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Sonont trust or private fou Retum of Organization Exempt From Income Tax \Undor section 801(¢, 627, oF 404740 of the Internal Revere Code (excopt bck hung Camera tum Cloner aang [ F Ree ed aaoves of pnopw cer Nell Corkery 20 Nassau Street No, 242 Prinoston NJ O8542 hey es poy tesstecvee (Zine HOO) Aro ot tines netcec Cle Chino. 1 Tareanptiaies (71501 corto) 0 C1507 1a tach ae non) J Wobate: > nati 8.08 Hel Geup eon ab > ees Ce Eanes oe Te Yesref tomar: 2007 [w State o opal coke VA race 11 Bilafy describe the organization's mission or most significant activites: pert coved of ee 2 Check tis tox » 3. Number of voting members ofthe governing body (Part Vine ta)... 44 Number of independent voting membere of the goveming Body (Part Vi, tine 1b) | 5 Total number of employees (Part V, le Za)... we oes 8 “Total number of volunteers (estimate necessary). ee a Total gross unrelated business roverue from Part Vil column (©), na 12... b Net unrelated business tevable noo fom Form 950-1, ane 8 Contrbutions anc grants (Per Vil, ne TH)... eee 8 Program service verve Part il, ine 29) Lt 10 Invostment income (Pat Vil, column (A), ines 8, 4 and'7a) SS 8 41. Other ravarue Par Vil, cole (A), nes 5, 6c 8c, 8c, 100, and tie)” > 42 Total revenuemacd tins 8 trough 14 (rust equal Pat Vi, column (be 12) 6 560 18. Grants and similar amounts paid (Part IX, column (A), ines 1-3)... 1,388,308) 14 Bonofits pad 1 oF for members (Part IX column (Ay ne 4)... £18 Salores, otter compensstion, employee bane (Pat DX, clu nee 5-10)" 384,179 J 10: rtctiona tering fone Part coum fo) eect 24,000 | bb Totel fundraising expensas (Part 1X, column (0), fine 25) > Ba ake a EE: 17 Other expenses Part 1X, column (A, es tTa-T1a, 114-28) q 4aeit 18 Tal ecenaes, Ato 15-17 tt oul Par cou (AB 2). 969,200 49 Revenue less expense, Subtesc ino 18 fam Ina 2 410 7 Bering a Corot Your] En ot Yor i 20 Total assots PartX, lino 16)... ee r 193,652. 140022 21 Total labios Par %tino25) oT. 70.236 200.082 33) 22 Net assets or fund balances. Subtract line 21 front Irie 20, “43,417 60,040 ‘Signature Block Toe atin Se Ia ascetic ton ah ia cad ad ona rah a A bape ana ne san |p were | Bamana’ ) several i Bas rem rs Sewer? se ee coleoenmms rameil Meipougle ithe Use Only facenmepa D Conlon and Associstes\LC______|ew _» 27; ost0t32 sates el PPO Box 6213, Silver Spring, Maryland 200164215 __[mowsro.» (301) 990.68 ‘Form 960 (2008) Page 2 ‘Siafoment of Program Senice Aecompishmen’s 1 Brlofly describe the organization's mission: to promote the Importance of, and advocate for, marriage between one man and one woman, 2 Did tho orgartzation underake any sient program serons cing the yar which wore nt ted on the prior Form 980 or 980-27... vs Yes Z No 8 "Yee," describe these now services an Schedule 0. Di the arerizatononase conducting, or mak slaieat change in how condi, any Program senices? .. 1D Yes @ No If "Yee," desertbe those changes on Schedule ©. 4 Describe the exempt purpose achievements for each of the organization's three largost program services by expenses. Section 501(2)3) and 501 (c)(@) organizations and section 4947(a(1) trusts are required to report the ammount of grants and aliocations to others, the total expenses, and revenus, If any, for each program service reported, “4a (Code: ) oper § 2875020 noing gars of 6 Tt developed radio, tolevis including grants of 8 rani “44 Othor program services, (Desoribe in Schedule O) (Expenses § including grants of $ ) Revenue § e_ Total program service expenses > 5,058,670 Fom 80 009) Frm 0 28 [GEMM Checisiat of Required Schedules are 1's the rganzaton dosed in soton 01) o 4471) fter han arate oan Yes” i complete Schedule A... : 7 2a the orgenization requred to complete Schedule B, Schedue of Contibutors?, iv 3d the organization engage in rector ndrectpoltcl campaign activites on behalf of In opposition to candidates for public office? if “Yes,” complete Schedule C, Part]... . aly 4 Section S019) orgenzatone. Dd to orsrizaton engage in ha activin? f “Yoo. complete Schedule C, Pert =. ees 4 5 Section 6004), 5011), end 01(6H6)organaations I the orgarizaonsubjct othe section 608) notice and reporting requirement and proxy tax? if “Yes,” complete Schedule C, Parti . giv {6 Did the organization maintain any donor acs funds or any simla funds or accounts where donors have | the right © provide advice on the dstibuton or investment of amounts in such funds or accourts? i "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part! . . . 8 “ 0d the organization ecelve or hold @ conservation easement, clung easomants to preserve open space, |_| | the environment, historic land areas, or Historic structures? "Yes," complete Schedule D, Pat \2 {Did the organization maintain collections of works of rt, historical treasures, or otor similar asacts? "Ye, complete Schedule D, Part ll... sj iiv 8 Did hw oxgarzation report an araunt Io PartX tne 21 serve asa custo fo arnout not tad in Part Xo roe cet courctng, debt manegaert cet reper; det raglan sees? f 65" compte Schedule D, PartV. . . 8 40 Did the organization, directly or tough @ related organization, hold assets in term, permanent, of t quas-endowments? I “Yes,” complate SchodUo D, Part V. yo| iv 41. Is the orgarizaion’s answer to any of the folowing questions "Yes"? i o, complete Schedule D, Parts A Vi, Vn or Xs applicable iv ‘athe organization report an amount for land, buiings, and equipment in Part X ire 10 "Yes,"complate Schedule O, Part V. © Did the organization report en amount forivestments—~other securities n Part X, tne 12 thats 59% or more ofits total assets reported in Part X, Ine 16? "Yes," complete Sched O, Part Vl. © Did tho organization report an amount or investments —program related In Pat X, line 19 that s 5% or more of ts total assets reported in Part X, ine 167 F "Ves," completo Schedule D, Part Vl. «© Dd the organization report an amount for other essats in Pat X, tne 15 that 5% or mor of ts total assets reported fn Part X, line 167 “Yes,” complete Schedule D, Part «© id he organization rport an amount for aor Labi in Par X, ine 2571 Yes," caelete Schede , Part X * _Did re organization's separate or consdatod financial statements fo the tax yer neude a footnatethat addecaes the organization's laity for uncertain tax postons under FIN 487 "es," completo Schad , Pat X 42 Did the organization obzin seperate, independent eucted franca statement or th tax year? Yes Soheckie D,PartsX, 0, and XI a2 12h Viste cron rhc n cose pedal stones rte! [Fe 1F°¥e,* competing Schedule , Parts ands opto. fal) 48s the organization a schoo! described In section 170\1)))2 “Ye,” comolte Schecklo E ‘14a_ Did the organization maintaln an office, employees, or agents outside of tho United States? . id the organization have agorogaie rovenuns or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmaking, fundraising, ‘business, and program service acthies ouside the United Stats? If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Part. . 15 Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A) ine 3, more than $5,000 of grants or assistance to any ‘orgarization or entity located outside the United States? if "Yes," comploto Schedule F, Part ll, .. 18 Did the organization report on Part Dk, column (line 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or assistance ‘to Individuals located outside tha United Statos? If *Yos," complete Schedule F, Parti... I 17 Did the organization report a total of more than $18,000 of expenses for professional fundraising services ‘on Part IX, column (A), tines 6 and 116? If "Yes," completo Schedule G, Part! . . 18 Did the organization report more than $15,000 total of fundraising event gross income and contributions on Part Vil ines 1¢ and 8a? If “Yes,” complete Schedule G, Part! . . 0 2 organization pot more tan $600 of goes inca For gaming cso Pa toe 862 1 *¥es," complete Schedule G, Part ll... Hiperatalayee 20 _Did the organization operate one or more hospitals? It “Yes,” complete Schedio Hi ai om 990 2008) Fm 290 2006) (BEIM Chookiist of Required Schedules (Continued) 21 Did the organization report more than $5,000 of grants nd other assistance to government ané organizations Jn the United States on Part IX, column (A), line 1? if “Yes,” complete Schedule |, Parts | and Il, # {at vo £22 Did the organization report more than $8,000 of grants and other assistance to incvicual in tho Unite States on Pet, column (2), tne 2 1 "Yes," complete Schedule |, Pars Vandi... . . 22) |v 23. Die tho organization answer “Yes" to Part Vi, Secton A, ine 3, 4, or § about compensation of the Y cxganatate curet and eer ofews, Secon, rstes, lay employes, and Habe commented | employees? i "Yes," complete Scheduie J 2 ‘24a Did the crgaizaton have a txexerpt Bond issue with an oustanding principal amount of mare then £09000 of ho at Sy of ho yar, hal as esd ator December 3, 20027114," ararer res ‘240 through 240 end compete Schedule Kf "No," go 0 fine 25 ie the organization invest any proceeds of tax-exempt bords bayond a teporay pero excontion? Did tho organization maintaln an escrow account other than a refunding eserow at any time dung the year | to defease any taxcexompt bonds? 3 4 Did the organization act as an “on behslf of issuer for bonds outstanding at any time during the year? 254. Section 801(c)) and 601(¢¥4) organizations Did the organization engage in an excess benefit transaction witha lsqualed person dutng the yea? "Yes," complete Schedule L, Pat! bb In the ergantzation aware that engaged In an excess benett transaction with a dlsquelied parson in a Brlor year, ang thatthe transaction has not boen reported on any ofthe organization's prior Forms $80 or 890.227 "Yes, complete Schedule L, Pat - 28° Was a oan to or by a cect oer oft, Src, tus, Key employes, hity compensa emcee, or ‘Saquafied person oustanding as oft ond of the egarizatn’s tax yee? "Yon," complete Sched L, Part | 27 Di the organization provide a grant or other assistance to an offcer, director, trustee, Key employes, ssa conto or gn alee conitoe mente, 1 psn aed to sichan haa? 11 *¥es," complete Schedule , Pat It 27 28 Wes th organization a pay toa busines trnsaction with one ofthe flowing partes fee Schedule Part IV nsttuctions for applicable fling tresholds, conditions, and exceptions): {8 Acurrent or former officer, decor, trustee, or key employes? i Yes,” complete Schedule , Part .. | 288) A tamly member of a current of former officer, director, trustee, or key employee? If "Yes," complete | Schedule L, Pat. zap|__| ¢ © An entity of which current or former offesr, ecto, trustee, or Key employee f th orgnization (or fan mwas a ole, rector, uss, o dre er nde! omar "Ye," carl Sede Pav. 286 ‘29 Did the organization receive more o then $25 00 in non-cash contributions? i Yes," ‘complete Schedule M | 29 330._Did the organization receive contributions of art, hstricel teasures, or other siifaressets, or quid ceonaervation contribution? I "Yes," complete Schedule M 31 Dil the egeizatin faut, teint, o dosove aed cease overt "es" complete SchecieN, Tee | Wo ® RE BF K ke RR . Kx is KX 3 2 i te ogarization sel exchange, dispose ctor transfer more than 25% fs net asses? “es, “complete ‘Schodula N, Par i! 32. ‘38 Did the organization own 100% of an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations | sections 901.7701-2 and 901.7701-37 If *Yes," complete Schedule A, Part... 38 ‘34 Was the organization related to any tox-exempt or taxable entty? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Parts I, WW, and Vliet... sly 35 35 96 36 is ay wed organization 1 contoed erty win te meaning of easton 12°39) Yea" compte ‘Schedule R, Part V, line 2 i Sesion SOW) reratns Date nn se tases oan anon aad orgenaton” "Yen cores Saeco Pav ne 2. 27 Di hw orgareaton conduct more than 8% of eats trough ah ey that gnarl orarcaion fc thaw eated u's pareraip for ogar reomo tx prpousc? "vs complete Soe Fr Paw a| lv 28 Die organzston complete Schade © ans prove explanation in SonedeO Yr Par, ne 1 and {9 Not Al Form 90 eae reqs to complete Schedule © i aly Forme 000 [EEUMC] _ Statomonts Regarding ther INS Flings and Tax Compliance ‘ta. Enter the number reported in Box 8 of Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of US. Information Retums. Enter -0- if not applicablo . bb Enter the number of Forms W-2G inchided in ine ta. Enter -0-f not apalicable € Ditheergantzaton comply wth backup witnoking rea reportable payments o vendors an reprabie garing (gambling) winnings to prize winners? 2a Enter the number of employees reported on Form W-3, Tranemital of Wage and Tax b ‘Statements, fled forthe calendar yoar ending with or within the year coveced by this return {fat least one Ie roported on line 2a, dd tho organization file all required federal employment tax returns? Note, If the sum of lines ta and 2a is greater than 250, you may be required to e-file this return. (866 instructions) ‘in Di the organization have unrelated busines ros come of $1000 or moe dng the year covered by ‘this retumn?. : bb It *Yes," hae ft fled a Form 990-7 for this year? I "No," provide an explanation in Scheduto O | ‘4a Ateny time during the calendar year, did the organization have an interest in, or a signature or other authority ver. finance acount afr cour uch a a bank account, eerie secout, ocr thancll account? . aeuiin 116s." enter the nar of the foreign country: >. See the Instructions for exceptions ard fing requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1, Report of Foreign Bark ‘and Financial Accounts. ‘Sa_Was the organization a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction at any time during the tax year? . 'b Did any taxable party notify the organization that was or Isa party to @ prohibited tax shatter transaction? {6 If "Yes" to line 6a or 8b, did the organization file Form 8886-7, Disclosure by Tax-Exempt Entity Regarding Prohibited Tax Shelter Transaction?, 6a Dose the organization have annual gross recoipts thet arb normaly greater than $100,000, and did tho ‘organization solelt any contributions that were not tax deductible? .. b It Yes,* did the organization include with every solicitation en express statement thet such contributions or alts were not tax deductibie?.. 7 Organizations that may receive deductible contrivutions under section 170(c. 1 Did he xgantzaton eae pment excan of 575 ade pry axa cotton and party fr pods ‘and sorvices provided to the payor? . bb If "¥es, did the erganization natty the donor ofthe val ofthe goods or services provided? Bid te rgantaton eh each, or cherie pone of tangle personel property for when twas benefit contract? required to fle Form 82827, i é 4. °%es," indicate the number of Forms 8282 kd during the year || ae __ ae Di tho organization, during the year, receive any funds, directly or dre to pay premiums on a personal Jo Te 1 id the organization, during the yoar, pay promiume, drcty or indirect, on a personal benefit contract? Tt {9 For all contributions of qualtied intelectual property, did the organization fle Form 8899 as required? . [79 Fax sotbuto of ca, oat spans, and ter veil, kd the rarzton fle Form 1098-0 ee roquired?, Im 8 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds and section 508(a)(3) supporting srgntatone, Dd the swpporng rgaaion, of don aceed fd mained by a spore ‘organization, have excess business holdings at any time during the year?. 8 98 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds. ‘@ Did the organization make any taxable distributions under section 49667. 2 2 2... 9a 'b Did the organization make a distribution to a donor, donor advisor, or related person? | | |. 2b. 10 Section 801(6)7) organizations. Enter: 2 Inflation fees and capital contributions Included on Part Vil, ne 12... 108 b Gross receipts, included on Form 990, Part Vl, ine 12, for public use of eb tecitties [108 14 Section 60%(c)12) organizations. Enter: . '@ Gross Income trom members or shareholders... Ma Gross income from othar sources (De not net amounts de oF pid Yo other sources against ‘amounts due or received from thom)... 1b 12a. Section 4947(9}(1) non-exempt charitable trusts. Is the organization fling Form 990 in leu of Form 1047? | 12a fos” enter the amount of tax-oxeret Interest received or accrued Gurng the yeer. | 125] Fom 990 ote) Ferm 930 208) age 6 ‘Governance, Management, and Disclosure For each “Yes” response fo lines 2 through 7 below, and for a “No” response to line 8a, 8b, or 10b below, describe the circumstances, processes, or changes in ‘Schedule O. See instructions. ‘Section A. Governing Body and Mane ‘a Enter the number of voting members of the governing body . eee peta cee 'b_ Enter the number of voting members that are independent ig LAB: 3] 2 Did eny officer, rector, iste, of Koy employeo have a family reltionehip or a business relationship with any other officer, director, trustee, or kay employee? . 3 Did the organization delegate contol over management duties custoreriy performed by or under the det ‘supenision of offeers, directors of trustees, or Key employees to & management company or ther perce? . 4 Did he epaization mk ay siren changos tots orparzaoal documents since the pir For 90 ws fed? Did xparzaton become aver ung the yn rte chon ofthe fpr’ tet? ‘Does the organization have members or stockholders? i ‘Te Does the organization have members, stockholders, or other persons who may elect one or more members cf the governing body? 3 Are ary dooistons ofthe governing body subject to approval by member, eoctotder, oF one pereone? {8 Did the erganzation contemporaneously document the meetings held or writen actions undertaken dung the yearby the flowing: «The governing body? : .. Each commiioe with authority to act en behalf of tre governing body? | | 9 Is there any ofcer, rector, trustee, or key empioyee iste in Part Vi Section A, who cannot be reached athe ogerizaton's maling address? If Yes," provide the names and adresses n Schedule. ...| 9a) |v Section B. Policies (This Section & requests information about policies not required by the Taternal Revenue Code.) You Nie 402 Does the organization have local chapters, branches, or alates? . 00 Bb it*Yes," doss the organization have wetten polices and procedures governing the actives of such chapters, atffates, and branches to ensure their operations are consistent with those of the organization? .... . |10b! 11 Has the organization provided a copy of this Form €90 to all members of ls governing body before fing the form? 414A Describe in Schedule Othe process, if any, used by the organization to review this Form 990. 4128 Does the organization have a wrtion conte of interest policy? If No,” goto line 13 . ' Ar officers, crectrs or trustes, and key employees requred to disclose annually interests that could give tise to conticts? =... © Does the organization regularly and consistently monitor and enforce comakance yt Yes,” ‘Bows tne organization regulary and eosistrty ana etre ale wath ne to 19° Does the organization have a wtten whistleblower policy? 14 Does the organization have a written document retention and destruction policy? 18 Did the process for determining compensation of the folowing persons incude a review and approval by Independent persons, comparably dela, and contemperaneous Substattion ofthe deliberation and decision? ‘8 The organization's CEO, Executive Director, or top management offcial. bb Other officers or key employees of the organization 3 fae IF "Yes" to line 15a or 186, describe the process in Schedule O. (Soe inetructions) 168. Did the orgenization Invest in, contbute assets to, oF participate in a joint venture or similar arrangement with a taxabie entty during the year? . »1f-Yes." has the organization adopted a writen poly or procedure requiring the organization to evauate paral lt etre arangerere und pieble fede axle an aon cep ateprd the organization's exemot status with respect to such arrangements? ‘Section C. Disclosure 17 List the states with which a copy ofthis Form 880 is required to be fled > Schedule O 18 Section 6104 requires an organization to make its Forms 1028 (or 1024 if applicable), 990, and 890-T (201(¢@)8 ony) avallable for public inspection. Indicate how you make these avallabte, Check all that apply 5 Own website C) Another's website [Upon request 419 Describe in Schedule O whether (and if 80, how), the organization makes its governing documents, confict of interest. po'cy, and financial statements avaiable to the pubic. 20 State the name, physical address, and telephone number of the person who possesses the books and records of the ‘organization: > Nell Corkery, 20 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey, 08842, (888) 894-2008 For 990 05) Form 990 00) Page 7 Compansation of Officer, Drectore, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors “ta Complete this table forall persone required to be listed. Report comps ‘organization's tax year. Use Schedule J-2# additional space is needed. «© List ail ofthe organization's current officers, directors, trusteos {whether Indlviduals or organizations), regardless of amount ‘of compensation. Enter -O- in columns (D),(E), and (F Ino compensation was paid. © List all ofthe organization's current key errployoas. Seo Instructions for defnion of “key employes.” « List the organization's five current highest compensated employees (other than an officer, crector, trustee, oF Key employee) who received reportable compensation (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1098-MISC) of more than $100,000 from the organization and any related organizations. © List all ofthe organization's former officers, Key employees, and highest compensated employees who received more than {$100,000 of reportable compensation from the organization and any relsted organizations. © List all of the organization's former directors or trustees that received, in the capacity as a former director or trustee of ‘the organization, mare than $10,000 of reportable compensation from the organization and ary related organizations. List persons in the following order: individual trustoes or directors; institutional trustees; officers; key employees; highest Compensated employees; and former such persors. Ei Ghack ts box the exgarizaton cle not compansate any cent ofcer, recta, tse a er o a 3 wr ie june, [romana eawon| neste | gonan | gers won (81 : 5) |2 ‘ror "rom coated ‘other saleleleleela| 5 | coat, | cere — g crpeization | (W-2/1080-4IS0) ‘from the ae oR =e il cc, 0 ° 0 a 0 ‘Director. a s 2 “Kennath Ven Robern Director, 9] | ° : a 0 0 0 a 0 y a 0 0 i 1.000 0 0 7 are 40 Fi | 92,500 o 17,892 Brian Brown. 0 | 7 | al A 467, of trav | + Fem 990 a0) Fem 00) age 8 Sa Os Ding, Tain Ko OH MO CAT RAH ETT mi re ings [sci aent| Bese fore, Sat oman sa aE HEH = |g) latin amine | crgeatom 7b Total >| 204.667) 2 35,784 2. Total number of individuals (ncluding but not limited to those listed above) who received more than $100,000 in reportable compensation from the organization 4 2 he wnt ay mr ta ene ot cng Cee Sele ctf eas Comsoe Shoe san Pea i Fiee co eaniad keel os a ia cai epee eens eae Fe ed a aa Penta mars eck om ea a a ec yee a esse tn ss J hte! oa oe Fae EE Er ny Ra ral oromreaad ipa Sa nGns al on a Pan BTODT Somes phe er soa Na ne ies ees esr serns conderston Marketing Communication Services advertising 01774 cc Advertising felephone communleatior 379,140, CD ine advertising 265,543 ‘Schubert Flint publ relations 734,430, KWA Direct Communications rect mail 0,151 ‘2 Total numberof independont contractors (including but not ited to those listed above) who received ‘more than $100,000 in compensation from the organization ® 8 Fem 990 2003) Other Revenue Federated campaigns : Membership dues... . . 1B Fundraising events... . ; 16 Related organizations . . . j14 Government grants (contend). 18 ‘Aber contbutons, gs, gars, aad sitar aroun not nuded above Lt Noncashcrtiutons cued ines fas: § Total. Add lines 1a-tf ni Ail other program service revenue. Total. Add ines 20-21... o leoatment nome (pcan dviends intrest, and ‘other similar amounts) eae tomnvesmet of exon bond proces 5 Royaties. ss. : ree ‘atmos Gross Rents. Loss: rental expenses anal incorne oF (oss) Net rental income oF (ess) Gosararttansdasct [Siar schertninetay Less cost or ther basis andsles eperess Gain or loss) Net gain or loss) So. Gross income from fundratsing ‘vents fnot mouding $ ...-. gl eonaztors repos on ine 1. SooPartV,tne 18... a Loss: direct expenses b Net income or (oss) from fundralsing events rss inca fom ging aie, Seo Part, ine 19... e Less: direct expenses. © |b Net income or (oss) from gaming actives Gross sales of inventory, lass retuns and allowances... . a Less: cost of goods sold ° b Netincome or (oss) trom sales of inventory... Miceaneour Revere Bomiess Coa Fao lor Bor Foc Al other rovenue, fe Total, Add Ines 1ia-tid 112° Total revenue, See instructions. Form 980 208) ‘Statoment of Functional Expenses ‘Section 601(o)G) and 601(6)(4) organizations must complete all colurmns. All other organizations must complete column (A) but are nat required to late columns (B), (C) ‘Do not include amounts reported on lines 6b, 7b, 8b, 8, and 10b of Pert Vil. w ‘eta Sparse @. Prog sanice zm 11 Grants ad other assistance to governments and ‘organizations in the US. See Part W, line 21. 2. Grants and other assistance to individuals in the US, Soe Part V, line 22... 3. Grants and other assistance to governments, organizations, and indlviduals outside the US. Seo Part IV, ines 18 and 16 4. Blonofits pald to or for members... 5 Compensation of current officers, directors, ‘wustees, and key employees... 6 Compensticn rot ince! above, dead Persons (as defined under section 495801) and peroore described in saction SBOE). 7 Othor salarias and wages . . {8 Pension plan conrbutons(nctde section 407A) ‘ed con 4058) moby one 8 Other employee benefits . 10 Payrolltaxes . . 11. Fees for services (non ene ‘9 Management b Legal © Accounting. 2. Lobbying + Profesor le sovios, Seo Pat Yn 17 f Investment management fees : 9 Other . 42 Advertising and promotion 43 Offics expenses... 44 Information technology - 15 Royalties 48 Occupancy 47 Travel 48 Payments of travol or entertainment expenses for any fedora, state, of local public officals 19 Conferences, conventions, and meetings . 20 Interest. 21 Payments to affilates 22 Depreciation, depletion, and amortization | 23° Insurance: fs 24 Other exponses, itemize expenses rot ‘covered above, (Expenses grouped together ‘and labeled miscellaneous may not exceed ‘536 of total expenses shown online 25 below] Direct candidate support eet se aoge Aether @xpenS6S oe cnt 25) Total tnctionel expenses {ou 2,418,650) 2,118,650 © aca rd 206,667, 129,500] 30,899 86,334 262,760) 116.202 123,888, 0720 65456 32057, 109,988 36430 51.218 23,970. 14,956 | 12,283 137,663 76 30,000, 30,000] ATO,544 2,087 526 7,535,355) 815% 1.414.595 1,414,535) 225,075; 225,076 47,003} 005 08,854 soa] S785) 2625 95,749 4511 27,959) 22,978 L 76,602 7,02 856 658 11,000 TATA 5,098,670 Br028 ZUR Bree Seeks la rie re Seta lane Sige ena cae nie Assets Cash—nonaterest-bearing . oe ‘Savings and temporary cash investments | ees Pledges and grants receivable, net Scraata ts ‘Accounts receivable, net Receivables from curent and forme officers, crectors, ustees, Koy | srtpoyes, and lgnet companied employes, Compete Part ot Schedule. Recaivables irom other iequaliied porons (as defined under section 486810) and parsons deere In ston 42581KR(8). Complete Part Il of Schedule L a Notes and loans receivable, net. ee Inventories forsale or use... : Propaid expenses and deferred charges | Land, buildings, and equipment: cost or| 10a” ‘other basis. Complete Part VI of Schedule D Less: accumulated depreciation... . [100] Investments—publcly traded securities. Investments—other secures. See Part IV line 11 Investments—program-related. See Part IV, ne 11 Intangible asoots ci (Other assots. Seo Part IV, tine 11 Total assets. Add tines 1 through 15 (must equal line 94) Liabilities SRB ‘Accounts payable and acorved expenses: Hee Grants payable... : ee aan Deferred revenue. fe beam es Tax-exempt bond labios | Escrow or custodial account liablity. Compete Part V of Schedule D Payables to current and former officers, directors, trustees, key |B ‘employees, highest compensated empioyees, and disqualified persons. Complete Part Il of Schedule... Secured mortgages and notes payable to unrelated hind partes ‘Unsecured notes and loans payable to unrelated third parties . Other libites. Complete Part X of Schedule D ‘Total liabilities. Add lines 17 through 25... Bey Not Assets or Fund Balances eeege3 ‘Organiztione that follow SFAS. 117, check here> Wand ‘complete lines 27 through 28, and lines 38 and 34. Unrestricted net assets... “Temporarily restricted net assets . Permanently restricted net assets. Organizations thet do not follow SFAS 117, check here » LI ‘and complete lines 20 through 34. Capital stock or trust principal, or current funds. Paid-n or capita surplus, or land, bulking, or equipment fund Retained earings, endowment, accumulated Income, or other funds Total net assets o fund belances z a ‘Total lablitos and net assets/und balances |. xm s80 000) GENE Financial Statements and A 11 Accounting method used to prepare the Form 9@0: CI Cash [Zi Accrual 1 Other 1 the organization changed its method of accounting from a prior year or chacked *Other,* expan in ‘Schedule 0. 28 Were the organizations financial statements compiled or reviewed by an independent accountant? 'b Were the organization's financial statements aucted by an independent accountant? If "Yes" to line 2a or 2b, doss the organization have a committee that assumes responsibilty for oversight of ‘the aust, review, or omplaton of ts fancial statements and selection ofan independent accountant? It tre organization changed elther its oversight process or selection process during the tax year, explain in ‘Schedule 0. {11 °Ye0" to tne 2a oF 2b, check a box below to indicate whether the franca stateronts for the year wero Issued on a consolidated basis, sopaato basis, or bot Separate basis) Coneolidated basis Both consolidated and separate basis 30 As a result of federal award, was the organlzation required to undergo an auett or audits as set forth in the Single Aucit Act and OMB Circular A-183? 1b 1 °¥es," did the organization undergo the required auditor audits? If the organization did not undergo the required aucit or audits, explain why In Schedule O and describe any steps taken to undergo such audits. ab Fern 990 09 = 2 49 No. 1646-0047 pore Schedule of Contributors can 04 ‘or 890-PF 990-8, oF 900-PF. crete eee > Attach to Form 990, 5 2009 'Name of the organization Employer identification number ‘National Organization for Marriage, ine. 26: o2oso8 Organization type (check one}. Filers of: Section: Form 990 or 980-2 © soi(ex 4) (entor number) organization 1 4047/41) nonexempt charitable trust not treated as a Private foundation D827 political organization Form 990-PF D1 501(¢}8) exempt private foundation D 4947(@X1) nonexempt charitable trust treated as a private foundation 1D 501%} taxable private foundation (Check if your organization is covered by the General Rule or a Special Rule. note, Gal 8 section 601(¢(7 8, oF 10} organization can check boxes for both the General Rule and a Special Rule. Seo Instructions, Gonoral Rule For an organization fing Form 980, 890-E2, or 990-PF that received, during the year, $5,000 or more (ia money oF Property) from any one contributor. Complete Paris | and il ‘Special Rules OF For a section 501(0),8) organization fing Form 960 or 990-E2 that met the 331% % support test of the regulations under SPT es panel) and 17OR)WA, and recived from any one contributor, during the year a contribution of te greater GF (1 $8.000 or (22% of tha amount on f} Form 960, Part Vil tine 1h ori) Form 880-E2. line 1. Compete Parte fanal 4. Fer a section 50117), or (10) erganizaton fing Form 890 or 800-€2 tat rected from any one ‘contributor, during Preah, aasredate contributions of mare than $1,000 for use exclusively for reigious, chartable, scent, tterry, or educational purpeses, or the prevention of cruelty to children or animats. Complete Parts Ii ard il D7 Fora section 501(0(7, (8. oF (10) organization fitng Form 990 or ‘990-EZ that received from any one contributor, during {he year, contributions for use exclusively for religious, charitable, etc., purposes, but these contributions did nor agoregate to more than $1,000. Il this Box s checked, enter here the total contributions that were recowed during the Year for an sxclushely religious, chartable,e., purpose. Do not complete any cf the pets unless she Genoral fate apples to this orgaization because it received nonexclusively relgious, chartabe, etc, contrbutions of $5000 or more during the years... ere i oP so. sere” An.cranization that isnot covered bythe General Rule andor the Special Rules does note Schedule B (orm S00, oon he are Pat gymnust answer “No” on Part IV, Ene 2 of its Form 260, er check te box online # fis Fort S00-Eos Sac pay’ 2 of He Form 880-FF; to cert that it does not meet the fing requirements of Schedule B (Form 880, Son-er oy 990-PF) (orem Bon wOOEE eboser arte Ae Na, te structions Ga. No SOISK ‘Sete Farm 00, OE, wr 000) DD {or Ferm 90, 900-2, or 800-°F, Sch 8 (orm 96 880, o 807 09) rape" ct_* avant Name of organization . "Employer identifeation number National Organization for Marriage, inc. 26} 0240400 Contributors (see instructions) fe o No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 1 © Aggregate contributions a, ‘Type of contribution Person [J $. a ee Noncath 4d (Compete Part i there is ‘ noncesh contribution) @ ‘ype of contribution Person ZI Payot Noncash ] (Compete Part ears Shores consort @ @ ‘Aggregate contributions | Type of ¢“witution 3 - 2 roret Noncash [] (Compete Pat ithe is ‘ roncash contribution) @ Type of contribution Person Payrott Noncash [] (Complete Par it thee is ‘@noncash contribution) 19,000 @) Type of contribution Person Peyron [ Noncash [) (Compete Pat there is ‘noneash certrbution) @ ‘Type of contribution Person (7 Payrot — [} Noncash (Compieto Pat there is ‘@nancash cortrouion) ‘Sohedue B (Form 860, 660-€2, or 880-PF (2005) ‘Schade 8 Farm 90, 9902 er S60-PF oe Name of organization ‘National Organization for Marriage, Inc. Contributors (G88 instructions) @) No. Cy expe? ot 3 pant Employer identification number 6 240498 7 Name, address, and ZIP + 4 © @ Aggregate contributions | Type of contribution Person Payrolh Noncash [] (Complete Part ii thers is ‘| noneash contibaton} © @ ‘Aggregate contributions (a) No. ‘Type of contribution Person [2 shan zarsom | ROC, (Cat Pan eri Soros conebuson) @ @ Aggregate contributions ‘Type of contribution Person 4 Payroll Noncash (Compete Part i thar | noncash contribution} @ @ ‘Aggregate contributions | Type of contribution (a) Person J Payrot § [) $a 50.000 | Noneash [] (Complete Part itt there is ‘anoneash contribution) n ) a, Aggregate contributions | Type of contribution Porson [Z Payroll, Noncash (Complete Part thera ie ‘= oneash contribution) @ ‘ype of contribution Person [4 Payron =} Noneash (Compete Part i # there is 8 noneash contibution) ‘Schedule B (Form 880, 90-52, or 90-PF ODT ‘Schexue 8 orm 390, $002, 9H0-PF ee) ‘Name of organization ‘National Organization for Marriage, nc. [EEMMY Contributors (see instructions) (a) Cy No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Page $ ot 2 orpant Employer identication number 240498 @ @ Aggregate contributions | Type of contribution (a) No. Person [J Payot [ Noneash (7) (Complete Part tha is | norcash contiouton) 41,900,000 1“ ) @ Agaregate contributions | Type of contribution a) Person B Pare Noweash Cl (Complete Part thre is ‘@roncash coctibution) © Aggregate contributions (a ‘Type of contribution Hq Oo (Compete Part i thre is ‘roncash cortrbusion) Person Payroll Noncash (e) No. a ‘Type of contribution go a (Complete Pat there is | noneash cortbuton) Person Payroll Noncash © Aggregate contributions (a, ‘Type of contribution a] Nonewen (Compete Part thre le ‘®roneash contribution) Person @ Aggregate contributions @ ‘Type of contribution Person g Ronen (Compete Part there is ‘8 noncash contribution) ‘Schedule B (Fn 990, 90462, or 90-75 0) 2009 scHEDULEC Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities (Form 990 or 890-E2) For Organizations Exempt From Income Tax Under section 80(c) and section 527 eee > Complete ithe organization is described below. ‘oral Rorone bee > attach to Form 990 oF Form 990-E2. See separate Instructions. tf the organization answered "Yee," to Form 980, Part WV, line 3, or Form 990-EZ, Part VI line 48 (Political Campaign Activites), then 1 Seaton S01) organizations: Complete Pats I-A and B. Do nat complete Pat IC. «© Seaton 501() other than section 501) organizations: Complete Parts LA and C below. De not complete Pat I-8 «Section 527 orgarization: Compiet Part A only 1 tho organization anaworod "Yee," to Form 990, Part I ne 4, of Form 990-EZ, Part Vi, ine 47 (Lobbying Activities), then "Section SO1(d¢ organizations that have fed Form 8766 (elacion under section 501(M): Complete Part I-A. Do not complete Pat I-B. «Section 501) organization that have NOT fled Form 5768 (lection under section S01(9): Completa Pat Ih. Do not complete Pat IMA. {tthe organization anewered "Yes," to Form 890, Pat IV, ve 5 (Proxy Tax), then _* Section 501(0K oF] ergprizations: Complete Part I Tiare of orpariznion National Organi ‘under section S0T(6) or fe 1. Provide @ description ofthe organization's rect and indirect poltical campaign activites in Part IV. 2 Political expenditures oe 5 Velen oma Cetera eee eect aCe : Complete i the organization le exempt undar section SDITE)B). 41. Enterthe amount of any excise tx incited by the rgantzation under secton 4865...» 2 Enter the amount of any excise tax incurred by organization managers under section 4955 . > Bees a 4m cgmston ined» mcr 4555 ta For 20 for yor. S"Ciives"” Hie fo Wav a corecion made? ss : : {Byes Fine DI s¥e" describe in Pari ‘Complete i the organization ls exempt under section 60i(@), except section SOIT). 11 Enter the amount directly expended by the fling organization for section 627 exempt function activites”. : > 8. 2 Entor the amount ofthe fing ganizations funds contted to other rzatore for secon ‘527 exempt function activities. . > 8. Total exemat function expenditures. Add ines 1 and 2. Enter here and on Form 1720-POL, tne 7. : ve 4 Di the fling organization fe Form 1120-POL for thie year? | 15 Enter the names, addresses and employer identification ruber EN) ofall section 527 pail organizations to which payments wore mace. For each ergnleton listed, ertorthe amount paid rom te fing organization's unds. Also enter he amount af poltical Contributions reoeved tat were prompt and directly dolivred toa Separate poll orsenizaton, such esa sparate segregates {und or a politica action commits (PAC). If adtanal space le needed, provide information in Pot NV. T Nene a rant pater | nat ct pla . eo Sfecrecareacn’” | esthGotra esd and ssn fren, r-0~ |"pompty an pote orgaieeton | perers end. Friends of Barbara Comsto 26-4220583 $3,000 ° Frignds of Bob Marshall__|itanassas, Vi 54-1900260 $3,000, ° 1 Friends of Cuccinnell for AG 262280210 $5,000) ° ee 11,000 0 For Privacy Actand Paperwork Reduction Act Notice ee the Insucton fer Farm 880 ¢r W0-EZ. Cet No. 0084S eehodl C Form 090 or O80-E2 2000 seneaue¢ Fo 899997 2008 ‘Complete If the organization Is exempt under section S01(e)(9) and under section 501(h). X Check > Cif the fling organization belongs to an affiatod group. Page 2 Tiled Form 6768 (election Chock » Clit the fling organization checked box A and “imited contro” provisions app Limits on Lobbying Expenditures (The term “expenditures” means amounts paid or incurred) ‘1a. Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion (grass roots iobbying) . . b Total ebbing perce onus a alae body (ect obeying) « © Total lobbying expenditures (adc Ines teend tb)... 2 ee ss d Other exempt purpose expenditures. ee eee Total exempt purpose expenditures (add nos Ye and td) |). . {1 Lobbying nontaxable amount. Enter the amount from the following tab io both (Fire) matics cinders tas | Soe feces fee columns, {tthe amount online 16, colar fa) or) s:| The lobbying nontaxable amount is: | Fie Not over $500,000 20% ofthe avout one 1, ! [cover ss0,c00 but not avr $3,000,000 — |" $100,000 plus 1594 ofthe excons over $500,000. |. ‘Over $1,000,000 bt nt over $7,500,000 103 7 | Cvee $150,000 but not ove $37,000,000 | $225,000 pis 696 of he excens ove $1,500,000. | A ‘Over $17,000,000 $1,000,000. [ {9 Grassroots nontaxable amount (ontor 25% of ne 1] fh Subtract line 1g from line ta. I zero ores, enterO- 1 Subtract line 1 from tine to. 1 z0f0 oF les8, enter Os jf there is an amount other than zero onelther tie th or ln 1, dd the organization file For section 4911 textorthis year? vw. 7 4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501{h) (Some organizations that made a section 501f) election do not have to cot mn areO repo reo Yee 2 No smplote all of the five ‘columns below. See the Instructions for lines 2a trough 2 on page 4) ing Expenditures During 4-Year Averaging Period (@) 2008 (0) 207 (612008 (02000 (©) Tost T Grassroots nontaxable amount | "© Graseroos cling amount {150% of ine 24, column fo), 1 Grassroots lobbying expenditures ‘Sehecle © (Farm 950 or 9907) 2008 ‘Serle Fann 960 00-2 2008 Page 8 ‘Complete if the organization is exempt under section 601(0)(@) and has NOT filed Form 6768 {election under section 501(h). a w Yes | No| Amount 4) During the year, did the fling organization atternpt to influence foreign, national, slate or local legislation, Including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legisiatve matter or referendum, through the Use of: Volunteers? . Pa fof rane ce carperetonh expe opto in tough 17 Media advertisements? . : 1 Malings to member, legislators, or the public? Publications, or published or broadcast statements? Grants to other organizations for lobbying purposes? Direct contact with legislators, ther staffs, government officias, ora legisatve body? Rallies, demonstrations, seminars, convertions, speeches, lectures, or any sirilar means? Other activities? If “Yes,” describe In Part IV Total, Add fines 1c through 11 Did the actives in ine + cause tho organization to be not described in section 601(cK)? It "Yes," enter the amount of ary tax incurred under section 4912. : € If Ye5" enter tho amount of any tax ineuTed by organization managers under section 4012 d_ I the fing organization incurred a section 4912 tax, did it file Form 4720 for this year? ae omplete I the organization is exempt under section 8012), sealon BOTTI), or section 501(6)(6). Yes No, 1 Were substantially ai (20% or more) dues received nondeductible by members? av 2 Did the organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less?. ©. 1) [a v 3 Did the agro to camyover lobbying and politcal expences from the prior year? > 3 v ‘Complete ifthe organization is exempt under section 601 (4), section E07(@)@), oF section $01(0\6) if BOTH Part I-A ines * and 2 are answered “No” OR Ht Part I-A, line Sis anewered res 1 Dues, assessments and similar amounts from members. 1 o 2 Section 162(e)nondscctibieobbying and potical expenditires (do not include amounts of political [= ‘expences for which the section 5271) tax was pal) my 8 Curentyear ee EEE aReecee aoe oa eee ane 0 bb Camyover from ist year - canara ee epee cee |e 2 © Total . ae fae ecceeeseeecra ‘3 Agoregate aroun reported in secon 608K netces of rondeducble seaton 18zte)aues | | CS @ 4° notices were sent and the amount on line 2c excseds the amount on tne 3, what portion of the a cxcess ona te reno ana career a reassert of anda oDg and poli! expenditure next year? > ae 4 ‘5 _Toxabie amount of ebbying and polcl expendtres oo nsinstong) |) |)... [ey a Supplemental Information Complete this ar to provide the descrintions required for Part KA ino t; Part FB, line 4; Par -O, ne and Pan WB, fine Also, complete this part for any additional information. ‘Sohete © Form 990 or 0-5) 2003 chee © Farm $60 8602 2000 Pao 4 [IMI Supplemental information (continued) (ova No 1646-4087 SCHEDULE D (Form 980) Supplemental Financial Statements 2009 > Complete W the organization answered "Yoe," to Form 990, art line , 7,8, 9 10, 11, oF 12. Peace eve” > attach to Form 990.» See ceparate instructions. ave ofthe organization roloerGaneeaton PUTS 6 240498 National Organization for Marriage, Inc. ‘Organizations Maintaining Donor Advised Funds or Other Similar Funds or Accounts. Compiete if the organization answered “Yes” to Form 990, Part IV, line 6. (a) Dror aaied nas Fina and ote cours Total number at end of year... Aagregatecontibutons fo (ring yea) ‘Aggregate grants from (during year}. | |—_____ ~ pacrogate vive st end ofyear =. | LE Did the organization inform al done and donor acvsors In wring thatthe asses bln don advised and e the orgorlztn’s propery, subiect othe organization's exclusive logal cotof? yee C1 wo Did the ocgerzation informal grartes, donors and donor acvaos in wtng that rat funds can bo ied ony fr chatable purposes and rotor the eve ofthe donor or donor ado, fr anyother urpoee conering inpermietle private bore? “Cys (no Ganservation Easements. Complete il the oranizaion answered "Ves" to Form 990, Part lne 7. 11 Purposels) of conservation easements held by the organzation check al hat app) Cl Preservation of land for public use (e.g., recreation or pleasure) ([] Preservation of an historically Important land area Protection of natural habitat Cl Preservation of a certified historic structure: D Preservation of open space 2 Complete nes 2a hvough 2d he orgarizaton hes a qualified conservation contbuton inthe form ofa conservation ssomort on the last Gay of the tx yer. 1 2 3 4 5 (Se atte Ec of he Tox Year ‘9 Tota! number of conservation easements. 2a 'b Total acreage restricted by conservation easements. . 2 © Number of conservation easements on a carted historic iructure included in (a)... | 28 <4 Number of conservation easements included inc) acquired after 8/17/08 . “al 3. Number of conservation easements modified, transfered, released, extinguished, o terminated by the orgarization ding ‘the tax your. 4. Numbor of states where property subject to conservation easement is located > '5 Does the organization have a written poly regarding the paiodle monterin, Inspection, handling of ‘Violations, and enforcement of the conservation easements it holds? ~ . Dyes 1 no © Stat and volunteer hours deveted to monitoring, inspecting, and enforing conservation easements during the year 1 aga of expenses incurred in monitoring, inspecting, and enforcing conservation easements during the year 8 Boos each convatinexsemartepated on re 2) above sly the recuromerts of seton 17O(hK4)(8)) and section 17OTHYANBKN? . . Oyes Ci no 9 In Part XW, scribe how the orgarization reports conservation easements n Rs revenue and expense statment, and balance shes, and include, if applicable, the text ofthe footnote fo the organizations nancial statoments that describes ations eocounting for consarvation easements. ‘Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets. ‘Complete i the organization answered "Yes" to Form 980, Part IV, line 8. ‘1a Ifthe organization elected, as pormitted under SFAS 116, not to report in its avenue statement and balance shoot works of an, historical treasures, or other similar assets held for pubic exhibition, education, or ressarch in furtherance of pubic service, provide, in Part XIV, the text of the footnote to its financal staterments that describes these tems. 'b Ifthe organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116, to report in its revenue statament and balance shest works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets held for public exhibition, education, or research in furtherance of publ service, provide the folowing amounts relating to theso toms: {Revenues included in Forn 900, Part V,tingt sh S {i Assets included in Form 990, PartX . . . pes eh San 2 It the organization recelved or held works of ar, ristorcal reasures, or othe smiar assets for financial galn, provide the {following amounts required to be reported under’ SFAS 116 relating to these items: ‘9 Revenuss Inoluded in Form 990, Part Vil, ine 1 fae Sea b Assets included in Form 900, PatX . q See ses For Privacy Aet and Paperwork Reduotion Act Notice, Gee the Inctructions for Form 990, Cal No. 627530 ScheauleD (For 60) 2000 Seaton 00200 rae 2 ‘Organizations Maintaining Collections of An, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets (continued) ‘3 Using the organlatin'saoquston, acession, another records, chek any ofthe flowing tht area sgnfeant use of is cotezion tee (ek a thet app 2 [Pubic ertien 3G ean er octarge rooans & C1. sohoiany rescerch © Cl Otter. ¢ LI Preservation for ttre generations 4 Prove a desornton ofthe organization's colectons and explain how thoy futher the organastion's exempt purpose in Pax 5 burg ne yer, teraction etre doa of ttl aie, of her iar snot tobe stk fo mice a ath than fo be anarwd fs pa ot hw ounces calecton? =. [) Yaw (] No ‘Eocrow and Custodial Arrangements. Complete he organization snewered "Yee" to Form 890, Part TV, the 9, of reported an amount on Form 980, PartX, ne 21. ‘els the organization an agent, trustee, custodian or other Intermediary for contributions or othor assets not included on Form 990, Part X? Dives 71 no 'b 1f°Yo6," explain the arrangement in Part XIV and complete the folowing table: art © Beginning balance. segues ; rn 4 Adltions xing tho yoer _ veces 4 @ Distbutione dung the yosr | eee Ending balance ‘Ge 25 Oi th organization icude an smeount on Fomm 980, Par'X.ine 212°) | |)... yas LI ¥ee LINo ®t Vea," expain the rangement In Part Endowment Funds. Complete if ihe organization answered "Ves" to Form 690, Pant IV, ine 10. ~_Goreniee | O1Porvex | tlvoyeusbock [even ak | Fos arta ‘4a Beginning of yer balance: [eee Peace % Contrbutlons bse = € Ne vse arin, hs, a Tora : snd oooe8 ss : Grants or scholarships © Other expenditures for tacities i: and programs... 1. Administrative expenses 9 End of year balance. 2 Provide the estimated paconap of oe ale Fi ‘© Board designated or quasi-endovment b Permanent endowment > 3 oi Term endowment Pa... 96 2 there endowment funds not inthe possession of he organization that are at and adinstred forthe ‘organization by: Yes | No @) unrelated organizations 3a) @ oated erentzatons a Wee to Seth ar tho ated! draining teted ab required on Scheie A" ES 4 Describe in Part XIV the intended vss othe oarzations endowment funda investments—Land, Buildings, and Equipment. Seo Form 990, Pant X, Ine 70. ein veenet (Gort ste oaie | loot ater "| teacsunuaiea | eacor ae eases ea ‘cence te land ae Bulnge © Leasehold improvements | ||) Eaupren ; 680 5028 ETRY? ‘etal Addins Ta rooah fe Coun (ft eal Fo 660 Par X. olen Be 70 = ‘Schedule D (Form ooo) 2000 ‘shel D Fn 800 2009, Page 3 Investmente—Other Securities. See Form 990, Part X, ine 12 (a) Beorpton of ecu eatoyay (0) Book vue oetcig namo etsy Financial dervatives 2... ss Glosely-held equty interesto Other mt aga Pa 9 Pat ck E i iram Related. Seo Form 980, ParX, ine 13. {9 Drsion of nestrent ee (2) Book abo ‘eit oa Brit ogi Far Pat, ol je 3) ‘Other Assets. Ses Form 990, Part X, line 15. ~__)Desorrten Total ust equal Farm 080, Par X cok (ie 15) Other Liabilities. See Form 990, Part X, line 25. 1 (a) Osspson of a @)Araur Federal hcome taxes ‘Short-form loan due fo related ent Ta Raion Sol moe a 2. FIN 48 Footnote. In Pat XIV, provide the text of th fotnote tothe organization's franca taemants tha reports the ‘organization’ liablity for uncettain tax postions under FIN 48. ‘Schedule © Ferm 909 2000 sent 0 Fore 909208 rap 4 Reconciliation of Change in Net Assats from Form 660 to Audited Financial Statements otal revenue (Form G90, Pat Vil, column (A tne 12) Total expences (Form 980, Pat, cok (Be 25) Excose or (fic forthe year. Suctract ine 2 trom ne 1 Not urrealzes gains (ossee) on invostrants Donated sores and uso of facies. ; invotnem epee Tee a yee ace Prorperod ehwments |S little Other (Desori Part XIV)... Total acustmont na) Ad ins 4 trough 8 ; Evvoce or oo forthe yor por audited fnarcil slates. Combe ines 3 aid 8? Peconcilition of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Retry {Total revenue, gains, and other support per auclted financial statements... . . . . bt 7.372.984 2 Amounts Inctided on ne 1 but nt on Form 990, Part Vl, in 12: Net ureazod gah on invests : 7,372,964 7,876,438 103,457 Somsoonens 403,457 a 3 'b Donated servioas and use of facies © Recoveries of prior year grants. eaeeeeeceeaearat 4 ° fe |? | |? (thor Deserve In Part XIV). ‘Add lings 2a through 24 3 Subtract line 2e from line i 4 Amounts included on Form 990, Part Vil line 12, but not on fine 1: €@ Investment expenses not included on Form 880, Pert Vil ine 7> 'b Other (Describe in Part XIV). © Add ines 4a and ab 15 Total revenue, AdG tines 3 and do. (This must equal Form 980, Part | ie 12) Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statem« 1 Total expenses and losses per aucited financial statements 2 Amounts included on lina 1 but not on Form 990, Pat IX, line 25: '@ Donated services and use of facies . 'b Prior year adjustments. © Other losses. a 7372.38. ee 7.372.981 TATA See Other (Desorbe in Part XIV). ‘Add Ines 2atrwough 26.) |. oe epee 2° Subtract tne 20 tom inet | | ae DDD) [sare ‘4. -Amounte includes on Form 990, Pat line 25, but not on tne: Investment expenses not included on Form 990, Part Vill ine 7>. | 4a ji Other (Describe In PartXIV} ee fb oe ‘Ade tos 4a and 4 TT fae 5° Total expences Add tno 3 sn. (Tis mist anual Rm 960, bart itn fa)’. 8 | are ‘Supplemental Information Completa this part to provide the deseraton recured for Pert, nes 66, and Par Ii, ines ta and: Park N, fines 1b nd 2b; Part V, ine Part X ino 2; Part X kno &: Par XI, nes 26 and az and Part XI, lin 2d and 4b, Aso complete {ts part to provide any adationallormation Paes S seve 0 fom $60 200 ‘Supplemental Information (Continued) ‘Schedte D (Far 90) 2009 SOHEDULE'G Supplemental Information Regarding ve essa {Form 900 or 990-£2) Fundraising or Gaming Activities 9009 cereramney | Cm tscumen mented Se iaeemeaiaes oem omni TReSRae eras ante eee ee Nate! Oranztn fr Marge, er omnes Fundraising Activities. Complote Hf tho organization answered "Ves" to Form 990, Part IV, line 17. z Form 990-E2 filers are not requited to complete this part Indicate whether the organization raised funds through any of the folowing activities. Check all that apply. 2 \¥] mii sotictations ‘e [Z) Solicitation of non-government grants b 1 intemet and email solicitations: 1 LD Solicitation of government grants: © LJ Phone solicitations 9D Special fundraising events 41) in-person solicitations: 2a Did the organization have a written or oral agreement with any individual including officers, directors, trustees ‘or key employees listed in Form 980, Part Vil) or ent in connection with professional fundraising services? [7] Yes [_] No 'b If “Yes,” lst the ten highest paid individuals or entities (fundraisers) pursuant to agreements under which the fundraiser Is to be compensated at least $5,000 by the organization. ane camel pam [oases] eae | Maeeees | a eeeptaee a aoe] ers ae : sean zeese | "omean” | eka | ae =e Ya ie | v KMA Direct Communications: | Direct Mait_| na| 419,151 o The Sterling Corporation Consulting di na, 87,390 o ! { Tou » al avast ‘ Ust al slates in which the organization ls registered or licensed to soft funds or has bean noted It exempt from registration or loansing My For Privacy Aet ane Paperwork Reduction Act Noes, be the ructions for Form 60 or 80-EZ. CH Ho. SOO83H Sehedue G (Form 080 or 00-EZ) 2008 hed For 50 S002 2000 rage 2 Fundraising Events. Compete I the orgarizalion anawered "Ves" to Form 980, Part WV, line 18, or reported more than $15,000 on Form 990-E, line 6a. List events with gross receipts greater than $5,000. (eet Eee (6 Ofer ene eat (eat ero Gross recsipts . | 2 Loss: Charitable contributions oe 2. Gross income (line 1 minus ine 2)... Revenue 4 Cash prizos 5 Noncash prizes. 6 Renviaclty costs Food and beverages 8 Enteriainment. . Direct Expenses: 9 Other direct expenses . 40 Direct expense summary. Add lines 4 through 9 in column (c) ‘ aad 44 _Net income summary. Combine ine 3, column (@), and line 10. > ‘Gaming. Complete if the organization answered “Yes® to Form 890, Part IV, Tine 19, or reported more: ‘than $15,000 on Form 990-EZ, line 6a. i 1) Bre arian | Wohwomve | Gis otal, ely Gross revenue, ash prizes Noncash prizes Direct Expenses 4 Renvtacity costs 5 Other direct expenses . __*|O Ye % % 8 Volunteer labor. . O No. O Wo E 7 Direct expense summary, Add ines 2through Sneoluma 8_Net geming income summary. Combine ne 1. column and ine 7. ein ‘9 Enter the state(s) in which the organization operates gaming activites: ‘Is the organization licensed to operate gamring activites in each of these states? b If "No," explain: 403 Were any ofthe organization's gaming licenses revoked, suspended or terminated during the tax year? bi °Yes," explain 9 $2 Ise ganization a grantor bone orto of a tus or & more of «partnership or other entty formed to administor charitable gaming? unite Scheu Fer 980 or 98 2000 18 Indicate the percentage of geming activity operated In: ‘2 The organization's facility : b An outside faclty 138 % EC % | +14 Entr tha name and adress ofthe person who prepares the organization's gaming/speclal events books and records: 180 Dove the rgeriaton tava corrct with a thd party from whom te orgenzton recat gaming revenue? : 150 B ItYes," gp he ara’ of garg reves eco by te orguizalon» § and the amount of gaming revenue retained by the thir party > = © HF *Yes," enter name and address ofthe third party: Neme ». ‘Address® 18 Gaming manager information: Name ».. Gaming menager compensation » $ Description of services provided B..... C1 directorrotticer O Employee C1 independent contractor 17 Mandatory cistributions z ‘Is the organization required under state law to make charitable dlstbutions trom the gaming proceeds to retain the state garring lense? te Enter the amount of distributions required under siate law to be dlstrButed io ther exemt organizations ‘or spent in the erganization’s own exempt activities Guting the tax year b § be ‘Shoals G (Form 850 or 90-£2) 2008 ‘SCHEDULE J Compensation Information ue Ne ete {Form 990) For certain Offers, Directors, Trustaes, Key Erapioyees, and Highest 2009 > Complete ite crbetanton answered Yee to Form 90, Sige oh ray Part WV; tne 23. 2a Rrne ere > Attach to Form 990, > Soe separate instructions. ane or pen ior eveeston nore National Organization for Ing 2) 0240498 GERM Guctions Regarding Compensation ‘1a. Check the aparopriate box(es) f the organzation provided any ofthe following o or fora person listed in Form 1990, Part Vi, Seston A, ine 1a. Complete Pat I to provide any relevent information regarding these items. First-class or charter travel D. Housing allowance or rosidence for personal use Bi Trave' for companions B Payments for business use of personal residence Gi Tax indemnifeation and gross-up peyments Health or social club dues or ination fees 1D Discretionary spending account 1D Pereoral services (e.9., maid, chauffeur, chef) 'b If any of the boxes on line 1a are checked, did the organlzaton follow a written poicy regarding payment sr rabaremert of provon of al of he exposes desorbed above? "No compiete Pat Ifo explain 2 Did the orgeiztion require substantation prior to reimbursing oF allowing expenses incurred by al officers, directors, trustoos, and the CEO/Executive Director, regarding the items checked in ina Ya? . |B. 3 Indicate which, i any, of the folowing the organization uses to establish the compensation of the organization's CEO/Executve Director. Check all that apply. C1 Compensation committes Written employment contract Gl Independent compensation consuitant DCompensation survey or study j C1 Form 890 of other organizations RZ Approval by te board or compensation commites | 4 During the year, did any person listed in Form 980, Part Vil, Section A, line 1a, with respect to the fling ‘organization oF a related organization: Recelve a severance payment or change-of-control payment?, . Participate In, of receive payment fom, a supplemental nonguslfied retirement pla? Participate in, or receive payment from, an equity-based compensation arrangement”. {1 Yee" to ay of lings 4a-o, fet the partons and provide the apolicabla amounts for each tom in Pati ooe Only section 501(c}6) and £01(c}(4) organizations must complete lines 6-9. 5 For persons listed in Form 960, Part Vl, Section A, line ta, did the organization pay or accrue any compensation contingent on the revenues of: The organization? . 'b Any related organization? . If *Yes" to line 5a or 5, describe in Part il. 6 For porsons listed In Form 990, Part Vil, Section A, ontpeeaon conga onthe net ean of a The organization? . . . 7 'b Any related organization? .. 1 "Yes" to tine 68 oF 6, describe in Pati. 7 For poo etd Form 99, Far I, Sarton A Soe Ye te orn provid ny nord ‘payments not described in lines § and 87 If “Yes,” describe in Part Il. ‘ & Were any amounts reported in For 990, Part Vl, paid or aconued pursuant toa contract that was fect 10 the Intal contract exception described in Regs. section $3.4958-4(a9)? If "Yes," describe ‘1, did the organization pay or accrue any in Patil... . {2 v © *¥es" to tne 8, di tho organization aso follow the rebuttable pruton procedure described In Regulations section 534956-6(0)? . ceases) 2 or Prveoy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, ee the netuctione for Form 900, Gu Ne SST Stale om 0 200 ce 6s 0a opeNOE egedegetes sot pads ove. sym0 or no td [owes Sos a) roa cue 6 Seen ty | santero ty | nemo) | pi weumnes to) | —TaRRseGs GeraSaT MTROE a 1 ORO TP "BL OU “WA Bd “088 \H04 Uo UNOUR {3} uuNjea 20 (q) UUINJoo eGEDIKidE ax ene ysnUL (4)Na) SULUMIOD Jo LUN eu “HON, “IM Hed ‘066 uo UO pots jou 978 Je\s sjENpiApUY Aue yy JOU 04 "() os Uo ‘suogoNNEU) ‘xt seen ‘ueneate perme uo us (Ho Uo vn oa wos Lanai vse onpas RvE e uend> eo eH od 102 066 0d ¢ MOS "WOREALIO|T [PUOMIPIIE AUS 35} {ved s1u3 9j9idusoo sty “@ pue ‘2 ‘a9 ‘29 ‘GS ‘eg ‘2p ‘G} “CL SOU ‘I Hed 40} Paunbeu suoNduoSep 40 ‘uoReUEIdxe ‘uoReUUO}U! aig apinold O} Hed siyp ai=IdWiOD, eee 008 De wD ¢ eno=ee ‘SCHEDULE 0 a No 15460087 (Form 990) ‘Supplemental Information to Form 990 ‘Complete 1 prove nforstion fr responses to wpctc queso on Form 890 orto provide any editionel information. epee oe any Se ieee bean Attach to Form 990. ae of te oxprienon Trsleyer erenton ber National Organization for Marriago, Inc. 26 0240498 Form 980, Part Vi, Section B, Line 11A: The draft Form 990 Is elreulated to the directors, officers, and legal Form,990, Part Vi, Section C, Lin 17: PA.N, CA, IL, MS, NH, ND, OK, OR,TN, AZ, AR, CO. CT. FL, GA, KS, KY, MA, For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, ese the Instructions for Form 090, Ox: No 61096 Gehaduls © (Form 800) 009 002 058 wos) w amps seins m0 “266 uuo4 20} suonannsul Xp oes ‘eoRON YoY UOONpaY yHOMsaded PuE WY AOENS 10 mle Wee vA ‘a (6egs wrome (Raueo 001. fuyottoo pam | Sime Aue ary | voto woo umes | eel ruED RB o o ” ° {HeOK TE BUND SUORBATEETS YARNS, Paya SOM {1.asne200 YE OUI ‘AI Wed ‘066 UOJ 0} .S6,, POLOMSUE UOEZUEELO Ot 3! eleIdWOD) SUOREZUEHIO yloxs}-xEL PEIETeH JO Ui fae | ‘Canon ioe 2 cupaasoug | sweeeteng | cuoammor | smapuopnon | Aven omy ‘ee ppmanp Ng pu seen eum ° o ° @ ‘@ ty (ep eur ‘AI ued “066 Uwos 01 .50,, parensue Lojez|ue6.0 eu} eia\duiog) senHUG popseBassiq jo UOReORUOP! ED Toran Te “Bay SORA I OTITIS THON suonannsureresedesoes ‘oes uuosruEny rename! "1840 ‘96 ‘St ‘ve ‘ee Ou ‘AI Hed '086 UO 0} .20,,, porOMsUE UONEZIUEBIO exp y eVeIdWICD

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