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REVISED SEPA DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) SEATTLE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BURKE-GILMAN TRAIL EXTENSION — 11TH AVE NW TO THE BALLARD LOCKS. Description of proposal: The Seate Departnent of Transportation (SDOT) proposes to compte the ‘missing link’ beeen to existing segments ofthe Burke-Gilman Trai. The project willeonstucta dicated multi-sse tail for pedestrians and cyclist between Ith Avenue NW and the Hira ML (Chitenden (Ballard) Locks a 30th Avenue NW. A DNS fortis proposal was originaly issued in 2008, but SDOT has since revised the prot dasription to include ara alignment along Shlshole Avenue NW, boiween [7th Avenue NW and NW Veron Place. Ths revised DNS is isued forthe ene proposal. Improvements include landscaping at key locations, storm water drainage controls, and tafe anal at to crossing points along Shilshole Avenue NW. Constration may include both teri and permanent routes a adapted by the Seatle City Couneil Resolution 30883; trim portions ofthe tai ‘would be indicated by diction signs. Proponent and Lesd Agency: SDOT, P.O. Box 34966, Sete, WA 98124-4996. Location of proposal The project is located inthe Ballard neighborhoed of Seattle Washington. The ‘rail wil travel between [th Avenue NW and te Ballard Locks along the sou side of NW 45th Street, fad Shishole Avene NW, andthe north side of NW Sih ret. A signed interim rote may be ‘constructed along Ballard Avenue NW between 17th Avenue NW and NW Vernon Place 'SDOT has determined tha this proposal will not havea probable significant adverse impact onthe fnvironment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) na requited under RCW 43.21C.O302X6). ‘This decision wae nade after review of completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information may be examined inthe Seatle Department of Planning and Development Public Resource Center at 700 Fifth Avenve, Site 2000, Seale. Documents ae also available tthe Ballard Branch ofthe Seattle Public Library, 5614 22nd Avenve NW, Seattle and onthe project website a pwr sat go transportation/balladcoridor hm, “This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2) and Seatle Municipal Code (SMC) 25.05 340, the ead gency will not act n this proposal for 14 days fom th ise date below. Comments must be submitted by 5:00 pam. February 24,2011 Issue Date: Febuary 10,2011 SEPA Responsible ica: Peter Haln, Director, SDOT Sianare [Agency contact: Ron Soha Projet Menger Telephone (206) 681-5192 Any interested person may appeal this DNS by submiting a Notice of Appeal and a $50.00 filing fee to the Office ofthe Hearing Examines leat a 700 Fith Avene, Suite 4000, Seale: mailing adres: P.O. Box 94729, Seale, WA 98124-4729, telephone: (206) 684-0521. The appeal must be fled n tater than $:00 pan, March 3, 2011, The appellant shouldbe peepared to make speife Factual object See SMC 25.05.68) A(2Xa)(i for SEPA appeal procedures,

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