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University of Akron

Human Relations
Fall 2010
2040 240 003/14
Instructor: Bruce Freeman

Research Report

Objective: To conduct research and prepare written report on a

topic related to the class material.

Basics: All papers must discuss 1/ the exact nature of the topic or
issue, 2/ it’s historical roots, 3/ the characteristics of it’s occurrence
(what is happening), 4/ the relationship of the topic/issue to the society
in which it is occurring, 5/ the response(s) of members of society to the
topic/issue, and 6/ your evaluation of the topic/issue as an objective
social scientist. This exercise is intended to sharpen your analytical
skills to deal with complex urban problems in a thoughtful, thorough,
rational fashion.
Topics must be presented in writing by October 4 on the form
provided and be pre-approved by the Instructor. The report is due
November 5. The topic shall not duplicate your oral report topic. Late
papers will be marked down 5 points per day, unless otherwise
provided by the instructor.

Special Note: Students may elect to develop a special project in lieu of

a research paper, using a different approach to present your findings
that you have researched. This could include a YouTube video, a web
site, a personal diary, an in depth interview, a sculpture, painting,
poem or song, or other unique approaches. The basic requirements for
this option will need to be discussed separately with the student
before work is begun. PowerPoint presentations are not an option,

Begin work on your research report project now!!


Papers are to be 5 pages in length, typed and double-spaced. At least

three (3) outside sources need to be properly referenced. Consult the
MLA Style Sheet or other comparable writing guides for proper
referencing of sources and footnotes. Let me know if you have
questions! Use the Writing Lab in Polsky or other locations if you can…
they will help! Of course, make sure the rest of your paper uses proper
form, including formatting, grammar and spelling. Text is to be double-
spaced, with footnotes single-spaced in numerical sequence at the end
of the report. Quotations, if any, need to be indented and single-
spaced. Margins are to be 1 1/2 inches at left and top of page. Use only
one side of paper. Include a separate title page, which includes course
name, title of paper, your name, and date.

Start early and enjoy this project!!

p.s. Don’t wait until the last minute to do your research. If you do,
you’ll be frustrated, and your work will suffer. Prepare your work with
care. Sloppiness will significantly affect your grade.

This report is November 5- See policy on non-submittal of written

Examples of Topics These are sample topics you may use. There
are hundreds more…use your imagination or select something you’re
particularly interested in!

*Why Living in Today's World Can Be Harmful to Your Mental Health

*Codependency: What Is It and What To Do About It?

*Why Dr. Phil Is So Successful

*Dr. Phil is a Media Creation

*Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development

*Arthur Adler and the Inferiority Complex: A Brief Summary

*Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Where Do I Stand?

*Long-Term Stress Impact of 9/11 on NYC Residents*What is "Hardiness"?

*How My Friends Help Me Cope With Stress

*The Health-related Impacts of Forgiveness

*Prejudice and Discrimination: What Do they Mean and How Are They
Related: Some Examples

*The Differences in Male vs. Female Sexual Socialization

*Changing Attitudes Towards Homosexuality in America: Current Trends

*Why I Am Cohabiting With My Partner

*Why I Think Cohabitation is Immoral

*What is Marital "Cheating"?

*Why Partners Have Problems with Sex In Their Relationships: Main


*Depression in My Family: A Case History of My (Dad, Mom, Brother, Sister,

*Does Stress Lead to Physical Disease like Cancer?

*What's the Cause of "Obesity? Is there a Cure?

*I am Abnormal, and Am Coping With It

*Narcissism: Looking in the Mirror

*Borderline Personality: What Is It and It's Characteristics

*My Panic Attack: A Documentary

*Anorexia: New Treatments

*Are Drugs Always the Answer to Mental Disorder?

*What is Insanity? Does it Exist? Did it Ever Exist?

*I Researched the Psych Ward at Akron General and This is What I Learned

*Why so many mentally ill people are in prisons

*Birth Order Theories: Why They Makes Sense in My Family

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