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Popular Culture Part 7

I love to be controversial since that's my job. This work will be more personal for me since it describes or details a much fuller picture of my real life. Even now in late 2010, popular culture developments are still flowing in the world. This is the seventh part of the popular culture series. I might do this series until I pass away, because certainly in our day, it's critically important to

understand about the truth pertaining to the music industry. For numerous years, Ive been on this Earth, Ive still got my faith and I will never quit in my life. For thousands of years, music has been a stirring, powerful force in the realm of humanity. There is a real distinction between music that's legitimate and can uplift the human race (and music that doesn't uplift the modes of human civilization). The corporatists knew of the profound value of music, so in many cases they advance plus fund nihilistic music all of the time. Some people hear it every day. Yet, the good news is more young people even desire a reflection in life. This reflection isn't about embracing unjust hatred, but a forthright love of the truth. History is certainly a great, riveting topic to discussion. I guess with me writing all of these words, you (or the viewer)

must be curious about something. I'm a smart man and I'm an intuitive man. So, I guess you're thinking is that since I write about all of these events, occurrences, etc. then what types of music do I listen to? Even my relatives (living in the Richmond area and Emporia, Virginia) constantly ask me what kind music do I listen to? The answer to that question is a journey and a display of the history into my family's musical tastes.
Back in the day, my parents were Baby Bombers, so they've listened to old soul music like the Temptations, Motown artists, Otis Redding, and other people. They also listened to Gospel music being African Americans like Mahalia Jackson (some people call her the greatest gospel singer pound for pound ever), James Cleveland, the Winans family, etc. My father likes Otis Redding and Gladys Knight. I've haven't even heard of hip hop music until the late 1980's. This was when hip hop music grew and became extremely popular in America and the world. In that time from the 1980's early 1990's, I was exposed to pop, hip hop, R and B, and Gospel music. I heard of country music before in the early 1990's. In that time, I didn't know that much about rock and roll music or heavy metal, because of cultural reasons. It was only one of my older brothers that loved rock and roll and metal. That was taboo back in that day, because of obviously reasons (In the ghetto, few people listened to rock or metal). My older brother listened to Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, REM (that took alternative music into another level. The interesting thing is that their leading singer Michael Stripe collaborated with the rapper KRS-One), etc. I didnt know of these artists real history until years later. Ironically black people invented rock and roll. All of real black culture and real music have been co-opted by the elite in order to control culture that the elite originally reviled. For example, the elite back then reviled more conscious hip hop music as being not real music and then they or the establishment promoted hip hop on their terms today. The

establishment seeks to devalue real culture in order to cause people to hate themselves and embrace a more militant, selfish materialist mentality. It is an anti-God mentality to have self-hatred and lust over material wealth instead of having love for your fellow human beings irrespective of what they are. So, it's fine to want to preserve our culture and preserve our identity with moral absolutes. Give back to your own community and help people. That's real talk. So, there is nothing wrong with you existing with your natural features and your natural thinking (We should never be ashamed of what we are or what we look like which is God-given). He (or my
oldest brother) loved the Beatles and had CDs and books about them. I only knew about the Beatles in a real sense until the late 1990's by looking at documentaries and books. I think my older brother's eclectic interest in music comes from my mother since my mother loves R and B & Gospel music, but also likes opera and classical music (as my mother could get along with people among different races and backgrounds since she is a people person. That is why she can get along with people among different backgrounds. A lot of people are known for their communication skills. It is what it is. This placed an influence on me since she caused me to get along with people of different backgrounds too. This influenced me and my other brothers as well since we have eclectic tastes and can get along with our own people and people of different

ethnicities too). My other brothers mainly listened to R and B music and hip hop. So, I've listened to hip hop music and R and B music in the 1990's.

There is another story on this issue. I never told this story publicly to you the viewer before. I guess in 2012, people want stories. Here is another one. I remember back years ago looking at the video show called Splash with my brothers. Splash was like a music video show. It showed videos like Janet Jacksons Runaway, and other likeminded songs. I heard an interview KRS-ONE gave on Splash TV about the East Coast/West Coast feud back in 1996. In 1996, I saw a commercial about promoting an album from the Roots too. The Roots is a famous rap group that uses eclectic influences. Also, there was the Box show that people dialed into their phones in order for videos to be requested. If you are from Generation X or Generation Y, you know what I am talking about here. Those days make me nostalgic at times. I do love this present generation because of the technological development and the rapid spreading of the truth so thoroughly. I saw Splash TV and the Box from 1994 to 2001.
It was in the late 1990's and the 21st century when I've started to question some of the nihilistic and evil lyrics in many genres of music. I've looked at the Internet and looked at DVDs about this issue like the famous "They Sold Their Soul For Rock and Roll" documentary made by Fight the Good Fight Ministries. Back in the early 21st century, I've learned about the Illuminist or elite strangle hold on the secular music industry indeed. One easy example is how MTV has a place to show videos, etc. in a Canadian Masonic Temple. This doesn't mean that I'm a hermit rejecting any form of music. Music is a great part of culture and my own people have made excellent contributions in the realm of music that ought to be respected. In every generation, there are people with gifted talent. People like Leona Lewis, Melanie Fiona, Aretha Franklin, Toni Braxton, Adele, Brandy, Monica, Amerie, Nat King Cole, etc. have that talent. As for Leona Lewis, she has a great voice for a young person. Leona is probably one of the greatest singers (with one of the greatest voices) that Ive heard from the younger generation of people. When I mean younger generation, I mean from 2005 onward not in the 1990s. A lot of people compare Leona Lewis to Mariah Carey. Yet, when you compare both voices fairly, you will see that Mariah Careys voice (especially in her prime, which is from 1990-2007) is a better than Leona Lewis (yet, Lewis is quickly increasing her musical skills). Although, in the span of 10-20 years, who knows what will happen. This comparison is silly since artists should have the right to be themselves. Alexandra Burke is a sister from the United Kingdom with a great singing voice as well. Shes very gifted with great talent. Her voice is also amazing. Jennifer Hudson is a singer with a great voice and is one of the greatest singers in our generation too. Everybody knows that Jennifer Hudson can blow. I understand that there is nothing wrong with listening to music that uplifts the soul and it's wrong to ally with music that seeks to crush the soul. So now, I do listen to some Gospel and music that uplifts people, educates people, and instructs people in living the right way. Music is never

color limited since real music can touch anyone of any color. No one of any race or background should be intimidated into being limited in what real music he or she listens to or comprehends at all. I dont think less of a man or a woman by how they talk like either. Regardless of how someone talks like, they still have equal value and worth as any other human being. So, having an unique voice is a gift from God not a cultural hindrance. We should promote healing and move forward. You judge a person on their deeds and actions not how they look or talk like at all. As a brother, I do like chocolate if you get what Im saying. I love that connection and mutual respect from a sister. Sisters will forever have a special place in my heart and they are Queen. I am what I am. Yet, love is love. You have the right to be in love and

have romance with who you want to regardless of color. Life is too short, so if you find that special someone regardless of their ethnicity for sincere reasons, then its a blessing. Dont let anyone make you feel less than a person. You have the right to fulfill your dreams and have that inspirational power to contribute to the world your unique talents.
Hypocrisy in the music industry is very common. A lot of the mainstream music industry with fashion, competitiveness, and other worldly things as a means of for puppet artists to desire to be loved by the world. They feel that if they aren't loved by the world, then they have no value whatsoever in it. That's inaccurate since all humans have equal worth and equal value irrespective of where they come from or what they look like. The Bible is right that we shouldn't be concerned with the love of the world since the worldly culture is filled with imperfections, illogical doctrines, and a double minded mentality (that seeks to justify wickedness under the cloak of "expression" or "freedom"). The Scriptures clearly teach that: "...For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." (1 John 2:16). It's easy to see the hypocrisy among many puppet artists in that world. One example is how Madonna don't even allow her children to look at magazines in risk of them seeing semi naked people in a dance routine. Now, Madonna is known for doing this for decades. Eminem spoke to Anderson Cooper (of the Vanderbilt bloodline) in 60 Minutes about his life and music. Eminem said that in his home, he doesn't allow for profanity since his daughters live there. That's ironic since he says profanity all of the time. If profanity is morally right, then anybody can say it in the streets, in a church (or any religious building), in schools, in public, in malls, and in any place. That stigma ought to be eliminated if profanity is great. Yet, profanity isn't great since it causes emotional hurt toward numerous human beings and it causes social instability among people (to prevent them from fully expressing their fundamental ideals on subjects). Art is art. Filth is Filth. The Bible says that men are responsible for every word that

proceeds from their mouths: But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment (Matthew 12:36).

On a side note: More people are coming to the conclusion that the Great Depression occurred because of fraud. This fraud inspired our current financial crisis too. Robert Shiller admitted to this and he's one of the top housing experts in America. Foreclosure gate dealt with fraud in banks regularly mishandling homeownership documents (this puts the legality of foreclosures and relates sales in doubt. Big banks were involved in this). Back in the 1930's, Americans didn't trust business and government dealing fairly in the world. The S.E.C. according to former accountant of the SEC Lynn Turner told the NY times that rampant fraud in the 1920's helped to cause the crash of 1929. In 1932-1934, the Senate Banking Committee led by its Chief Counsel Ferdinand Percora said that fraud and corruption led to the Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression. Even the 1930's Pecora Commission investigated that fraud led to the Great Depression (as admitted by Tom Borgers and Professor William K. Black). The Glass Steagal Act was created to prevent the fake use of normal bank deposits for speculative investment. The reason is that there was the mix of the commercial and investment banking industries that occurred in the 1920's. This caused fraud and the division of these activities was set up by the Glass Steagall Act. Economist James K. Galbraith wrote that the FBI warned of the epidemic of mortgage fraud. The government did little. There were low interest rates, deregulation, and nonenforcement of laws that inspired the current recession. This caused the super-rich to oppress the poor. There was a Ponzi pyramid scheme in Florida real estate lead by Charles Ponzi. He made his scheme in real estate in a fake place called Nettie. He inspired an early Florida real estate bubble. Mortgages are laundered by the banks. Some want the criminals involved in the fraud now prosecuted. The Pecora investigation found widespread manipulation of earnings, conflicts of interest, and insider abuse by the nation's most elite financial leaders. John Kenneth Galbraith's work documented these abuses. Fake loans in the 21st century caused a maximizing of CEO bonuses. So, economic fraud caused the bubbles, and the bubbles cause the Great Depression and the current recession in 2010 too. The Federal Reserve manipulated currency that caused the recession and Great Depression as well. The corporate redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich is

immoral. For years when the Glass Steagall was repealed in 1999, our economic problems became worst. High inflation is just as wrong as deflation and deflation is what Austrian economics refuse to expose.
There are tons of occult influences in the mainstream popular culture world. It isn't a secret anymore that corporate pop culture has a psychological and mental attack on human beings (especially on young human beings). The Satanist Nikolas Schreck and Zeena Lavey admitted that they use popular culture as a means to promote anti-Judeo-Christian ideologies. They are in an occult organization in going behind the scenes to try to target the human mind. For true Satanism isn't about people wearing black and acting strange. Satanism like the New Age Movement believes that man's will is superior to God's will (and that man has the right to do and to think whatever he or she wants that disregards compassion and selflessness. Satanism is about embracing a radical sense of human individualism that doesn't like altruism, but they accept selfishness). Some Satanists (like the Church of Satan priest Boyd Rice. Rice is a liar since rejection of God is very Satanic and many other Satanists worship Satan all of the time) don't believe in Hell. Satanism is an adversary of JudeoChristian values. Satanism is about being your own god. They view as man as god. So, it's a disinformation strategy (being promoted by gossip sites, etc.) and false to assume that every musician is a Devil worshipper. Schreck said that they use symbolism, imagery, etc. to awaken dormant aspects of the human mind. He said that he uses music since the young are receptive to it. Schreck wants the beast in man to express itself (and to get rid of the concepts of equality, human care, social justice, the love of the poor, to help people, to have pity for any human being, etc.). This is why materialism and a Me-like thinking are common among many young people. Thank God I am a strong man. I can defend myself against these bourgeoisie, materialistic people. These bourgeoisie types hate me, because I cant be tamed by the world. I cant detect them intuitively. The world cant tame me. I know their type since I witness their type in the malls, in restaurants, on television, and in certain places. Some of them talk with a fake accent having (you know those types. They talk one way in front of a group of people and then talk another way in front of another group of people. I guess you get what I'm saying). Some are self absorbed; they use name brand costumes on to cover up their own insecurities. They are non-threatening to the real establishment, they almost worship pop culture and some of them definitely are too scared to say what they mean in front of people's faces. A lot of them (or

these bourgeoisie sellout types) never had been in real poverty before. I know what it is like to be poor and Im from the ghetto. They dont know the real struggle and fake their souls to engineer a fraudulent sense of flavor. Flavor is God-given creativity that a real human being embraces (in loving your fellow man equally), but having strength to stand up against evil or any nefarious conditions in the world. The fake people also exploit sex for money and fame (and they are used as by their masters in a 21st century form of mental slavery. You dont assimilate to some wicked system. You assimilate to God and his will). I use my free speech rights to tell it like it is.
A lot of them mock people that look different, which is cowardly in my eyes. The truth is all people shouldn't be ashamed of what they are and mocking people for what are is evil. So, a sellout bourgeoisie person is just as wrong as a thug criminal in my eyes. Yet, other people need our help to defend themselves when they are suffering in life too. This is the agenda of the establishment to try to create a new world order from the old world. This is why the elite have been doing for a very long. Even Aleister Crowley spoke about this agenda of destroying the nuclear family, wanting occultism to dominate society, and wanting blasphemy to reign in society.

Tupac Shakur was one of the most controversial artists in history. I've thought about writing about him for a long time, but I felt in previous times, it wasn't the right time to do th so. Now, it's the 7 Popular Culture Galore article and it's time now to do so. His life was filled with triumphs, tragedy, and lessons. The strength of a man isn't how he looks like. It's how he responds to moments of adversity and controversy in order to help the needs of all of the whole human race. Tupac Shakur tried to balance the need for a person to have social awareness along with intellectual curiosity. In other words, he wanted to merge strength with mental power, which is difficult for a person to achieve. He knew that wouldn't be easy to be both street and book smart (like a Dr. Martin Luther King, Kwane Ture, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, etc.). Some of his actions were honorable and some of his actions were wrong. To get a full picture of the man, it's time to give a summary of his life, actions, and beliefs. Tupac Shakur was born in New York City in 1971, yet his heart was culturally in the West Coast. Some call him the greatest rap artist in history. He was one of the most influential artists in hip hop music. Hip Hop music originated from the Bronx with Jamaican influences. It spread nationwide form the 1970's to the present day of late 2010. Hip Hop is a culture that includes DJs, graffiti writing in some cases, break dancing, performances with the microphone, and other activities. Rap is an activity using words. Tupac Shakur was born in NYC. His mother is named Afeni Shakur. Afeni Shakur was a Black Panther soldier. This is why Tupac had a lot of legitimate indignant feelings of strength to oppose a lot of the ills in society. The FBI back in the 1960's and the 1970's would even target innocent Black Panthers establishing programs to help the poor, to establish health care clinics, and to try to instill morality in human beings via COINTELRPO (as supported by 33rd Degree Freemason J. Edgar Hoover). She gave birth to him while she was in jail. Tupac and his family traveled in NYC and moved into Baltimore. Tupac expressed his creative talents in the Baltimore School for the arts. This is where he meet with Jada Pinkett Smith where they became friends for the rest of his life. In the school, Tupac promoted AIDS prevention, crime prevention, and other calls for reform in his own community. Tupac Shakur was definitely political until the day of his death. Tupac said back in 1996 that: ...By the next election,, ill be sitting across from all the candidates. Imma be so far from where I am now in four years God willing Im alive its on! I GUARANTEE WE WILL HAVE OUR OWN POLITICAL PARTY. Many gangs have a complex history. You have to understand that many gangs were created to protect people from racism and oppression by crooked police officers. Later on (after the FEDS crushed the Black Panther Party), some of these gangs witnessed an influx of corporate/government-sponsored drugs,

guns, and other means of evils to cause gangs to act more nihilistic (in promoting unnecessary violence, murder, death, etc.). Even today, people struggle in the streets in extreme desperation (and people join gangs for protection or safety. Im not justifying anyone joining violent gangs, but this is reality). If you want to solve the problem, you have to make a multifaceted solutions (like interventions, mentoring, funding for education, building self confidence in people, a radical redistribution of economic & political power to the poor, and other means of assistance) since a cookie cutter type of prescription isnt going to cut it especially in our age. So, its easy to see that Tupac suffered in real poverty and was from the streets. Tupac Shakur and his family moved into Marin City, CA from Baltimore. In the late 1980's and the early 1990's, Tupac Shakur would rap about politics, neighborhood issues, and about the issues of his people. He was in an interview when he was 17 that Ronald Reagan wouldn't address poverty, said that once couldn't go out with girls since they said that he was too nice (this changed in the early 1990's when he was more famous), and that a person must have respect for himself and his race to have respect for other people. A lot of people could relate to him. He promoted THUG LIFE. He worked with Mutulu Shakur to work with OGs in prison to define THUG LIFE and promote lifestyles in the streets. To Tupac, THUG LIFE (that was name was named for a group he created back in 1993 as well) was about the poor or anyone suffering doing anything that they can to succeed or overcome obstacles in life. By the time of 1994, he was shot in Quad City Studios in New York City. Jimmy Henchman denied any charges of being involved in the 1994 shooting. The deal was that Tupac was called to record a song with an artist. He went into the Studio where he was robbed of jewelry by men wearing army fatigues (which is a sign that these men could be from Brooklyn. Brooklyn and army fatigues are linked). They robbed and shot Tupac Shakur five times. He survived and left the hospital early since he received a phone call from someone that desired to finish the job. A clue about who shot Tupac Shakur is that Tupac said

that the East Coast drug dealers were extorting Bad Boy Records for protection. It's rumored that these drug dealers or real gangsters sent people to test Tupac and teach him a lesson for Tupac's refusal to join Bad Boy Records explicitly. Tupac said that he criticized these people in the Daily News like Jacques Agnant. These gangsters according to researchers were affiliated with BMF. This why some believed that Tupac mocked them in a song saying The world is mine, which is a BMF phrase. Once years ago, the BMF were bold to show a billboard in Atlanta streets promoting BMF. Many of their members are in jail for drug trafficking and other crimes. The same cops who arrested Tupac in connection with the alleged rape, were the same cops who arrived on the scene when he was shot.
Again, Tupac was shot at Quad City Studios. In the time of the shooting, Biggie and Junior Mafia had a session in one studio. Henchman and Lil Shawn were in another studio. Mobb Deep, the Canadian sister singer Deborah Cox (yes, she was a singer way back in 1994. She became more famous in 1997), and SWV were in other studios. Lil Cease was sent by Biggie to get Tupac into the Studio.

Some point to Haitian Jack, Nigel, Trevor, and other people as having a relation with the 1994 Shooting or events related to it. Haitian Jack was the man who intimidated Jay Z years back. People like Tut, Agnant, Henchmen, the other 50 cent, Nubbs, and others have a history in Brooklyn. Trevor and Nigel met with Tupac in the Above the Rim movie set. Trevor and Nigel were suspected Black Mafia members. Tupac was hanging out with Biggie when Poetic Justice came out in the summer of 1993. Tupac and Biggie were friends and they hanged out in St. James Pl. Tupac allowed Biggie to rap his music in the middle of his own shows (in the Ritz, Club Runaway, the Palladium, etc.). When the Above the Rim

movie was being filed, Tupac meet the Haitan Jacques Agnant. Tupac learned from him in order to play the role of Birdie greatly. Tupac wore Rolexes, Versace, etc. Jacques Agnant introduces Tupac to Henchman. Henchman, Stretch, and Agnant would take Tupac to different parts of Brooklyn and Queens and they introduced him to Jamaican drug dealers. Biggie warned Tupac not to hang out with these characters like Agnant since they were involved in criminal acts and had a reputation (during the September 11, 1994 party at Roselands. Mike Tyson told Tupac not to trust Jacques Agnant either). Haitian Jack put people under the pressure (or intimidated people). People believe that Haitian Jack was Wyclef Jeans godfather. I don't believe that Biggie had anything to do with it since Biggie isn't that much of a vindictive person. From that day forward, Tupac would blame Biggie and Bad Boy for having foreknowledge of the 1994 shooting incident. Biggie and others would of course deny any involvement. Tupac said that Biggie was sleeping on his couch; he paid money for Little Cease (and Bad Boy people) to ride in the train. When Pac says, those guns Big left in the room, Tupac said that: I took that charge', and how 'he would give lil cease and them Junior Mafia cats car fare. In the Chronicles Of Junior Mafia, Cease said, "Big would get guns, put them in shoe boxes and we would get on the train an give them to Pac in his hotel so he would be all right. So, Tupac was right to point this out. These gun charges were dropped. Tupac went into Quad City studios in November of 1994 in order to do collaboration with Lil Shawn. Tupac is hesitant to go up, but he hears Lil Cease yell at him, so he is calm since Biggie is up to greet him. Afterwards, Tupac Shakur is robbed and shot by a few people. After Tupac was shot in 1994, he goes into the hospital. Soon, he leaves to heal in Jasmine Guys house (and he was protected by the Fruit of Islam), and he goes into court the next day (to get sentenced). The reason of Tupac initially leaving the hospital so quickly was that Tupac Shakur was receiving death threats in the hospital. Days later, Tupac goes back to the hospital to have a recovery. Biggie meets up with Tupacs father (or Billy Garland) in the hospital. So, the people who shot Tupac back in 1994 are connected to the Black Mafia Family (Henchmen, King Tut, and Haitan Jack are all in the mix). Jacques Agnant got off on the rape case and experienced probation.
Tupac said that he brought Biggie champagne, and he begged women to have sex with Biggie. Yet, Biggie did went out with women like Lil Kim, Faith Evans, Charlie Baltimore, and others. P. Diddy is different though. He was raised Roman Catholic and raised in Catholic schools. His father Melvin Combs died after a drug deal gone bad. Frank Lucas said that he knew Melvin Combs. P. Diddy said that Melvin Combs in his prime was just as big as Nicky Barnes and Frank Lucas. He's raised by characters involved in elite world (with a home in New Jersey and other places) and in a short period of time, he's worth almost a half of billion dollars. I heard he got extorted from people from Brooklyn. P. Diddy popularized ad libbing, speaking in peoples videos, etc. in hip hop music. "Dancing with the Devil"

is a new book that was written by Mark Curry that described P. Diddy's secretive lifestyle and power in the mainstream music industry. Labyrinth is
a book written by Randall Sullivan that shows more research in to the Bad Boy/Death Row musical feud. The book said that Suge Knight allowed Sneed in Westwood to be bodily assaulted by Death Row members. Bruce Richardson was a famous figure in South Central, LA. He owned the Genius Car th Wash at Crenshaw and 54 Street. He was a drug dealer. He was a Blood gang member and had ties to both the Bloods & Rolling 60s Crips. Bruce had a Karate black belt and he knew how to utilize hand to hand combat. Suge Knight was a high school friend of

Richardson. Later, Richardson rebelled against Suge, disrespected him and beat up Suge Knight. He did it since Suge persuaded Dramacydal to leave Bruce and join Suges West Coast Management Company. Richardson assaulted Simon in a nightclub and he slapped Suge around. He used blows on Suge until Suges Mob broke the fight up. Suge wanted revenge by being publicly humiliated. 2 weeks later in May of 1996, Bruce Richardson was shot to death at his home. No one knows who did the murder, yet it is suspect that Suges hit men (MOBs Roger Williams and Alton McDonald were involved). The case is still unsolved. Suge is ruthless man. All of that came back on him when a barber knocked him or Suge Knight out in California. You reap what you sow. Tupac didnt want his cousins (or form the Outlawz to sign with Suge Knight). Tupac formed his separate production company called Euphanasia. Tupacs East Coast and Harvard Law School attorney Charles Ogletree didnt like to deal with David Kenner. Witness after witness kept on saying that Tupac Shakur either wanted to leave Death Row or make a separate business venture outside of Death Row. Olgetree said that Tupac wanted to maintain a friendly relationship with Suge, but keep his business separate from him. Tupac just before he died wanted to

move on with his life beyond Death Row. He took up cooking and according to Kidada, Tupac might sign with Warner Brothers after finishing the album he owed Death Row. Tupac Shakur fired David Kenner as his attorney. Kenner worked with Death Row and was a key nexus point in figuring out who really ruled Death Row. Kenner had links to the Genovese family. One week before Tupac died, Tupac said that he was a businessman and not animals (and he desired to end the feud. Ironically, Biggie wanted to do the same exact thing just before he died). Tupac didnt even want to go to Vegas before he died. Suge Knight established ties in Las Vegas and had a home in the area (near the Native American Wayne Newtons ranch). Suge Knight has little power now, but back in the 1990s, he established ties to the Mafia (with figures like attorney John Spilotro and Oscar Goodman) in order to form a powerbase in Las Vegas. Club 662 represents both Member of Bloods and the California penal code for death row inmates. Honesty, that so-called bully Simon reaped what he has sown by being knocked out by a barber. People are saying the Simon has a glass jaw. Simon came from a 2 parent home, went to the University of Nevada, was on the Dean List, and started to act like he was a Piru after he didnt make the cut to play pro football after college. There is nothing wrong with getting an education or being on the Deans List either in a legitimate fashion. No real man fears another man made up of flesh and blood, so Im not afraid of Simon. Simon should wake up since hes too old for that nonsense. *Tupac was unjustly murdered in September of 1996. Whoever murdered Tupac Shakur and Biggie, its a known historical fact that the FBI monitored both mens activities for years (long before 1996). Also, police agencies either took a blind eye in investigating both mens death or tried to cover up much of the truth behind the deaths of Tupac Shakur or Christopher Wallace. We now know some of truth, but not the total truth. The 2 major opinions of both deaths is that either they were a product of either gang activity or cops/FED activity (some believe that its a hybrid of both).

What's more strange is that P. Diddy's bodyguard is Anthony "Wolf" Jones that was murdered by BMF (or the Black Mafia Family). The cover story is that BMF murdered Wolf over a women in Atlanta, Georgia. Wolf is known to be P. Diddy's bodyguard during the Death Row days in the 1990's. Its deeper than rap as they say since Suge Knight accused P. Diddy years ago of allowing the murder of Suges close friend in Atlanta back in 1995 (during Jermaine Dupri's birthday celebration). Suges friend was the Piru Jake "Big Jake" Robles. P. Diddy of course denies the charges. When Biggie and Bad Boy was in the West Coast, they would use Southside Crips for protection while Suge used Bloods for protection. Biggie loved California and planned on buying a home there. Biggie was about to go into London for an European tour just before he died, but P. Diddy canceled it. Biggie wanted to learn more lessons before he passed away. He said: I think there are a lot more lessons that I need to learn to go before I can finally say, Okay, I had my day. Wolf was known as a strong arm man. Later on, P. Diddy temporarily worked with Meech's lackey Young Jezzy afterward. P. Diddy would break bread with the same people

involved with murdering his bodyguard Wolf (Wolf was murdered in November 11, 2003. Wolf was from the Bronx, New York). The truth is coming out about this stuff. A man surrounding himself with wolves better has a backup plan or the wolves will eat that man alive. Wolf was allegedly
growing weary of having to defend Puff from disputes that Puff would never have to deal with himself P. Diddy demoted Wolf as security head for Bad Boy

entertainment to be replaced by Paul Buford (a suspected high level BMF member and a friend of the Flenorys) in 2003 just before Wolf died. Darryl "Poppa" Taylor according to federal investigators is the first cousin of P. Diddy and according to his own testimony was introduced to the Terry Flenory via P. Diddy's head of security Paul Buford, who was on trial himself as Taylor's co-defendant. In June 2003, Sean "P Diddy" Combs first
welcomed Big Meech Flenory and his brother Terry's entry into the entertainment industry in Atlanta with a lavish birthday bash at Justins Restaurant in Atlanta. In a court proceeding last year, Taylor said he was introduced to

Terry Flenory by Combs chief of security, Paul Buford. Buford was indicted along with the Flenory brothers in 2005, but his case has not been resolved. P. Diddy used BMF contacts
in order to try to expand his musical influence. Tupac was once friends with Biggie and told him that you have make radio friendly records for the ladies and then you can say what you want on the CD. By 1995, Tupac was convicted of sexual assault, which he strongly denied. Wendy Williams made a false accusation that Tupac Shakur was raped in jail. Tupac said that he would rather die than let another man rape him. He was jail for months and came out in late 1995 (signing a contract with Death Row Records headed by Suge Knight. Suge Knight was a large man and was a bodyguard for Bobby Brown and other artists back in the day). Tupac Shakur said that he never had any hateful animus toward the East Coast at all. Tupac had relatives in New York and he was born in NYC, so its obviously that he didnt hate New York. Tupac Shakur with his friends the Outlawz made records and received huge popularity in 1996. Back in 1996, I do remember Tupac as the most famous rapper in the world in that time. Once in 1995, that was Biggie's title since Tupac Shakur was in prison. Tupac targeted other artists who in his mind were acting shady or fake like Jay Z, Mobb Deep, King Sun, the Fugees, and others. There is interesting information about Nas. Whether you agree with Nas ending the feud with Tupac or not, both Nas and Tupac were friends with Big Stretch and E Money Bags (or a Queens rapper). E Money Bags was murdered in July 16, 2001 for E Money Bags killing Supreme Teams member Black Just (or Colbert Johnson). E Money Bags killed Colbert Johnson in December of 1999. The Supreme Team was headed by of course the Queens

figure Kenneth McGriff. Kenneth McGriff is an OG of Southside Queens. McGriff now is in prison for life, because of the murder that he was involved in. The story with the rapper 50 cent is as follows: Its rumored that McGriff ordered the hit on 50 Cent. 50 Cent is rumored to be shot by Hammo. Hammo ironically enough was murdered by Damian Hardy (Lil Kims ex-boyfriend. Hardy grew up in the Lafayette Gardens Houses in Bedford-Stuyvesant), because Hardy accused Hammo of killing his brother. NY Daily News accuses Hardy of being involved with an attempting shooting of 50 Cent and his entourage in New Jersey back in 2003 (over 50 Cents controversial remarks about Lil Kim. Both Lil Kim and 50 cent reconciled with each other later on). Stretch was killed one year to the day after the 1994 shooting of Tupac Shakur. Tupac used self-defense against undercover cops harming a motorist. Tupacs friends included artists, Leila Steinberg, Mickey Rourke, Big Syke, Tony Danza, and other people that folks wouldnt expect. He did showed compassion to the sick and those in debilitating circumstances. He was an intellectual that read, wrote poetry, acted in movies, etc. So, Tupac Shakur wasn't just a rapper. He made mistakes and did some things that were right. Tupac died in Las Vegas in September of 1996. Tupac opposed BMF, BMF were major Crip affiliates, Orlando Anderson has been accused of being a Crip, and these realities tied into Vegas. His death was controversial since many people believed that the FBI was involved, Orlando Anderson was involved, and all of these different people were involved. In reality, his death was very sophisticated. A white vehicle shot numerous shots into the vehicle where Tupac and Suge Knight resided in. When Tupac

Shakur passed away, I was in the beginning of the eight grade of middle school. I remember it just like yesterday. It was a wild time. I do believe that Tupac was right to say even if you're poor, that doesn't mean that you're worth nothing. Everybody can succeed in life regardless if they live in a poor neighborhood or a rural location or anywhere worldwide. He was right that anybody should have respect for themselves. Im a brother from the hood that isnt impressed by fake bravado either. Tupac Shakur certainly inspired a lot of people of many backgrounds and this
is evident on his fans. He wasn't perfect. Tupac made the errors by using excessive profanity & offensive language in his lyrics, the unnecessary beefs he had with other artists (when he can solve these problems via communicating with these artists from behind the scenes to make some resolutions), and sometimes doing crimes (like assaulting the Hughes Brothers with a pipe. Tupac Shakur later apologized for the assault). That recent "Notorious" film was funny since it portrayed Tupac as some schizophrenic, super out of control man, which is highly inaccurate. In the movie, one minute the character playing Tupac is talking about Martin Luther King and Malcolm X (then the next minute, he wants to fight Biggie in Los Angeles). Tupac himself explained what Killuminati meant in the interview (in that he wanted to kill the paranoia that people had about the Illuminati. Tupac said that he learned about information about the Illuminati from prison) that he did with Rob Marriott just weeks before he died. Tupac didnt believe in the phantasmagorical Illuminati and he criticized the belief itself. Tupac did believe in exposing government corruption and he talked about the Illuminati and computer chips in one of his songs. Tupac said to Angie Martinez just before he died that he didnt want to call himself god like KRS-One and other artists did. I believe that the philosophies and doctrines of

the Illuminati still exist today in high level political groups and secret occult societies. That's just me though. There are secret clubs where people go to and do rituals. People have written about Mk-Ultra, handlers, programmers, there are subliminals messages, and other related subjects for decades.

These images shows owl images and the founder of the real Bavarian Illuminati back in 1776. The owl in history [plus esoteric lore] has the meaning of wisdom, power, and the Goddess archetype throughout human history.

The Illuminati's history has been exposed by many people. The Bavarian Illuminati like some founding Fathers wanted Reason to dictate man instead of God's moral absolutes. As Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt meant when he said Reason will be the only code of man (the) religion of man. Man told that he is God is mention in Genesis when Satan told Adam and Eve that they could be gods if they eat fruit from the tree of knowledge. Even in Iraq, there is no real freedom like there is no real freedom in America. America fought in Iraq to allow Iraq to embrace a theocratic shariah law Constitution. You also have in October 18, that Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki went into the theocratic leaders of Iran to have public support of his Iran. Wikileaks proved that there has been the brutal treatment of prisoners by Iraqi security forces since Saddam's fall. The Illuminati then even wanted world citizenship. Illuminist Ernst von Gochhausen was dissmissed from the Illuminati. Later, he wrote a novel called "Exposure of the Cosmopolitan System: In letters from ex-

Freemasons" from 1786. In it, the hero asks his superior, What purpose do the Illuminati have in infiltrating and dominating Masonry? The response was, To emancipate all of mankind from religious and political slavery. And the superior continued: When nations are no longer separated from one another; when citizens are no longer influenced by the exclusive interest of any state or the parochial sentiment of patriotism. World citizenship. What does it mean? You are either a citizen or you are a rebel. There is no third choice. The Bavarian Illuminati like the elite today use deceptive means to promote their ends. In other words, they acted as Christians, princes, etc. under the cover of being slick to advance their Utopian dreams. Next year (1788), Baron von Knigge wrote: As a rule, under the veil of secrecy, dangerous plans and harmful teachings can be accepted just as well as noble intentions and profound knowledge; because not all members themselves are informed of such depraved intentions, which sometimes tend to lie hidden beneath the beautiful faade. (See Steven Luckerts dissertation titled Jesuits, Freemasons, Illuminati, and Jacobins: Conspiracy theories, secret societies, and politics in late eighteenth-century Germany). In the same year (1787) the Supplement of Further Original Works was published, so were the Original Writing of the Illuminati published in Munich by Johann Strobl (code name Ediles), who was dismissed by the Order in 1783 and became an ardent opponent of it. The Bavarian Illuminati still spread into all over Europe after it was abolished in Bavarian in 1786. Its ideals definitely inspired other movements beyond 1786 especially. Weishaupt wanted his goals to spread into the future, yet he was greeted back into the Roman Catholic Church before he died in 1826. Weishaupt fled into the court of Saxe-Goath under the protection of Duke Ludwig Ernst II. He ruled there and was a high ranking Illuminatus (his code named was Quintus Severus/Timoleon). Ernst II was initiated into the Illuminati in 1783, and todays British royal family are his direct descendants. According to Rene Le Forestier in Les Illumines de Baviere et la Franc- Maconnerie Allemande (1915), Ernst II on February 25, 1777 had become a member of the Strict Observance Masonic lodge, and a banquet table was brought in having the shape of a Ta symbol noticeable on monuments of the old Knights Templar. Johann Bode took over the Illuminati leadership in 1786 under the code name of Aemilus/Winefried. In 1787, he founded a branch of the Illuminati in the Les Amis Reunis Lodge in Paris. Bode used the named Philadephes instead of the Illumianti in France. Some believe that a 1789 document proved that the Philadephes were responsible for the French Revolution which began in the year of 1789 (according to an interview with Charles Porset in the December 1995 edition of Humanisme or the publication of the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge of France). People have called the Illuminati as responsible for the French Revolution for centuries. The theories of French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau (he influenced Weishaupt) inspired the Revolution. In addition, according to Librarian of Congress (and Rhodes scholar) James Billington in Fire in the Minds of Men (1980): It was [Jacobin and French revolutionist] Honore Mirabeaus evocative language and his popularization of Illuminist

concepts that, during the early years of the Revolution, swayed many of the conspirators in Paris. Prominent Freemason Marquis de Luchet (who obtained the position of Bibliotheque for Voltaire) in the first year of the Revolution (1789) warned in Essai Sur La Secte Des Illumines about the infiltration of the Illuminati into the Masonic lodges, saying: You who are misled, or could be, know that there is a conspiracy. It was formed in the deepest darkness; a society of new beings who know each other without being seen, who understand each other without explanation, who serve without friendship. The goal of the society is world government, taking over the authority of sovereigns, taking their place, and leaving them nothing more than the empty honour of wearing the crown. The Illuminati existed in other countries as well. It spread into Prussia. According to Le Forestier, King Frederick William II of Prussia wrote to Frederick Augustus I (Elector of Saxony) on October 3, 1789 that he had been informed that a Masonic sect, who are called Illuminati or Minervals, after having been expelled from Bavaria, have become formidable and have spread rapidly throughout the whole of Germany and into neighboring countries. Even in Germany, the philosophical Jacobin Johann Gottlieb Fichte was accused of having sympathy for the Illuminati. Fichte made a dialetical process before Georg Hegel though Fichte wasn't an Illuminati member. Terry Pinkard in Hegel: A Biography (2001), revealed that Hegel was mentored by Illuminati member Jacob Abel (code name Pythagoras). The Skulls and Bones, the Illuminati, and other groups used the Hegelian strategy of conflict in order to get their agenda across (which is about control of society in their frame). The Illuminists embraced much of the views of the Enlightenment.
What we should take from Tupac Shakur is that we don't know what time we will die, but while we're here we ought to have strength, compassion, have respect for people living in poor locations or terrible conditions, get our lives right with God before we die, and have a sense of discernment on issues pertaining to life. There are extremists on this issue. One group of extremists believe that this form of music is to blame for all problems in society from poverty, the common cold, bad parking tickets, to tooth cavities. I don't agree with that view. The hypocrites who promote that view rarely expose the

immoral acts from Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and MTVs Real World. I wonder why. Well, everyone knows why. The other group of extremists believe
that musicians ought to have no scrutiny whatsoever (even if it's legitimate). So, the truth is not in those 2 extreme views at all. The truth is that an artist isn't to be blamed for the war on terror, poverty, bad housing, or oppression. Yet, any artist has that responsibility to be authentic in their craft and not lie to the public (even secular people don't respect any artist of any genre glamorizing violence or lying about their wealth to get money at large about their intensions). You don't have to be a thug to be a man. Just be yourself and

be a man. A real man shouldnt call any woman the B word or the H word. These are the same words supremacists used against people of color, so I will never disrespect a woman. These words are promoted by corporate executives in order to cause hatred among communities, make profits, and have self hatred. These weak gangster thugs are not a threat to anyone. Gangsters wear suits too causing disaster like the BP oil spill or economic speculation. The bad economic system in this country [or the supremacist

power structure] contributes to crime and other evils in America too. So, Wall Street gangsters are very real. Just because someone wears certain clothes, doesnt mean that person is a thug (we should reject false stereotypes).They follow the Emperor like a house slave while they want to harm their own brothers or sisters for being different. The interesting thing is that Im not afraid of these people and I show my body language to them with eye contact to show I have no fear of them. I fear God alone. The good news is that more and more conscious people are waking up and were not acting like thugs, but we are willing to help brothers and sisters out to better their situations in life (even helping them escape that thug mentality). Using profanity in harming people whether in music or otherwise isnt revolutionary. Its counterrevolutionary and that isnt apart of anyones culture at all. You don't have to be a submissive, whitewashed sellout either. Just be a man. It's as simple as that. Being a real man also means that you are in control of your life, be able to stand up and fight for your liberties, and take responsibility for your actions. Female bashing is evil and thats obvious. Also, male bashing is wrong as well. My mother said that after looking at For Colored Girls from Tyler Perry that the film is so and so (and not his best work with controversial scenes). There is no question that the corporate beast uses mainstream popular culture to attack masculinity and femininity in society. Its our job to fight against those evil attacks. Tyler needs to know that you dont use a wicked culture as a motif to promote legitimate spirituality. Some people loved it and others abhorred. I wont look at the film
since Tylers style of film isnt my cup of tea. Perry shows many positive imagery of women in films (like in For Colored Girls) and that should be respected, yet not all men are no good degenerates that desire to exploit females for personal gain. He should be commended for allowing his own people to have jobs and income, but I dont agree with all of his moves either. Tyler Perry is Tyler Perry you know. He knows what he is doing. He use that drag queen act mixed with apostate Christianity in places. Then, he went on Oprah Winfreys show to be popular. Now, some of his movies are an assault on black manhood mixed with some stereotypes against black women too covertly. You will notice that Tyler will not show movies exposing slavery, talking about Emmitt Till, or even loving relationships between black men and black women that were genuinely attained as a product of sacrifice and personal commitment. The wild thing is that it isnt his fault. He and his ilk has been brainwashed into thinking that the most disgraceful attributes of a person is the norm for relationships (and you exploit the Christian religion having movies with vileness in trying to get converts to your thinking without much Gospel showing at all in some of those movies). The worldly movies have a lot of repetitive propaganda and Tyler uses worldly tactics (like Tyler Perry using profanity in movies and even in his so-

called religious plays. Tyler Perry whether knowingly or unknowingly perpetuates the false stereotype of black men collectively either being extreme irrational criminals, moral degenerates, or effeminate weaklings that cant sustain a relationship or a marriage. These are lies of course) all of
the time. Our job isnt to demonize Perry unfairly (or use a divide and conquer strategy like the enemy loves to do), but pray and hope that he will wake up. We should wish anybody real success in life. Yes, I dont agree with other shows mocking God, the Civil Rights Movement, and Jesus either. I expose Bill Maher for his ignorant statements about religion and his stereotype promoting. I expose Billy Graham for his links to the establishment and many high level Masons (that infiltrate the religious establishment). I expose CFR member Rick Warren for his agenda as well. So, I discuss a wide spectrum of issues in the realm of religious discourse.

He has the right to wear dresses and exploit religion and I have the right to not wear dresses while acknowledging religious freedom. People still support this agenda, which is a disgrace. I rather have 40 acres and mule than bash men or women unfairly. Viacom is a big corporate entity in the world. That is why I target this giant. It spews its trash on people and the corporate heads of that CFR-influence corporation expects us to accept their materialistic standards. I condemn their standards. I'll condemn the evil in the world too. No one dictates to me on how I think or I how act in a society. As a free thinking human being, I have the right of the freedom of conscience without a hypocritical culture shoving down their nihilism down my throat. A person is right that that Viacom's promotion of materialism and extreme individualism is the fruit of the current laissez faire capitalist system. It isn't even only about just about wealth or occult influences that dictate the mode of popular culture. It's a whole system that build itself up on stealing land from indigenous people, using feudalism and performing various means of oppression against the poorer so-called classes. A more equitable economic land existing in the West is a great way to get real solutions accomplished. People have talked about Willow Smith's "Whip my Hair" and Rihanna's "Who's that Chick." There are so many videos coming out that it's wild. These videos are differently targeting the youth. Both videos have occult imagery and mind control related imagery too. Willow Smith is the daughter of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett. Willow says that she wants people to be unique and not be ashamed of what they are. "Whip My Hair" exists in a place with children at first acting mind control, conformists, and in a place with the Masonic checkered board floor. It's set in a school or more like a mind control institution since the children drink milk and act brainwashed. The children are dressed alike in a robotic fashion. Willlow comes in to fight against conformity in order to liberate the students with commercial pop music. The video has a girl doing the Jamaican "dutty wine" dance. The whole video has the Masonic checkered board floor pattern. This is a sign of the same corporate motiff found in many music videos. This pattern is found when Willow performed in the Ellen show. Rihanna's Who's that Chick is similar to Willow's video. Like in Willow's video, the video "Who's that Chick" has the checkered board pattern. It shows a black and white pattern outlining the stereotypical good vs. evil imagery. Yet, the color black is never evil since ever color was created by God and it's good. In the occult, dark and light are dualities of energies in the Universe (this duality is found in the Masonic tracing board with the same checkered board floor). The tracing board has the sun and moon plus the All Seeing Eye (which can mean Sirius according to the 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike. Sirius is an important symbol in D.C.'s design and the occult according to Freemason David Ovason). The sun and moon represents day and night, so Rihanna's video has the dual quality. The subliminals are numerous in the video "Who's that Chick" that skulls shown (within the words of sexy). The end of the video has the promotion of Doritos when the video ironically has little to do with the Doritos product. Rihanna says I just wanna dance, I dont really care." It's obvious that these videos target pre teens and teens to be distracted by pop culture and dance your cares away. Yet, we should have concern and care for the human race in general without exceptions. We should hope that these musicians puppets wake up, that the war on terror ends, and that real freedom reign like a roaring stream. So, the lesson is that talented artists like Rihanna and Willow are certainly being used by many producers and corporate elites.

Many people are talking about Kanye West's short movie called "Runaway." The movie has been controversial and has been given to wide interpretation. The film is about Kanye West falling in about love with a female Phoenix being. The being is discriminated against by society so hard that she ety flies into the heavens to escape the judgmental attitude of society. Kanye runs after her to try to after meet up with her, but he runaways to escape the Earth. From Earth into the Heavens is her Heavens journey, which is a play on Hermeticism (or the as above, so below philosophy. The Ph rmeticism Phoenix in mythology travels from the skies into Earth and vice versa when the Phoenix burns up). The Phoenix is a representation of power, resurrection, and rebirth. The Phoenix would burn up and relive in a 500 year cycle. The Phoenix in the minds' of the ancients had a purple color.

The Egyptians occasionally represented the Phoenix as having the body of a man and the wings of a bird. This biform, creature had a tuft of feathers upon its head and its arms were upraised in an attitude of prayer. The death rebirth theme of the rms Phoenix is found in religions, occult traditions, and of course Freemasonry (with their Blue Lodge ritual about the death of Hiram Abiff). The Phoenix was once
considered to be the bird on the Great Seal, but later an eagle was chosen in replacing the Phoenix. The video has tons of other symbolism in it, so Kanye West is a very creative, smart man. He has done his homework (from the table filled with black people in a Round table like setting representing the rising power of blacks in the West to the forest filled with animals). Kanye West talked about his short movie in these terms: "...Its the story of a phoenix fallen to Earth, and I make her my girlfriend, and people discrimin discriminate against her and eventually she has to burn herself alive and go back to her world. Ive been feeling the idea of the phoenix. Its been in my heart for a while. Its maybe parallel to my career. I threw a Molotov cocktail on my career last

year, in a way, and I had to come back as a better person." Some have pointed to the Lucifer link to the Phoenix. In a way, Lucifer is like the Phoenix. Lucifer was the most brilliant angel God created. Lucifer had an ego problem and God wouldn't deal with him like he does with humans living on Earth now. So, Lucifer fell from Heaven into Earth to be Satan according to the Scriptures. Some occultists have written about the Lucifer/ Phoenix link. Ironically, Kanye West talks about Satan in ambiguous terms throughout the whole video. One example is how he says that we love Jesus, but we can learn a lot from Satan. There is a triangle hay image next to the deer. There is a tribal dance by the Phoenix. The Phoenix is played by the African American model Selita Ebanks. Kanye West denies that "Runaway" deals with the Illuminati or the occult. You can believe him or not. Ironically, in his Twitter account, Kanye West mocked rumors about him being in the Illuminati and Devil worship.

He also mentioned these words:

Theres this line where I say, I sold my soul to the devil, thats a crappy deal, and all these people said, What you mean you sold your soul to the devil? But when I say it, Im saying, when I allow other peoples ideals to interfere with what I know is true to myself, thats the devil, West explained. So, its like, people talking mess on the blogs is the devil or trying to call me names, thats what the devil is. And me thinking twice about what it is thats really in my heart because of what peoples reaction would be is me selling my soul to the devil.
What's really funny is that music producers like Giger love the occult and many artists are into that agenda. One thing is for certain. Many artists like some international bankers, Jay Z, Madonna, etc. know about the deal with the elite and the globalization agenda. What is true is that the mainstream music industry is filled with occult symbolism, anti-God lyrics, profane language (not just in one genre, but many genres), and other evils. The concepts of

rainman, possession, invocation, and multiple personalities in popular culture has been exposed by numerous experts before. Jay Z's new clothing Line
is called Artful Dodger. The strange thing is that this clothing line has unique artwork. They is one

shirt with a skull made up of dollar bills. There is one artwork with occult symbols on it (with a circle on a triangle with a sun cross in it). There are images of a skull in the mode of Jesus Christ with dollar bills around (that's blasphemous type of stuff). This is so blatant and in our face, that's wild sometimes. Sometimes, you don't want to believe it, but when a man like Jay Z says I believe in karma, I don't believe in hell, he supports the United Nations, he loves to chat with Bill Gates & Warren Buffet (these 2 people use left cover to promote population control, dangerous GMO foods, hoarding seeds near the North Pole, and other abhorrent plans), he's wears a TShirt with Aleister Crowley's words on them, he promotes clothes with Masonic and occult imagery on them, etc., then there's a problem here. Jay Z knows about this stuff since he was taught about these issues about the new world order, government corruption, etc. in the from Dr. Malachi Nuwaubian community in Brooklyn , NYC. That is why Jaz O calls Jay Z an unbeliever. You can't claim your some spirituality minded man when you admit to your soul being possessed (as found in his song D'Evils saying: "...My flesh, no N___ could test my soul is possessed

by D'Evils in the form of Diamonds and lexuses, The exorcist, got me doing stilts like homie...I can't be held accountable D'evil beating me down, got me runnin' with guys making G's, Tellin' lies to sound true. For the love of money, son, giving lead showers stop screaming, you know the demon said it's best to die and even if Jehovah witness bet He'll never testify, D'Evils..." It is what it is. These anti-religion lyrics are common in many
genres of music. theindustryexposed in the person who has a lot of new information on Jay Z.

Now, Crowley in his literature wanted to use tactics to promote popular culture. He wrote that: c). Let him constantly watch, if convenient, cinematograph films, and listen to phonograph records, reversed, and let him so accustom himself to these that appear natural and appreciable as a whole. D). Let him practice speaking backwards: thus for I am He let him say Eh ma I. e). Let him learn to read backwards. In this it is difficult to avoid cheating ones self, as an expert reading sees a sentence at a glance.. Today, artists among many genres utilize the
same tactics that Crowley discussed in his work. Jay Z is something else. Yet, in the final analysis, God alone is the greatest and the prophets' words about selfish men ring true today.

This is the image of Smirnoff alcohol promoting their Vodka products. Now, this image shows them promoting a DJ competition to see who is the best DJ from a musically standpoint. One logo of Smirnoff is similar to the Masonic crest on the far left hand side of the Image. The Masonic crest has the double headed eagle (as found in Masonry and ancient civilization. It has many meanings from completion, the merging of the masculine and feminine powers, equilibrium, the androgynous human being, etc. It's a known fact that distractions on hard alcohol can lead a population to have non-resistance toward evil corporate elite. That is why is it an encompassing prescription to reject distraction, get your health on track, and follow righteousness plus perseverance against evil. I do believe in compassion since that's in our nature. These Illuminists don't believe in compassion since compassion is antithetical to their agenda (or control via chemtrails, dangerous chemicals, brainwashing television and other media, fake religions, the promotion of occult symbolism for programming of the masses, etc).

Popular culture is an old system and in the 21st century, it's been more sophisticated in Western society. There has been the movie called "Chemical Wedding" that glamorizes the wicked life of Aleister Crowley. Crowley admitted in his work called Magick Without Tears: Chapter LII that in his mind the family was public enemy Number One. The family is one bulwark of a community, so occultists and the elite want to break down the traditional family in order to promote their agenda of hatred among fellow man, selfishness, materialism, the new world order, etc. One of the
newer puppets in the 21st century is a rapper named Nicki Minaj. She is from Queens, NY and that's evident with her distinct northern accent. In the past 2 years, she wants to portray herself in dolls, mannequins, and other images to gain coverage. The rapper has been placed in mindcontrol placed photo shoots even before her solo album came about. One of her many alter egos is Roman Zolanski. This is a play on words of the pervert, pedophile filmmaker Roman Polanski. Polanski is known for his serious and occult themed movies. Polaksi was charged with numerous charges about his sick acts toward the then 13 year old girl named Samantha Geimer. Before this Barbie motif, Nicki Minaj came from humble beginnings and was more underground before adopting a new, wild persona. She promotes the Barbie image when Barbie is a

mannequin that is devoid of unique personality. She portrays herself as a doll and with butterfly imagery in her music video with Mariah Carey (she is rumored to be in
Monarch programming). A real woman dont have to act like some made up Barbie doll to promote their womanhood at all. Nicki Minaj calls Roman (from Romans Revenge) in these terms: Roman is a crazy boy who lives in me. And he says the things that I don't want to say. He was born just a few months ago. I think he was born out of rage, so he bashes everyone and threatens to beat everyone. He's violent. He wants to be blamed. I don't want to blame him. I ask him to leave, but he can't. He's here for a reason. People have brought him out. People have

conjured him up, and now he won't leave." Its very common for artists to use alters, nicknames, or other personas in their work.

Nicki Minajs new video of Monster is very wild and interesting. She uses the rappers Kanye West, Rick Ross, Jay Z, and the artist Bon Iver. The video is a story of about people in a location in dread of Monster. The monster in the video acts strong, scary, and controversial. The video is rather transparent. It shows the typical imagery and motif of like a Gothic type of background. The video begins with showing dead women looking like a mannequin (once again presenting the dehumanizing aspect of the popular culture in real life). The women are hanged, which historically isnt a nice scene among my people. The rappers rap in the presence of dead women. Other women act strange in the building. Other people in the video transform into monster. Jay Z issues a subliminal shot against Beanie Sigel (for Sigel complaining against Jay Z for not really supporting him). Children looking possessed use jump rope. Nicki Minaj raps in the end of the video. She speaks next to her double (representing her alter ego. This double is played by the model and stripper named Blac Chyna. She is from Miami and a part of the new generation of people trying to express her sexuality in 2011. Blac Chyna is in the chair with the black hood on. Nicki plays the Monster and takes the hood off her head. Nicki raps about being a Monster, etc. Nicki tries to instill fear in Blac Chyna and caresses her body in a sensual way (to represent her image). Nicki holds a whip in her hand. Nicki is torturing herself and mind on what to do with Blac Chyna (representing the good Nicki being confronted by the Monster). Near the end of the video, Nicki (wearing a black dress) gives Blac Chyna a lap dance. At the end of the video, more women present themselves as monsters. Its odd that Nicki promotes some dictionary called NICTIONARY that promotes her lingo. One sinister part of the video is one man saying: "I know, Ive crossed the line. But I'll let, GOD decide. That means that let God handle it even if I do wrong. The reality is that God will decide our fates, but we as human ought to reject that moral relativist view of doing what we feel. We use spirituality and logic not our emotions as a preeminent guide in our lives. We dont need lap dances, showing images of dead mannequins, and some other distributing stuff to be politically incorrect or aligned with Gods will. We just need to express ourselves in temperance, strength, and rejecting evil.

The sister Nicki Minaj has the right to express creativity and real creativity is beautiful.
Yet, the epidemic of materialism and cultural exploitation should be exposed. Sisters like Nicki Minaj and others are victims of the wicked Hollywood/music industry culture. That is why women in general exploited badly by mainstream society (in looks, personality, and other forms of image). We do wish Nicki great success in life (as I wish any

human success in waking up), but we shouldnt be confirmed to the ways of this world. On the other hand, we should be renewed our minds to do the right thing and follow the will of the Lord. Nicki Minaj is right also to recently say that black people shouldnt embrace that divide and conquer thinking (or the crab in the bucket mentality) against each other. We should inspire all black people to succeed in life and be better people when it is all said and done. Additionally, people have the right to agree to disagree on some issues in a respectful way (without malice or unjust hating). On the other hand, compromise is out of the question. We ought to be hot or cold not lukewarm like Katy Perry and other puppets are. One minute Katy Perry is talking about God and the next, she sings about being drunk & going into a Hotel, and accepts the speaking and tongues heresy. Katy Perry's real name is Katheryn Hudson. In pop culture, there is a cookie cutter faux Christianity while real Christian doctrine is reviled and demonized. Real female role models (excluding puppets like Katy Perry, Jessie J, Britney Spears, Madonna, and Keri Hilson) are people like Sojouner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Fannie Lou Hamer, your female relatives, and other people.
Nicki Minaj's solo album cover has her without arms and she stares in a mindless way. In other images, she appears as a puppet. She is even pictured in an Alice in Wonderland type of scene as well (which is common on mind controlled artists or artists being puppets of the establishment). In the Alice photo shoot, she is pictured as Alice with Monarch-like butterflies and all. She wears a kitten outfit too (and shows the horned hand signs). Some of these artists don't know that they are being used in this fashion. Some do. Many of these musicians in many genres aren't in the Illuminati (or the global elite), but they are controlled or owned by them. Some of them willingly promote the agenda of the occult world. Some of these puppets do have alter personalities or one minute they act like some aggressive person (then later speak the English language with extreme clarity). Randy Quaid including his wife Evi believe that Hollywood Whackers have been killing people under strange circumstances (like Heath Ledger). The couple are wanted in the United States on vandalism charges. The day after they arrived in Canada last Sunday, a California judge issued an arrest warrant for them after they failed to appear at a mandatory court hearing on charges they had been illegally squatting in a home they owned years ago. Randy and Evi are seeking refuge in Canada. I don't know if Quaid's accusations are true or not, but it wouldn't surprise me if these accusations are true. Even cartoons are showing information about the Illuminati in a strange fashion. Tom and Jerry is a cartoon show that presented some of these themes. The cartoon talked about the Illuminati President of Hollywood. The cartoon presented a pyramid with an All Seeing Eye (these images are found in the One Dollar Bill. The pyramid is representative of power and control over the masses in a cartel capitalist system). The 2 men wear caps and bow before the image of the President of Hollywood. This President of Hollywood looks like a devil figure. Yes, if you want to see

the corporate kingpins of popular culture, you have to research figures like Sumner M. Redstone (this is the man who runs Viacom, so he controls MTV, Vh1, and even BET), Doug Morris, Jean-Bernard Lvy, Robert Iger, Mark Mays, and other people.
Even after Michael Jacksons death, there are still people from Sony wanting to profit after his

death. Sony is releasing an album called Michael which they claim outlines unreleased material from Michael Jackson. There is a dispute on whether the unreleased songs are from Michael or not. What is true is that Michael Jackson before his death exposed Sony and much of the music industry in trying to exploit artists instead of accurately displaying their musical talents to the public. He or Michael Jackson classified these actions as a CONSPIRACY. He died in mysterious circumstance under the director of a doctor named Dr. Conrad Murray, who himself is a Freemason. Murray is being charged with involuntary manslaughter that he pleaded not guilty too. As of June 14, 2010, Murray is allowed to

practice medicine in California, while awaiting his trial in the case. Some people have called Michael Jacksons death a ritualized death. Even the album cover of Michael has obvious occult and arcane symbolism on the cover. There is a tiger, the industrial cameras, the robes that Michael Jackson wears, the sun vs. moon archetype, etc. Riddles exist in the cover. There are animals like a bear in the album cover as well. His memory is trying to be hijacked by the elite in covering up what his real life was really all about. Michael Jackson definitely wouldnt support Sony releasing his music since he spoke against Sony. The album cover outlined times of Michael Jacksons career in various stages from the Off the Wall Days into the 1990s. The butterfly image on the cover is very similar to the Monarch programming image (or a form of trauma based mind control). Fritz Springmeier and others believed that Michael Jackson was a victim of brainwashing programming. Later, Michael Jackson before he died spoke out against the evils of the industry. There is an android of a robotic Moonwalker image on cover. Robotic imagery in the cover is similar to the transformation of Maria from Metropolis (a film that many pop artists puppets like Beyonce, Madonna, etc. used in their performances). Madonna especially knows exactly about this stuff and practices the mystical religion of the Kabbalah (or Jewish mysticism. Its a form of magic or witchcraft that believes that codes in the Bible can give man transformation into a higher spiritual plane of existence). Freemasonry in their books, rituals, and doctrines highly respect the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah deals with building bridges of esoteric thought to have a relationship with Ein Sof (or the Infinite Godhead in the eyes of Kabbalists). Occultists believe that Enoch created the Kabbalah, but there is no evidence for this assumption. A black angel and white angel crown Michael Jackson (this symbolism dualism in ritual of opposite forces. Also, it represents Jacksons personal philosophy of it doesnt matter if youre black or white. The irony is that even though Jacksons melanin became lighter as he gotten older, he was still a black man. Now, I do believe that he had a lot of love for his people. Michael Jackson wasnt perfect and made errors though).

There is a lot of intricate symbolism in the above images. This person is a new puppet of the industry named Little Boots. The occult symbolism is persuasive in our time. Little Boots real name is Victoria Christina Hesketh. She is from England being an English electro pop singer and songwriter. She was born in 1984. The name boots comes from her size 2 and feet. She has had numerous albums and displayed performances from across the world. Now, her album covers showing straight in your face occult symbolism. It shocked even me. Her famous use of the Triangle in an intricate way is found in the Kabbalah, the Golden Dawn, and other orders. The triangle in the circle is similar to the magic thaumaturgic triangle that is found in spells, etc. In the above right image, you see the vescia Pisces. Now, the vesica piscis represents the feminine archetype and its found in Sacred Geometry. Sacred geometry in esoteric scholars refers to the belief that God or the Creator used mystical shapes (with various meanings) to basically engineer the Universe. The vesica piscis is one big part of sacred geometry. The vesica piscis is found when a circle is cloned and the radius among the 2 circles are in equal length (or the womb of the Universe according to the occult researchers like Charles Gilchrist. The region of intersection between the 2 circles is the vesica piscis). This is one root of Sacred geometry that leads even into the design of the tree of life. Not too many people realize that the vesica pisces image is found on the land of the Washington Monument, which is located in the Masonic city of Washington, D.C. Victoria named her stage name from the movie Caligula. Caligula in real life was a Roman Emperor whose actions mirror how the elite conduct themselves in real life (with empire building, sexual exploitation, and a maniacal mentality of wickedness). Caligula ironically means little boot in Latin. Victoria was in Pop Idol when she was 16 years old. Warner Brothers influences her career. In many shots, Victorias head is over the capstone of the pyramid. Remedy is her single that has the kaleidoscope image (that acts as a splitting of a persons mind into various parts) that researchers believe is related to mirror symbolism and possible MPD mirrors. In one video, Victoria is found in a hexagon and cube illusion. This honeycomb image (with similarities to sacred geometry) has the hypnotic qualities as well with the flashing lights plus beats.

John Wayne was the quintessential Hollywood, jingoistic patriotic follower. He supported the establishments agenda in domestic and foreign policies. His life was filled with controversy and now its time to make manifest his lifes components and his agenda. Now, back in the 1950s, John Wayne assisted U.S. Senator & Jesuit trained reactionary Joseph McCarthy to assist on his House UN-American Activities Committee. McCarthy claimed that Communists threaten the stability of the American government. He was right that Communism is evil and some Communists were in American society. He omitted that Communism and cartel-Capitalism were funded by the same people in order to prevent real revolution from taking place in the world. The HUAC group was supported by Walt Disney, Clark Gable, and other entertainers. Disney was a DeMolay member. Gable and Wayne are brother Freemasons. The HUAC used a witch hunt against even innocent human beings and had some sick paranoia about Communism (that violates the constitutional principles of the freedom of assembly, the freedom of speech, and the freedom of association). John Wayne was a part of organizations like the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals (he used his celebrity status in order to promote his own causes that he deemed worthy). William Randolph Hearst supported the MPA (or the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals. Ayn Rand supported the anti-Communist paranoia activated in Hollywood as well. Waynes film like Big Jim McLain in 1952 presented overt anti-Communist statement. His pro-Vietnam War film called the Green Berets in 1968 cost him a small fortune. This film omitted the harsh realities of the war and the causalities inflicted on both sides. It glamorized a gung ho optimism when war is filled with violence, destruction, and emotional toil inflicted on people. It was in this time that television showed the brutal nature of the Vietnam War in a daily basis. Waynes friend was James

Bond (who supported the HUAC agenda too). Bond campaigned for Richard Nixon in the 1960 Presidential election.

The Manchurian Candidate films from the 1960s and the 21st century have a lot of things in common. Each film represent the realities of mind control people sent on mission. Each represents the biotechnological advances in our present world too. In order to understand the films from the 2 eras of American history, you have to comprehend the events in the Cold War and the war on terror. First, its time to see the film from the 1960s and then from the 21 century second chronologically. The first one came out in film during 1962. Its based on the Richard Condons novel by the same name in 1959. The film was an unique political thriller. It starred Frank Sinatra, Laurence Harvey Janet Leigh, Angela Lansbury (who was in Murder She Wrote. Ive watch Murder She Wrote when I was a young kid on CBS) Henry Silva, James Gregory, Leslie Parrish, and John McGiver. The film dealt with a prominent, ultra conservative political family. This family was brainwashed using one member to be used as an unwitting assassin for an International Communist conspiracy. The film came out nationally in the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis on October 24, 1962 on Wednesday. The movie had Communists placing false memories in American troops in Communist China. The Soviet implanted the thoughts. The soldiers are brainwashed. They have the belief that one of their

own, Staff Sergeant Raymond Shaw (Laurence Harvey), saved their lives in combat. Upon the recommendation of the platoon's commander, Captain Bennett Marco (Frank Sinatra), Shaw is awarded the Medal of Honor for his supposed actions. Marco has a nightmare (that includes Shaw kills 2 of his own soldiers before the communist military brass show a demonstration of a brainwashing technique). Marco tries to investigate information, but the Army Intelligence doesnt support Marcos quest to figure out if brainwashing soldiers were real or not. Melvin has the same nightmare that Marco has and they identify some of the men in the dream as leading members of the Communist governments and intelligence. Army Intelligence finally investigates the matter and help Marco to set up a task force to investigate. Shaw is found to be conditioned in Manchuria to kill people via a trigger from a Queen of Diamonds playing card. He is told to kill any

witnesses and never remember his actions. This is apart of his assassin nature. Shaws mother is Mrs. Eleanor Iselin (played by Angela Lansbury). She is the forced behind her husband and Shaws step father named Senator John Yerkes Iselin (played by James Gregory). The Senator acts as the stereotypical Joseph McCarthy type that spews anti-Communist paranoia. Most people dismiss the Senator as an extremist. Raymond Shaw hates his own mother (for being domineering) and the Senator. The Senator accuses hundreds of people in the US government of being Communists, but the Iselin family are covert Communists trying to take over the White House. Raymond accidentally kills Jocelyn Jordan (his girlfriend) under mind control whose trigger was the Queen of Diamonds. Raymond doesnt know what happens and is grief stricken when he learns of the order. Raymonds mother uses a plan to get the Communists in the White House by allowing her son to kill the Presidential nominee, allow the Senator to be President, and even have anarchy or a martial law like setting to get control over the American government. This does sound familiar. Mrs. Iselin asserts that she did not know that it was her son who was to be selected by the Communists, who apparently chose him to be the assassin because they believed it would solidify their own hold and control over her. Furious, she vows that once in power she will "grind them into the dirt". She proceeds to give her "hypnotized" son a decidedly non-maternal kiss. In the novel, Mrs. Iselin uses her son's brainwashing to have sex with him before the climax (or like an Oedipus Complex). Thats sick and evil of course. Concerned that censors would not allow even a reference to such a taboo subject in a mainstream motion picture of the time, the filmmakers instead opted for Mrs. Iselin to simply kiss Raymond on the lips to imply her incestuous attraction to him. The end of film makes Raymond to almost shoot the President (in the disguise of a Catholic priest). Raymond is prevented to doing so, but he takes revenge by shooting his stepfather and mother dead. Raymond commits suicide in front of Marco while wearing his Medal of Honor. The film was historical in being one of the first American films that showed a karate fight, although the 1955 MGM film Bad day at Black Rock had a fight scene between Ernest Borg nine (acting as a regular or conventional fighter) and a karate expert (played by Spencer Tracy).

The 2004 Manchurian candidate has similarities and differences to the 1962 film. The film stars Denzel Washington (playing Bennett Marco or the tenacious, virtuous soldier), and Live Schreiber as Raymond Shaw (an U.S Representative from New York. Hes brainwashed to be a vice Presidential candidate), John Voigt (playing Tom Jordan as an U.S. Senator plus hes a challenger for vice President), and Meryl Streep (as Eleanor Prentiss Shaw or a Senator that manipulates his son Raymond Shaw). Marco in the film was a war veteran. He doubts about his famous army unit. He acts in the Operation desert Storm war. The Sergeant First Class Raymond Shaw is claimed to rescue all but 2 members in his unit. Macro was the commanding officer. This made Shaw a war hero. Shaw gained the Medal of Honor. Shaw later came into political. Al Melvin (or a corporal) said that he had dreams. Later, Shaw is a Congressman. Hes the party candidate for Vice President. Tom Jordan and Shaws mother have a rivalry since Raymond Shaw and Jordans daughter Joceylne had a previous relationship. Marco had a nightmare about being trapped and tattooed Muslim women placing large television sets in front of soldiers (that repeatedly said that: .Raymond Shaw is probably the kindest, bravest, warmest, most selfless human being I've ever known Marco wants to find out what occurred in the war. He finds about that nanotechnology existed (using him and others with biochips that work with Manchurian Global. Manchurian Global is a network of weapons manufacturers with ties with terrorists, the Shaw family former Prime Ministers, and other people). Marco finds out that his real name is Atticus Noyle. Marco starts to believe that Raymond Shaw was brainwashed. His mother orders Raymond Shaw to kill Tom Jordan and his daughter. Eleanor Shaw does this to prevent the conspiracy from being known. Eleanor wants his son to be President. She wants the new President to be assassinated by Raymond (who was brainwashed in the war). Marco with help from the FBI convinced Raymond temporarily of the conspiracy. Raymond agreed that he is being played and gives his Medal of Honor to Marco. Yet, Raymond is once against brainwashed or activated by

Eleanor Shaw. Shaw washes down her son, kissing him repeatedly on the lips and stroking the back of his neck. They then get ready to go to the election party. Marco and Shaw begin to regain a conscious state when they are under Manchurian Globals control. Marco kills Shaw and his mother. Marco is prevented from killing himself when Rosie stops him to shot himself in the shoulder. The FBI covers up Marcos plans and they blame a Manchurian Global conspirator with the shooting. The FBI and Rosie talks with Marco about the events and allows the waters to wash away the picture of the lost platoon plus Shaws Medal of Honor. This is a strange film indeed, yet a lot of these films are based on real history. Mind control victims are activated by triggers as shown in both films of the Manchurian Candidate (the trigger in the 2004 version is Sergeant ShawSergeant Raymond ShawRaymond Prentiss Shaw). Triggers snap a person into an alternative persona and the person doesnt remember this new persona. The 2004 version has Capt. Marco having an implant in his left should blade area and in Raymonds back. In real life, RFID chips and other biometrics have been promoted by the corporatists and some governmental/DARPA forces as well. Usually, what is shown today in the world is only a generation behind what the elite has for real in their stock. For example, the elite has GM foods and biometrics devices decades before the 2000s (when they have been popularized in the West). This ought to be known when movie talk about this issue since there are secretly more advanced technology in the world than what is shown in the movies. The 2004 version of the film has a hall of mirrors, etc. that relates to mind control. Now, one of the covert methods that elitists use to try to control the public is called Psychotronics. This is about using sound waves to manipulate peoples
minds, emotions, and bodily functions.

The Manchurian Candidate film series doesnt expose how the Cold War was really a hoax from 1945 to 1990. More and more researchers are exposing this fact as time goes on. The Cold War was birthed from the 2nd World War when in when occasions, the Allied and Axis Powers worked together. The end of World War Two caused many deaths, the end of the British Empire, and the growth of the American Empire (until the recession starting in 2007 in a huge level). The Soviet Union worked with America during and after WWII as well. Cultural and scientific exchanges between America and the Soviet Union have been enacted for decades. CIA and KGB double agents worked with each in the duration of the Cold War additionally. If the Cold War was for real, the USA and the USSR would of never collaborated in any sophisticated technological ventures at all. The Holocaust worked like an Inquisition that killed millions of innocent human beings in the process. The Cold War hoax begins with the Soviet Union. The modern Soviet Union was funded heavily by Cartel-Capitalists from New York & London (Their names are J. Peter Grace, Armaud Hammer, and others). In the early 1970s during the Nixon Administration, Knight of Malta and CIA asset William J. Casey, as head of the Import-Export Bank, would finance the building of the Kama River truck factory in the Soviet Union. The Cold War was created overtly to allow people obsess with Communism. Covertly, the Cold War was instituted to grow the International Intelligence Community (headed by the Vaticans Knights of Malta, the Pilgrims, Bonesmen, etc.) and to stifle real, true nationalism worldwide. Low level Communists and low level capitalists didnt realize that in the top, both sides were manipulated and run by the same people (or the international bankers. These bankers are ruled by high level bloodlines plus high level geo-political cliques, religious groups, and occult related Secret orders). The elite use a divide and conquer strategy to promote economic inequality and social exploitation of the poor (in allowing the richer class to be in power. Also, cultural or ethnic solidary is attacked by the establishment as well. This attack is called cultural genocide and we should all oppose cultural or racial genocide of any form against any people. At the same time, we should never promote hatred against anyone of another ethnicity either. They target the women worse than men since the women give birth to human beings. Some men have some solace in certain areas in life like me, while the women are more demonized 24/7 365 more than me as a male). Examples of this is why CIA

Director Allen Dulles betrayed the real nationalists of Hungary in 1956 (the brave Hungarian patriots were abandoned by the CIA to be sent to the gulags of Siberia). Even Truman was correct to call the CIA as becoming become a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue. So, the International Intelligence Community grew in power to build the prison industrial complex during and especially after the Cold War too (which is one of the secret reasons why the Cold War existed in the first place). As many Patriots then and now have mentioned, the Vatican have had a key role in promoting the hoax of the Cold War from the Vietnam War to the Ecumenical Movement (that tried to unite Protestants & Catholics to obsess with so-called fighting against Communism when Communism was promoted by the Vatican agent Thomas More centuries before Lenin, Marx, or Stalin were ever born). The Vietnam War is an easy way to educate people on the Vaticans role in the Cold War hoax. The Vietnam War was used by the Vatican to expand their power base in Asia (when the Buddhists were persecuted by the Catholic theocrat Diem. One Buddhist named Thch Qung c protested these persecutions by setting himself on fire back in June 11, 1963). Diem was assassinated in November 1, 1963. After that event was the beginning of the end of South Vietnam since it couldnt form a real stable government (other coups came about in that land too. JFK was shocked of the event since he wished that Diem would be safely exiled. LBJ on tape admitted that U.S. government officials approved of the Diem assassination). Diem was a cruel dictator. Theres no question about that. Communism had its errors, but you have to allow people to have the right to voluntarily choose a belief system. You have to have religious liberty if you desire a freedom-filled nation. Before President John Kennedy was assassinated; he wanted dtente thereby ending the Cold War as soon as possible. Cardinal Spellman was an active supporter of the evil Crusade in Vietnam against the mostly Buddhist people in Southeast Asia. Spellman trained the butcher of South Vietnamese Buddhists named Ngo Dihn Diem. Until ca. 1960, you could find readily available works showing even the Vatican/Jesuit atrocities in Europe (like their crimes during the Dark Ages like the Inquisition). Today, its taboo to talk about these issues in mainstream TV even if youre a preacher.

One of the other easiest ways to see how the Cold War was a myth is to understand the issue of containment. Containment was modernized by the Pilgrim Society member George Kennan. He wrote an article for the CFR's July 1947 issue of Foreign Affairs (or the official publication of the CFR). This article is called "The Sources of Soviet Conduct." He believed that America shouldn't have an overt war with the Soviet Union, but Communism should be contained in order for the world to exist in tranquility. It didn't want to liberate Eastern European nations even by covert means. Kennan admitted that he didn't want freedom or democracy to promote in nations that were Communist-dominated in Europe. Elitist Walter Lippmann supported this policy as well. Wall Street insiders that promoted the Cold War were Acheson, Bohlen, Lovett, Harriman, and especially John McCloy (a Pilgrim and one Kingpin of the U.S. Establishment back in the 20th century). Government propaganda existed in the Cold War like bomb shelters and the like. There is no evidence that the world would exist in the Dr. Strangelove scenario. The Cold War

allowed the CIA to spend billions of dollars to prop up puppet governments (that are fascist in the world. British Intelligence head Sir William Stephenson was one godfather of the CIA), exaggerate stats and expand the defense budget. The CIA hired journalists and media puppets to outline its version of the Cold War. The Cold War has increased debt and killed millions of human beings worldwide. Even Russia's economy has been going through very bad lows since the Cold War.

*The Cold War was a sick display of death and destruction in the planet. The Cold War allowed the International Intelligence Community to use satellites and other devices to be involved in the 21st Crusade of the War on Terror (from 2001 to the present. This Crusade is mostly targeting the Shia Muslim peoples of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran including the Sunnis of Pakistan. Covertly, the Papal Knighthoods are controlling the Sunni and Labor Zionist political Dynasties in the Middle East) during this new Gilded Age. Back decades ago, the British were used as an instrument to destroy the Ottoman Empire in order for the West to control and carve up the Middle East. The Council of Versailles in 1919 officially ended the Ottoman Empire. This gave way for the revived Kingdom of Jerusalem and the possible recreation of Babylon that some folks desire in the 21st century. Even the founder of the evil Monsanto company was the Knight of Malta Irish American Roman Catholic John F. Queeny. He created the company in 1901 in St. Louis. Even J. P. Morgan was a Papal Knight of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus. J. P. Morgan formed the U.S. Steel Corporation and in 1911, he appointed

Knight of Malta John A. Farrell as its President. Monsanto has been exposed by health freedom advocates as promoting Roundup and other GM foods. Monsanto in fact produce most of the worlds genetically modified seeds that threat our health and the environment in general. Once the manufacturer of the now outlawed DDT and Agent Orange during Francis Cardinal Spellmans CIA-directed Vietnam War, the company also developed and now markets bovine growth hormone, further poisoning the food chain here in America. Upon purchasing G. D. Searle and Company in 1985, Monsanto, via its NutraSweet Company, is the manufacturer of aspartame, the notorious neuro-toxin sold to the public as an artificial sweetener. Aspartame is the sweetener in the soft drink Pepsi, Pepisico once employing FBI liaison to the Warren Commission (and involved in the coverup of the JFK assassination according to many researchers) and Knight of Malta Cartha D. DeLoach. It has ties to the Walt Disney Company and the Orders Bank of America (it was created in Jesuit-dominated San Francisco by the Roman Catholic Amadeo Giannini in 1904). Even Roy Disney and Rupert Murdoch are Knights of St. Gregory. So, these Papal Knights and other orders have huge sway in the cartel-capitalist monopolies in the world. The current CIA director is Roman Catholic, Jesuit-trained. The current NSA director is Roman Catholic. The current DOD director is Jesuit-trained. The Crusaders didnt really die. They just took on new names.

Popular culture is very common in the world. There is the game called "Deus Ex Human Revolution E3 2010." It has a trailer that lasts for about 2 minutes. In the trailer, the All Seeing eye flashes in the middle of the screen with a cgi zoom out graphic. It talks about a fascist government and a corporate media dictatorship that uses martial law. One image shows the Great Seal superimposed into the forehead of a man (looking like the Third eye of the occult. The Third Eye in the occult represents a high level chakra that can allow a human to achieve enlightenment or a high level of knowledge about the Universe). A chakra is a point on various parts of the body that have special energy that can be released during mediation and other rituals. I don't believe in it, but occultists, Hindus, some Buddhists, etc. believe in the chakra situation. So, the video game deals with conspiracy issues. The game is set in the 2050s (in real life, the 2050s will be a special time in the development of technology of the human race), there is a rookie United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition agent JC Denton. He goes out and fights terrorist forces, but the world is in chaos. JC Denton discovers stories about Majestic 12, the Illuminati, and the Hong Kong Triads throughout his journey. An earlier version of the game came out before 9/11. During sections of the game where the New York skyline is visible in the background, the two towers of the World Trade Center are noticeably missing; the real towers were destroyed a year after the game was released. Harvey Smith has explained that due to texture memory limitations, the portion of the skyline with the twin towers exists in the game's data files but had to be left out of the final game, with the other half mirrored in place of it. According to Smith, during the game's development, the developers justified the lack of the towers by stating that terrorists had destroyed the World Trade Center earlier in the game's storyline. Deus is Latin for God and ex means from. So, the game's name means God from Human Revolution (which is similar to the transhumanist philosophy that man can be a god or God via certain actions).

Popular culture in the mainstream level has been infiltrated by the elite for a long time. The rock group Led Zeppelin is one of the most popular rock groups of all time. They've acquired many hits in the 1970's. People know realize that some of its members embraced the occult in a strong level. The guitarist Jimmy Page of Zeppelin was a follower of Aleister Crowley and his magic. This is why back in 1971; Page brought Crowley's Boleskin House in the shore of Loch Ness. This is the place where Crowley enacted his sick, satanic sex-magic rituals. Aleister Crowley has been accused of doing human sacrifices and he definitely wrote about sacrificing humans before. One Lep Zeppelin song called "Stairway to Heaven" has a reference to the "May Queen," which is the name of a sick poem made by Crowley. Page had inscribed in the vinyl of their album Led Zeppelin III, Crowley's famous "Do what thou wilt. So mete it Be. Page and Robert Plant claim some of Zeppelins' songs came via occultic "automatic handwriting", including their popular "Stairway to Heaven". Stephen Davis in the Hammer of the Gods, details the occult inspiration of "Stairway to Heaven." Members of Zeppelin use basic occult symbols like circles, the triqueta, etc. as their emblems or logos. "Fallen Angel: The Untold Story of Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin" by Thomas Friend document the occult influence of Lep Zeppelin conclusively. Jimmy Page's Zoso symbol according to Stephen Davis' "The Hammer of the Gods" in pg. 253 is a stylized 666. These same occult images are found in the so-called "Christian" band P.O.D. Many artists are slick in that they expect people to forget about their more controversial endeavors. One example is about the Rolling Stones. The original 1973 album cover of the Rolling Stones album called Goats head Soup has the goat and reams head (this imagery is found in witchcraft and Satanism). Saint of Me is a song done by the Rolling Stones from their 1997 album called Bridges to Babylon. Mick Jagger is the lead singer of the song. The song describes people who converted to Christianity like the apostle Paul, Augustine, and John the Baptist. Jagger said that they can never make a saint out of him. Augustine was slick by believing in baptismal regeneration or that using water baptism is required for salvation. Water doesnt save a soul, but

only the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Baptism is important for us to use as a representation of the work of God, but it isnt a means to be saved. Calvinists in many numbers love Augustine. There is nothing wrong with a saint in doing the right thing. The world glamorizes evil and materialism, but when you die, all of your so-called worldly riches are gone. You will have to be judged on what you did with your life. Acts 9:5 reveals that the Holy Spirit had been

convicting Saul for some time, pricking at his heart; so when Jesus appeared to Saul, the Lord knew that he was ready to get saved. Mick Jagger has already made his decision, purposing in his heart that he will not allow Jesus Christ to save him.

Before the Nazis, the image of the swastika had a completely meanings than what the Nazis want it to be (the Nazis promoted the evils of bigotry, imperialism, genocide, and basic human dehumanization). I dont embrace the swastika since Im neither a pagan nor a Nazi. Now, the swastika was a sun symbol and to Hindus and Buddhists back thousands of years. It was used to represent good luck, peace, and prosperity. It has been found in China, Japan, the America, Persia, Turkey, and different locations globally. The Nazis used it for evil purposes obviously. The top left image is an aerial photo of an U.S. Navy barracks found near San Diego, California. The building looks like a big swastika. People havent known if its totally accidental or intentional yet. The center top image shows a Boy Scouts early 20th century handbook with a swastika. Thats ironic since the Boys Scouts have ties to Freemasonry in its origin (and the swastika has been covertly found in the Scottish Rite Temple worldwide headquarters in Washington, D.C.). The swastika is found in the spin of the The Scouts Handy Book back in 1913. In the early 20th century America, the swastika symbolized for the Boy Scouts, all that a man can be (in their opinion of what a man should be). Quite a twist from how Americans and Europeans look at the swastika today. In the 1920, Coca Cola promote the swastika as a good luck charm. The bottom image shows the girls ice hockey team from Edmonton, Canada in 1916. The swastika was embroidered on their jumpers. The swastika has been found in a well preserved Greek helmet in the year 350 B.C. The Greek war helmet, however, is on display at the Cabinet des Mdailles in Paris and the Snoldelev stone [or the Bronze Age swastika] is in the National Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark. The sun cross, the Pentagram, and other images are all pagan symbols. The synagogue in Ein Gredi from the Roman/Byzantine period had its floor pattern made up of white mosaic with a swastika pattern in the black tesserae in the center. This has meant according to some to mean good luck. The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (1939-1943) says, The Swastika appears on various articles excavated in Palestine, on ancient synagogues in Galilee and Syria, and on the Jewish catacombs at the Villa Torlonia in Rome. Websters New American Dictionary (1959 edition) gives information as an ancient Jewish religious symbol. The top right image is a Buddhist temple in Taiwan with a swastika on it.

When you think you have seen it all, you will continue to be surprised. MTV supported the release of a video called LCD Soundsystem by Pow Pow. The director of the video is Hollywood Director David Ayer. Ironically, the directors used occult symbols in his film that he directed called Street Kings. Street Kings is like the controversial TV show The Shield, but in movie form. One is the All Seeing Eye within a Triangle. The video has full of symbolism relating to the occult and Freemasonry explicitly. These series of like-minded videos have been formed by MEAN Magazine and presented by MTV. This first video has been created stars the Twilight series actress Anna Kendrick. The video shows witchcraft and portrays Anna as a Goddess figure like Isis. She collects the souls of wicked men and places them on a bracelet. There is a table made of makeup, jewelry, credit cards, etc. that are utilized as a means for her to change her identity. She invokes dissociation in her persona. Her handlers lead her into various scenes and meets evil characters like the Wicked Men (whose souls she is getting). Anna holds up her hand to them in a standard Masonic/Illuminist symbol to collect souls. Later, she is transported to the next soul to collect by her handlers.

The video starring Anna has the All Seeing Eye within a Triangle, the Masonic Square and Compass with the letter G in the center of the Compass, and another Masonic G. The Masonic G is the Eye of Providence or represents the Grand Architect of the
Universe to Masons. The video has a mock Masonic Lodge with the

checkerboard floor and a Master Mason acting as a Judge. This Master Mason holds a gavel. There are the human skull, possible Masonic Bible, etc. over the pillar adjacent to the Masonic judge. There is light lit up in the room. Ayer says one of themes of the video is that No matter how big you are, how important you are in this temporal world of ours, theres somebody more important You have to answer for your sins, and thats a little bit of what this video is about. The over level of interpretation is that could argue that the All Seeing eyes and such represent God (though many will say it is Lucifer) and that the wicked men are answering to God which is a less sinister interpretation of the video. Yet, the Mason has quite a devious look about him. Also, the All Seeing Eye and Masonry has nothing to do with God really since Masonry uses deceit in its lower levels in order to gain converts.
The vile, death oath of the Second Degree of Freemasonry, The Fellow Craft Degree, is again found from Duncans Ritual. It is as follows : All this I most solemnly promise and swear with a firm and steadfast resolution to perform the same, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or self-evasion of mind whatever, binding myself under no less penalty than of having my breast torn open my heart plucked out, and placed on the highest pinnacle of the temple (some say, "My heart and vitals taken from thence, and thrown over my left shoulder, and carried into the valley of Jehoshaphat, &c., &c.), there to be devoured by the vultures of the air, should I ever knowingly violate the Fellow Craft obligation.

So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same. (Malcolm C. Duncan, Duncans Ritual of Freemasonry, David McKay Company, p. 65-66).

While, God deals with transparency, openness, and is without death oath filled rituals in order to fulfill true spiritual fulfillment. There is the politician, a military general, and a police officer to be judge by the Mason. Anna comes out of the light and judges the people. One Masons glasses have the duality of the Masonic checkerboard as reflected on of his glasses. His face looks sly. This video shows that in real life, Masons (especially in America and parts of the USA) have military people, police officers, etc. to be judged by the Masons in order to be a part of the Order. Even Anna (or the Isis or Maat figure. Maat is the Egyptian Goddess that collects and allows souls to be judged in the afterlife) is used as a puppet to send souls to be judged. Like the video shows, Freemasonry teaches the transmigration of souls: Hence sprung the doctrine of the transmigration of souls ... from the East and Mysteriesthe souls of the vicious dead passed into the bodies of those animals to whose nature their vices had most affinity, it was also taught that the soul could avoid these transmigrations, often successive and numerous, by the practice of virtue, which would acquit it of them, free it from the circle of successive generations, and restore it at once to its source. Hence nothing was so ardently prayed for by the Initiates, says Proclus, as this happy fortune, which, delivering them from the empire of Evil, would restore them to their true life, and conduct them to the place of final rest ... souls will not reach the term of their ills, until the revolutions of the world have restored them to their primitive condition, and purified them from the stains which they have contracted ... they could not be allowed to enter Heaven until they had distinguished themselves by the practice of virtue ... The Curds, the Chinese, the Kabbalists, all held the same doctrine." ["Morals and Dogma", Albert Pike, page 524, teachings of the 24th Degree, Prince of the Tabernacle]. Yet, the Scriptures are clear that people are immediately judged after death without a purgatory like state at all. In real life, Freemasons and other occult orders have tons of influence in our government, military, and police forces worldwide (not just in America). These leaders are related to each other too. John McCain, President Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, George W. Bush, and other figures are related to each other (in the House of Windsor and other European bloodlines). For MTV/Viacom to promote this video shows how desperate they are to try to rebut the accusation that MTV/Viacom is proestablishment and pro-Illuminist. The in your face way that these corportatists use with their propaganda is interesting. Yet, we should be strong and show the truth to the world in a forthright, convincing fashion. There is a sick photo shoot done by the French vogue. It pictures young girls as young as 6 years old in sexually provocative settings. They try to sexualize these girls. They are in feline prints that some researchers believe these images are similar to the Beta (sex kitten) programming. They have blank stares, awkward settings, lost of innocence, etc. that reek of mind controlled children. These pedophilic photo shoots are sick and they show the word of Cadeaux meaning gifts. It

isnt a secret that the elite have done crimes involving pedophilia for thousands of years. That is why people from across the political spectrum hate pedophilia and they want the criminals to do it to be place behind bars.

There should be another mention here. Hollywood is linked up with the military industrial complex. Thats well known today. Its known that Northrop spending money to build facilities in Southern California like in Long Beach, CA. Hypocritically, some Hollywood types act like they are so tolerant and independent when they are financed by the same corporate elite permitting the war on terror. The war on terror is an evil exercise of murder and mayhem under the guise of fighting terrorism. Also, there are a lot of books exposing the subject of abuse and mind control that people have experienced and escaped from. One is of course Cathy OBriens literature. There is Brice Taylors Thanks for the Memories and Annie McKennas Paperclip Dolls that is rare (including Kathleen Sullivans Unshackled: A Survivors Study of Mind Control). These books expose what we researchers called SRA or Satanic Ritual Abuse that Fritz Springemeier have written for numerous years. Finally, Fritz Springmeier is recently out of jail. He and others inspired me to expose the new world order in the higher level. Im still inspired by him with his old Manna religious series that had some of the greatest spiritual insight Ive read from a person. So, me and others in the Streets, in the Internet, in, and other places will keep that legacy (of inquiry, researching the mysteries of life, helping people, exposing evil, etc.) alive for years and decades to come. Nothing is coming to change with me. I will always preserve my core convictions. You have to remember that Hollywood has been nefarious since its inception. Hollywood comes from the woods that Druids and the Magi used to conduct rituals and spells. Today, Hollywood use rituals in its movies, shows, and even award shows like the Academy Awards in order to cast a spell of moral compromise and deception among the populace at large. A lot of people in Hollywood sellout, sign bad contracts, some do evil sexual favors in the Directors couch, and the whole nine yards. People dont call Hollywood (un) Hollyweird for nothing. The Apostle John was right to write the following words:

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, THE LUST OF THE FLESH, AND THE LUST OF THE EYES, AND THE PRIDE OF LIFE, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. (1 John 2:15-17).

The Archons in the Boule are Males members and their wives are called Archousais. They are made up of more than 5,000 people that make up of the establishment African American country. Lawyers, doctors, engineers, actors, athletes, and accountants are members of the Boule. Archon is a demon in Gnostic terminology. The group was created to be like the Skulls and Bones, but the Skulls and Bones is an evil secret society (that has been involved in terrorism, Nazi funding, opium trading, and other reprehensible acts). The Boule serves the global elite. The lower ranks are kept from what the upper ranks are doing like in Freemasonry, the CFR, and other groups. The movement of Marcus Garvey was stifled by the Boule order. Garvey wasn't perfect, but he did the right thing to promote confidence and consciousness among the black community. Garvey is an inspiration among the black community. He was taken down by the Feds and the Boule working together ironically. Conspiracy researcher Steve Cokely has exposed the Boule and its symbolism for years. Many Boule are fraternity members and members of Freemasonry. Its members won't go after the United Nations in trying to promote depopulation schemes in Africa, and the radical problems in the Third World plus beyond. It isn't a secret that division, hatred, war, and other evils are promoted by the elite to control people. Even my mother knew of the Boule and called some of them stuck up to put it in kind terms. It's our job to rise above the propaganda and fight evil by doing good.

Many Star Wars films have existed since the 1970s. One of the most famous series is called The Revenge of the Sith. There are tons of symbolisms in the film series. Yet, its relevant to see how this series relates to our world today in 2010. Like in the movie, a hostile force (that relates to the Sith from Star Wars) have taken over the government of the United States and transform it into a Corporation & an Empire. Ironically, back centuries ago, the 13 colonies were owned by the British as companies. Today, the throne of England and the Vatican has huge sway in the policies of America presently. That is why the Mayor of Atlanta visited the United Kingdom to meet with Prince Charles to discuss about environmental issues. Cloaks in the Sith in Star Wars look similar to the robes of the Jesuits that have waged war against Protestant/Baptist cultural influence especially in the Western world. In real life, you will notice the role that Secret Societies, specialized street designs (like a Pentagram with one side missing, rhombus, Triangles, etc.), and pagan idols exist all over Washington, D.C. plus throughout the USA. Even the director George Lucas admitted that the Revenge of the Sith is about the old Republic of the United States. The film shows the slow corruption of the land. In an interview, Lucas said he was presenting how a Republic becomes an Evil Empire. The film ends with a grand victory for the Dark Side. The Republic is no more and evil reign supreme

(with the Senate of the Galactic Republic controlled covertly by the evil Chancellor Palpatine. Jedi come to arrest him for crimes against the Senate. He replies: I AM the Senate. His dark alter ego [the robed Sidious] is the Phantom Menace). Is this really so different than what is going on in our world today? That is why its important not only to understand the manipulation by the media. Its vital to know symbolism, clues, and meanings among scenes to comprehend the programming & propaganda that the corporate elite desire to promote. Its not a secret that the celebrity world have secret parties like the movie Eyes Wide Shut that have orgies, drugs, alcohol, and the whole nine yards. With that understanding, you can help individuals without possessing ignorance.

*9/11 Truth is still here. There is the ninth anniversary of 9/11. Even 9/11 Commissioners have issues with the current story about how 9/11 went down. The 9/11 Commission cochairs said that the 9/11 Commissioners knew that the military officials misrepresented facts to the Commission. The Commission considered recommending criminal charges for such false statements. 9/11 Commission co-chair Lee Hamilton said that he don't believe that they got everything correction. The Commission in his mind was set up to fail. People have the right to keep asking questions about 9/11. The truth about 9/11 isn't over in its debate. 9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer said that "...We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting." 9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission. He said that it's a national scandal. He believed that the investigation is now compromised and the full story about 9/11 should be shown. The White House in his mind wanted to cover up about what occurred during 9/11. 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey said that: "...There are ample reasons to suspect there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version...We didn't have access..." He also said that the investigation depended too heavily on the accounts of Al-Qaeda detainees who were physically coerced into talking. John Farmer was the Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission. He led the 9/11 staff's inquiry. He recently said that: "...At some level of the government, at some point in timethere was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened. He also said I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described . The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years. This is not spin. This is not true. And he said: Its almost a culture of concealment, for lack of a better word. There were interviews made at the FAAs New York center the night of 9/11 and those tapes were destroyed. The CIA tapes of the interrogations were destroyed. The story of 9/11 itself, to put it mildly, was distorted and was completely different from the way things happened." Intelligence officers questioned the official story of 9/11 as well. The former military analyst and whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg said that there could be a certain 9/11 whistleblower that is far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers. He accused the government of covering up about 9/11. He is open to accept accusations of government involvement in 9/11. The U.S. government did knew of 9/11 style attacks for years. This is why some want a new investigation into 9/11. Raymond McGovern said that the 9/11 Report was a joke. He was a

27 year CIA veteran. He chaired National Intelligence Estimates. He personally gave intelligence briefings to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush (their Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and many other senior government officials). William Bill Christison said that there is more persuasive evidence that show that the 9/11 attacks are different from what was presented from the 9/11 Commission. Christison was a 29 year veteran of the CIA, a former National Intelligence Officer, and a Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis. Many intelligence people and CIA people sent a letter to Congress exposing the omissions, errors, and serious shortcomings from the 9/11 Commission Report. CIA veteran Robert Baer said that evidence points to 9/11 having aspects of being an inside job. Baer was the Division Chief of the CIAs Office of Soviet Affairs, who served as Senior Analyst from 1966 1990. He also served as Professor of International Security at the National War College from 1986 2004 (Melvin Goodman) said The final [9/11 Commission] report is ultimately a cover-up." Many Congress people have doubts on the official story of 9/11. Bob Graham said that a FBI informant hosted and rented a room with 2 "hijackers" in 2000 (and the FBI blocked investigations of this issue). Graham was the co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11. He was the former Head of the Senate Intelligence Committee. U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy said that warnings occurred about 9/11 on Bush's watch and why did it allow happening. Even Ron Paul wants a new investigation into 9/11. Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich said we weren't told the total truth on 9/11. Lincoln Chaffee, Mike Gravel, and Jason Chafetz want to re investigation 9/11. Dan Hamburg (a former U.S. Democratic Congressman) doesnt believe in the official story of 9/11. Former U.S. Republican Congressman and senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, and who served six years as the Chairman of the Military Research and Development Subcommittee Curt Weldon has shown that the U.S. tracked hijackers before 9/11, is open to hearing information about explosives in the Twin Towers, and is open to the possibility that 9/11 was an inside job. Edward Peck, Wesley Clark, and others want an investigation into 9/11. If these government officials, politicians, and intelligence agents question the official story of 9/11, we have a right to question it too. That is why 9/11 Truth will never die and it's here to stay. Protesters from various quarters existed in New York to express their views. Yet, we should fight revolving around real issues like the prison system, the war on terror, etc. We should reject the hysteria against Muslim like the race-baiting rhetoric coming from neo cons.

Occult symbolism just keeps on going. The United States launched its largest spy satellite. It was a huge unmanned rocket. It came into space in November 21, 2010 in Sunday. The purpose of this satellite is to make sure that NRO resources will continue to bolster the national defense of America. Brig. General Ed Wilson supports the mission and hes the commander 45th Space Wing after the successful launch. The United Launch Alliance Delta 4 Heavy launched the National Reconnaissance Office payload NROL-32 from the Space Launch Complex 37. The payload wants to spy on us. The Spaceflight Now website quoted the National Reconnaissance Office: Always vigilant, the NROs eyes and ears give Americas policy makers, intelligence analysts, war fighters and homeland security specialists the critical information they need to keep America safe, secure and free. It can gather information for the National Security Agency. The patches above it show occult symbolism. They are bold since the TSA gropping evil tactics, the NSA spying system, and DARPAs transhumanist-like agenda has been known by the world. The images show a variation of the Eye of Horus. NROL-32 is ironically since there are 32 degrees in the Scottish Rite of Freemason before the Honorary 33rd Degree. The words of Annuit Coeptis existed from the Great Seal. Its Latin for He (or Providence) favoring our undertaking. In this instance, they want to promote the undertaking on spying on people. Providence is the

Deist version of God as numerous Founding Fathers were Deists. 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall believed that an august body from Europe aided the American government and the Great Seal is like a signature of this body. He wrote this in his The Secret Destiny of America book in the following quotes:

Not only were many of the founders of the United States government Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe which helped them to establish this country for a peculiar and particular purpose known only to the initiated few. The Great Seal is the signature of this exalted bodyunseen and for the most part unknown and the unfinished pyramid upon its reverse side is a trestle board setting forth symbolically the task to the accomplishment of which the United States Government was dedicated from the day of its inception

Metropolis is famous film that inspired musicians especially in the 21st century. I wrote about the movie before, but I didn't totally comprehend its scenes or its real meanings. This

is changed today. Before going in those connections, it's time to show what the 1927 German expressionist film was really all about. It was directed by Fritz Lang. The film was produced during Germany in its stable period of the Weimar Republic by the UFA or the Universum Film A.G. It cost about 5 million Reichsmark being the most expensive silent film. This period saw economic growth. Ironically, Metropolis is set in the futuristic urban dystopian world. It describes the issues of workers, classes, etc. in capitalism. Much of its footage has been lost over the decades. There has been discovery of some of its lost footage. By 2001, there has been reconstruction of movie Metropolis and it was shown at the Berlin Film Festival. It was inscribed on UNESCO's Memory of the World Register in the same year.

The plot of the film describes the futuristic mega city called Metropolis. Society is divided in 2 classes called planners and management. The management lives high above the Earth in luxurious skyscrapers. This story describes the modern Western society or the New Atlantis that Sir Francis Bacon predicted centuries ago. The workers suffer in Metropolis in toil and they live underground. The autocratic Joh Fredersen founded, built, and runs the city. Freder (or Fredersen's son) lives in luxury in the theatres and stadiums of the skyscraper buildings. Freder finds a girl that appeared with many children of the workers. Freder is in love with the girl and follows her down to the workers' underworld. There, he seen the horrors of the workers' life and is horrified and disgusted when he sees an enormous machine called the M-Machine. This machine would violently explode and kill dozens of
workers. In the smoke, Freder envisions the M-Machine as Moloch or a monstrous false deity that workers who are hapless are sacrificed. Moloch was worshipped by Semitic pagans thousands of years ago in the ancient Near East. The workers exist at the shift change. The workers underground are treated as cattle by the elite controllers of Metropolis. The control of the masses by propaganda is promoted by Walter Lippmann, an

American thinker who, five years earlier in Public Opinion, compared the general public to a bewildered herd that is not qualified to manage its own destiny. Joseph Goebbels, the head of propaganda of the Nazi regime, was also in accord with the movies conception of the general public. Hitler famously said How fortunate for leaders that men do not think."

Freder is disgusted with the corruption existing in Metropolis. So, he returns to the New Tower of Babel. This is a massive skyscraper owned by his father. The Tower of Babel in real life is found in the story of Genesis 10 where the story goes that mankind made this Tower to rebel against God. Nimrod helped people to create it and God made divisions among language that caused people to spread all over the world. From thousands of years ago and today, the global elite desire to unite all peoples into one nation (not for the sake of harmony, but control and centralized control like a new Tower of Babel). That is why one European Union headquarters look like an old painting of the Tower of Babel. Freder cries and confronts his father about the accident at the M-Machine. Fredersen is annoyed about hearing about the accident from his son (and not from his clerk Josephat). Grot is the foreman of the Hearth Machine. Grot informs him of papers resembling plans or maps. This has been found in the dead workers' pockets. Fredersen fires Josephat since he had not heard the news from Josephat first. Fredersen charges his spy or a slim man to keep an eye on his son. Freder prevents Josephat from committing suicide and hires him to help with his quest to help the workers. Freder finds another worker in the underworld named Georgy, #11811, who works a machine that directs electrical power to the enormous series of elevators in the New Tower of Babel. Freder persuades Georgy to exchange clothes with him, go to Freder's apartment, and let Freder work at the machine. Georgy, who finds large wads of money in the pocket of Freder's clothing, goes instead to Yoshiwara, the city's redlight district. Georgy had a night of wild partying. Freder works at the machine until he become delirious. He had visions of being crucified to the factory clock. Fredersen works the scientist Rotwang to think about the papers found. The 2 are friends. Rotwang lives in an old

house contained in the lower levels of the city. They rival for the love of a woman. Rotwang loved a girl named Hel, but Hel married Fredersen (who was more powerful and wealthy). Hel died giving birth to Freder. This caused Fredersen and Rotwang to hate each other. Rotwang shows Fredersen a Machine Man that he has constructed. Rotwang wants to give image of Hel and marry (like a transhumanist or golem ritual). Rotwang tells Fredersen that the papers are maps to the 2,000 year old catacombs that are in the deep of the lowest levels of the worker's city. The two enter the catacombs and climb down a tunnel, reaching a point above the workers' meeting-place. From a gap in the rocks, they observe the workers gathering in a cathedral hewn from the rock. There, the beautiful Maria appears and begins preaching to the workers (with the disguised Freder among them) about the Tower of Babel and about how they must wait for the coming Mediator. Her theme is that the heart must be mediator between the head (the planners) and the hands (the workers).

This is Joh Fredersen or the head of the New Tower of Babel in the Metropolis film. He is like the Gnostic Deimurge or the godlike ruler of the Material World.

Freder is called the Mediator to liberate the workers from oppression after the end of the sermon. This is like a pre-Neo archetype that has been thoroughly shown in the Matrix science fiction series. Fredersen wants to Rotwang to give the machine man the image of Maria to then sow distrust between her and the workers. Rotwang agreed with the plan, but wants to use the machine man to ruin Fredersen's life. While Fredersen returns to his offices, Rotwang captures Maria and imprisons her in his house. There, he uses his equipment

to transform the machine-man to look exactly like Maria. He then instructs it to destroy Fredersen's city and murder his son, by any means that does not hurt Rotwang or herself. This ceremony to form the machine to look like Maria looks like the occult upside Pentagram. Rotwang demonstrates the machine man's abilities in ways to Fredersen. Rotwang dresses the machine up as an erotic dancer at the Yoshiwara. The sons of the owners go into homicidal fits of sexual jealously. People die in huge order. The machine man visits the workers' city and inspires the workers to rebel. The workers come out of the workers' city in a full scale riot and destroy the Heart Machine or the city's power generation. This results in a complete hydraulic breakdown. The city's reservoirs overflow. Later, the workers' city is flooded. The children of the workers' are almost drown. The real Maria, Freder, and Josephat rescue the children heroically. They blame Maria for their children's death. The real Maria is chased in

the upper city and the streets under Grot's leadership. They run into the Yoshiwara and meet the owners' sons led by the machine man. Maria escapes in confusion and the machine man is tied to a stake and burned. The flames burn off the likeness of Maria and reveal the machine man's true form to the crow. Maria is captured at a cathedral by Rotwang. Rotwang, who has broken down completely and he believed her to
be the real Hel. In a climactic scene, Fredersen watches in horror as Freder and Rotwang fight on the cathedral's roof. Rotwang falls to his death, and Freder and Maria return to the street. Freder takes his first step as mediator, overcoming the mutual reluctance of Grot and Fredersen to join hands, thus beginning a period of unity and reform.

Metropolis has more drama, love, action, and adventure than it is usually anticipated. The film has existed and its influence still today. Its predictions for the future ring true now even. It has many occult images and the imagery is used by Lady Gaga, Madonna, Beyonce,
Kylie Minogue, and others. Beyonce and Kylie Mingue wear a robotic suit that looks exactly like the machine man in the Metropolis movie. Even Freddie Mercury from Queen uses his face instead of Maria in his song "Radio Gaga." The talented sister Janelle Monae use images and motifs from the Metropolis film. Some people feel that Monae isn't supportive of the Illuminist agenda, but shows music that wants liberation plus inspiration to love the truth. The film describes a Big Brother, police state new world order like system. The poor are suffering in a monitored Hell, while the select elite live in luxury. The robotic Maria acts as a machine as a being to corrupt the morals of the workers to get a revolt in order for the elite to use violent repression. Many pop stars don't know about the Illuminati and like-minded issues. Likewise, there are artists like the Kabbalist Madonna that know about this stuff and still allow the global elite to use them to corrupt the morals of the masses. Workers being exploited is proof that

the cartel capitalist system doesn't work to liberate the masses at all. It lives the workers in a state of oppression. The huge machine acts as an industrial complex system that forces the workers to do dehumanizing tasks. The machine acts as Moloch. This bull or calf false god existed in Carthaginian culture too, which is nothing more than Canaanites or Phoenicians in North Africa. The repetitive, mind numbing tasks violate the workers' humanity. The thinkers live in the Utopian location. The city wouldn't exist without the workers. The dualism of the workers and the elite exist in occult representation of dependence. There is a slick reference to the hermetic maxim of "as above so below" with the phrase in the film reading: "...As deep as lay the workers' city below the Earth, so high above it towered the complex named the "Club of the Sons," with its lecture halls. As above, so below means that the Heavens in its composition is reflected in the composition of the entities of Earth (in other words, man is a miniature version of the Universe as a whole).

John Fredersen is like Zordon of the Power figure. He is the demi god or the godlike figure demi-god controlling the material world in Metropolis. To the Gnostics, he is the Demiurge o the or ruler. Fredersen holds a compass like the Grand Architect in Masonry. William Blake is family for his rendition of the Gnostic Demiurge (or the creator and ruler of the lower plain of existence with sin). Gnostic archetypes are found all over Hollywood movies and such. Hollywood Maria works for the proletariat and Freder is like the Neo/Christ figure to save souls from oppression. Maria said in one of her sermons that: "Great is the world and its Creator! and great is Man!" The deification of man via enlightenment is a goal of the Mystery Schools enlightenment among the ages. The monuments and architecture in the world prove that the principles of the Mysteries exist and some secret orders celebrate the greatness of the human mind.

Masons characterize a link between Freemasonry and the Tower of Babel in this quotation: "...As regards to Masonry, Babel of course represented a Masonic enterprise and early expositors reaped full benefit from the facts. They remembered that the people, who were of one language and one speech journeyed from the East to the West, like those who have been tried and proved as Master Masons. When they reached an abiding place in the land Shinar, it is affirmed that they dwelt therein as Noachide, being the first characteristic name of Masons. It was here that they built their high tower of confusion. Out of evil comes good, however, and the confusion of tongues gave rise to the ancient practice of Masons conversing without the use of speech. -Arthur Edward Waite, A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and of Cognate Instituted Mysteries: Their Rites, Literature and History, Volume I

In several early Masonic manuscripts for example, the Harleian, Sloane, Lansdowne, and Edinburgh-Kilwinning it is stated that the craft of initiated builders existed before the Deluge, and that its members were employed in the building of the Tower of Babel. - Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

at the making of the Tower of Babel there was Masonry first much esteemed of, and Nimrod was a Mason himself and loved well Masons. - John T Lawrence, The Perfect Ashlar

However, says Maria, one mans hymns of praise became the other mans curse." This means that the monument praising the greatness of the human spirit was built by the workers' sweat and blood. The New Tower of Babel is Fredersen's headquarters. Rotwang is an inventor and the Pentagram is shown in the movie. The Pentagram has many meanings like the Perfected Man, Venus in the 8 year cycle, Pythagorean philosophy, etc. It's promoted by occultism and Freemasonry. In real life, Pythagoras has disciples of a secret order that used Pentagrams and geometry. Potwang is like a magus or like what Dr. John Dee was to Queen Elizabeth I. Dee promoted British Israelism, magic, science, Hermetic philosophy, mathematics, etc. Rotwang used occultism to try to control the masses. The machine man is transhumanism in action since the scientist Rotwang wants this being to be immortal. The machine in the film has one eye closed looking like the eye of Horus with a devilish grin. The Maria android dances in the Yoshiwara man's club like the Great Harlot from the book of Revelations. She is held up by the 7 deadly sins. Madonna acted the same way in her performance of "Material Girl" years ago.
The film isn't about freedom. It's about control and oppression of the workers. The elite promote a Mediator to calm real revolution and everything is happy ever after (when no radical democratic reforms exist). Even Freder is duped that things will change with token measures. The reason is that the scientist died, but Joh still has most of the power in Metropolis. The

Mediator is pop culture today or the mainstream corporate media to stop real revolutionary changes in society. The mass media and popular culture use messages and false stereotypes to manipulate the masses, especially the youth. The elite want us to be materialistic, selfish, hateful, disrespectful toward parents, and evil. Yet, God wants us to strong of course, but loving to our fellow man and cry out for justice and liberty for all peoples. Metropolis promotes transhumanism, mind control, occultism, control, the police state, etc. before our time. The movie has occult symbolism and slick scenes in it. Our values shouldn't be debased at all. We should not be like programmed android, but free thinking human beings with independence and strength to overcome challenges.

When you think about Jimi Hendrix, you think about an innovator of music. Like always, the following will show the mistakes of Jimi Hendrix and some of the things that he did that were correct. Some call him the greatest guitarist of all time, because of his creative composition of music that he regularly displayed when he utilized the guitar. He was an innovator of music in general. Even in the 1960s, hes known for having progressive politics. This can relate to a lot of people. He wrote songs in favor of Native American rights, being anti-war, and he supported the anti-racist Black Panthers. Hendrix disagreed with the Vietnam War. The FBI monitored and harassed him. Jimi Hendrix even played a free benefit concert for the Chicago Seven. The Chicago Seven were activists that were charged with conspiracy to riot over the protests outside the 1968 Democratic National Convention. During the 1969 Woodstock festival, Hendrix performed a deconstruction of the U.S. national anthem known as Star Spangled Banner. Some view his rendition of the Star Spangled Banner as presenting in essence and anti-war statement. He had African American and Cherokee parents. Therefore, back in those days, he suffered though racism even in Seattle. He was exploited by corporate people. Ed Chaplin back in 1965 convinced Hendrix to sign an exclusive

recording contract for an advance for only 1 dollar. A year later, he got a contract with Yameta or a British management outfit. People like Chas Chandler knew that Hendrixs talents could revolutionize the music scene. Hendrix could use his talent greatly (to merge the music of blues, rock, jazz, funk, and soul). Jim Hendrixs the Jimi Hendrix Experience was created in 1966. He went into London to perform music with his psychedelic sound. By 1967, he existed in international fame after the Monterey International Post Festival. Mike Jeffrey was a shady character who tried to control Jimi Hendrix. The Experience earned 50,000 dollars per show, but Hendrix, bassist Noel Redding, and drummer Mitch Mitchell only received a minimal share. Most of the takings went into Yameta bank accounts. Jeffrey was shady and he had links to the MI6, the FBI, and organized crime. So, the military industrial complex infiltrated the mainstream music industry heavily even back then. Legal troubles made Hendrix more dependent on his manager. Hendrix tried to leave Jeffrey too. Allegedly, Jeffery was behind a bizarre 1969 kidnapping in which the guitarist was abducted, held for days and threatened with death. Just before he died, Jimi Hendrix was making a new start. Yet, he died in September 18, 1970. This was after he broke off all contact with his manager. The official story of Jimi Hendrixs death was that he was suffocated by vomit due to barbiturate intoxication. A lot of people reject the official cause of his death completely. Former Hendrix roadie, James Tappy Wright, claimed in his 2009 autobiography Rock Roadie that Jeffery drunkenly confessed in 1971 to murdering Hendrix. Wright said Jeffery told him he stuffed pills into Hendrixs mouth and poured a few bottles of red wine deep into his windpipe. Jeffery allegedly said: I had to do it. Jimi was worth much more to me dead than alive. That son of a b____ was going to leave me.If I lost him, Id lose everything. Hendrixs clothing had red wine, but he had little alcohol in his bloodstream (via an exposure from a post mortem examination). At the bare minimum, the music business machine contributed to Hendrixs death. In the mid-1990s, multi-billionaire Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, underwrote a successful campaign by Hendrixs father Al (who died in 2002) and stepsister Janie to wrest control from controversial producer Alan Douglas. The Experience Hendrix Company (operating in silent partnership with Allen) has since acquired a reputation for aggressively bullying any other potential claimants including Hendrixs children and his brother Leon.

Nicole Scherzinger has her new song called Poison. Its based in Metropolis ironically. Metropolis is the fiction city that the elite use in music videos (Metropolis the film outlines a Big Brother, conformist reality. In the real world in 2011, the elitists want popular culture to be used as an instrument to promote a conformist, Big Brother society where people act the same, think the same, and speak the same. Yet, individuality and individualism are access to break against the brainwashing system that we witness today). Nicole Scherzinger is of Hawaiian and Russian heritage. Some researchers in the new generation have found symbolism and specialized concepts in the video of Nicole. Nicole is famous for loving hip hop and working with pop artists as well. She uses a ceremonial dagger and forest imagery. Nicole told UK radio station Kiss 100: I told Red, when I go on stage I kind of turn into a beast sometimes, this other alter-ego, you know, that you kind of you get to see in Poison and I want the music to bring that to life for me. Its a common pattern for these artists to promote their alter ego that arent their own selves. This is a common theme in pop culture. Nicole Scherzinger in the video acts innocent and transforms into a fighting machine. She calls herself of having bad girl power. The song talks about poison in her mind with sexual innuendo that isnt so covert if you get what Im saying. You dont have to act out of control to appeal to the opposite sex. You can just be yourself and communicate with a human being on about how you feel in a sincere fashion (plus stand strong). The black

and white symbolism is there with Nicole using the triangle hand sign (that was popularized by the Golden Dawn). She shows the X hand sign in the video as well and dance with prisoners and cops. So, the video is pretty overt in its message. Its message is that an aggressive use of sexuality is equated to power, but the metaphors in the videos show unjustified violence. In worldly culture, being meek in reviled. Yet, a man or a woman can still be meek and be strong to promote the truth without inherit distractions.

Whats strange is that many people in popular culture use strange hand signs that witches and members of the Golden Dawn have used for decades and centuries. The bottom Golden Dawn image to the left shows the elemental grade sign of Water and Fire to the right. The Beatles image shows the Golden Dawn Elemental LXV Grade handsigns. People should be real and say its not right to have people die in the war on terror, its wrong to have our crops poisoned with GMOs, its not right to have our rights violated by TSA workers, and we should reject some archaic supply side, laissez faire economic system that dont benefit lower income people anyway.

This is the sign of the times. This person is Khloe Kardashian. She has a show on E!. She married the LA Lakers basketball star Omar Odom for obvious reasons. Their ilk just targets the athletes, lawyers, or any person in position of power if you get what Im saying. Odom is from NYC. Now, Khloe is in this head in bondage mask. The image looks similar to the mind control archetype found in the real world (from MK Ultra Project to other actions). Her face looks like the One eye and her face looks dissonance in her countenance. There are other photos of her looking like she has this one eye motif as well. The one eye image is popular among the puppets of popular culture. One eye is similar to the old Eye of Horus imagery found throughout human history. Today, we have clothing with skulls and bones for kids

and other stuff in 2011. Kim Kardashians death ad has her posing in the as above, as below position.

Since John Lennon died about 30 years ago, its time to show the story about his life and death. Many people know already about some of the right and wrong things that he did in his life. He was a beloved figure and a controversial figure. Culturally, he was influential in the sexual revolution and the 1960s Cultural Revolution. He was a part of the Beatles, which is the most popular rock and roll group of all time. The Baby Bombers and some of the Generation X crowd experienced that era and I wasnt born in 1980. The sixties itself from a cultural standpoint only ended when Nixon resigned since even in the early 1970s, there were the similar battles plus cultural questions that continued forth from the late 1960s. One thing that interested me was that he disagreed with the view that the Earth was overpopulated in terms of that there are too many human beings existing in it. I agree with that view since world population growth will level and decline vociferously by 2050 or even earlier. Its a known fact that the FBI and the National Security establishment monitored prominent musicians back then to either neutralize them or control them (in order to make popular culture more malleable for the interests of the elite instead of promote an independent revolutionary atmosphere that can galvanize the public to seek radical reformations in society). The elite funded definitely the reactionaries back then like the JBS, etc. and they funded the Left gatekeepers via Bertrand Russell, CIA-connected & Jesuit-trained Timothy Leary, and others. The FBI was monitoring the Beatles for surveillance since 1964. Back in the day, the occultists form the OTO and others wanted to break down cultural mores. Now, Dr. Otto Gross was a student of Freud and a friend of the pro-Gnostic Carl Jung. Gross wanted to recreate the cult of Astarte in order to start a sexual revolution and destroy the bourgeois, patriarchal family (this doesnt mean women should have 2nd class citizenship though. Women should have the same rights as men should have. In the final analysis, extreme patriarchy and extreme matriarchy dont work. You need balance). He worked in the Ascona, Switzerland resort area that in the early 20th century was the home for occults, radicals, and New Age adherents. So, the Ascona resort area and occult secret societies used

legitimate grievances about human rights to promote an anti-moral absolute agenda (in order to stir the masses away from being for peace into being for selfishness, materialism, and nihilistic behavior). In 1935 Ascona became the headquarters for Carl Jung's annual Eranos Conference to popularize Gnosticism. Gnosticism is one nexus point of the modern New Age thinking and mainstream popular culture in general.

Since a lot of people are talking about popular culture more than ever, then it's fine to show these things. It's also vital to present the present-day information since history is being made now (even with the 2011 Egyptian Revolution) not just in the past. Many artists and musicians are talking about issues about the Illuminati, popular culture, and like minded subjects. Even people like Hip hop architect Afrika Bambaata are saying things like: "...Hip hop has been hijacked by a Luciferian conspiracy" He said these words to the Chicago Times. Some are talking about Lupe Fiasco rapping about Building Number Seven, the war on terror, etc. Even Jennifer Hudson talks about the Illuminati as being mostly ludicrous (and those that would join probably lack talent and talking about the Illuminati offends people with talent). Hip Hop was created in the early 1970's by Kool Herc with Jamaican influences. It spread from Bronx, NY and is a worldwide culture. Human expression in using words existed from thousands of years even in the griots from West Africa thousands of years ago. Yet, to be technical, hip hop originated from NYC. Today, many forms of music have been infiltrated by corporate elite, occult symbolism, and other evil influences in order to make profit, have globalization, promote New Age views (like man is God that some Mason, 5 Percenters, witches, and other occultists believe in) destroy the concept of the family, have selfishness, and an antiGod mentality. Evidence of this is MTV showing a show glamorizing child nudity that even the secular crowd has reservations with. How do we respond to these news and developments? The first thing we do is to keep on with our beliefs. In other words, we are still not agreeing with sodium fluoride, I'm not following a man that believes in myths, we still should maintain our moral core convictions, and we shouldn't be ashamed of exposing issues related to the Illuminati at all. Also, we shouldn't follow gossip, but it's a reality that the industry uses manipulation to gain followers (one simple example is that Kabbalist Madonna using evil for years and then she acts as some reformed woman. Back then, she said she doesn't care if she goes to Hell, says that she won't allow her child watch TV today, and believes that Ein Sof is God). Heres another smoking gun of the evil in the Babylon we call the mainstream music industry. Theindustryexposed (a great YouTube exposer of this industry) found an excerpt from Belinda Carlisles June 2010 autobiography called Lips Unsealed. Carlisle admitted the following: I came home one day from a friends house holding a book that seemed like it might help me change my life. I hid it under my sweatshirt and went straight to my bedroom. I felt a tingle of excitement as I slipped it out and looked at the cover: The Satan Bible by Anton LaVey. I read bits and pieces, and although I understood very little of the authors rant against Christianity, I focused on terms like exorcism, evil, and black magic, thinking I could find out how to cast spells and take control of my life. This wasnt the first book Id read on the subject, but it got me in the mood to finally try to cast a spell. I slid a box out from under my bed and removed the contents I had assembled earlier: brewed tea Leaves, oak twigs, strings, and a candle. I arranged them in front of me as Id seen a different book. I chanted some words and called on the invisible powers of the Universe to give my life the excitement I felt it lacked and everything else I wanted. What did I

want? I asked myself that question for most of my life. As a kid, I wanted out of my house, a place of much torment and trouble. The punk scene became my refugee, my safe haven, the forgiving, understanding world where I could be anything I wanted in my case, a rock star. After I became a rock star, I still didnt know what I wanted. Finally, many years later, I began to realize I had been asking the wrong question. It was actually one night in 2005 when I finally came clean with myself, when I asked what it was I needed, not what I wanted. I had gone to London for business, but spent 3 straight days locked in my hotel room, doing cocaine. I went on the biggest binge of my life, which is saying something considering I had used, boozed, and abused for thirty years. When I looked at my eyes in the mirror, I didnt see anyone looking back at me. The lights were out. I was gone The words are self explanation. See, its silly to assume that people like me dont have evidence when the real evidence is shown by the worlds own sources in 3D. So, Belinda Carlisle from the Go Gos dealt with the spirit world and read books on magic.

The head of the FBI was J. Edgar Hoover. Just before Hoover died, he was in an ideological war with Nixon. One reason was that Nixon had done some progressive foreign policies that Hoover disagreed with (like opening relations with Communist China, signing SALT I agreement with the Soviet leader Brezhnev [this created dtente], ending the draft, and withdrawing all American military forces by early 1973). Nixon wanted Hoover to retire, which Hoover refused to do.

This doesnt mean that Nixon was some saint. He wasnt. He was a member of the Bohemian Grove and targeted anti-war dissidents. The Beatles manager was Brian Epstein. He died in 1967 via a drug overdose. John Lennon did believe in legitimate concepts like being for peace, opposing the Vietnam War, and believing in mutual civil rights. U.S. vs. John Lennon is a 2006 documentary. It exposed about how the Nixon government tried to monitor John Lennon and deport him for his anti-war, pro-peace ideologies. Ive seen it before on Vh1 years ago. He wasnt perfect of course. Lennon was in error in having like an intense hatred of Christian beliefs (since early in his life, he experienced the apostate Anglicanism that has been infiltrated by Jesuitism & Romanism in general. He and the other Beatles in their youth drew dirty pictures, used theft, and rebelled in other criminal ways. This is a known fact. This is why they had to once dress in a more conservative fashion when they first came into America), being confused about his own spirituality, and having his other Beatles buddies (plus him) sympathize with the philosophy of Aleister Crowley (of doing what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. This means in his words do what you want as long as you dont you hurt anybody. Yet, they omit that Crowley was a sick man who did obscene rituals and was a Satanist basically. He worked for British Intelligence and desire to destroy many moral values in order to promote his new Aeon in global society. The elite used the liberals and the conservatives as pawns in order to stir the Left/Right Paradigm). The Beatle's Sgt. Pepper album showed Crowley as one of their heroes. In the song God, Lennon boldly said, I don't believe in magic. I don't believe in Bible. I don't believe in tarot. I don't believe in Jesus. I just believe in me. Yoko and me. Thats reality. This New Age thinking is exampled in the song Imagine. Yet, this song is more complex than one realizes. Here is John Lennons explanation of how Imagine was written as told to Playboy interviewer David Sheff in the fall of 1980: Dick Gregory gave Yoko and me a little kind of prayer book. It is in the Christian idiom, but you can apply it anywhere. It is the concept of positive prayer. If you want to get a car, get the car keys. Get it? Imagine is saying that. If you can imagine a world of peace, with no denominations of religionnot without religion but without this my-God-is-bigger-than-your-God thingthen it can be true. The song was originally inspired by Yokos book Grapefruit. In it are a lot of pieces saying, imagine this, imagine that. Yoko actually helped a lot with the lyrics, but I wasnt man enough to let her have credit for it. I was still selfish enough and unaware enough to sort of take her contribution without acknowledging it. I was still full of wanting my own space after being in a room with guys all the time, having to share everything. So when Yoko would even wear the same color as me, I used to get madly upset: We are not the Beatles! We are notSunny and Cher!... The song doesnt want to imagine Heaven, which I dont agree with. Here are the lyrics to Lennon's hit song Imagine (1971):

Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people

Living for today... Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one..

*Ive always show the real truth even if it took some time Its not hard to understand that Lennon and Yoko Ono supported the occult like Tm, tarot cards, etc. way into the 1970s. Lennon done yoga to 1980. Lennon and Yoko participated in sances, and Yoko believed that she was a reincarnation of a 3,000year-old Persian mummy that she had purchased in from Switzerland. John Lennon was known to be in rages, hitting people, and using profane language as late as 1979. When Yoko was pregnant with their son (Sean Ono Taro Lennon), John Lennon once kicked her in the stomach during an explosive confrontation; Lennon later hit the young Sean, even kicking him once in a restaurant (Giulianos Lennon in America, pp. 111, 138). One source mentions that: In interviews in December 1980, just before his death, he described his beliefs as Zen Christian, Zen pagan, Zen Marxist or nothing at all (Steve Turner, The Ballad of John and Jesus, Christianity Today, June 12, 2000, p. 86). We still dont know all about John Lennons death. The official story is that John Lennon was murdered by the lone mentally disturbed man by the name of Mark David Chapman. Like usual in these strange occurrences, there is more to the story than meets the eye. Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo was the doorman of John Lennon. He was an anti-Castro Cuban exile and a member of Bridage 2506 during the Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961.

Lennon was murdered in December 8, 1980. Chapman obviously was sick and had mental illness problems. He would listen to Beatles records loudly and invoked Satan to give him inspiration in order to want to kill John Lennon. It isnt a secret that the establishment redirected the counterculture in order to distract people from exposing the criminal war in Vietnam and promote recreational drug usage (that was facilitated more by the Vietnam War, which made stronger the Golden Triangle Drug Trade in Southeast Asia. Recreational drug use distracted society from creating real radical solutions in solving economic, political, and social problems in the West. Real political movements were made stagnant by the Vietnam War & the counterrevolutionary movement). As for John Lennon, we all wish that he would of lived now, so he can make true amends with his life, especially with God. He should have been alive today.

The film of the Season of the Witch stars Nicholas Cage and Ron Perlman. It is directed by Dominic Sena. It will come out in America in the date of January 7, 2011. Nicolas Cage stars as a 14th century Crusader who returns with his comrade (played by Ron Perlman) to a homeland. This homeland has been ruined by the Black Plague. The church there blames sorcecy for the plague. The church commands the

2 knights to get the accused witch who is played by Claire Foy to a remote abbey. This is where the monks will perform a ritual to end the pestlience. A priest (Stephen Campbell Moore), a grieving knight (Ulrich Thomsen), an itinerant swindler (Stephen Graham) and a headstrong youth (Robert Sheehan) join a mission troubled by mythically hostile wilderness and fierce contention over the fate of the girl. Nicholas Cage is related to the Cupola family. He loves these movies since he has an interest in the occult and the mysteries. He starred in the pro-Masonry National Treasure movie series, and the Disneys the Sorcerers Apprentice (that has occult imagery too in it that glamorizes witchcraft). Masonry and Wicca are linked in more ways than one. They both say so mote it be, both have degrees, both either promote paganism or have doctrines that relate to paganism, and each adhere to various New Age ideologies. Its not a secret that Merlin/Druid/King Arthur myths are a key part of occult thinking. "The 21 Lessons of Merlyn" is one such book that was written by Douglas Monroe, an American Druid who studied in Britain.. Many Druids and occultists believe that a Perfected Man (like a King Arthur figure) can save the world. Some occultists are known to believe in Spiritualism, mediums, and other occult tenets as well. The film Season of the Witch glamorizes the witch while omitting that it wasnt real Christian killing witches. Back in those days, it was Papal terrorists killing Muslims, witches, and even real Christians that refused to accept the Pope as the Vicar of Christ or calling Mary the Queen of Heaven. Apostate Christianity isnt real Christianity at all. There is more information about Nicholas Cage that the world should know about. Cage is of the Hollywood establishment. He was in many symbolic films like National Treasure, Knowing, Wicker Man, etc. He was involved in the film called Kick A__. That film was about young children beating people up basically in wearing superhero costumes. He is famous for going out with the Scientologist Lisa Marie Presley. Cage married Presley for a while and he marriage Patricia Arquette. He's married now to Alice Kim Cage. Their son is ironically Kal-EL. This is the name of Superman before he went to Earth. Kal-EL is Hebrew for the Voice of God. Superman is known in the occult as relating to Kabbalah (This is ironic since Cage is into the occult in real life). He is pictured with Brett Ratner and a group of women dressed up as Monarch butterflies. Ratner directed Natalie Portman's New York, I Love You movie. Portman has relatives with links to intelligence agencies and other members of the establishment completely. Nicholas Cage is friends with Zeta Beta Tau member Jerry Bruckheimer and Jack Warner. Cage is also in the "The Ant Bully" movie where he played the wizard/sorcerer character. There is an outline of a Compass and Square in the chair. The film has the eye in the pyramid subliminal like in one of the movie's poster. The movie has Lucas' grandmother being obsessed with conspiracy theories (as Cage is somewhat like this in real life). In the "Season of the Witch" film there are symbols in it like pentagrams, masks, dissociative witches, arches, pillars, the light/dark dualism, etc. Cage's son Weston Coppola Cage is into the occult like his father. Weston is a part of a death metal band called "Eyes of Nocturn." He wears a Baphomet pentagram patch and an upside down cross. Weston's ex-girlfriend Christina Fulton was in the Lucinda's Spell film (that talked about witchcraft, the 69 sex magic imagery, etc. 69 is slang that the world uses for a specific sex act). Christina Fulton has butterfly imagery in her webpage to promote clothing. Weston designs occult inspired clothing. Weston in LIFE shows the horned hand sign with a serious look on his face. What more proof do you need of the occult









That's probably one of the reasons why Freemasonry is given a positive light in the National Treasure film series. In fact, Richard E. Fletcher, a 33 Scottish Rite Freemason hinted at a Masonic connection to the film. Fletcher said that he met Nicholas Cage and Cage admires Albert Pike. Nicholas Cage loves Freemasonry. Cage even quotes from Pike's literature in his discussions with Richard. Fletcher writes that part III of the National Treasure series might have even more symbolisms of Freemasonry in it. This is what Richard Fletcher said: "..."At the premier we met the star, Nicolas Cage, and learned that he respects and admires Albert Pike. He even quoted Pike in our discussions. There's sure to be a third movie in this successful franchise, and I'm hoping there will be even more Freemasonry in it." What are some more Masonic connections to the film already. Well, the film was released in December 21, 2007. That day wasn't only the time of the winter equinox. It was the date of St. John the Evangelist's Day. St. John the Evangelist and St. John the Baptist are considered to be the 2 patrons of Freemasonry. St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist are symbolic of the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. In the 25th degree, these tropics are referred to as the "Gates of the Sun" in the 25th degree lecture. Masons regularly give unnecessary praise of the sun. Pagans worship the sun. For example, 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall wrote about the sun as: "The sun, as supreme among the celestial bodies visible to the astronomers of antiquity, was assigned to the highest of the gods and became symbolic of the supreme authority of the Creator Himself ... The tenet of a Triune Divinity is not peculiar to Christian or Mosaic theology but forms a conscious part of the greatest religions of both ancient and modern times ... In every instance these represented the threefold form of one Supreme Intelligence ... All the Gods of antiquity resolved themselves into the solar fire ..." (Manly P. Hall, "The Secret Teachings of All Ages", p. XLIX)

Nicholas Cage is wild with promoting the movie called Kick A___. That movie is odd and strange. That movie shoves pro-new world order and mind control propaganda in the throats of many viewers. The movie was based on the comic book wrote by Mark Millar and John Romita, Jr. Matthew Vaughn was the director of the movie. She is married to the super model Claudia Schiffer. The film has some borderline pedophilic type of situation going on. A 10 year old girl is in the film and the girl's outfit is looking like an older women. She uses profane words and blows the head of the bad guys in wild scenes of death, murder, blood, and torture. The children act as killing crusaders. Nick Cage in the film shots his 11 year old daughter with a high powered handgun. Some view the film as one of the most blatant Illuminist like movie in recent time. The actress playing the Hit Girl is actress Chloe Grace Moretz. She is only 13 years old. The vigilante scenes represent lawlessness that martial law could be reality. There are monarch butterfly earrings in the film. Numerous several crude sexual comments are done by the men being the aimed at 'hit girl.' There is more symbolism in video games and other arenas too.

Popular culture is being exposed some more than in previous generations. There is a Nickelodeons show called the House of Anubis coming in America. It will come in January 2011. It already aired in Belgium and the Netherlands. The show is a show about children living in a boarding school. One school is missing a person and a person is replaced. All of the people in the boarding school have something to hide. There are pagan symbols in the film too. The show wants to unlock the secrets of the show. Most of the children are British and talk with a British accent. One person hides one eye. This person is under the control of the owner of the House of Anubis. One scene has a member with a robe on showing the hand sign of the Golden Dawn (that is common for the Rocafella group). This hand sign has been used for decades to perform occult rituals or ceremonies. The House of Anubis logo is the Eye of Horus of course. Anubis is the ancient Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife. The deal is Anubis prepares people for the afterlife. He keeps the sovereignty of souls. He decides the fate of people in a scale of justice. He is depicted as a half jackal, half human being. He wears a ribbon and a flail in the crook of its arm. Anubis is the son of Ra. This series certainly will present kids with many occult images beyond just the Eye of Horus. Another symbol is the man with horns on a door. This is akin to the Druid images of a face of a man. This show is like a new generation of a Harry Potter like series (in order to take serious real concepts of life like laws in science, exposing real conspiracies, and believing in the equality of the human race. You can look at the Bilderberg Group to witness elitists in action). Many teachers in UK boarding schools are Freemasons.

Trons Legacy is a remake of Tron back in the 1982. This was a year before I was born. Like the Tron before, this film coming in December 17, 2010 has cutting edge and amazing graphics. So, Tron Legacy is innovative in 2010 graphically (like the shown of the mechanical parts of futuristic motorcycle in a 3-D fashion or the movements of the lights in the film). Like the Matrix, the film is about a computer, digitalized world with people competing with each other for freedom or personal enlightenment. Back in the early 1980s when the original Tron came out; its graphics was very innovative for its time. There are many fans of the older movie. Tron and films like Blade Runner were like the Matrix of that time. Blade Runner was the godfather of taking science fiction movies to the next level. Joseph Kosinski makes his feature film directorial debut with Tron Legacy. Jeff Bridges plays his roles as Kevin Flynn and Clu. Bruce Boxleitner has his role as Alan Bradley and Tron. Flynns adult son is Sam (played by Garrett Hedlund). The other actors and actresses in Tron Legacy include Olivia Wilde, Beau Garrett, Michael Sheen, and

John Hurt. What is Tron? Tron is a security program that was created by Bradley for which Flynns arcade game is named after. The movie starts 20 years after Sam Flynn tries to find where his disappeared father Kevin is at. Kevin was an innovative programmer and former CEO of ENCOM International. One night comes along. Alan Bradley (a friend of Kevin and the former CEO of ENCOM International) sends Sam to investigate a mysterious page that originated from the long abandoned Flynns Arcade. Sam is finding clues about his fathers disappearance. Sam is suddenly transported into the digital world of the Grid. This is similar to the Matrix where scientific laws or gravity can be suspended. In Gnosticism, reality in the physical world is bashed. Sam is reunited with his father and they work together in trying to return home. They encounter vehicles, weapons, and landscapes that are more advanced than decades ago. The father and son must evade the CLU 2 (or an updated version of Flynns hacking program). CLU 2 tries to prevent Sam and Kevin to escape the digital world. CLU 2 was to act as a duplicate of Kevin Flynn and it was designed in 1983. The Grid has Castor/Zeus (or a program in the Grid that runs the End of Line Club at the top of a tower in the TRON city). Kevins confidante is the female Quorra (acting as a warrior and program). The vehicle in the film is the Light cycle, which is graphically advanced. Draft Punk is in the movie. Draft Punk is a famous alternative music band. The movie has theatrical 7.1 surround sound.

What should we take from Tron Legacy? We should take many things. The human imagination is huge and the digital world always represents the ideologies of some that such an alternative reality exists. Technology is developing fast in 2010 and 2011, but we should use technology wisely. We dont need transhumanism or a corruption of human technology to prove our worth or value. Kevin Flynn created many programs that often take on human forms and the Grid (being a computer world that could be in a parallel Universe). Flynn formed the CLU. CLU was created in Kevins image. This story line sounds familiar. CLU rebelled against Kevin Flynn and led astray a vast number of programs that Flynn also created. The CLU captured Kevin Flynns identity disc during the film of Tron Legacy. The CLU has the power to take his vast army and pass through the portal into planet Earth. Whats interesting is that various movies (like The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, The Sorcerers Apprentice, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, etc.) have similar stories about a villain or evil character using an army to take over the entire planet Earth. Some people feel that the new world order crowd use these film as predictive programming to covertly define their real agenda of trying to take over the world (via overt and covert means in the coming years and decades from now). Kevin Flynn is the typical god figure of Tron in the movie. His creation rebelled against him. Yet, at the end of the movie, Kevin Flynn gave up his life in order to stop the CLU from entering the portal that would take him and his army into planet Earth. This is similar to Jesus Christ dying for his Creation. It isnt totally Christian since of course Hollywood and the industry is pro-Gnostic/New Age and pro-Illuminist (with Masonic imagery in its films, buildings, etc.). Subliminal messages are found in the Tron film. In one part of the film, there is an image of the sun pyramid in the form of a light. This image is very akin to sun pyramid image of the Mummy Returns film. America is changing.

I havent forgot to expose Disney some more. I love to expose Disney, because thats my job. Walt Disney was a Demolay when he was a child. Even if Walt Disney wasnt a FBI snitch, he supported J. Edgar Hoover and the anti-free speech HUAC committee. Disney was a known reactionary. The Disney Company today is spreading their movies, shows, parks, etc. globally in a billion dollar empire. They are of and are for the establishment. Disneys NARIA promote the Pan figure. Pan is the god figure of Wicca (there is the female goddess counterpart in Wicca as well). Pan is a false sex god that Crowley praise. This Pan character in the NARIA film is named Mr. Tumnus. Disney promotes the character in knowing that some Christians dont know who Tumnus represents. Children are exposed to this since the glamorization of witchcraft is more out in the open than even 30 years ago. The Mar. Tumnus character and Lucy Prevensie acts in an almost subtle pedophilic interaction on the part of Mr. Tumnus. Tumnus tries to seduce a young girl in the film. He puts the little to sleep with his music from a magical flute. Tumnus wakes up crying and the little girl is crying. Tumus claims that he has done something bad (did he molest her?). No right thinking person would allow a stranger like Tumnus to be placed in a room alone with a young girl. Pan has been a code name for Satan for eons. There is no white magic. There is only magic that isnt apart of real spirituality. Real spirituality is about love without manipulating natural forces in a sinister fashion. Starling, another Wiccan leader, admitted that:
This might actually offend some, but it hides one of the great truths of witchcraft, that there is not white or black magick, there is only magick (Starling, message #1420, November 22, 2001, posted at Pagan Perspectives.) Even Anton LaVey, who founded the Church of Satan in 1966, admitted in his Satanic Bible" that there is no real difference between white and black magic, stating, "White magic is supposedly utilized only for good or unselfish purposes, and black magic, we are told, is used only for selfish or evil reasons. Satanism draws no such dividing line." LaVey also stated, "There is no difference between 'white' and 'black' magic, except in the smug hypocrisy, guilt-ridden righteousness and self-deceit of the "white" magician himself." (Anton LaVey, The Satanic Bible, New York: Avon Books, 1971, p. 110)

Pans Labyrinth takes the take in covert films promoting occultism, witchcraft, and possible subtle pedophilia. The movie is about an innocent little girl being presented to Pan. Pans Labyrinth is a very controversial film. The center of the movie is around the place of Ofeilia. It talks about a child living with her mother and adoptive father. The adoptive father is a military officer that is told to get rid of the area of rebels. Ofelia creates her own world with creatures and secret destinies. She creates her world with her own creations in trying to live in the postwar repression in its height. The young girl is trying to escape the evils of Spanish fascism. The story is also set in the fascist regime controlling rural Spain in 1944. The movie is ironically rated R for its graphic violence and profanity. Again, Pan is the pagan false god of sexual fertility, lust, etc. The movie shows a 12 year girl falling in love with the fawn (looking like Pan). This fawn lives in the labyrinth. Sick, borderline pedophilic type of stuff is common in popular culture. The fawn acts as some sex predator according to some people. Researchers have found more occult symbolism in the movie as describing Ofelias test of character and ritual initiation in an esoteric sense. Esoteric people want to use archetypal myths and symbols in order to cause images to resonate in the collective and personal unconscious. The movie views the material world as absurd, while the fantasy world is where illuminated being live at. This world is like the Underworld. In real life, the labyrinth has been used by ancient civilization to represent initiation places. They were symbolic of another world or the lower world where man tries to search for enlightenment. Ofelia goes into a journey in the fantasy world to try to gain enlightenment. Yet, Ofelia is murdered by Capital Vidal ending herself sacrifice to finish the initiation journey. Afterwards, Ofelia goes into the underworld. She meets up with 3 pillars (of the father, the mother, and he being the princess in the Underworld). The concepts of will, sacrifice, and rebirth exist in the occult mysteries as a part of initiation dogma. In reality, there are evils things in the physical world of course. Yet, not everything in the physical realm is evil. The mountains, stars,

waters, the existence of animals, and human beings following Gods will are righteous things. Before we go into the aftermath, we have to make certain that we get our lives right with God period. There is no equivocation in that reality. There will be a lot more Popular Culture articles to come.

The movies producer, named Guillermo Del Toro, admitted that one of the works that the movie was influenced was by the controversial book The great god Pan from Arthur Machen in 1890. Guillermo Del Toro directed the films of The Devils Backbone, Hellboy, and Blade II. Machens work was extended in 1894. It was controversial for its content. Del Toro himself has said that he considers Pan's Labyrinth a truly profane film, a layman's riff on Catholic dogma. I guess the truth is coming out more than ever. The Apostle Paul in Colossians 3:1-8 gave great advice on how to handle this ever changing world:

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them. But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth

There are even covert sexual images in Disney cartoon shows, movies spanning for decades. The spoken word poem by the Sister Lauryn Hill stuck in my mind a lot. It shows a lot of the truth going on in the world as it pertains to mainstream popular culture and the wickedness in society in general. You dont even have to agree with Lauryn Hill on every issue, but she is right in expressing the words in this poem. The lyrics to the poem are the following:

Rotating bodies, confusion of sound Negative imagery, holding us down Social delusion, clearly constructed Human condition, morals corrupted Trapped in reaction, lawlessness war Dissatisfaction from bowels to core Devils technology, strategy for Human mythologies, urban folklore Sick of psychology, counterfeit cure Wicked theology, robbing the poor

Scheme demonology mislead the pure Strictly strategically studying war Light shown in darkness, image exposed Few can see through the new emperors clothes Lustful this hustle turn humans to hoes When the blind lead the blind Just more trouble and woes Its the mind that they chose Its designed to stay closed Standard of jokers, court just a logic Sick looking cosmics, from schoolyards to college Primitive man with civilize knowledge System collapse and he still wont acknowledge God is the saviour, studies behavior Trying to fix the mix mind that he gave ya Stiff-necked scholars on prescription meds Wishing their problems were all in their heads Morale dilemma, pride is the root Misguided from youth, heart divided from truth Egyptians and Grecians, spiritually dead Imperially led, by the gods in their heads Motives and thoughts Industrial wealth Global economy, in it for self Heart full of madness, covered with kind Pleasure designed to take over your mind Furnished in godliness, painted in good This tainted priesthood got real saints misunderstood While classes in government, set up the veil And cultivate minds for more mythical tales Typical Hollywood follies good girl While vice and corruption take over the world Motives and thoughts Check your motives and thoughts Blind with the wickedness, deep in your heart Modern day wickedness is all youve been taught Lied to your neighbors, so you get ahead Modern day trickery is all youve been fed Motives and thoughts Check your motives and thoughts

Those of us who research this stuff in a credible fashion aren't fooled by those who deny the corporate control of the mainstream music industry or the tactics some use in that world indeed. That is why people like me don't gossip about the musical world or the Illuminati at all. We do serious research all of the time. That is why some in that music industry are angry since we use serious research. It has a resonance. Many of these musicians are used as puppets to promote the agendas of globalization, loose moral values, and a sense of moral relativism. Its kind of like the mainstream entertainment industry is an extension of the military industrial complex (where money that could be used to help the poor and build up our infrastructure are utilized for silly materialistic items).

"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" Romans 1:20

Far too often, some people want to be a part of the fold to get by in life. They engage in subterfuge and desperate need for acceptance in order to achieve conformity. Yet, people like us dont have to go out like that. We can have humor, have enjoyment in life, and still embrace the sense of seriousness at times to oppose injustice plus rectify complications existing in our sphere. The dedicated resistance toward evil is the embrace of the shining light of truth. People will have to be real to themselves and any human being. You don't even have to be in the middle. Be yourself if youre a man or a woman. I rather be hot or cold than lukewarm. Forget being in the middle like some transformer. Be you and never be ashamed of what your eclectic tastes are whether you're a man or a woman. We should

stand up for ourselves and others that need our help too like human beings. We should never scapegoat or hate anyone unfairly for any reason whatsoever. We should be legendary. You don't have to be some Hollywood, fake individual. Ill fight like a man for my liberty. Be you, embrace morality, and embrace the truth.

By Timothy

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