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Science Fair Audience Participation Worksheet

Name: ____________________________
Grade: _______

Fill out this sheet as you attend presentations

Presentation #1
Presenter’s Name: _____________________________
Presenter’s Grade: ________

Topic/Main Idea:

What are two things that you learned from this presentation?

Presenter’s Signature: Supervisor’s Signature:

Presentation #2
Presenter’s Name: _____________________________
Presenter’s Grade: ________

Topic/Main Idea:

What are two things that you learned from this presentation?

Presenter’s Signature: Supervisor’s Signature:

Science Fair Audience Participation Worksheet

Presentation #3
Presenter’s Name: _____________________________
Presenter’s Grade: ________

Topic/Main Idea:

What are two things that you learned from this presentation?

Presenter’s Signature: Supervisor’s Signature:

Presentation #4
Presenter’s Name: _____________________________
Presenter’s Grade: ________

Topic/Main Idea:

What are two things that you learned from this presentation?

Presenter’s Signature: Supervisor’s Signature:

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