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Question 7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? When we made our preliminary task, we did not use many camera angles and during the editing process we did not add many effects, only a couple of transmissions. Also, during the editing of preliminary tasks | did not do much of the editing so it didn’t get a full understanding of the software. Although, during the editing of my main task | already knew the programme enough to get the simple effects done and as we progressed through it | managed to learn more and more allowing me to redo the clips we edited at the start making them much better. During the filming we used much more camera angles than we did during the preliminary task and because of the preliminary task | already knew where some angles are needed and where others are not. We made a shot list to help us plan out when we were going to film the scene, where we are going to film the scene, how long each scene is going to take; allowing us to add it up to the accumulated total to see if we are short off 2 minutes or have gone over the selected time slot, type of characters that are going to be involved in the scene and the equipment we need.

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