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Why Cell Phone Towers Are So Bad For Your Health?

Review -Dr. M. Sirish

Cell phones heat the brain while users make and
receive calls. Cell phones scramble the brain and play Multitude of antennae
havoc with the nervous system. It could cause high atop the tower emits
blood pressure, which leads to strokes. If cell phones pulsing microwaves.
are used for longer periods of time, they can damage
long-term memory and even cause brain tumor [1-2].
On the other hand, cell towers are considered more
harmful to people particularly those living within the
radius of 500 metres as they continuously emit
electromagnetic radiation (EMR) 24-hours a day, 7-
days a week, and 365-days an year [3-5]. Towers emit
radiofrequencies (RF), a form of EMR, for a distance
as large as two miles and essentially the
same frequency radiation as microwaves and
microwave ovens. Low levels of radiation emitted by
mobile phone towers are harmful. Scientists at the
School of Public Health of Harvard University say that
the radiation from cell phone towers is a serious health
hazard [6]. Studies have shown that low levels of
radiation can cause brain tumor, cancer, depression, Several studies as well as the newspaper reports in the
miscarriage, insomnia and Alzheimer’s disease, apart recent past shows the desperation of people who wants
from damaging cell tissues and the DNA. People will to escape this health hazard. Low-level microwaves
have disturbed sleep and headache. Immune system have a cumulative effect on cancer promotion as well.
could be affected [7-13]. The nearby apartments could To study the effects of cell tower antenna blood tests
become very hot. Television displays could show were done to check neutrophil level of public near cell
flickering images. Massive increase in radiation in the tower antenna. It was found that neutrophil level
envionment due to these towers has also been linked to dropped to 3 or below, while the average level of
increase in the incidence of diseases such as asthma, general population neutrophil level is 5 to 9. If a person
learning disabilities, anxiety disorders, attention deficit moved bedrooms to an area in their home away from
disorder, autism, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral the mast the neutrophils are seen increasing and when
sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, those people spend time away from the area, it was
fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, cataracts, seen returning to the average general population level.
hypothyroidism, diabetes, malignant melanoma, Also a German study conducted on people living closer
testicular cancer, heart attacks and strokes. According to cell tower transmitters revealed that people living
to Dr. Howard Fischer, a Toronto-based researcher and within 400 metres radius from the tower were exposed
clinician, "though the radiation one is exposed to to radiation levels 100 times greater than those living in
during a mobile phone call is 10 times higher than far off places. Based on such studies scientists have
exposure from a cell tower, just standing in a wi-fi recommended that the cell tower antenna should be at
enabled area is equal to talking on your mobile for 20 least 500 metres away from the inhabited properties.
minutes [14]. People who are living near 400-500 metres to mobile
towers should get their houses tested for radiation and
take appropriate precautions. A study conducted in
Poland between 1970 and 1990 among soldiers
exposed to microwave radiation largely through using
military equipment has shown that the mobile users are
more likely to develop a whole range of cancers 10
years earlier than those who had not been exposed [15].
Their exposure to microwave radiation is the same as
that emitted by the mobile phones. The majority of
those involved in the study had been exposed to
between 1 Watt/m² and 6 Watts/m² of microwave
radiation. The European limit for mobile phone
Collage depicting potential health risks associated with radiation is at present set at 4.5 Watts/m². Majority of
prolonged exposure to RFR from cell phone towers. mobiles give off between 2 Watts/m² and 4 Watts/m².

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Dr. M. Sirish Why Cell Phone Towers Are So Bad For Your Health?

If cell phone service providers set up their towers on

the terrace of a nearby building the high level of Towers atop
radiation transmitted by the towers has become a health residential
hazard. Any single cell phone tower may carry a buildings,
multitude of antennae, each of which emits its own schools, or
pattern of microwaves on its own set of wavelengths, hospitals are
with the result being that a single tower can emit particularly
several different patterns of relatively intense signals to more harmful
homes, schools and businesses within hundreds of feet to people.
of the tower. A study conducted in France among
people living within 300 metres of cell phone towers
found an increased incidence of tiredness within 300
metres, of headache, sleep disturbance, and discomfort
within 200 metres, and of irritability, depression, loss
of memory, dizziness, libido decrease, etc. within 100
metres. Telecom giant Orange has suspended
operations at a school cell tower site in Paris after eight
cases of cancer were confirmed among children in the
district [16]. A French local council prohibited the
erection of cell towers within a 300-metre radius. The
Paris Town Hall and the mobile phone operators have
an agreement to limit public exposure to the
electromagnetic waves generated by cell tower researchers measured the visual field of persons in
antennae and the operators have committed to lowering conversations on cell phone and found that cell phone
the exposure levels significantly. More recently, a use artificially constricted the peripheral awareness.
documentary film called "Full Signal" depicts the map This suggests that cell phone use while driving can
in Israel indicating a correlation between the locations decrease the perceptual visual field, making the driver
of brain tumor clusters and cell phone towers across the less aware of the surroundings and more susceptible to
country [17]. This along with other studies have accident [19].
shown that the incidence of adult brain tumors is
happening within 400 meters of cell phone towers.

Electromagnetic interference from cell phone use in

hospitals can result in sudden switching off or
restarting of feeding tubes, pacemakers, ventilators, or
dialysis machines.

A Dutch study on mobile phone signals found that cell

phone use in hospitals can be dangerous. Researchers
measured the impact of electromagnetic interference Long-term effects of microwave radiation from mobile
from cell phone use in hospital equipment such as towers are not fully studied. Mobile Operators does not
ventilators and pacemakers. Signals from mobile have scientists, nor they conduct a site survey, but erect
phones significantly interfered with medical devices, a tower on an available site by a computer guesstimate.
and 75% of those incidents were found to be Pulsing of the signal, and not its energy level that
hazardous. These included the sudden switching off or enables a deep penetration of the body. Only
restarting of machines which could mean disruption of thermal effects are considered in a multi-national case-
a patient's feeding tube, ventilator, pacemaker or control study INTERPHONE [20] and are used for
dialysis machine and majority of these occurred when regulation while several studies indeed show biological
mobile phones were within 3 cm of critical-care effects of electromagnetic radiation at exposure levels
equipment [18]. In another study conducted in USA, far below where heating occurs (non-thermal effects)

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Dr. M. Sirish Why Cell Phone Towers Are So Bad For Your Health?

[21]. The human body reacts more complexly than the rooftops in and around the schools and educational
acknowledged in the thermal model and is sensitive to institutions and this has become more or less a
extreme periodic stimuli. The biological system takes common sight in cities across India and elsewhere.
the "energy" as well as the "information" which is This is because the managements at schools and
brought by the continuous pulsed modulation pattern. educational institutions see a definite upside of income
A cell tower antenna is emitting a pulsed signal, and it from cell towers and lease their property to cell tower
interferes with the natural pulsing of our body, via the companies ignoring the health risks that these towers
pineal gland in the head. pose on their students who in turn are prone to
If the pulsing enters your prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation. The
bedroom, it will interfere parents associations should be very watchful and play
with your sleep patterns. more active role in reigning on the school boards and
Regular disruption of prevent siting of cell phone towers within or around the
sleep patterns will break schools premises.
down the melatonin
process, the repairing of
which takes place when
the body enters a deep
sleep. This will lead to a
lowered functioning of
the human immune
system. Other reported
examples of non-
Nervous system is most thermal biological
vulnerable to RF exposure. effects include: changes A cartoon depicting how cell phone radiation is harmful
in the electrical activity to developing embryo/fetus in a pregnant woman.
in the human brain, increase in DNA single and double
strand breaks from RF exposure to 2.45 GHz, and
increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier in Similar is the case with the homebuilders and the
rats. mushrooming of cell phone towers atop the residential
apartment buildings. A new dimension however in this
case is that most of the apartment builders claim
Pregnant women and children are in greater danger the perpetual ownership of the terrace rights and
from cell phone towers than the normal population. thereby the absolute ownership of the buildings
The developing organs of the fetus or child are the premises and lease the terrace to the cell phone
most sensitive to any companies for a period of not less than ten years or
possible effects of more even before the building is handed over to the
EMR exposure. The owners association thus leaving the individual flat
thinner skulls of kids owners and residents completely in the dark about the
and rapid growth siting of cell towers on their rooftop. This is in clear
rates make children violation of Apartment Laws. Generally, terraces
more susceptible to cannot be privately owned as they are deemed to form
the tower's waves part of the communal areas and, as such, are owned in
[22]. A recent study common by the apartment owners. You cannot,
of pregnant women therefore, legally exclude other co-owners from these
with heavy cell phone areas. In their efforts to get these towers removed, the
use found behavior owners associations almost always end up fighting a
problems in their prolonged legal battle while the builder enjoys rentals
children. According and all the perks from the cell phone companies. What
to Dr. Om Gandhi, an an irony? Cell phone companies work hand in glove
Developing organs of the eminent scientist in
fetus or child are most with the builders in their efforts to set up as many
the area of towers as they can and their numbers look staggering
sensitive to RF exposure. bioelectromagnetics, too. The city of Delhi tops this list. Out of 5,364 cell
cell phone radiation towers in the city, only 2,412 had requisite permission
makes children more susceptible to DNA breakage, and the remaining 2,952 were illegal. Mumbai comes
genetic damage, and cancer. It reduces their life span. second in this list. Out of 3,489 towers built within the
It is very unfortunate to see huge cell towers thronging jurisdiction of BMC, only 1,500 are authorised. The

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Dr. M. Sirish Why Cell Phone Towers Are So Bad For Your Health?

situation in Hyderabad is much worse. Out of 2,800 serious health risks discussed
towers identified in the GHMC area as on December above, all cell phone towers should
2008, 1154 cell phone towers are on building rooftops, be removed from residential areas
50 are ground based, and 1791 are on rooftop poles. and placed where they don’t harm
The irony is only 500 of them have requisite people and are placed on proper
documentation leaving nearly 2,000 towers virtually height.
unauthorised entities [23]. The local municipal
authorities should proactively remove such
unauthorised sitings and not buckle under the bullying “The Precautionary Principle or Principle
tactics of the big bosses of cell phone companies. The of Prevention needs to be followed
governments should also tighten the laws and must not
allow such sitings in the residential areas without prior whenever there is a possibility of harm to
approval of the local residents. This seems to be human health an exposure rises”.
happening!! The Government of India has recently
formulated a new policy on cell tower radiation, the Endnotes:
salient features of which are shown below.
[1]. (a) Disconnect-The Truth About Cell Phone
Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide It, and
How to Protect Your Family by Devra Davis.
Published by Dutton Adult (September 23, 2010). For
more on this visit the website Environmental Health
Trust. (b) Bryan Walch, Health: A Cancer Muckraker
Takes on Cell Phones,
cancer-muckraker-takes-on-cell-phones/ September27,
2010. (c) Martin Mittelstaedt, The disturbing truth
about cellphones, The Globe and Mail, September 24,
[2]. (a) Khurance VG, Teo C, Kindi M, Hardell L,
Carlberg M. (2009) Cell phones and brain tumors: a
opined that mobile phone towers should not be erected
review including the long-term epidemiologic data.
near hospitals, schools and residential buildings
Surg Neurol;72:205-14. (b) Sarah J Hepworth, Minouk
because of the possible risk to the people [24]. To
J Schoemaker, Kenneth R Muir, Anthony J Swerdlow,
minimize the risk mobile towers should be at a height
Martie J A van Tongeren, Patricia A McKinney:
of 40-50 metres, above the highest point of the
Mobile phone use and risk of glioma in adults: case-
neighbouring buildings, as it is done abroad. Also, the
control study. BMJ, doi:10.1136/bmj.38720.687975.55
minimum distance between the towers and the nearby
(published 20 January 2006). (c) Sadetzki S, Flint-
buildings should be 100 metres. But the studies have
Richter P, Ben-Tal T, Nass D: Radiation-Induced
shown that the cell towers should be at least 500 metres
meningiona: a descriptive study of 253 cases. J.
away from flats or buildings. If cell tower antenna is
Neurosurg 97: 1078-1082, 2002.
installed on the rooftop of a building, the building is
virtually not salable in many countries. Estate agents
are mandated to tell a potential buyer about the [3]. “The Impacts of Radiofrequency Radiation from
problem. If a cell tower antenna is within 200m to a Mobile Phone Antennas", EMR Australia PL , 2008.
building, or a flat the value of the building or flat drops
by 50% [25]. Here is some of the internationally [4]. Santini, R., Santini, P., Danze, J.M., Le Ruz, P.,
allowed standard levels of cell tower radiation by the Seigne, M. (2002). Study of the health of people living
countries across the world: Australian standard says the in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations: I.
radiation level should be less than 200 microwatts per Influences of distance and sex. Pathol. Biol. 50:369-
sq. cm. Russia, Italy and Canada allows only 10 373
microwatts per sq. cm. China allows only six
microwatts per sq. cm. and New Zealand allowing only
0.02 microwatts per sq. cm. But strangely cell phone [5]. Santini, R., Santini, P., Danze, J.M., Le Ruz, P.,
towers in the United States are most lenient and least Seigne, M. (2003). Symptoms experienced by people in
protective in the world and US government allows 580 vicinity of base stations: II. Incidences of age, duration
to 1,000 microwatts per sq. cm. [26]. In light of the of exposure, location of subjects in relation to the

Dr. M. Sirish 4

Dr. M. Sirish Why Cell Phone Towers Are So Bad For Your Health?

antennas and other electromagnetic factors. Pathol.

Biol. 51:412-415. c-Radiation-EMR-And-Potential-Adverse-Health-
[6]. A news article from the Boston Globe alerts that
even Harvard University has become pro-active in [17] Filmed in Ten countries and Six US states, the
opposing cell tower siting. This article appeared on documentary "Full Signal" focuses on interviews with
page B03 of 16th June, 1997 issue. scientists around the world who are researching the
health effects related to cellular technology; with
[7]. (a) Microwave and Radio Frequency Radiation veteran journalists who have called attention to the
Exposure, San Francisco Medicine , Vol. 74, No 3, issue for decades; with activists who are fighting to
March 2001. (b) Navarro, E.A., Segura, J., Portolés, regulate the placement of antennas; and with lawyers
M., Gómez-Perretta de Mateo, C. (2003). The and law makers who represent the people wanting
Microwave Syndrome: A Preliminary Study in those antennas regulated and examines the
Spain. Electromagn. Biol. Med. 22:161-169. contradiction between health and finance, one of the
many ironies of the fight to regulate antenna
[8]. Bortkiewicz, A., Zmyslony, M., Szyjkowska, A.,
Gadzicka, E. (2004). Subjective symptoms reported by
people living in the vicinity of cellular phone base [18] Bao P. Dang, Pierre R. Nel, John A. Gjevre
stations. Med. Pr. 55:345-351. (2007). Mobile communication devices causing
interference in invasive and noninvasive ventilators,
Journal of Critical Care, Volume 22, Issue 2, Pages
[9]. Hutter, H.P., Moshammer, H., Wallner, P., Kundi, 137-141.
M. (2006). Subjective symptoms, sleeping problems, [19] W.C. Maples, Wes DeRosier, Richard Hoenes,
and cognitive performance in subjects living near Rodney Bendure (2008). Sherl Moore, The effects of
mobile phone base stations. Occup. Environ. Med. cell phone use on peripheral vision, Optometry -
63:307-313. Journal of the American Optometric Association,
Volume 79, Issue 1, January 2008, Pages 36-42, ISSN
[10]. Abdel-Rassoul, G., Abou El-Fatech, O., Abou 1529-1839.
Salem, M., Michael, A., Farahat, F., El-Batanouny, M.,
Salem, E. (2007). Neurobehavioral effects among [20]. A multinational case-control study,
inhabitants around mobile phone base stations. INTERPHONE, was set-up to investigate whether
Neurotoxicology 28:434-440. mobile phone use increases the risk of cancer and,
more specifically, whether the RF fields emitted by
[11]. Wolf, R., Wolf, D. (2004). Increased incidence of mobile phones are carcinogenic. The study focused on
cancer near a cellphone transmitter station. Int. J. tumors arising in the tissues most exposed to RF fields
Cancer Prev. 1:123-128. from mobile phones: glioma, meningioma, acoustic
neurinoma and parotid gland tumors. In addition to a
detailed history of mobile phone use, information was
[12]. Eger, H., Hagen, K.U., Lucas, B., Vogel, P., Voit, collected on a number of known and potential risk
H. (2004). Influence of the spatial proximity of mobile factors for these tumours. The study was conducted in
phone base stations on cancer rates. Umwelt-Medizin- 13 countries. Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland,
Gesellschaft 17:273-356. France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, New Zealand,
Norway, Sweden, and the UK using a common core
[13]. Meyer, M., Gärtig-Daugs, A., Radespiel-Tröger, protocol. For more on this study, please see "The
M. (2006). Cellular telephone relay stations and INTERPHONE Study Group (2010). Brain tumour risk
cancer incidence. Umweltmed. Forsch. Prax. 11:89-97. in relation to mobile telephone use: results of the
[14] Dr. Howard W. Fischer, "The Invisible Threat: INTERPHONE international case–control study." Int.
The Risks Associated With EMFs" (2007), Wood J. Epidemiol., 1-20 and references therein.
[15]. Report in Sunday Mirror, March 26, 2000.
[21]. Haumann, T., Munzenberg, U., Maes, W., Sierck,
P. (2010). HF-Radiation levels of GSM cellular phone
[16]. Sarah Benson (2007). Electromagnetic Radiation
towers in residential areas. http://no-
( EMR ) And Potential Adverse Health Affects.

Dr. M. Sirish 5

Dr. M. Sirish Why Cell Phone Towers Are So Bad For Your Health?
e.pdf and references therein.

[22]. (a) Mobiles Risk to children, Daily Mail (U.K.),

May 11, 2000. (b) Elliott, P., Toledano, M. B., Bennett,
J., Beale, L., Hoogh, K. D., Best, N., Briggs, D. J.
(2010). Mobile phone base stations and early
childhood cancers: case-control study. BMJ, 1-7.

[23] Data obtained from press releases by the

respective Municipal corporations or from local news

[24]. Bembalkar, M., Londhe, M. S. Health hazards

arising due to radio frequency radiation from mobile

[25] (a) Read this New York Times news story, "A
Pushback Against Cell Towers," published in the
paper's Real Estate section, on August 27, 2010:
html?_r=1&ref=realestate. (b)"The effect of distance
to cell phone towers on house prices" by Sandy Bond,
Appraisal Journal, Fall 2007, see attached. Source,
Appraisal Journal, found on the Entrepreneur website,
851340.html or
_to_Measure.pdf. (c) Sandy Bond, Ph.D., Ko-Kang
Wang, “The Impact of Cell Phone Towers on House
Prices in Residential Neighborhoods,” The Appraisal
Journal, Summer 2005; see attached. Source: Goliath
business content website,

[26] (a) Radiofrequency Radiation Health Studies,

Wireless Antenna Site Consumer Information Package,
Sage Associates, Montecito, CA, 2000, www. (b) Tower concerns should be
health, not aesthetics, Burlington Free Press, January
12, 2001.

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