Before You Attempt To Install Wingate We Must Disable Windows Firewall and Ics

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Before you attempt to install wingate we must disable

windows firewall and ics

To do this we must select start from desktop and select run now type in

Once in here find the service of windows firewall and ics(internet connection

Now right click on it and select properties

Make sure you disable startup and stop the service

Select apply and select ok if prompted now restart your pc
Go and make sure it remembered your settings if so move on if not redo the

Now we can install wingate

I’ve included WinGate6.2.0.1121-USE.EXE for you

So start the above file select I Agree

Now select server

Now select continue

Select next
Select next

Select next
If you wish to use another device on a network please
leave the tick in the box below(install ens) if your using
on only 1 pc please remove tick……

Select next

Select next

Select next do not click activate

Select begin
Select finish
Now you’re back at desktop press ctrl alt and delete to
open windows task manager
Select the processes tab at the top

Now end the two processes named


Copy the file wingate.lic into your wingate directory which I have also included
Run patch.exe, choose target file as wingate.exe and click 'Crack'

Once cracked successfully it will tell you okay numerous times

That’s all ! Enjoy Unlimited and full version of wingate 6.2.0

Now restart your pc

Connect your modems 1 at a time and make sure they can access the internet
and have different ip addresses the default gateway doesn’t matter
Once this is established turn off your pc connect both modems and reboot
them wait 2 minutes and restart your pc

Part 2
Now to configure wingate

Double click the wingate icon in the bottom right corner

Now click ok 3 times until it asks you for a new password

Select the password you want and click ok

Now hit the control tab in top left corner

Now 1st we will set up a proxy server which will give you double speed
downloads in windows or triple if you using 3 modems

Select the services tab in the bottom left corner

Double click the www proxy server tab listed in the left column
Now you will have a box appear in your screen

Select bindings tab

Remove tick ((shown in picture below))
Select apply
(Shown in picture below)
Select the gateways tab
Connection scheme=use all specified connections in rotation
Now select add
Now this will appear
Select your 1st adaptor then select ok do the same for all adaptors then select
Click ok or yes if it tells you settings have changed select
OK that’s the Wingate bit done

Open internet explorer and go to tools

Select internet options
Select the connections tab
Select lan settings
And copy the picture below
Now your proxy is complete you check it is working go here
(Press control and click the link) IP Info - Find your IP address
Keep Pressing REFRESH AND IF YOUR ip address DOES CHANGE (or Rotates)

Now to utilise it you must download a download management tool

Google it there’s enough about
All differ so you will need to find the settings below

After you install the shit goto options then preferences then click on
“proxy/firewall” and put a checkmark on “USE HTTP PROXY”

CLICK ON CONNECTION AND CHANGE the speed to the fastest possible

Now download this file (virus free) (press control and select
link) or any other file you want
Now watch you don’t get burnt from the afterburner
That’s your proxy all singing and dancing lightning fast…….

Now we can move onto newsgroups and torrents

I will use newsbin pro for the tut but no matter what you use there all the same in principal but
again you’ll have to find the settings
Ok for example well use 1 server

Open newsbin or other software

Open server properties or options
And fill in as below
For example I’m using ntl change names accordingly

Write down your details in notepad if you’re doing multiple server to stop from
having to swap programmes every 2 seconds…..

Ok now to config wingate for the newsbin or torrent…..

Open wingate and follow picture below
Box appears middle of screen first select general tab

If you fill in as above the ntl server will be working when following steps are
If your server requires login please follow picture below

Select bindings tab

Remove tick ((shown in picture below))
Now goto gateways tab and follow picture below
If it tells you settings have changed click ok or yes

OK if you wish to add a xbox 360 to the network

(you must have left tick in the install ens during
wingate installation)for pc or laptop follow this for the
pc that has wingate installed)and see belowthe 360 tut
for the networked pc or laptop setup

I would advise that for the initial set up

You use cable and not wireless and turn
off the firewall once you have them
successfully running you can move to
wireless once that is running you can
enable firewall and configure your
ports as tut tells lower down….

1st connect your ethernet cable

2nd manually set the ip adress as follows FOR 360

Goto the system blade
Goto network tab
Select manual settings
Goto edit settings
Edit ip settings
Set your ip adress as
Set your dns as
Set your gateway to

Edit dns settings

Dns server

Now goto network conections IN THE PC WHICH HAS

Now set up as below…..
Now back to wingate
Select control
Goto system tab
Double click extended network
Select general
Under firewall select disable
Now select ok

Now select the network tab in middle bottom and rite

click the connection you want to use for your 360 and
select properties
Put a tick into autodetect
Click ok and now your 360 conection should be internal
That’s it your 360 is now part of the wingate
If you want to keep firewall on for this then do this but
I wouldn’t worry about that as never heard of a 360
getting a cold……
Now you have firewall with ur 360

TO add a pc or laptop instead of a 360 use same

method as above but instead of setting the 360 ip
manually set the device you wish to setup on the
network as follows…..
If you wish to add more than 1 network item do same
as above but on the piccie above the ip adress should be
set to for a 3rd item set to

If you are using a nat router you must enable the port
you require on the networked items……..

Configure a sock proxy for torrents

We will use utorrent for the guide although most are
the same just diff settings in diff locations…

Open wingate and goto control

Open services
Double click socs

Select binding tab

Reapeat but this time select ms tcp ……………
Goto gateways tab select use all conections in rotation
click add and add your connection
When done click apply and close down wingate

Install utorrent and do as below

Close the preferences
And do as below
You should now get the below if you did correct
Close the above page down

Now go back to here

Now if you did correct you sould get the page below but
the ip will have rotated
Do above for how ever many connections your using

Now go d/l ur torents

Hope this helped…..

Please ensure you either disable any 3rd party firewalls
i.e. MacAfee Norton kasper zone alarm or configure

Well that’s it have fun with your faster downloads …


By madmanc ;-)

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