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February 15, 2011 2:00 p.m. Fayetteville Town Center

I. Call to Order – Chairman Maudie Schmitt

II. Reports
A. Approval of Minutes for January 10 , 2011 regular monthly meeting
B. Financial Report
1. HMR Revenues – Marilyn Heifner
2. Financial Statements - Keith Glass
3. Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts – Kit
C. Clinton House Museum Report -
D. Visitor Bureau Report –
E. Town Center Report – Sandra Bennett
F. Executive Director Report – Marilyn Heifner
G. Advertising Agency Report – Mike Sells

III. Old Business

IV. New Business

A. Approval to go out for bids for carpet, paint, etc for remodeling of Town

V. Adjourn
January 10, 2011

Commissioners Present: Bob Davis, Lioneld Jordan, Brandon Karn, Bill Lyle, Robert Rhoads,
and Maudie Schmitt.

Commissioners Absent: Neal Crawford

Staff Present: Marilyn Heifner, Sandra Bennett

Chairman Maudie Schmitt called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising
and Promotion Commission to order on January 10, 2011, at the Fayetteville Town Center at
2:00 p.m.

Chairman Schmitt welcomed Justin Tennant as the new member of the Commission. Tennant
replaces Robert Rhoads.

Moved by Davis, second by Karn to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2010 meeting.
Motion carried.

HMR Revenue – Marilyn announced that December HMR collections were $171,511.
Total collections for the 2010 year to date are $2,182,155. This represents a .75% increase over
2009 collections.

Financials – Keith Glass presented the financials and said 2010 was a good year. We did
as well as we had done the year before. CVB and CHM revenue was about the same and
expenses were kept in check. Revenue at the Town Center was down approximately $22,00 and
expenses were up about $40,000. Overall A & P revenue was up slightly and expenses were
down about $120,000.

Update from the City Attorney – Kit Williams reported that the City Prosecutor’s office
collected $1,050.20 in the month of December. Total collected for 2010 is $51,373.96. Five
cases are closed.


America in Bloom and 20+ members of the Owls 4-H Club teamed up to plant over 1500
daffodil bulbs along the rock wall in front of the Museum. Gift shop revenues are up. The
Clinton House Museum will be featured in the PBS biography of President Clinton to be released
in 2011.


A new report for 2011 for the convention Visitors Bureau will show sales leads booked and lost
business. In December 2010, 8 meetings were booked for an estimated economic value of
$612,222.00. Three meetings were lost (this represents $599,271.15 in lost economic impact).

A convention calendar for December 2010, January 2011 and February 2012 will show
economic data to commissioners relative to visitor spending.

The Visitor Store had a 139% increase over December 2009 sales. Average monthly sales in
2010 was $2,444.54 compared with 2009 average monthly sales of $1,554.03.

December collections were $23,144.59 a 8% decrease from 2009. The returned sales contracts
for 2010 was up 2% over 2009 events. This should result in increased sales and attendance in


For the third consecutive year, the Arkansas baseball team has finished second nationally in
attendance, as a school record 292,734 fans attend the 2010 season at Baum Stadium. LSU
ranked #1 with 394,900 fans.

Ad sales for the Fayetteville Guide are continuing. Approximately 10,000 additional guides will
be printed and will be distributed to all Fayetteville residents.

Restaurnat Week is scheduled for February 17-27. Five Nook e-books will be given to lucky
restaurant week participants and to the server who gets the most entries.

Jill Oyler, an intern is working on a new living history tourism project – stories about
Fayetteville citizens who have built our city. We are cooperating with the Washington County
Historical Society and the NWA Genealogical Society. Jill is researching possible candidates for
our project.

Marilyn is working on the Find it in Fayetteville campaign with the Chamber and the City.
Sponsors are being sought for a Find It in Fayetteville Habitote bag.

Jade Gustin reported for the Agency on progress of projects. They are finishing out the 2010
marketing plan. Currently in production is the Fayetteville Guide (profiles), the Gallery Guide,
and the Trails Guide. Also to be updated and printed are the Clinton House Museum brochure,
the Historic Walking Tour, and the All Seasons Trail.

Restaurant Week is scheduled for February 17-27, 2011. The Agency is working with Mutual of
Omaha to schedule their van here in May for the My “AHA” Moment tour. They will only be in
25 cities nationally.


Maudie announced that Café Rue Orleans is 10 years old today.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn Heifner
Executive Director
Advertising and Promotion Commission
For month of January 2011

Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912.4101.00) $ 170,524.12

Prior Year Collected (2120.0912.4101.01) $ 9,021.68
First Security Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4708.00) $ 1,737.58

Total Revenues $ 181,283.38

Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602.60) $ -

Collection Expense (2120.9120.5333.00) $ (3,590.92)
Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (1,125.00)
Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (56,304.00)
2008 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602.60)

Total Expenses $ (61,019.92)

Total Check to A&P $ 120,263.46

City of Fayetteville, Arkansas
Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2007-2010

2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010

Total Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over
HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year

January $166,620 $174,005 4.43% $166,214 -4.48% $166,645 0.00%

February $150,088 $158,693 5.58% $167,141 5.32% $143,940 -13.88%

March $157,317 $172,804 9.84% $180,027 4.18% $172,662 -4.09%

April $171,562 $183,672 7.06% $191,542 4.28% $187,730 -2.00%

May $165,779 $175,064 5.60% $190,320 8.71% $185,096 -2.74%

June $177,594 $194,447 9.49% $190,237 -2.17% $184,371 -3.08%

July $173,079 $188,253 8.77% $180,944 -3.88% $196,323 0.08%

August $160,560 $174,648 8.77% $167,897 -3.87% $180,741 7.65%

September $172,373 $190,244 10.37% $176,463 -7.24% $184,471 4.54%

October $180,324 $187,125 3.77% $189,728 1.39% $195,169 2.87%

November $185,111 $197,814 6.86% $190,887 -3.50% $213,494 11.84%

December $170,506 $174,682 2.45% $174,568 0.00% $171,511 -0.18%

Total $ $2,030,913 $2,171,451 6.92% $2,165,969 0.00% $2,182,155 0.75%

City of Fayetteville, Arkansas
Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2008-2011

2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011

Total Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over
HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year

January $174,005 $166,214 -4.48% $166,645 0.00% $179,546 7.74%

February $158,693 $167,141 5.32% $143,940 -13.88%

March $172,804 $180,027 4.18% $172,662 -4.09%

April $183,672 $191,542 4.28% $187,730 -2.00%

May $175,064 $190,320 8.71% $185,096 -2.74%

June $194,447 $190,237 -2.17% $184,371 -3.08%

July $188,253 $180,944 -3.88% $196,323 0.08%

August $174,648 $167,897 -3.87% $180,741 7.65%

September $190,244 $176,463 -7.24% $184,471 4.54%

October $187,125 $189,728 1.39% $195,169 2.87%

November $197,814 $190,887 -3.50% $213,494 11.84%

December $174,682 $174,568 0.00% $171,511 -0.18%

Total $ $2,171,451 $2,165,969 0.00% $2,182,155 0.75% $179,546 7.74%


The Clinton House Museum had a total of 99 visitors in January 2011. Despite closing for
inclement weather, we had an extraordinary amount of visitors in the remaining days. The
University of Arkansas hosted a group of Vietnamese students from across the country during
their winter breaks. Many of these students were eager to see the House, learn about the “Early
Clinton Years’, and also express their gratitude toward the Clinton Administration.

The E. Faye Jones property on Hwy 16 has been recently purchased by Stephanie Zhyr, of
Albuquerque, NM. She is eager to preserve the Clinton Legacy and we are discussing possible
tours and other marketing ideas.

A redesign of a the brochure for the Museum will include the First Ladies Garden and the visit
by President Clinton this past August. The spring will launch fundraising efforts in the form of
a Buy-A-Brick Campaign and an Engraved Stone Paver Campaign with quotes of First Ladies
which will be used to establish a rock walkway in the Garden. We are also developing exhibits
featuring the former owners of the House – H.H. “Scotty” Taylor, Gilbert and Bo Swanson, and
Dr. Warren Gifford.


February 21st
Annual President’s Day Trivia Contest

February 24th
Group Tour – Specialty Programs – Mena, AR
Sales Leads by Date Issued
January 2011 Meeting Dates Decision Date Attend Peak Rooms $ Value

Dudley Thunder Series 04/15/2011 200 25 50 $47,094

Adult Softball Tournament 04/17/2011

B.E.S.T Baseball 06/09/2011 1,000 500 1,500 $235,470

Hawg Showcase 06/12/2011

B.E.S.T Baseball 07/26/2011 400 200 1,000 $94,188

World Series (16 yr. olds) 07/31/2011

GRAND TOTAL 3 Meetings 1,600 2,550 $376,752

Definite Bookings By Booking Date

January 2011 Meeting Dates Attnd Peak Rooms $ Value

Dudley Thunder Series 04/15/2011 200 25 50 $47,094

Adult Softball Tournament 04/17/2011

Southwest Tours 05/11/2011 50 0 $11,774


B.E.S.T Baseball 06/22/2011 200 60 240 $47,094

Hawg Classic - Dave Van Horn Team Baseball Camp 06/26/2011

VYPE 06/24/2011 1,500 800 1,600 $353,205

7 on 7 Select Football Tournament 06/26/2011

B.E.S.T Baseball 07/26/2011 400 200 1,000 $94,188

World Series (16 yr. olds) 07/31/2011

All Sports Productions 12/10/2011 1,000 50 50 $235,470

Fayetteville Half Marathon 12/11/2011

UA Track and Field 02/22/2013 250 100 200 $58,868

SEC Indoor Championships 02/24/2013

UA Swimming & Diving 2015 TBA 1,000 400 1,200 $235,470

SEC M/W Swimming & Diving

UA Track and Field 2015 TBA 250 100 200 $58,868

SEC Indoor Championships

UA Track and Field 2016 TBA 250 100 200 $58,868

SEC Indoor Championships
UA Track and Field 2017 TBA 250 100 300 $58,868
SEC M/W Outdoor Track & Field Championships

UA Track and Field 2017 TBA 500 200 400 $117,735

SEC M/W Cross Country Championships

UA Track and Field 2018 TBA 250 100 200 $58,868

SEC Indoor Championships

UA Tennis 2019 TBA 250 100 300 $58,868

SEC Men's Tennis Championship

UA Track and Field 2020 TBA 250 100 200 $58,868

SEC Indoor Championships

UA Tennis 2020 TBA 250 100 300 $58,868

SEC Women's Tennis Championship

16 Meetings 6,850 6,440 $1,612,970

Lost Business
Mtg Dates Attd Rm Nts $ Value
US Beef Corporation 02/09/2011 50 10 $11,774
Arby's Franchisee Regional Meeting 02/10/2011
combined event with Tulsa region
Arkansas Activities Association 10/28/2011 250 100 $58,868
State Volleyball Championship 10/30/2011
Will rebid for '12 when FHS has new gym.
Lost To: Cabot
2 Meetings 300 110 $70,641
Convention Calendar
Attendance/ Peak/Rooms
Meeting Dates Headquarters

January 2011
1/1/2011 Fleet Feet 200 0 0
1/1/2011 10 K Run

1/29/2011 Kappa Sigma 0 10 10

1/30/2011 Pledge Class Reunion Inn at Carnall Hall

February 2011
2/11/2011 Tyson Invitational Indoor Track & Field 500 200 400
2/13/2011 Citywide

2/11/2011 UA Cooperative Extension Service 100 0 0

2/11/2011 Blue Pathways

2/17/2011 Dine in Fayetteville 0 0 0

2/27/2011 Restaurant Week

2/24/2011 Arkansas Convention & Event Marketing** 250 0 0

2/24/2011 101 Runners Mardi Gras Indian Funk Band

2/24/2011 Special Programs 50 0 0


2/25/2011 UA Track and Field 250 100 200

2/27/2011 SEC Indoor Championships Citywide

2/25/2011 UA Curriculum & Instruction 300 33 33

2/26/2011 ESL Symposium Clarion

2/25/2011 Fayetteville Parks & Recreation 300 25 50

2/27/2011 Artic Classic Adult Softball Tournament Holiday Inn Express

March 2011
3/2/2011 UA College of Education & Health Professions 100 10 10
3/3/2011 Symposium on Autism Spectrum Disorders Cosmopolitan Hotel

3/10/2011 UA Information Technology Research Institute 300 25 25

3/11/2011 Women in IT Citywide

3/16/2011 UA Information Technology Research Institute 0 0 0

3/16/2011 IT Day for Students

3/17/2011 UA Supply Chain Management Research Center 100 0

3/17/2011 Annual Conference UA Reynolds Center
Inquiries Tabulated by Source/Mode
From: 1/1/2011 To: 1/31/2011

NOTE: This report shows only active modes and sources, and can only display the first nine active modes defined in your system.

Source 800 Number e-mail Formatted - Formatted - Totals
Bulk First Cl
@ Website 1 2 0 323 326

Midwest Living 0 0 152 0 152

Southern Living 0 0 6 0 6

Travel Guides Free 0 0 90 0 90

Travel 0 0 371 0 371

UA Graduate School 0 0 0 252 252

Totals: 1 2 619 575 1,197

Page 1 of 1 2/11/2011 01:04 PM

Fayetteville Convention & Visitors Bureau

21 S. Block, Suite 100 ~ Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: (800) 766-4626, (479) 521-5776 ~ Fax: (479) 571-4731 ~ ~ Web:


AE 0
Alabama 14 14
Alaska 0
Alberta 1 1
Arizona 12 12
Arkansas 125 125
British Columbia 2 2
California 34 34
Colorado 8 8
Connecticut 1 1
Delaware 0
Florida 29 29
Georgia 23 23
Hawaii 0
Idaho 2 2
Illinois 66 66
Indiana 23 23
Iowa 36 36
Kansas 43 43
Kentucky 12 12
Louisiana 38 38
Maine 1 1
Manitoba 0
Maryland 6 6
Massachusetts 3 3
Michigan 33 33
Minnesota 39 39
Mississippi 14 14
Missouri 139 139
Montana 4 4
Nebraska 15 15
Nevada 7 7
New Brunswick 3 3
New Foundland
New Hampshire 4 4
New Jersey 7 7
New Mexico 5 5
New York 19 19
North Carolina 25 25
North Dakota 3 3
Nova Scotia 0
Ohio 27 27
Oklahoma 74 74
Ontario 5 5
Oregon 3 3
Pennsylvania 16 16
Prince Edward Isl. 0
Puerto Rico 1 1
Quebec 3 3
Rhode Island 2 2
Saskatchewan 1 1
South Carolina 20 20
South Dakota 5 5
Tennessee 15 15
Texas 135 135
Utah 9 9
Vermont 0
Virginia 12 12
Washington 18 18
Washington, D. C. 2 2
West Virginia 7 7
Wisconsin 42 42
Wyoming 4 4
Military 0
TOTAL 1197 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1197

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