Millionaires Tax Letter

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2/4/2011 14:11 518-455-5532 ASSEMBLY BRENNAN PAGE al THE ASSEMBLY CHAIR STATE OF NEW YORK Commirres ON Cmes COMMITTEES ALBANY aie GoRPORATIONS. AUTHORITIES. AND COMMISSIONS: JAMES F. BRENNAN EDUCATION: “ArH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT REAL PRoncery Kinas COUNTY January 19, 2011 ‘The Hon. Andrew Cuomo Govemor, State of New York Executive Chamber Albany, NY 12224 Dear Governor Cuomo: We are writing to urge that you preserve the temporary adjustment on upper income households in order to mitigate the cuts needed to balance our coming budget and to ensure that the sacrifices necessary to put our state’s fiscal house in order are shared by all New Yorkcrs. This adjustment was enacted to stabilize revenues in order to provide essential public services during the worst economic downturn since World War Il. It is apparent that we still have a need for those revenues as we work our way out of the aftermath of the recession, Estimates suggest that continuing this adjustment beyond its current expiration date of Decernber 31, 2011, will yield over $1 billion in fiscal year 2011-12, and as much as $5 billion in fiscal year 2012-13. This adjustment is current law; extending it docs not violate your opposition to new taxes. We ‘urge you to join us and retain this adjustment in the budget you present to the Legislature for 2011-12. ‘Yours truly, noon 842 Leases ve Ornice aus, mae, RY 4 Lowe er 4.16 SEVENTH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY 11218, /18 788.7287 1414 CORTELYOU ROAD. BROOKLYN, NY 11236, 715 940.0641 BRENNA JOASSEMALY.STATE.NY.US Saemres 02/84/2011 1d:11 918-455-5592 ASSEMBLY BRENNAN PAGE 83 DPebod ffl — Past om semanniis eanenase Pony

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