Reporte ACTAMX

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Exp .. 1134 Y 1500.

OFICIO No. CP2R1A.-82n .

Mexico, D., F',r a 9' de jUI110 de 2010 ..


Me perm~tD comuntcar 131 usted que en sesh:5,f11 celoebr,ada en esta feeha, se reclbleron ofldos de la Dire.ccion Genera'i de Enlace de ~a Secretaria de Economia y de ,iCl Direcciol1 General de Polilitos Publicas y Coordloeclon :[ n terln sotucl 0 na I de ~a Procu r ad u ria Ge ne ra I de la R)f~:p U bl ~cal, en res puesta al Acuerdo de loa Camara de Senadores, de fecha 20 de ilIlbrii d:e 2'0110, relative a] Acuerdo Comeroal'sincadon",

La P'restdencia dlspuso que se Ie hicrnera lIIeg,Clr coprna de dlcha documenl'tacion.



Exp. 1.114 Y 1500.

Of[CIO' NII!lI., CP'2RIA.,.-B19~

M'e:>dcO, D .. F . .r a! '9 de junio de 2010.


Me permlto eomunkar a usted que len sesmon ce!ebr,ada 'en esta feCh311 se recioio ofklo die h3: Direccion General de Enlace de la Secretaria de Eronomfa~. en respuesta al Acuerdo de 121 Camarc de Senadoses, de fecha 27 de. abril de 2.Q101, relative all AcU'erdo Comerdal Anti-Falstficadon.

La P'resjdencia dispose que se I~e' hlci,er,c Uegar copra de ,d kh a documentadou



S,IE,Nli IfRANCIS;CO ARR.IOiYO VIEYRA 'V'icep'flesiderilite


"2010. An'o de 18 P~tn;~,. Bic:ente:narlo dW 11'l'i'cio detlJ indQ~'(l':nde{i~i!'l.¥ Cen,tell1arlo dre.ll,fJicio de fa R,e\l'lOluclo\l!l."


Ofildo No .. SEUUEU311/1,1677/1 0 Me)liDa~ D. F ,8 2 de Junia de 2010

Selcretarios de Is" C'c,misid'ii"I P,e~rmall'lente d'el. H. CDIliIQre~so de ~a Union iP'rcsentes,

signados por el Senador .Anuro NCu'iez Jimenez, V,icepresiden~e de !a Mesa

rernlfir para lo:s;,ftines precedentes, c::opia de~ No_. 100.201 D.DGIE. 0483 sus c:rita par '81 C. C aria,s All be rte G airel a (3e'l',l:ez, D,irector Ge 1"11 eral deE II1I,iu::e d'~

la Secretafra de Economia, asl como lcsarrexos que en el rnlsrne se rneneionan,

med i ani~e los CUB les resp onde ,e~ Punto de Ac.uer,do re ia'tivo at Acu en:fa Comen;ia I

Antt,- F,als ific:acic n (AGTA).


E~ Director Gen era I Ad] unto de -

P '0 Leg isll ativ,a


Presen1ie Mlnulado

Folio UEU1a~ UEILn",

"'" ~ .

reNe. I'.j t-; ~::...


~f-!~ in J r ~ I: 0:3

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01. NOI, 100.201 O.DGE.04B3 As 1!iJlnitO: P u ni(l\S de aeuerdo ACT A, Me){cco, D. F .,;3, '2.7 doe mEilyn de 2010

Lie. GDN,ZAL:O At TAM~RANO D'IMIAS Titular dB Iii Un.idad de Enlace Ls·gislatllJo SE;.cre~arfa de Gubernaclnn



COn refereneia a los oricios No. SEUUElJ31H12iJ2110 Y SEUUEU311/133-BI1:0 detechas 21 '129 de abri~ de 2010, par j,os cuaies nolmca que :mediante' los oftcios !lumero DGPL- 2P1A-J DGLP-2P1A-5919', el sensder Ari:uro Nune'z Jimenez, Vicepresldente de ~a, Mesa Dlre-cliva de' la Camara! de Senadores del H. Congte,so de 18 Unlon, comunica a la Secretaria de Gobemad6 n ] os Puntas de' AlCluElrd 0 apfo.bados per el Pl e n~ ci e ese 6 rga no Leg ls Is,tI vc, en ses lone s ce I ebradBs iI!:lS d iii S 20 .i>t 21 ce a bri II de 201 D, par m ed:io de I as c ua ies so Ucita. al I' nslituto Mextcano de I a P ropiedad ~ rid ust rla~. el"1,treon sautorid a des, rem iUr LJ I'iI inform e completa 'Y deta'1I8Ci'c sebre e~ estadc en el que S6 encuerdran 1~.aS negociac,ianes del Aeli.:l'erdD Cornercisl Anti-Fa[sificaClOIli€S (ACTA, per sus sjglas en ingles,). de las cuales Mex,lco forma parte, asl como entregar el texl:o ba,se diS: 1<;31S rnismas, nnciuy:endo aquel1as redaeclcnss que aun sa, e ncuemren en dlscua lon.

Asimismo, selieita vigiiar ~a posicion de Mextco en 12.50 negociacTones, 1131 cbeervancla del rc,speto de ~os de r'E!!,ol1 os 'run d a,mentale-SE: n la reda cctQ!'1I de: las; dl spas Dcf one~ qu e co ntenga, e I Tratade, asi como opcner .;31 d~sposfolDn del publi'oo en general los le:dos de negaciac'!on de, clicho Acuerco. AI,, me permito enviarle I::! raspueata de esta Secre1.aria.

Per '0 anterior, 'eon rUG dame nt'o en ,191 Artrculo2. del Acuerdo {Xl'f el que se es/abJscen 'as fl)nclones de 'as amas de apoyo a' Secre'tario oe .Sconomf'a para al cumpUmienlo de di~s !tliPucisnes, Ie soilcito atenlamsn'le haga del ccnodrnlento del Senado de ~a. R!ell'1lbHc~tJ nforma c:i6n conternd 131 en el pre~l'IE!nte en la torm a que lists d esNm e co nveruente


S;i~trQ 'P~ar,aprQ'lJeeho la otas,16n ., .,a enviarle un cCMdia~ saluda.

- 1.!aI.L....!.. '

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c~ Cristina, M~ss!! S~,n~l1u.~ C!)01dln.adora de: Asesor~5 !:I!I C, Secretallo. Proe.a.IllU'i! {VQI:<!nte~ 11iJi'Jo1l,,\100s16 'I " 00.'XIA 10m, \ 3}

Ar.~M'oI'O, CVG'laa'lle:; DGE 1 ~~Gl ~'OGE 1 000187-'Cm


"2!H 0, Ana da Iii Pi! !'tia;.fJ;¥~n "'JIarlo.del 'lfJ'a10 doe Ja ilJdi?jl ei'l tlell~;.Il y Con tBflii'i [0 d~llnlclc de I; 1i'OivQlu, ian r)

~ r ..... ~ , - ~. f .-

l' ~" l ~ "_.' i l lOG .2010.1:1:11

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Mexico, O.F -, a 20 de mayo de 2010.



H!;lgo rt=fer~n[i<l a :105 midas INa. SU/UEt/3U/12D2!10 V SElJun/3ul133,8/1Qi de feehas 11 y 29 de abri I de ),0:1 O. mediante los cuales nos eermmlea que media me 'los oflclcs nurnero DGLP~ 2 P1A·S682 " DGlP-.2PIA-597'9, el 1j.~11LldClr Arturo r h'Jnez J "1H~nelJ Viet! I'rpsidente de ls ~.!lesa Direct iva de la tamara de 5eoi'ldores, del H. Cong,reso de la Union, ccmunlca ii! It! .5ecr~ tarla de Gobernacicn tes PUf1.tos!t'h~ AC(j'enio aprob<lJdoSi ~blf e'l Pl~l1a de ese' O,rgano le-~~:s;lillil,,'{J, en Sesiones 1:~1L'l br[ldas los din 20 y 2.7 de abrU de 2010, par media de los. cuales sa~icila a iUite .I nstttut» entre otrdsAutorid .. des rarnltir un in~orm~ complete y d.etallado sobre el astauc en ,el que' se encuenrren las negcclsctones del Atuerdo CDmerd~l A.rrU·Fal'sifl(<ldones (ACTA, per SIJ.!l 51 gras en iflg'est de I'as cuales Mbtco forma parte, a,si como entregar elul«,o base de las mlsmas, lnduyendo aquellas redacctenes q'ue aunse eneuentrsn 'en disr;us,Win.

A'5imisFflO. so~~d'ra vig,ilar Is posidon de Me)(ko~n las neg()(jl3i~ijones. 1;3 observancla del respeto de tcs derschcs funcame,nules e 1'1 lial redacden dll' las dls,posk1o!'Hi!':S que corrte.l'!ga el Tratadc, <lsi cornu puner a dTsp051CJ(lln d~1 publico en g~m~ral .i!OC5 rextas de negoclacien d ~ dichg AClIJerdo.


La (onst:ituc:ionPolit1ca de los Estau::los unldos Me)(lcd.l1llS,. estab Ieee en su articulo 26.~ "fl estodo ,o"-gani;arc un sisten11:l af! J#lt::mear;;/iln demt'lr,arka del desarmNo nm:.icm{Ji tiue imprfma solidez~ dlnamismo~ permonenda )! eql1ldaQ ell c'recrmiemo de la econom;~ prlra ta lndeperuifrJcio y 10 democrafi2Q'ci6.n ()rJlfti'tJ~50ci("J1 y cu(tuto.1 de 1~ noc.i6n, N

Dele! a ntarler s,e d~J:5pr,end,e que una de las priorldades ecnssgradss en ~a COFIstitu[.h5.!'1 es velar par 131 crerirniento de la economia n ac.ionad, para salvag'Ui':!rdar enos blsnes mssprec1ado'S patti 111 d el!;arroUo anndnico de una nadon, comoson ia in depe;ndeocra sQcial V el estad CI de d erecho qiJ~ no deben s~r.c::oapl,adcs ~11 ningurl rnomernn per nil'lgul1 grupo delktlve,

. ~:~rir~ri,a o~~'~ ~~. 311];6 .PJ.a:c9, Dill. J'uc illu m'~ I fr n~,.] C,iP. nBa~ p~lIm. ~,!,2~_.!}.~:~C '~~,I. 4.6'D~6I1l tlJ'~~:;1~ Si~;q:·Om ,00Z ilz ~$2~.D:~OS

-1 .. 1l-_ .: ..... _ :I-_L , ........ L . ..,.....

De' acuerde con IIi! l.nfOfrmu:lon preperclonada per las proplas industrfas, a I ill, 'firmiii en el . n

deJ ACllI erda Nd3Icmni:i1 contra lao Piraterla.j e~~ como las iflvestr,gidone.s reaUzadas par eli arec:tacion per sector hi~kio la sigulerrtet

".20 f~" Jina d'B fa .Pa~:ria.Brti;em tMl1rio ,cffii lniciIJ de la

In d~P&lIdi]Jll:"i31 y C enIMa:;IQ de'I' Jni~;(1 de 1~ Rll'volud6n"

Ve.StI)iil,rto: Cinco de cad" die! prendas de V~5t k qu~s,e consu men actualrnentaen 21 m~n::ildo lie nen SU origer'! en el ['0 ntrabande y la nlraterfa, 10 que ecasiona una JHhdida per el conSUITIO de producte Ileg~1 de $9,451 rnlllnnes d,e d61iues en pe.rJuido del sector, E:I im pac:lo de estes ~Hdto'S en 511 .FI1i'! rita lndustria 1 ha l;inOVOCilrc!o el deml! de~ 30% de lias rnicrcernpresas d.Ed sector v ra pe rdida de 40a mil 't!mpli!!05.

Calzade: Se ciilJcu'la en asta ~ndustrliJ 1,01 imporuu:1on de 2.50 mit:lones de pares de: zapates al ano, de erigen chino V pitatils. Oesd~ el ana de 2006 a la fechiil se hall perdido mas d~ .100 mil empieos,

It IF,lJel cos: 5e ha n cerradc Vi'! ;;Il'rerlE'dor d ef 70% de !OlS f<ib~icas nacionsles par It! plrateria If • rntrabando de pmdud05 (je estil Im.lIJ~Wil, quit' de co llilu . .ar 1.:<;1" lewlt;'l"Ili;::l. ~p provccara la 'lmal d esap~nclon de una rams lndustrial en nuestro pa's.

Musics: Siete de ciildfl diel mnog.iO!m<l5 qLU~ se adquiersn en el' p;:li!; SDn Uegales. ID QUe ecasicna una perdrda de 400 rnlllenes de d6lijres para el sector. 1::1 .~mp~cta de estes .IHcitcs en suplanta ~ndu~tmll ha prevcrado ~iI~ desaparrclon de J,OOa pu rites de veflta. de m us:ka origlna t y el desplda de 29,500 trabajadores,

De! astudto reaBzado per If! !ii'ldusttia de laM(l'sica denomin~do, "La Piralte'ri<ll Muska,l. e~ CrTmeri Organ"t'Zido y e! Terrorismc", 3!. Edlcion, se d~SPFEl1d~ la intima relaclcn I2'ntr~ III v!:'!nt!3 de muslca piiFali;l V los: m er':ldon ados delltos, ademas de qua; "las ventss pirates anuales se aC~n:::.03n a 105 2. billenes de unldades, con un valor esrimadc de 4. a 5 bil'lones, rnientres que rnundialmente, una de [res gra badonas es (apia pirata .. La, clint de capaddad lata~ de fabrleacion de dlscos optims (CD de video y ,audi,o; CORam y DVO) supera censlderablernente 2.0 billones de unldades, habl ~n dose cuadruplrcadc en 105, ulrlmos 5 anos .. 'EI m argi8n de hJ'CfO as substandal, los cosros de prOOl..lccran aueden ser tan rninimos como 0.35 centavos de d61ar rnlentras que el valor de vent]! al pub~l~o rrormalmente :5upera ,$.2 .. 5 didi! res akam:.~ndo h~sti:l los Sl'5 d6~iJf!1!5" ..

CioG! y Obras Aud'iovisuales: Ocho de cada d~e.z pelkulas CJu e se compren en M e~ko tlenef'l S,I,J orig,EHl en, estes mclt05,~ 10 qll,lE! ocaSiona~erdld12.s de $340 mJllones de di6lare.s para el sector.

Tele~sion: E~ im.p<!cto e-n p~rjuiciQ de. la industria de la teT@vlsion se da pr~.rIitipalmente en el SE!nilcio. de teievis16n riiuringida. Se estirna que seis de cada cHez iJ~uarios d ~r SE:r\I'tciO dE television por cabta II tres de cada rHe:z. del ssrvtclo d~ television .si!telita~ hacsn U50 ilfefD de ~st'l ~etVrclD. Como ccnsecuancia d,e ello Ii industria de televish5n per cable pierce {1.500 '11 - nes de pa50s an uales, rniantras que para teleV1siOn .satelital :SE! esLtma una perdida anu.3' d, 1,200 millonli!s de pesos. Sofl:wa re: Sel! de rada diaz prcgrarnas de c6mputo insta lades en ui . es en Mexico son de origen ileg.aL las pen:Hda's economki!s pi! ra Iia industria en 2009 fusron rnlllnnes de doh! rss.

"2(.11 0, ~o d. J~ p .. ,:ri.oJ. -Sfcerrien .. rio iir11 !1li(Ji(l r1~ "~ Iru1ep ~fidenc!a J( C~nhl~'j~rio Q!lj lnicro fill la R~vo/adlin"

imik~s y peFflidas dB~ra~Jia d3SIlI\wars p3XJ PC

PC Softw@r.e P]racy Hates and Commerciril VallIe of Unl'icensed SDftware

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As~ en materia de fm~t~[c16n a las nuevas temO~a8;~a5 y el fndic,e: de cD'mpetitivldad de tecnolcglas de la info,rmacion, se ccnsldera a Mexico en la sigulente t!ilbl~. cuya afectacion se mice eenforrne ~ los Indices de ",kalerla:




Infraestructura d,~ TI



I Hurnano


~ IIvs.5"tigaci.on "I Dl?sarrof!o





Soporte para el c!esarrnllo de la indunriil de TI



Cifra$. globales


.. oJ

_ P!ri'l~'r,~'~ Sur f41~. UOi ~t~a !r C'~I.JII~'di"til del P~.dr~fIJ1 U. 019011 Goa m, ~E:2'>t·IMOC' iii ~1. ~·gDEIIJliD l Dirs III S~:l!~·[I~u'l ~ Dc fn ,i§iN .~jU:1i

,..._ ....• '_-.II,.~.,~ .... ,. :·"-~I"' ... r.;;·t~l!i!: !!"'!I"~ l'IIII!iil :C.~D'~""" 1.ul1Il~' ~~ ·i;r!lll.;,:.~nr

i'2(l ~ ~ fro d~ I~ P,81fi~<Sjt: ~nril;miUi {1!:llnjJ;; I" de I,~ Im:il~Jl el'ld~~'~j" Jr' C~lTr~l'lilrjo del irricdo de I; R~vll'U"t:i61'I"

lJe las anterlores evldenelas se dl;sprellde el deterioro que rnvestra el ecmeretemtemeeronal en los rnerrados a partir de' ID~ precasos de 'ib~rilllacl6n cernercial observades desde tcs I ill[IOS de los nQventa~ que est~n llevando a las ell lerentes eccnornfas rnundlales d ser mas competltivos protegiendo per medio de sus' le~i~lacione5. natlonales do sus cliferentes serteres Tndustrial~.s, y prnductlvos. rn un primer mnrnento, unto Ii Or!!ljjmrZ~u;JCI1 Mundial de ~a Prcplsdad ~rI,du.strlal (OM pO. como la Drganllilid6n MmuliaT die Cornercto ~OMq, se eonstltuvercn como los d05 eles rectores de 121 prateuJon de los Ders!:hos de' Propi~dad lntslaetua I tDpqefl e] rnunde, cenrdinande y admlnistr ando los TrCltil des existenres y las leve.~ nac.icna~@.!i. resutT::andosuficlentres para, ccmbarl r la proliferiu:.],(;rl de prodw:tDsfalsificadoli 0 ptraras y otras pnktici3s ile:gate,5 en su mernente; 51n emb~rgo, e'~ avancs tecnol,o,gko y ta gtc I c li~acic)l1 han .~'. onzado de Torma ya 'naicanzahlr>'

La inl'lovacJol1j 113 Qlidad y ~a ue';;Itjc'Jldan sen los faetoras fundarnentales para. eJ exi1.o en las econornlas basadas anal conocirniento. La adecuads protecc:ion y observsncta de los DPI SOn elementos elave pars allrnentar di,ch(]~ fdictl;lres En este s~n'tldoj en '8'] anQ 2006, Japan V Estados U nid cs Jar1za ron ,Iaides de un nuevo H'atado p~urilill'til:f!r~1 para flvudar a Ie lucha contril 1<1 fill sine ~ c ion y la pi rater ia ,el lla rna do:. AcuiI!O!rdo (0 m ercta I A 1"11 i-F ifll.sifi cad,on 'ACTA POl" 5 IJ s sigl [I S en ingl~d. Ell objeiivo inici;;lJ d~ 2.SU iniclativa rue reunir .i'!I aqueUo.s p,a~sUJ desarrctladesv en desarrollo. que eSti.Jlvleran lntaresados en eombstlr Is falsif'tc~ci6n '''I Ii! pirrllteda. as~ corno flll1!EOciar un i3[UefIJO que prnmevlera 1<1 toope'r.3c:iof'! intemar::lon<lf V que contuvlera norma; intern ac.iolules encientes psra I;; observancla de los DPL

Pla.:il:O'iIs preparatorlas sebre didlD Aeuerde se Ilev;;Iiron 131 cabo durante .:1 1006 y ~~ 10017 en un gru po lnidal de: pa'lsfs intE!resados ~Can ada, :ka (cmtsi6n EUfopea, Japon, Suh:a y Estados Unides], A partir de estas evldendas, el 23 de oetubfe de 2007 sec llevaron a cabo 1.<15 d~scu~ioru~s prelimrrr;ares con (anadoil. ESEados U nidos, Jap6n, Union Europea, Suiz.a. Nueva Zelanda, Medco lJ otros palsessn una prnpuesta de un i3L~,H!'rdo que permttlera definlr politleas de, coiabonll:i6n emne ESlados V cemprcmlsos ssp ~cmcos ortentados a I [I coll[!?nciot"l de~ incr~merrto del cemsrcte llicito d~ prnducrcs pfri:it<li Y bien~5 falsiliitados, i!'1clluyendo~3 di~tribud6n en Internet V lis tecnoiagla5 de la informacianl 10 (ua1 tiene e.fettos negallvm en la erenornfa naciona l dlsminuye.ndo los tncentivos pan la creatividad e Il"InovaCton y amenlEl2<1ndo. los. rtegocias 1~.gitlmo5. En este sentldo, las n:egod(l,ciones como tal inielercn en jun [0 de 2008 mn la particlpaclon de un !l;tiLIpO m~yar d@ pattkTp.lntes. (AL,JstnllHa, Car1ada, Cor~:a~ fstadc's umdos, Japan, MCirrue,~as) Mellii[ca, Nueva Zel andal, Slngapur, SL.l~;[a y la Uni6n Eu ropea COn 5i,1S 27 fstados Miembros).

La ne:cesidad de un acuerdo de !!!ste tiPro existta en ela rnbiente lnternaetcnal desde ha~. ya varies ano§" V da heche ls respuena pirece Ile~~r de rnanera ~)H.empOr~'f1 ea. M~s allii .... los res;I.Jlt.adO~ q~e E!~ ACTA arrole en et me~ia:fjO ptazo, e~ [Qmpromi5.o qu@ las parses ~el~ ian 2!sum~f', 'ES ~I del cernbare puntua] 'Y deodu:jo cantril: las dlversss rorrnss de comercie . !:l~31 a.stJmlendo que ~n ella va la vra.bilidad de mu{h2l:!: dIE' l2is iEertelQ$ .~(ibre liilS que reposa e:~ .shira.

~20;O, Aile 'de ia P~!.d.,. 8il:i'tH,6'il.arjo Q(l1 wjeio do fa lmiep"nde'llf:ja y C~.nt·~n<irltl dBJ 'aida dElI,a R~vuhlWI'I"

Austrj;llia .• (;maGa. Ccrea, E rntratos Ar!i!b~s UnidQ~, E~Udos Unido5. Japon, Marruel:;os.1 rI.o-1eJ(ico, i'J usva ZeJanda, Srngapur. Suiza V 1';11 Union Europea, en Sl..! cOrljunto ..


.' Estableeerncrmes irtterrraclcnalas para 113, nbservancia de '105 DPI iii fin de tener una I urh a mh efiel ente en centra del problema de falslHcac~6n V p~ra'te6a;

,. F(Jtjar UI1 AClJerdo que contample la !:coperacion entre' tos paise's, mejores de n~u ucs y un marco 1E'1~;;1 [I'lternacloltall.:-n,.tenle pOifa ~l eumpllmiento tie los DP';

,~ entre los pa i,s~s .s.fgtlilitarios, e:wi nda res m rnhno:s ;;I(::u~d adus piiI. a: la observancta de los DP! que ~H~ situilln como reres actuates <lI U [lV'~5. dellncrarn eruo de cooperadon i me rnaclon a I, fart;;lleClmiento ej,e pr~{:' que contrlbuV.m!:1 1'01 e'fectiva observancia de lo.5 DPI, asi como ra ilIbh~r'I OJ l retorzarntentc dG! medldas rel',iE'vitlme$ de observancla:

• Reali:zar nsgcciaclcnes fuera del marco de cualquler orsani"acion lmerr)"ac~ona~;

.. M ejOJer 113 cecperaclon entre: In eutortdades relevantes de sus mlerneros, estableclendo pclltlras y pf~cd[tls comunas relil lvas ail n~.spln(] de los :tJ P!; rnodefnluru:io el mill rro juddh:o (rLJene marco lega!), ffiilirneniendcnlQ iKtuali2ado can ta Tmport~ncTa de la prop~edadl intalectual para ~a econem la y el eomercio mundial;

• EI ACTA no pret~~d~ lnterjerir ccn e,1 respeto de ICi~ ~erec:ho5 fundamentiJl.E!5 y hbertades individuales de los ctudadanos de los palses sigl1atarlo.s, 'Y~era consistente con el Acu erdo sabre los Aspectos de Ibis Oeretho:s de I?ro:pl~ddd IrI~'~le(tutii j',ii:iadQJ1i3dc:s ron el Cornercio (ADPlq. de: la OMC.


E~ Acu'@:rdD propuasco p~etende astablaeer nuevos estamJan~s para La observancl;a de ~O'5i OPI p[!ra cernbstlr de manera eridente el ereclrnientc prolffice del cornerclo de bienes ptratas 'it 'f~lsHic:ados. EI A.OA ccnternpla 3 areas: Al' increlmentM 113 [()flperalLion lnterrracional, B} estahlecer rneieres prktkas para la obseNanda y, q propOrdOf'l'/:H un marco legal m~5 electlvo para combatir j~ i:milteria y falsific:;~[~o~,

EST R U cru RA:

EI ACTA prete ride ceastrulr sabre r~glas lnternaclcnales exlstentes, en particular ell II.cuer _ 0 Sobf~ 1,05 ADP 1[. e intenta pcmer scbra la mesa un ruirnero de aSIJJ1'to550bre ebservanda 11 dOrla ~ los pa rtlcipa,nuis trail' I dentlficadCl que nn el(iS1~ un marco lagal lrrternaclonal 0 nace .. a ser fortaieddc.

~.211fO, Aa~ !le. la· P;tria. Sicel'lt1l'1l ~rio d~ d~ If;!

Jndep~l)l:i'&lH:I~ y C:O!'Il(~r.ario dellnidc d~ 1~ .!?e"oll,j~!61'1~

~n stUutlfl !fJlex~cano .. ,

dela; progledad ~"dustr~all

CAP{TULO 1: DI~po::;i'iQrles 1 nlciales Ii Definiclcnes Seccion f!i. Disposicione" tniclales

Secclen B; Dennirjones G2.fIerales

Bte capitulo, se enfocil en clarlf1!:ar ruestlenes que surjen derrtre d ~l Acuerdo~ tai'l!s como ebjetlve, aleance y defin lclenes, tiS; corno prrrldpu::JIs interpretaiUvos.

Sec:don 1; Observanda erJ Ma'l:eria Civill

L;:I ob NViHll i;'l (~Il m OIt~rTal civil 51" r~Ijere .. It:! fi31CUrlii! d de trtbunales 0 3uto(jdil!d~S' adrninlsrratlvas rl~ ordertar o tornar ~& rlnnes eSfleuIILd5 ruarulc s~ ~~tilbl.> p. qu~ una P~rtpo ha vlolado 1as rey@s de propiedad 1m.e lactual, .=!lsi como deterrninil las reglas para 'aplh::ar d ichas Facuhac:ies ..

tos asuntas en discusroPi de esta seccion incluven;

- alcance de 101 Se'cciDn, cuales dI~r~ .. h(l.5 de prnpl edad intelectual ser~nmntemp!dldos en las dispo·siciones deesta se[ci6n;

• de:fJnicion de aaiios y corno determinar s u mente.

~ llpriL~d6n de m~did<!lS pmvisionales. inclu"lendc 'I a destruccien de blenes que havan sldo asegurados durante un prccedirnlente de infrac:d6n dl2' Uri derecho de propiedad int~!euuCll;

- rnedidas prevlsienales, tales como la facultad de las autoridadesiudtetales u ctras autorrdades cornpetenleS de crdanar, ~rI algunos casas, eJ asegurarmentn d~ me vcanda, materleles 0 evidencie dccum ental :!i~n I a necesidad de eir a arnbas partes 'I,

··121 reernbelse de gastes V tarlfas legales razon ables,

Sercion 2~ Merlldas: en Frontera

Las medid as en frontera .!ill! refieren a acdcnes que aduanas y otrss <lutnridades ccrnpetentes deberan esra r f1!~uhadt!s <I romar para prevenlr que bienes lnfractores de DPI Crl.H::en las frante ras, EI u~rmino ta mbi·~11 descrlbe I()s prucedlmientos que deberan acornpahar estas acclenes.

los elementos Em dtscusion de resti3i secclen 111 duyen:

... leance de III seccion, es declr, QuE; dereehcs de pl"opiedad tntelectual qued'ar~n tcnternp I ade s \I si las: rnadldas eri frontera deb~ran ser apllcables a rmportaciones V de ~gu:al rnanera p~r2! eKport<lrlonE!s y blenes en traMi'h7J;

~ ta e);cepcion de 'fmlrrimls'" que pod ra perrnltlr d las vial ems traer [o!1Sigo bisrres psra ] sa personal;

.~ prccaclm rentos para que los titU~i!ires de los dererhns 50nciten iii las autoridade~ adu arrales q ~ suspsndan la [jbn~ tircutaci6" de rnercenclas de procecleru:ia e:drarnjera 20 13 entrada n frentera, de blenes que se pre>unul s:e:an LnfrQictores de DPI;


"20HJ. Ailo [la' 1ii Palria, eicel'!~9n~rl,c dellnkiD !/(> la Ind{ljElilnd!:~d<! ,,' C'ilflt~fi .. rlo .daJ in/cin de !.Il R~\l1l1m:jOn "

I nst~'!'IJ't (ill MeXh:a~OI de la Pf"Dl:d~'dad En ~u5t:t"'a'~

• fscliJltad de ondo pam que adaanas Lnh:::I'~ ditha suspension (a inic.ia1jva prcpia, sin nlnguna petH;:tOn del utular de los derechos);

• procedlm ferno:!; para que las i!Ju:lofld.aces eernpetentes daterminen 51 los bienes suspendldus son infrClctore:5 de' DPt;

- meclidas para :a~egu~ar5e que IDS bjEn~5 lnfractores no sen puestas en lib re cin:ulacion sln ~I conserrtlrnlante del 'titul~r de los derechcs y 1i1s excepdunes po,.Sibles;

- el asegurarnlent» V destrucdon d2 't:li~n~5 qtJ~ haY'a,n stdo determ]fllIdo:5 lnfractcres de DPI V las posibles e)l;ceptiol1es;

- respOn5i2l.bihdad de ~lma[;!f!n.i3j@ y cuotas d@ destrucclnn:

• rapacidad de autoridades ccrnpetentes pari} scUcitilr a los titu lares de derechos de PI, que pr l:~Q I1rl.::'n una ria.'!Ll fl e;nnH'Iti;l' pruvj~irjn'!l p;ua respond er par 10::5 postbles d;)n05 y periuiclos q U~ pudie ran Qr.:ISIOrl<lF 011 presunto inf~li:1 Or Y ;lSi preven If el sbuso 'f,

· facuhad p sra dlihmdir informacion, relevsnte 5nbre ernbarques que contengan mercancra i rqfr~cto fa.

Sec_ci6n 3~ Ob.5ervancia en Materif.! Penar

hi,a serclon se reflere a r05 ca50S en Llonde las Partes d~be~n establ'E!Cl'H prccedimierrtcs penates 'II sancrnnessp liEab~es.

Los asuntos que e!sUn slendo dlscutldos en este '6'tuio indl.1y'en:

- de!~rmiFl2!.tr eJ. tlpn penal e.f'I retilldon C(Jr:i1 la r:onducta dotosa nlli:lilil;:!da, par~ ser cO'l"lsidefildal un delato sujeto a una s;;lf'u:iciln :p~nal IN"! eases de fajsffh:a~i6n dIE! rnarcas y pi,rateda d~ derec:nos de a u'lOt y derechos conexos;

- esrabtecer las sanelerres pe.ndiles[:cmespondfente:;;;

~ aclarer en que cases his, auteridsdes rornpetentes tendril n la ·facultad pars persegulr de cficln les dentoslE.5 derlr, Sin qUIE!. exlsta qu er'lE:'ua [!.lor parte del tltular dE I derecho;

- faculrad para ordenar rnvlestigal;iones vIa assgurerrnenro de' blenes, materlales e lrnplernentos u~aJd{)s para Lometer el Hiett 0, <1Isr COmo evldencla documental y actlvos re.I:iUIUln~~:5 de u obteotdes iii t riVes: de oich<l ~1(tivJda:d mcita,;

-Taeultad de las autorldades [udklsles para onJ ~nar ~d des;trucd6n de rnercancla ilkira, asl como m3teda.~,es e implementos utiiizados para reallzar dicha actividad y,

.~ establecer proeedlmientus penales, y sanclones aplicables j;I~ra N,wmrordmg" de pellcules I.J etras ebras aydio~isu ales. (gtab.l'I:rOn Hega~ de peHc~las dsntro de las salss de: dne).

SEtclOT1l 4: C1bsE3'n/<I n cia Tecnologic:a d,e D2.redHJ~ de Prcu:::Iie.dadlniel,ectual en t!!1 Am bito DLgTtal Esta u~~ccia!il del Acu~,dCil pretende trster alguacs rates especlales que li'JI5 n!.H::!J;,S recnel presentan a Jill observanrla de' los D'PI, tates como ~I po,slble raj 'IJ resPQn:sabmdad,~s d ~O.5 prestadores de: 5evl,I'h:io de' ~ntE:nll1!t en la CHsu3sion de la piratlerira de derechos dlf! aut V demecho.5 conexos ,en lnternet. Por I~I memento existen des pmptJe'~td:~ en rel:ad6n, ~hC: a se,ccion y las dlscuslenes estsn enfC)cadasen la c,ompHadon de infcrma:c;on sabre los difer~


"2010, AnD ~e la' Patrill'. ejt.sfllen~rifJ r:1ellllfcrc cfe fa fndEtp<;)Rdenc[~ y CetlUJlmirJ fiallnjc{.:D ~ f~ R~"'o/lJef6il ~

regimeries nacl onales iii fill de desarrcllar I.J n e ntandlmientc cam Iln qu ~ trate dl1': I a rne] en rnanera estes as LI n t05

'EJ cernerrjo trasnaclenal de btenes fi:dsWk:ados y piratas es en prehlerna mundlE1I que ge:neralmi?nte i'1'JQ~ucr.1ai radss de crimen organlzade. tes parlh:lIlHnte$ del ACTA necaslten Urabijar ju ntcs para abordar este rete,

Par 10 tanto, e:ste capitulo 'Inelel!llde tratar los slguiantes asumos:

• r"(.1J11 Jdr nrcnro flt:· qu~ IOJ. COOp~1 f'lCiOfl lnremaclc nal .. n materia de ebservancia P-S 'Jit'!J para raallzar LH1 a efeet I\,," y total prolecd6n de los DP!;

- c:a(Jp~r.lcirjfl entre las a'JLcrid.![h~s cernpetsntss de las partes que ~st~" klnVoluu<!d as en Itl o bservancla de DPI'; corrgruentes con los acu erdos internaclcaales existentes:

~ jntercam blo de irrform:ad6n rel~vantl2! como datos esladtstic.os e inform ~c16n sobre mejores pr.kric:as entre los paise.ssignatarlos en concordanC'fa con reglas tntamacionalas V relaoonsdcs con ieg;lslac10t' naetonales que pretejan Igi privlIddad II la [;cJr':lflde:T1cc:alidad de la information y,

~ Capa(11aci6n y aslstanria tecnlc.a pa ra ~tI mejora de observancia, h,t!LJYl:ndo a paises en desarrollo y para rarcarcs pa lsas, en 51) caso,

CAPiTU LO 4; Pnklic::as de ObseNanc:h.!

Bte capru,do pretende lenfOI::[lr~e e:n los m~gdos usades par las :01 utcrldades patrs la aplh::<lci6n de 135 leyes q ue prcrnu evan una m~jOf observsncla de los DPI.


lss areas que if! pnktka de observsncla eontempls iru:luyen:

- prcmover la espHiailil:dr:[On IU'I' tla materia, entr@ las autcrldadss ccrnperentes ill fin d~ :asi!!gurar una efed'ivat observancia de los DP.!;

~ rom ~Hadofl y ~H'li3Hsjs de datos estadtsuces '" etra infonni:!dim relavante, t~1 mmo mejeres ,p raulcd~ relatn,litl$ :a It! infracd6n de' DPi;

w cODrdinaci6n int~ri'ila enue: autoridades ccrnpetentesrelaclcnadas con la observanda de 105 DPt inchJY'endo gru pes de ase:soriapublic:o/privc.dostanto mforrnales como farrnales:

- rnedidss que perrnttan a las autorijdades aduSil1l:!les una rm eler ide !It.ifLc-a~i6n de contenedcn@s que nresuntarnerrte contengan bienes II piratas:

- pubUcacion de lnlermaercnsebre precedimlentns ccneernlentes :a lao bservanets d~ los Of'1 V, ~ caru:lentilac:i6n al publico de los efecto.s dai'iino!i de las inlracc:iones de 105 'DPI.


CAplT ULO S;!'ltos, lnstituclonales Este capitulo inc:luira: toEias las, dispgslcion~s necesertas P,illri tE!stab~~cer ta <lid mlnlstrac 6: , induyendo la i mplememi3c~6r11 crE!1 A.cuE!n!Ot c6mn y tLlar'ldo se Hevaf~nd cabo las reunlone las. Par tes V ctros denHe:s admlnirtfilitivos d~ I ActJerdo.

"20:10, Ali C' tff /,a ~'atria .. Slll:'e,':IrManO del JlliclCl rJf!i la

rn d'ilpl6ill'd~rrc fa' y C:slllatliriD del liIl;clo d~ lil Re\l'cll.llcf6Ji"

C&,pjruLo _Ei; Dlspos.dones Firrales

Las dlspeslslcnes fl na las !:it: I Aruerdc 11lduYE'n deta lie's sabre 5u fu F1!:ionamiento, tates. rorno '1;3 poslbUidad para otros P<i,i5'~S; de [o[Jvertk~1i?; en Pi3'rle del Ac:uerdo, como renunclar al mlsrnc y como refarmar el ,Acu indo en un Iu turo,


~-4 de:junlt:l, de 1008



W:a~hlnclOIl OC, E.U.A.

2!)·31 JulIo :ZOOS



Tokio, Jap6n

S·lOm.hlbr~ de zooa

~MP~ S.L S.R.L

1'5·18 de Dkiembre i:le 2:003


15·] 7 de juUo de 2009


4·6 d I'i! ncvJe m bne! de 200:91

i'r!ltPI Ir~DAUTaR

G uada I'allal ra, M~ic:o

26 <2.9 dE'! er)e:fO de :l010


\Memngton, Nueva lelandil

12-15 de abrll de 2010


:!!S de jUrll0 ill 1" de uU['J de: 2010

Per deHflir

Sabre el particular, i! li:or'!'l~nuEllci61"1 se e'xpolilen slgoncs de tos pontes mas importantes que' se trataron durante ta Octave relJln~6n:

r~e(E!sid;i3d de evaruar en dkho acuerdo p,ilIra terminarlc durante elite ano; ElJIA manifesto que en I~ slgulante ronda. que sera en tucerna, Suiz.a, se:r~ la ulti, . partloparan;

Hubo un scu erdo general V prellrnlnar, respecto a la necesldad de trans negociaclones V pubhtar ,e~ ten-a slempre Y cuendc sea SCI"! los nornbres da las eerchetes, con eJ fin de riC erear ul"l pr~cedE:['rte internidon3~ de negcdacidn; sin 111 .a.rgo". Sf d ebe r~5~rVar ta pa rtEl: d,~ 113: negoci.acion en sl:


h~"~i ri~o rs ur !'ICl, a HI S !'i'~G e. 'h I, J~.~llhr, d~ ~ P'~dr"t~1 U. Ol,;tra 'C C~Il'I. ;If: ~~~IJ'':::iII!lc~~. 460M;SOC'1 ItIllr~ =j'~ 582 ~(I~Q1 J!)~ :I.t,~ ,5~2~"C4S~

i!!I •••• r __ 'I_l.,.,t .... [._~"""L""_· 1 _.L ---- ~~~ .... , __ ~..,._ ':'-_i- IiII1jIh ~ ...

.. 2 D :0, }'flO do: Ii Pair.I'J.Bf.c!f1lrlllJ1arjo d~l/lli!:NJ di!:! 101 1111l! .. p~,1l dllJ~u;i~ 'I C-5'1l reJ'laris d~j In id-D de .Ia' Revchildon ~

UiHit: It:tl!t'1O IMe:xi ea 11 0 fl:!!l ~a, .prOplefl'adl If'lidustrjiOiiI

En E I ccntexro dEll Medidas en rrOl1terili y Men!,dOiS derrvadas d f"i urccedlmlenres penates, Mil!xicQ seoOll6 que sclamcnte se Gnfocara a Iii! filsincadol'1 Y piratJ1!f,a1tal cual 10 es.tabler:e ~I ADP~C.

Sa negaclo e'l rexto I:h~ M edid<!s en F root erg en dande M bleD expresD 10:5 ccrnentarlos envladcs por ~a AI:iI ministra1cion Gene ral de Aduan as (AGA). Se ,aVflnzO en este tema e~ el contexte de 121 suspensrcn bilsada, en ,algun prncedlrrrlento para deumer rnercancia qI,H~' VELy<I, en transtto, de trnpnrtaclon 0 de e~PQrtaci6n presuntarnerrte inrractora, ya sea III sol~citud del [Ir ular {!!~, les d erecho 5: 0 d e Dflclo,

En cu i3: n to a la d efi n ic~6n d ~j 0 bj etlvo p ri ncl p a II d,~1 Ji.,cu eFO D. M ~;(U':Q axp r eso q u e§ 011 0 contempl.ida hi' f~lsifkaci6n Y fJlrateri.61 respecto d'e, Derechos de AUlor 'V Dffec:hos Conexos, d~jand'o fuera dE es't~ ccmtexuo DlfOS derechos de PI.

l.a Rr uni )·n ~~ ~i'\lid16 en gru pos para pcdar dlscurir el terna "'Digital En .... :inmmeflr" 'II e!'l virtuddel a Ito coruenlde h~ct"lico del terna, M e;.:it:Q rnanlfesto una postura rcspecto .'1 los des pnrneros articulus, los [UalE!:5 r:::Clnti,E'n~" les objetivos del G1pil.ulado en geneo'll.

A) TI~J,o de de·q~clios a los qu;e: ap~i{iran: Mextco expres.o que un iumente aplicar(an 13. rnarcas, dd;!r ec h 0:5, L1 e a utor y de rech 0 so (;O'IU!l>iO~.

Bl De'f'mid6n d,e "olcofice d'~, ref,fj,onsabllidod"' y #responsabilldad de t~rfe.fDs"

Seex~us.ero!'l los ccmenratlcs efl:vlaoos por ~a PGR. respectnal tem:a de "observancto penal" en el cual se abofd6 ill I lema de facu ltades de eflde, en el que M f:l'i:h::,o ha [ambiad{l SU pcstura para arsptar e:l rnlsme.

En ettema de ""bsf'flllancto civil!'! se buses e'l'lfocar I:a postura de M~tc.o selamante a plraterii y falsifitad6n. En un (;:cm:het'e respecw :d e~etema, MexiCo prcpuse que las autnrleades Ad mlnistrativas, cuentan can facultad!s V campetencJa para lnvesttgar, ordenar rnedldas pmvis10nales y sanelenar i nfrscdenes de dereches de Pi;

Respe:cto al objerlvD principal en n:~lad6r'ftad pi:lgo de dan[lS~ Mii:>::ko ,c;omento tener di~posl.tion,es especificas para f!jar e! mente de los danos, los cuaies estan pre-establecldos para patentes, rnareas 'II darerhcs de ,BHJtar en ~05 cuales se 5eii~li! que en ningun case sera infer10F al ~D% del preclo de venta al pubHco, como pasibl e repafi3'L~6n d ~I dane materIal '1110 rnnral,

5 Ii: rel/is6 la, ultlma part.e enr@kac~on a prapcrc10na r informacion 21 titu~~r de los, 'II Quedoen Lin punta como ui)odrafl,

En eS:le sentido. los pan:.idp<iifJtes S'ostu\lleroF'l dlscu$tones iJ'l,tensas y ccnstrucnvas A~ respecto, compit!ie'fOn e lntercamblaron Jdea:s en [lei il!c~6n a !IUS regimenes nadonales y r:::6mo funclon an en 181 prartlea. Con e~ bUE!!f1. ~mgre!i{l, que hube, basade en e~ entendtmie:nto, Ids direrel"'lcias eti.S;teFiteSs.eiu;orl:aron en las areas de Observi[j'ncla ,!?nl IT! ateria Ovll; Me:didas en Frontera.; observancia en m tlilHi0'3 Pi?r1al V Medld,u ESpE!Elal!1!s en ,el Er"Itama Di:gitaL Adicionalmen'U:!. los pirticipantes n.lvieron dlscuslcnes constructieas [,01'1 respectc ~I skanee de los DPr con.s~deFaldo.5 en ~I ACTA. En ge.rIEral, h ubo un sentimiE!nt!ll camul'! en esta ses1tin de que las ha n aVi3 nzado a un p unto en e,1 'eli iii elfacilitar un borrador del' texto :al publito~ ilyudaria precese de n~',gCldilld~r1I a alcanzar Ill!'! acuerde final. Por esta' f<:!z61l. V basado 21'! este mom to es:pe(lflm d' d2 dlcha reuni~n. los pi!lrt1.ripOl.nte~,. por unanlrnldad, i31t:orr:! .. ron que e. a !E!l



, .

·'2!HD, Aiio dB ~. P .. trl,;.aj'te!lt~!l.iric del jrrlcfo de Iii Im1~p ~J'ldr:lH;la y C~lItilill';.JfI~ dellD~iD rift 1. RWo,luc '6i-r'!

ti~m po cerrerto para paner <! dispos~d6f1 el texte CO iI"I5"oIlcJ ado resultarrte d ~ eS1:<3S discusionas, rnlsmo qua reflela el progreso 5L1'bstam:ia! de 'ES'!:a ronda.

Denno de la decisiOn de pcner 1111 dispcslclcn del publico el borrader del texto, los pa rtlclparnes reafirmarcn la impcrtancia de rnsntenar I!;I corrnd~ncialldtld da sus posturas en las 1i'12CQciadCr!e5 ccrnerclales por 10 que se iilc.ord6 publlcar el tiilXLO, sin las pcsturas de los paises. 13:1 21 de abfil de 20Ht (5e anexa texic publicado del Af:IJ~nlo)

Los partir.:ipaonles en la reunion acerdaron que ~a siguiente ronda s.e Ilev<mil a cabo en UJterlliill. SlJll:d~ del 18 de junio at r d~ juijo de 2010. A.srmismo, los psrtlcipentes restlrrnaron su comprornlso para conrrnusr con su uilb:ajo CDI'! 1::1 proposito de conclulr el ACTA lcentes poslbl~ en 2.010.

r- lnalmente, es precise senalar que p.ara rvi e;.;,co resulra de 5uma import.anci;i;! companlr V conocer les tdeas, tel"lidenci~s.., experlenclas 'If traOa.lOs rBaliztlldos per ~os d~5tintas pa!!ie:s que se sncuenrran neg(;u:landa este Acuen:io, asJ como corutnuar con las negociac:iones en eSle aspettn ..


E~ 7 de mayo de 2010, se r'i';illi~.6 U~i'I \ltd eerenferenela ell lit! S~cr~tart<l de Er:on.omia [SE) eon dive.rsas aiuuH1dad~s de Estados Unidos, iii ,efecto de ana,lilar y explkilr la propuesta de dichQ pais respecto iilIl C~pr:tulo 2 IIMilN:O l.ega] sebre Observaneia de los Derebhos: de Pro·piedad lntelectual", Se'c:d6n 4 "observanda Tecncldgica de! Derec:hos de Prop,ie-dad Int.!1!leC!IJElj len el Ambito Oiglt<l~" que se refierea lesteraas sabre ~rot::edimlenlOJ5 de ehservaneia en el entoruo digital, ~ntn~: allos la apHcaJ.cl6n de~ Acuerdo. e.:u::epdol1es, llrnitactcrtes, d~fel"'l.s,aJsi msp0rl$dibi1idod de tercercs 'II respc.msibHid'ild de los prcvesdcres de .servilCios de Internet.


Es de Importa.nda resalter, que si bien en sl UJ(to del ACTA SI! ccntemplan dlspcs1cionm relahvas a las facl.!Hades de afielo que deberan taner las i1lutorldad·es competente5 para In\le5ti~r V ssnctenar delito5 en materia de prtlpied:ad lntelectual, len M~xko en form a pili ralela se han lIevado 031 cabo reformas a Ins artlcules 42g de~ C6digo P~nr;l' Fl'!!deral. V 223 Sis d ~ la ley de' 113 Prepiadad Tnduuriall, para faculrar 11 la tProc;ur<i,du ria General d~ la RepubH,ti31 ,PGR) para p·lErli~glJir de cflcloa quienas co rnstsn delrtcs en contra de la Propiedad 'I ntelsctu sl. DicndS referrnas Iran sldo aprobi'idiS per ~mba'5 C~milrd'5. Y SIi! encuentran pendientas de prernulgaclcn ~Of el Ejecurivo F·ederal',

ASlm~:smo, es cpcrtunc menelanar qWE desde hece 2: .enos ssre lnstitutc irnplam '~t6 un "' de' Observ;adores del IMP!,I, par rnedte del eual mspectores de e:st.e~itUuto permam':!C.en durante un tiiempo deterrnlnadc en cada iildlJ:Eli1i1 como IClb5Ervadores,~ aara asi capa.tiur a 101:5 .agentes aduanales. En tal tasrtu ra, ss plant~a que 10s: titulares de 10:5 der,~o:s de

"2(;10, Ano d~ /;; P.U1a. ,!jjeHl r4IliOl'.is 1M IIlN:jo dllla

11'1 d~PM dellda y CM!18n~n'~ d8 i InIcJo fii t~ R~ 1IC11!~u:ill'"

PI, Iteven a ta be lJrJ recisHo vcluntarlo I2n la base de dates, prepcrcicnando info rmad6n II'~UO!iill respectc del titular Y !i(:encifl~arios de dichos derechos.iil efecto de ccadvuvar con las autcrldades aduani3il~s en el ejerdcio de sus funcicnes,


.' F<3vorecE!:1' Iii Cooperaci6n Inlernl.lCioni!~ I:on los p;!!ises sll!l:flOIti!l rlos, faclHtarliil la persacuclen ¥ sarrden de renductas dericti'V'ii:is IE: inrrattoras~

.. M~ior pfOtecc:~6n d ~ lcs DPI, 10 cuaJ.iSltraeria lnv@rsion naclcnal 'II e)i.1r!lnjE~r.a y fe ment,n,a 1<1 infJDlLi'i3[lOIii y f:ompeUt.lvid<ld d~ nuestrn pai~;

.. f ijar estanda res !eEi~latlvCl:5 mas s61idm, prnpiclar una majora eli i~ le!';lislilCion rtacrcnal (po,HticilS


.. rortahllcQ:( la prcteccron de 'il1 fI"Il3rCiI:lI naeienales 1/ el apoyo il las PY~'i[S;

.. ,Reducir la eccnernia 11'110rmOlI, como [Qnse:cu~nc:ia dell ccrnhata a Ira, piraLil!iria. V illrnJ:s1fka.(iOn; .. MilYO( reC3Iw1ci;H;jon de irnpuestos 'If creaelon de ernpleos fnrrnalas;

• Contar con una adec:uada legislation de huernet~ que perrnlta tOGrar un equ~librjlJ entr~ sus I:I.i~Flrdicio5 como una herrarn lenta de negocios V cern unir::acion II dJsm 1!'1lJya las ccnductas Hidta5;

~I Proteger los DP1 en el enterne dl~ita~J In.corporando medidils tecnolil,Eliclils de proieccTon;

lI! Plena lrnplernerrtacien y ~umprlmlento de lO:!ii Trarades de ta OMP!. sobre Derechcs de Autcr (WeT, pur sus S!glil,:!; e.n illgh~:!il, 'rf~obre Imerpret;ac16n Q EjeclJcion 'II Fcncgramas ~WPPT. per sus slglas en jnJSI~s);

.. Mejo,dJr la percepclen lnternaclerral de Me.lo::iC:O. al sar l=Iar'tl!! dE! U f1I Acuerdo Hder en ta materla V E;:l unicOI !:JiI{S 11;:rLir!oameric·ano y i1i su ve£: en des:arrol1o, [untn cam Mil rru !:l'!: OS, que p[lrticipa en las


neogo,c-iacionres d eJ rnlsrno.


Desincenli'llarii31 I~ 1nversion naciorHI~ V estraniera, ~a inno'lad6n V Ie competitivid Old cle rn.!E!SHO;

Incremento del cornereio He'gal VillCU~iliIdcl:on produetes f~l:siFlca,d,os V pilrateda; Perc~~H;16n intermu;;ic.nal: equivociil del pais en c:.uarrto ~ la P mUi~'b(;:i61l de 105 DPI; Perdida de confiar'lZi!I de los tltulares de derechcs de PII en nuestro pais;

Coaper,ach5n fnll.ermu::.iOf1al Hrmti3ijla, en I~ persecucten de irrf;ac.Clones Y i:h:[itos de PI: l'.u:sencia de i,egis'ac~6n fnU!fnaclanal ad@cuada;

~mpLJnidad a, los irrfr<i[tares. de D.PL


Es dtl surrra reJevaru:ia alc~rar que: no hay nfngunili propuesra en La ql!Je se obJigll e iii lo.~pa[SE.S Signet,;;. rIO. 5 de'l ACTA a .SOlicitar II las ilHJtiHidade .. · !i ddUel'lil. !es re.V1Stl. r .1 equlpaje d .• lo s v i, ro,. 0 !US apannos personates bl.Jscando matetlales lnfracteres, En e.ste. senho. S~

conterncla en e~ A(TAla excepci6n de '"'mjnimis"'. Ia: coal estsblsce qUE! los turistas pedr . IF~H:f ccnslgo blenes p~r,i'l 1iJ5D persorrarl y no ,5:erin i:nspeccionadcs par las autorJd:ades.


",:W' a, Ali 9 d';; 1~' P~ttiiJ, B'iclll1l£1f1ari·Q' (l'fJllnlcio de fa

tn aap e n diUltJ,Ii 'I Cen f!lI2fJ10 de! I(lIdo de 1,;1 Re\l'o{u,ioll ~

It'.Ils:t'~ru 'Ul M,exii'Cai'lQ, I'·' de I~' prop,~e!l:!lad lndustri~J

AI resperto, Sf escla rece tarn bL~n qLJ@ sun I;uandc les p:aicsl1!s slgnatarios reCDflloce'O Iii import ilindtl d~ responder ~f~I:Uvamentfi! al rete de la plraterla de lnternet, ccnflrrnaron que nlnguno esla prcpcniendo enel referido Acuerdo, req uerlr C! su gobl erne UI1 man date de Ja Us mada regia de "trss notificadones'f {graduate ff!5POfJ5f. 0 [hree srri/(es) seare lnfra eden 011'1 derechc de auter en InH:!i'TI@t. Par 10 tanto, mediante el Acue rdo de referenda Sf! respsta iii! priV:ilr;it:iad de 105 ctudadartes respectc asu derechode libertad, de 'expresi6n~ Yd. que no .se contarnpla rnonitorear lea lnformaclon que 5~ d~Slrlbuya ifiI 'traves, dE! tnternet.

5i!"l embargD, si ccntarnpla que los parses sLgnatal'i'os en su legislaci,or"l! nacienal im plementan una po~ith::Ei [merna para Clue los proveedores de servrelcs de Internet r;luedi'lf1 r~gul2lr e] biISO, a partir t!(: n niflcac-Gne!> a los LJSII1:3rius. el'n relacion [I anuellos portales Con. 105 Cl.Ji<lJes se r~alicen ac.Livicilcies de cornerrio lIegal a pirateria, es deur, t~l~l-:ic.o Hevaritl J cabo el rl;;'~F trn de los preveedcres de servlcios de ~f'llernerJ con los requ.isltos necesa rlos par a L ales fine5. Adi[ucnalmenle., se ad\/llerte que el ACTA sera ennslstente con eJ AOJ~rd~ sabre los Aspectos d~ los uerechos de Pmpiedad Int.elE!'d.IJ,a I reiacloni3dos con el Comen::io rAttJerdo sabre 105 ADPlq de rOil OJV1L

R.esuha lmpcrterrte sarialar, que sln p,erjuicio d~ 10 drsp ussto par lcs artkulos ]3, '114 de la ley Fl2der~1 de Tnll.nsparenc~~ y Aeeeso a Ja Informad6~ Publica Gubernamental V como se nO! expuesto aatericrmente, en fa 8~ ronda de ne~()ci~.c.icmd~5 del ACTA, los partlcipentes accrdaron hacer publico el texto consoudaco del ACTA, serJi;I~am:!o qu~ drchntexto, no refleja ~as difererlt·lils pcsturss de 10.5 gobiernoi debido a que estas puaden afactar OUOS fOliOS irrterrraciortales,

En e.ste: ord'en de ideas, dlcho te:lflD :tEe puhlJE.6 en lapagina de internet de este Insmuto { el 21 de abril de 2010; fa @venQ rJ e clarTfic:a:r y resumir los puntas ~I'! disa:us,iOIfll, ad co rno los objE!'livo:s: d e<[ Acuerdo propuesro. Sin emb,.u"go, es reielJante menc~oni1lr que Jas negociaeionell" scbre el texeo pubHca do conrlnuan, por 10 cual el c:ofiltenido d e:1 Acuerdg po{k~ s-er morlificad,oen tal vlrtud, (Sf:! iiJi'u!)(·a el ref'erido texto ccnsolldadc].

A!i;imi:!imo~ resulra opertuno precise r que en !a posk16n de Mexico en las negm:i;aciones del' Acuerdo Cornerda'i Anti·Falsificaf:ion (ACTA)~ len rode memento se ha vigilado y se continuara vigilanda Iii observancia de! respetc a los derechosful1d<lm E'!nta da sus [illdada nos, en 121 redaceien CI ue sa efe·ctue del rnlsrne.

SIf'! etro particular par el rnornento, I'e envio un cord~al s,,]udo.



fl!.rH'~itQ ~II~ H~. nc~, ,H!'jli~ 5'r (;:(;1 • .Ii rdtn!! ~ t~1 P:~dr~ ~~j 1:,', m 1 e.OD !j ~m. 5&l'~!·D~CIl ~f:I. ~IlOw~;!na:ir~d~ :iii ~~··Cl-m )' C2 rll 56i2~.(l~CB

. - _. - ·"

"2(110, Ail 0 .~~ 13' p~rn~ Bi.",enten ~rio G',E;' Irilc/D d'J la·

111 d,~penden c I" 'I Cen [enOilfjo tid jniiJlo d~ til R~yol!i~iD~,hI

~t. ~ I rlll- f;1!'1~ rdog N<Ji.t M2~ e ~._·Stot~triO C't L: !)~!)mi~_ ~l'Im nl~,

L.Jc:.1i.ld~ G!)mi'o:i ~~I~,. rrlrl'~{QrlI ~~~jM:ij1i~L~ a:I~ '~i S~n,o.lJ:'ll5 d~ Aptly.!! ui ,~,,;j_- rru~~:~.



P~ri~'~~QD_'Slif ~D. 2iltlS Pbgi,! ICIl1. "~r~lu, i~1 i'~~~e;ill C.'p'.lmllm C;-om. Hllt·II!:UIC II;. 480Cl'>t6!1;! lID r'fe~t~,~a2.1l·' 1 r 0'2 hl~ Si!~ ·t[I~M ~""~O!!;iTIi ri'!, .... i!lij.;t;,;;::Ii!i=JIl""~ 1l1!~~IFl~mlirFm·~_~~h 11111 ~i~;J'Ij. rl!T.~~ ~.l;;:j::i.~:~.=-F::


Consolidated Text Prepared for flu bH c Rd ease

pu sue Pf"I'!!deci s jOlla lfOd.i biliral i \It: Draft ~ ApiiI~:m)6

Thi!t d~fJ'; n~Ji:r d'OC"5 nol identLfy partieipents' positrons in f~!l'pe~t of SfJuan: br.u::JI~tcd OPW:!I1S"


CJ j \ pn'R nNE

] N~TI /II- l]Il;Q,"'l~ [j!'>iS M~ u »HI N mONS

Nothill1g in lids Agrcemcnl shall de.roga.1il. fromrul), il1lCm~ti(H'!.llI obl~galL(m of a Party with respect [0 any ether Party under exisling ,:agn~(men[:!i to which both Parties ",e party_

ARTICLE 1.2: NA nm,,'F, AND SCOrE Of" OnUM TIQNS:i!.

I, Membe:rs S'lH~n g]ve effect 10 !,he provisions of this Agreement, A P""rt:r may '10 , 1~In .. tL( HI [IS tlofnu<;l.l ... law norc ":o:I~ " ,I'>'f: 1'1 III;;cljr.,n 31~U I lfror • '~',I (If mtelk, IIJ(l1 propt.:.rt:y rights IhM is required by this Agrecl1H:rll'. pfO\'H!I~d 11lM ~Bdl prcreeuon and ~f()'I'L~m·m'U do~s: not c:tmtra'l,ll:lle lilt provistons of this A!!,rc.e.menl Mt:.llIlbers§ilaU he. (jee to d~l~rifline the appmplJ<lle method of implementilil.g the provisions of this Agreement \!li'itl\lIn~~eir own ]eg~r system and practice,

2. }.'OihI!'l8 in Ihis: Agr,ee,ment ereates an.y obHga:titm with Te!iJlo!!"C{ te the distribution or teSOlH''CeS as be:t\yun enforcement of ~£HeUecn:l,[ii prop~n:yngl.1.S and enfercement of llll! in geli1 eral,

Arm cu:: J J: Rl::U. TION TO ST Iio.NDA RIJS CONCE~NfN'Gi A VA tu\DI LITY .4f~ u scor ~ OF' Jh'Tl!UECTIU.L ,PROPfJl:n' ltlG:lm:

t. This AgTeem~:rn{ snail he wHholill ]1llejudicew provIsions go\"emlng the availability, i!i:CQu.jSI~iOli, 5COPe., and malntenence of lJ'1~ellettuatproperty rlghts contllincd in II Party's ll!w.

2. T1 is und~rs~ood Ihal lbfs: Ag;re:m~nt dCl~ !l01 c:reM! any abligaliDn 0,", a Pari':=' to apply measures where a rfghllr! rmellectual property is nOl prti«:r.1r;:rj under the llilws snd r'C;gt~JMioms ~fthat PQrty.


lA suitable ptro'l;']sion needs to be dnlned ina! would ensure !lathing in the A!);l'eemel'l'l detracts from l1a1'r0I1~1 legislaricn t~g~rding proteclicm of personal ln 11le same

I Thj~ S<ec1TclI'I A hes bt~n l'ft'l]Ki'Std .~~ ~n inf[L,1 dliJ>~\.!S,!ii.on ck3f!, HI receive cI~lai.Jecl~~C1itnU; o"L !h IiItctL Jtmmd

J N~~ r)(i~;11 r'~ N[!"tc· Pr ... ", i.mmi on U-::~ ~ ~Iiflfl ~1 ~ rr.m!;:~m cl115 fl.~. ~n [11' 1 r!'to r~.!-r~] ~l'Id iIl]'1j"1H c:a' ifln 1(1 rlnt'r ~~s will t:>~ included il) CI-l2.~IH li-


way, I~ ~ufl!b,-:::: I ro'j,'J~wn news in be: d;_ilfic.d re!}lll Jll' I~ " r~ of "l1lnmer~"'1 InroJ marion]

For purposes of this Agreement, unless otherwise specified:

iJ~ telleetunl prO]lcrty refers to 211 c!l'Accnrics or inrelleensal property ~]l;,:t are the subject of Ser;tio.nsl chrougJI "1 of rRt! 11 of the. Agweerne.fH on Trade-Related Aspects of I ntc.ll e· ill r fOprl~;Y lights.

measure includes ~Il)' Jaw, regulatien, procedure, ~quire.ment. Or pra"tti::e~

I""~gl'li he Id er incl ud es a f~d~r.u i elf! or an MSOC:: iati On I1 i3!vi rI g the legal stan dins and !liulnorlly 10 assert dghts in inteHccu,H'Il proptrty. llmd also includes a person mat e"clu5h'er~ has an)" one' Or mere of the inu.::Uectull'I prcp~r11 righ~ encompliil:is-ed in 11 gi veil intell ec n.l'l~prolflerty;

TRrP8 Agreem !lflt rneans th~ A_gr-.e!2'.J1Ienton 'J}·aJe·,Rr!fItJfM Aspu,{s oj infeJ1(!Cl!Jf11 fMpel"I)1 Ri:ghts, COflliin~d in. Annf.1\: ] C to th~ W'TO Agretme.n[;~

\"'i'TO A g;reeme 11 t rnsans the Mt."rrake;rh Agri!!"m~nl ESlabJtshing I ne ff'o.rld Twfie Orgam;.:w(m, dOll!!. On April! S, 1994.

• Fllr p-C:l1=r r~no.jlil~'. "TRI:rS ,-'\,gf~~f';1~nl" ifld~ld(5 eny tl'ni .... C.F rl'lf{l~~b:t""'I:C11 l11c rllf!i~ flfMy Jlro\'.i~i"!l flr'd'1~ TRIP!) A~e~mclll~ .. rl'lttll by "''TO Mcmb~s iu Jll:(l(!rli!:tl)te wilJI d'l! thVTO II!~lUml:l1t


lmAi. FIU!lHi.WORK F('I1l E:\J m~CE.r,!FNTru~ r;o.,'l'fJ,I.ECl Uu. Pr,UI'J.:JtTYHlj;un

J. PIO~,(jllres ildopted, raaintaincd, lOr Ii<Ippli~d !Ij impl'!l'l1cnt this Chapu::r shall be rair and eguilabJe. Th~;, !i1l!);11 [I0l be 1.1nne(es~lH-i!y t.{)mpJic.atedof c.oslli)', Or trIlaiJ III me!l:sOn lib Ie. t ime- Iim its or ullwi.llT1:ilnt,ed de! ays

2. ln respect of c~ ... il remedies and !\:rlminlli pemliuc.s forc enforcement of infellec(ual propt!"[:Y rig\as. elldl Pilil1y sfull Hlk'~ imo aCC01JIH th~ need for preporrionality berwr;,en the seriousness of the infrifl,s~mBnl 'am:! t~H!. remedies or penahies ordered,

j ~ , Those rneasurcs, pmu:lhtl es and remedies ~hJII alm be r dfi!!(!i"J~,

pruporlioIlOlh:]f fair i1i1d equltahle] "wid [(_h:H:rr~nlWJ

4 [provision on ] imitations en remedies ,1V1H lable ?',gai:nst use by governmems as well IlS exemptions of public euthcrities and cfficial fro~llliabmQl ta he inserted here at <I later dill~_]

5, [Define ~cotJe of the lntelleental property rights covered in the Agreement]] [The

S{;oplf. of iJrl1eU~cn.Hd prcr>ei"ty rigbts will be defjm:d at the :slan: of f:1lrh thapter.J

ArmcLE 2.1: A \'AILtilltUn OF C]VJL P~OCmUJ~

I n tilt: ccnte, .... l CI r lh i s s eel ion .. e] [E]ach Party stHJJ 1 m aJ~ e avanab!e to right hul ders [t:.j\l i 1 judicial] [or aomlnisUlItiv!.]proce-d'ures concerning tne enforc.eme.nt of any [inttllec-tual prt.lj)f-rty right] [c.opyrights and Tf:lait~dfighrs imd lnuJcmllrks].

'" R 11 CLF. ax. INJUNCTU}NS

r L II n eiv L l JUG i cial procewi ngs concern ing lil e cltfo rt::emem of [eopyr i (5]~t or related rights alld tredernarks] [inteliectuaJ pfO~er()' rignts}, e..Ill:h Party shall provide that i IS j ud id a I ,B.utbOT itices shaH have [he au~ h ority [su bj eel 'I aan)l sta hUe!), lim f tauons u nd e r its domestic l~w] [0 lmlt [against the infringer IH1 tnjuncrion aimed at pfohibi~ing the contlnuarion of 111£;] [till order 10 a partyto de.sI,:S;l from ~n]infringemerrt. indll~ ing an ordfr ro prevent'l3 geeds from emering into the channels of commerce [,mrllo

l-rhi~ G~n~r!' OhhBli!lt1f'''s SwiC';1II h~ ~~,~I'I Jlft.lJ'CISed;i.5 an tniliBl 1i15CUS!licm arlin. HI a,"c.c:~~'c. ll~llIil~d le~tlltlFL~ ~tlht 11 CJi:1 Row nel,

L2. The Parties [may] shall also ensure lh.a:t rijglll holders are ina pcsiticnm apply for 'HI injunc!iClIl [infringing) int~rm&djad~$ whose services a!~ used by :I Ih~rd r]1J ty 10 infringe en in\ell~tu'itl proPtT~~' righl.I]~


] _ 1:<lcl1 Party sh all 1'.1'0\1 i delhet

Ca) i L, civ j I j utlici~1 flrOC ee dings. fl~ j ud icial iii I:[morili es shall haw: 1'~~ C aYlhor~ty to mdlllrthi:: infrin,~tr [who ,ktlQwillgly Or wi[rn rea~clnilb][! grO'Ll n {Is to k 11 ow.~ gage.d in [mfrinl gi:ng 2Ct i'l'ity1 ef ] Ii:(l pyr ight Of ff ~ated rights and trademarks] [mtelleetual property rights] (0 pay the right '!mM~rr

(i) damages adequate 10 compensate for Ihe injury lh~ rig.~t hol~k'r has .~uffcred as a rc:s.uH oflhe infrin£ement~ 0,

(ii) [at leasl in the case of copyrlghl or rl!lalr:d d[1,hl5 infringcm~nt and lridetnru-k cOllnttrftlilil1g.] nn the case of ]PR infringemll.nts] llle profits of thl! inf.wger Ih!lt <lre af_tribut~ble to the in fdngeme:nt~ [ wh iC.h may be presum eel to be the: am ounl 0 r darlH!~~sJ '[lind l!'l:a.l ale nOl taken imo 3CcOl1111in computing !he amoul1tofdam3gcs) [re~rred to iii! CJa1l3(! (i)]'tI

['IIllhidl may be presumed LO b~ the arnounl' of damages rdenred to in e] aus-e (i)ljall d

(b) in de1!!rmming. ih: amount of damages for [col'l}·dght Or related dght!; infrimgemenl and tradernai k c.o~mte1"fl::jtinFJ [il1f6ngemfni of jllte:Jlec(ua,j property rights); in Judicial aUlhorili~ s!1~t consider, ime» tJii{J. jlny kgtl im:a[~ m ~su rc ofv al ue 5 ~I bm itt:cd by th c r ighth older. wh ieh mil}' inc 1 ude 1 he I (;ISl profits, Ih ~ V Cl liJ e of th e infrin ge.d good or !i~n' ice, me:fl.sur~cl by the 1J1JrI,et price, the. S'u~l.ed retail prise, or [the profits of the Infringer (hal areatinbutBb!e to' the inrdngernentJ

l' .'\ P'ert)' 1l1Eiy ~om]ll)' !iI'iLn in oh'i~l(tm fw=Mii1~ Illl 1!iil:r'1,miil~t!)n uf lflrrrf1l1m~ ~ol)lI~ IhtOU£ll ilS p~~\pis ions eenee 1'1llflg diS'l~ibLJ Lie r'I r~r 1r;~1!I5f~ J.1

101\ I I(,MI !me (l~I~g~, IIHl I'Impfl5'"'..5 I D l!eld~ (if} ~ Cl-Tl.!;im.UJ' prtiJltl1:ed ;:ind rneve ~ ill il':ta ["Olr.l!73J'1h 2~-J'N·

[2. Al le~s\ Wi11} respect [0 works. phConogr2.n1s,~nd performances ~lr('let"led l·y ctJpyr;ghl. or related rlg!I!.!;, and ir'l [c.;:I5~S of !Llldem~rk l;{tunferrt;i.~ingJ. in d'lo'.] jmiiciill prcceedings, {As an altemauve to rilEilgTJ]J11 1,] each Party r5h2.lIj[mi!Y] ~:LLhsh or mairnain s system tha, provides:



presurnpt ion~ for d'ele.rm in ing the IlI.MOU nt of damages n sn ffident U1I ecmpensate the right holder for tbe. harm caused by lheil1rrill'lg,eme1I1L l~ [. Or

[3. Where the inf:rrn,~~:r dld nor knowingly, or with reasonable g~'QL1nds ~a ~mow" engage in rnfr:inging Ilchvhy. ~h Party may [ja.y dO~.'mIT;liilQ [e~tll.blish] [may 311llhori:ze Its] ihe j,.d!ci:ll mlnl,dties H1<l.y [to] ,:-.nfCI Ih~- reeo • .:.ry of prcfits or lhtl pii!vm.:nl or damages, which m~)' be pre-cstablishcd.]

P'I. Wh~re a Pan), provtdes one af the options clerol1Oec ln paragraph 2(a) .01 2(b}, 1h;ilt P.lIty shall ensure thil ~ right holder has the right 'to cheese Ihet opt [on [13] as an ~[~emi1lI\'e,IO the fe,me:dl~s J'!;r~red to in p!ln~grjjlph 11 J

r 5 .E.achP!lrty shall prev i d~ tb lilt its j t~d kf 31 author:it its, e:~~c.epl in exceptiotllll eirclJmfu.;ncc:;, ~h,d~ have [he ,i!uthD.rity tQ erder, at the: C(]nd~si~n of c~vil j[ldir;:~al pro~in~s [[<It teasl jnesses] conc~rning ooPJ'rignt or n:fat~d rights lnfriog!tm'ltm. rpa1:Mt ililfrin~nlfnt.] ortrlldr:miilrk infringcfIlem] th.u th~ p'reyaillng pal'ty be awarded payment by the losillg PMlY of [ [ressenahle GIld pmporlionll.b~] legal] court ecsrs or fees, [Ead. P.any shl!.l1' also provide (hal its judlcia'lfluthoriUt;s, le.lIceptin cxcepticnsl$t;\nc:~sJ, [iWl procejl;diI1g5 conceming COp)'righl Of :relm.led rights inffifigw:u:,nt (l,r 'willful trlld,e.mar.k cOl.lnt~rfej1i!lgjJ shal] b.n'6 thi::8.uth~rH)f 10 order, [i~l approprratc:

CIlS~J! that the pl1:l'aiiing paJ'ify be .i:.wlilirdedps.yml!rnt by the losing pa.rry of reas~n2lbJ~ anomej"s fees L, ,2.~ul ether 'rn:pef'Hi~.! llI.!lptovided for llndc:r thet P,art)"s domestic

u SLl~h '1~e:MUr'~ m1y include illc rmsum~i.i{)fI l.hM !h..:: !mml~1 llr !:I~m.!l~s is [I) lilt qus.nUt}! cr II'I~ 5f1rx1:! ill{rin~jnll Lh!; ri~h1 nilid ~;'·5 il'i1 ~H~C~!.E~l"rt'!fi ~fl)' rig]tt ,nnd Ml1J~Uy ~5;~i.&rt~d H~ ihin:J ~{SOM. m ulliphed ~~' 111 ~ ~ I'I'IDlln1 tl1ipfOfll lI~f II1li1liif gClild~ w'hrt'h waul£! h eve been ~Q'I" by ih~ fil!.irt hllJtlCI iI' Ihm h~d~fH ru: en Ih~ ~CI of ill riihr;Em~1H 1;)1' (ii l ~. ~u5I!1.Jl~hl~ror~ L!I" r or (iii} ~ !Wnlfl JUrn on Ihe.l'iub or dl!.m~M$ S\!~h ~~ ll'I. I.~I. ths nmrn.r.l of rD)'lIl1i~ iilf {t:.e.S whid\ u'l'l1l1d h! ... ~ been due If th~ ,rl'lrriflA~l tulil f!::!:jU t51ed ~1l1I1(11nu1l<1j~ to use the j ~ll!lrecluill' iJrop~rly rigll, iJ:! q 1J.C:5'liO'Jl).

r~'l Nfl '!'!l)fij.' i5 Jeql.lll'l:d to &Pp], j)~r1Is.rnph l fa ~rUol'L~ for infnnllcmenl ~JlllinSI ~. Pllri}' nr IIlhT'FiiJ 1'!In~' ~~ i:n~ lI.'in~ lh~ IlI!hori:mllo.n Of ~!1S~I1\ ~nh rlifly]

f'~ Na p".r~y i~~~uii:1l ~D jIfOvld~ !h~ t;~111 hrllifCNi wiah It'IDJ~ih;tn (me ~~f lh~ O]lllnru: ~rl:,lTUI lid. til fllfl~ r~ril1 :;lj


Onn(;lT1 2.

[5. Eacll 'Party 5-h a II P,QY id c Lh;)~ its jud icial authoriri es, ['ill "''PprcprL.ilt e eases], shall ~'l"Vf the. ~lJtho-rlly to ordn, .11 the conclusion of ci\'tl judirial proceedings ff'd je..:J,u in cases] cQJlt':eming copyright Or related l;ghts infriflge'lllcnl, (pJlte1lt infrmgemcnt.) or 1'!1lde.lfllllrk l(lou.n:~erfei1mg] that the prelfl3,mng paltJ' btl: ,awfirded p.ayment by the I.CJlSing pa,rly or OOul1 COStS Or fees :all!! l-eaSOilab1e: [and prllporliol'mlc] atttlrmy's fees [, and any

other expell!i:es as pro\'ided [or under lhat Party's dom.estie law], I~] .

I . Wi lh respect to goods that Juure been found to be [pirated gr ccnrrterfeited] (infringyng in mlclle;Chl~lpro:p::rl)' right). each P13rty SIHdl provide that m cIVIl judicial proc:eedrl'll:l;S-, atthe :right holder's request, hs jndlcial autherirics shaJl have the lIulhor]ty 10 order IJ In t such toods be r I ecs lh.d, !It fi fl iti nJy l elm) \ ed rr(!, til r .hann e! 0 r commerce, or] d~S-lrQj'ed, ~:-;c.eVl in exceptjcnal ejrcumS~ill,c.~:;.I\'~thtHJ[ cempensaticn of ~ny sort.

2. El!ch PaT1)' s:hllil further provide that its judicial .llltilOriHes shtd! h3VI~ the lIulhodty 10 order ll"i;ll ma.lerii!l'~ and implements the. pl'edomill3Tu use of which ])3.5 been in the mlluufl!cture or creation of [i~lfringjngJ [pirated or coufllerfeit] goods be, wrtheut und ue ddll)' and Without coin pensat ion of Oli:ly SOIL.,"cd Or d ispesed of 0 urs n1e~ h~ channels of eommerce uu ~uda manner as to minimil:e t]1~ risks of further r nfri n ge ments

[3. TI,e, jl!Jd.ic.i~l :liiuhar[tie;s shall ~rd'L!irthal those. rt:.lrlwi5S be earried out at the

If.!,tl Sf:: 0 f the i nf rinser, 1.1 nless p~!1ku lar reasons ire invoked for not doil1 g sc.]

[4. [J n ord.,;:dng those rem eel i es, the J IJ dicisl IlUtl10f it iC!:~][Eacl1, P.a.ilY sha Il ' provide thilt hs judid~! ~1Jtllolity in ordering, these [cmerll~s] shaH take intO!l!.cCQUflt the need ro~ proportion.alHy b~~I'!c~U ~h!l sericusness of the: jl'lrtil'lg~meru and th~ remedies t.Jrdered 015 ",'ell as the lntc::n:,S'1 of lhird parties.] 16

[\Vllhout prejudice to other stlltU!OfY provisions whjch, inpa:mculsF. gavl:rn the protection of confident~all'ty of i.t'lfonnalion SQUrceS or rhe protessiflg of personal

['. rOT ~Ciil!~[ c~l'I;Jinl)'. the term ·'reas(m~hlc 1IL1{1m~y'~ fi:C5" ~ nol inl~"ded li1 rquf~E lIhiE.h~J llnHIIii1! n~lIll1~ mfltl1.liU of '·~rjllI]D[1'i1l~ ~Uom~.l'·.\1 r~e~," k1~cl~ lh~ nws /l.IlIdc~:t:n

ll~ r flT ~ rul~f ~:.rt~illlr;lh~· 1 erm "rea ~OIli1bl~ ! Ilarm:y·sfl:.l:5'" ls ~HII 'm~.r.llk!!'l HI 1~.qlJi f~ ~ h :ll11U ~flHUlili lfU)lIlh~ srneum tlf"~p?ro~ri~t~ ~tLC:'llliEts fus" II.nd~r Lhe TRIPS Ani~T~ 01),2_]; ] E1 F' h Prlrl)' :Jud! pH~dde di -I in r 1·,'Li j.,.l,ci~ I rl~, ';()U~fllj'n~ I [I~ CIl rQI"C!:llu:nt of [intfllec!lIlll [lrO]JeIlI. 6g/lIJi}[CClp)rright or rd<i~f".d ti~h!.:i nud ti:lifkmm ks], its Jumt:Jil!! !lUlhorili,r::s shall have the. ~lJllaOfily ~lporn a jll~i f;c.rl reques t of the r;glH holder, to {!iTderl~H~ [alleged] infringe, [i~lduding an a]l.egcd infringer] La provide, [far lhe pt 1 rpose of colle>e.ting ev id en C~ J lHIj' r relevant] In fClrmaljol'! [i nforrnation on the origJn and di~tnbul iOil netweik of the Jllrr inl?,LtlC goods Or servicesjjm the form as flrestribed in its applicable laws and regulations] that th!': i"fi'ingell" pcssessescr ccrurnls, [where appropri,al~,l t~ lherighl holder or to th~ judicis] ~'Ullloritil!S S1Jl:h iJ1formntiot~ ms,y include mrormil.t~cm r~garding !lIny p~J~01Jl crpersons iOll'olve.d in any aspect anhe m rn~]gt;!1!lc:r!tal"ld re&al'd l litg the: m~,ns of prQdlil euon or d is,UllJ uuon e ha nnel of slJcb goeds Clr~e;\'iccs. incl'uding the idell'llifitalion of tlurd persons invoh/cd Tnlhe productieu end distribution of the infringing goods or services OJ in their dHI'JH'J~~ of oLrtribulJon. [For g~aler d:i!ri1ly., this pW'l'isiOl~ does not apply 10 the extent thEit Lt wo\~ld UiTlflil:l with commcnlaw tI.r &[3MOry privilege:>, such as regal ptefessicnal privilege.] ]

[X E.1'I~h Parry shall pro\'ifle thM iu J1IlIid,;;] suthcnties 51,2.11 have the auUJorj~y" at ~n t!! requ est .of the c8JPP heam, 10 issue an i nte: illot.lItory injuneti on, intended to prevent IiIny I mrn il1,!l:l't ; nf irigt m ent of an ilit~lI ~cllJ!! I'y r i c,hl [ropyri gin 0. re!liI~tt1 Lights 0 r tr;:ldemark] An JJ1IterJoculoty iqjtmcHon may IIIL~o beissued, U'lld'~llhc s.ame _ofldi~iol1s, a ga im;~ a n [ill fwi I'Igi I'I,&J intermed iary whose se rl,i ices ere bel ng lISed by alhire! party to Lnfringe an righ:l. Each PaIL)' shall also j:'fovrde th~t prolliisional measures if] i!lj" be issued. even before me crimm eneern ~11~ of prol:eerljn~onihe merits, to preserve rell:\'s.Il1 evjd,f;m::~ J1'1 f¢Spect ofth~;l,lIegecl infnngement S!Jt::h measu~es may me lude fma, aha [he d em ~ led de.Sc.rl p,tion.1 he tald rig of S:<lI11.p.tes or the ph),S]! ~eizure OrdocUmClll~j Or of the Infnnging goods.]

1. E2Cl1 Parly .s11211 fpID\Tide][!:nsurel lIS jlldii:ial authorities [shaH }acl [e);pei:fltiou,sly][ on requests] for pn:wlsJanal measures Inowlira QJr~I'(J parte, llruJ shall endeavor to make a dee is icn [ on such requests] wilhout undue dg!a}'J eriCl!pt in ex cept [0021 cases.

2. [I n civll ju(hCitll! pFoce.ep ings concern 'j rig eopyri til l er rt:bned ri gilt.:! in frin ge m em a,nd Ir9Jemark cOHT'lI~rfl!lti~~gre 1. f;';ii!lch IJal1y shaH provide 111M i!5 judid:!l !I!JLlmrili~ s h aU have the iii uthori tj 10 order the KC rlure OX' LJtb er ta ki IIlC in ~C! custody of su spected infril1£111£ gllod5. marerials, (Ind ~mplcrnt:fl' relevarute lhc act of iFlfringemfm [a'nd~ ,n leilSl for Irnd~mlilrk qmluerfeiling, dot:~Hnenlilrl e.'I'irien"e relevant 10 the il1fril1ggnw.:l'u]_

tJ. &.ch Pari)' shaH pwm'ldethil( its Uudicla.JJfl:!ol'nr~len~] eutheriues ],evf! the authority to require ths pTaimifL with rcspeUIO pfOv,islol1<!1 me2StLr!!~, to pro\'iiie any feason~bl}i ;ivaHllb.le ~YiclerH::e ill order 10 salis!} inemselves wllh a suffiClelU d~g-r~B Df


c!'r:.ainl_y 11.13t the pll1inllff ~ I iSla LS bcing, iJlfriugL.:d or lll.,! .-!Jell i~lfl in !!,t:'meH I is lmrnillfl]l., anti to order lhe plainti fr [\1 prlJv~dc :I reasonable ~e·c.urj(J cr equivalent .'lSSlII1l.I1Ce [set at :l level, !:t!lffici811t] to prctllJ::t \lIC oen!'lldant [, ensunrrg, comp-cnstlTion ;(IF any prejudice suffered whtn the measure is revoked OJ" lapses dbli:: 10 <lill)' reaSQ".land TO prevent abuse. [Such socl.lrif)' or e.i1unrakm assurance slL~1I nOl unreasonably rictu j~COl.lrse to su.r:hpi ocedures] ..

TIl is seciicn sets o .. u the c om:h ticns for aati 01:1 hy the cam peterrt in! then: ies whe n goods are ~spec;ted of mf.inging llilre;l.Iu:wnl plioper;y nghls, wllhm the meaning of this agre:emen4 wtH:n lhey are imporJi!l!; exported •. ln-lransit or m owu sit~aUons where the ~oo& .,re under eusroms supervismn,

2_ For-the 'Purpo~~ ofthi5 section, "goods inf illgingt!n lniellectual pr!iip'~.rly righL" mCO!:IU; gl'loo,:; infringjflg af!Y of thf: ll'lteJh:.ctu!'!1 propi::l1.}' rigbl5 ~ovcrecl by TRJ PS". However, Parties mi3j' dectl:ia ~o excl!Jd~rrom 111£ .'iOOp~ of Ihis seetion, certain rights Olher !hB.1"I Hade marks, CGpydgbL<: and GTs whr:n [ncl protected e);'cll.lslvdy hy cOpyi"igh[ and tude mark syslems and) [protected by [rJoH-produc.t" ~r .S'e.clD'r~5pec;f~c1 [regiSlral ion) SI'j g~neris sy£iems.]

:3 rri!rtLe.!i shall provide Ior the provislens frsj:;UeaW border measures to be &ppli:;c:I [at least [ln cases of tI',aoe mark counterfeiting .me:} copyright pirncy. (Parties m~j' prjj\'rde for sueh 'Pr(J'vjsjan~ ~o be o'l!Jplie.d 11"1 ether eases or infdn,gemenl or m~elll!l.Ct'LJal prnJl!i1y rlghts.J]

JI W~U~ II PM!!, l't2;~ dbm!l.riI'~d !illbi!:mU~~Hy dl crril1.f{lls ,,\,tt m'I\'~ITIEnl (lIgoom- ~ml~!: hs berder wilh !In~Ih~r r~fU" "'" uh whi ch II l(Jnn~ p~11. Q r n ~lJS1Qm~ UTItOll,i t ahal] Hr... ~II !UJuircd10 ~Ilf.lll· ch~ ~m" hS-~~ n.~

oflll j~ SCli:lllln ill 1l1~t Dllrollu. .

I:~ ~t1~ f'al'1l' !h~1r frnp]t"t:lc:~i the ob1iGn~ioJ1s in r~;Jtct of jm~m1ifln ~r1d c:'''l;IKIr1~litm ~~I nul in Ihi!:

Secl ~QI'I so l5 lu he a.prJf ~d 10 ~'" 'l'mr:;nu Qf .!ll!lnd~ ~ClMl &n~d til t ~ IOCfti r~rlyJ~ pmrty In It::m1m:'1 hut J!:sti nsd fm t)lIlSjd~ 1lI1l. l'UrH~ry Qrlh~ P mrl)'1

t! No l'>IfI~' s1\~H be cblil!ocl HI2·Pfll~' llIi~ !~-C:lfcn 10 ~hl' gotHls .hal dn net "il'lfrln!l,e nn i.n\cHE~tll~l ]'Y!'n~t1y rijJ:IH h~'d \1'1 ~hFn ih~ turil ~ry (}f lh~l PiIrt}'l. [t;~l!o!T IIlQj'S 11 Pl~. Simi)' mm' fll!: 10 G I9Ic·r.d f'lo,:i ~1 nns ~'(uitln_]

[::I TI:I~ rnwisfmu Dr Ihi5 $~1itJ .. sil~U KII'lJ ~l1fiJJ ~tI ~tI .. rusil1gl~ sirn i Jar '1I'lllematl: rin ocd5. r , \'\'h~th m eens ~I))' gC'-l."!i!s, 1 ndudjn.~ pact.a;clHg,. b~ uing wi!'h olll ~LlIl1tJri;;:;~lhln = k 111111 i~ sirn ilar ~ tI till!. Lrtl[krl'urr], "'011 dIYrJ::~~s;I.~!l~d f~ ] tspr;~1 of 8U{ h Dr ~ I rai IFJI" !l~!)rl~ whltl~ the:! e ~ ISlS ~ lik~tihllt'ld of e D~fll>;{l1'l en ~hr. ~url 00 Ih.e putdi(: broll!:CI1 die Lnd~m~rk. bnrn e a"d lhc 1fO!i.:I em atk ""~Ii<il~' f~~isten~. ~m:l Illu t 1 h:JI::r.y infulltes me ri£:h'ts of Ihl: ~\\'nU 0 r tl" Lflff ~1Ii~ rk in qn~~ul:!n u ~·'!l~r 1 he 'IiW of 1 he ~tlliIMrr in whr,,!l ihe prllc:t.iltJfll.f SJ::I tlul in lki.:;Sl:c1icn "~In·\'llhl..q


r~r1i~s m3Y exclud~ from the applieation 01' this Section SHtilU qU<lUlilieS" k.ll goods: or 11 110I1-COmlTIerci~J nsture cOJl~.ilined 111 lril\'· j:i~rsOl1al luru.;.ege [or sent III small c onsl gnmerns.]

~th Party !>naU p,eooit the competem !litnhoriHes to r"...q1Je.s~ a right hQ~deF ICii .5Upp!y relevant lnfarmalion 10 aS5~st the CCllnpeten.l auLhoriIie.!'l in (aJ:ing border measures ptovi d~d for nndt:1f thi·s Sec..tIottEach P~lry m.ay also .'llrJow a right holrler to !iupply fde,vant JnfOTrn~lioi1 to the competent sorheriues,


I Each Party shall provide proced1Jn~.~ for import [ .. ad jn.tmll.<;i1,u1 shiprnunts ami [m~y] [shall] provide proc:.dHres f(lr export .shipmenls. by whk.h right holders may request the compt:lr:rH ilIllu.hnrili~:5 to snspend,eJeB5t: .~~ 'of 5.usptcted cOI.I01~rf£.'i trademark goodsU :mo su~pec.[ed piraleti copJ!'rLght ~oods1.6 [goods SU5p.e~te.d of infrlfl£,ing an intellectua] pftJP'friJ risht]fnlo flr0e cln;\llation.

~ 'Few ~~ Ili,im~~ ·ncr ttli.!' Sutl!lfl, if.i~lr.l n~il CllO!:!S m~ gtlClIi!: IIn~~;r '·C\.I:$lllm,; 1ru1.~it" 1~1 d un.cfcr "Im n"~hi~rnclfI"· •• ' CIolS~.Q<IiIIS l~l'I:titn l'leM.5 !he CUlttlrns procedu rot: tlnller wllj I:h RllCIlis ; ~'t 'tf~IlS~Ic:d undEr C'u!j:um:l& CQIllf,tll from DJJ!:. CUilDm:> af'fh:ll ru IIn~\h~r. YTrilll~upmt:m~ m~~s i,he Cu~lflms ]'110'~LJt=. klnd~r which ll,m;llls .~R: ITilI15r~,d undcr Cu.stCIID" i:~'iIIrl)lfroi1l lh.r= Hnfl'GF1llJg m~~m ar q rlfllsFD-11 ttl the. ~);:pC\11 in g mUMlilf ll'an5]K'r1 wilhin (h~ III ~ (If al'l~ CU5UlIft.!; of!j~e ~'hit.h II' li1~ elm I:E 6r 1l!l111 rrnp(ln.~ttOjl ~nd ~J1'IlrtitH1I<1L]

1~'FCf tnt: r~~j>OS~ IOf thlS Sectilll'i, wht,:I"= III ~ cl1n1~et~t ~\!,i1l1.l' iu~ ~lL$~~ll!1 Il'! c rdt.!!:s~ ~f SM~pect~ c(llllu~rr~i1 ~r~lI~ rn~tlo: e rpiraL~d np;rr~~1 g,C)rltl., 111~ lulllorl ti~ ~h~U nut Jj>'tJrn T'IIl1i~ llC!od.~ 10 b~ rc:ll:ll.5e1l W.JJ fl t:1: ~hc IJmul:ln, C."PCl rl~D, er ~hj~C1. te DlIlt!r c:u!l!llfl!: prl!)~~d:m~. 0. ~q!l Tn ~~~P' ~Pn1! I ei rccmsciiln~~:s.1

~ FQt pi.!'rPDS c;j ilf UiI~ S~ ~lron! ~illJ,t1!~'~Tr~H rn.dem ~rk COil t15 ll1un$illlygQods, rll~ 1'LHl i'l!li:l Jll! d::~f,in&. he~ril1!? '1'0' [tnmJ L ~ulh!lri:ll:5Uoll .~ ll.ldcm~·rk Lh~l i~ id Eflii ~Ilt I!} 111 ~ 1rlillimm~ vml i dIr f~&inu~d in r,~S']le~r of ~u~!1 j;M d,~ IU U1 ~I e;a !1."Il!l M d i ~I illGui.£h~t1 fn its us~111 rOil ~~p~tI! fr~m s-uch a tr.ldtm~rt, ~l'il:'l ;;b~1 ~ hmt.~' i f1fr~\l!lu .h~ riglltl t:lf th~ OWn ~ cf nlC. q!!d~lllnrl. in Ilucsti,(l.n I:lIlliI;.f tl'le iaw Df Inot: ~una)' m willi" .Il~ rr1J~ttiurl:!l 5d Dui In Il,is SeC1~D" !!<r~ 'iwol!!~ed.

, ~l is te ll~ unrl~rt;tll!~.i Ih",r 'L"ef~ $~~II b: m:1 ~bli,!;I'tlOln ICl ~ppl)'ru~h rrtKeaUrLlcS te imporls (If l!:o{!ld .. pllli [III ahc: m~rli'lll hn Ilrmtkir 1:1I1,mlr), b)' ar "dill th~ C(!'Mtn l nf ! h~ ri~t1t hi!)!1l~r.J

~iL' r{pqn[I'rbl!~ ",r,his S~C'tjDiil, [lJrU~d CIl"l'J'J~~[ ::~~t:I'~ 17lt:!n!i jln,~iCl~I~ !11.31 .U\~ ~npi~ m~de \".rlkflLIL th~ (;iJTI1i!;ll1 (If 1.111. ril1ht hClMer ~f rC~(m I'hJly nutbcrized by 'h~r!:nt nllld=:r ln Ih.~ ~!lllJ)lry of p~()tlU'riill~ lind Ih~ !.m ~d~ rlL.wly II.!' il'ldirt~\lr fmrn In lL.'1ltlfl where ~he fT!1j}:jng of n'l~\ c~rY woutd ITIWC cnMlfuilc(i al! i!'lfnll~~m::n! ~.c er'Hyri~JiIl or ~ rir,hl !lJ1da the !~W of lne I;l[lunuy In whieh III~ r rf1~~rllll'~S St1 cut rr'l ~h1s S~~~lllf1Mf: uwo~~rl.

Qr ~lon2

r 1. Ench PCltl}, S~ilJ ~ provide proce .. :llJr~.'5' by whtth rLW)[ holders I.,;.) request Ihi::

CQlflp-eJeaf aurhorities 10 s:uspeJid the release of g(md:s sespected orilifrillgillJ.; tlllel1ect,Uil.propertyrigh1S,]

2. The eompttCJlltO'lulhodlitls shnll rt:.qti ~fe 1I rigl1l holclL':1' Ii?-qLJe.:S.ling 'h~ procedures described in j)ilIIlgr;iph I to provid-t adeqtl:l\'li ~\'~del'J.L1'l to s;alisfj themselves that, t1nOl!:r the laws cf the Party p:rovid'ing the prccederes, there is prim(f-/ar:ie an infri.ngemenl of the dghl bolder's intdk.ctual pmpel1y T1ght and to supply sufficient information tr,c~ 1.1I·~Y m2sol'18:bJy be: tApeCleo to hI:! w itJlin the tight hotder' s know'eD,~e to m a k e the suspected f i1 frin Iljlng goods re,asOllll hi)' Fl!!COr,n; zable by tha f:cmp-i1te:n l ~ Illhol'it ies, The [e{] ui feme n l to prD"l d e sutflcie nt III r 0 rmsLicJl'l s h~ II nat u nreouoflably deter re c au rSC:: 10 I,he:p:.oc>r:rl u res described in ~r'ilgre ph 1.

J E_;,c.h ParI}' :sh.uI'1 pl'O\l id e fer a pp! i C.1l t i OflS to $'U spend th e release of 5lISpC."~~ iur6nEitJg i?,\"IO.rl5 thClI <Jml1y I;] ~1! bQtldsn ull(l~ r (;USn~m5 rOJ'llll'1 in iI~lerdfCIry ::;jlirl remain .1ppJ icable to mu.ltipre [or in tile alternarive specified] shipments. C":.lch I :;.rt)' Inay p!"o\'id~ that • .at l!lll request of lin l ~g.h[ holder, tile app]jeatJlJrl to suspend the release of good~ m.:!y apply te seleeted rointsof enny aad eYi.H urrder customs eentrol. Theseapplieations for ~u$'p~[ls:i.on shall rem .. in appticable. far a period (if not less Ih~!, [oue ye-ilrJ(oT silt()' d~"lys] from. !.he date: of ilpplic:aLtOt'l,l or ~he period of protection of ths re leva nt i rile lIer;(mJ property dg1uS" un OC:, 1'1'1 e Jaws of thc.J~.arty pro\' to i ~g b ord er measures IIllide;tlli~ Section" w11 ieh ever lS shorter, Each Pa!iL)' m&y permit 3. righl holder HJ .!!pC4:: ify u:,~:t am a,pplic:a[ll)n UJ suspendremain applic.a.ble for a period of les;s th~!l [one year][o.r sixty days].

<1. The compet~nl aurhorities SJ1:3iU inform the: :'Ippli,~afill within!sonabl~ pertod whe;ther they have I!cce;pled the applic.a1foll.Where the competent authorities bsve accepted the I!pplica.lion. Lhey shall aJsD make known tC the applicant the period' of \'1\ Ud i Iy of I he !lIppliColt1on.

5. Each Party may prev id e, where the iliPF! I ica rJl has 1II:Ht~~ (be process, Of where

there is due c.allse. t1'1M .I1n ~pphr:3tion !'nay be denied, S1l~pended. or voided.


1. ~c:.h Party [mllly] [shall] p.rovidc. that its customs lIuthon[ll:s JtHi)' aet u-pOl'! Their

O'l\'11 initic.ti'lie, 10 suspend lhe release ofsuspected countnfeit trademark goads ur suspected pirated cop)fr~gh! goeds with respeettc imp~wi;,:;:dl [exported] Lor il"tra:fisn] goods :inclu.rJtng S'U~.~...ctern cnunL~rfe!l rrademark goods CH·}!!:d prraH~d~opynght goods admitted to, wit!uirBW!I"I from, or roC:;!t,ed~n free t!i'!dezonu [gMds SU!\Jl",:Jed of infri "ging an i I'Ilelicctual property ri~hl]. [Eilc.h 'P~rlY [Tn,'\y Jf shall e ndea 'I,'rlf ll:lJ pre ... jri'l::

jt.5 eW51(JlfI~ ~lHI.(H Ilh"s the ~"II1~ OlUlllt)1 ilj1 ss rhe fC'l[q:,oilll;, I H "'i~i 11 IJf this Artk.le ill r~p~ct of [l:!'<I;t)l1d ~Ild] ilHr<tJ\Sil gor.ll1.s 111M ;m: r~us:pt:cte~ eounrerfeit rl'~dc11HiJ;; f!OOd:; Of StlSPCUWI flil';;iied cop) gm::u:ls:.J

Option 2

[I Eec], Pilrt;j' shallprcvidethat its compelelU' iu ... thcrities mil}" act upon ~ heir own iniHah\·c. TO suspend lhi!!: release of gMds saspeered or infn:nSII'g emil~t,dle:c:mal properly right}

2., [E.:lt~ Pa rty mil!lY also provide I h.ll its Ctl S'ltlm II auihcrities fI1;a,y act, upo n lhei r own rl1LliaLilJe" 10 ~u~pl!l1d the release or geeds .su5pet;[cd of iilCring;illg ether intcl1fJ:lU~1 propnl)'li~t'lts [. riot covered bYlh~s s,ectionJ,l

A ~'1 CLE .~ ,X:

[As an illierllaip, c. tQ procedures In A rncle 2.6.1 :lun1 7.l 'c~!1til' To export nr in-transit shiprnents, each Party sh~ll provide ~hl1l where sbipments are f.xporhw from lhrd r~nYI Of !ihlpmf!~ns are m-uansit thl'O'ugh tlult P'any. it shall ccoperaie to provide 311 av~i!ab!e inforn1i'Hio.l1I to the destination r:;l!rty. ulllon requeS1 or l~~ deS'tinatlon Parly, 10 enable effeenve uLfon::el'ne~l ageinst sMpmeJliS ofiI1fJ·ingillg~1 good:o;:.J

l3at.h Par!)' shall pre ... ide [hat its competent aUlhc.rnit:SshBill hB:ve lilt ::!nthority to require a right holdu rrn:J,utsling pro~duros dl:5crj~d unclr:r Article 2.6 to provide 3. J;1t!:.1I5t'TI£l.bJe s.ecllri;ty Or f.qlJjvalcllI ·.a.ssllraflc~ slifficierll[ 10 proleci the defendam and the competent authcrities and to prevent ~bUSf.Ca,d, Party sh1i11 provide that such seeurity OJ: equi),1&!~l1ta.s.sulllnce shall not lJnre!lso:n:ably det~r.recourse (0 ilie!~ prccedureS'. Each Party m.ay pro\' kIt: that 5'1J ~h~C!umy m~y ~ t n the r nnn of <I. bon d CA.'lI'IU:i itioned 1:0 he lei the defond~nt harrlllless from any ]o.U or dimllg~ r~ulHjng from allY ~pc!lsion of !he rek~= or I,h egcc d9 ~ n 'the event the comp~!ent:l!.n"ho.rit ies determ i ne tba1 the g:ood [is nat a counterfeit trademark gOCld Or a pil1l.t~d aopy:right !iood] [does not infringe: intellec:lua,J pmpeliJ rights covered by thi~ sed~iof!]. dnl)! iF'! C)1CllpljQ:l'uli circum5tll~~S [or pursuant 10 ,3J jud~da.l arder] may II Party pe.rmll i'i defendant ~(l pest a bond Dr o(hl:;f security j'O obtam possessiCin of suspected ccunterfeit rredemark gooos or suspected pimled eepyrigh [ !l,()ods.


&,"-11 11.'111)' shan o:tdClpl or malrnam It precedure by which eompeient authoritie~ mi!)' d~Wrn1iElr; wlth in a reasonable ?ozrio{i or't[m!:: antf th~ initi~ti(Jll oflbe procedl"m.lS d~s·:Ctibtd under Ank:]m: ';l.X or 2J{. Wh!.lh!f the SU5'p~ct~d infringlng goorls infrin~p!n i nle II !:CllJ:i l pr(1peny 6 g.ht2 ~

AR.·I1CU~.1. i I: nU~r:P-~r;s

l, Each Part)! shall provide its compdtmt alltllGrit.i~s with lhe B.ulhc,rjty ltt order lhe dl!51-ruL:.lioJ'l of goods roUowil1~ a Lldel rainarion under Arlidr: 2 10 Thill ihe nood~ :ll:ro! infring.ingJb• [In cases wJn~.n:; such goodsare 1'101 de:sll'Q)'Il.i!, each Pal ty shall ensure such goods B r~ dis ~Oiru:l of outslde the c:h alln~ls of com m~rr:c. in such tI m Ell'lfler as to. avoid any ha.rm [0 the r!!1;hl h~]tkl".] {or lhili~ [hey be disposed ef outside the t:h.iHllleJ$ of commerce in suc;n .i!inoay IIi toprtcltlcblinJuT)' '10 the rlj)!,M holder, I!lI;·cepil in gx~eptiCirud ClrCum!~·tHll ces ]

2. In regam ~·o ~!iut;J'ieffeit trademark goods, the simple removat or the trademark unlawFully Ilmli:~d S'i1IlH MOL be sul1dc~el1t, ether Ihm~ 1 fl. e:xceplimlill cases. to p.erml~ the release of goods l!UO the: Ch3f1r!l~!S of cQmmtW!l:,

], E'II~h r~My m~y PJ"'1'riIT~ 1.~~nmp!:h!!Ill OIulhurill~ "":L1I rhe QUt110flty to Impc.~1! ndministraiive peunlties Jollowing 3 determination under AHic:Ie1 10 llt,H Ihe goods are h'lfdu,ging.

A.R.llUE 1.. 12: FEES}i

t, Each P~I1J' ~han pl'O~jiiJe that any <lpplh:.ati!jJf'! (e.e. ;SlOTa-ge: fec~ er destruetiun fee to b~ assessed by tompe~~nl ilI\JWoriti~1i in conneetlen with praeedures described in rltis Section shall not be U5ed 10 1)' deter recours: tt~ th ese pmced!J res.

An T1CI.!l2. J J : D1SnOSU&E Or J NfORMA nON

W~ll:)OUI prl!:Jodicl!: ·lO .EI Parry's laws p-:::rt1l.j~lng fo the pdv?cy Qr confidentiality of j nfcrmsucn:

• (a)Eat:i1 Parly m~y authorize ill; competent autheritles to provide right hoJders with informalioJ1! about S'p1lcinc sliipmenlS of gOQljs.,il:lI::h:u:ling the dellCl~ ip!JQn find QllW'1LJlj"t loassist in dIe: deteerion of infrilllll,ll1g goods;

(b) .&i.cb Pan)' m<l)" .Elutln::rrlzc. its eompi:t~n.tEluthorjliu:s: 10 provide ri;lu holders wi~ilillfonnaliorJ annul guods tncllJdinJ;, bu[ 1'10'[ lirnited to. the: descripiien :;!In~ quanll!y of the goods and the name and' &1dre:ss of the consignor, amp0rtu, '!!x:pOl1eI or consignee, and, Irkno'''I1, the ~lmlry of on ~H1 1l.1'1 d name 1'1 rtd address ort he l:o.aflllf; of dl~ goods to sss LS I ill the 0e:lenn3i'1Jlion under Artiele 2. t 0 of \lo'i1ethe, goods infringe rights

jLA11.:M1 §lH d~lcgll~i~rI rn~y ~~m~ bod, wlth ~ rill ... ~,hl~ ndl:'l~li!).lHl1 pU~&npk r!lr Anidi: l,r.!,. d~~1'I!li!l& UJlm'l1!l~ prc.~tt!> "f d iscu ssien In ,,"Ie Ch·j I~flfu.rc cmtn! S~&li"nI'L


(~) Unless a Pwty hils g,r.~n[ccll'uuhorh)' underscbparagrnpl: (b). d Ieasi ill th e case ·0 r im ro ned. goods:, wh ere comp fll ent .!IU lh erit ies have 51: ized or, in the alternative, rnade :I df'T~IIi1ifl.1!ion under A rtich: 2.1 Q fha[ gncds infringe righu covered by the section, reach Pmy shall anrheriae j!~ c.ompetent atlL~odlie;s toprovide l~gln IloJdtn within 30 d2J'S~' of seizure or dt!'i:erminatio!l, with il1fonnfltion about g.oods i,~c.tudi[;l& but ~ot limh~d ~O. the. d'illsctiptiol'l end qua~l~lty of th~ !;oodsiili1d lhe name .md I!thlr.ass of the wMignal', impcrter, exporter, ell" consignee, and, if known, [he COLmtq of !JrlgiJJ arad name lind address of jlil~ rnannfacuner of mc goods. )

[1 ',Vitll respect to the border I:'IC<lS\lrcs: t:l >.'c:rl:lu by this Se .. rion, t,;!;h P.arty :51l:ll11 provide measures c.ont~rnmg th~ liability "r eomp~te:rll ;uuhoril ies ir1 !II~ [:)f~111 L~II (1f thei r du t;j !:S.]

Onnon 1

2. The zeeeptance of all I!.pp!ication on irs own shaH not entirle [he figh[~holdL'lr 10 ~ompensatron in the event thaI goods infringing an imellecll,n:11 properly rIght lcopydgh[, rtlated righlS!lnd irilidell1~!J:lu]ar·e not detected by [competent gutllo.ritie.sJ~ customs OfnCll and are released or no a~tiol'l is like.1"1 to detai1il them.

OR~ion 2

[2. fac:h Pertjl mny Hmit fernedj~s sought bjl a ri~ht bold!'!!' or other p~rsolls agiiinsl 11. P any' s cern petent B LJihoritLe5 as a resu U of rne:reacc::ept'af1,ce ot !H'I applicMLOIl under Arlide 2.{6J. where the comFtun a,u(horit.icsreJt::.asc, 0.1"' fail [0 detect, detain, Of Ulk~ :action ~~ainst or in COl'1ner:;~iol'l with, goods th.atmay infringe [HlR] covsred by (his. SootiOtl.]

[J. TILe eompetem auiherities shall not beliablc. toward's ~he persons invelved rn the situancrrs referred to Itl Article 2.6 for dam?~~s ~rrered hy them AS a result onh~ aulhorily's imervention, f}:i£~pt where provided for b:t I:h~ law nfthe Party ~n which the :a jlli Heat! On is m aQe or 111 Wll ich lh e ! ess Or da mage is in eu rred.j]

l;U u4rh P~;rty '.>IIJtl rro\'rrJe for UllTliMJ prClcdute.5 .. n~f ~nr,hi~ 10 P!! :lpplierl at 11:1i~t in cl'l.5cs' orwillfu~ Imdcma~l'! !:olll1tertcflinlJ, o-r copyrigl1l OJ relined iigi'lls. pll' Oft ~ commereial st-ale. J~ Willf'ul !::opyright ovre~i.liled righ.(S pir:lcj' en a zommercial scale includes:

signLfj.~'Hii1 wi~lful copyright or rel.'ltedd~hts inrringementslhsl have no direct or illdjr[l;cLmOTI"~tjo[l or finilni:ml gain; and

wfllfulc.opy.d~h! or releied n~htsil1ni~\&cl:il~nl!i for pm-poses of enmmereial Or nnan.c!al gaifl_ll]

! 2. Each r1l11j' ~hdlJ provide (or CI irn 111i11 prceedurcs and p~rh.llr!~~ to he. 2..Pflll.!:~-j j 1 CASes of [willful], [unauthorized] [importxuon] and [or] [domeS1it::) {lmffir..tillgJ [ ccmd II cted J [ use in the C{)\J rse of trade J [em ~ commerc f;L i sea le] of In bels (or!.ghlru,

(~) te whil1h ~, mark hilS been Jlrpli~~ [Wi1hout consem of the right heiden] whlch is ldentiealte Or carmet be distlngllished (in liS essential aspeets] from ,atndtmark. re.gtS:lerw In [its lW!rory]' [till:: Party m resp~c:t of ceria in Hoods Qr services] I and

(b) which <i.1'le;iTll:ellded to bt:u,sec [by the importer or user or. byii!.. I.hrrd pany with the: bowlM'Bll: of the: importer Oil US~T. for willful trademark cQurl!e;rfeitit!ru ron [either] tllL~goodE m [ln r~hlljon to] 5erJicM [for whtch Isre"8ist~red) [whi~h im: identica] to goods Of services for whic.h the trad !!m!lJrk is 'I'egi$le:rc d .JI

)·NCE{ltimto.r'~ 'NtJle; Odil)~liwu of"cDU nt~rfeil trnriml:l1k ~tJd5" ~l\d "pTTilk r:I n.l"p~~ich~ li:(Ood!.~

11f{1' .. ld~d rer In ftfO fI\-l'Ife.s 12n>n-d H ot"" S~ti(l11 1 rlajJrd~ M easu~~) shgu I ~ be ItSUi !5 c:om-; ~,t for LhisS<;:t;tion.

"'"llll. !,uI)1>I'i!ion ;~ und=:r: InlUl'lllt tXlmlra~'it!n b-~ !.1 lel!.S1 1:If]: d'elt..!;A[ion Suh,,~r~~l01~1'1~ (~) and {b) :trE. ~1 i n Ilnd~1 ~x ~ral,in~fi nn 1:1)' ill I~:;r~ ~n~ ~ dtS~tj ri'i'I, AI !~ISI nll~ is ,Sl HI ~(ll'lSidt rfn£ !llu~I""iIJll1J ~ 9JIL1 ,_

'Ii £e.~h J':i1';)' ~hall 1~1 will!u I im~D'rlm~l:In [nr o;]"ion~l r1lJ1] nf ~Qmllt.rreif 1f.1.dtTl'u~ ~s n r pjf"~j,::11 UJrrrl~hl ~c.C!ds frn " ,omm~rtl·~1 ~'I:::3le til'! 1I~J:llfdaI1f~ w.lth ilS l.,~lS ~ncl 'qujllftFll:.l ~s 1.mlav.iul ~nit"ili~ .sljhj~J:::l tD o-~miJJa1 pru1~IIi~s, W1d~r thls Anii~I'!!. A rat'i}l' ~,II ~()mpll' IIIlIll il.! obllr".ll.i en rdni n!l I~ f~.p"rlli~qi.tln] of (lirate.d I;oprri~l or C~jl1u~rr~~1 1rn:rtaJin:k gnc.d~ [hrcugll 11.5 mce...surl:ll UlIlI:.l:L,l1tll!: di5tr .!uU I Dil.

j~r~f fJurpQ~ cr~hi!' Se.rlil:ln, r;nAndnJ~~itl rl1~l.u~~, t~= n=t.eil1' IlrC-l:"rctl~h~1l DI-f~c!:jrL (If :m~"lhln~ nf

"~lu.~_ .


accordence \litb its laws find regu InGom;:,l IlJiioln~L ;'Iny lll:r~OTi wbo, "'~Th01l1[~on of the holder Or~C.lpyrigIH [or n:lau~d I ighr.~] [or rhe ~hl·.:JtH::' BH'.Hagtr] in a [mOt1Dn plc:~me o~ mhe:.i alldio'll'isu.11Io\'or~J, [c~J1enla\o&r~phit work] [kr.owjl'tgt)'l [uses an audio v iJ;JJaI record i ng dev lee lot rs 11 sm i I OJ 1)1 olke 1 fm~ k ~sl :l copy 0 r [. Of tran sm Its mill: public] the motion picture (;1 other ;LudiQ\ isual work, Or ilny part dl~tr:cf, frmn ;1 pe:l formence of lhl'lluQ'lion picture Or olhe.rQuI.Hcwi:runl wOj"k ~'I amotion picture r:1l"i~jlH:)[l far.ill~y Op~T1 to. ~hfl; jluhlic ]U

[ L Li~biliry of Legal. Perscm.s

(a) Eae:h Part)' 5h31.! IdOpl!i'u~h measures as 11'Ia), b~ nttfiS$i'.ry, t:Qnsi~Ie:J!1 with illl legal pfim::iples, 10 eSb"lbH.~h the: liability of h:ga] persons: for the l'Jrrenc~.'i referred to in Artie]!!! '.:U4.

(bJ Sllbjr.ct to the legaJ priI1r-iph!5 Df the Party, the liauilitj of leg::!1 ll~r50ns lni1i)' be l!r1mlrl~f Oli ncn-erirniual,

(~) Such Jiabi lily ~naJ I bee wilho1J~ prejuc1cc; to the crjrrtina] lrJblWy of the n01Jt.ural persons wno £lEve cQmlllit1c!i lh~ crjrnins] oIT&.!1C!:lS J

[2. !n.;m:l7g, A iding m~ri Ahf.1fi'l1g

The pro"iSloll~ or lbis seetren !ih311 ~pply to [lnd[ing.) aiding, ~rld 3.beJtmg ~~e off'eJlr:;e,r;; r~fmei! t!J:J in AnLc.Ie 1.14.Jf~

[3. Pr!fwlries ami Sancl.iom]

rCa)] For tlt£ [ off~Jjt';.esJ' ,;;rimes Tef~rtd to in [An~cle 2, 11.'1] I!Hlic-l~ 2.14_1 J. each Pl!rtl\" shall provide [effecLivCl:, proPOrL iO'llliteand d ISS"t.J'11 S !'II'e: ) pe[laHli;.s~~ [. The iVllilabk:. penalties sb.aH] fuM include unpnscnraent las well as] [and] mOJ1e.wry fjnes.lj~ r:rufficiently high to provide a del.eluln ~o nJ~re. scrs or inft1ngfimfl.nt, with a to r~moviins (hi:: mon~tO'!.ry i ncemivt: oftht L nfri ng~rJ

[(b) Fur ~egnl f'l~rsolH' held ibble IJl1dfl.'!' Arucle 2.1 :5.1. each Party 5'1\.1.11

o;:.[h i~l)"d~nood ili;J\Lhcr~ i~ lll' Dl:iil~1lhm re rrtl'l;'id~ puml1J~ L'If fmprioonmml :!.!!:~iIl51 lo:.!l~lflm.oo~ Inr 11I~ nim~~, ~ M fm'th ill ;\I'lll:'~ ~:. ~ ~]

U['N~s.O'.i~;~Df'~ neie; Pi 1.5 un;!CI'S'!Q{)tf Ih.l[ j],!:JJ::]_~ ni!llIIhlip3t!m1 rDrm r~q In irnpll=~ htJ1h ln~rri5{!nmCnl .rtrltl 1"11 ~~l~r) .. fi;'l~~ 1 n ncl] [nllS ill'I~s rn1I impl.\' nn ablig.atil'ln r~r ~1"!I1t~ lfi p: m'l-de r~r , hE c,cmjU: :I fi.-.s~hi.liIY ItllJ'fll'oIlIS e bo~h r.~rr~IH l',.~ in p~~H~1.J

pTO\Ijne for ~rkCll\'!l. PIClpOl1im.MC and diSSLt~S~V!! ::;0111 [;.: " om. il !dutiin!: mCmcllJl1' saru liv)Js"J

[l. St'.~w"fl (3)

In case of 811 ofl'efll:il:: referred tn in Article 2 .. 111 [.1]. each Pl1Irty shall pro'\'idt;: Hl!1l1its competent. aUI:hmitie:s shall have the authority 10 order [mHbori~e] r~t lea5t for serieus offences] the seizure or S!:J5'pCC[ed c.Qu!1tufI!:Ittradern~rk goods ow ptr~.led copyright [Of relsted rights] goods. OlJfly re j A.h:~ d In ~ t'~ri D ls .. ml j [11 P le:mMts used i n the eomrn lssicn of Ihe aUcp offtJ1ce., dO~L~JI'Il~nlill)! evidence relevant tOlhe alleged offt:llce. llnd allY assets derived frOlll, ollobtrun~rl dir,ectly 01" illdirecli;y

~l~mlJgh [he infringing nc:liviry (~:llJ. .


Eaeh P;jfly <;jl~lI, if :'I. rflr S'ur.h ,+11 or ... l~l •• lctf·I'djll~ ~ il:; nalilJl'1al 11lW, is L1tCtdC:"l.fic.iltlC1l~ of the uerns, Cnsme lhat ~hc r.JnJE:.f nt.ed net de{e-rmil'le ~n~ rtr.:m:; 1h.!lt are :.ubjecl hl seizure in ~lor~ delOlillhan 11e.baS$8i)' III IlIJQUI their ld!!ntific:ation for lhe purpose of the SI~ilum J [Each Pi111y shall provide tha1 such orders need mll irH;lividILl.aU), idt:ntif}' the. items thillare to 5eilllr~. SCI ~oll1g iilS ~hL!J fall wctJJin specified ca1egorie.!5in th~ re'lev~Jli[ order 1

L:;!," F arfr! dUre!COI'!fi.$(!Dtiaw and Dr:os(F1u:t jan J

("') for I]l~ Qfflull:!~ referred to i 11 .Article 1..101 [ 1] ,l2ch Part)' shall pro .... i d ~ that its compe!em li\.lthoritie.s,sh~.1J ha.\'I1i!he f.llIthoriij! to order [C{)nfiS'CaJliofl/] rrorfe iture ~l [a,l'ldl]or] d eslnu::t ion rwh ~r!! appropri.!ue] of 8:11 GOuntufeit trademark goml.s or pira(edcopyrigh[ [or rela(oo righ(] goods,or m ,,[~~a Is an d ~ m pi ements (pr~om i nan! 1.'1 J used in 'the I:reilJticl11 of !;olJilnerft.:irlrJlcl'~lrl ell kgooos or plVl'I.lecl' cop:rrIgM geods lor weJa1¢d ri.gll!.s goods] ,~t1 d [at I east fur seriens offenu5] [rON!! ltu re: ttl! tha Stale J of th e r any] a$e!;et!i de'ri ved from, or ohiai n ell d~recL!Y or in;direcHy, tluOLJ gil the infrLogll1g a:clivily.

(b) Each ParvysJ:larl [provide tha.t its cmnpe:1tI:ml BlHhoILLJ'r:5 shal] have the ilufhml1l' to] errsure rltet 1h~ eeunterfeit trademark goods and pireted ~pytignl ior related rights] gnorls that ha .... e been [a.onflsc9!t~d!1 forr~it,=d [to the ft'!lU~ J 'Hider th is su bpiilragraph th rL1 l, if nOl d~lfOl'ed. IJ ~ d I spos:~d ~f dut!>;id~ the ehaonels of commerce, [made; me ~orJdj\iC:l'l1 tl];11 'the goods ~re 1'10'[ d.allg,emn.~ for the heaJih ad1d S!UlUrJly or persons.] [in such .;1

'IF.II~h r'11'IY m.a>' ('1m .... itl~ tim! it:> j a dloa lmtl horm~.s h~,,'~ ;he iUlb~rU)' ~Q order rrhl.:;5 IJr] .he sr:: i.lIffJ: (If ~~~re.lJ, UI= Y~h~ uf I'\·hjicll ~ane~lna:; III Lh~1 Clr s,.ch II."'C~ d~ri"'~11 rr~m c>r D!rr~in~{I. tHf~C.II)' nr hnli,cc:ll}', Ill,OU &b U'le inJrJn,cinl! a:: I h'hlj'


E~clJ p;]11)' ~fH'l.lJ funh!!r ~rlSllre lbut r.:..onjisc~~ic.mj]forft:i[ure ltJ1(j dC;$U'u 1;\ ion und er til is' suhpe ra graph shall occur wi the U l cern pensai j on of iI: Ii' k iud 10 ~1t,:. dr.f ~l1d,~ 11 t.


Each ?arty mflj!' provjde {jU( its ju{lkial ilIulhorilics h!l'!,l'~lhe autJlorily to order the oonfiscation! rorfejU,we ,[to the state] of assets lh~ value of wlltdn wITCispO'nds to Inat of sllcil assets derived from or dbl;lin.M d Lf6C11y or 1mll re,oiy thr~ll gh I he jl1fT il'lg; ng .act ivi ty_

Armo...!S 2.1 7: Ex OFFlClG CRIM1NAL EN FO!'{CJ.ili.!.ENT

llich P:arty shal] provide: 11uIl i1S ~pet~~lI aUlhod,J~ mayaet upol'llhcir awn ilili~~il1i"'e tl!l injtJ~I\:: in ... ~o;:!i t~11kJtll [(11'1 [~mI/Qr] lr.~llJ :'I:l:f]OI1 wi~h n'~!"lcrl Ie the [crimina'] offe!'l~es described in [Ar1ti.J~ 2.14] [Sections J 11tH! <t] [~1 l~asr ill '.m~s (,.if ~~gmfit-.iml pllbh¢ irrlt:rll!it, ii' accordance with n.:ljoilEl'1 law.]


Ee;ch P~1y s11.;I.1I ensure thal the rlghLs ofthe [defendants and] third parties shall be dlL~y protected !lnd gUJra;nt~ecl,J~~

Se(;fiQu 4: lS[lgCi!l,! MeilS'ures Rcli'lted til rcdtJilolo'~~cL'::3~ Edotf:ement (jnH[ened1!l~1 Property in the D~giml Env]r(lnn~,ellt]

] . Each Parly shall ensure that enforeement procedures, to the extent set ronh in thl! ch'i land crirn ina l e:l'lfoiCcmc:nl 5ll'Ct irrFl S' (If lh i 5 A gil!f:rrHm~, .3 rlf: ava.i 1 abh:: under it'S ~aw 50 as to permit dfecth'l!'; ~cHoll flglillllst sn !let of [tnidefl'l~rk! CQPy~igJiIL Or related rigrnts][il'lt(;;liet1Iliii' prop~ righli] infring~mel"lt which tskesplace [by means of the tlitc.mel][ul the dig,Lta~ environment] ' lfLc.hldLJ1g expeditious remedies to prevent ililfl'i n gern ent Ii nd rem e4~ es wh ich const Luue II d tn run her i nfrhl£;C1VlMt

2.. [Those m~asut~~ r:rm:e.d'llreS am! remedies Sb211 RJ~ be fair and

preperticnate, )~! •

"/11 kp,!1 ont. d'~'I!£r.tiol'l Jl'Iil!'05.~~ IhM U~j:; p)'Ovi!i on 1~r~J' ~l:lt.&l in Iht GtIlcr=.l Pro'" is;i6W [If Ih~ A.Jl:J~~In~rI\.

~~lSe~ l!le.ll1fclIl c:"mmcIiL an II':: drlin Cll~]'Itcf J, S-:'(.ITM I "Ch,jl tnrfirC~I'I~ru'· and' S~C:I!t}f1 3 "Crimll't:11 ,CrJflf'~m ent", A SUU~$1 i Cif1 is 1(1 m nve u '1 ~~£ J'ro~ Isiftn:!] In to Chl\f:ttl' 1. S c.r1JL"" A. ..... hic.1J ~PflJ t~~ ttl.h'c whele Ji.!;~~emCI11. Dir~~l r~rCiC!l;;~to TR.lPS rlugin ~Isn ~!Arifr Ut~ ~rnp~ nrnlCJ~ oh!ir~\i(Ff}J.I'


J. WilhmJI Wejudice. to I h~ r ith~s, lim il;lllOJ1~. e>iceptilllts. Or dCrell s es 1(.1 [[ parenr, industria1 d~:iign,rl"ldemi1rk ilnd][coPl'rigM Or related right$]][illteJleci1.lal property rights 1 in ir ingement I:lV;U f<l bJ e U rider ilS ls w, ;!ll: II.! d ~Ilg with res pect to the i SIDJC of o.h~USlio,l of rights, aach t~,lftj' [confirms that] I shall pmvjcl~ rOJ 1 1'2'1\ il remedies as well a s lim itat i CU15. except W.-.S, Or d ef w ses with .respect tolh e ap pI ic;llli on of sue h remedies, ~:reaW.lilable In its: I~gal 5ys~e.m in cases of third partyliab.ilily[~~J[ur li3bili~y far those who o:l.ulh.oy.lrz.iS rrrf'n11gemtnl. Of both] for [[piltent. indlJSlr1al design. trademark an dJ [copyright or rdllte.clrights)}(l nt B lIetW.~~ l~rope.rty ri!;!hts:] i nfri ngerne nt, Q~

Qplioll 1

[3.'ty reoo~l1Iize~ 1i1<Ll. some pel'!mns~9~se t1r1e services oi 1hird parties, online service pro\'iders,[.9I]fore1'!.g.agililg iu r patent, industria] design ,Md uademar k.] c.op)lright or ndaled r(g[u:s inJri'lgemern. E,n::h J~Brry also recegalzes thai lcgal im I. r1i4lH[)' widl rE.'lf1~ l In .lfP] ical ~011 ('If c:opyrirln and 1 elated rigb~.51 limitanons, ! iOlIS, and defenses .Ii ~j' ,ligal.1 f cn.yirQmm.:nl rna:} 1'1 e' ,'1 I L r: [er S. Iu Ihr.: econamic growth of, and opporturnnes in. dl:Ltronic commerce ]ll. til order 10 fscilitate Ine continued de'l'e]oprnent of in indus:ti), e.ngased in provldmg il'lForm<!timJI services onHne while: I1Ilso ensll'liTlt rneCSOres to t;;.].:e adeqi.l.llt!. and e"rre~tj\'e actien againsl c.opyi·~gl'l Or re:l!!tetf rights irlfriJlg~mi!n( are ' .... ailshle i!!nd re2.s0!l.llb~e~dl Party [sh:aJl)[ mil)"}:.

(a) prm'rde. .limjIMlons~~ on lilt scope of civU remedies 8\'ai~ElbI~ I'lgsllll.5t an

'~IFt1r II,r~eT~r !;~rt~il'lil'. Il"le Pt!fHt,S ~f\[r EfS!~nd th~1 Ihird p!J1l' lilbi li1)' m ~!1J5 II~b flily f~r l!JI;y pcr'S!)f! w], D ~1JLhOli~ :Q,f I. di~ct rmrmcillJ btllefil. ~lIch .. ccs lhr1)iJg/l O"r by ~mhla cliltmCl LO pU:lil1aLlng Infringl:m~t. nr kllDwin~lr .Bml nn~tcrillHy aids :L"I)' ill:.!. or ~op:rrigh1 Ill' nllll~~ right5 b:rrlingWl~l by moth=-r runl1 er, th~ Vi!1f1lu~lso 1111 d tnl;linll 111!1 th~~IlJilic~l ion ('If dtird pm)' ]JlibHuJy .,tI)' mel k1d~ tllilsi d'ro.UL'1lI of r:.~.u:pti~nH!1 I hrli Lltirms to Oi.dll~j'iolt= .ri.~b1.S 111M 11ft ~o.T<flllt d 10 cern i n sp~dll eases IJ111! do t'u:n ~onnrt·1 .... ,rh ~. oorm~l !~pl(lilll.trDn of 11l~ work, r~rf~rm!n~~ (l~ phancgmm. allD dll !:1m trrlreaW'n1Ibiy pn:j IJdit.~ the l~,gn I ITW~ i~ tf~~S of In e tighl hckl~. ind~ Ill!'; r~ir U~~, r~ir 1:l-e!:!.rin~, er I j1,elf ~qtlivlilll:m.~.J AI ~~.1:5t one d~!Il;5iali{ln D'fIrCl5C~ 'hl~ [fJlllml1C.

~r.fF~t pur-p~~ cfltn~.ArLi~l~i !Illlallel·cnric;~ prD\'irl~r" srul plllll\'ld~r meana p1Qviilu ilf'linHnc !"u"dt·C:.~ tlf nt:'~~rf, DlAl:.'iS, onhc Cr~ID.r~ !lr f~dHllit!S Lhtm:J!!'rl:;, <Inti indudes lUI ~ml'y ~rr~rir.ll. ~~ I.rrursm!S:s1Dn, fn~~tillg. Qy pru"'~d~ng Drt[ml1~ClillrlS it'lf ai~itcl onlil'tt: c('J]11i:t:1lJnit~tir.n5,~1We~n or Ilm!ln.!. pnj~l~ si'E~il'l~~ b)' ~ U!l~. cr mn1ui~r oi Ille uscr'~ q,gii~in& wl1hmn mDdirli:~Lialllolftc crnWc:nt {lr Il1c mau:rilll ~5 ~~l~ er ~ ~.iv~d.]

~'I\ L !~?~t ene (!cl~E~Hl:m SUU;!Sl.~ (lwdng !i1:c p"...I::OJld .~ll.d ~llifd !CJ1h:n~u Dfrr.'r.~!'.rlph ~. AI [eart ene Ll~lc£.l!<lh}j' 5lJ!!lC~t~ m~"'lng lht Flrsl ~nll ~t~!'Ind 5~l"Itelii:esnfr.M"~graph ~

J~Fl'Ir !l1UIU c~rMilily. !b~ r~!"i1~5 1JNk;!i-t~Fld Ihgr!.Ll1csc Jil"!lil~lirl:lls ~TC Ilfit .tD'U1d~d It! h~J11l(:miY.: Ih~ IL~loili~r of cllhm: ~me pm,·ide,. bUl ~~dlld~ lJabJlilY [11 CC-it!][1 $,lIlaliclilS. Thus.] Ih~ f~iIUff. or tin lll)litl~· ~~nCe rTG\id~i'i Ciltl~l.I~l III tju2.llft fflT II limili.!Ufm Cif li.ilbilitYI.l:tllltT li$ m~~re$ fmrl~mmlfllg


on ~ine St:F \'~C:!" prtJ\'idt~ f~~ juri mging ,u:lj ·,rtif:'5 11tH! occur by

(i} auli;'ml!lir: 'm:JHH'::~! rHllC'C!''W'S', And

(i i) lbt: aClioilS of I hI! nrolJld er '.$~I $ ers ~ h at 8 rc not d irec I cd (I]'" jnr1ialw by Hl!1!t provider and when lhe provider does not select the rnarens], and

(iii) 'It)!?; proviiJcr tgr~rrLl1£ or linking users to 81111 cnhne location,

l'!!.'hefl. l n ca ses of .st~bpB:r<l gra ph.s: (i i) .!l11 d en J)~ll the provider does no t fl!lve acrual knowledge of the Inrringem~f1t and isnet aware of r"U!i or circumstances from 'which infringiHg ,activity ~s ilppilifellt~ and ]

OR-tion 2,

[Eac.h Pany reeogn izes tlhat SOme pe..!'l'>ons5ol use ~he SeF'\I ices of ~h i:rd partl es, inc] Lid i ng onhne S'l1!n[il::~ PI'Cll!,ii.dlirs.,[~:l] for I!.l1gl'l.gll'ig in jnten~ctu:ai properrvrights i_rlfrangements.

(011 In Lil is rcspec], e:JchP'~(1) ::;h:J!] prQ"lid'! liniilflliou On the [liilbihry of] [ scope of cj, i I remedies ~H ailabte ~Cijin5t au] un-Iiue "~C:(1.Iir.~ r~"wi,r *1 f"r in (rint Hlg

.. "" .\~ h Ie. fl

act I v I UeS" I at oc.cur ~Jy

(1) autamstic technicalprocesses [W[)( keep the provider from taking

ml!:SlS\lrCS to prevem the. IllfDnge:melltl. IJ[

(ii) (he; !1IC'lions of the pro .... lder's users that ilft: nor iniuared ner mo-dlfied by th:n ptavfded and when. tl1~ p.fO'\'jder does not select the ma~c:ti~! or

(jil) the. SlOto!'ige of in fornul'liOJ'l provid~d by the re:cipioent of th~ serviee or at tll~ requesl of the rec::ipi~l!l of[he service,

""hen exercising the fi;ctivit~e.s ss slip1J!~ted in )Jllifil&TIlph 3{a)Oi) Blnd/Cir (iii) the online service providers act [takes ,~p~jQprjc:lte measures] expeditiously, in 1I{)t:oxdll!1C~ wilh appJ'i eab Ie I.;rn,' r s J, [stH~h as 1ho~~] to remove or d iSiibl e: 8IC('.I!;¥S to inJ rl n g iog Il'i ate.r [II I or i!lflinging !lr::ti\,U:y upon obtaining ;lctLH!.1 knowledge oHhe Infringement [or The f1il!t. thBl

~111!, pro1i'isiol'! ~h~1i uo1 hUf~Il\'~~ly upDn ~h-Jl. c~:msiiJ~Miil n of ~ dd~~ by 1h: ,ro"'Ldu IIJ~I the prr;l" i der'~ «mduct Ji n 01 i i".frjng.i~g Il'f BII)' QIh~r Ilc!tnsc..

f ref IllIrpc~u of thi5 A_!'ii~r·~ ch'i~n $,trvi~tPF~I'id~F MU! IUlllf'hl~f n;leall ~ pnn'l(iu Df (JnliT1~ servrces Dr nr:::'twOi~ a ~cc~~~ (lr I.h C DpCrno.rt {1 f fQCliities !hu~ rare, I1l'I d jl1thul~5 ~III mtiw 0 rf~.rin£ I h ~ lr1l.nsmi,mm, n)0.~~1'IlJ., or PfOl"idi:n:g Gf ~JJJ'!mGtions. lOf di~lQl ClTllil1e COIilIilUrlIUhC-Tli"h.!lwc~'n nr ilmDlIg 1101l1l"~ ~cdn=d by II usn, (}F mll~~1 Q'f the 1J"~'5 choOliing, wilhtl~.1 ~lIl!difiUll~DI'I CD 1'11= cc'n~~! .,r ~h-.: m~' i:rJ.11 it§ s~iU ClFICC,CJ ~cll.]

l'" TIl e e t~ j",j Ijes co"cn:iI:I In j;!i'irni!;~~ph ::l(.0i)( i) ~D'\' =:r 1.1'1 emere ~:Dndujt a ntl lb c ~~1 lv i1l~ c;tjvmJ!l JJ'I li'aril~~ph 3 tn lUi) ,pnll Oil) -c.D'I'1tJ' Jt~j"Ill:uh'd)' ~ll~ I'lIn, nnd h~l\nll ill ~ reo:ti~itU::~ wuh 1l~i1i~~ loC~1 $.r~~1U]


1t1= ~nfl'irli'l:!ljrm at the iniiial S IH"-t! JHIS been iefi'I"':(J~1 (J, diseblcd.] Lor h ..... 'ng I ~;1~OI1(i~lJe:, grounds 10 know I~at Ih!: ~nrringcl1lt!m I~ CH::i:LJrrmg)j

Option 1 (b)

C(Hldhio,n lh.c:,~pplic.lI1L{l1"l or the pro\,l~wns or subparagraph (a) on meeting lhe following requirements-

~n 0111 En~ serv i~e. .r.rD~ ide r ad~pting. i!n~ rCaoon" h Iy I mp]e.1m~1{mg a po h 1:;)' [1.], Ul ilcld ress ~ he unauthorized S lml,ge or lrifiSl11isstol'J of rnilter:ials protected by t:opYrighlor relared ri,glns [ exeept Ibilt no Pnrty maycondLholl the limitations fll SUhp<lfOlgrnph '(iB) en dle oflline service ;pmvider'sm,olljtor~ng ilS services Or affirrnatively &cekiog flit-I.<; indJeJ!li:rng I~al, illfHnging a.L~i\l' ity Is QCCI.Htll'lg]; and

(i n

",n onl ine ),L' fvic:e IUQv](]er ex I ,.cti i" i ,! ~Ty 1~I1"I.OVfl!g N di';'I\I,lirrg <recess to 'm~teri",1 or'ity ][alkgcd iflfnnge,merU]. upon ('eC!;l]pf [of Jt:.gaHy sufficiem notice or a~Ieg,J::d infring~m~nt,ncf an on:kr rroml1 I;umpetznt ,authority] and Ul the absence or II jega Uy ~umt:::I(J;l"It re5pClll$1f': rrom rhe rlil:lev":mt subscriber or HJe online serv nee pro'" Hi er i I'Id i C::I'l{! ng lhllt tbe not [ee was dll e resu lt of In i5lake or \', jSIr:i'!l nLifi ~lIon.

~X~pl that the J'I"O'V T si ens Df (iL) shall flO! be OI,pplieiLILr;I ~he e.x1enttlil'll til e o:nline: service provider is ~.c'l.iHg !;olely OWl ~ndlJit fOrtr<lnSrfllSsio.ns tl~lI"Ough i:ts:sySltm ,or netwcrk]

Qu.tiDl) 2:

[Paragraph 3{,m.} sh a Il n Ol affect the pessibil ily fi:l.1i a J IH:I ici al cr admllllstrOliUveaulhClri~ j', in aceorda 1'1!:e. \~' itil ~lu: P arties J egal system, requ i t:"i n ~ I he 51: rvice ;pn:tv ide r 1@ tern, i nate or prrJ:\'enl ~f1 inf~ing.ffiiI.~jlt, ner dees .it affect the pos'SrbHity of the pJri:LeS establishing procecl!Jft!.S gov!;mfng th~ ~emlC!\'aJ Oil" disabling of ac.ceS5 to iaforrnetiou

The Parties shall not impese a general monitoring requirement 011 provider.s: when iilr:tin!!: 111, accerdance Willl [his 1'0JJiagrflpTl j, J

[3Iiil" 'Each P.i'i~'~han ~n2b!e. right helders, who h'ElngIVi!I~ Il!:lfemtve nonnc:,al~(\n W an enline sendee. p:rO\iider of mlitcrinls:tr1i~I. 1hey claim witM valid reasons to he lh~ir 'cop)ltlght or telated rigl!I!>, 10 exp1!di1i0l1sl~ obu,[u from that provider informMiol1 OIl rhe identity anile reJ~\I;lnt 5u~s.ctib~T .

., At I~M I:m ~ IIrf~g~i ron I1rD'r't\"~s If.1 LFI~ lu d e I~" S:1J ~g~ III til i~ fODtr1U1t I o pro I'~de .~ rc~ Ler ce.,'1"imy that lI~fflj:I~J1~tio",~1 t~w c~pH~s w.uh l~i5 1~~uir~m~I'I'_


J qt,'ma Eaeh r~1 ty shall f#QfI1Qte the de:vf,jopml'Tl! of rm tmJlj supponive P'C.h.llj[)n~hiiJs he.WV~fH euline ~'n'ibe. pr(n'idflJOS tUld rigllr ~u1der$ to deal effetlivd'y wil!. patenr, mdusirial cieHCiIl.lrndemark ~~d copyright Or rclatsd nghts mfril'lg_cmenl wh lch takes p!J.1t:e by rneaus of the Interrt~'t> il1dudil'1g, 1lte e.t!lcQufi1l&Cml!1}1 of est:lb~is:hlJ1g guidd ines for lllt;. actions whi~h should be !ahfl,]

[4, ~J In order to pru~'!de adeqeate ~egaJ rrotectionW ami ,~frwi"e I~ga~ remedies ;!l!t.!linst Ibt; cireamveminn of\'e tec:lmological mea.!lW'e,s thaI are used by aU[JlOfS. [performe rsor prCKl ucers of ph onagrarns] [th e rjgM hoI d er of any copynght Of relat ed nghts or e .... m:r ofrm e;"e Hcense~i J in cennecnon with the exercise of their 'rights i1!nd tlnll restrict un.1ullmri;::ed <lCIS in respect or ~helr works, [perfcrmanres; ~nd pIH:mogL.illtls] [or other SIl b J~l m:J II ers ~mi!:: til un d er A rtielc l4 0 r th e Tilt rr s }l' •. greemern], each Party ... hall provide for eivil remedies, (or] [<'1.1> well as] ctiminal penalties in appropriate cases of wiHfui eoneuet [&;:11 , tl~<lt apply to:

LEitch rarty .!iDE'lll prii\'!t1e for 1.1cJ11Me l~l<ll prolt:1..1iOlI',1 and dreo;:~i\~ l:g,,1 remedies, in nli! form of chiLi tcrn~d[es Or criminal pellallil!$Ul "f1fHopria!e cases ot wlllful conduct, aga i nst 1111:. c irbUDl1'Vi! ntiQl1 of dfectt\'ei tahno loglca! measures fh.i!it are used l>y <lUi ho rs, p! nr pn:lducQ,ft: Of in c'mnfc[i~n 'IliI'il..h ths ~i'lrtjs~ of [heir rights and lhIT~ restnet unauthorized acts in I'espec[ elf their works. performances, and pho.llogrilm, These stlaU appfy (0:]

(~.)tbe !,lJ'l:Bulhori1cei!. c~rculnventklfl of all c:ffectj'l'iI!:t.echnologieal,e,6:l [tluu controls ! to a ?rCit!%t~, work, performance, or phOf'logramJ. tIIId

(b) the. mal1illactLJr~, hnportauon, or circularicn of .a [lechncl]ogy], service. rnrevice. p~od\lc~~ [component, or pirt thereof, lha[ is; [marketed] Of primariTy destgne.d or produced [erthe purpO$e. of clrcumv(!l'Iting an effc1:lll'e,oJogl!: I'll measure: ortho'lt has only a I imited ~Om m~rciany

CWtIf !JLC Tmrpo~~ pi Lhi,. ;'.lii!:le, will rll r eon tluel fMi!! rI~ ilCll,I~l 11 ~r.lwl~d~~ !If r~Gtl~bl~ ~r'alHds HI lInn\~ .1l.:>~ he or ~ h. is 'r'Yr1;uiIiEllHt~ ~bj~nl\'" n r Ci":'lLl"'IV~lilJ£, ~:lI dr".:!i1,i~' 1~d'nolojl! i~.~~ me~H "-1

M ref Ih~ purposes of lhi~ 1',r1r~'~,~fret:ln·c 1~Ij;'hno!oci~JlI 1'U~~sure nl~~I\!i ~:ny ~~thrt~I'tlt:Y, ('~\'I~~. or cam I'H"rlltll1 dmL, ill lh~ n nrmOll mu.rr.e lJ'r its 0fI~1 ~! i!'ll'), ~I::tm~rllls ~ca.5.'! lt1 II pm'~('~.d Wiltk, 'p'trrQrrn~h~!t, f'lI!UJnt1,!l~l1, ~r J'1liJle!:.~ ~j' ~!I~)'l'i~)u er ~J~)' rl~lM !O tli"jlrd~l:!i-]Ij$ c('l'l11IOH~d by lh~ rlgln Irokk~~ 1hnl'Jg)1 ~pf1I'c.yti(i!\ o-cr en ~~~~$ tn~Uft~l, Of flmle~ji~tl rrLm:ss Slll;;~ as ~1Irn..'FliM, s~rnmb!in,~. Dr {ILhCf l r.l; ~,~f['~m~1 [L'fn f11111 ~I [ 'L'>1lJ1>Ji. pe r.ri1m~Il~~ Dr ph~)nIlBr!m's, 0; ill eel!!!}' ~~,n ~I"I m~ ~1l:)fI lsm, ""hk" ~ ~hil:ytl Ik~ pU)lr.r;li(ln ClJJ(\C!:h"~ J

511S11;ficaUI purpose ,"'1 use {lll~i tlu-n cir<':Ulnv~ufilig an cffr.;, h rccrilloJogic~ r nm.l5Ure J]

[5. [42J E:i!ch P:arly shan prGvid,e, [thU a] [",d~,u;lle ]eg~l prcteetion ~Q!I.nst ill viulution (If il. measure implcrnennug paragraph (~) [i5 a separate clvil !JF criminnl offcnn.] in i:'lependClll of ;my j nfrn ngement of copyri!:\h ( or re lilled rrghts, ! ~ r'


[further. [eac'n Party mil)' adept if::'l'bCCpt;()JlS Ilrld limila:liol'l-s LO rnMsurts implementing p:aragrllpla 4 ~Q [eng ,ac~, t.he.y do i'I~l :;;ignificMdy imp(!ir ~JU'!; IldC~~l3Cy (If leg .. I 'proIOC,tlon of those measures or lhe effectiveness of 1 c::ga 1 remedies rlJr vielatiens or those measvrest1


r ,5, Each Party may provide for measures which would ~arecuard !h~ lJo.!nefit of Cm1i'1En exceptions and lirnitnions to ~,Op~1 ight ind related rigIH~, in acecrdsnce with ir>

h:gislll.tlOfl.J ~

[6, [ln order tollEilch Parry shell] provide <LdeqmHc and errecti,'c legal remedies to

protect r electreruc] r.ights m ;U1R gem en! i nf orrnat ion [, e. J

r EJFimP,~rty shall p.rovuJfl. for civil remedies [or) [as well as] crimi'nllI peni!~tiesJ in a pproprl<l1e cases of willful [~~] condact, 111;)1 Il,pply to <lfly pcrs{m perfCJrtn11:lg [~ithotH ,authority] .any of tnt ftlilo~lflg a!C~ Knowing [o.r ,:I;'lth respect to civil remedies h'!'J.ling reasensule ~r(mnds u) krlOw] that it wiJl ~ndLll:e. ,cTl,ablle.r;)c~lil.a:te, or conceal Olin iJ1fringll:)Ucrn of arJ)" cop'yrigilt Or related right;

IJ lT1;e] [1 n It~orcl:il.nQe wl;~hlhe ~PJ'l.ltuMI:. nal iOJJ~! lcgislmit'!n, l.J]I~J gblig;n !iOJ1$ iii lP~nFP'~1l.s {II) am] ~:5) 1,~r~lIm~,)' be! wi~iUlUL ~D Ih~ n~l:S. JimHatj{lI1l<. c.XC~p'llml~ Of dCr~j1S'~li m ~ofllrigh~ Of r~I~.'~.d ~11l~1I5 i!lfri!lt(tm~1. rUf1h~, [in impll!mfll)tillg p~~~tilph (~). IiIO P;!!f!J' m·~r]~a~lr.!f1" f~) (IDes no1 ~mplli :1;"1)1 oN i~;'ti!ln 11,1.] tc:q.Uii~.IiM Ill'll tl~iPl or, Of th~ (I CSi!!,1l aFIiCI ~dctl kin o1iIl.'Jr? ~nd Ci[jmpllllC;U~ for, u CDI'1SUrnc:r clf,l::lumies, IJtlc~Omffll!i'Ljl;~~ioil'S. ar eDfflpLLtJl'I, prOOlJU pT[wid~ ror ~ rnspml,!;~ HI ~)' ll;trlkulllJ It t:hnCl!ft.ll ~~.fI1 m:~m5urt, SI) long 85 !he p~.<DIlI.IU ilQ~, !lot Q]n~ rw k~t:. YiQr~I'= In)' III I:UU res ImplcmtntiliE PJfilcrepoh (~J.

!'~N~ga,r.!ll(lr·s H~t~; This rm,wbl:m is .i!llbjll>e:l ttl broOlLlcr govemmCil[ eClionl~~ll\<erc.isn imrnlllll1y l"TO'I"isi an ds~wblt1~ rn Itl~ A~r-=&mm1'.

t&rftir 1·1'1::: ]¥1J F]l1l5le CI r , h ts A rlitl~ l~,mrlll ~ tmllu~4 mt:i!l~ ~ m"I\ .... IIl~h· poc:ri[lrmillg wlLhl!l!JL mnh adly "~1' ('lor lbe folio", I ng eus ][~1~" undt:;T SU tJplr:i~mrln 6 (II) CT {IJ),. ii .w~tL I'l'I:.I'IDn bf~ "'S fir h:o,:;; ICMI:IJI~ hiE sumll.cb tDLrL""'" ~!l~r bl' .~ICI dDi~~ h~ i5 ind'!Jtirng" cll~bfil'lg. f[[t.iJi'~li"g. Dr w;nttBlbn~ an illfrillgemc:ilI (Joe ~IW C rlT"),f!sh\ nr ~II)" ril:j hts rtl~~~d 10 c [\jl:l'TI~l" ] •

6~I'Qr PlltpGl~ ef thi~ Ar1T~l,=-. [t;l~tU1tlr\itl ri,l;hL5 m,;t,'~g~m:l:nI il'lr~rrruLLinn m~'1lS;: (~, In r('mll~ti(lD LflM. Jcl ~nlili~ .~ \~ 0:-1..:, [nr (lth=r ~\!ltl Cf C rJUm~1'S ~~dfl~ d Ull~~, All iel ~ 1 ~ of tfu~ TRW."i "\gt1:~Ift~:)I] (,-'~rform~nc~. Df' p~un'~~1TI1; Ihl:~Ulhl"lr !unllt' worL. lilt pufl!!m\~r Ilfahc Tmf(l!!Tllln~e" nr the ['I.ocl uc.~r or 1 htrh DTlO~1 ;!'11~} r ~T ... rt)' Q\h:t!" n.~111 hili ders Df l'h~ ~UIilJ~(i m.~n~rs :5P~l'Jfi ed LI!i~C r Anld ~

(b) !o distribute:,. ImrOH f~r distr thlrl ion, bn1iHkjl~l. t:.Ql11m unicate, cr !Hake available to the public copies of wru ks, (or ol·h~r subject matters spe,cifi~d under Article ] ~ of the TRlPS Agreement) [perfOfnHIIi'ICe5, Or I):']~ knowing limt [dt:C!f'lilirJrights m3L101gI'HrJ~IH jllf~nnEllion lias been removed Or ahered witlHlul RULhority.J

[1.) [6" 2] E<1 ch :riiirty m AlY ii durn P hn j I <ltiOIlS or] e.:<:ception.s to th ~ req u i rsments of subparagraphs (a) a.nd (bJ Iofpara!1;fl'lph (G)J [so long 35 [hey do nOI si~l1h::am]y impair th~ ;; 01~ leg;'ll protection or I!;ff£c~1\1e,rl~~ of ~~gal remedies for \lloliiifllons of those measures ]

1 ~ ;;lr lli~ TRIPS AE1~en1::;m]. >elf ,h~ C ..... I'IC1 Df ~1l~ti~1'1t il1 Ill!: wo~1., ~crrorrl'l~n~. nt rl1a-nII~~nl: liJ) IlIfa,mMj(l", ~'bDUl Lh~. tErms liml ct'lildhiom L1Ifll1c us! of ikE wmk, [~rrfirm~ml:., I'Ir JlhflnlJ~2.rnJ [~F nnl l\1.J'i!:'r riEl]1 holt'! P'! of LI1t: s~l1j ~ c\ rn~ 1.1~r.; s'p~dI1~.!~ Ill'ld er J\ r1 i ~ [e I ~ 0 f Hu:_ TR n'5 .J!>, 1S.o--t=~;~n~ 1: tv {() Iln~' numbers (If ro~ I!'IM n:pTuem ~hrc: iMi:lrrnn:l'ioJ"l dt~rn~cd ill (iI} nr (b) ilb[l\'~.whlln fml~ of 11iE;9C !kln~ i,!l J!_~luh~d 11} ~ C~I of I"~ wPT1~. [Jlcrfl)ml~F1'l:, D]I" r'hoo0&fllll!'l} lor Ijlh~r su"'j~,", JIIlIlIH:;l'!i ~",in~.rl L!nd1!'t Aniclt t~ u;( !l1~ TRlPS Ap£fI'r~m] [l~~f1fi~uS in ~~Il11t.C1kln wilflll'1~ c~mmuni~lor Of m~l;iog JIVR iI~hl~ lIr II """all<,, [Il£,'f!lrm·~"~, Of r.n p~"Il.mmJ t or Il ther £u~j~>[1 matters i'r,,~m~ umh::r A ni'l:.!~ 1 ~ Qf Ih~ ln IP S A g:1 ~ ement] l(l 11l~ ilbllll.~


Ot'llnm nmr~

I Nl'It:ItN'A TilQNAd~ coo r EltA 'n [):-.l

I. Each Pa,rty recognizes that inlemaliom~l [enfcrcemem] coeperaticn [is vilaJ' rIo r~ I iu. [fuUy] effWlivi:. prllJteclicm of iT1~Cne(,tuEl'prQperty righTS} [ in order to deal with the lru:reasingly global problem of the trade in CJ.)lllltenei[ and pirated good:;]] [p~~ys nn imperrant role. in lh~ prOleC:1tOn of I::Opyrighl and tradernark figh'l.s}a.nd should be [underteken] [encournge.\ll n:g.Bl"diess of the origin of ~h;: il1f6ngh,g goods Dr the lac:3,iion [or'l or the right ho~deF [of the intellectual property rights.

2. In (lld~f to cembu [il1l1~HtM:hHl.l pfop~rt)' right Infringeme.nL, In p:!r[icl.lil!!r.] IrlhlcJhilrk COLirllCrfc:j(l'Ir. ''lti Lopyriglu piraey, rJ.~t;fo P:]rly shtlll p:r(lmOI~ rm[~y. as it ~kl:ln5 appropriate, ] c.ooptml,!_t.n [measures, ' .... hure ;'rr!rlVriate.] .• lfiong the [rt',J~"';ll1lj competent BlIIlhcI]tit5 af lhe l'arties [C(lnCCHleO with] ll"esponsible for]!i1~ of propertJI nghts Such [eccperation incJiJdc..S][ nwa:sur~s mlly il1cJ~de;] l cccperati on sha llinc h.u::l e J[ may 111 ChHl~] I ~w enforcement coopera:1 i on wit~ respect to crimmal mvestigatreu[coru;;'ermng] [relating !oJ the cffences covered by this: Agreement imd [border measeres] [cocperation at rhe border], [wTm::h may be conducted bil'a1efo1l1y or muBila!tJlll1y] P~T'liCl)lillf anentien s'~:!!i[ be: de:vo'!~d '10 the circulation of IPIt infrl!1ging goods: detriment.all.O the heslth and nrC!)'.]

] eath Party [s.hall][ maY]t ~Oris:L~er.t with the re~js[~ngndome..nic law and PQHcy aad Ihe] [inlemaltClaal ag,~me:nts and :wrangemll'.flts to which suc:h Farry ,is a p~rtyJt, [conduct][ uaderrake] !!:nf()rccl'nen~ CQoperRtion [foreseen] [sctivitics as prQvid!l:d] [iraematlnaal cooperstien sssel out] in this Chapter [.til I ij'lill with the in.U:m:atioil.d agr~f':menlS and OIrrn.fl~ern~!:lts to which such Party is a pilft)l-J [Ea-ch P:ilrty may also conduct enfmCflnent ecepernien or provide asslsianee [0 a.rJoth~J party pursuant tc ather international i:Lgrecmcllill" arrangements, and practices, and in accordance with its dom!:.Stic Jaw and pclicles.]

[4. NotIHF1!l! in thls Ch8:pIe.r lIrid Chapter Ii shall require lilly ilarty [c diSI;Jose conf d 1:111 ia 1 i nfenna I ion wh le,n W eu I rn be cornrary 10 its Jews. legJJ latie n S.I pc:! I' ides, leg;a r practices and applicable irueraatienel .ageem~n1S and !l.1TI'I.flgeme.nis, indudlngIA\:li'S P!'PtU;\illg in'!,J~Sligati\le te .. hnlques; right of privacy or c~mficienti,aJ i~fo.rrnilii·on fb, law ~nrQt~c;menl, fir oiherwisc be CllJlln"ary lo,pubH~ hm~r~s1, or woul~ pn!.jl.ld~[,e1h~ JegltmHlte eommereial interesu of parlr~lJlar fi[ru~rises, public Of pri"a:r~.)

[tl-. The Paa11e5 understnnd that ob]igations underthis Chapter an.d Chaptlf:f.1l are subje:c~ 10 [he doml:!stic IIIWS, pnficies, resource!liloc:amm and ISlllT enforcement priorities of each Pi1rt)' ]


.". RnCL£ 3 .:1. !l'WDllMA no: ~ SJ IAR !NG

I. [ln onh::r !g ensure efiecl~'I'~ enforcement of rhe provisions o.f this Aweernenl.J each PB.rty Jf5hiililU may] prmnote: sh.lIr:ing UI" exchanging] [m.1Y, lIS it deems apPI'opri<lite, share IJf exchange ] , .... ith allier Parties [r.f the following rnfcrrnmien )[ as appropriate ,1fJC J'_'!.Hy agreed]:

(Il) ITlfofttlJHI'OIl coll~c:{~d by (he PJJrt,y HJ'n:ler prO\"JSIOM of Chapter 1l1. iL'H::]l.d~ng st:uimieaJ data. and fnfo:rmiltion On but practh::es iud:uding

Ihose relstmg tn[.risk ana]~Jsis] [dsk managen1eJ'1tJ; MIdi .

(b) information em ["tlhe] developsnera [and implernentsticn] or legis!lJn\'!'~ and .egoliltory measures [of tl;n;:J Illy the] ParI:)' [related tc the prctecncn at'] d ell:fcrt&merll of unellee i'U<t ~ propeJ1.)' ri gillS],

for t1 J S pur pose, II n, Par t ics ~h all endcav GIn til cstabl i s 11 appro pr iate I1wd<i I i r i cs 11H~ll.lcling holdjll~ ofpcriocHc~,r meetings,

2. Each Party shaH f!iI'lliurn, AS ,j;!ppropriale and Tl1utu~tly 1I.~ref';d" [within the !liJlils of [L'.sJ national ~egf~liu~fin][ consrstent with its domestic Jaws) • pelicies, [legallpraciices, and app I j cable Lex isti ng} interns Ii enal agreeme IJI:s aud 8ITan gemeonts. fhat its C:(fJfI~iel'l [ 2U1hmities have lh~ [] (~yt~Q,rit}'lto p~ovlde the c:omp~ten'l !liuthotitTes of ~11)' oUler [Pal1iesJr Pnrty]. either 011 request or on its DVi"J"l irJil:3tivf:, with i.nformation n ne.c.e.s::s:a'1' 10 1!.r!S use. J[ 10 f;!le Intone n to ;;11101'1'11' J a propr.r appl kElt iCl~l of 101\,,",,5 eaneem in g enforccmt.nt of inw]Jtc!1Jill property rights and to prevent, in\'estigate, [and rer-res:s ;]t;ts of iluelleclual pl'o~erty!:men15][ or prosecute. infTln~ement of lntelleeusal pfop!.Jiy righ'l..5) [:rdllu:d tathe enfnrcernem of jnfeU.e~lual propeTl)r rights],


1, [In order tn radlitat:e the implementation of this Agree.rm::nl 0.1" lhl! accession. thctl'lO,] [De \,e]o~di co!.lfl1l)! J Pa'L1..ies .sha] I [e.I'l de<! va!.lr to] prO\lid~ on request iHl tl' on mutually Ilg.r,e.ed terms and conditions, .'lS:siSUI1C~ ~n ~PllcitJ bullding :al~d H:chnrcn i lS5ist&TJt:e[in imptOlVing I3J'!fOrcernMt, of imellecnral property rigfuts,] [fbeused em initiatives to cornbatthe in ;::olJfltl!Vfeit and pirated gm:::u:ls] in fllVOllT' of developing COtH1UY Parties to this Agreement and [I where ~pprClpri ... te,] [for third ccuurnes ][for countries not I3i Party to this AgrcemenL][ Parties sh!l'~ make 2111 re'lS('lI'1Flbh~ efforts ~o ensure tllL<'lt ~tiC11 Cap(lclt)l blJi1rHng ami 1~lmk:l.J as"sIsta~ct! ars,~tIble: !lnd do not Cl'\i!:tliip with s;imHsr <l~j\,rtie:!i provided by ~nl.ematioI'lOl.] 'C!J'ginilatioJ]!5 aCllH [n I'ne field of intellectual prupeny.] [The provlsion of a~sb1!ilncl: under this Artiele and Artlc:le.s 3.3.2 snt.! 3.3 J is 5ubje~t 1('"1 rhl: avail;lbil ilj' OrtE.~ourCf:S 011' 111~ p"'rt of th~ donor P~rt)'.J

2. ro)f :~~~ purpose of psragraph 1. Idevelored LOtUllI'yjPitrde.S .51121 r L ~t dH! fi!:qll~st trC rle,\" c:ountl')' Partles :find On mutually agreed terms and conditions, J work

27 with [devdopi:ur, ~tnJlllryJ [Clt:ltdPilrti ·s I io HJ. wh~le apprt1rrlat~, ,:oUlMh.:i r('1 a Perty iO rflis Agreement or ~~.ill ste customs ltHJ[oricS",J [10 enact] [implement and riO 1 cr sucnglhen Om![ [domestic] [ I'll!lllol'liliJ legislaticu, as npprnpriate, ~l1d 1:15Sj,t them in il11pmvlllS therr IHltionai' intcnrelU1!~ pl"l!llperry law e-nfi)ra:l11cnl eapaciries l~rougl1 sharmg be~l prncuces ~on[.l:;mingilt1~ lluctual Ilropl:fty law enforcement and provid illg lele\',mt tcchnicallraininlJ: for d;nfQl'teln~n[of:fki~ls..

J + nD~vlel oped ca'l.mt_ryJCDevdop~d and develop i Ilg bCJUflLI)']1 P artiu I (EI!i~h Pa fty J Illay 1J~de.rmke the IJbligalio:n~ under tMs, Arlic.l(\.in cQlUunc.tiill~ with 11lh!\'ampdv,f'lte sector Or mlerilil;;HlHliIl Drgarlii..liti~ .. m$',

(-1. Panies shall pu( in place 3 ~pccijJl t1110catlllfl Fund to finance ACT.4 jnit[illives en

cilpad~y blJildil'l!!. IIJ1d to~hnic.1l,~ 0I5:si!i[3r1ce]

[S. P.l(1k~ shall, in the implemclltEti{Hl ilLi'; ;ldndni!;"JJliion O'f lhts Agre'::llllent, l:lke into D.CCOUIU devc loping countries 1l(.:E:rl.~ !I! 11.(;; HdtJ CT· fir1!:Liltll"lg and tecluncal a.$SI J ~ this res pec~ SUi! es P arues wi he A greemen t 8J:;I'CC:

(~) To support, d~\I~(Jping COlll"ltrIU ~frorts, for the of tile )\ ~en1 ent and lb C j rlteg rat ion of u1ll·coufl(l:rfeit]ng aud 11 rrU· h~lCk in So actions in nl'llkmBiJ develepmen! siraiegies This misi:ante .shall be d!;:signcd. to he~p d~\.·el[]ping wunlrfcS to hanncaize their lews, to CiJrry au l tn e ~r ob.ligatiDnJii .and '1:0 e'Xen;i se their ri gil IS as Memhers;.

(c) To pl'omotl'lcoordinaHon of lechl'lica~1lIss;i~tan!:c acuviues 'Wllh uie bll~l~roldonor5, \VTO SBCmtllld,H, WlrO as well Of w~[h etherrelevant intern a;tf ona~i I1Tmgov~n'llT\e11taJ ins~ it u u ens,

Cd) S l1!:te.sflartil!S shell review o'l n n,u,mHy I.rm. i I'll P 1 emerllal Lon of t11 is Art [d e].

(S. SL!l:te parties shall enfl~vour to pfO\'tde ~echn~cal assistanec in 1he following


(a) Promoting the culture or int~Ucc~u8!1 property.

(I,).) Trelning proj\~sjom!.ls il1 c.harge of lh~ prnle1:iion of the I'Ig.hlhokl~:; m ... oiv~d in ~hl'l pro!ectiOfil Dr h,tc:lle:cUI.8i PrC!p~l1y,

(e) C£ipilcity buiMrng and experience sharin:b srnnng il1Sl.ihJlicln!f in charge of fight i I1g CO UTII erfe Hi rig amI pir~(.}'.

(d) Too 1 s fot m el!l!'nrifl g Lhe. eecnornic Impact of ccunterfehln g On the mad: et and ~\,iiI!Li.lrjng the ami ccumerfeiting and .ani i-lli1ckjng 1lt:~iMS.

(f) El'lfon;en1t!:nl of Iilw.s r1!vrdiu~ liglltrng E:Ollmml fL:uing and piJ<l~)l1rough

[he: lure rn et,

Technical assistanee $~'ilH be extended to all m.her~pe5 of actions [<lc,Ulaung the implel'l'IerUB;1.tOn ,mdlhe applir:.:ilbflh:y of'the ACTA Ag,reemelHl

01 \rTEH FotHt

E, .... 'H.JltCI~M!{j'[r rMI~"ICr!,;!\


L E<len Party 5lu.H Hfl.ldHtille] [ !n(':OInro3.c:](~S it deems appropriate foster the] d evel opment of] [ dC.,\1~ lop] ~p ee ill llzed expertise [of] [i fl .~IS] cotnpe!ent 8i1JlI1 orities eoncernee with enfercernent of [intellectual propeny .rights] [cOF/)IQ"'JgM al'].d trsdemnrk dgnLS) • ill oroerto [MS1:l,~J [promote.] eff~cti'\la I!nfOtLem~fU of [LrnelJut\ pr~pe,!iy rigJlI.s] [COIlIyri!!,ln and lra:dfma.rK riglm] [One means orimpl~IlHmtaUon IS throllgh specialized I1nw enfcreernent authorities for HIl:'n'l,'cstig!ltion and pr!Jsr:cutiO!l ef ceses ronctl:1 ning []U~ h'lfringemr::fl1 (If intellectual property nghts.]

2. Each Pmly shal~ [pu}I.TJCJle OOT.r~tl0l1 and .analysis of] [endeavoli 1tl, cellect] statistica 1 dilt .. ,JI.tI olhq r fej~\ Hlll informarion [, ..... 1 lell ,u(':h Puny determines i s L~SC.n~ I am] relevant.] [concerning i~lrrirlW'mem or inl(!l]ccluaJ pW_Pt:rLy ,rightS l WilhlJ1 lIS territory). espt;:ri::tl1y] !ra.dl: in caunterfeit rraderuark goods and pirated c;cpyrrgtlt goods, E<4ch Pal'Y sJl:aJ I [further] pfomole coUel::iion of informatio:n on best 'Pr1Ii:~jt::esl'Q prevent rind !;OInbat [imellech,lal prope.rty dglu infringement] [lil3:de:mOlrr. coumerfeiring and copyright pi ril.cyJ.

3. Each Parly shall L as it d~~ms ftppropriate,] [. as approprj;!tl:,] lelld~avoHr to enhance] [p:romoLe:] illte.:rna~ coordination among, [aJld fadliki,if! joint actions by]. [such parry's] (the] tom:pet~!n authntities [concerned ,,,ti~h J[ responsible for] entcrcernern or Il1tet1~ll;IaJ prop.erty wi!; [throlJgh an <lpp.mprime cootdinsring ( body]{ bodies] cr other I"t] evant meehanisra s]

,ll. [In ruder toprom.~tc: effer:live err[or·t:.emcn,~ of Intellectual Pf(lPCny riglIlS,] ear.h Part}' Shall l.a~ it deems ~ppfOp.riilt.e.] [e.f1dl2vour to et'IcourogeJ[ prom.~n~] [[he] es~blishHlil;.nlilnd mB.i.nt~n2lnce of fermal or inf(lL'1']fJ!!l mechanisrns, [as appmpriMe,] such as p11 b]jt:. ::ind/or private Ad \' isory grou p 5, wh ereby COm pet en t imhorilles m.~y hes r [the views of] right harders and otheJ .rele\'1lF!Jl stakehofders [where appropriate] [fQ:ster di.l3lirlgi.m arid infofml3.t~.ol~ e-xcbanges with .srH~n;:nolders in its~·erritQl)'l .

1. E.~rh Part)' shall adop! and maintain appropriete measures Thct facililille. aerivities of custom :lHlthoiiU.r~ for hetter ld~f'Inr.drlg ifnd !a;rge:~iT1B for inspection !l!t its border, shipmert1.!i (lhal [could] I:Qnl:liiu] [whkh :are suspected to contain] [counterfeit trademark goods or pirated topyrig)1t goods] [goods infr~lgjllg iutellectua] property rights.] Such. ~,dl"itie~ m~y inelude.] subject to J1J,agrnph 1. of Arlicle 1.1] [clause in !lnicle 3A. E:!l flpptic~b~eJ:

71JlAmd~ 4.2 s..!J c<ulti b~ re~·i e:'I' =6 in n:1~lilln I ~ other l'irnllOslIl "ll CllJ pI CT l r,e!;;arciifll!;l, II~fomi~tion B; ~Il~n ~ t be I.W~I:II rUS'l~mst.lIllloritj ~~.)


(.1) ~-:Jf\IIlCI with I eTI'v,:lHl !~!!lk~ho!dr.[.:; ilild wi 111 relc.vllII! 1l1.lthor;uc$ In id~nlif1 OlmJ j,j.t.lfJr~!i risks;

(b) ~)<ch<ingh~~ OlIv.oibb'~ data wilh custom alHhorili~ of Olhe.r Parties ff1:g.'Imrhg siglllfiL:£lnt selzures of [ct!\'il ... nd pirated] lmfringing] gclorh by CI.:I sterns, where'!' er possi b le; a ~ rl

(c) s'hlu'ing mfOTfn8I!0J1 with custern authorities of ml~e:r Partie:; on approaches that are deveh;lped ~Q pl.'Uvide greater effecriveness in targe~ ing sh i pmenlS !hill CC1.dd ctJlH.Il i 11 [c.cnJI1l~rfeil and PJ r.ale:d] [lnf,in~ingl goods.

[2. To better id;:.nt1ry and ~hipm;;:_llts fDr lns~\ioJ!l ma.l ~re suspected I(J

c..onlall1 countl!.~rtlit. trademark goods Or pir.altd rOp)'righl goods, ~ch p;;o.r!J' mal':

~.L) consult with n: I::. ..... nr .. lrIkt"Jiuld ~. ~'I1.i '·,;,h t.;..Omp"lcl1l ... thmltk~ responsible. fer intelleetual pmpttty dg.hlS' cnfllt~nellt to idenl1fy IH1d address ulj!lTlifiC:ii.nt risks and promote actrons to mitigatethose risks;

(b) when 3ppropri.1lle" exch.1nge data with bordef aU:i.hurJ!LCS of ether Partles; snd

(c) :share infwn181liltlu with border aUlhodtie.s of oth~r Parties Dfl approar...i1!:s lila: art developed to pro"id~ grwer eITecllvenessiLl th! bcwd~r ·e:f'lfol"C.fmefit of intellectual properly right~. irndud;ng apptM~he5 for u1T&c'ting sl1,prnents that could contarn Ca'L.Hlterl"eit and pira:!ed r,oods.

3. Each Farly s-fuailprovidelhou its competent au.dl!Jrities mPoY conduct audit'; of au 11J1p0!1e('s uusiness rseords, jru::lm:lin!l; me-1hodsofIMj'fnCIIl'l and purchase COnlriicts, as well .as its imenral eenrrels to trncl!: midi fina:m~iO!I gains BInd expose business pr:ami.ces relatM. Lr! tradenrark cOld.Merfelting .. m d [C1p)tt~gM P i _]

A ,tn eLf II.J: TIthN&M ~5J'.,~CY IrllH UCA 11 ON OF 'EN f'CIK'''E.hl El-.'T P R.DCrnllF..ES AND PR..\ [11 CE;.~

OMlOr'! I

[I For \he purpose of (further) promoting ~r~n:sp!lrency in the ~dminiHrlttion of [the] IIlh:Heclu;'i1 prop~l1y J!jgh"ll!~lfo,ceme:iH sJS"U:m. each Pnrty shaLl I(lke: app.ropri(lte measures [putsuarn to clmnc5~i~ !:iWS ~nd potides,l [11.Viltlnbh:] 10 publish Dr n,,=ke ;wr, i labl ill to 1 h ~ pu b lie i nfo.l1lUl i OJ} [,~i Llh m a ressonable pericd of l i rue 1 orr

(a) pD""(X'edul'l"!S Iirra,i!18bk] 'I'~~rding the enforeerrrent c,finlellectlJ~1 pmperty riihts j J1 d~d 1 ng ~Ul' r~tf:Ul aUlhorit ies ref enforceme.nt or hueltet:tua ~ pTClpt:fi)' rights and qlrll!llc:t pcints for assistance to dght h~],:lers;

[!bJ relevant r2 .... ~'S~ regulations; [final jucij(;ial di!cisions J al~d s dmfnimative n,TIiEi~s of ge.11'i:rW appJiq>,tion PM., iIII ngto enforcement of iruellectual


[(C) apphcatlons [J'brms]fot the s-uspe.nslo:n by the: competent lIu~homrcs or the release of ,[loads Lin[ringingin!ellccn.11l1 proF'erily right} [suspected COil L lterf ei I and [lirlll c\1 geo lis ] as a border mei!51Ire,;] imd

(d) 'ilS efforts to ensure ~fr!l.C~j"e enforcement of irfle1Jec.hJ~:lproperty rj~ln:l! and [an dfeclive][ili1h:!lectual property prQ~ec~jCin 5J~lem] indlJldjng ijI,y ~tll1'.istic!l1 data lh at the J1'<t!l)1 III 11)' collect.J

Option 2-

[ I. For [he purpose of promoting tn:ll1sparetlcy no the a.dmll'ltSlJllUOn of ils

int~HeGtua! Fuoperi:j' rights enfereernantsystern, each P;lirly shall;

(fl) provi ie iJh;T rlfl.ll judicial decisions or ~d1fl'illi.'itT;>irw rulinr,s or general applicsbi hly p~jning to ,h('". enforcement of tflldl;,tLl:Jl properly ngtHf. L"h:~~1 be in wri\il1g and shall state ;'1111)' relevant findings of fOlct and iJ1C reasom n g Of the leg)ll basis u pen \1,.'11 I ell the d ~i:iil ons ar-e. bs sed. Eaeh Iil."'l.rty s:halll iill's-o prevlde that sueh declsiens orruHIiI&S shall b~ PlJhlished~l. or otherwise made publicly ;l,liI.1ilable, ina national l~ngHllig~ in $tu:h 11, manner as 10 enable gcr\l~rn!ffl,en[SaJld iUH~res1ed personste become ,acl:j uaimed Wil hthern,

(b) .de.filtifyiJii.a manner r'eadiJy sveilable tc ihe public, the competent liIuthorl H es for m~!lll eetual prope.liy f.ofOtce:mfm and co ntac~ pc lnts wb ere ri ghl holders mil)" seek Ills;i St~l1 O!:~

ee) [publish ilpplfcation.s for die sus:pen~ion b,)I the l'Iu!hori[ics: of the release of susp~cled ami piratlld goods: <is a border m~asuri'l~] :JI'~ d

(d) ]Jub!ic.iz:e infurmation enits effortsto ensure. effeclive en'fo~oemm1 of i nte II eet U 8il property rights l~' l'LS dom esrl e [Jltelle.~ua.1 p.ropert)· [J gl"tjs :syslern, 'tnch"u:hllg an)' sl~tlmjcl!i lflfoll'muion l1\;il the Pllriy may eolleet fa. such purposes .. n]

OptiM 1

[2. Noth~flg in thIs [Cn:lpu:r '11'1d Chl'!p~'I!.r 3][ Agreemelll] shall require any Party 10 disclose (confldenuQ.]} iufol.' wh ich would impede the enforoemt'nt of its laws and r.egulalionS', lndm:li.l'I,g l~ws pn:atecrmt irn<e5:ligalive tec:lm[qllcs. right of privacy .or

'1 [i"m !lr~~lI:l c~~1::1 i !ilL), •. ~, ?.:Iny m~)' ~:M1M)1 tJl~ r~tjlli f n 1/\ l1id~ ,0;':< J (0 I1l.ibH~h l in ~~.5Io1r~ bi' il.~"~lIllb]~ ID iht pu lifit Dn lh m T mem ~1 I

'1~lrf1{ grcmi:J" rCJtiihl1y, mu.Mng il1 [this :m!;1-p~r~gr.lllhlls !nr~nll~d 10 rll·c!'s'Nib~ 1111: tyF't:. rll~lTI~l. ;)IW iHb!tJILi'Il ~lr plll1li~:llr~lll 'Ilf Ille: il'lr~rmMI!lJ) ;0. filrly mu~1 p\Jl:!~i,ciu:.J

eanfidentlal mlorm:nioll for l.:w ~I) ron:<::rDcllt, or OJh~i ' ..... i .. e be COIU] d~ to t t dl}lrK;~~ic. !~ws or poUg', O!] ~fH: PLJbI1!:. h.:crt!>~,. or wcmlJ prejudice ~hl! leg.i'Lil1t:.l!i:. coumrercial i nle rem of pa r ~k. 1.1 lor emcrpri SCS, p~bi i.e Or pri\'a.ttl.

Ontil.:ln ")

(J. Nothing ill para£.raph!O J, 2 and J ~baH requir~ Mtl.11lb~rs 10 discJo5;fI ~n~~n,o"i11 inforruatien, or c(mfidential in fo:nuatroll which WQuid ]mpedc raw CllrOrc.cnH:nt or erherwise be cOl'ltrajr)' ~o the public iJl'lte~5t or eculd prejlJd~!:e lhe.le.gilimate commercial interests Orpllrllcujar enterprises, public or private.]

[3. III civIl tea;al proceedHI~s insliM~d for .tnrrmgltmeni ~raJl lntc:llectua ~ ,>ropef'ly right, th e: j I1d icia I ';11 I thorJt ies l1H'IY oro e: r, 1111 h ~ !f:G Ue-5[ or 111 e: appl lea n{ iii III d fit ~ hl! expense of th~ infringer, apprepriats measures for l.h,~ diu!!lninatlml of the information coneerning [he: d&isit:ll1l. iuu::]udin,g d~sp]ayi[lg the decisi.Oflllli1d pU'o.lishing it in full or in f.lW. PMliM Tll~Y ~pvl111w~ flFU'Ji,i"n 10 nlh!lr ilidid~l P.Il(j ,~dn'lilllsu;HJvr pn;lr"E:dings.]

E:'Ich Part:y shall [1Ilkt. [necessary] [slu::hJ[iilppmp6a1e]] [promtlH:, the .... dr'lp[iol1 of eppropriare] measures [as u dc'ems. !lppropriatej to e.llha!'u::~] [will promote] [jlu;;Juding edueetienal f.lrnjeb-~s, designed to l<I!i.5c) public awareness of the ,importl;lnce of [the protection of)[ protecting1 IJ1tellectu 11 I p.rnperty righ'ts and the detrimental effeetsef intelleuual property rig:hlillfrirtgmm:nt, rneiudin! educaticnal [Olond 6i~s.l:mimltioJ1) prtljc:ct5. [Suchmeasurt:SrTlill.y melude john inilhu:i\'cs wHh [he privati: sector.]


I n cases where conti S'cat~d goods fo ulnd to be j n fl in g.tng intelllK:tua] prop~rty dgh!s are to be destroyed. Parties shallendeavour 10 take en\lirnmne,rJ'la~ concerns intoecccunt when d~ciding lHlfhe d~strUl::lionm~hod_]

CI ~ \ [" l'I\''i":

I~'S'nlr ITWN,t.L A ,W,ld""(:I· MENrs']

ARTlCI.ll: 5.1: nlE [oV1:.Fi:.stGIIT] tSTJ:El1.~NG] rCm.'lMtrr~[~l

L The [Contraclinw rarl.its[her~by csllliblj~hn [shall have a] !h~ rO\'e.FSigb~][ACTAJ (Slt:clingj Committee. comprising Urepr~entil~i\'(l.s 01] [eaeh of] the Parties] [01'1!: deb:g.ue '(rom each Part~r wha may b~ a.')~i.5lc.d by alternalive delegates, advisers lind expens.]

supervise the. in'lpkme!,lol~tioT1 of \hi,., A£l_re.emelu;. [including a periodic rn IJ I u a'i .::\':alual ie n process of the implem r:nttiii on of the AgFeIHfle:n~ by []l~ partrus, according lu the pt i11C1plt!s of equa' 1 r.e.~tlTl!:'ll't lind a fllir hearing.]


[O'f.e.r:s:ee [jts}[t},e] [the. Agree.mCJ"lt's] fl.lnhet elaberatien ror dLl:.\'c:ioflO1em?] [of this Al?,reemenil. [deal Wilh matters ctlnCf:ming the ~mel'J,dlTlenf and developrnent of this Agreement] while. ensuring Ihat !iuch[elabo:r1l[]o.n][ d~\1elopmen'l]does not duplic.13lt' other lnlernllfloF1\l11 efforts I'C[!;ArdLItS fhe enfo[cem~[ll or i!'lte(l.e:~tilJJ prcperl)' rights;


([resolve][f.a.c.ilil1J're: tnt: avoidance: of] disputes HHL1 m~y ;l'rl.5e regarding (iu.Jlthe] inll::rpretatiollJ or apJ1litOiiClIl[7~] [cfthis Agft:l~menlJ; J!:Ifld


consider ~ny other matter that mfly fl-m~Cf the operation of tlus A g:r~em~Jlt.

(3.) [establish,] [s.nd dfllcga1e [tasks] Tasks/respol1sil:iiliflesj to. ad hC'i1: Clr s:I andmg cornm i uees world 11 g ~rcmps or [Clove rnrne Ilt]experls GfOUp.s;.]['to MSJS{ tile Cummlnt:.C: in! 3C.1;.omplishing its lilSks~}r1l TaskForce tal I.m.d::rloilIke lhce mOIl~tormg and the eV2:tuation of the Agrum~U. HlIl'Tldy by re'llJe.wlng the. lmpfcmenlatiofl fir Parties' obligations, as denneC in .An.ide 5.] .2.a) lind <!SSiSlillg eendidate eeuntries to join the Agre~l1l!:nl. This Task-Ferce should conslst. of experts appcirned by [he Parl~es: and a~Tr:~d II.poll. by th:: Over.;iglu CommiUI:!L!:]

1> lhe !1'[tli~lial1l:1rlhb Fr~";~;h:1i'I .Y!cl! JIlPl m·rni~ wfLh 1tH: ru]~ ,mJ lmf11crnc.m~ILrm of ,rlC Tlffipult! !iI~lLklI1~rlt Und~r,[\f~lJili-rn& ofil'i~ WelrJd T:~d~ Ot~~l'Iio{i(ltL

(c) [make rCc'[lmmclld.dTOI1S re~nHng the impJf.Hlenti3tion of th~ Ag~etmei~l [im:.'udin(l I::ndoTsing bes~ practice p.,uidelincf;t for Tmp[emen:ling the Agreement, idr;ntiryin£ f.'In~ mOmiOllHg techulques of pr1'OlC)' and c::olln1~rfealil'lg and lbei, eVC'lhruonll;

Cd) Ol.SSiS1 non·P3Ji1 g(wernmel~ts in R.5:5esslng the: benefits or accession (0 ~he:

A3t~r.mi!.nl [.i!nd sh.lieinformation !lnd prnctices on redur:~l)g IPR infrillgement.!l};

C~) [su PP0Ji. m I errlO'lll oUlll org1.!1'l j:u(io.lls in the eil rorrcemeo [ ef irrldIu:wlll prop en)' nghtliJ alld

(I) la~~" slj~h rith~r action in tlll; exercise or II..!; fUHC!IOIlS :a~ t1\e Parties mar decide.

[ 4, OI1t.- hal f of fit mem ~i'S ofth e Com mlnee sfla;]] const itute iii quorum]

5. The Committee shall festablish lts rules and prcced ures] [ iI!( its fH"S[ Ifl~ttiflg ad 0 pi its TU 1 es of precedu res] [inc hi dins rules fo r the ~OI1""O cilition or e~~t.rflOTdi nfi ry ~t:ssi ens] .. A ll de~i$ ions of the Cornrn j Nee shall be taken by eonsensu s, [exe epl as the. Comrniuee may otherwise decide [by censensesj]. [The \votking lal'lgu.<!ge of the CommiH~ shaH be Eogiis·h.]

G. The Com m ilt~e~h a U c.()llvejJ e [al1ea.,s1 r 0 u c;e: a. year]] [OOct; e,'I,1 try h""Cl yeaL's) [; 11 j[egulE'lr session], [T)ne Cornnnttee ShOlJ ~ be charred rand hOSH~dn successively by each PIlI"tJ'}[by a volunteer.tng ran:y] r~n E,~g~idl a!phabe.lic8J~y] . [a:ssi:!lfed by a Vio~-Ch,'jJf from th!!: P,tLl,J' due to chair and hos~ the subsequent rneeting.] fA Special session mal' be ca lied for by OM. Pgny and C.O11 \'e ned Jf the mil jo r ity of th e Parties docs rlot oppose such request The Sp~.Ci;11 sessisn slH1111 be: lh~ire.d bylhe Party drrilrillg Ih'" Regular session of th at year. TIle Com m il tee she, Ilpr'efenll 1y m eel in Genev 2. ]

[7, The C omrnittee j s role f'lS sat for~l in l\lt~d c S. J shi1. II ]J Cit i n.d LJ de any lJ"ersi~ht or supervision rcblil'l~m rimneslic or internatienal c riminal inv,eSligaliofl5 Or enforcement ofspecifie imellectaai properly eases]

l. The Party [hat is "(he Chair [If the Cernmittee s'n:Ji11 provide the Secretariat to the Ccmnurtee for [the c .. lendar yearJrth~ t1Mo calendar years beginrung with the eslendar re>lr f.immooiOi"tcJy prier to thClt)] in which Ih~ Cnrmnirtee sh~JJ be convened wlrh thal rainy Il.S Chair.


{b) [10 prov[or.: ~dmi1!ti5lta~i"c support tOlhe Chair][lop.e.rronn the ndministrative t<lsks eoncarning tlus Asreil'lllt!llt]

(.::) [to elaborate al! decuments resulted ii'om ordinary or extraordinary sessions]

(d) [to submit clocumevrts; dedv,ed frllm ordinary or C:l'!"trnordinilry sessions to 2.11 part ies 1

1. [Each Pf'Jrty shall i.1[!~ign,El1e a [eurrem] C.Olltj'jC~ point to fll.dHl~~·~ com.nlmications ~ll;.l"'·Mn the f wnh other] "ilrtj~ s (,;11 nny n,~ .. trer c,t"lvl:ad l)y II·j~ ,.'I.~-il::tmr.nt 1 [The][Ear::h Plu1y sbnll transmit the] [name, lilndj[IlII~·!;ii,;:<dJ ilddrcS'5, lel··[Jhow:. IIIHi1her [and e-rusil eddressj] ofthf1.l con~r.1 point [shall be traasmittcd] to the Depnsitary [prior to the entry into rorc:~ of' the I\greerne:m fo.' tha.t PariY]. who sh1!11 cireslere rhe information tQ the Parties,

2. On the f~qlJ~st of [8nnlnerJ[oneJ P'any, the contaci POlflt [of anoLherPlilrty] sh:;!lI idtrllify (LIJe.] {i!",ClI!1.lllg to the matter ~o.n~en1ed, ,8.11 appropriate] offiee or official [res-p.ollsiblefor ~he maner eoncemed] find 3.SSi~l,a5 n~es.sary. if! t:aeililating ccmmueicsricn bl:LWcen tille [n:.sponsitllie]: office or offh::iil concerned wi1.n the reqllesu ng Party.

Opliclll 1,

{ I • Ea,chPflliy shall eHSUI'c, thOlt its raws.fqulations, [p rated nr~'s] r fin 811 judicial dec i sicns], and adm in is~r a,tfve: ru I ings: of gen era I lappli c.i3!U on respe ctill g <itn)f m auer covered by this /l.weemMt iilfC; promptly rln iln~pprOpfiate lirne]pubHsh·~ Of ctherwrse made plJbHcly a''i.rla:ble: lin ::l n:auonaT h!flll,-uage,] in such I!i manner as toenabh: . . gevermrrents ~.nd interested p~rs-Olls 10 become acquainted with them ]


[I. ~(h Pan.y shell ~n5lJH! [hill final judj~;iI! dec:isiCln:s: oradmlnislr<ltive ru.ling~ of genercl appli~llb,Jily pert!:lining, [0 lhe enforcement of ~rlLellecUlal property righUi shal I 1)1': ill writing $I.ltci shall sta~if: any relevant findings of filet and thereesonlug or I.hl!: legal b~si5 UpOI'l whieh the dOl:i:Sions are based. E.tu::h Pal1y ShB U else ensure rhet such decl:!'iOJl$ or rulings shall beplJbli~hed1~ I nr olh~(vd:5'e made publicly rl'liai]ahle, In .. naticnal languast in sueh .3 manneras 10 enablegevemmentsand inlenmec persons to become ac.quainted with ,IH:m.]

C'r\lr gf~~lr.r ~11.uimr.1 rmll' Tl'1~y ,u1i.o:fy ,IJ~ ft.qloljf~m~ll~ in lAI,i~l,: ~.:lJ It! J)ublish !II mf:~L1rt h)' 111.a.ltl.~ Il ~vi1lil~dc Lijllh~ pubhc on ~1'I~1:i!i~:ln:-- a-c.~cssiMc Inl~I'llCI. ~lc.J


[2, £~d~ P~rl)l sh a I! fl on fy the 101. ws rmd a: gIl J" tions ref ~rrCLJ :'0 in [paJ IIllJ':!P fr n)Jf 1~,i1il:.le. :lJ} to lilt O"¢rfi~ht Cmnmlu(:!; 111 order UJ (lss1st that Comln~tLeir:i in its r,evk", \J ( the '':!P'!lf;;Jt ion of tlns A gHleJil em )

] - 'E~Lh PI'II1J SJH'.!i supply. ill response to J] written reqIH~~st from another r!i!fl,'II'. information regaroll'1gits!aws, reguiations. lPro~ed1.ln~.s][ flnRT judicial deci,sions) !lmrJ iidministril.tive rlJ]ing~ of general iilipplieatiorl [.r-c.specting][ with to) 2f!)' matter eevered by this • .1\ gr~eTl' Il,r! L

·1 Nolhrllgill'ls [l, 2 lind 3J[ 1 :and 2] shl.ll~j require a Party to disclose {confidemial] informadon which would impede raw enforeernent Or mh~tw'iSril b~ contrary te [domcstic: lawS' ruJd policies. or] the public interesl O'f would pr-l!jlldrc~ the legltilfl:a!,~ commereral imerens Qfp~rtlcl.!lfl.r t:nlerpri~es, public or p,ri\J~l(':,

Each Party shall [accord 5)'1TlpMhetlc considerauon to. antl shsll] afford adeq\dare: upportunity fer censultstion regarding, such representations <lS may he made [to ~tJ by fin other P~n:Y whh resp",cllO any manersffecung the operation of this Agreement.

[ A It n CLE .5,6: OasER.V[llS

Countries Tel become a Pany ~IJ 1he Agreement mny be invited [bylhc:

Ccmnunee] 1.0 anend sessions Or parts thereof of the Oversight Committee as observers. An jnvil;a;tioIl under the same SIa.WS m:!!!y beel.tcnd,aO [by (he Committ;ee) to !tlt£rn ... ltOnlil (Frg~;nTz~ui(m! active to the frcid of intelle:ctH2!1 prCir~rty ~l']d to ncngovernmental groups of intellectual properly :stake-holderS)

CLI·~NlIt 5J x FrNAJ. Pum ISJ (jNSl~

~ch Party shall ensure thsr lrs I.fl.w.'), regulations, precesures, end administrative rul ings of yenend .epplica1ion respeet ill.!; 'flny matter eovered by this .A greement <Ire proJl1plly pub] ished Ot otherwlse m:ui~ pl.lh1icly available in such a. manner as to !.m:lble gc,ve.mme.llls trn d ; merested persons ro beeo rn eatq III a in ted with them.

2. EadiPJ!rt)' shlllJ oOllf)' ,tlf: laws and regu hu;on~ referred to In pamg~p''i (1) to tlre Oversight Cernminse jill order to assist tltM Cemrnlnee ill its re\l'i~\lr' efthe eperation c r th is Agrceme.!i l

; br;:h r~n·.· shall mpply. ;11 response '0 a wriuen 1'(,,1~lJe'~l ftom anorher PaI1)" Illf(mtl~ti('l)'n rt.gsrdillg its 1.1WS, regulal iOI1S. 1"'''O~l'!durl;S> r,nJ :rimJniSlratiVI: ~ u I ins-_:; or genera I a ppl icat iou respecf ng Ilny In atter covered oy t his Agme.m c n t,

<1. NQlhing Tn p!lrfl!gr~l)hf 1, '2 :lll"ld J sl'H.!11 require .;'1 Pauty to disclose o0T1fide.nti8i informaliQn which would impede law ~!lfot[;;tm1l!':nt or otht.rwise be [.ontr"iir)' LO Ihe public interest (lr would prejudice the ]egitimau: commercial interests of panJCu]ilr CHt!~rr rises. pub lie CI r privaJte..]

1. [ Any memeeref l he [World lnEeUeu:ua:r Pmpert)' Organisation] [WdrJd Trade o rg2.n izaticn] [or th e Worl d TI11d e Org.t;:r].Tuli on (WTO )] [or or the Iln iled Na Ii on5] m.,)' be come party 10 thiS A greernent.] D~ dslrn~:!l on accession 5!J Ol:H be taken by [hI!!:

OVl:f51g,ln Ccmrnlrree, TIH~ Oversigh] Comm:Ltte~ shaH ~ppn:ml!: the agreement on the terms af accessice by [1J.Fliln;mily][aNiQ-lhirasmajority oflhe PilIrI.ies]}.

2. Any In[crgovernmen.lfJ1 Organization whidl [tbe Commtllee decides] meets (he requirements of S may beeeme party to this A!J,re~·m6!'1t. The OrgallitatioJl ~h;aH inform, Ihe Deposit~I)' of its competence ljJ1 .ft.Spect of mauers geverned by this ,Ag.reeJTI'em], ami any subsequem changes ill its com]'Jl::'~cm:e. WiLh f-:'SfJec;t tc the rnaners goD vern ed bY~1 is III greem en I. The OrganizM. ion and its member S[lli es m IIY" wilh(lu t, [icwever, any dc!'ogi'!tir:!fI from the (lb~ig;;1:t-rons nuder this Agreement. de'Cid~ 0111 their respective responsibmw::..!i for the performance of lheir nbHga.U"m; under fh~$ Agr-e~mem [whhnuT. howe'll!!:!", £1:1)1 derogation rmm.lhe obliganolu under this ASr.l~!THl!ntJ.

3. A iSf:a:e or 1 nte rgcvern menu i Or~:an lzation l[ m ember of any ClJ'gsn izatlon

il'Tlilntifi.ed in paragraph 1) may become ]JiliM)' lolhis AgreEment by;

(aJ srgn.-.wn:: followed by Ihe deposH or <In insuument or t:nificOilloll. t~ ceptance ~I' ilrpl Q'IIaJ, Or

(b) rhe depwiL of an instrument of'accessicn.

4_ The ms:lrUHu!nts referred 10 i,i1 p:lragrnph (3) $hall be c1~jlo.s~lc_d with tht:

Depo s·itary.

$.[11 this Art_'ich; "lnLcrgovl!:rmllel1i8.~ Qrge'liza:lionu means !:In oFganiu1ion constituted by, and composed of> States of limy rl!:gion of 1hf; world, v,.~lich hits competence in respect of ITlJiiinCTIi governed by~his .AgreemeM. has its own legislation pro'l'ldil'l£ fer jn(eJle<etlmJ pro;po,;:,lty prctecticn ilnd binding em all its member States, and has been 9;l,Hlilo.riz:ed, in accordance wi,lh its i.lnen1~lpmc.edmes., to sign, liatilY. mc~p[, II! pprove or &~e.defO ~ hi s Ag.reem ent,

I. This A~ree.menf shall e nn:r i f1lOl fi:irce, mil h rl:.Spl:oCl LO each ~f the [f r~1 five StMes or hHie.rgover-UUl1Ulla] Ol'g!iilliuLirrn~] [[five.] members of i!:ithi:lf 011,~hill3tirtm identified in An.jc:le 6 1_1] which have deposim.d ·11H~,irifl£trliJTIerits of rahl1Ulicm, aceeptanee, approval or aeeession, [three months] [90 days] after the date on which Ihe [f1 flhJ imtrumem. ef ratl fi.cation, acceptance, approvel o:r aeeessien hils been depo:med.

2- \Vim respect to any [Ststc or lnlejl'go\!emment.a~ Organi:;r.;;'J.tiofl][memoor of either orgilF1 iUi i on i dem i fi edin Mad.! 1S .. J.1] not co'l,lere<i by parR§rap h (1). tIl is Agre~,wl ~!IH [hill! entllr into force [three mmnhs]{90 days] aner the d!li.te. (Til which that [S:t£lte of Jntergovcmmental Organiza:tionJ[member ef eithee orgBl'lfutioLi ldentified in A~ic1e 6.1_J] has deposited its .in"strumern ofratifj~i3ition, .1C::C~pt;Jjr1ce. apprOV9! or :a.c:cJ."!-5~ioll.


A Party may wJlhdraliv fmm this Agref.merrl by m~-ns of a wntten notificatien to lh~ Q~P951t,uy.. Such witndrll.w;al shll.llU:ke effect [one yearJ[six. months] a:fier the notifLCiJ.fran was received by the De:PQ:5itlll.F)'


I. rAn:.' Party may ini\fClte 11 prLl,)O~a! 10 amend the previsions of this!lem~i'1l by submitling such proposal flO t'hl!'; O\'r:rsl!&ht Cemmrueel], This Agreement may he amended by the P2Irties on Ult hui5 of a [pfeviou5J ·rext adopted by the [O,'erSlgh1](ACTAJ[ Steering] Commine'e.( Each Pany may propose amendments 1.0. the A gr~ em ent to th e COD1I. m.itlee. Th e Cmnm ill eo!!. shl! ll dc:drl L:: upon ! fie proposed ~1l1~ndnl~nu by eonsensus.]

2" The P<l.d!t.s sh i1l] l d~pC5h t h ei r r£s~t ive 1 n511l1n'l ents of rad ftca:l~('I11. Q CC~plilil~e

O r: ~ppnwOlI of ~rgy such .q;rneJlf:lI'1'l~1 whh The Depo!iHil)"


3. Si.ll.:h amendment :!:hnfi enter JI1l0 foree en Ihe [r-rsf c!.1)" of lhe rlljrd 111oml, [ol!o, ... ing] J 10 LbV~ ilfter lite d.Jt~ of} [three months an~r Jhl!: J'i!t:. of] The Ci'eposjl or the lasl ofthe instruments OfTiiltif'ic;{:I.1JO:I1 • .aCc.eplillillC(: Or ,tppro\'~1 of all the Parties.


[lh~5 Ag~~~!Hln( is E.SLablisned in [a slngh:. odginal in theJ[EnglishlI. Prenchlt[.. Spal'lishJL ,Al11Ibicl langvages, ali le'll.ts being 'equl!IJYiiiulhe:nlic..] [ln ease or ~ny inconsistency berweenthe texts.the English version shall prevail.]

Th i s .. "I grcetnem sh all be open for slgQ [ItlJ re b~n.'II'eeH [date] :ilnd [date] Wl ~ll the [G evemmen ~ Qf] _ .. - . _ _ _ _ _ [rhe [coul'llry J [enti I)']) I hI! I j!,t,: ercises the fun ct lor1 S 0 r Depositary].

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