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ae Tite, COUNCIL OF mani cr ria cry oF New York ota SO ORR et JAMES VACCA November 8, 2010 ‘The Honorable David A, Paterson Governor State of New York State Capitol Albany, NY 12224 “The Honorable Sheldon Silver ‘952 Legislative Office Albany, NY 12248 “The Honorable John L, Sampson Democratic Conference Leader [New York State Senate 409 Legislative Office Building Albany, NY 12247 Dear Governor Paterson, Speaker Silver, and Conference Leader Sampson: ‘We read with great alarm a recent medi report indicating that New York State faces a $315 milion aude shortfall that must be closed by December 31, While we fully appreciate the aave Fiscal challenges facing our Sate, we are also aware thatthe Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) i itself ina state of emergency. Weare urging you, as you work o clase the impending gap, to keep transit Funding imact ‘Our concer is stoked by the evens of last December, Confronted with a midyear budget deci the State diverted $143 milion from our mass tasit“Toekbon” to the general fund, in effect aiding apo of ‘dedicated taxes that wer specially enacted to suppor the MTA and New York straphangers. This budget “sweep” shook tne MTA"saleady-unstablefisal house. Asa resul the authority implemented the most severe service cus in its histor. eliminating dozens of bus and subway lines and reducing service on over 100 others. Those cuts sanded tens of thousands of New Yorkers and saddled thousands more with longer waits, additonal transfers, and more crowded commutes. Despite the drastic service cuts and a 7.5% fate and toll hike scheduled for January — the third in as ‘many years — the MTA’s budget outlook remains bleak. The MTA projets an operating deficit of $87 nillion next year and substantially higher deficits inthe out yeas. Is five-year capital pln s short nearly 10 bilion, with no funding provided by the State past the second year. Staphangers fae the real Possibility of addtional service cuts o fare hikes if the MTA cannot identify steady funding sources, Ata time when the State shouldbe focused on shoring up the future of mass transit funding —~ and restoring the $14 million that wes diverted lst year — conducting another “sweep” would send aterible message. “The MTA’s subways, buses, ad tains are the engine that drives New York's economy: New York City cannot survive without virant mass ansit system, and our mass transit system cannot survive without ‘sable source of funding, Denying the MTA any additional funds from is dedicated tax stream a this time would bea short-term fx with severe fong-ierm consequences. We urge you to take a different rout, Sincerely, Von J Dee Kende vet ly Cons SYPIRE Snes Campion \ iS the= S il Pan Sch hie ate Sin Fae Der Fate Dis “Transportation Alternat ves ‘TriState Transportation Campaign

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