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Here we can see

Friday, 3rd September 2010. Eastenders is on at 8’oclock

on BB1. 8pm is a time
where everyone in a
household is relaxed for
the evening; this means
the soap will get wider
viewing rates and can
therefore include all the
different characters for the
audience to identify with.

Emmerdale is on at the earlier You can see from the different times they both contain different
time at 7pm and on a different content that sometimes is unsuitable for children, such as a murder or
TV channel, ITV, which rape, but anything of extreme content is scheduled after 9pm. BBC1
includes the adverts BBC1 doesn’t include any adverts as it is funded by the Government,
doesn’t. therefore meaning they have to cater for all types of audience. As ITV
isn’t, it has a looser rein of what they can include in their soaps.

From Radio times.

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