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Articles are never written about

artists randomly. There is always a

reason behind the article. This
article has been written because Q
see Arcade Fire as the band of the
This article is not just an “Q and A” the questions and answers are woven in the article
along with the interviewers observations. For example, “Regine Chassagne is thinking
“Go, Win.”” this is the interviewers observation. And “ Normally,” he will later note,
sagely.” This is a answer of what the person being interviewed has answered.
This is more interesting than a simple “question and answer” because you get more of
a feel of the artists personality and you get a fuller picture of what happened, for
example “surrounding him are 19,500 ardent Arcade Fire fans..” and “...when you're
6'4”...” you wouldn't get to know this information if it was just a question and answer
interview. You learn more about the artists and more in-depth information is added.
In the first paragraph there is a “drop capital” used. Which is when the first letter of
the first word is made larger. In this case, there is a huge “T” and also there is a
smaller “t” at the beginning of the word “teetering”. The large “T” is in red and a
very large size. This helps draws your attention to the paragraph.
The first three paragraphs set the scene of the concert Arcade Fire were playing.
You know this because the first line it mentions “Madison Square Garden” and “Rock
Star Moment”. From these words we know straight away that they are playing a
concert at Madison Square Garden.
The text is a mixture of both formal and informal language. For
example, it uses formal language when it says “trepidation and delight”
are formal words, however it also uses words like “gonna” which is an
informal slang word.
It also makes up words such as “broadbandland” which is another
word for the internet.
It also uses some musical terms, such as “vintage synth” which could
be something only musically-clued-up people would know. However, it
also uses less-technical words for example when it says he was playing
the piano it says “thumps.” which is also informal.
It uses a mixture of formality and informality because it helps the
reader relate to the text more. When using informal words it's like
you're talking to friends and when it uses formal words it's gives the
feeling that the magazine knows what it's talking about.
The paragraphs are pretty short, 17 lines being the longest paragraph. However,
the sentences are relatively long.
Interviews usually use minor and simple sentences because they keep the
audiences attention for longer. However, it is also important not to have too short
of sentences because it'll feel very “stop start” which can be annoying to read.
There is also a text grab used, it is in red capital letters. This helps to grab
attention of the reader. When there is a text grab it is usually something
controversial picked out to cause controversy.
With the text to picture ratio there is more text than pictures. There is one large
picture of two of the band members and the rest is text. This isn't usually the best
option to use because the reader can get bored or being put of reading the article
with masses of text.
There is no spelling and grammar errors in the article. This is because there
is an editor who proof reads the article to make sure it is free of any errors.
Also, if the magazine printed articles with errors in it, it would lose a lot of
credibility and it wouldn't be seen as professional.
In order to ensure my article has no mistakes I will use spell check and/or a
dictionary. Also, I can get others to proof read my article to make sure I
haven't written something that doesn't make grammatical sense.

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