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November 9, 2010

Statement on the battles between DKBA and SPDC in Myawaddy and Three Pagoda Pass

1. Restoration Council of the Shan State (RCSS)/Shan State Army (SSA) specially congratulates the
Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) on their brave and firm decision to fight against the
SPDC for their insincerity and brutality.

2. Burmese dictators wrote the 2008 constitution on their own without the consent of the people,
held the unfair 2010 elections and forced the DKBA to become border-guard force to fight and
kill one another among Karen people.

DKBA has set an example against these for all the ethnic armed groups as well as the ceasefire
groups by fighting the Burmese dictators in Myawaddy and Three Pagoda Pass.

3. Although the DKBA possesses the desire to build the country through peace and development by
making ceasefire with the SPDC, it is clear that the battles have taken place between DKBA and
Burma army because of the oppression made by Burma army on the other ethnic people and the
ethnic cleansing policy by chauvinistic Burma army.

Therefore, RCSS/SSA makes this statement to congratulate DKBA on their bravery in countering
Burma army.

We take this opportunity to urge that now it is time for all the ethnic armed groups to find the way
for better unity in order to assist DKBA in the fight against the Burmese dictators.

Central Executive Committee

Restoration Council of the Shan State

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