Emmaline Gordon Storyboard Resit

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Shot one begins with a long shot of our lead protagonist walking through a woodland area, the camera

will be situated behind a tree in the foreground with herself in the background. This is specifically to make her look smaller than the woodland and more confined so there for straight away beginning the horror with vulnerability.

We will then go to a long shot, head on of the protagonist still walking through the woodland. This will still be establishing of the environment she is walking through and the creepy essence of it.

As the scene changes to the garages there will be a wide establishing shot to show the viewer the new background which will be similarly if not more suspenseful than the previous area.

We will then film an over the shoulder shot of the stalker in the foreground with our protagonist in the background. Similarly to the first frame our protagonist will look vulnerable in the shot as she will be dressed in innocent colours and will be much smaller than the antagonist. This will again be filmed in the garages of Broomfield as they have a run down abandoned look, creating a feeling of isolation and helplessness.

We will then go onto a mid-shot from behind the protagonist again in a new area of her journey. Now on an abandoned road, by now it will be low key lighting as it will be night time. The protagonist will walk past the camera onto frame to give the on going impression of her journey home. But by filming from behind it gives the impression she is being followed or watched from a position she cannot see.

For a fearful effect the camera will then switch onto our protagonist from the front to show there is infact no one following her although it may have previously felt that way. The shot will similarly be long shot but the camera will stay in position so that she walks towards the frame and then right out of frame.

The piece will finish with a close up of unlocking a front door to ultimate the piece.

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