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June-t.C 2010
via e-mail aad tJ.Pre!s eo.rier·
Action Stock Transfer Corporation
7069 S. Highland Drive, Suite 300
Salt Lake City, UT 84121 USA

lle: KUlltIII Yao', I"noellb~ IllStrllClit»ls t6 At:tioll Sloel rl'lUUjo totrlJlUfer .IUI tqIg1'qllle of
1,308,OOIJ ccmuno. dues oj a..11 ArlJlCOMeItIb, Inc. (tile "Compu,") e,Itk"cd·", emqkMn
"Ulllkl'd 1330 & 1391 (tlte "aIlbJectSecllritiu, to Cr_1e F""d S.A.. f"Crlsllic" IIy DWAC.
Dear Sir or Madam:
Reference is hereby made to the following documents (collectively, the "Documents"):
I. Those certain share certificates numbered 1330 and 139i evidencing an aggregate of 1,300,000
common shares oftbe Company (collectlvely, the "Certificates");
2. nose certain Stock Powers executed in blank by the undersigned of even date with respect to
the transfer of 1,300,000 shares of the Company to Crisnic;
3.: That certain Legal.Opinion of the Law Office of • Esq. relating to the Subject
~curities of even date; and ..
4. That certain Agreement and Indemnity Letter from the Company 10 the _fer agent of even
~.. .
Pursuant to the Docwnents and to this Letter you are hereby insirueted by the Wldersigned to remove
the restrictive legend from the Certificates. and. following the removal of the legends. thereon: (i)
convert 1,300,000 of the Subject Securities into electronic form sucb tbat you may subsequently· send
them via DWAC to:

DTC CleariDg Number: 0134

PeDsoD FluDclal Sem", Iae,
noo Paeifie Ave. $le. 1400
Dallas Tuas 75201

For Further ~recllt to:

Crislie had S.A.

AttOu~t Number: 41241035

Kexuan Yao

.:.:K=ex=U=8I1=....::Y:"""ao""--_-,, persol'\ally.k:nown lc? me, signed. this document

in my presence on 2."... l (" .2010 ..

Fengtao Wen I FO

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