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 The central image of the digipak is a photograph of a heart which could

KANYE WEST simply be a denotation of the fact that the album involves the word
To further analyse the inner photograph of the heart; it's clear to see the
heart is pictured as a deflated balloon which could connote love being lost
in a relationship which ultimately would lead to 'heartbreak', which links
back to the title of the album.

 The artist himself (Kanye West) is also pictured on the digipak. The
photograph shows him presented in a different light to the way in which
he is usually presented in his past albums. It was clear to see from his
previous digipak's that Kanye West is an artist associated with the Hip-
Hop/Rap genre, in this digipak however the genre of music this album
contains is more abstract as his clothing and colours used within the
digipak do not give away an immediate genre. It can be suggested
however that the lyrics to the music will be symbolically based around the
idea of love and 'heartbreak'.
The photograph of the artist presents this as there is a rainbow coming
from a broach fixed to the shape of a broken heart, which ultimately could
suggest songs on the album could be about happiness that comes out of
heartbreak and evidently imply Kanye Wet is presenting songs that
provide hope for the broken-hearted as the rainbow emerging from the
broken-heart is the only source of bright colour presented on the dull
canvas digipak.

 The artists name is presented in a font size smaller than that of the album
title. I believe this could be due to the fact that this is not a debut album
from the singer and therefore he is trying more to sell and introduce
himself with this a genre of music, (which is different to that he is
commonly associated with) rather than trying to establish himself as an

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