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Preliminary task evaluation

I do believe that my piece of film demonstrated continuity well, this is because our match on
action (walking through the door) was continuous, also our 180 degree was lined up
parallel (the only thing that ruined it was the light). With the storyline you knew what was
going on you didn’t miss any information (and the flash back helps to explain the story and
it’s very clear).

Match on action 180 degree rule

If I could do this again and improve my continuity I would do a

long shot of 180 degree rule to make it even clearer to show
whose where. I could also show Billy being called into the
teachers room.


I have demonstrated Match on action, shot reverse shot and 180 degree rule. These
editing techniques are all very helpful. Match on action is helpful because it demonstrates
continuity well, you see both parts of the shot and it links it together nicely. 180 degree
rule is helpful because it helps you understand where each person is, it doesn’t confuse
the audience if the character is on one side and one is on the other the whole way through.
Finally shot reverse shot is helpful because you can’t have the camera facing both people’s
faces straight on so you use shot reverse shot. It helpful when characters are sharing
dialogue because you can focus on their expression one at a time.

Shot reverse shot

I think overall my group worked well together I worked with Jess Kat and Yasmin. We
worked well because we didn’t have any disputes about our film, hen we all had ideas we
each agreed to go on the majority of the vote, We each had our own part to play while
planning our film, Kat did the storyboard, Yasmin did the script and then me and jess
shared out all the minor jobs so everyone did their part while planning. However we did
have a problem, we hadn’t planned who was going to film what to when it came to
actually filming we didn’t know what parts everyone was filming and we each needed to
do the same amount for it to be fair.
Preliminary task evaluation
If we were to film this piece again there would be a lot of things we could improve on.
Starting with the planning process I think we could of made our story board more
detailed as it was quite basic, maybe have written on it who was filming that part of the
story board. We could of planned who was going to film what so when we got to filming
everyone knew exactly what they were doing. I wish we has planned ourselves more time
because I feel like our piece was rushed. After actually seeing our film there was a lot of
things we could of done to improve it and made it more professional.

This was our starting shot and I think it would of been

much better if we started off with a long shot because
then we would of hade more of a variety of shot
I would of also liked to have re-flimed the tracking shot a
few more times this is because we filmed it on carpet and
it was a bit wobbly so would of liked to have more time
to do it again so we could make it more steady.

On the left the light is very bright and naturalistic

whereas on the left it is very dark, to resolve this
problem we could of moved to the table to the middle of
the room and that would of made the light even on both
I would of liked to move the table and chairs ends.
because then it would look more like an
office because it looks rather messy like this.

In this part of the film you can

hear Billy's mind taking him
back to the flashback again
There was a really unnecessary saying “stop it!” this was really
You can see at the right hand side horn sound made here which effective but was very short so if
one of our group members which is really didn’t work so if we did we did it again we could carry it
a stupid mistake and we should of it again we would take it out. on for longer.

Finally if we were to do it again I would of liked to have more variety of shots (long shot of Billy at the start
with the tracking shot so we could see him head to toe. Close up of the teacher and her facial expression to
show her concern for Billy. Extreme close up of Billy showing either his eyes watering or his mouth
trembling and lastly I would of liked to have the camera zoom out at the very end so show both there facial
expressions when Billy announces his dad is the one abusing him.
Preliminary task evaluation
I think that we could of planned better than we did, this was because our story board was
very basic, we didn’t really think about the shots we were going to have and why we were
going to have them we just went ahead and did it. Also when we got to filming we just
went ahead and did it we didn’t plan who was going to film what which we should have
because then we would of been more prepared. I was really happy with our script and
think it was an excellent story line as it was really easy to understand what was going on.
We did use transitions in our piece and I was really happy with these, we used a fade to
black (we used this to portray our dream, and we also had our dream in black and white
to make it more obvious). We also added a swirl transition which was used at the end of
the dream to bring you back to present life.
I think that the transitions really helped to make our audience understand our peace,
especially during the part with the dream because if we didn’t have fade to black or have
our dream in black or white our audience would of been confused.

Swirl Translation Black & White

After we had just finished filming our piece I thought it was going to be terrible! I didn’t
think everything was going to fit together and really was panicking. Once we had started
editing it was going really well, everything flowed nicely and the continuity there. I didn’t
realise how easy the software would be to use. I really enjoyed the editing and it was my
favourite part of the whole process. I liked the fact it was all coming together so easily.

In conclusion I am really happy with my film, the continuity is there, we have done
everything required, although I wish we could have planned more all in all I really
enjoyed the preliminary task.

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