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The text all stays with the theme of The two most dramatic sub-headings are

black white and pink excluding the title that of ‘MASSIVE EXIT’ and ‘SECRET OUT’.
of ‘soap life’ which is intentionally a By using emotive words our attention is
different colour to separate it from the immediately drawn to these storylines.
Xcluding the This is also backed up by the red
sub-headings. The main sub-heading
and also the largest portrayed storyline background which connotes danger and
is of Eastenders Ryan and Janine. The demands instant attention. The red is also
writing is in capitals which creates affective as it contrasts with the texts and
drama and draws attention and being highlights the fonts well. However the
coloured in pink it reflects love. This most important words in the titles are
contrasts the smaller heading lower highlighted yellow making them stand out
case underneath and black text which even more than they originally would
indicates there is a twist in their have. The drama is also shown by the
‘romance’. This is next to a photo of double use of ‘!!??’ Punctuation is usually
‘Stacey’ looking towards the happy used to highlights the subheadings with
looking couple angrily. Her picture is the explanation mark making the text
only small but creates a big impact as it appear it’s shouting at you for your
emphasises the upcoming hostility in attention and a question mark creates
the storyline. curiosity as the storyline is not officially
confirmed. By using double these it uses
both of these techniques to attract their
Any photographs used in the cover are
audience and potential viewers. Along the
natural which give the reader a feel
bottom sub-heading the soap cover used
that they have been previewed an
repetition to highlight all of the different
actual piece of the drama that they will
soaps and each of their important
be viewing on their screens just
storylines. It is also catchy and by using
prematurely. This increases curiosity
words that sound similar such as ‘drugged’
as they have received a taste of what’s
‘locked’ and ‘stitched’ which are also
to come and will there for want to
almost rhyming the viewers feel as though
know the conclusion of such events.
the soaps are although dramatic also light
All of the backgrounds are contrasting
hearted and this will draw attraction to
to the photographs and texts. The
watching them. the word ‘up’ is repeated
dominant background is white which
and always colour black indicating a link in
the background is for Janine and Ryan
the soaps and equally advertising them
and this connotes innocence. The other
photographs denote pink and red
connoting a mixture of romance, love
and violence.

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