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The Top 66 Words

On the SAT

1. decorous (adj) proper

2. cathartic (adj) cleansing

3. abhorrent (adj) disgusting; loathsome

4. amicable (adj) friendly

5. anachronism (n) an error in the order of time

E.g.: The Flinstones
6. florid (adj) flowery

7. auspicious (adj) attended by favorable circumstances

8. boorishness (n) rude or clumsy behavior

9. censure (n) an expression of strong disapproval

10. cartography (n) the art of making maps or charts


11. collusion (n) a secret agreement for illegal purposes

12. eclectic (adj) combining elements from a variety of


13. dogmatic (adj) arrogant assertion of unproved

14. adulation (n) excessive flattery or admiration

15. consummate (adj) complete in every respect


16. cursory (adj) performed with haste

17. deride (v) to speak of or treat with contempt

(despise; lack of respect)

18. destitution (n) complete poverty

19. disparage (v) to reduce in esteem or rank

20. elucidate (v) to make clear or plain


21. eloquent (adj) vividly or movingly expressive

22. apprehensive (adj) anxious or fearful about the future

23. diffidence (n) the quality or state of being shy

24. embody (v) to give bodily form to

25. equanimity (n) the quality of being calm


26. equitable (adj) just and impartial

27. equivocal (adj) of uncertain significance

28. eulogy (n) a written tribute

29. evanescent (adj) vanishing like vapor

30. exemplary (adj) worthy of imitation


31. felicitous (adj) admirably suited

32. frugal (adj) economical

33. intrepid (adj) fearless

34. hedonist (n) one devoted to pleasure

35. holistic (adj) emphasizing the whole


36. ideologue (n) a theorist

37. laggard (n) a straggler (one who wanders off)

38. impetuous (adj) rushing, hastiness

39. incisive (adj) clear and sharp

40. ineffable (adj) incapable of being expressed


41. idiosyncratic (adj) of peculiar behavioral characteristics

42. impregnable (adj) impossible to attack or challenge

43. lamentation (n) expression of sorrow

44. superfluous (adj) being beyond what is required

45. zealous (adj) marked with enthusiasm


46. malleable (adj) capable of being shaped

47. mundane (adj) ordinary

48. obstinate (adj) stubborn

49. refute (v) to prove to be false

50. rebuke (v) to criticize sharply


51. prosaic (adj) commonplace

52. quell (v) to put down forcefully

53. polarization (n) Interests about two conflicting positions

54. precocious (adj) characterized by early development

55. nefarious (adj) infamous by way of being wicked


56. rhetoric (n) the study of using language

57. sanguine (adj) cheerfully optimistic

58. staid (adj) fixed or permanent

59. swagger (adj) to brag, boast

60. (adj) noisily defiant


61. venerate (v) to regard with respect

62. vindicate (v) to clear of accusation

63. vindictive (adj) revengeful

64. lucid (adj) easily understood

65. rancor (n) resentment

66. laud (v) to glorify

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