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Office of the City Clerk City of North Adams

10 Main Street Room 109 North Adams, Massachusetts 01247 (413) 662-3015

City Clerk Marilyn Gomeau


A meeting of the North Adams City Council was held at 7:30pm in City Council Chambers with the following present:

COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Blackmer, Bloom, Boland, Bona, Bond, Boucher, Cariddi, Harpin, Marden.

A moment of silent prayer was observed remembering Sally Goodrich, title one coordinator for the North Adams School System.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The President called for a motion to approve the minutes of December 14, 2010.

On motion of Councillor Cariddi, duly seconded by Councillor Harpin it was VOTED: to accept the minutes as presented.

The President presented an Ordinance amending Chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinance of the City of North Adams Section 7-11 entitled Disposal of Waste at transfer station; charges. Commercial Section 2, which was postponed at the meeting of December 14, 2010.

Councillor Bona noted the committee had not met. On motion of Councillor Bona, duly seconded by Councillor Bloom it was VOTED: to postpone to the January zs" meeting.

The President presented a communication submitted by Councillor Cariddi regarding several traffic concerns, which was referred to the Traffic Commission at the meeting of May n".

Councillor Cariddi said all these traffic concerns were brought to her by residents of the community.

On motion of Councillor Cariddi, duly seconded by Councillor Marden it was VOTED: to postpone to the meeting of February 8th•

The President presented Mayor's communication #97 regarding City Ordinance for Hawkers, Peddlers, and Transient Vendors.

Without objection the President placed the communication on file.

The President presented an Ordinance amending Chapter 9 of the Revised Ordinances entitled Hawkers, Peddlers and Transient Vendors, Section 9-2 entitled Same-Granting.

On motion of Councillor Cariddi, duly seconded by Councillor Harpin it was VOTED; to refer to Public Safety.

Councillor Blackmer stated it is in the purview of the City Council to write Ordinances. Councillor Marden would like to refer this to the Mayor's office. After much discussion by all Councillors, Councillor Cariddi withdrew her original motion. On motion of Councillor Harpin, duly seconded by Councillor Bloom it was VOTED: to refer to the Mayor's office.

The President presented an Ordinance amending Chapter 12 of the Revised Ordinances entitled Licenses and Permits Generally, Section 12-12 entitled Tag Sales Regulations.

On· motion of Councillor Cariddi, duly seconded by Councilor Bona it was VOTED: to pass to a second reading and publish as required by law.

Councillor Bona expressed he was okay with the two days, but said it could be an enforcement issue.

The President called for any Councillor Cancers, several Councillors had questions for the Mayor about the new lights in the downtown. The big concerns of the Councillors were the use of the cameras. The Mayor explained the cameras were just for timing of the lights. Councillor Blackmer reminded residents to clear their sidewalks and fire hydrants in your area. Councillor Boucher commended the City crews for ajob well done in the recent storm. He also congratulated Councillor Cariddi on being sworn in as the first woman State Representative. Councillor Bond expressed that the City would be facing a difficult FY' 12 and invited everyone to attend the up coming Finance Committee meetings for the budget.

The Mayor said he was very proud of the job the Fire Department did on the recent fire on State Road. He also commended the City crews for the work on the recent storm. The Mayor's asked the President if he could give a State of the City Address at the next Council meeting.

The President called for anyone wishing to speak in Open Forum, Robert Cardimino, 173 East Quincy Street asked about snow removal on City sidewalks. He also expressed the City should consider not replacing the position of the Administrative Officer.

With no further business to come before the Council a motion to adjourn was in order.

VOTED: to adjourn at 8:10pm

A True Record Attest,

CITY OF NORTH ADAMS City Clerk's Office

January 6, 2011

I hereby notify you that at twelve 0' clock noon today the following items of business have been filed with this office and will be acted upon at the meeting in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, Tuesday evening January 11,2011 at seven-thirty o'clock according to Section 8, Rules and Orders of

. the City Council.

Marilyn Gomeau City Clerk











Approval of the minutes from the meeting of December 28,2010.

An Ordinance amending Chapter 12 entitled Tag Sale Regulations Section 12-12, which was passed to a second reading and publish as required by law at the meeting of December zs".

Mayor's communication #1 requesting the bonding for the various departments for the year 2011.

An Order establishing the amount of bond for the City Treasurer/Tax Collector at $250,000.00 for the year 2011.

An Order establishing the amount of bond for the Assistant Treasurer at $62,500.00 for the year 2011.

An Order establishing the amount of bond for the City Clerk at $15,000.00 for the year 2011.

Communication submitted by Councillor Boucher regarding a zoning change located at 420 Curran Memorial Highway.

Communication submitted by Councillor Cariddi regarding her resignation from the City Council effective immediately.


Mayor's communication #2 requesting the opportunity to give the State of the City Address.

Mr. Ronald Boucher, President North Adams City Council

City Hall

North Adams, Ma 01247

Dear President Boucher:

It is my understanding (based on discussions with the Mayor's office and with the Building Department) that a rezoning request is a matter of consideration and approval by both the City Council and the Planning Board. And I am now advised that this process should begin by approaching the City Council.

My partner, Gordon Leete, and I own Curran Highway Development LLC, located at 420 Curran Highway, North Adams, the site of the former KK Homemart. It comprises 2.91 acres of land which is currently zoned both CC-1 and 1-1. The CC-1 portion of the land is the major zoning designation, it being the dominant land portion, including all the frontage on the Curran Highway.

Curran Highway Development wishes to have the CC-1 zone expanded so as to eliminate the 1-1 designation on the rear portion of its property. We consider this change advantageous to our marketing and creative development of the property, which in turn we believe to be very much in the interests of the City. This change would also eliminate a zoning designation which we believe is no longer appropriate.

We will be happy to meet with any City Council committee (or the Council as a whole) and with the Planning Board as this request is considered. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

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Charles Fox (413-884-5333)


Office of the Mayor Richard J. Alcombright


January 11,2011

The Honorable City Council North Adams, Massachusetts

Re: Bonding Levels-City Officials

Dear Honorable Members:

Each year at this time Commissioner of Revenue Navjeet Bal sets forth the minimum bonding levels for the various city officers whose bonding is required by State statute.

In conformance with the various relevant statutes, the amount of bond for the City Treasurer/Tax Collector has been established at $250,000; the Assistant Treasurer at $62,500; and the City Clerk at $15,000.

Orders to that effect are enclosed and their approval is recommended.

Respectfully submitted,


10 Main Street· North Adams, Massachusetts 01247 (413) 662-3000

Richard J. Alcombright Mayor

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January 11, 2011


That under the provisions of Section 13 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws, the amount of bond for the City Clerk be established at $15,000.00 for the year 2011.

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That under the provisions of Section 39A of Chapter 41 of the General Laws, the amount of bond for the Assistant Treasurer be established at $62,500.00 for the year 2011.

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January 11, 2011



That under the provisions of Section 35 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws, the amount of bond for the City Treasurer/Tax Collector be established at $250,000.00 for the year 2011.


Office of the Mayor Richard J. Alcombright


January 11,2011

The Honorable City Council North Adams, Massachusetts

Re: State of the City

Honorable Members:

As requested at the last meeting, I will be giving my "State of the City" address at the January 11 th meeting.

Thank you for this opportunity.


10 Main Street· North Adams, Massachusetts 01247 (413) 662-3000

Richard J. Alcombright Mayor

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