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g gerstein agne

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To: Raj Goyle for Congress

From: Karl Agne

Date: August 13, 2010

Kansas’ 4th Congressional District – Post-Primary Survey1

Raj Goyle enters the general election contest in Kansas’ 4th District in excellent position
against Republican nominee Mike Pompeo. Goyle has dramatically increased his name
identification among likely voters and established a strong profile that resonates across party
lines. Pompeo, on the other hand, won a brutal four-way primary that was marked by intense
negativity and personal attacks, with Pompeo in particular chastised by local media for his “ugly
campaign.” The consequences are seen in his shockingly high unfavorable marks.


Raj Goyle Mike Pompeo
Fav- Fav-
Fav Unfav Unfav Fav Unfav Unfav
All 35 22 +13 32 37 -5
Democrats 64 8 +56 9 57 -48
Independents 35 23 +12 24 43 -19
Republicans 19 31 -12 48 23 +25
ID Both Candidates 52 35 +17 36 50 -14

Goyle has established a profile built on protecting American jobs, defending veterans and
their families, and running an issue based campaign that rejects politics as usual in Washington.
Pompeo has established a profile most strongly associated with negative campaigning,
outsourcing American jobs, and extreme partisanship. The result – Goyle is now running
essentially even in a district that was previously considered a safe Republican seat.


Goyle Pompeo Undec Diff.
All 47 50 3 -3
Democrats 90 9 1 +81
Independents 51 44 5 +7
Republicans 19 77 3 -58
ID Both Candidates 55 44 1 +11

Gerstein | Agne conducted a survey August 10-12, 2010 among 500 registered voters who indicated they are likely
to vote in November. The survey was conducted by professional interviewers and has a margin of error of +/- 4.4%.

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