HB 1319 Dunwoody Homestead Exemption

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ENROLLMENT flag 3 20J0 Fhe Committee of the House on Information and ‘Auuts has examined the within and finds the same properly enrolled. Received Gecltay,Eketative Deparment This Bins May aol Approws . - HB, No, 19 — Acta S02 General Assembly “To amend an Act incorporating the City of Dunwoody, approved March 25, 2008 (Ga, L. 2008, p. 3536), at amended, oasto change certain provisions providing for 4 homestead ekemption from certain municipal ad ‘valorem taxes for municipal purposes in an amount equal to tho amount by which the current year assessed value ‘ofa homesteed exceeds the base year assessed value of such homestead, sos to eliminate the automatic sunset 0 that such exemption continues indefinitely; and for other purposes. INHOUSE Read time 3-09-10 Read 2 time 3-10-10 Read $time 3-11-10 And Passed 3-16-10 Yeas \44 Nays 23 Cighk ofthe House INSENATE Read bine 3-17-10 Read 2" ime Read time “and — Passed 3-24-10 Yeas 48 Nest Passed On; Seore By: Rops. Millar of the 79%, Jacobs of t the 90%, and others of the Senate AN ACT ‘To amend en Act incorporating the City of Dunwoody, approved March 25, 2008 (Ga. L. 2008, p. 3536), as amended, so as to change certain provisions providing for a homestead ‘exemption ftom certain municipal ed valorem taxes for municipal purposes in an amount equal to the amount by which the enrrent year assessed value ofa homestead exceeds the base year assessed value of such homestead, 6 as to eliminate the automatic sunset so that such exemption continues indefinitely; to provide for applicebiliy; to provide for a referendum, effective dates, and automatic repeal; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes. BEIT BNACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA: SECTION 1. ‘An Act incorporating the City of Dunwoody, approved March 25, 2008 (Ga, L. 2008, p. 3536), as amended, is amended by repeating in its entirety subsection (f) of Section 5.08 which reads as follows: ™(®) The exemption granted by subsection (b) of this section shall apply only to taxable years 2009 through 2011, Unless renewed or extended by subsequent Act ofthe General Assembly, the exemption granted by subsection (b) ofthis section shall not apply totaxable year 2012 or any subsequent taxable year." SECTION 2, Unless otherwise prohibited by the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, the ‘municipal election superintendent ofthe City of Dunwoody shall call andconcuetanelection 8 provided inthis section for the purpose of submiting this Act to the electors of the City ‘of Dunwoody for approval orrejection. The municipal election superintendent shall conduct that election on the date ofthe November, 2010, state-wide general elation, ‘The municipal lection superintendent shall issue the call and conduct such election as provided by general law. ‘The munieipal election superintendent shall eause the dete and purpose of the election to be published once a week for two weeks immediately preceding the date thereof in the official organ of DeKalb County. The ballot shall have writen or printed thereon the words: HB, 1319 aie ) YES Shall the Act be approved which amends the homestead exemption from City of Dunwoody ad valorem taxes for municipal purposes in an amount () NO equal to the amount by which the current year assessed value of a homestead exceéds the base year assessed value of such homestead by climinating the automatic sunset s0 that the exemption continues indefinitely?" Allpersons desiring to vote for approval of the Act shall vote "Yes," and all persons desiring 10 vote for rejection of the Act shall vote "No." Ifmore than one-half of the votes east on ‘such question are for approval ofthe Act, Section I ofthis Act shall become of full force and ‘effect on January 1, 2011, and shall apply to all taxable years begir Tetie Act is not so approved or if the electio Section | of this Act shall not become effective and this Act shall be automatically repealed on the first day of January immediatoly following such election date. The expense of such lection hall be bome by the City of Dunwoody. It shall be the duty of the municipal lection superintendent io certify the results thereof tothe Secretary of State, ing on or after that date, not conducted as provided in this section, SECTION 3. Except as otherwise provided in Section 2 ofthis Act, Act shall become effective upon its approval by the Governor or upon its becoming law without such approval. SECTION 4. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repeated, APPROVED wo 22080 BY GOVERNOR H,B.1319 creer: enero Sate aes (GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY Personally appeared before me, te undersigned athory, duly authorized to administers, Fran Millar, wo on oath depses and sys that he i the Representative fom Dist 79 and father

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