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12 Interesting Facts about

Female Sexuality

1. According to David Buss and Cindy

Meston in their best-selling book Why
Women Have Sex, women who have
smaller breasts are more sensitive to
erotic stimulation than their more
endowed sisters. Plus, breast sensitivity
tends to decrease with age in all

2. Elizabeth Lloyd author of The Case

of the Female Orgasm found that only 15 to 35 percent of women are orgasmic during
intercourse without any accompanying clitoral stimulation. She arrived at this figure through
analyzing a multitude of studies in the field.

3. The female genitals play a deciding role in allowing paternity. That is, the vagina is not an
equal opportunity sperm acceptor but picks and chooses the best man (or sperm) for the job.

It seems that the vagina is a rather hostile place for the little swimmers, kind of like a high stakes
obstacle course, and many sperm are either ejected, pulverized by the acidic environment, or
simply can't make it to the finish line. Only the ones that are genetically the best fit ever get the
brass ring (er...egg).

4. Because of this fact, nature loves variety - particularly sexual variety. That's why in most
species of life monogamy is rare. It is not unusual in the animal kingdom for a female to mate
with multiple males during her breeding season. That way she gets to sample a variety of sperm
and pick the one that is genetically the most compatible with her body. It is mother nature's way
of ensuring healthy offspring.

5. Women are more likely to in their early thirties. At that age, fertility is starting to drop. So, to
maximize what is left, they cheat (often with a better specimen than what they have at home).

6. The G-spot, which some consider to be the female prostate gland (and some argue doesn't
exist at all) is a collection of paraurethral glands that can be stimulated through the upper vaginal
wall. For about 66% of women, they surround the urethral glans (which is just at the entrance).

But for some women, they are distributed in a more general pattern along the roof of the vagina.
So, in other words, don't assume it's a spot. In some cases, it's more of a zone.

7. Not all women really have a prostate gland (G-spot). For some women, though the
paraurethral glands are "technically" there, they are so underdeveloped that they contribute little
to sexual pleasure. However, there are many avenues to ecstasy. So, don't fret if your G-spot
doesn't seem to do much.                      

8. In a laboratory setting, the record number for female orgasms was 134 in an hour. The most a
guy ever had was 16. Sometimes, it's really good to be a girl!

9. Some researchers believe that the the clitoris consists of 18 separate parts; of which, the most
visible portion is the tiny button (or glans). The rest of the clitoris is inside the body.

10. When a woman is ovulating (and more likely to conceive), she wears her most revealing
clothes. I guess the idea is to show some skin, drum up some interest, and then get laid and make
that baby - with an appropriate candidate, of course.

11. The clitoris develops out of the same embryonic material as the penis. It is essentially the
same organ from a biological standpoint.

12. Women who are multiorgasmic are not only blessed in terms of sheer numbers, but they
seem to orgasm quicker as well. Catherine Blackledge reported that multiorgasmic women
typically climax within 8 minutes; whereas, women who are only able to orgasm once take at
least 27 minutes.


Cindy Meston & David Buss: Why Women Have Sex

Elizabeth Lloyd: The Case of the Female Orgasm

Catherine Blackledge: The Story of V

Rebecca Chalker: The Citoral Truth

David Schmitt: Sociosexuality from Argentina to Zimbabwe: A 48-Nation Study of Sex, Culture,
and Strategies of Human Mating

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