April 21 2010 Meeting Notes

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Troop 115 Meeting Minutes

April 21, 2010

Present: Pam, Rick, Carrie, Bret, Catherine, Mike, and Nancy

Minutes from previous meeting read.

Scout Leadership positions
Because our troop is so large we do not have enough leadership positions for all the scouts that need
them to advance. In order to accommodate all the scouts, Rick has decided to increase the number of
assistant senior patrol leaders from one to three. Then instead of the assistant senior patrol leader just
advancing to senior patrol leader, the scouts will elect the next senior patrol leader. Rick has also
assigned Travis as a Junior Assistant Scoutmaster. Any scouts that needs a leadership position that still
does not have one, will be assigned a special leadership project by the Scoutmaster that will count
toward a leadership position for advancement purposes.

Spring Camporee
The meeting location for the scouts going to the Spring Camporee this Friday night at 6:30 p.m. will be
the Collins house. (3038 Holiday Village) For those of you that have been to the Peck’s house instead of
turning onto Lone Lookout continue straight to the end of the road. The Collins house is the last one on
the left. Because of the school carnival at Courtade that night, we felt it best to not meet at the school.

We will be doing tomahawk throwing at the Spring Camporee. Mark Ewing has lent us extra handles
and tomahawks.

Equipment Purchases
Rick has purchased lantern mantels, an aluminum griddle and extra large skillets for the troop. Total
cost between $230-$300. Rick will get receipts to Mike for reimbursement from the troop.

Still need to look into getting second axle for troop trailer. If Sean is not able to do this, Brett has
volunteered to check into it.


Plant Sale
Mike will be handing out the books and forms for the plant sales on Sunday after the Spring Camporee.
For the boys that do not go to the spring camporee, please contact Mike (946-9798) for your book and
forms. (there is no meeting Monday night, 5-3-10). Orders will need to be in to Mike by May 17 with
pick up and distribution of plants by scouts on May 27th and 28th . Catherine to email Bob the
information to update the blog.

$5,000 in bank. Monica reported that we have a negative balance at the scout office. Mike checked and
they will be sending a statement soon then Mike will know more.
The following is my report:

 12 Scouts and a number of adult leaders and family members (23 total) attended the Air Zoo and
from what I heard it was a good time and all of the Scouts earned their Space Exploration Merit
 I will need a head count at Monday’s meeting for the Spring Camporee so I can prepare a local
tour permit
 We have 9 Scouts and 4 adults signed up for the Pictured Rocks trip. I will be planning some
shake down hikes in May and early June. I hope to involve Mr. Selby in these to help the Scouts
at least get a good start on their camping merit badges, and all Scouts will be invited to attend
both the informational part of the shake downs as well as the hikes themselves. Newer Scouts
hoping to get in their 5 mile hike requirement for first class rank should be able to do so.
 Based upon information presented at Outdoor Leader Training, I will be meeting with Monica
Jaislee to make sure that I am obtaining the proper permits for all of our outings. For example,
we were told that for all outings over 100 miles, such as the Red Wings game, we need a national
 I will be working on updating our drivers list since we now have several new parents in the Troop.
 I will be working with Jacob Loew, the new Troop Webmaster, at next week’s Troop meeting to
get him up to speed on maintaining the Troop website. Nick Loew may also participate with an
eye toward taking over that position eventually.

Rick will call Brad and let him know we are going through the troop trailer at Monday’s meeting (4-26-
10) in case he would like to be there.

Since last month the scouts have earned 12 badges and 2 scouts have advanced.

Court of Honor has been rescheduled from May 3 to May 17. No meeting May 3. Bob can you please
make sure this gets updated on the blog.


May 19 @ 7 p.m. at La Senorita on Garfield

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