cannonon right and cannonon left of him. A
person with honourable Self-imagewould limitations, this idea of his 'Self,' is his
always behave honourably.At the root of Sel f- i m age. A v er Y s i gni fi c ant
characteris Self-image,the higher the Self- characteriitic of Self-imageis that it is
image,the betterthe charircter, the betterthe Self-motivating,urgedby one'sSelf-image
a parson,so to say,compulsively. actsout
performancein peaceand war.
th'erole setby it- Self-image thusbecomes
the motivating force behind what a person
Question.I{ow is the Self-imasemade? A high self-
does and whit he <loesnot'
Answer. One thing is certain that like the I. Q or image urges him to go ahead, to
temperament, Self-image is not something
undErtake great tasks, to meet hughly
demanding- but equallY rewarding
that a child is born wit h .
challengeslThe high Self-imag-emakes
him sai to himself: I can, I will' and he
Question. Then how does one get it?
does. in case of low Self image, the
Answer. Mostly from three sources: responseis other way round, i'e', in the
fac! of a task, a challenge'an opportunity
a. From his own experiencesespeciallythose
ot a rewarding option, the Self-doubt
in earlv childhood at home and in the
78 79

makes him think: I can't and he doesn't. voltageof energy.Debilitysetsin' Depression

Does the Self-image acr or
unconsciously? Question.CanSelf-i*u!" be reconstructed?

Answer. Mostly unconsciously. Answer. Yes, it can be reconstructed'

Question.Why is it so that a positiveSelf-imagemakes Question.How?

a man so dynamic,so creative,so energetic, for
so go-getting,in short,so successful? Answer. The miracleof manis that
he canchange
u"ti"i, i""a for worse too)' If the self-
Answer. There is a psychologicalreasonbehind it. emotional scars are removed' if. the can
Nothingon earthis greaterthan humanbrain .onii.t"n." is restored,a new Self-image
(mind) in its potential.Even a geniususes and it doesemerge'Extendthe image
"r"tt. extendthe area of success' A new
only 10 to 15 percent of his brain power. ;;;;;"
Each one of us is capableof much greater realiitic Self-image gives a person
newtilentl, and turnsthe failure
achievements than what he actuallyachieves. capabilities,
into success
Question.What is the role of Self-imagein makinga
man make use of his brain-power? Question. Does Self-imageaffect

Answer. The Researchsays:a highself-image releases Answer.

the brain power in successivewaves of
energy; consequently all his faculties,
including imagination function better at a
higherpitch, so much so that evenhis bodily
resistanceincreases. Hence a personwith a
positiveSelf-imageis generallyso activeand
so effective, whereas the low Self-image
about the Self-image^of
converselyretards the mental powers,the Question.Sir, you have talked
iniiiiOuurs,what about the Self-imageof a
brain-cells get dried up, therefore, the
of a nation?
faculties function at the lowest ebb. The ;;;pl;, of a communitY,
whole body-mind complex suffersfrom low
80 81
Answer. Yes, the peoples, the communities,the TRUST
nationstoo have their respectiveSelf-image.
It's pride in their culture,in their historyand Trrrsi begetstrust; fear escalatesfear' Trust
in their beliefs, that constitutestheir Self- catalyzesall other fto."ts"s, is contagipu:1' 3l:
image. oerceptions,breeds trust in others, makes us
and distrust over
iunl!"o"t, and is self-fulfilling'-F^ear
Question. Sir, could you sum-upthe whole discussion ;#"i"" itt" danger, trigger-defensive behaviour in
for us, the youngpeople? ffi;;;: it JtensioiJand are self-fulfillingthat is,
Answer. Shakespeare said: Ripenessis ail. I would "r.urut"
fear creates the danger'
add: 'Self-imageis all.'
Trust and fear are keysto understandingpersons
If you think you are beaten,you are and social systems.They are primary and
If you think, you dare not, you don't factorsin all humanliving'
If you like to win but you think you can't
It is almost certain,you won't; When the trust is high, relativeto fear' people
If you think you'll lose,you are lost and systemsfunctionwell"When fear is high'
For out of the world, wefind trust,theYbreak down'
Successbeginswith a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind. Ti'ust enhances the flow of mind-body-spirit
ed and mobilized' All the
Person or the sYstem-are
,tiing are more focussedand
lre dlrect and effectiveway's'
. When trust is high enough'
personsand social systemstranscendapparent.limits
which they
discoveringnew and'awesomeabilitiesof
were PreviouslYunaware'
Bv Dr.Jack Gibb'

82 83

YOUR RTVALS AND YOU (b) Some who compete hard againstyou, but
desistfrom hitting you belowthe belt.

(c) A large number of personsjealousof your

attainmentsmayconsciouslyor unconsciously
There is a verseby Ghalib; try to let you down and might be secretly
pleasedto seeharm comingto you.But they
'. Y.f
,7 r .to l.
t rl,tL/!O.t Lc I 4 1t would do so most insidiouslywhile openly
/ professingto be your friends and well-
All of us tend to think that way.This seemsto be wishers.
human nature. A nice person unwittinglythinks that
everybody is nice and honestlike himselfand behaves (d) A fourth group, small in number, but a
accordingly,whereasa crook takesthe rest of the world dangerousone would be activelyhostile"to
as gang of shrewd crooks as he himself is and you. Driven by grudge,ill-will and malice
consequently dealswith peopleon that assumption. Both againstyou, would stop at nothingand do
are in the wrong. However a fair-mindedand kind- their utmost to unfrrve you, harassyou, if
hearted nice person suffers more and loses more in you do not toe their line. They would
inter-personalrelations than a dishonestbut shrewd cdnsistentlymalign you, blackmailyou and
persondoes.Why?The reasonis obvious.The gooclman accuseyou of fantasticvicesandmalpractices'
is generallymore off the mark in his estimatJthan the So whetheras a bright studentin the college
other. The hard fact is that evil is evil. There is no or an occupantof any prestigiouspositionin
denyingthe existenceof ill-will, malice,jealousyand the problem
the civil or the defenceservices,
even active hostility in this world of imperfect human of facing petty jealousies,
beings. malice, etc will be there, as it has always
been there in someform or the other.
If you are good, honest, talented and hard
workingor holdingsomeimportantpositionnow or are Becauseevil is as much a reality as good; you
likelyto rise higherin the future,you are boundto come must take accountof it. You must be consciousof its
acrossfour groupsof peopleas follows: presenceand its designs.There are scoresof good
people but by and large they are only passivelygood'
(a) A few who respectand admireyou. iTo*.utt you woulcl not find a crook who is passively
bad. He will alwaysbe up and doing, active,assertive, 85
pushing,designing, schemingthe wholetime. Bewareof
him. Being good does not mean to be ineffectiveand
stupid.The Holy Prophet has said: "A believeris not
stungtwice from the samehole."Why shouldan honest
personbe so weak, apologetic,docile or spineless that
someunscrupulousfellow cangivehim worried daysand
sleepless nights?Thereis no earthlyjustificationfor that.
But in actual life it has been often observedthat an
honest person, more often than not, is either taken
alien to others'nature also! It is admittedlydifficult to
unawareswhen confrontedwith evil or fails to copewith
understandpeoplewho are qualitativelydifferentfrom
it, which in fact means failure of personality.Some
you, in valuis and in waysof thinkingand feeling'
people do very well in comparativelylessresponsible
positions.By their hardwork, devotionto duty,integrity,
knowledge, and professional competence, they
immenselyimpresstheir superiors.But when they are
givena positionof prestigeand power,and the stormsof
oppositionstart threateningthem, they are not able to
hold their own. They cannot weather the storm. On
discoveringthat somepeoplebear ill-will towardsthem
and are intent on harmingthem, theyfeel frustratedand t
depressedand endure intense mental strain and
emotionaldistress.This inevitablyaffectstheir efficiencv

Irt us analysethe situation step by step. Why

doesan honestfellow feel dismayedand frustrated?The
reasonmay be his simplicity or naivete.He feels that
sincehe does not indulge in spying and maligningand
does not wilfully try to harm anyone, why should
evil when it comestheir waY.
anybodyelse be inimical to him. This is very simple
Ncxt is the problem of evil itself' Why clo so
86 87
many people behave so badly, dishonestly and
maliciouslyas theyd<l?It is a complexquestion.Th.r.
are socio-economicreasonsf'r lt. [n a capitalistic
society,there is a premiumon personalprofit_motive of
Iife. Ruthlesscompetitionat the infer-personallevelis cooperateand learn to cultivategood-willfor all and
only an offshoot of a philosophyof life which is fast malicefor none, the problem of evil will be there and
eroding traditional stabirizing sociar varues and has to be tackled as best as we can. The following
fundamentalgoalsof life as emb-oclied
in the ideologyof suggestionsmay be helPful:

Let us approachthis problem from a scientific

angle.The great law of biorogyis serf-centrecrness
in the
strugglefor self-preservation.Somehow,very early in
the process of evolution, the most primitlve living
organism,the warring selfishentities,iailed the cells
Iearnedthat if they combinedto form a more comprex learn to be modestand humblei'e', adopta
organism,they would be better off. Somehowihev
worked out mutually cooperativerures.Each ceil was
serving.itsown purpose,which was to keep on existing;
but eachwasalsoservingthe purposeof the other.Thris
cooperativeness ensuredthe continuedexistence of each
organism.The principle of altruisticselfishness came to His less-giftedcreatures' lf you are
into being. genuinelykincland helpful and self-denying'
most of your companionswould clingto you
Great lawswork at all levels.There seemsto be as grapesclingto a stem'
a naturalself-centrednessin humanbeingstoo. Eachof
us,asan organisnr,is impelledto preserveits identityat
all costs.However if in human society,this buiit_in
selfishnessis not moclifiedor controllect,it leads to
dangeroussocial consequences and is detrimentalto
progressas a whole. Selfishnessis eventuallvself_

88 "I am
enemies had inflicted upon him' He said:
that of a
activity.Try to understandthe behaviorof surroondedby ruthlessenemies'My life is like
me the way,O saint'to live
thosewho intenselydislikeyou. Why do they lfart urni,lstitones.Teach
do so? What is their motive behind hating amongstenemies."Hazrat H
you,behindtryingto harmyou?Analysetheir the fear of enemies.You are
behaviour as well as your own, objectively. When the stonethinks itsell
Are you quite sure that so and so really getsbroken".Your enemyi
in your life' The one
dislikesyou? Have you any tangibleproof of ir"r"n." is a sourceof excitement
his hostilitycould it not be a caseof sheer who knows the secretsof self takes one's powerful
misunderstanding? Is there anythingin your asa boonfrom God' An enemyis asessential
own behaviourandattitudewhichannoyshim "n"-yt; bring out the best in you as the rain is for a
or othersat the interpersonallevel?If after "fur-"r', haiest. He spursyou into action' urgesyou to
exploringthe answersto thesequestions, you make further advancement'
are sure that it is a caseof ill-will, pure and
simple,then stick to your principlesand do Iqbal believes in the philosophyof struggle'
not compromise.A policy of appeasement Hence he has highlighted itre beneficial role
would not help. [t wouldbe takenasa signof oppositionengineeredby an enemy'
weakness and would encourage further
intransigence. Steadfastlyface the situation Similarly in one of his essaysin- .'Tahzibul
but do not provoke your ill-wishersnor Akhlaque',Sir SyeclAhmad Khan, too' hashighlighted
that our
aggravatethe situation. Itr" ur"fut role playedby our enemies'He states
enemiesin faciclou, u iuut"t' Theycriticizeour
our friends and
Fierceoppositionis not without a silverlining. and shortcomingsoutspokenlywhich
out. to
Accordingto Iqbal evenhostilityhasits positiveaspects. tfrnputttirersha-rdlydo' O^urenemy is wilfully
In the first place,it is a clear proof that you are tloing J-p"t" our weak pointt. Of course,he exaggerates'
your taskhonestly.Hencestrongoppositionfrom vested what he saysmay be true in substance' He keeps on
quartersis but natural. our toes"He makesus cautiousand careful'He
let us relax. Sir Syed also quotesthe Greek
In his long Persianpoem-'secretsof Self'-Iqbal Plutarch,on the advantages of enmity'
hastouchedupon this point in the form of a story.Once
is that
a youngman from the city of Maro calleclon the great So the essence of this long discussion
saint,Ali Hajveri,and complainedof crueltiesthat his
jealousoppositionand hostilityare inseparablefrom the
life's game.Evil is very much there in ihe world. Hard
workinghogesfplople like ail incumbentsin positionsof
authority, had better take a serious note of this

92 93
TO THE GCs Having, then, resolved that you will
not waste
recklessly, but earnestly,use theseT:l{ doy.t{ l:t:
REMEMBER: You soldieryouths,who are thus in all tjnglano
rememberthat all the dutiesof her childrento
waysthe hope of your country;or must be, if she have ds-----industry, honour'
any hope: rememberthat your fitnessfor all future trust n this that soldierYouthare
dependsupon what you are.Nogood soldierin his old :t, surelY,thereis no reason'
age,was ever carelessor indolentin his youth.Many a iblYor ProbablYbe shorter
giddyand thoughtlessboy hasbecomea good bishopor aouldthereforewastemore
a good lawyer, or a good merchant;but no such one you; neither
recklesslythe portion of it that is granted
ever became a good General. I challengeyou, in all Oo ,tt" duties bf yout profession,which require
history,to find a record of a good soldierwho was not the keeping
t""p yout bodiesstrong,in anyway.involve
grave and earnestin his youth. And, in general,I have experi"n::'
of Vout minds weak. S-ofar fiom that' the
no patience with people who talk about "the life renderhis
ilr.'t utatnip, and the activityof a soldier's
thoughtlessness of youth" indulgently.I had infinitely than those of other
rather hear of thoughtlessold age,and the indulgence o"*"i, of ihought more accurate
il". *rtileifor others all knowledgeis often little
due to that.When a man hasdonehiswork,and nothing form of
more""J than a meansof amusement,there is no
can any way be materially altered in his fate, let him time or other
sciencewhich a soldiermay not at some
forget his toil, and jest with his fate, if he will; but what A young
find bearing on businessof life and death.
excusecan you find for wilfulnessof thought,at the very in studying
mathematicianmay be excusedfor languor
but nor those
time, when every crisisof future fortunehangson you ,u*", to be descritedonly with a pencil'
decisions. A youththoughtless! whenall the happiness of *t areto be describedwith a rocket'Your
his home for ever dependson the challenges, of an army
or the oi u-*nof"someherb may involvethe feeding
passions, of an hour! A youth thoughtless! when the and acquaintancewith an obscurepoint 9f .gtgi*y'
careerof all his claysdependson the opportunityof a an instant'stlme'
ih. tu...t, of a campaign'Neverwaste
moment!A youth thoughtless! when his everyact is a greatet
iii"."rot"; the sin oi idln"tt is a thousind-fold will
foundation stone nf future conduct. and everv those who
i; t; than in other youth; for fates of your
imaginationa fountainof life or death!Be thoughtless hang upon
o"6 day be under your command
in anyafteryears,ratherthannow,though,indeed,there lost livesthen' and
knowledge;tort *o*ents now will be
is onlyoneplacewhcrea manmaybe noblythoughtless, for play' vou buv
;;;; i;ri"nt which you carelesslvtake
his death-bed.No thinkineshouldever be left to be with blood.....'.
done there.
94 95
i First,then,by industryyou mustfulfil yourvowto
your country;but all industryand earnestness will be
uselessunlesstheyare consecrated A SOLDIER'S LETTER TO HIS SON
by y.ur resolutionto
be in alt things men of honour; not honour in the
Brig M. Rafique Chairman Governor's
commonsenseonly,but in the highest. Reston theforce lnspectionTeam
of the two main wordsin the gr.;t verse,,,integer vitae, 34 Minto Road Dacca
scelerisquepurue," you have vowecl vnui life to
2 Mar. 1971'.
England;give it to her wholty;a bright,stainless,
life-a knightlylife.
My dear sonny,
Pleaseacceptmyveryheartiestcongratulations on
From tlas you a resultof your hard
the success God granted as
John Rukin'sConvocation
at lhc Roval Naval AcaclemyWoolwich labour. I am the happiestfather to see you settledin
life. I am all the more happyyou
-havemajor phase of
got your first choice for 19 Punjab Regiment'At
this stageI want to give you some guide-linesfrom my
x*****x* experiencebut since it is not possibleto do so in a
letier, we shall wait until I return to West Pakistan'ln
the meantime,here are someimportant pointsyou may
tike to think over. You havechosenthe mosthonourable
andthe mostresponsible professionthat a man canhave
in his life, honourablebecausethisprofessioncanat any
Dangertestsone'sstrengtltand capacity time ask you to sacrificeyour life in the causeof your
And is the touch-stoneof the powersof the God, youi country or your duty. No other profession
mind and the bodv. callsfor this is responsiblebecauseyou as an
officer will have the lives of your men entrustedto you
IQBAL in battle. On your professionalefficiencY,Yourcharacter
and your personalexample,will dependwhetherthese
wonderful men win battles and laurels for you, or lose
battlesand get killed. ln other wordsin this pro.fession
you are not dealingwith material thingsbut with human
iife. Rs a coy comd,whichis an officer'sfirst command,

96 97
you will have over one hundreclliveswhich will
be at as a team with good of the bn at heart you will havea
your mercy.How well you learnto hancilethemin peace
goodbn. What do the men like in their officer?Honesty
time, and also how much respectthey havefor Do not eversaywhatyou do not mean
peacetime, will dependwhat success 1Lu ln ind truthfulness.
you achievein *u,
with them.You do not haveto wait for a war to seethe
they becomevisible quite
r are a goodleaderyourmen
me alsoand this respectcan

pride reflectedin their turn out, saluting,ma.cting,
in their inter-coycompetitions;in fact in"everytnin!'trrey
do both in and out-sidethe unit rines;moreso the ratter
when they are on their own without any supervision. If
you have achievedthe standardof trg whereyour men
will work equally smartly and well *hen they are not
being supervisedthen you can rest assuredihut yuu,
leadershipis effective and your men really trust you,
havefaith in you and your piofessionalabiliiy, unOt ou.
the affectionfor you to do what is right and not r"r you
{own at any cost- such men will folow you and flce
death cheerfully,on your orders,when the time comes.
You are fortunateto havegot a good bn. r havetested
it in operations, besidei trg, games ancl other
competitionsduring my period of commandand I can
assureyou that 19 Punjabwassecondto none.However,
let me warn you that good bnstakea longtime to mate
through the efforts of the officers,JCOsind NCOs but
they,canquicklylosetheir form if the leadershipfairsor
weakens.You will find gooclandbad officersin everybn
but as long as,generallyspeaking,they are all wori<ing
98 99

to commandthe respectand confidenceof his men if he valuablepossessionin life is must be

doesnot know hisjob and cannotgivequickand sound jealouslyguarderlbecauseit is so easy to lose it;-one
decisionson problemsthat face him. The professionof dishonorableact and it is gone; never to come back
arms is a continuouslychangingprofessionnot in
fundamentals or basicsbut in cletailswhichaffecttactics,
etc.A good officer hasto keep abreastof all the latest
developments havingfirst had a firm foundationin the
basics.Your trg at the PMA was just an elementary
introductionto the Army. Your real trg
will haveto educateyourselfeverydaythroughyour own
efforts.Handling and leadingmen is a fasiiniting job othersbut at yourselfand your God. If you do so,I can
and hobby,if you are keen anclwatchfulyou witt-be tell you confidentlythat you haveall the basictraitsthat
learning each day - from the goocl inclividualswhat are neededfor goodleadershipand I havemy hopesand
shouldbe and canbe and from the baclindividualswhat
should not and cannot be done. Make a rule to keep
your eyesopen and your mind opento absorball that is
good and shun all that is unbecomingof a gentleman.
Dishonourable actslike lying,cheetingetc haveno place
in the life of an officer and are the quickestway to his
losingrespectwith his men. One must remain simple,
honestand straight-forward and solidlystandby what is
right in the eyesof God and in your own heartand mind
- your own heart and mind are the bestguidesyou have implicitlyby everyoneat everylevel.You canhaveyour
in life, learn to consultthem and act on their advice, saywhen you are given an opportunityto do so but if
keepingfaith in God and Cod alone.Temptationswill thL decision given finatly is againstwhat you have
comeyour way all the time. If you shunthem with the proposed,you must acceptit without further comment
contempttheydeserve,you are on the right path,if you ind act as directedby your superior.Then there is no
fall a prey to them,you are lost and are no betterthan further room for argumentor suggestion or a long face'
mostof thosewe find aroundus thesedays"The decision For this earlystageof an officer'scareer,thereis a good
and the choicecan only be yoursand no one else'sas to old sayingand a true one: 'A youngofficer is seen-but
which path you follow. The greatestand the most not heartl'in other worcls:heai-and seeand learn from

100 101

your superiorsbut clonot startteachingthem.The time A SOLDIER'S PRAYER FOR HIS SON
for sp.eakingup more and more will comeas you gain BY
experienceancl rank in yearsto come when vnu *ill GEN. MACARTHUR
haveotherjunior officersuncleryourcommandio guide
andteach.I knowthat all thosewho servedunderme in
19 Punajb Regimentwill expecta very high standard
from you becauseI alwaysexpecte<l a highstandardfrom
them.I alsoknow that Goclwilling,you will neverbelie
their expectationsby failing them, your standardwill the foundationstoneof knowledge.
lnshallah,in due coursebe higherthan the one set by and comfort,
Gad him, I pray,'stress -spurof ease
not in the path
me. God be with you and may He grant ever increasing But under the' and of difficulties
succgssin your careerand in life. More when*e meet challenges.
and continuethis cliscussion. Let trim learn to standup in the storm,
l,et him learn compassiohfor thosewho fail'
Build me a son whoseheart will be clear,
Whosegoal will be high,
A sonwio will masterhimselfbeforehe seeksto master
With lots of love other men,
from One who will reach into the future, yet neverforget the
Dad past.
And after all thesethings are his,
Brig Mohammad Rafique, a war veteran,and Add, I pray, enoughof a senseof humour) -
former Principal of Military College Jhelum and So ifruffr"'may alfraysbe seriousyet nevertake himself
Lawrence CollegeGhoragali,wrote this letter to his too seriously.
son,2 /Lt Riazul Haque (now a Lt Col) soon after his
obtainingthe commissionin the Army. Give him humility,
The simplicityof true greatness,
The open minclof true wisdom,
And the meekness of trtte strength.

Then l, his father.will dare tu whtsper,

"l havenot lived in vain"

IF r

Ifyou can keepyour head whenall aboutyou

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trustyourself when all men doubtyou,
But make allowancefor their doubtingtoo.

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting

Or beinglied about, don't deal in lies,
Or beinghated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise.

If you can dream and not make dreamsyour master,

If you can think and not make thoughtsyour aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster,
And treat thesetwo impostersjust the same.

If you can bear to hear the tru.thyou'vespoken

Twistedby knavesto make a trfip Jor fools,
Or watch the thingsyou gaveyour lijb tc broken,
And stoop und build 'em up with wom-owttool,s"

If you can make one lrcap of all you.r'wirutings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss;
And lose,and staft again at your beginnings
And neverhreathea word about your loss.
If you can .forceyour heart and nerye and sinew
To sertteyour turn long after they are *one, My dear With the tough.
And so hold on when there is nothing in you, Alwaysremember
Except the will which saysto them: "Hold on"! For I want you
Everyenemy To learn
There How to laugh
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Wen
Or walk with kings, nor lose the cornmon touch, A fiend. i'ou are
If neither foes nor loving fiends can hurt you, Sad.
If all men count with you, but none too much. In school
It I want to tell you
Is Tlrcre
If you can fill the unforgivingminute, Far more honourable 1s
With sixtyseconds'distance run. To fail No slrume
Yoursis the Earth and everytltingthat's in it, Than In
And, which is rnore,you'll be a MAN, my son! To cheat. Tears.

I wantyou Rememher
To realize early Mc dertr!
RudyardKipling That A dollar
The bullies Earned
Are the easiest Is oJ'fur more value
To lick. Tlrun five Jbund.

I wantyou I want you

To learn To leam
To be ITotu to scoff
Gentle At cynics
With the gentle And
And tough Beware

106 r07
Of too much The uowd. To ponder over Never
Sweetness t,
The etemal mystery Put a pice tag
As well My advice of On your
To you Birds in the slgt Heaft and soul.
I wantyou .Is Bees in the sun
To havefaith Leam And
In your Toftlter Flowers on green hill-side.
Own ideas All you hear
Even if On a screen of truth I want you
Everyone tells And To realize
You Take only Onty
That The good The test of fire
They are wrong. That comes thrctugh. Makes
Fine steel.
I wantyou I want you
To steer To always have I wantyou
Yourself The sublime faitlt To have courage
Away from envy In yourself To be impatient
If you can. Because Wen
It is only then It is called far
I wantyou You will have But
To leam Faith Have
To lose In mankind. Patience
And To be brave.
Also enjoy By all ,neans
Winning. Read books I want to tell you
As many as you can By all means
I wantyou But Sell Adaptcd lrom a letter
To have Do have Your hrain and brawn of Abralram Lincoln
Strength Some Wcn it comcsto writtcn Lo his
Not to follow Quiet time But son's tcachcr
O, God!
O, God! For the time being Give me courage
Give me courage And thereby Not to losepatience
To tace the truth Live When
However unpleasant. In the shadowof shame Pressures pile up
For the rest of life
From right and left.
O, God! And
Give me courage Moreover O, God!
To own In the long run Give me courage
My mistkes [.ose the career And light
And As well. Not to losefaith
Face the consequences Nor
Like a MAN. O, God! In
Give me courage Myself
It's far better
To suffer Not to lose head
My dearGod!
Once Nor
And Heart YOU
Live therefter, When Never!Never!
With honour and dignity Suddenly
In one's own eyes The horizon gets dark
And The cherishedplans
In the eyes of the world collapse
at Unexpectedproblems
Large appear from no where
Than And
To behave All seemsto have been
Dishonourably lost in one stroke.
Like a cowarcl
To save one's skin
110 111

PATIENCE That sustains Patience and faith

All human relations. Go together
Shakespeare I have O, God!
In To win battles O, God! Give me faitlt
King Lear (All types of ttrcm) Give me patience In
sqt That lie More and more of it My
'Ripenessis all, Ahead of me So that 'Self'
So it is In years to come. I could meet that And
And Of all the challenges Challenge Aboveall
The hard core That And In
of Man facesin histift Therebylive Yctu
Ripeness The most demanding Happily My dear Cod!
.ls 0ne Effectively In You
Patieni.ce Is And lrcaltltilytoo. And
That pavesthe way That In
For of Your Providence
Patience and under-
A promising career. I nter-personalrelations And
That is Go togetlrcr In
Thereis How to get on O, God! Your
A Chineseproverb: With thepeople Give me undcrstanding All-peruading
'Patiencewins,. Be they More und more oJ'it Graciousness.
It does The near and dear ones So that
For At home I could live
Patience Or With
Is The othersin the world My own
The strongestweapon. At large Failuresand failings
Tlrc answerlies Limits and limitations
O, God! In And
Give me patience Patience With thoseof others
More and more of it It is PatientlY.
As Patience

O God!
Impatience. Give me strengtlt
More often than not And ligltt
The situation
Leads Not to give in
To To
Much worse
H^ty decisions. Impatience
Than before
That t
O, God! Like a bull in a
Like a hull in a Chinashop
Saveme Chinashop
From Destroys
Life-long relations
The damage Lrft-long relations
M ost fonclly nurtured.,
From Mostfondly nurtured,
Verypromising careers
The embanassrnent Verypromisingcareers
Pains-takingly built over
That Pains-takinglybuilt over
the years
Hoty the years ,
Impulsivedecisions And
Rare opportunities
Do In
Rare oppomtnities
Invaiably In
Cause. One
Impatience That
No amount of tears
More often than not No amount of regrets
S he d wit h . , ' d e e p
Provokes I repenatance
Out-burstsof temper No amount of tears
And Shedwith deeprepentance
No amount of apologies
Outburstsof temper And
However sincere
Never Can
No amount of apologies
Resolveany issue Howeversincere
On the contrary, Can
Withoutfail Ever

114 115

Ctimb the Hill Exeft harder

To stay at tlrc top
Climlt the hill
My dear
My dear
Future builder oJ'Pakistan!
Future protector of Pakistan!
Climb tlrc hill
With a will
Progressand problc,ns ure the twins
To reach the top
Bom trriether
Tlrcy ulways go togctlrcr
Onto the top of tlrc hill
The bigger thc. challenge
You'll reaclt
The heavier the odds
If you only so will
The greater the rewards
Climb the hill
Yes, rny dear
My dear
Greater the rewards too!
Futurepillur oJ'Pakistan!
Go on plodding
Climb thc hill
My dear
Future hopc of Pakistan!
Oft you may stumble
Go on plodding
Neverbe downcast
Inch ahead
Be up
Every day
On your.feet
Finnly and steadily
With courageand hope
To reach the top
Weary thc way


116 StrugglerelentlesslY
To staYat tlrc toP
Climb the hill
My dear
c;--'LJld L:,Sl"-d
Futurc pricle of Pctkistan
Climh the hill 6c-Lilcurlr+
With a will
To reach tlrc top One gets what one stives for

Never stop One gets what one strivesfor'

For a whilc
Never look hack
For a tnoment
Look forward
And look
Beyond the hill
As well.

Go on toiling
My dear
Future Jinnah of Pakistan!
Go on toiling
Day in and day out
With a will
To reach the top
I 1ti 1,1'9
BEWARE To face the odds
And thus
Beware Getsyou
Of that Beaten
Arch enemyof man Before the battle hegins.
The Self-doubt
That Beware
Attacksyou from inside My dear!
Pullingyour front-line ddencesto pieces
And Beware
Snatchingaway Of that arch enemyof yours
Your main weapon The
The self-confidence Self-doubt!
From you,
To the weakestof your enernies
From outside.

Of that arch enemyof man
Takes away from you
Will to fight
Will to win
The courage
120 121,


Your own
And with
I can, I will

Your besthopes
Failing you
And the
Bestplans .
Falling apart f

You find
Like a grey-hound

Don't loseheart
Nor hope
My dear!

Almighty Allah
Have faith

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