Eve 6

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How did you attract/address your audience?

I think because the film is about a young couple breaking up and Katie being a jealous ex-
girlfriend it immediately addresses an audience who have been in this situation because they
will be able to identify with the characters which is a need outlined by Denis McQuail in the
uses and gratifications theory. Also young people were the ones who in my target audience
questionnaire were most interested in watching horror films. Especially young males, this
would then attract young males even more because they may have had a jealous ex girlfriend
in the past and can relate and get scared by the story therefore they would get that thrill that
they expect from a horror film.

On the other hand, we have addressed young females and attracted them to watch the film by
using a female antagonist. This would attract them to watch the horror film as they would feel
more secure because the female is not shown as the weak vulnerable character like she
usually is, they therefore would feel less scared and more comfortable.

Also from getting feedback from older females it is the loud outbursts of music that puts them
off horror films, therefore we did not use outbursts of music so that the opening would not
scare them but the dull tone would intrigue them as it builds tension.

By sticking to horror conventions such as the setting, props and costume we would attract
horror fans as they would recognize these conventions and this would make them want to
watch and wait for the fright which gives them that thrill. On the other hand, by going against
some conventions we would attract other people who may not like horror films but would be
intrigued in ours as they may think because we have challenged conventions such as
displaying no weapon and having a female antagonist they would not be as scared. Also
because we have challenged such major conventions they would have to be more active
because we do not want our audience to comply with the hypodermic needle theory where
they just absorb the information, instead we want them to think about why we have changed
the conventions and what is the outcome.

We would attract the demographic groups C1 to E through the use of modern not designer
clothing and the situation displayed. They will be able to identify with both of these factors as
they would know the situation of a break up personally or through friends. Also the average
clothes would be reasonably cheap and not branded so they would not feel intimidated by
expensive clothing and relate to the costume.

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