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Emperor Domitian:

The Beast (666) of Revelation

Studies: The Beast
It is my contention to
demonstrate through
the following study
that 666, the Beast of
the Book of
Revelation, was the
Roman Emperor
Domitian. It is a
plausible explanation,
and it follows the rules
of hermeneutics.
The Date of the Writing of the
Book of Revelation
Most people tend to ... but more likely
date the writing of the around sometime
book of Revelation in before AD 70.
the middle to late 90s It seems to me that
of the first century. internal evidence in
I, however, do not the Book of
believe Revelation to Revelation indicates
have been written that Jerusalem existed
sometime in the 90s of at the time the book
the first century... was written:
Herod’s Temple AD 66
"...and the holy city shall they tread under foot
forty and two months.” (Revelation 11:2)
First Century Jerusalem
The passage we just read from Revelation 11:2
tells us the nations SHALL tread under foot the
holy city, a FUTURE event in terms of the
writing of the book.
Destruction of the Temple
in AD 70
Rome besieged Jerusalem for 42 months,
culminating in its destruction in August of AD 70.
Coincidence? I think not.
Where Was Jesus Crucified?
Revelation 11:8 also
says, "...where also
their Lord was
crucified.” Jesus was
crucified in Jerusalem.
From these two verses
we know that
Jerusalem still stood
as of the time of its
Dating the Book of Revelation

Jerusalem did NOT exist during the 90s of the

first century due to the great destruction from
three decades previously.
The Beast (666)
Those living in the first
century knew who 666
was: "Here is wisdom.
He that has
understanding, let him
count the number of
the Beast; for it is the
number of a man: and
his number is six
hundred and sixty and
six.” (Rev. 13:18)
Using and Applying Wisdom
Those living in
the first century
could calculate
who the number
of the Beast is:
They simply
needed to use
and apply
The Woman Rides the Beast
Pictured in chapter
17 is a harlot riding
upon the Beast
(666). The Beast
(666) supports her.
Who is the woman?
The book tells us
The Great City Is Rome
"And the woman whom you saw is the great city,
which reigns over the kings of the Earth.”
(Revelation 17:18)
"The seven heads are seven mountains, on which
the woman sits....” (Revelation 17:9)
Rome, the City of Seven Hills
Rome sits upon seven
The woman, we are
told, is a city.
She is the great city,
which reigns over the
kings of the Earth.
Roman Emperors ruled
over the city.
Rome Reigned over the World

Notice the tense of the verb "reigns" - it is

PRESENT tense.
This means that the great city was reigning over the
kings of the Earth at the time of the writing of the
Book of Revelation.
The Great City Is Rome

The great city, in my opinion, is undoubtedly Rome,

which was the capitol of the world in the first
The woman, the harlot, is Rome.
The Book of Revelation is about the fall of this ruling
This city is targeted for
God Will Judge the wrath of God.
When this city becomes
no longer dominant
over the world, the
wrath of God directed
towards Rome is
There will be terrible
consequences for the
nations that were
closely affiliated with
The Dragon's Partner - The Beast
In chapter 13 of Revelation, we are told a Beast
comes up out of the sea having seven heads and ten
horns. His heads stand out (Revelation 13:1). John
reports that they were "blasphemous" heads,
railing against God and His things.
The Dragon Gives the Beast
His Power
The Dragon is the one
who gives the Beast
"...his power, and his
throne, and great
(Revelation 13:2)
Satan empowers the
Beast. He is a tool, a
minion, of the devil.
He is a ruler upon the
The Death-Stroke Healed!

"And I saw one of his heads as though it had

been smitten unto death; and his death-stroke
was healed: and the whole Earth wondered
after the Beast....” (Revelation 13:3)
The Beast Once Existed
One of the identifying marks as to learning
the identity of the Beast is the fact that he
once existed, was slain, and has now
One Head Is the Pawn of Satan
The Beast as a whole
is a composite of all
seven heads.
But one head, we are
told, is the pawn of
Satan and is being
used to attack the
first century
People Are Amazed at the Beast
The heart of the Book
of Revelation is
dealing with this one
head, which SEEMS
to be a reincarnated
The people react in
amazement. "...and the
whole Earth wondered
after the Beast....”
(Revelation 13:3c)
Nero “Reincarnated” as Domitian

There was a bizarre It was said that

myth that arose after one day Nero
Nero’s death. would return at
Nero committed the head of
suicide in June of Parthian armies
AD 68, and few eye-
witnesses saw his
to destroy Rome.
body. This became the
so-called "Nero
redivivus" myth.
Nero “Reincarnated” as Domitian
However, a rumor arose and persisted that
he had not died but had fled across the
Euphrates river to Rome’s arch-enemy,
In fact, during the decades following Nero’s
death, several pretenders did come forth
claiming to be Nero (Tacitus, Histories 1.78;
2.8; Suetonius, Nero 57). By the turn of the
first century a further twist was added to
the Nero legend.
Nero “Reincarnated” as Domitian
It was said he would
actually rise from
the dead, return to
Rome and seize the
It was in this context
that Revelation was
Nero “Reincarnated” as Domitian
This myth of Nero’s return so captured
the popular fancy that it found its way
into Jewish and Christian apocalyptic
Many of these writings had a triumphant
Nero pictured as the antichrist
(Ascension of Isaiah 4:1-14; Sibylline
Oracles 4:119-124; 5:137-154, 361-374).
The People Worship the Beast
The people worship
the Beast because
he is so powerful,
"Who is like unto
the Beast? And
who is able to war
with him?”
(Revelation 13:4b)
The People Worship the Dragon
No man on Earth is as powerful as the Beast. The
people of the Earth can not defeat the Beast, so
they surrender to him. These people also worship
the Dragon because he gave authority to the Beast:
The Beast Blasphemes God
"...and they
worshipped the
Dragon, because he
gave his authority
unto the Beast....”
(Revelation 13:4a)
The Beast is arrogant
and blasphemes God.
(Revelation 13:5-6)
The Beast’s Time Is Limited
He only has authority
Remember that the
to act for a forty-two
Dragon only has a
month period: "...and
short time. God is
there was given to him
allowing the Dragon
a mouth speaking
to take his best shot.
great things and
blasphemies; and However, the time
there was given to him frame is controlled by
authority to continue God Almighty
forty and two Himself. God allows
months.” (Rev. 13:5) this to happen:
War with the Saints

"And it was given unto him to make war with the

saints, and to overcome them....” (Rev. 13:7)
The Earth Worships the Beast
The Beast is so
powerful that "...all
that dwell on the
Earth shall
worship him....”
(Revelation 13:8a)
Everybody, that is,
but the saints:
The Saints Have the Lamb
"...everyone whose
name has not been
written from the
foundation of the
world in the Book
of Life of the Lamb
that has been
slain.” (Revelation
The Beast Rules over Other Nations

The Beast is a
worldwide ruler.
He has
"...authority over
every tribe and
people and tongue
and nation.”
(Revelation 13:7b)
Studies: The Beast
It is my contention to
demonstrate through
the following study
that 666, the Beast of
the Book of
Revelation, was the
Roman Emperor
Domitian. It is a
plausible explanation,
and it follows the rules
of hermeneutics.
The Major Symbols Explained
Chapter 17 begins
with this statement:
"Come hither, I
will show you the
judgment of the
great harlot that
sits upon many
(Revelation 17:1b)
The Major Symbols Explained
John is now being shown what certain
things in his vision mean. John continues
by saying he saw a harlot riding on a seven
headed, ten horned beast:
The Major Symbols Explained
"...and I saw a
woman sitting
upon a scarlet-
colored Beast, full
of names of
blasphemy, having
seven heads and
ten horns.”
(Revelation 17:3b)
The Woman Needs the Beast

She would be worthless without the Beast that

supports her. We are told who the harlot is:
"...and upon her forehead a name written,
THE EARTH.” (Revelation 17:5)
Woman Drunk on Blood of Saints

She is "…drunken
with the blood of
the saints, and with
the blood of the
martyrs of Jesus.”
(Revelation 17:5b)
Who is this
The Woman Explained
"And the woman
whom you saw is the
great city, which
reigns over the kings
of the Earth.”
(Revelation 17:18)
She is THE great city,
not A great city. The
woman is THE ruling
The Woman Is Rome
Notice the word
"reigns" is in the
present tense. As of
the time of the writing
of John's vision, the
woman was reigning
over the kings of the
Earth. The woman
was undoubtedly
The Waters Explained

Verse one of chapter 17 says, "Come hither, I

will show you the judgment of the great harlot
that sits upon many waters....” What are the
many waters? John tells us:
The Waters Explained
"And he said unto
me, 'The waters
which you saw, where
the harlot sits, are
peoples, and
multitudes, and
nations, and
(Revelation 17:15)
The Many Waters Are the People
and Nations Subject to Rome
If the harlot is a ruling city, she must rule
over subjects. The many waters are her
subjects, John says.
The many waters are the people of the Earth
who were subjects of Rome, who ruled the
multitudes, nations and tongues of the Earth.
The Ten Horns Explained

What do the ten horns of the Beast represent?

"And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings,
who have received no kingdom as yet; but they
receive authority as kings, with the Beast, for one
hour.” (Revelation 17:12)
The Ten Horns Explained
The ten horns are sub-
kings of the Beast:
"These have one mind,
and they give their
power and authority
unto the Beast.”
(Revelation 17:13)
"These shall war
against the Lamb, and
the Lamb shall
overcome them....”
(Revelation 17:14a)
The Ten Horns Explained
These ten kings They will come to
have not come to power shortly and
power yet at the will give their
time of the writing support to the
of the Book of Beast, giving him
Revelation. a greater
worldwide hold on
the peoples.
The Seven Heads of the Beast

"Here is the mind that hath wisdom. The seven

heads are seven mountains, on which the woman
sits: and they are seven kings; the five are fallen,
the one is, the other is not yet come; and when he
comes, he must continue a little while.”
(Revelation 17:9-10)
The Seven Heads of the Beast
The seven heads represent two things and only
two things. FIRST, they are seven mountains on
which the woman sits. This is a second
confirmation that the city is Rome.
The Seven Heads of the Beast

We have seen previously that the woman is the great

city, Rome. Rome sat upon seven hills.
The Seven Heads of the Beast

The Seven Hills of early-Rome were the

Cermalus, Cispius, Fagutal, Oppius,
Palatium, Sucusa, and Velia.
SECOND, as the Scriptures say, the seven
heads also represent seven kings.
Five of those kings have died. One rules at
the time of the writing of the book.
The Seven Heads of the Beast

Another we are told will come, but only remain

for a little while.
The Beast (666) is one of the seven heads of the
Beast of the sea.
The Beast Demands Worship
The main characteristic of the Beast is that one of
his heads is " though it had been smitten
unto death; and his death-stroke was healed....”
(Revelation 13:4b) He demands worship.
The Beast Demands Worship
He has "...authority
over every tribe and
people and tongue
and nation.”
(Revelation 13:7b)
His number is six
hundred and sixty and
six. (Revelation
The Seven Heads Are Seven
As we have learned already, the seven
heads are seven kings. (Revelation 17:9-
10) The total of the seven heads represents
the Roman Emperor system up to a certain
king, which has been designated 666. It
starts off pretty straight forward. Five kings
we are told have fallen (died). One king is
currently ruling. He rules as of the writing
of the book of Revelation.
Here Comes the Tricky Part...

This makes six kings. Revelation 17:10

says, "...the other is not yet come; and
when he comes, he must continue a little
while.” This is the seventh king.
So far, it has been pretty simple.
However, it is about to get tricky….
Then Comes the Eighth King
Revelation 17:11
says, "And the
Beast that was, and
is not, is himself
also an eighth, and
is of the seven; and
he goes into
Then Comes the Eighth King

The Beast (666), we are told, is also an

eighth king, and is said to be one of the
seven. Remember, if you will, the words in
verse nine: "Here is the mind that has
Then Comes the Eighth King
John was telling his audience that they COULD
figure this out, but it would take WISDOM, and not
Who, then, is the eighth king, the Beast (666)? That
will be explained shortly.
Who is the Eighth King, the Beast
As a reminder, John has
given us a few clues as to
the identity of the Beast:
"And I saw one of his
heads as though it had
been smitten unto death;
and his death-stroke was
healed: and the whole
Earth wondered after the
Beast....” (Revelation
Who is the Eighth King, the Beast
"And he exercises all
the authority of the
first Beast in his
sight. And he makes
the Earth and them
dwell therein to
worship the first
Beast, whose death-
stroke was healed.”
(Revelation 13:12)
Who is the Eighth King, the Beast
This one
particular head
is the head
which appears
as if it had
been slain, but
is now
alive again.
Who is the Eighth King, the Beast
"And all that dwell on
the Earth shall
worship him, every
one whose name hath
not been written from
the foundation of the
world in the Book of
Life of the Lamb that
has been slain.”
(Revelation 13:8)
Who is the Eighth King, the Beast

"And the Beast that was, and is not, is himself

also an eighth, and is of the seven; and he goes
into perdition.” (Revelation 17:11)
Who is the Eighth King, the Beast
John says this one particular head is one of
the seven, but is really an eighth.
It was, meaning it existed in the past in this
beastly form.
It had not yet taken on its new beastly form
as of the time of John's writing, so it is to
come once again in its beastly form in the
Who is the Eighth King, the Beast
It will go to
and it will be
The Woman and the Beast
Need Each Other
We have seen how
the Beast is directly
tied to the woman,
which rules the
kings of the Earth
at the writing of
John's vision.
They need each
The Seven Heads Are Seven

The composite Beast of John's vision is made up

of the seven heads and ten horns.
Revelation 17:10 says the seven heads "...are
seven kings; the five are fallen....”
The Seven Heads Are Seven
The seven heads are also " mountains, on
which the woman sits....” (Revelation 17:9b)
The Beast's seat of power is Rome, and the city and
the Beast are linked intrinsically together as one.
The Ten Horns Are Ten Kings

The ten horns are "...ten kings, who have received

no kingdom as yet; but they receive authority as
kings, with the Beast, for one hour.
The Ten Horns Are Ten Kings
These have one mind, and they give their power
and authority unto the Beast.” (Rev. 17:12b-13)
Note that the ten kings will give power and authority
to the Beast in the future from John's perspective.
The Ten Horns
They will yield to the
authority of the Beast. Are Ten Kings
They will unite their
forces with him to
destroy the people of
This we are told will
come to fruition when
this eighth king "…that
was, and is not…"
(Rev. 17:11b) comes
into power.
What about the Eighth King?
There is no doubt that John is talking
about Rome and the Roman Emperors.
This Beast ends with the eighth king, but
there is seemingly a problem, and that is
that the eighth Emperor, Vitellius, does
not fit the profile John has given us
regarding the Beast (666).
What about the Eighth King?
1. Caesar Augustus 27 BC - 14 AD
2. Tiberius 14 AD - 37 AD
3. Caligula (Gaius) 37 AD - 41 AD 5 HAVE FALLEN
4. Claudius 41 AD - 54 AD
5. Nero 54 AD - 68 AD
6. Galbo 68 AD - 68 AD
7. Otho 69 AD - 69 AD 3 PLUCKED OUT
8. Vitellius 69 AD - 69 AD
The Problem
The difficulty we have
is that if we count the
Emperors one through
eight, we come to
We know five have
fallen, and that is easy
to see.
The Problem
Galba would seem to
be the one "…who
is…” and Otho
would seem to be
"...the other is not
yet come; and when
he comes, he must
continue a little
while.” (Revelation
The Problem
That brings us to
Vitellius as number
eight in line, but he
simply does not fit, as
he did not hold office
long enough to do
these things of which
John tells us in his
A Clue to Help Our
The explanation of the
seven heads begins
with these words,
"Here is the mind
that has wisdom.”
(Revelation 17:9a)
John tells his audience
they can figure it out if
they apply wisdom.
A Clue to Help Our
One hint is found in
Revelation 12:14b.
God protects and
nourishes the
woman who gave
birth to Christ.
(Not literal Mary,
but spiritual Israel.)
A Clue to Help Our
The time period
of protection is
described as "...
for a time, and
times, and half a
time, from the
face of the
Revelation and Daniel 7
The Book of
This reference to a
Revelation constantly
peculiar time frame is
uses this time frame,
done on purpose to
and sometimes is
mark a trail back to
shown as 1260
Daniel 7.
days (Revelation 11:3)
The time phrase or 42 months
TIME, AND TIMES, (Revelation 13:5).
All of these equal
equals three and one
three and one half
half years.
Revelation and Daniel 7

Why would two writers some 600 years apart

choose to use these same phrases?
How would they be able to do this?
Revelation and Daniel 7
The book of
Daniel talks
often about a
fourth kingdom
in the future
from Daniel's
That fourth
kingdom is
Revelation and Daniel 7
Daniel 7
discusses the
same situation in
which we find
ourselves in
Notice the
parallels in
Daniel 7 with
Revelation 12.
Revelation and Daniel 7
Daniel sees a
slightly different
description of a
beast, but note
the similarities
with the Beast
of the book of
Daniel and John
were having the
same vision!
The Book of Daniel Helps Explain
the Eighth King of Revelation
In the book of
Daniel chapter 7 we
find Belshazzar in
his first year as
King of Babylon.
Daniel saw a vision
concerning the king:
four great beasts
coming up from the
sea. (Daniel 7:2-7)
The Book of Daniel Helps Explain
the Eighth King of Revelation
This is exactly what John sees in Revelation!
The fourth beast was different from all the other
beasts, having TEN HORNS. (Daniel 7:7)
A Boastful Little Horn
Daniel then saw
another horn, a
little horn, come up
among the ten.
This boastful little
horn pulled three of
the ten horns out by
their roots:
A Boastful Little Horn

"I considered the horns, and, behold, there came

up among them another horn, a little one, before
which three of the first horns were plucked up by
the roots....” (Daniel 7:8a)
A Boastful Little Horn
Ten horns plus one
horn equals eleven.
Eleven horns minus
three horns (three
plucked out) equals
The Beast (666) in the
book of Revelation is
an eighth king.
“Very Interesting!”

As Arte Johnson
used to say on
Laugh In, "Very
A Review of What We’ve
Learned So Far
The following is a brief synopsis of what
we have discussed so far in our study of
who the Beast (666) of Revelation is.
Please remember that the most important
thing to take from the book of Revelation is
that God is in control, and there is victory in
Jesus Christ, regardless of what happens to
us in this life.
A Review of What We’ve
Learned So Far
The Revelation of
Jesus Christ was
given to John while
he was exiled on
the isle of Patmos.
These things were to
come to pass
A Review of What We’ve
Learned So Far
“The Revelation of
Jesus Christ, which God
gave Him to show unto
His servants, even the
things which must
shortly come to pass:
and He sent and
signified it by His angel
unto His servant John;”
(Revelation 1:1)
A Review of What We’ve
Learned So Far
The people to whom John
wrote his letter could
know what it meant.
"Here is wisdom. He that
has understanding, let
him count the number of
the Beast; for it is the
number of a man: and his
number is six hundred
and sixty and six.” (Rev.
Rome is represented by the woman, the harlot who
rides the Beast: "And the woman whom you saw
is the great city, which reigns over the kings of
the Earth.” (Revelation 17:18)
"The seven heads are seven mountains, on which
the woman sits....” (Revelation 17:9)
The Dragon is the
one who gives the
Beast "...his power,
and his throne, and
great authority.”
(Revelation 13:2)
Satan empowers the
The Beast is a tool,
a minion, of the
He is a ruler upon
the Earth.
The Beast Appears To Be
"And I saw one of
his heads as though
it had been smitten
unto death; and his
death-stroke was
healed: and the
whole Earth
wondered after the
(Revelation 13:3)
Many believed Nero
would be
It was said he would
actually rise from
the dead, return to
Rome and seize the
It was in this context
that Revelation was
The people worship the Beast because he is
so powerful, saying,
“Who is like unto the Beast? And who is
able to war with him?” (Revelation 13:4b)
The Book of Daniel Helps Explain
the Eighth King of Revelation
Daniel 7
discusses the
same situation in
which we find
ourselves in
Notice the
parallels in
Daniel 7 with
Revelation 12.
The Boastful Little Horn
Daniel watched as
In Daniel 7:9-10 this boastful little
God takes His seat horn "...the Beast
as judge. was slain, and its
The courts sat, and body destroyed,
the books were and it was given
opened. to be burned with
fire.” (Daniel
The Lake of Fire
Notice where the
Beast (666) in the
Book of Revelation
ends up: He is thrown
into the Lake of Fire:
"And the Beast was
taken, and with him
the false prophet that
wrought the signs in
his sight…”
The Lake of Fire
“...wherewith he
deceived them that
had received the mark
of the Beast and them
that worshipped his
image: they two were
cast alive into the
Lake of Fire that
burns with
(Revelation 19:20)
The Ten Horns Explained
Daniel inquires the exact meaning of the fourth
beast in Daniel 7:19, wanting to know the
meaning of the ten horns and the other little
horn, who utters great boasts (Daniel 7:20).
Daniel says "I beheld, and the same horn
made war with the saints, and prevailed
against them; until the Ancient of Days came,
and judgment was given to the saints of the
Most High, and the time came that the saints
possessed the kingdom.” (Daniel 7:21-22)
The Ten Horns Explained
The Ten Horns Explained
Notice below how God explains the
meaning of the symbols to Daniel and the
God does the same thing in the book of
Remember Revelation 17? Prophecy was
The seven heads are also " mountains,
on which the woman sits....” (Revelation
Ancient Rome
The Ten Horns Explained
"The fourth beast shall be a fourth
kingdom upon Earth....” (Daniel 7:23a)
"And as for the ten horns, out of this
kingdom shall ten kings arise: and another
shall arise after them; and he shall be
diverse from the former, and he shall put
down three kings.” (Daniel 7:24)
The saints "...shall be given into his hand
until a time and times and half a time.”
(Daniel 7:25c)
The Ten Horns Explained
The Ten Horns Explained
This is the same vision in Revelation 12:14
given some 600 years previously.
If you begin counting Empires starting with
the Babylonians, you have next the Medes,
the Greeks, and then finally the Roman
Empire as the fourth world kingdom.
It is strikingly obvious that Daniel 7 is a
parallel to the heart of the Book of
The Ten Horns Explained
Shortly Will Come to Pass
Remember, John
said the things will
shortly take place.
The things written
in Daniel will
shortly be fulfilled
in the days of the
Book of
A Quick Review
To whom was the Book of Revelation written?
The seven churches of Asia. “John to the
seven churches that are in Asia….”
(Revelation 1:4)
Could they understand it?
Yes! “Blessed is he that reads, and they that
hear the words of the prophecy, and keep the
things that are written therein: for the
time is at hand.” (Revelation 1:3)
A Quick Review
What is represented by the image of the
She is Rome.
"And the woman whom you saw is the
great city, which reigns over the kings of
the Earth.” (Revelation 17:18)
"The seven heads are seven mountains, on
which the woman sits....” (Revelation 17:9)
A Quick Review
Rome sits upon seven
The woman, we are
told, is a city.
She is the great city,
which reigns over the
kings of the Earth.
Roman Emperors ruled
over the city.
A Quick Review
What is represented by the Beast that comes
up out of the sea having seven heads and ten
They are kings, or the Roman Emperors.
A Quick Review
The Beast is a
worldwide ruler.
He has "...authority
over every tribe and
people and tongue
and nation.”
(Revelation 13:7b)
Rome ruled the
A Quick Review:
Daniel and John are having the same vision!

The saints "...shall be

given into his hand
until a time and times
and half a time.”
(Daniel 7:25c)
“...and there was
given to him authority
to continue forty and
two months.”
(Revelation 13:5)
Daniel 8 - More Visions

The book of Daniel has numerous

detailed visions concerning the
kingdoms to come after the Babylonians
who ruled during Daniel's early years.
Two years later Daniel witnesses
another vision, "...after that which
appeared unto me at the first.” (Daniel
The Two-Horned Ram
He sees a two-horned
ram conquering
northward and
southward, butting, and
no other could stand
before him. (Daniel 8:3-
Daniel also observes a
male goat coming from
the west over the surface
of the whole Earth,
moving quickly, a horn
between his eyes.
The Two-Horned Ram
The goat rushed the ram,
shattered its horns, and
trampled him under
"And the he-goat
magnified himself
exceedingly: and when
he was strong, the great
horn was broken; and
instead of it there came
up four notable horns
toward the four winds
of heaven.” (Daniel
Prophecy Explained
What does this all mean?
Let the book explain itself:
"The ram which thou saw, that had the
two horns, they are the kings of Media and
“And the rough he-goat is the king of
Greece: and the great horn that is between
his eyes is the first king.” (Daniel 8:20-21)
The Rough He-Goat
Alexander the Great
is the rough he-goat
of prophecy of
Daniel 8.
Alexander the Great
conquered the
Medes and Persians,
just as Daniel had
The Rough He-Goat
The horns of the ram represent the Kings of Media
and Persia.
Together these two kingdoms conquered the
Babylonians who ruled during Daniel's days in
Greece, which is the rough he-goat in Daniel's
vision, then proceeded to conquer the Medes and
Alexander the Great was the King of Greece.
The Rough He-Goat
He is seen in the vision as the great horn
protruding from the rough he-goat's head.
How was Daniel able to predict this more
than 200 years prior to it actually
God revealed it to him.
God revealed it to him because God is in
Daniel 2

Daniel is replete
with visions
concerning the
worldwide ruling
kingdoms that
followed the
Daniel 2
Nebuchadnezzar, king
of Babylon, dreams a
vision concerning a
statue of extraordinary
Each part of the statue
represented a
kingdom, starting with
Babylon in Daniel
The fourth kingdom from Babylon, which would
be the Roman Empire, is said to be made up of
clay and iron:
"And whereas you saw the feet and toes, part of
potters' clay, and part of iron, it shall be a
divided kingdom; but there shall be in it of the
strength of the iron, forasmuch as you saw the
iron mixed with miry clay.” (Daniel 2:41)
The clay and iron will combine, but not adhere to
each other:
"And whereas you saw the iron mixed with miry
clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed
of men; but they shall not cleave one to another,
even as iron does not mingle with clay.” (Daniel
A Coming Kingdom Prophesied
THOSE KINGS shall the
God of Heaven set up A
KINGDOM which shall
never be destroyed, nor
shall the sovereignty
thereof be left to another
people; but it shall break
in pieces and consume all
these kingdoms, and IT
FOREVER.” (Dan. 2:44)
A Prophesied Kingdom Fulfilled

“But you shall receive

power, when the Holy
Spirit is come upon
you…. And there
appeared unto them
tongues parting
asunder, like as of
fire; and it sat upon
each one of them.
(Acts 1:8; Acts 2:3)
A Coming Kingdom Prophesied
Daniel prophesied that during the days of
this future fourth kingdom that God will set
up an eternal kingdom.
It will put an end to all these worldwide
ruling kingdoms.
When we read the Book of Revelation, we
are reading the fulfillment of God's
predetermined plan.
It is unfolding before our eyes.
What about the Eighth King?
1. Caesar Augustus 27 BC - 14 AD
2. Tiberius 14 AD - 37 AD
3. Caligula (Gaius) 37 AD - 41 AD 5 HAVE FALLEN
4. Claudius 41 AD - 54 AD
5. Nero 54 AD - 68 AD
6. Galbo 68 AD - 68 AD
7. Otho 69 AD - 69 AD 3 PLUCKED OUT
8. Vitellius 69 AD - 69 AD
The Plucked Out Horns
“I considered the
horns, and, behold,
there came up
among them another
horn, a little one,
before which three
of the first horns
were plucked up by
the roots….”
(Daniel 7:8)
Domitian Is the Eighth King
When you take out the sixth, seventh and
eighth kings (the ones plucked out), we
have Vespasian as the one "…who is…,"
and his son Titus is the one "…to come…"
and remain a little while.
That leaves Domitian as the eighth.
Domitian fits the characteristics of 666 listed
in Revelation 13!
Domitian Is the Eighth King
He persecuted
Christians to the
same degree or
more as one other
Emperor, number
five, Nero, so
therefore it seemed
as if Nero had been
reincarnated in the
form of Domitian.
A Look at the Emperors Nero
and Domitian
Originally, there was a
time when Christians
had little to fear from
the Roman government.

The Apostle Paul was

even saved by Roman
magistrates, officials
and soldiers from the
rampaging Jewish
A Look at the Emperors Nero
and Domitian
Part of this was because it was said that in
the early years the Roman government
could not distinguish Jews from Christians,
thinking Christians were but a sect of
Judaism was a permitted religion within the
Roman Empire.
A Look at the Emperors Nero
and Domitian
Once Nero
became Emperor,
however, things
Nero was the last
of the Julio-
Claudian line.
A Look at the Emperors Nero
and Domitian
With all fingers pointing at Nero as the one who
started the great fire of Rome, he found a
scapegoat within the Jewish sect now commonly
known as the Chrestiani.
A Look at the Emperors Nero
and Domitian
Their leader,
Christus by name,
had been put to
death by the
Procurator of
Judea, Pontius
Pilate, some 30
years previously.
A Look at the Emperors Nero
and Domitian
As for the fire
of Rome in AD
64, a number of
the Christians
were convicted
and killed
using extreme
A Look at the Emperors Nero
and Domitian
Tacitus (AD 55-117),
the Roman historian,
reported in his Annals
the following account:
"And, so, in the hope
of dissipating the
rumor, {Nero} falsely
diverted the charge on
to a set of people to
whom the vulgar gave
the name Chrestians....
A Look at the Emperors Nero
and Domitian
“Mockery of every sort
was added to their deaths.
“Covered with the skins of
beasts, they were torn by
dogs and perished, or were
nailed to crosses, or were
doomed to the flames and
burned, to serve as
illumination, when
daylight had expired.”
A Look at the Emperors Nero
and Domitian
The same graphic
story was relayed
by another later
Christian historian,
Sulipicus Severus,
and is found in his
A Look at the Emperors Nero
and Domitian
"In the meantime,
the number of
Christians being
now very large, it
happened that
Rome was
destroyed by fire,
while Nero was
stationed at
A Look at the Emperors Nero
and Domitian

“But the opinion of all cast the odium of

causing the fire upon the Emperor, and he
was believed in this way to have sought for
the glory of building a new city....
“{Nero}, therefore, turned the accusation
against the Christians and the most cruel
tortures were accordingly inflicted upon the
A Look at the Emperors Nero
and Domitian
“Nay, even new kinds of death were
invented. In this way, cruelty first began to
be manifested against the Christians.
“Afterwards, too, their religion was
prohibited by laws which were enacted; and
by edicts set forth it was proclaimed
unlawful to be a Christian.”

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