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The Prayer (Ṣalāh) Made Easy www.alkiani.


The Prayer (Ṣalāh)

made easy

The First Unit

What to Say (Transliteration/Translation) What to Do

1. Takbīr (Exaltation of Allāh)

Raise your hands to your ears

Allāhu Akbar and then tie them below your
navel with the right hand over
Allāh is the Greatest. the left, staring at the place of

2. Thanā’ (Praise)

This must be recited in the first

subḥānak Allāhumma wa bi-ḥamdiKa unit of every prayer.
wa tabārak-asmuKa
wa taʿālā jadduKa
wa lā ilāha ghayruK(a)

The Prayer (Ṣalāh) Made Easy

Glory be to You, O Allāh, and [extreme] praise

Your Name is blessed
Your Majesty is exalted
And there is no god but You.

3. Taʿawwudh (Seeking Protection)

This must be recited in the first

aʿūdhu bi ’Llāhi mina ’sh-shayṭāni ’r-rajīm unit of every prayer.
I seek refuge with Allāh from Shayṭān the accursed

4. Basmalah (Saying the Name of Allāh)

This is be recited in the first

bismi ’Llāhi ’r-Raḥmāni ’r-Raḥīm unit of every prayer.
[I begin] with the Name of Allāh, the Divinely-Compassionate, the Ever-Merciful.

5. [Sūrat] al-Fātiḥah (the Opening)

This must be recited in every

al-ḥamdu li ’Llāhi Rabbi ’l-ʿālamīn unit of every prayer.
ar- Raḥmāni ’r-Raḥīm
Māliki yawmi ’d-dīn
iyyāKa naʿbudu wa iyyaKa nastaʿīn
ihdina ’ṣ-ṣirāṭā ’l-mustaqīm
ṣirāṭa ’lladhīna anʿamTa ʿalayhim
The Prayer (Ṣalāh) Made Easy

ghayri ’l-maghḍūbi ʿalayhim

wa la ’ḍ-ḍāllīn
All Praise is due to Allāh, Lord of [all] the worlds
The Divinely-Compassionnate, the Ever-Merciful
Master of the Day of Judgement
You alone we worship, and You alone we seek for help
Guide us on the Straight Path
The Path of those whom You have favoured
Not of those who have earned [Your] anger and nor of those who went astray.

6. Added Sūrah

[Sūrat al-Ikhlāṣ] A short Sūrah, or at least three

verses, are added in every unit
of every non-obligatory prayer.
qul huwa ’Llāhu aḥad In obligatory prayers, it is only
Allāhu ’ṣ-Ṣamad added in the first 2 units.

lam yalid wa lam yūlad

wa lam yaku ’l-laHū kufuwan aḥad
Say (O Beloved Muḥammad): ‘He is Allāh, the only One
Allāh is Eternal, Independent
He did not beget and nor was He begotten
And there is none equal to Him.’

7. Takbīr (Exaltation of Allāh)

The Prayer (Ṣalāh) Made Easy

Release your hands and enter

Allāhu Akbar the bowing (rukūʿ) posture, with
Allāh is the Greatest.
hands gripping the knees, back
being parallel to the ground,
and staring between the feet.

8. Tasbīḥ (Praise) in Bowing (Rukūʿ)

This must be pronounced three

subḥāna Rabbī (y)al-ʿAẓīm times in the bowing posture.
Glory to my Lord, the Great.

9. Tasmīʿ

Whilst saying this, adopt the

samiʿAllāhu li-man ḥamidaH standing posture, with hands
Allāh hears whoever praises Him.
hanging down the sides, staring
at the place of prostration.

10. Taḥmīd

Say this when you are standing

Rabba-nā laKa ’l-ḥamd upright.
Our Lord! All praise be to You.

11. Takbīr (Exaltation of Allāh)

Perform the prostration: knees

The Prayer (Ṣalāh) Made Easy

should touch the ground first,

Allāhu Akbar softly, then the hands,
Allāh is the Greatest.

12. Tasbīḥ (Praise) in Prostration (Sajdah)

This must be pronounced three

subḥāna Rabbī (y)al-Aʿlā times.
Glory to my Lord, the Most High.

13. Takbīr (Exaltation of Allāh)

Adopt the sitting posture. The

Allāhu Akbar right foot must be erect with
the toes bent facing the Qiblah,
Allāh is the Greatest. and the left foot must be resting
flat on the floor.

14. Takbīr (Exaltation of Allāh)

Repeat Step 12
Allāhu Akbar
Allāh is the Greatest.

15. Takbīr (Exaltation of Allāh)

After second prostration of first

Allāhu Akbar unit, say the Takbīr and adopt

The Prayer (Ṣalāh) Made Easy

Allāh is the Greatest. the standing posture, with

hands tied below the navel, as
you did in the first unit.

The Second Unit

In the second unit, repeat what you did in the first unit, missing out Steps 1,2,3 & 4.

16. Tashahhud (Testimony)

After the second prostration of

at-taḥiyyātu li ’Llāhi the second unit, adopt the
wa ’ṣ-ṣalawātu wa ’ṭ-ṭayyibātu, sitting posture, staring at the
as-salāmu ʿalayka ayyuha ’n-nabiyyu
When pronouncing the word of
wa-raḥmatu ’Llāhi wa barakātuH, negation (lā), coloured here in
as-salāmu ʿalaynā green, one is to form a circle
with the middle finger and
wa-ʿalā ʿibādi ’Llāhi ’ṣ-ṣāliḥīn, thumb of the right hand, and
raise the index finger. When
ash’hadu al-lā ilāha illa ’Llāhu reaching the word of
wa ash’hadu anna Muḥammadan affirmation (illā), he should
lower the index finger and
ʿabdu-Hū wa-rasūluH release the circle to normal
position coloured here in red.
All oral, physical and monetary worship is for Allāh,
peace be upon you O Prophet, as well as the mercy and blessings of Allāh,
peace be upon us all, and upon the righteous servants of Allāh.
I testify that there is no god but Allāh,
And I testify that Muḥammad is His servant and messenger.

The Prayer (Ṣalāh) Made Easy

If this is a prayer of more than 2 units, then say the Takbīr, adopt the standing posture and repeat all the Steps from Step 5 onwards.

At the end of the final unit, perform the following Steps.

17. Ṣalawāt (Invoking Blessings)

Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā āli-Muḥammadin Remain in the sitting posture,
ka-mā ṣallayTa ʿalā Ibrāhīma wa ʿalā āli-Ibrāhīma inna-Ka with both hands on thighs,
fingers spread apart, and staring
Ḥamīdu ’m-Majīd, at the lap.
Allāhumma bārik ʿalā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā āli-Muḥammadin
ka-mā bārakTa ʿalā Ibrāhīma wa ʿalā āli-Ibrāhīma inna-Ka
Ḥamīdu ’m-Majīd,
Rabbi ’jʿal-nī muqīma ’ṣ-ṣalāti wa min-dhurriyyatī,
Rabbanā wa-taqabbal duʿā,
Rabbana ’ghfir lī wa-liwālidayya wa li ’l-mu’minīna yawma
yaqūmu ’l-ḥisāb
O Allāh! Shower mercy upon Muḥammad and upon the family of Muḥammad, just as you showered mercy upon Ibrāhīm
and upon the family of Ibrāhīm - indeed, You are Praiseworthy and Majestic.
O Allāh! Shower blessings upon Muḥammad and upon the family of Muḥammad, just as you showered blessings upon
Ibrāhīm and upon the family of Ibrāhīm - indeed, You are Praiseworthy and Majestic.
My Lord, make me one who performs the prayer, as well as my children.
Our Lord, accept the supplication.
Our Lord, forgive me, both my parents and [all] the believers on the day when the Reckoning will be established.

The Prayer (Ṣalāh) Made Easy

18. Salām (Salutation)

as-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-raḥmatu ’Llāh Turn your head to the right

Peace and Blessings of Allāh be upon you. side.
Turn your head to the left side.
as-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-raḥmatu ’Llāh
Peace and Blessings of Allāh be upon you.

End of Prayer

Text Highlighted GREEN is only to be recited in the first unit of any prayer (or third unit of non-emphasised sunnah prayer).
Text Highlighted PINK is: short Sūrah or 3 verses to be added to the Fātiḥah in first 2 units of obligatory (farḍ) prayer, or every unit
of non-obligatory prayer.

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