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Helen will be wearing a short mini dress,

which denotes red. The connotations of red
are passion, danger and love. We have
chosen a colour with these connotations
because we want the viewer to question
what she might bring to Helen How for
example she could bring love which could
cause break ups or love that blossoms a new
relationship. Also red implies that other
characters on the street see Helen as a threat
as she may cause danger.
The short dress and high stilettos make her
character fit into the stereotype of the ‘saucy
seductress’ and this therefore reinforces why
the characters on the streets are looking at
her some with attraction and others with
Outfit from:

Helen’s children

Deano: Courtney
The colour scheme of
Deano’s clothes will be bland
and simple this shows he has Courtny is also in
style and his personality is not fashionalble modern
really overpowering in fact he clothing so teenage girls can
is calm and relaxed. relate to her. She however is
The top denotes white which showing a lot less skin than
connotes innocence, this is her mother this shows her
ironic as he moves to Helen insecurities and lack of
How as an innocent boy confidence which she seeks
however his ‘new friends’ to build upon in Helen How.
turn him into a mischievous The colour of her jumper
lad. denotes green; green
The look which we are connotes envy this is
aiming for with Deano is a because Courtney envies
sporty jack the lad ‘chav’ Danielle and she wants to be
stereotype, the trainers and more like her rather than the
jogging trousers enhance this. boring intelligent teen she is
Outfit from: thought to be. Outfit from:
m and

Charlie is only 5 years old so he

will be wearing clothing that
interests 5 year olds for example
Ben 10 is a programme which
targets 5years and older, this
displays his youth, also white
connotes innocence however he
will cause a bit of mischief in
Helen How.
The jeans are modern and stylish
and the trainers are white which
also connote innocence however
they might be a bit dirty implying
he is going to make a mess in
Helen How.
Outfit from: and

Richard: Stephanie:
Richard is only in his early Stephanie is a
twenties so it is important beautician so she is
he still looks trendy and very prim and neat.
fashionable, therefore this This outfit is simple
checked shirt is ideal as it is and youthful as she is
exactly what is big in young only early twenties too.
guys fashion. The shirt The pink reflects her
denotes black, grey and girly personality and
white these colours have all career and also
different connotations for connotes naivety and
example black connotes purity. This type of
danger and secrecy, which costume would
is how some characters see highlight her as a
him. Grey connotes wise sweet and innocent
and bland this is how character making the
Danielle sees him as she audience sympathise
thinks he is harmless and with her when they
kind. Finally white connotes realise that her
innocence and purity which husband is a sleaze.
is how his new wife sees The white shoes also
him as she is naive and so in connote innocence.
love. Outfit from:
The outfit is from: http://www.missselfrid
Danielle’s costume would be a velour hot pink
tracksuit. Velour tracksuits are typically sold
Danielle: on market stools, making Danielle appear
cheap and trashy. Also hot pink connotes her
flirtatious personality and passion these are
clearly the aspects of her personality which
have led to her becoming pregnant. The
trainers could imply that she fits the stereotype
of a ‘chav’ and the colour black connotes
danger and mischief which she causes through
trying to find the father of her baby.
Outfit from:


JJ’s costume will be fashionable
for a twenty year old ‘lad’. He
would be in a designer such as
Lacoste; however the audience
may question if it is the real logo
or is it just a market fake?
His polo shirt will be blue to
connote neutral, this implies he
has no real interest in anything
and is just out for a laugh.
However he will not be laughing
when he could possibly be the
father to Danielle’s baby. The
irony with the costume is the
trainers, the trainers display that
he is a sporty character and could
be stereotyped as a ‘chav’ but in
addition white can connote
innocence which makes the
audience question his ‘bad boy’
persona. Outfit from: and Aaron can be seen as a tag-along
figure as he is always by JJs side,
therefore their style is very similar
however the colours are very
different. Aarons polo denotes pink,
connotations of pink are feminity and
cuteness. This clearly hints to the
storyline of Aaron being homosexual.
His clothing is still stylish and less
laddish with the lighter coloured
denim and the comfy retro shoe.
The outfit is from: and

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