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Soap’s title and slogan are displayed

In the background are some nice

on a typical Australian Street Signs. There are lots of animals scattered
looking houses in a pleasant looking
This helps to give viewers an idea of around the image, including a
sub-urban environment. This gives
where the soap is set. It could also kangaroo, a parrot, a koala and a
the viewer an idea of the sort of
be the soap’s logo (Similar to dog. These are probably there to
area this soap is set in.
Corronation Street’s one), in which help the audience understand where
case, it will make the soap easily the soap is set a little better- animals
recognisable to potential viewers like kangaroos and koalas quite
who flick over to the channel. obviously denote that this soap is
set in Australia.

The image shows lots of happy characters, some with

objects of importance. These could be to show the kind of
characters they are. The characters are also all quite joyous. The channel logo is shown on the bottom sign
This could mean that the soap is quite focuses on a happier in a bright orange colour along with the days
community which is quite unconventional for a soap. and times the soap is shown at. This draws the
viewer into the sign and makes the channel
name easier to focus on.

This poster displays a positive group of people who are a wide range of ages from very young to old. They all appear
happy and quite close in the image, implying this is quite a positive soap. There is a good use of titles, displaying
when the soap is aired and what channel. This helps the viewer to easily remember the programme and the details
about when it’s aired.

I will use this analysis when it comes to creating a poster for my own soap as it contains the sorts of conventions a
soap poster should contain.

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