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rena Pirenicie Dr.P. Sathiyamaorthy* and P. Ekenelai SGiem Horbai Reeasren Tounalion £8, Cethedra’ Fo, Chennai 509 086, Inca S.Ashok Kumar, and Satentra Kumar Notional Metalkrgiea Labotateng (CIR Macres Connples, Tama chenrat 60015. Inske Since the dawn of record history, plants have been the primary source of medicine for orople of yy culture throughout the world. According to World Kealth Orasnization about 80% of the wold population ry on herbal Medicine, Most developing count have relied and will cor tinue co rely ar herbal medicine duc to the dstorence of high costs of mavern allogathe medicines. Even the modem medical system pathy) can nat cory plant products lke cote 8009, dlgitoxin, reserpine, torskatine, 12 use of lasting, artemisinin, camptothe tment of human diseases lke cancer, malavia, podootiyliotaxin in the onal ecsty TE ly 2008 depression / hypertensian (Freaswerth eal 1989 ; Patwarchan e¢ si, 2004}, Einst (2002) ard Soper €: al (7004) claimed! that some Incian he-bs producls have nigh eve! of heavy metals, warts us to study the ke oF teary "etal in some nt mocicina|piants of South nea, The levels ot fea, nickel, cadmium, marctsry, arsenic, non, zi rer ard iurm wore weasured 118 important medicine: parts, (Table 1.) Plant samples swore either collet (Gein Research Foundation berbal garden or in the local market 2s a whole plantiseeds ond iden ified bya botanist, Medicinal plants collecion was based Us SINo. Plant Name. Terminalia chebula Rel Terminalia belerica, Roxb. Phyllanthus emblica, Linn, Ghyeymbin glabra Linn Pyperiongum, Li. svasica, News Withania somaiters, Dural Tinospore cordlfole, Mics Tribulus farrestrs, Linn, Saraca soca (Roxb) Wide Acprus calor, Linn Cassia senri, Linn Cental asiatica {1} Urban ‘Aagie marmelos, Corr eS Tehwuta ‘ana [stot Indian medicinal plants that used in mare than 59 pharmaceutical h, 1998} ard ed by preparations (Ned Prak 200 20 herbal drugs repor satwmardaan ct af (2004), Dust and soil °c fpcand sree samples were oven dried at for3d 1s powdered in = ble coved at room temperature Unt Ihe level of hers bythe dry ashing metnod of Jones (199°), Duplicet triplicate plant samples (1 q each) were asned in a muffie furnace et 540°C for B hours. Ihe ash was allowed to metals was measured periments with in 5 nba 1M HCl for 15 -min, s made-up with lution w deionized sist he squeous FeaTu Parsused | TFadittonal Uses Seed Lavathe, |Laratne, anti pyretic Fn Revitalzer, Digestive Root Sour throat nai Digestive, aranchitie Leaves, Expeciorant, asthan Rast tonic Whole plant |Immnomedulater leaves Diurele Bark (Uterus disorders Rhizome Asthma, stomach problem Leaves Laatize Brainton antidiaber An ingpenglycaemir Cough, fever | wound healing solutions were filtered through 042m Milllpore filter paper anc: he filtrates were analyzed “or heavy metals in ar atomic absorpiion specaphotometer {GBC Avante Var 1 arsenic twas low quanti in hers G3 hydiide generator was usad, The cata Since are preserted on a mg kg" diy weight basis. The concentration of huaey metals vi Ph, Col Ho As Je. 7a. Card Cin economically important medizinal 2. the entanion of lead wens slants are snown in highest co found in Tenminatia bei ny Getzctatle lirnit suas observed in the leaves of Cassia se considered ta 20 ane of the toxic heavy metal, thse concentration in drinking move than 200 400 meg per day. The lead tonicity 9 er should 90 en Hella dary 13a 2008 a seeds (8.49 1 ©. asiaticg and 0, sanctum. Lead Termini beteviea telents is in the range oF 10-20 mg kg | The concentration of Po in all the specivy is below Ihe toxic love for plant itself. Devivedi and Day (2002) cbserved that the highest Pb was found in Azadiracta indica ark (32.8 mo kg). For lead the maximum limi set by World Health Organ zation is three mg pet wreck, ickel dos nor play an essentil or beneficis! role in plant nutrition of netabolism, There is still ne unecuivaca! evidenoe for is essential invowernent in plant metabolism, it has bean shonvn ja stimulate plant growth and be the metal cofactor ar urease (Marsehret, 1986), The Nicon‘ent of the south Maran Metin! pants is bewwonn 1.79 and 28.78 ra kg” The highest Ni content was observed in Acorus calsurus rhizome, found in hill areas and lower Niin Seraca azora barks, Most of the medicinal planis show below the toxic ‘cus (logs than 30 mg ky") except yA ‘columns is one of the ingredient in ch! » herbal medicine and used very litle quentity in Indian medica sy Acorus cafarius plant, Genera! reco blove the deteciable ky? and 2.0.49 hg ‘centration of Cd and As were ise. respectively, Mercury is consi plants in the range oF ‘The level of Hg foune in medicinal planes sanged betwen 8.05 am highly tovie t0 5-10 mo kg" 293.89 mg kg ". Of the species tested only one plant showed below the toxic limits.The permissible limit (WHO) of mercury is 0.5 mg / Ky. The highest Hy was found! in Terr nospore cordifolia and below the detectable limit of Hg found in Piper Jonguim seed and Cassia seria leaves jachebuts are Piper longam is used to detoxify the food poisons. T chefs is one of the ingredient in tripala. The low Hg content of P emibilica is added to ‘tnpala wnich also have antioxicent properties. P embilica may detoxify the ig toxcity shvlusreveses: Pio re eco 2 3. | Phyllsothus emblica, Lin 4. | Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn, 5. Bipertongum, Linn, 6 Adnaiada vasica. Nees 7 8 a 14, "1 Withania somoifers, Ounal Tinospora cordifolia, Miers Tribulus terresteis, Linn Sareca asoca (Rox0) Wilde Acorus calarrus, Lina (Cassia senna, Linn satica (L) Urban Aegte marmelos, Cort Asparagus recemasus, willd Andragraphis paricalat 7. | Ocimum sancturm, Linn 18. | Curcuma fonge, Lnn rear Merci or ton is not usuelly considered as 2 loxic heawy motal because at Its functigns in a number of normal physiological process in plant ai, 1991), The levels of Fe in medicina plants was between 256 and 1960 mg kg”. The highest level of Fe found in asiatica 2 brain ‘onicand leafy vaget: Ferra le. The role af Fe in memory enhancing medicinal plant is not

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