JPG Patent Reexam

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UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE TRETED STATES DEFARIVENT OF COMMERCE ‘APPLICATION NO, FILING DATE TARST NAMED INVENTOR [ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. | _CONFRMATIONNO, 907005 972 1aAi007 32553411 516 1890 ornaz008 BANNER SCOTT J. FIELDS SYNNESTVEDT & LECHNER 2600 ONE READING CENTER TARTUNTT | __ PAPER NUMBER 1101 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19107 DATEMAILED: 072272008 Please find below and/or attached an Office communication conceming this application or proceeding. PTO:90C (Rev. 1003) UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, ‘Commissioner for Patents ‘United Stats Patents and Trademark Office Pox 50 Alesana, VA 2313-1450 ‘wir s70go" THIRD PARTY REQUESTER'S CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Date: VERNON W. FRANCISSEN MAILED FRANCISSEN PATENT LAW, P.C. sue 222008 53 W. JACKSON BLVD., SUITE#1320 wt CHICAGO,IL 60604 ‘CENTRAL REEXAMINATION UI EX PARTE REEXAMINATION COMMUNICATION TRANSMITTAL FORM REEXAMINATION CONTROL NO. : 90008972 PATENT NO. : 5253341 ART UNIT : 3992 Enclosed is a copy of the latest communication from the United States Patent and Trademark Office in the above identified ex parte reexamination proceeding (37 CFR 1.550(f)). Where this copy is supplied after the reply by requester, 37 CFR 1.535, or the time for filing a reply has passed, no submission on behalf of the ex parte reexamination requester will be acknowledged or considered (37 CFR 1.550(g)). ‘Control No. Patent Under Reexamination ‘30/008, 972, 5,253,341 C1 ET Office Action in Ex Parte Reexamination Examiner MAJID A. BANANKHAH. ~= The MAILING DATE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address ~ aX] Responsive to the communication(s) fled on 21 December 2007, LI This action is made FINAL. cL] A statement under 37 CFR 1.530 has not been received from the patent owner. ‘A shortened statutory period for response to this action is set to expire 2 month(s) from the mailing date of this letter. Failure to respond within the period for response will result in termination of the proceeding and issuance of an ex parte reexamination certificate in accordance with this action. 37 CFR 1.550(d). EXTENSIONS OF TIME ARE GOVERNED BY 37 CFR 1.550(c}. If the period for response specified above is less than thiry (30) days, a response within the statutory minimum of thirty (30) days will be considered timely Part| THE FOLLOWING ATTACHMENT(S) ARE PART OF THIS ACTION: 1. LJ Notice of References Cited by Examiner, PTO-892. 3. 1 Interview Summary, PTO-474. 2. (1 Information Disclosure Statement, PTO/SB/08. 40 __. Part il SUMMARY OF ACTION Claims 17 are subject to reexamination. tb. CJ Claims __are not subject to reexamination Claims __ have been canceled in the present reexamination proceeding, Claims __are patentable andlor confirmed. Claims 17 are rejected Claims __are objected to ‘The drawings, fled on _ are acceptable. ‘The proposed drawing correction, filed on has been (7a)[] approved (7b)L) disapproved. ‘Acknowledgment is made ofthe priority claim under 35 U.S.C. § 119(@)-() or (. 2)CLAI b)L)Some* cj] None ofthe certified copies have 10) been received 20) not been received 301 been fied in Application No.___ ooo00wmo0008 4(] been filed in reexamination Control No.___. SL] been received by the Intemational Bureau in PCT application No.__. * See the attached detailed Office action for alist of the certified copies not received, 9. [1 Since the proceeding appears to be in condition for issuance of an ex parte reexamination cerliicate except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is closed in accordance with the practice under Ex parte Quayle, 1935 C.D. 11, 4530.6, 213, 10.0 other cc: Requester (if thied party requester) Parte Vaden Of Prot -488 (Rev. 08-06) Office Action in Ex Parte Reexamination Pat of Paper No. 20080709

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