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Attention Soldiers. MAWS are hosting the first ever Combat Patrol One-Night-Only
One Only competition. The
idea is for 4 fast paced games, over the space of one evening at the Club to crown the Combat Patrol
champion. Players are encouraged to use a new army, or one that’s been shelved for a while.


• Armies are no more than 500 points.
• You must have at least one troop choice.
• You may only have one HQ, but you do not have to take an HQ choice.
• You
ou may spend remaining points from anywhere
any in the codex of your army.
• No special characters or “unique” units (Marbo,
( Doom of Malan’Tai, etc.)
• No 2+ saves
• No models can have more than 2 wounds.
• No vehicles with a total armour value 33 or more. (Front + 1 Side + Rear = Total)
• You must designate one model as your force’s commander.

1. Annihilation
a. Player with the most Kill Points wins
2. Capture and Control
a. Home and Away ay objectives.
3. Seek and Destroy
a. D3 +1 Objectives, as per rulebook.
4. Vital Recon Point
a. Whoever captures the central building wins.
5. Breakthrough
a. 1 point for each scoring unit you get into Enemy Deployment Zone.

In ALL objective missions Scoring Units are changed to INFANTRY models, regardless of where they
lie in the Force Organisation chart (i.e. Bikes that are Troops no longer score).

Roll on each table separately for Deployment type.


Enemy force commanders are worth an extra point, for determining Kill Points.
There will be 2 tables to be played on, but roll a D6 before the game to decide any special rules that
may be present on that table and consult this chart:

1. Ravaged World
a. Roll a D6 for each scenery piece on the table, 1 – 3 it is on Fire and counts as
Dangerous Terrain, 4 – 6 it counts as Smoking and gives +1 cover save to units inside.
2. Cover of Darkness
a. Night fight rules are in place throughout the battle. Roll 2D6 at the start of each
turn, on the result of a Double, Night Fighting is over.
3. Low Gravity
a. (Taken from special mission in main Rulebook)
b. Infantry can elect to move as Jump Infantry, but will take a Dangerous Terrain test.
Jump Infantry act as normal.
c. All attacks have the Rending USR. If a model would normally have the Rending USR,
it now counts as rending on a 5 – 6, not just a 6.
d. Successful wounds count as D3 wounds to multiple wound models.
4. No Effect
5. Urban Warfare
a. Heavy terrain on the Battlefield.
b. Area is subject to Preliminary bombardment, roll a D6 for each unit, on a 6 the unit
takes D6 S3 wounds (cover saves allowed)and must take a pinning test (even if they
are normally immune). Vehicles count as Stunned.
6. Desert Rats
a. Sparse terrain on the Battlefield.
b. Sandstorm – Each turn BEFORE RESERVES roll a D6, on the result of a 1, any unit
attempting to move must pass a Difficult Terrain test.
c. In addition to this, any unit attempting to Deep Strike on a Sandstorm turn can
choose either to remain in Reserve until the Sandstorm calms (bearing in mind, it
could continue for the rest of the game) or attempt to land and scatter 3D6”. Units
that normally do not scatter, will scatter 1D6”.

• Victory – 3pts
• Draw – 1pt
• Loss – 0pts

After each game record your Kill Points gained and Opponent’s Kill Points. In the event of a
Tournament Points tie, Kill Point difference will be compared. If there is still a tie, then the most Kill
Points For, will win.

• The overall winner of the tournament will receive a prize.
• The player in last place will receive the coveted MAWS Wooden Spoon award.

Any questions, just drop me an email. ENJOY!

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