CL Newsletter Summer 08

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Domain Name Developments

Briefing Notes for Com Laude
Clients & Contacts

Summer Issue: August 2008

announced that the process to expand the number of gTLDs
In this issue: had the green light: “The ICANN Board today accepted a
■ Briefing on new gTLDs: what we know, what we recommendation from its global stakeholders that it is
think, winners & losers possible to implement many new names to the Internet,
paving the way for an expansion of domain name choice and
■ ICANN policies: an end to Add Grace, GNSO reform
and RAA review opportunity.The potential here is huge. It represents a whole
new way for people to express themselves on the Net. It's a
■ Formality changes at 13 ccTLDs
massive increase in the 'real estate' of the Internet."
■ DRS updates from CAC, Nominet & Afnic
There’s not much chance of the bandwagon halting. ICANN
has published an anticipated timeline and directed staff to
complete work on an implementation plan which will be
Part One: gTLD News presented to the Board for approval at the 33rd ICANN Open
Meeting to be held in Cairo in November 2008.
New gTLDs: where are we now?
Today there are 21 gTLDs. In two years time, there may well
be 121 or 221. In a decade it is possible that there could be as
many gTLDs as there are categories in the Yellow Pages, a
melange of generic terms, city and place names, titles of
indigenous peoples, cultural and social indicators and trade
marks. Indeed, it could be that gTLDs will outnumber ccTLDs,
a sobering thought for the IP community.

What do we know for certain about

the new gTLD process?
The ICANN Team running the new gTLD process is led by Kurt
Generic Top Level Domains are managed by ICANN, the Pritz, Senior VP of Services and Karla Valente, gTLD Program
Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers, a Director. They have appointed a number of consultants to
not-for profit corporation based in California which currently work with them on the development of an objective
creates policies through a bottom-up process, under the application and evaluation process including Deloitte Audit &
oversight of the US Department of Commerce. Provided you Enterprise Risk Services from Belgium which has been drafting
meet the rules of the registry, anyone anywhere can register the Request for Proposals (RFP) (which is what ICANN calls the
a gTLD. GTLD registries are currently split between Sponsored application form).
gTLDs (registries for a well-defined community such as
members of the International Co-operative Society who are Together they have designed a staged application process as
eligible for a .coop) and Unsponsored gTLDs such as .info follows:
which was designed as a simple alternative to .com. ■ A draft of the Application Form and the base contract
will be published;
On the last day of the 32nd ICANN Open Meeting on 26 June ■ Following comment from the internet community, the
2008, Dr Paul Twomey, President and CEO of ICANN, Application and Base contract will be finalised; COM LAUDE 1/10

■ Towards the end of a four month “period for auction. As the new gTLD Policy Process favoured
communication”, the final application period will open Community applications, a Community application that
for 45 days; can demonstrate it will “clearly and convincingly add
■ Applications must be accompanied by a fee at a level to more value to the global internet namespace” will win
be announced; over an Open application during Comparative
■ All complete applications will be posted on ICANN’s Evaluation.
website after the Application Period closes; ■ Applications that are approved will be recommended to
the Board for approval. Delegation of a character string
■ Applications will be divided into two categories:
into the root of the internet will depend on the
Open applications “from any type of applicant”
applicant demonstrating it has fulfilled all of the
including a trade mark owner applying for .BRAND
baseline criteria in the contract. ICANN will agree a time
Community applications which “address a clearly period with each separate applicant.
identified, organised and pre-established
community with a finite membership”.
The character string that is applied for must be
“strongly and specifically associated with the
community” and there must be a “dedicated
registration and use policy”
■ The Initial Evaluation phase will feature:
an examination of the character strings applied for.
ICANN has commissioned an algorithm to expose
clashes with existing TLDs (gTLDs and ccTLDs) and
reserved names

a Technical Evaluation: “Applicants must

demonstrate competence to run a registry in
What don’t we know about the
compliance with industry protocols and standards”
a Business Evaluation: “Applicants must
demonstrate the capability of running a stable ■ The exact timing: it appears that applications will open
registry”; in Q2 2009 but the history of gTLD expansion is littered
with broken deadlines.
■ If an Applicant fails the Initial Evaluation, it can apply for
■ The amount of the application fee: there has been
Extended Evaluation which may require the payment of
speculation that it could be as low as $100,000 to be
an additional fee;
accessible to community groups or as high as $500,000
■ An Objection process will then be opened during which
to deter speculative bids. Will any proportion of the
applications can be opposed on four grounds:
application fee be returned by ICANN if an application
1. String confusion (to avoid user confusion)
2. Existing legal rights (so IPR are protected)
■ The cost and process of mounting an objection: this is a
3. Morality and Public Order (to spare the blushes
vital piece of information for trade mark owners who
of governments)
may find that someone wants to turn their mark into
4. Community Objection (expected from religious
a gTLD.
organisations, indigenous groups, geographical
■ The model of auction, the auction provider and how
funds generated during an auction are to be used has
■ Objections will be managed by one of four independent
yet to be determined.
DRS providers.The same DRS provider will handle all
■ Who will apply: Several organisations have announced
objections under one of the above categories.The rules,
their intention of applying for gTLDs such as .berlin;
procedures, principles and fees will be created by each
.paris; .nyc; .arab; .fam (for families); .africa etc but who
DRS provider in conjunction with ICANN. If there is more
else is waiting in the wings?
than one objection to an application, it may be
■ How many applications there will be and how many will
consolidated with other complaints;
be approved: delegates at the ICANN Paris Meeting were
■ “String Contention” between two applicants who want
talking about 100 or 200 applications but if the
the same gTLD will be resolved through mutual
application fee is affordable, there could be 500 or even
discussion, a Comparative Evaluation process or an COM LAUDE 2/10

1,000 applications. Previous gTLD rounds featured a commercially advantageous to apply for a gTLD that matches
competitive tendering process with the Board selecting the name of a trade mark. Whilst there is a compelling case
winners following a series of discussions some of which for some organisations born of the internet age, many others
were in private.This time it is running an open, objective can easily resist this opportunity.The question of whether to
process designed to encourage good applications. apply for a generic term that relates to a class of goods or
■ When the application process will next open after the services – such as BMW applying for .AUTO or British Airways
2008/9 round: ICANN has implied that this is not a applying for .AIRLINE is another matter. Perhaps we will see
one-time process. Depending on the number of the dominant players in a business area coming together
applications it receives, it might be that ICANN will open under a flag of convenience to apply for a term that reflects
an application window every year for the foreseeable their mutual interests.
future or it might be that this is the only chance for
five years.
Who will be the winners?
What worries us? ICANN: ICANN is securing its long term financial future with
the new gTLD programme. It currently receives $0.20 per for
The protection of IPR during the new gTLD process is a each gTLD registration. 100 or 200 new gTLDs mean more
subject that ICANN has neatly avoided. At the Paris Meeting, funds from the application process and more funds every year
the Intellectual Property Constituency attempted to fill this from these sources. The new gTLD programme will support
gap when it launched a booklet, edited by Nick Wood of Com an expansion of ICANN’s activities, new staff and offices in
Laude and sponsored by MARQUES, called“A Perfect Sunrise?” several parts of the world as well as raising its profile with
which examines the pre-launch Rights Protection governments.
Mechanisms (RPM) that have been tried by both gTLD and
ccTLD operators. The launch was attended by over 150 Supporters of the democratisation of the domain name
delegates, several of whom enquired why ICANN is not system beyond the English language: “One of the most
mandating a standardised pre-launch RPM for all applicants in exciting prospects before us is that the expanding gTLD
the same way as the UDRP is a standardised post-launch RPM. system is being planned to support extensions in the
In fact ICANN attempted this through a formal Working Group languages of the world," said Peter Dengate Thrush, ICANN's
process in 2007 but there was no consensus following Chairman at the Paris Meeting, anticipating that some new
objections by registry operators and registrars who were gTLDs will offer full IDN registration from go-live."This is going
concerned to protect the interests of Domainer clients. to be very important for the future of the Internet in Asia, the
Therefore it is up to each applicant to design and operate a Middle East, Eastern Europe and Russia." Currently the DNS
pre-launch RPM that best suits its model of registry. only supports 37 Roman characters (A-z, 0 -9 and the hyphen).
(For a free copy of “The Perfect Sunrise?” mail us at or see the link from our website). The technical companies who can operate back-end registry
systems: in a gold rush, it is those who sell the picks and
Charter enforcement is vital: if a new gTLD such as .berlin is shovels who make a fortune. ICANN is prioritising stability so
designed for the people of Berlin, it seems logical to us that it may be essential to feature a proven TLD registry operator
only those who can demonstrate a nexus with Berlin should in an application.
be allowed to register. However, conversations with several
aspiring applicants – including .berlin – have revealed that Some new gTLD applicants who will find that that their
many intend to allow anyone to register anything without vision captures the imagination of the public and fulfills a
scrutiny. We hope that the validation of IPR that successive so-far unspoken need.
gTLD and ccTLD registries have adopted since the launch of
.eu in 2005 will be continued, but this is not certain. Some registrants who are currently labouring under a
domain name that is far from ideal because their first choice
IP owners will face a significant set of new challenges. It will was already taken under .com. If a new extension for their
take a major increase in resources to monitor the rules of 100 sphere of business is created, it might be that they will be able
- 200 new registries and a substantial increase in budget to to raise their profile on the internet after spending just a few
fund a protective registration programme.Time must also be dollars on a new domain name that fits perfectly.
found to monitor all applicants for“string contention”– and of
course there is the question of whether it would be COM LAUDE 3/10

The search engine operators because if gTLDs proliferate, 2 November 2008, the draft Application form and Base
no-one will try to guess at a domain name by using so-called Contract should have been published, the DRS providers
“Direct Navigation” (typing what you think is the right appointed and a global communications campaign to
company name and domain extension straight into a encourage applicants and raise awareness will be underway.
browser). The chances of finding what you want will be just
too remote. Instead it will be far simpler to go to Google, We should also know the exact date in 2009 when the 45 day
Yahoo!, MSN or other search engine providers. Application Period will open and the costs of applying.

The owners of good .com names: in ten years time, the value We probably aren’t going to apply for .COMLAUDE in the first
of a strong .com could rise as it is taken as an indicator of a round but with our experience of working on two successful
well-established business, an early adopter of the internet, an gTLD bids in earlier rounds, we are looking for a small number
organisation that stands secure above the noise of the new of IP owners who we can work with on a strategic approach
gTLD process. to the new gTLD process. This might mean creating a new
strategy for protecting IP in the domain name system,
Domainers who will have that many more extensions to monitoring applications in order to mount an objection or
speculate with. even developing a bid. We have put in place back-end
technical operators, a project management team that
ICANN Accredited Registrars as only they can sell gTLDs. understands ICANN plus financial experts. After all, whatever
measures ICANN puts in place, it is hard to see this as anything
than another internet land grab. Love it or loathe it, you
Who will be the losers?
cannot ignore it.
The IP community: a proliferation of registries means more
infringement or more cost for defensive registrations (as
discussed above);
A welcome end to the Add Grace
The ccTLDs, possibly: just as they were gaining ground on period
the gTLDs, along comes this initiative. Will it be more
important for you to register and maintain your brand around The ICANN Board has finally voted to end domain name
the world or under the gTLDs? tasting by registrars who exploit the Add Grace Period. At the
Paris Open Meeting on 26 June 2008 the Board approved a
Some existing gTLDs: it has been suggested that some of proposal to levy the $0.20 cent ICANN fee on every domain
the current gTLDs, especially those that were designed to be registered, whether or not it is deleted within the five day Add
alternatives to .com or those that have failed to capture the Grace Period, starting from 1 July 2008.
public imagination such as .NAME may lose market share.
The Add Grace Period (AGP) was introduced as a safety net
Some new gTLD applicants who are accepted: winning for registrars, giving them a five day grace period following
through the ICANN process does not guarantee success. registration, during which they could delete domains
Whilst some Sponsored gTLDs such as .CAT count success by registered in error (e.g. with a spelling mistake) or by third
more than just the number of registrations (for example by parties using fraudulent credit cards.The system was abused
the number of pages on the internet in Catalan under .CAT by domainers who would register thousands of domain
registrations), many speculators will want their registries to names every day,“taste”them to see if they attracted sufficient
be immediately successful, returning investors a tidy profit. traffic during the five day window to justify the annual
This cannot be guaranteed. After all, there was no public registration fee and delete those that did not. Those that did
outcry for new gTLDs. It was only the ICANN community, attract sufficient traffic often ended up with Pay Per Click sites.
dominated by registry operators (who hope to market their
technical systems) and registrars (who hope to sell more and The wording of the Board resolution runs:“During any given
more registrations) who called for the expansion of the month, an Applicable gTLD Operator may not offer any refund
gTLD space. to a registrar for any domain names deleted during the AGP
that exceed (i) 10% of that registrar’s net new registrations in
What happens next? that month (defined as total new registrations less domains
deleted during AGP), or (ii) fifty (50) domain names, whichever
By the time the 33nd ICANN Open Meeting starts in Cairo on is greater.” COM LAUDE 4/10

It is still possible that tasting will occur but the costs are going the Business Constituency and the ISP & Connectivity
to be much higher. Let us consider the maths: in a five day Providers.The last three constituencies are where you will find
period, a domainer registrar might register 100,000 .com representatives from the private sector and commerce who
domains and only keep 500 - deleting 99,500. When the Add do not have a contractual relationship with ICANN.The GNSO
Grace Period was there to be exploited, the domainer registrar forms Working Groups to address issues from IDNs to Domain
would only have been charged the ICANN fee at point of Tasting, recommending improvements to the Board through
registration ($0.20) and the registry levy ($6.42 per annum). a Policy Development Process (PDP).
This means they would have been charged $100 (500 x 0.20)
plus $3,210 ($6.42 x 500) making a grand total of $3,310. Since the end of 2007, a process has been under way to
Under the new policy, a domainer registry tasting 100,000 “improve the GNSO”. At the ICANN Meeting in Paris a
domains would be charged $20,000 (100,000 x 0.20) in ICANN magnificent lobbying effort co-ordinated jointly by the
fees and the registrar levy of $3210 (500 x $6.42 ) on the Business, ISP and Intellectual Property Constituencies
retained domains making $23,210 in total. persuaded the ICANN Board to delay approval of a
controversial plan by the so-called “Board Governance
Working Group on GNSO Improvements” that would have
ICANN proposes changes to Registrar seen the votes and influence of the private sector reduced.

Accreditation Agreement Instead the Board directed the GNSO to convene a small
working group featuring one representative from each
The Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) governs the
constituency plus other key parties including the Nominating
relationship between ICANN and the 900+ registrars who are
Committee of the Board to come up with a “consensus
accredited to sell gTLDs. ICANN is now proposing changes to
recommendation on GNSO restructuring”by no later than 25
the RAA in four main areas:
July 2008. This working group strived to find a compromise
■ Enforcement: amendments designed to enhance
solution acceptable to all, with Steve Metalitz, President of the
registrar compliance and ICANN's enforcement of
IPC, representing the interests of trade mark owners.
the RAA;
■ Registrant Protection: amendments aimed at protecting
Here’s an extract from the summary that the Working Group
the data and overall interests of registrants;
finally sent to the ICANN Board on 25 July 2008: “In the end,
■ Promoting stability: amendments aimed at ensuring
the group has reached consensus…on a number of general
that all registrars operate to mandated, minimum
concepts and principles regarding the future structure,
composition and operation of the GNSO Council. Where
■ Modernisation of the agreement: amendments to
possible, the group also made the effort and achieved
update the provisions in light of industry developments,
agreement on a number of specific voting mechanisms and
ICANN policy and the law.
voting thresholds ranging from Board representatives to
specific Policy Development Process (PDP) decision points -
Practices which are under scrutiny include the warehousing of
including such matters as the initiation and approval of a PDP,
domains by registrars, the cross-ownership of registrars by
among others.
registry operators, the practice of associated groups of
companies acquiring several accreditations, for example to
There were also a number of areas where the group did not
further their goals as Domainers, and the security of
reach consensus because there was not sufficient time to
registrant data. For further information, go to
complete the work, or because there were fundamental
differences in views that could not be overcome. In particular,
there was a specific disagreement over the existence of a third
Nominating Committee appointee slot on the Council that
GNSO: Remaking the balance of prevented consensus on specific aspects of the new Council
power in ICANN structure and its composition and ultimately resulted in the
Nominating Committee Appointee representative
The Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO) is the withdrawing support from the general consensus”.
key part of ICANN where the private sector contributes to the
creation of policy. It is made up of six constituencies, namely Where to next? Will the ICANN Board seek to build on the
the gTLD Registry Operators, Accredited Registrars, the Non- consensus that has been found or impose a solution? At the
Commercial Interests, the Intellectual Property Constituency, ICANN Paris Meeting, a breakfast was held between members COM LAUDE 5/10

of the Board and representatives of the three private sector (a unique achievement for a gTLD operator), Telnic have
constituencies. Time and time again the point was made to published the full details of its Sunrise, which commences on
ICANN that unless it allows the private sector a place at the 3 December 2008, two months in advance of the Landrush,
table where policy decisions are made on an equal basis with which opens on 3 February 2009. General Availability begins
the contracted parties (the registries and registrars who on 29 March 2009.
derive their income from selling domains), the private sector
will withdraw its support and seek to engage directly with Here is a summary of the key points of the Sunrise, taken
governments over the running of the domain name system. from their excellent website at
We’ll know by the time of the next ICANN Board Meeting in sunrise.html.
Cairo in November 2008 if anyone was listening.
Key Point Description
Timing Sunrise opens at 15:00 GMT on 3
December 2008 and closes 23:59 GMT on
2 February 2009. Applications will only be
.INFO: domain of choice for malware accepted from ICANN accredited registrars
Eligibility Owners and licensees of trademarks
registered with national effect may apply.
This is being a long, hot summer for .INFO. First Google Trademarks must have been applied for
dropped .INFO domain names from its rankings, albeit prior to 30 May 2008 and registered prior
to 3 December 2008. Applications may be
temporarily. Then McAfee, the anti-virus software maker, based on both word and figurative (device)
published its second “Mapping the Mal Web Report” which marks that consist exclusively or
predominantly of words
identifies the domain extensions which carry the highest Term Sunrise registrations will carry a three-
number of so-called “malicious websites”. .INFO was the year term
Selection The selection method is first-come, first-
highest ranked gTLD with some 11.7% of sites posing a method served. The Validation Agent will review
security threat whilst .HK (19.2%) and .CN (11.8%) were the applications for conformity with the
Sunrise Policy
most risky ccTLD sites. .AU and .JP were the safest ccTLD Validation All Sunrise applications will be validated by
registrations. Deloitte
Reconsideration If an application is rejected, the applicant
will have 10 days to file an appeal. If an
application is accepted, third parties will
have 10 days to file a challenge
.ORG: first to introduce DNSSEC Sunrise Policy Registrations during Sunrise are subject to
the standard registration conditions
contained in Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
The Public Interest Registry had its request to implement and the Sunrise Policy provided below
Domain Name Security Extensions (DNSSEC) approved by the
ICANN Board at the Paris ICANN Open Meeting in July.
If you are still confused about .TEL check out the videos and
DNSSEC is designed to protect servers from attacks, such as
demonstrations available at
DNS cache poisoning. It is a set of DNS extensions which
landing.html. These demonstrate the USP of .TEL which can
provide origin authentication of DNS data, and data integrity.
be summed up as a flexible global contact directory. The
marketing blurb says that, “.Tel is a service that allows
This is a timely development. In January 2008, Dan Kaminsky,
individuals and businesses alike to store and manage all their
a network security analyst who specialises in domain name
contact information and keywords directly in the DNS
issues, discovered a serious vulnerability in the Domain Name
without the need to build, host or manage a website”.
System which would allow hackers to redirect Internet users
to fake sites, even if they had entered the correct domain
What we’ve concluded is that a .TEL domain can add real
name in a browser. Kaminsky informed major net operators
value to us in our business, enabling us to keep in touch
(ISC, Cisco, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft among others) in
seamlessly according to priorities we set.There’s been a trend
secret about this flaw and worked with their engineers to
in recent TLD launches towards defensive registration, with IP
develop a patch.This patch was released in the second week
owners securing key terms only, because ownership is simpler
of July 2008. We immediately applied it to all of our servers.
and cheaper than recovery. Certainly, that’s what we have
done. However, we’re making plans to use the .TEL
.TEL: USP explained; dates and Sunrise registrations we are going to apply for as soon as we can. It’s
not just that Telnic are our neighbours and we manage their
confirmed domains. It is because .TEL offers a real innovation in internet
In the last Com Laude Newsletter we summarised how the
.TEL Sunrise would work. Now almost five months in advance COM LAUDE 6/10

replace the local DRS and restrictions will be lifted on who can
Part Two become an authorized registrar.

A world of ccTLDs .DE – Two letter registration allowed

.AR – New sub-domain and IDN characters Germany: the Higher Court of Frankfurt has ordered German
registry DENIC to allow auto manufacturer Volkswagen to
Argentina has launched a new sub-domain, .TUR.AR for “any register the two letter domain VW.DE. This may open up the
registered company recognised by the National Tourism way for further two letter registrations.DENIC had argued that
Secretary of Argentina”. In other words, the extension is aimed registrations with two digits might be confused with the
at airlines, hotels, tour operators and travel agents. Overseas country code suffixes. However, there is no country code VW.
companies who desire a .TUR.AR registration will have to
demonstrate a local presence. Argentine companies must .GW – Redelegation and reactivation
provide a company registration number.
Guinea Bisseau: IANA has redelegated the .GW domain to the
This month a process is starting for the introduction of IDN Fundação IT & Media, Universidade de Bissao at the request of
registrations under .AR featuring both Spanish and the Guinea Bisseau Government. Karl Kotowski, President of
Portuguese characters. For example, if you have the Fundação has plans to reactivate this domain before the you will now be able to register end of the year.
informació The allowable character sets are: "á" ,"â",
"ã", "à", "é", "ê", "í", " ó", "ô", "õ ","ú", "ü" "ñ" y "ç". There is a 100 .IE – Milestone passed
day priority registration period for the holders of current .AR
registrations who wish to secure the IDN equivalent. Ireland: 100,000 domains have been registered in the
Republic of Ireland.The decision to relax the requirement for
.AU – Liberalisation by degrees every new applicant to supply supporting documentation
showing incorporation of a local company or a nexus with
Australia: New regulations governing the transfer or sale of Ireland has led to a surge in registrations.
.au domain names, first announced by AUDA, the Australian
Domain Names Authority last December, came into force last .LV – Registry checks CTM database
month. You can now offer your .au domain name for sale to
another entity provided the purchaser complies with the Latvia:The .lv registry like most others forbids the registration
eligibility rules. Some restrictions remain: you cannot register of a domain that matches a third party’s trade mark. However,
a domain for the purpose of selling it or transfer a domain for unlike most other domain registries, the Latvians run a check
six months after registering it except under “special against the on-line CTM database and raise an objection if
circumstances” which are not defined in the leaflet AUDA the name requested matches a trade mark belonging to
has published, available at: another party.
.ME – 80,000 registrations but who are the
.BE – IDN introduction postponed buyers?

Belgium: those good folk who run the .BE registry have the Montenegro: When the .ME registry officially opened for live,
technology in place to introduce IDN registration. However, real-time registrations on 17 July 2008 more than 50,000 new
before proceeding they undertook a consultation process domain names were registered in the first two days, building
only to find that 2/3rds of registrars were against the idea.The on the 30,000 registrations made under the Sunrise and
implementation has therefore been postponed. Landrush periods. The first "live" name registered was
YUSU.ME (no pun intended).
.CO – New managers and new DRS
The top 10 countries by origin of registrant were:
Colombia: The Ministry of Communications in Colombia has 1. United States 50 % 2. United Kingdom 11%
appointed new managers for .CO and as a result a number of 3. Germany 9% 4. Canada 5%
changes are planned including registration directly under .CO 5. China 3% 6. France 3%
from 2009, registration with accented characters (Ñ) and 7. Netherlands 2% 8. Australia 1.5%
possibly full IDN registration.The UDRP may be introduced to 9. Israel 1% 10. Spain 1% COM LAUDE 7/10

As“me”is not a common word in Germany, France Israel, China We advise all users to carefully consider what DNS services
or Spain, what does this tell us about these early adopters? they require, the basis on which they wish to secure them and
Were they genuine end users or speculators? who they wish to obtain them from. There are numerous
market players, including roughly 250 separate TLD service
.MX – Control passes to registrants providers, which directly issue domain names on a global
basis. SIDN – which assigns .nl names – is one of those
Mexico: NIC Mexico has introduced a new ownership providers. Such TLDs are formally registered and recognised
schedule so that the Registrant rather than the Administrative by ICANN.
Contact will have control over the ownership of a .MX domain.
Changes and updates must be approved by the Registrant. “Naturally, one option that a user has is to obtain a subdomain
NIC MX is also planning to introduce a Registry-Registrar from an alternative provider.However, we advise registrants to
model rather than requiring all registrants to work through compare both prices and service conditions before entering
the registry itself. into a contract with a provider.” See:,728,5881,,,,Information_about_co_nl.
.NL – Registration at 3rd Level under html

Netherlands: EuroDNS, a registrar based in Luxembourg, is Meanwhile SIDN is introducing a quarantine period for lapsed
marketing registrations under .CO.NL as“a brand new horizon .NL domain names from 30 August 2008. When a domain is
for Dutch and International enterprises….like .NL but with cancelled by its registrant or by SIDN, it will be placed in
additional flexibility”.What this means is that having acquired quarantine. For a period of 40 days only the original registrant
the two letter domain name CO.NL, they are marketing will be able to re-register the domain name. A good thing,
registrations at the third level e.g. YOURBRAND.CO.NL. We we say.
have always been concerned at this practice.There is nothing
illegal about it but unwary registrants might believe they are .NU – Numerics allowed
entering into an agreement with an official ccTLD registry, not
a private company. What would happen if EuroDNS received Niue, the Pacific island whose extension means “Now” in a
an offer of say £1 million for .CO.NL? Would they sell the cluster of Northern European countries, has launched the
domain and allow all registrations at the third level to drop? extension of three and four letter numeric domains such as
Probably not in this case because EuroDNS has gone to 888.NU.This follows the recent example of countries including
extraordinary steps to dress up .CO.NL like an official ccTLD the Netherlands and Singapore.
sub-domain. There is going to be a Sunrise Period with
validation by Deloitte Laga and registrants of current .NL .PL – Home of the domainer
names will be“Grandfathered”, meaning offered registration in
a priority period.Registrars will be accredited and there will be Poland: NASK, the Polish Research & Academic Computer
a Dispute Policy. Network, which administers the .PL extension and registered
the millionth .pl registration in May 2008 announced last
What do SIDN, official operators of .NL, think of all this? On month that its role is “to support an active trade in domains”.
their website they say: Head of the NASK Internet Domains Division, Andrzej
Bartosiewicz said, “Approaches to the value of internet
“First, we wish to stress that SIDN, the .nl registry, is not domains has changed in recent years. Not so long ago, a
associated with Anyone, anywhere in the world, may domain was treated quite “technically” as an address
register a domain name at the first level below .nl. necessary for a correct operation of business servers or
Furthermore, the registrant of such a name is free to use it in electronic mail. Currently, the domain becomes an interest
any way that is consistent with SIDN’s General Terms and having a real market value due to its growing importance
Conditions. One of the things that the registrant of a .nl both in traditional and developing internet business. It can
domain is free to do is to create subdomains within the be “bought”, “sold”, “rented” or treated as a profitable
registered domain. ... investment instead of putting money in more traditional
forms of investment, such as shares or real estates.”
“Second, it is important to understand that anyone who Therefore NASK has established a range of services designed
registers a label is NOT registering a .nl domain name. to encourage the Aftermarket including a 52 Day Free Credit
They are buying a commercial service from a Luxemburg- period for accredited registrars, formalised Domain Name
based company that has registered the .nl domain name Tasting (DNT)“so the customer can check during the period of COM LAUDE 8/10

14 days profits and possibilities which his/her domain gives, and earning click-per-view revenue) is not of itself
as well to test the traffic before registration”, a Wait List Option objectionable under the Policy. However, the Expert will
so you can buy first place in a queue for a name after the take into account: the nature of the Domain Name; the
current registrant lapses it, a list of expired names and nature of the advertising links on any parking page
unlimited access to Whois information. associated with the Domain Name; and that the use of
the Domain Name is ultimately the Respondent's”

Part Three Administrative changes include the introduction of an

Experts Review Group to provide a peer review of decisions
Domain Dispute News prior to publication, an increase in the word count for
submissions up to 5,000 words and the acceptance of
CAC drives for e-filing of UDRP electronic evidence. Go to:

CAC, the Czech Arbitration Court which runs the DRS for .eu
and has been approved as a new UDRP panel provider for AFNIC launches fast new DRS for new
gTLD disputes, has applied to ICANN to test-run two registrations
modifications that it wishes to introduce to the UDRP process
featuring a simplified way of sending signed hardcopy French registry AFNIC, launched a new dispute resolution
complaints and the printing and delivery of signed electronic procedure on 22 July 2008 for all registrations under .FR and
documents. .RE (Reunion Island). Based on a French Decree of 6 February
CAC is pushing as hard as it can to introduce e-UDRP filing. 2007, which supplements the French Post and Electronic
Anyone who has laboured to produce hard copy bundles of Communications Code, the new procedure protects any
complaint after complaint, paying substantial courier costs name identical to a surname or any name protected by an
will support their efforts. Further details of the trial, which has intellectual property right in France or in the European Union.
yet to be approved by the ICANN Board, can be found at: A panel consisting of the CEO and four senior members of
description-18jun08.pdf. AFNIC appointed by the CEO will analyse complaints brought
under the new Policy and render a decision in cases of
obvious abuse such as where the domain name is identical or
Nominet UK DRS review calls confusingly similar to a trade mark, where the registrant lacks
domainers to account any legitimate right or interest and is not acting in good faith.
A complaint under the new procedure can be based on
Nominet UK has updated its Dispute Resolution service (DRS) registration or use in bad faith and the remedies are the
from 28 July 2008. Here’s a summary of the three major transfer or deletion of the domain. It costs €250 plus VAT and
changes: is designed to be simple, fast and effective – though note that
■ Expedited process: in cases where there is no response, this new procedure appears to be applicable only to domain
the complainant is given the option of obtaining a names that were registered or renewed on or after 22 July
summary decision from an Expert, at a cost of £200 plus 2008, when it was introduced.
VAT.The expert will not be required to write a full See:
decision with reasoning, but only to certify that Rights
and Abusive Registration have been made out by the
Complainant; Part Four
■ Definition of Rights: The policy now recognises that
Rights may exist in descriptive terms that have acquired A Miscellany of News and
a secondary meaning; Views
■ Abusive Registration: The Policy confirms that certain
activities such as domaining are not in themselves an ICANN Hacked
Abusive Registration, but that cases involving
domaining will depend on their particular facts. In ICANN and IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
particular paragraph 4(e) of the Policy reads:“Sale of which adds new domain extensions into the world root)
traffic (i.e. connecting domain names to parking pages suffered the indignity of having some of their domain names COM LAUDE 9/10

high-jacked on 27 June 2008, the day after they had variation comes from CNDNPC. The twist is that they are
announced the expansion of the gTLD system. ICANN.COM, actually registering domains, not just threatening to do so.
ICANN.NET, IANA.COM and IANA-SERVERS.COM were hijacked They will ask for $1,000 but accept $100 if you want to buy
by a Turkish group of hackers that calls itself NetDevilz. them – though we recommend that our clients tell them that
Anyone who tried to visit these sites was greeted with a they are monitoring the domains for activity but will not buy
message that read: "You think that you control the domains them. Here’s a copy of one of their emails:
but you don't! Everybody knows wrong. We control the
domains including ICANN! Don't you believe us?" Hello Sir,
We supply domain name protection services. In order to
An ICANN spokesman said the redirection was corrected keep domain names (,
within 20 minutes and that an investigation is underway to from being registered or used in bad faith, we registered
determine how the hackers succeeded – though it has been them, and we are about to transfer them to the right owner.
claimed by commentators that NetDevilz simply sent an We find them pretty useful to your business, and they are
e-mail from an account they had hacked into. important to you in the future. We will transfer them to you
if you are interested in them, and charge only a fee for each
domain name.
News from the Auctions Sorry for the disturb if any, and welcome to China to visit
Olympic Games. was sold at auction earlier this month. The first bid Best Regards.
was for $800, the second for $22,000, the fourth for $100,000, CNDNPC
the tenth for $175,000. The 13th and final bid? $202,000
which just exceeded the $200,000 minimum.
For more information on any of the matters raised here, please
Meanwhile Fairwinds, the consultancy run by two former contact us directly: sales managers is still trying to sell

COM LAUDE for $50 million. They’ve sent around over 100
emails to companies they feel should be interested in this
bargain and created a very attractive website. The domainer
community are not impressed. Bloggers claim this is an 116 Long Acre
astonishing price for an undeveloped domain and point out Covent Garden
that Fairwinds are also CADNA, the Coalition Against Domain London WC2E 9SU
Name Abuse. UK
How many domains are there? Tel: +44 (0) 207 836 0070
Chinese surge, Slamming continues
The total number of domains registered across all TLDs was
Disclaimer: Information in this bulletin has been compiled from research at
162 million at the end of Q1 of 2008, claim Verisign, with
the domain name registries, directly from sources and over the internet. We
ccTLDs numbering 63 million, up 33% over the same quarter
advise you to contact Com Laude at before taking any
in 2007, thanks largely to double digit growth in China, Poland,
action in case there are errors due to matters beyond our control.
Russia, Spain and France. 14 million new registrations were
filed during the period, up 17% on Q1 2007.
© Com Laude August 2008.

Now it appears that China is overtaking Germany to become

the world's largest country code for domain names with an
average of between 400,000 - 500,000 registrations every
month. At the end of Q2 there were 12,300,000 .CN
registrations compared to 12,098,279 .DE domains.

We know that the Chinese are active filers: appeals from

Slammers to our clients show little sign of abating.The latest COM LAUDE 10/10

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