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The background of our main image will be within the street we are filming on to Helens children will be in normal

rmal clothes
keep it realistic. It is more likely to be a wide shot that sets the scene of the also, so for example jeans, tops, trainers, We would like
family and the reactions it is causing. Helen will be wearing normal every day flat shoes etc and these will be reflective to use a picture
clothes but with her signature red heels which relates to the male gaze theory as of their characterisation and this relates of the street
even though she is in average clothes, her red heels make her sexually appealing. to our semiotics. sign here to
show realism
within the

Here we will have our

main image and one
that will feature all the
characters. We
imagine Helen to be
forefront of the picture
and everyone else
surrounding her. This
is showing Helen as a Here we will have
powerful character as a masthead mixed
she is at the front and with our slogan.
everyone is trailing This will be the
behind her and the piece of writing
further away they are that will sum up
the more blurred we THE HALLS the storyline of
imagine them to be. Helen and her
This is so all of the family moving in
audiences focus is on and the chaos it
Helen and her family. creates within the
Time and date street full of
standing residents.

In this section of the poster, we will have the date time and channel it
will be aired on. We are considering using the colour red here to make
it stand out from the background of a street, and furthermore to reflect Here we will have our television channel logo. This is
the connotation of red back again. Red is a prominent colour within our so people will instantly recognize the channel and
soap opera to connote danger and lust of which Helen is the want to watch the soap opera.
embodiment of.

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