Chaplin and Fairbanks

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‘Enthusiasm at Sub-Treasury. Besides the parade of the New York State Guard last night,, Liberty Loan meetings and demonstrations were held throughout the city yesterday. Great enthusiasm marked the Liberty Loan meeting in front of the Sub-Treasury yesterday, at which Douglas Fairbanks and Charlie Chaplin took part. As far as the cye could reach from the top of the steps of the Sub-Treasury the Streets were a mass of upturned faces, and apparently all who could get the necessary room to free an arm raised it aloft when they were asked to pledge themsélves to buy Liberty bonds. | The promise of Charlle Chaplin and Douglas Fairbanks—not to mention a hint that Mary Pickford might grace the occasion—tied up traffic in the finan- elal district in a knot that the police re- serves could not begin to undo. Wall Street was jammed full of humanity from Trinity Church to William Strect, while Nassau and Broad were packed from Pine down beyond the Curb mar- ket, Old George Myles, who has guard- ed the front hallway of J. P. Morgan &, Co.'s offices for years, said he had never seen a crowd which approached yester- day's for density. ,

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