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BENE. noustaes inc ‘September 24, 2010 “If not. as, who? Wnot now, when?” ‘That question was posed by a meraber of our network of business and philanhropc lesders, sho are dedicated to defending oat fee society. We cannot rely on politicians o doso, soit sup {os to combat what s now the greatest assault on American freedom and prosperity in our Tifetimes. ‘Twice a year our network meets to review strategies for combating the multide of poblic policies that threaten to destroy America as we know it. These meetings have been ctcal in Smproving and expanding our efforts. ur next meeting willbe held January 30-31, 2011, a the Rancho Las Palmas Resor in Rancho Mirage, Califor. You would be a valuable aditon to our gathering, and we hope you cen join us, Tn Palma Springs, ve will asemble an excepsional group of leaders long with strong ine-up of speakers, Together, e will develop strategies to counter the most severe treats facing ou fe scciety and auine a vison of how we can foster a renewal of American fee enterpise pd pospaiy. Atour most rent meeting in Aspen, cur group hear plans to activate citizen against the threat of goverment over-spending and to change the balance of power in Congres this November. In response, participants commited to an unprecedented level of suppor. ‘The important work boeing done with these initiatives continues. However, evenif these efforts succeed ther serious threats demand aeion [Byeryone benefits from the prosperity that emerges from fee societies. But et prosperity is under stack by the current Administration and many of our elected officials. Their policies threaten o erode our economic freedom and transfer vast sums of power fo the state We must stop ‘and roverse~ this internal essult on our founding principles. Fighting back wit incromentl changes wil only lead to lower rate of deli, We must Seaicate ourselves to making major advances inthe rection of economic freedom. Our gal for these ‘meetings must be to advance ides thet strengthen that fredom, eat back the uneleatng attacks tnd hold elected leaders accountable, ‘To give you a better idea ofthe nature of this even, Ihave enclosed the progam from our Aspen meeting. While we will have great speakers and a beautiful sting, our ultimate goa isnot “fun inthe sun." This isa gathering of doers who are willing to engage inthe hard work necessary to.advance our shared principles. Succes inthis endeavor wll gute all te help we can master ‘Your setve participation would increase our probability of soecess during this pivotal ime in our nation’s history. We hope to see you in Palm Springs, January 30-31 Sincerely, Ce STANDING AND ADDRESSING THRE RoW Neen NM ada e Near Panes siag DNase SIONS ‘Avour seminars, we wosk to understnd and address the tents to Amesica free se md prosperity. These meetings provide an oppoctamity to discuss these threats and the appropriate strate them. To that en, we focus on fous mia obj + Attracting peincipled leaders and investots who wil effec defend ou fee society vely + Sharing best practices and opportunites to defend out fe centeepase system from desractive public policies + Fashioning the message and building the education channels to reestablith widespread belief in the benefits of the principles of free and prosperous society + Building principled, effective intstions cht identi, edveate and mobilize citzens in purmit ofa free and prosperous sociey - (Ou seminars bring together business and philanthropic ladess who posiess the vition snd knowledge to develop innovative strategies to achieve result. ‘The »mbinaton of knowledgeable speakers and motivated participants prodiees a dynamic eaviconment that inspires creative approaches to advancing a fees = COHPENIALITY AND SECURITY in order to understand issues and develop steyies more effectively, he ” proceedings ofthis meeting are confidential, The meetings ae closed tothe public, nchuding media. Please be mindéal of the steutty and confidently of le yout meeting notes and materials, and do not post updates or information about the meeting on blogs, social media such as Facebook and Twittee,o traditional media articles. ‘These meetings a invitation-only and nametags should be woun forall meting functions Saturday. June 26 12:00 ~ 6:00 pm St. ReGIs Loaby 430 ~6:00 pm Mixa S18 635-8330 pm. ‘Vanious Locaions AGEN Seminar Registration ‘You may pick up your seminar mates, inching yout nametag and an updated copy of this booklet. For secuity purposes, pleate remember to wear your ‘pametag to all semina Fanesons Welcome Reception for Locals and Bacly "COURTYARD Aseivals at the St. Regit Epjoy a cocks and some conversation with your fellow parscipants ¢ this informal kick-off to out time together Small Group Dinners Enjoy the company of athe participants a one of thee small dinners centered on ates of focus for out recting, Policy expets and seminar speakers relevant ro each dinner topic wil make brit remake to help faciitate a broader discussion. Ifyou bave not indicated your interes in parscpaing, please contact us, Groups will gather after the reeepion snd wall tothe dianet locations. "Topics include: ‘+ November 2010: What's at sake? What the range of possible outcomes? Wil this bea ‘watershed election year? + The Bankeupting of America: Aze Ameticans waking upto the negative consequences of government growth and spending? What rmestages cx through the citer? Wil tis ese be of concern to voters thie flP Sunday. June 27 9:00 am ~4:00 pm Carrot. ROOM, Lows Leven MAB am = 12645 pr ASPEN Room. MAIN Leva AGENDA ‘nergy and Climate: What dives the regulatory assault on energy? What ae the ‘economic and pliesl consequences of thie? How dacredited isthe climate change axgament? ‘What effect das this have onthe elector, special in key states? Higher Eduestion: Ata ime when we face 90 many immediate treats, how do we also maintain focus oa longer-term investments in higher ceducetion? What leveraged opportunites exist on campuses now that make real differencein sdvancng ibe? Issue Micro-Targeting: What gape do we face ia thoroughly undestanding the electorate? What as been eared from rexeath 4 fr? How cin we take advantage ofthis advanced technology? Seminge Registration and Hospitality Coster Tf you dd not pickup meeting materials on Stutday, you may pick up those materials today in the capitol Room on the lower level of the St Regi, Yau might also enjoy a snack o vst with your fellow patiipants, ‘An Introduction to these Meetings for Fsst-Time aricipante Participants new tothe invites to & ‘welcome luncheon to letn about the strategie Framework tat has guided past sucess and tat hides fata action [Richard Fak, Koch Induerce 100-140 pm Gran Bato ‘LowER Leven 1:40 ~2:10 pr (GRAND BALLROOK 20 2:50 pm Gran Balzncom 230 - pm 2:50 ~3:50 pr GRAND BALLROOM AGENDA. ‘The Threats to American Freedom and Prosperity ‘We ae undesgoing the grestetinternl assault on ‘American fecedom and prorpriy in out fesmes, Rather than cede ground to more government, we sutt srengthen economic feadom. Busines leaders [ave an imporsant role to playin promoting prospesiy, countering the dangerous abacks 08 out Founding principle, snd reversing this wend, CChaties Koch, Koch Industies ‘Whats the Outlook for Future Prospesity? Government spending continues to climb 0 dangerously high level, poting ov econoasy at ris “This estion wall explore the precarious path that we ave on, led by one ofthe analyst beet known Fo predicting the Ginancial cz, eter Schif, Boro Pacific Capital (Q&A with Chasles Koch and Peter Scitt Brea Understanding the Persistent Threats We Face "The current adminsteation swept into office with a promise to “fundamentally transform America From the nationalization of healthcare tothe dsing power of unions, 8 well 2 push for major new timate and enesay regulations, financial regulation, tnd even mote government spending, dhs is 20 lack of significant tees for ust understand and adées. Moderated by Steve Moore, The Wall Stet Jou Phil Kerpen, Ameicans for Prosperiy Ramesh Ponausu, National Resi Peer Wallon, Atueivaa DuterpiseInoeate 6 3:50-4:30 pm GaanD BalzRoow 430-630 pm 6:30-9:00 pm FOUNTAIN Courrvan 9:00 — 10:18 pen RESTAURANT BAR MAIN LEVEL Monday, june 28 7:30-8:30 am FOUNTAIN COURTYARD 150-830 am FOUNTAIN COURTYARD ‘An Integrated Strategy to Address These ‘Theeats ‘While the threns we face are sgailicart, we have seen progres. Building on the lessonslearned fom the past and capitaliing oa eeverl unique opportunities we face this year, we belive there is « way to reverse this present couree and ould amore prosperous fut ‘Richard Fink, Koch Industies Free Time Reception and Dinner atthe St. Regs 1s America on the Road to Seriom? Glenn Beck Cocktails and Dessert Reception hosted by DonorsTeast Conchce your evening witha cacktal or desert et the St Regis’ Restaurant Bar, Breakfast Buffet and Presentation Were Spending Too Much Americans are inceasggly conceened with the growth of government, bt we also nee a positive vision of what smaller government meas, vision {hat goes beyond lower taxes and econctne efficiency ‘Without that positive vision, the appealof liberty is limited. This presentation provides awison of how ‘we can teguin the mata high ground and make a new ‘case for hberty and smalls govemmeattht appeals to ll Americans rch and poor Rass Roberts, Merctus Center 7 8:30 ~ 8:45 am 8:45-9:30 am Gnanp Batroom 10:30 —10:50 am 10:50 am ~ 11:50 pm (GRAND BALLROOM AGENDA Break and Transition to Grand Ballroom, Understanding This Electorate This sping’ primaries have produeed many sures snd upsets. Whats causing this electorate to vor the way hey are? What does thie mean forthe [November elections? This session wil fe insight into the mood of this year’s electorate Michael Barone, Tbe Alana of American Pol Framing the Debate on Spending Polls show thatthe American publics deeply concerned about government growth and spending — snd they ate making thet frustrations known, Inthis session, we will better understand if thi fleeting drcumstance oF one that holds opporeunities for advocates of fee enterpise into the frre. Nancy Pforenhauer Jeff Cank, Americans for Prospeiy - Colorado ‘Veronique de Rugy, Merestus Center Gretchen Hamel, Public Novice Break this fall elec leaders who ace ose strongly committed ta ibety and prosper? “This session wl fu offer suatepc plan to educate voters onthe importance of economic feedom Sean Noble Kad Ceo, Themis Mark Mix, National Right to Work ‘Tam Philips, Amesicans for Prosperity 11:80 ~ 12.05 pm 12.05 ~ 2:00 pm FOUNTAIN COURTYARD 2.0025 pon 2:15-3:00 pm AsTORLIORARY, 4 FLo0R Brealeand Transition to Lunch in the Fountain Courtyard Lunch Buffet & Next Steps Winning the Fight between Free Enterprise and Big Government America was bult oa the free enterprise stem. ‘Thats how Ametica became a prosperous nation ‘with abounding opportunities for all, Now, freedoms fn under a celentess attack. What happen ifitalips sswiy? Arthur Brooks will share with us how fee enterprise is more than an economic system —it is & ‘moral imperative, and we must defend it tll coats Anthut Brooks, American RatemptiseInstnte Breaic ‘Small Group Discussions These fre discussion-osieted sessions offer you the ‘ppornnity to explore seve topics that go beyond the issues already discussed. We wll hold these sessions twice 80 that you may attend the two most interes you Opporcnities in Higher Education: Fo long term mceess, we mast develo furore leaders commited tothe principles of a free sociey. Can we have a major impact in higher education ones the next ten yeats? Where are the most leveraged ‘opportunities for investment? Russ Roberts, Meratus Ceater Keisten Shor, Charles G. Koch Chaitable Foundation Ryan Stowers, Chales G. Koch Chaitable Foundation ‘Maroon Bess, BaniR0OM LeveL Cartror.Roon, BALLROOM Levit, Pvaatap Room, BaLLzoom Leven ASPEN ROOM ManvLeven 3:00 ~ 3:15 pm 3:15 — 4:00 pm Decision-Making in Philanthropy: How cin you ‘maximize the impact of you gift-giving? What diferent giving options are avilable to you? “low can you determine which groups and carse are effective? Advisors to several of America's aust {generous philanthropists wil share the experences Jn wotking toward static and informed deciions, Annie Dickerson ‘Mins Nguyen Michael Sulven B12 Fd Reform & Charter Schools: Whats the bese way to reform our eduction system? How ea we ensure children lean core concepts? “This lscustion will explore what is working and wht the fatore holds for K-12 reform Joh Bryan Judicial Elections: Several sates this year willl desportant judicial elections. Te cere a opportinty here for advocates offre enterpise to have thes voices heard? David Chavetn, US. Chamber of Commerce Kevin Watson, US. Chamber of Commerce Choices in 2012: As important asthe 2010 clecions ‘might be, 2012 aso offers an opporteity to adchons the threats to fiee enterprise. This session wil alow foran informal discussion of how supports of ‘economic freedom might start planing today, Jetry Milbank Bit Walton, Brealc and Transition to Second Discussion Session IT of Small Group Discussions 10 4:00-6:00 pan 6:00-6:50 pm 6:00 ~ 9:00 pon SUNDECK, ASPaN MOUNTAIN 9:00 — 1015 pen BENEDICT, AsPeN MouneranN 730-9330 am FOUNTAIN COURTYARD SSSSTTTTSTTITTITTTETTTVVTEL VTS VVTVT TTT TEs Free Time Gondola Ride to the top of Aspen Moustain Groups will leave every few minutes Srom the font Auive ofthe St. Regis to wall ride to the gondois, only 2 few blocks away. The tip tothe top of Arpen Moustain onthe gondola takes aboat 15 minute and offers scenic views of the Aspen valley snd the surrounding mouatains Reception & Dinner stop Aspen Mountain Whac’s Ahead for America? (Charles Keauthammer Cordials & Dessert Buffet Before descending the mountin, you se welcome to eojoy dessert and 2 firevel eoetal a you continue your dinnertime conversations. The ‘gondolas will be continuously avaable to return you to the base of Aspen Mountsn following dines, and they wl nan wt 1025 pm, Drop-ta Brealtast Butfet A buffer breakfast wil be avaiable foryou a8 you conchude your stay m Aspen. Grab your breakfast snd ran of say and converse with your fellow participants aoa S eg aN Pe Goals & Mision ‘tour seminar, we work to understand and addres the threats to American fice enters and prosperity Thee meetings provide an opportunity to discise dese thea and the appropiate tategics fo counter them. To that end, we for on four main objectives ‘+ Auzactng principled leaders and iavestots who wil effectively defend out fee society 1 Shang ber practice and opportunities to defend ove fee enterprise system frm desteutive public polices ‘+ Building principled, effective insistions that iden educate and mobile css in past of a fee sal prosperous society + Pashioning the mestage and building the education channels to rertablih wideypseadbel'in the benefits ofthe principles of free and prosperos society (Our seminars bing together busines and philnthropic leaders who possess the vision ad knowledge to develop innovative strategies to achieve tems’ “The combination of knowledgeable ypaers and ‘motivated participants produces a djaamic eavigosmeat that nspits creative appeoachrs to advancing & fice society This action-oriented program brings together top expeits and leaders to dscass—and ffer solutions to ‘counter the mod cial theats fo out tee society. Recent vessions have focased on aces i goverment rowih, countering climate change slaemsm and the mowe toward social heathest, ‘Sevelopingstatapics to advance liberty on college campuses, strengthening our sate based capable ‘and promoting jc reform. Past meetings have featured such aotble leaders at Supreme Cost Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas; Govemors Bobby Jindal and Haley Barbout commmesttons Joba Sted, Chales Krauehammet, Glenn Beck, and Kosh Limbavgh; Senatoes Jin DiMint and Tom ‘Cobuer; and Representatives Paul Ryan, Mike Pene, and Tom Price Saterday Jenaay 29 430-600pm Weleame Reception or Locals and Esl Arrivals 600 pm Sinall group Dinners Sty Jonary 30 Ttisam Luncheon foe Pist-Time Paticipanss 1.00500 pm Formal Program Begins 630-900 pm Reception & Dinner at Rancho Las Palmas Resoct and Spa Moniay,Jamtry 31 730sm—430pm Breakfast / Genenl Sessions / Luncheon 630-930 pm. Reception & Closing Dinner Tardy, Febuary 1 730-930am Drop-in Breakfast Buffer (No Prope) Meeting Registration ‘avintons ax nop tance. Spourr are welcome all ret ‘Yoo may so rept oalne tw epee com/PalSping0 1 Regitaioneretved after anuny 1 wil be crepe if spermine Daytime Phone Asioast Cal Phone: Ena 3 I/Wevwill attend the mecting in Palm Springs, January 30& Januaty SL. Asa fstine partcipant, vndersind tat my fae for dhe event wil be waive. "Names for mimetage forms) 1 1/We cannot attend the Palm Springs meeting. ‘Please consider me for ftute events, ‘a Plesse ince me in informational aitings outiamuradézened at thete most Accommodations The Rancho Las Palmas Resor and Spa, lose in Rancho Ming, Caloris will hor our eng A Hock of 00m hel for our group an wal be arable unl December 71, 2010. Fo you conveiene st hosel ‘esuvaions willbe banded rough tr fics; la oo nt an Lt Pala dred plea Please indicate below if rcommodatons wil be needed and ifs, yor deited soum gpe. Mest paras aire (on Saucy or Sanday and depart on Today. The peraight oom tts bow do ot cade» $10/egh eet, 110% eden ssae locale, 22% Local Busines leipcremnent Dt sven es, ox 019% Clfersa Cousien asvesiment fee A deport ofthe fst nights cases wil be msde upon booing. Caeaaons mt be rade seven das before schouled aval to ecave a efund ofthe depos. Sanne Med and wl be raise on 1 come fre-served bis Rooming Details (0 wil mot reqsite «room at Rancho Las Palmas. 1 Pleae reserve me a room at Rencho Las Palas, ‘Plaza Room $209 Acsval Date: January —__, 2011 Optional: nT wenll ke aserand ears. Departare Date: Jan/ieb 2011 Conaeaing / King at © Double Hotel Payment Information Phare hoe Card Type Ameo gue a MinerCast VISA Ms Keio Get ‘ck Companies Pabl Sor Name on Ca (0 108 Stet NA, Suto nD Wiastiagon Dc 2005, Cort Nembe Pane TNO Tek 207579977 Pray mr Were preston 7 ure ae ft wi th fr tele nd fe ‘pp of mahi ani eran ox hw rege. lla po rine se foo er (ie ht eu fs asa. Th Ra Lat ei Pg yale ie PARTICIPALITS Jack and Rose Mare Andesson Addison, Texas Neil Anderson and Amy Fishes Smith ‘Addison, Texas Phil and Nancy Anschate CEE Asnese [Nate and Lynda Bachman Whitney Bal Mica Barone Prank and Kathy Baxter Steve and Bety Bechtel Glen Beck Benard and Margaret Bhsingarne Alan snd Lisa Boeckman Boysie Bolinger Patrick and Paula Broe Avtar Brooke David snd Ann Brown Job Ban Bob and Martha Buford ‘Tim Busch Shelby 2nd Nell Bush, Tim C Chavie and Macla Chandler David Chasen John Childe Paul and Lea Cfion Susie Coetho Bill Cooper and Kristin Tollefson Dino and Josn Cortopaat Joe Craft ‘Alex Ceanberg Jef Cronk Kerd Cow Eni Ceown and Iesbella King Kevin Crutchfield Ravenel and Beth Carry Jim and Shtley Danneneum Versign d gy Rich and Helen DeVos Amie Dickeron Ned and Nancy Diefenthal Jim and Dorothy Patterson Dan and Kelie Peters Tom Petre eaves, alarido Greenvich, Connecticut Cincinnati, Ohio Alesandtis, Viginia Washington, DC Pacific Palisades, Californa Sen Feancitco, California New York, New York Adamsville, Tennesse levi, Texas New Orleans, Lovisiana Denver, Coloio Bethesda, Maryland Oldahoma City, Oklahoae Lake Oswego, Oregon Wichita, Kansas Irvine, Caifornis Dallas, Texas Washington, DC Wichita, Kansas ls Care, Virginia ‘Vero Beach, Fonda Oro Valley, Atizona Los Angele, California Wayzata, Minnesota Sweektos, California ‘Tals, Oklahoma Greeswood Village, Coloado Colorado Springs, Colorado Aslington, Virginia Phoenix, Arizona Abingdon, Visi [New York, New York Houston, Texas Ang, Viginia ‘Ade, Méckigna [New Yosk, New York Metase, Louisiana Louisville, Kentucky Gincinsal, Ohio Denver, Colorado Prensa 12 MOCeensananannnannaananne iso and Catol Doll Koa and Stevie Eler Row and Kis Erickson Melvyn and Suellen Bstiin Dick Farmer Peter Pascll Jim and Zibbie Feel Dave Pet Bob Festi Steve Pet Jenry and Nanette Finget Richard Fink Budd and Lautie Flosiewice Chase and Kaye Lynn Fote Randy and Jean Foutch Foster Fess Steve nd Polly riess Jetryand Leah Follinwider Richeed and Lesh Gilli Susan Gore Olives snd Carolyn Grace J. Judson and Joyce Green Ken and Anne Gritia Graben Hamel ed and Jane Hamilton Bob and Mary Sue Hawk Dick and Ethie Hlawe Robin and Basbara Flayes Dan and Cacolys Heard Diane Hendicks Steve and Regina Hennessy James and Hester Higgs ul Hill John and Joan Hotchkis ‘Alles snd Kathy Habbard Stan and Karen Hubbard Ethelmae Humphreys ‘Manley and Mary Johnson ‘Meritt Johnson Genty and Priscila O'Shavghnesey Michael O'Shaughnessy Tim O'Shaughnessy PARTICIPANTS Menlo Pat California Phoenix, Arona Bloomington, Misnesora Bethesds, Maryland Cincinat, Ohio San Diego, California Houston, Teas Dasiea, Wisconsin Dasien, Wisconsin Davin, Wisconsin Houstoo, Texss Ceatevill, Vsgnia Scottsdale, Arizona Englewood, Colosdo “Tula, Oklahoma Jackson, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Dallas, Teas Keswiel, Vigna Cheyenne, Wyoming Palm Beach, Flocida Otlando, Forde Chicago, Hiois Aalington, Vigo Denver, Colorado Denver, Colorado Holland, Mchigen Concord, North Caroling Houston, Texas Beloit, Wisconsin ‘Morrow, Georgie New You, New York Regin, Saskatchewan Los Angeles, California Indianapolis, Indiana Se Paul, Minnesota Joplin, Missout Uppervill, Vinginia Uppersill, Virginia Wichita, Kensis Wichita, Kansss Wichita, Kansas Pruners nitaer Massal Jobson Kye and Kincen Johnstone Mike and Beth Kasser Ken and Randy Kendrick Phi and Jonnna Keen Gey and Katyn Kingea Scott Kiet Chases and Liz Koch Cage and Annie Koch vid ani Julia Koch Blizabeth Koch Bob an Cindy Kock Bob Kotlhepp Chrks Kraemer Dennis Kuster ‘Andrew Kupersnith ‘Andee Lacy Ken and Eline Langone Jay and Sally Lape en and Frys Loy ‘Tom Love Bob Ly Fed and Matlene Malek Blsine Marshal Perce Marshal Preston Marsal Bil Mayex Glen sad Dine Meakem BaMecse Lew and Sary Meibergen Don and Deede Meyers ‘Jery a Caraine Milan Jack and Golde ier ‘Mark Miz Joc and Mary Mocler ‘Sion Moore David Mafia Walter and Suzete Neley Mina Noes “Lary and Pally Nile ‘Seon Nal Tim nd Tera Ore Bu OK Upper, Virginia (rind, Calornia ‘Tucson, Avzons Paradise Valley, Aszona ‘Warhington, DC Seate, Washington Jackson, Wyorsing Wichita, Kannae Wichita, Kansas New York, New Yack Brood, New York Evansville, Indizns Cincinnati, Ohio Washington, DC Milwaukee, Wisconsin New Yorks New Yosk Indianapolis, Indisna New Yori, New York Harahan, Louisinns Mouatain Lakes, New Jersey (Oldchoma Cry, Oshoms Raleigh, Nom Carolina ‘Washington, DC Dalits, Texas als, Texas Houston, Texas ‘New York, New York Sewickley, Peonsyvania ‘Washington, DC Enid, Oklshoma Paras Valley, Asaone New York, New You Bafllo Grove, lincis Springfield, Virginia Scottsdale, Arizona Fall Church, Vicgaia ‘Wickit, Kansas Houston, Texas Greenwich, Connesticn: (Okishoma City, Oklshoma Phoenix, Arizona Rogers, Askansas Spring Green, Wiseonsin Preotreitir 1“ = =APTC Rants FE ccinmovinee cami Tar Pl Tees, Veg ws ‘Ramech Panna “Alexandsia, Virginia ‘Artand Kathy Pope aig North Caine Ras Rotor ‘tinge, Vegiia Cosh and Bassa Robertson Houston, Tee Richard Roder aed Ka ln ‘Addson, Teas FP Grand Kacen Rogers Oakland Cifomin Dak Rose cant, Oia Che Ree Secret, Conia Peer Seif end Masia Osea espe Conneteat Steve nd Chine Scheaeaman New Yor, New York Rick and Sheny Sharp Richmond, Vigil Mike and Lin Simmonds Ona, Nibntia Pa Smith Scot Arona Disk Stong ime, Visconin Miho Sune Green, Connect Ray tnd Ladeine Thompson Kaispel, Montana Lys Ton New Yok New York Dave and elnie Tue Caper, joming Steve Twist, Scot, Aazena Jim and Gayl Vou Bae Richasdson, Toa oe Rick and Debea Waller Kenosha, Wisconsin Pai Walon Wahingion De Bilsod Saah Walon Washington, Vigaa Low end Myra Ward aid Ollihona Dick Weel Honston, Teas ed and Sse Wehbe Lov Angles, Califia [Nestor Weigand and DucyBocler Whit Kina Dick ad Macy Bets Wes nad ints Howard and Rhonda Wins Dales Fens Deon and Sue Wie Dilan Tous {any and Lorine Wianesmun ‘Aspen, Clondo Joe Woodiod Cardo Spang, Coloedo aa Waghe Englewood, Caorado aren tight and‘Tom Rasin Mont Veron, i Gif and Sass Yonee Greevich, Conecct - Fred and Sendra Young ‘Racine, Wisconsin - = Prarie = #

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