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Wider Europe

Policy Brief
August 20, 2009

Summary: Evidence suggests an

[Re] Nationalization in Europe
accelerating trend toward renation-
alization of policy in key domains by Joseph Wood1
in Europe. This trend presents
both dangers and opportunities for
Europe and the United States.
World Wars I and II gave nationalism to resist Soviet military expansion and
a very bad reputation. The institutions pressure. NATO linked Western European
For the United States, a nimble
that grew out of World War II sought to and American security, including Amer-
policy toward Europe will be essen-
prevent the worst results of nationalistic ica’s nuclear guarantee, through shared
tial. The United States has always policies in military, economic, and risks and burdens on the part of all allies.
worked with individual national gov- political domains. NATO collectivized the Individual nations retained responsibility
ernments in Europe and has been defense of Western Europe. The for their own defense establishments. But
accused of not embracing the full- Bretton Woods structures aimed to by collectivizing national defense com-
ness of European integration in the promote trade and development through mitments under the Washington Treaty
European Union. America will have multilateral institutions. The United (especially Article V), NATO effectively
to acknowledge the competence of Nations sought to collectivize political denationalized military purposes.
the EU in some domains even as it decision-making where possible. In all
recognizes that other areas require cases, nations reserved key decision- Other institutions in all domains removed
more intensive cooperation with making authority for themselves while some of the traditional authority of the
individual nations. committing to cooperative efforts to European nation-states, as well. For
reach common goals. example, the European Court of Justice,
For Europe, many see the return established in 1952, plays a significant
of national purpose as a route to One project, European integration, grew role in shaping judiciary review of
irrelevance on the global scene. So from the Coal and Steel Community into national compliance with European laws.
it may be. But if renationalization one of the most ambitious transnational
can be turned into a more roundly projects in history, the European Union. But the trend away from nationalization
supported and authentic set of The original objective was to remove the is now in reverse, in several important
purposes, Europe could find itself economic component of the “German areas. First, in economic policy, national
well positioned to play a stronger problem” and allow Germany and its approaches prevail. Philip Stephens of the
role in the world as a whole than it
neighbors, especially France, to live and Financial Times wrote, “The integrationist
prosper together peacefully. It did not impulse that led to the creation of a single
has been able to muster for itself
intend to eliminate the nation-state, but market and a European currency has long
in recent decades. The return of
it sought to temper the worst outcomes since dissipated.” The most obvious and
constructive nationalism, among
of nationalistic competition on economic decisive example of this trend is found
nations with well-defined rules of
terrain. in the national responses to the financial
cooperation, might paradoxically en-
crisis of the last year. Policies have varied
ergize Europe in ways that Brussels NATO was established in the military between the United States and Europe,
has not been able to achieve. sphere, as a response to Soviet intentions and within Europe. National views of
in Europe as demonstrated in Berlin, interests trumped a presumed and much-
1744 R Street NW Czechoslovakia, and elsewhere. Europe’s trumpeted need for a unified approach.
Washington, DC 20009
postwar weakness meant that American Perhaps most crucially, voters seem to
T 1 202 745 3950
leadership and capacity would be needed have approved this decision on the part
F 1 202 265 1662
E 1
Joseph Wood is senior resident fellow with the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). The views expressed are those of
the author and do not represent the views of GMF.
Wider Europe

Policy Brief
of their leaders. With economic concerns uppermost in their importance of the effort. The effect is a multi-tier alliance where
minds, continental European voters in recent European parlia- national, rather than collective, defense goals predominate. The
mentary elections affirmed the center-right policies of sitting same effect is seen in attitudes toward further enlargement that
governments that stressed a national rather than transnational would, much later, include Ukraine and Georgia. Central Europe
response. In the United Kingdom, voters punished Gordon tends to favor such eventual enlargement as a continuation of the
Brown’s Labour Party but on grounds having nothing to do project of consolidating Western institutions throughout Wider
with wanting more European integration; indeed, they strongly Europe. Germany and France are increasingly clear that they see
favored Euro-skeptic candidates. this project as complete for the foreseeable future, without the
inclusion of Ukraine and Georgia. This is a basic strategic ques-
Institutionally, the next advances in European integration, the tion for NATO, and the alliance is split along national lines.
failed European Constitution and its successor the Lisbon Treaty,
have been rejected by referenda repeatedly, including in France. There are conflicting signs, as well. Brussels continues to generate
The outcome of efforts to bring the Lisbon Treaty into force substantial legislation that is in turn ratified by national legisla-
remains unclear. The German Constitutional Court recently tures. The EU exercises substantial regulatory power, especially
approved the treaty, but demanded changes to strengthen the in anti-trust oversight, and decisively influences many areas of
role of the national Parliament. Polls show a substantial major- governance.
ity of Germans want a referendum on the Treaty, as does a large
majority in the United Kingdom. Ireland, which rejected the But the broader trend of renationalization seems clear. The
Treaty in a referendum last year, may approve it in a re-vote this main counter-current may not be at the level across or above the
fall, but only after securing guarantees of national sovereignty in nation-state, but in the increasing desire of many to retain or
the areas of abortion policy, military neutrality, and tax law. At increase the power of regional governments more attuned to
the least, these outcomes all demonstrate substantial European local needs and wants. At times, this regionalization is in fact a
public reticence regarding further integration, despite the enthu- form of resurgent nationalism based on ethnic lines, as in the
siasm of some political elites. recent crisis in Belgium.

Meanwhile, dependence on Russian energy supplies is Europe’s Is the renationalization trend dangerous? One can imagine so.
greatest single strategic vulnerability. Moscow has demonstrated The rise of far-right parties in the recent European parliamen-
repeatedly its determination to use its resources for geo-politi- tary elections is not a healthy sign. But it could also be explained
cal purposes. If any one area of policy cries out for a collective by a combination of an energized fringe asserting disproportion-
European response, energy is that area. Yet energy policy remains ate influence in elections marked by low turn-out, combined
firmly in the category of national policy. While many in Central with “frustration voting” by some who saw support for these
Europe have argued for a stronger European response, Germany, parties as a consequence-free way of making a statement about
France, and Italy have resisted any efforts that might impinge on the status quo.
their national corporate energy champions, and each has sought
separate energy deals with Russia. Progress on the Nabucco The renationalization of defense purposes carries dangers, as
pipeline that would allow Europe to bring Caspian and Central well. Problems such as Iran, or a Russia pursuing a 19th cen-
Asian gas via a route independent of Russian control has been tury-style sphere of influence (mainly through the use of energy
halting, while Russia promotes its Northstream and Southstream dominance, but with pretensions of “great power” military status
projects on routes that it would control. On this issue, so central never far from the surface), or Afghanistan and Pakistan would
to economic prosperity and where vulnerability can hinder the be much more easily dealt with through a unified sense of pur-
full exercise of sovereignty, Europe as a whole has rejected pose, and the weakness wrought by division will affect all.
denationalization or collective response.
But renationalization could also have positive effects, as well. It
Finally, in the area of defense, the renationalization trend is ap- may render European governance as a whole more democrati-
parent. Most obvious is the case of Afghanistan, where NATO is cally accountable as national governments must face the conse-
engaged. Within the alliance, different allies have placed national quences of their actions with voters. It could also restore a sense
caveats on their militaries’ operations, producing a division of of purpose to Europe as a whole by decentralizing purposes,
burden and risk based on varying national perceptions of the which tend to become dissipated as they rise away from local

Wider Europe

Policy Brief
institutions into the more abstract and bureaucratic concerns
of transnational organizations. Such larger purposes are exactly Joseph Wood, Senior Resident Fellow, GMF
what many supporters of European integration have sought,
Joseph R. Wood joined the German Marshall Fund of the United
without much success, even as they remind us of the past dan-
States in November 2008 as senior resident fellow. His work covers
gers of the excesses of nationalization.
Europe, Eurasia, and transatlantic relations. From 2005 until coming
to GMF, he was deputy assistant to the Vice President for National
For the United States, a nimble policy toward Europe will be
Security Affairs at the White House, with responsibility for all policy
essential. The United States has always worked with individual
involving Europe, Eurasia, and Africa. He is a retired Air Force
national governments in Europe and has been accused of not
colonel, and his career included operational and command fighter
embracing the fullness of European integration in the European
assignments in Korea and Europe; faculty duty in the Department of
Union. America will have to acknowledge the competence of
Political Science at the Air Force Academy where he taught U.S. for-
the EU in some domains even as it recognizes that other areas
eign and defense policy; service at the Pentagon as speech writer for
require more intensive cooperation with individual nations.
the Chief of Staff and Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force; two years
And the United States will have to be attuned to the dangers of
as special advisor for Europe in the Office of the Vice President; and
resurgent nationalism even as it seeks the opportunities that
temporary assignments in the Joint Staff, the U.S. Mission to the Con-
might come from working with particular nations on particular
ventional Forces in Europe Talks in Vienna, the Office of the Secretary
of Defense, and NATO SHAPE Headquarters in Mons, Belgium.

For Europe itself, many see the return of national purpose as

a route to irrelevance on the global scene. So it may be. But if About GMF
renationalization can be turned into a more roundly supported
and authentic set of purposes, absent a forced and always-in- The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is a nonpar-
adequate sense “Europeanness,” Europe could find itself well tisan American public policy and grantmaking institution dedicated
positioned to play a stronger role in the world as a whole than it to promoting greater cooperation and understanding between North
has been able to muster for itself in recent decades. The return of America and Europe. GMF does this by supporting individuals and
constructive nationalism, among nations with well-defined rules institutions working on transatlantic issues, by convening leaders to
of cooperation, might paradoxically energize Europe in ways discuss the most pressing transatlantic themes, and by examining
that Brussels has not been able to achieve. ways in which transatlantic cooperation can address a variety of global
policy challenges. Founded in 1972 through a gift from Germany as a
permanent memorial to Marshall Plan assistance, GMF maintains a
strong presence on both sides of the Atlantic. In addition to its head-
quarters in Washington, DC, GMF has seven offices in Europe: Berlin,
Bratislava, Paris, Brussels, Belgrade, Ankara, and Bucharest.

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