Jan Committee Meeting

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Troop 115

January Committee Meeting Minutes

January 19, 2011

Present: Pam, Bret, Carrie, Jason, Bob, Joelle, Matt, Chris


Wilderness Campout was a good one. It was a little far but went well and the boys had fun.

Klondike Derby. Aaron, SPL, did a great job preparing the boys for the outing. The boys did very well
on the scenarios but maybe lacked a little in scout spirit.

The meeting end is taking too long causing the meetings to get over late.

We had two scouts having their Eagle Board of Reviews tonight. Hopefully we will have 8 new Eagles in

We need to find a way to keep the older boys participating in the troop. Travis has called and said he
didn’t want to be part of the troop but would still be around once in a while.

OUTDOOR REPORT- Bob and other discussion

Wilderness Campout- Good outing worth trying again. 24 in attendance; including 6 Adults, 16
boyscouts, and 2 Webelos from pack #103.

There were 8 adults and 13 youths attending the Klondike Derby. We needed more meetings for planning
and definitely the older scouts should have been involved more in the planning and attendance. We need
to check out the sleds that the troop has and get them ready for next year instead of using jet sleds. As
soon as we have some time and resources we will work on the sleds, currently they are lashed together
and need to be evaluated and probably fixed up a little.

We should be having a PLC every month.

Optimist Club is this weekend but because of no school on Monday and getting ready for the Klondike
Derby we haven’t done any planning so discussions on changing to a different experience, especially for
the Webelos that were already invited. Because of the cold weather forecast and the lack of planning we
are changing the Optimist Club campout to a day outing/hike. Meet at ABI’s at 9am; bring snowshoes,
sleds if available. Dress for winter weather and lunch and hot cocoa will be provided. Carrie will send
out announcement for troop.

Polar Bear date in February with more thought and date to be announced @ Dollar Lake. Headed up by
Adam D. and Zak C.

Red Wings outing we are interested in attending; Bob will contact Rick for details and Webelos will be

Summer Camp announcement to be made by Bob the first meeting in February. Troop 115 will be
attending June 10-16. There are two new programs the first is Horsemanship; the scout will leave M-Th
from 5-8, go to Ranch Rudolf, eat dinner and earn this merit badge- the cost is an additional $75 and will
only take the first 12 to register. The second is for the older scouts (must be 14 by June 1st) and is a Mini
High Adventure where the boys camp out at the Adirondacks and is not part of the summer camp
activities the cost for the week is $375.
We currently have $5104.33 in the account and does not include the individual accounts. The statements
are being modified and being sent out with an explanation letter. They are expecting a lot of questions
and ready to help. Also, they are asking that money comes from the individual accounts instead of having
to pay for everyone individually.

We are going to need a check for troop registration.

Dues are going to be $100 a year plus $12 for those who want Boys Life magazine and prorated for the
new Webelos joining the troop.

We spent approximately $1300 on advancement awards in 2010.

We are in need of new matching tents. The tents we just received are good for no weather backpacking
but new ones are needed for wet, snowy, and windy weather.

We also need plates and insurance for the trailer.

It would be nice if each patrol had rainfly’s instead of using the big canopies.

Troop 115 was going to be in charge of a Blood Drive at Courtade but are turning it over to the Pack.

Charter Issue: Courtade has been very unresponsive to the Boy Scouts meeting at the school and we have
been looking into other options. Our options are to change organizations or stay at Courtade. The best
option we have found so far is at Christ the King Church. They offer a large meeting area, separate
rooms for Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Reviews, along with storage space and outdoor space
that may be available. Bob sent everyone a survey and only received 15/36 replies. Everyone who did
reply said they would either prefer to move to C the K or didn’t care. TC Prep was brought up as an
option but then there wouldn’t be a meeting space available in the summer. The Charter has to be turned
in by March 1st. Therefore the committee has voted to change our location from Courtade to Christ the
King Church as long as we can keep our tenure, keep our troop number, and Courtade signs off of our
charter. Done deal and our next meeting will be Monday, January 24, 2011.

Next Committee Meeting: Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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