Health Part 2

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Health Part 2

One of the most important and fascinating topics in human life is health. Life or a persons standard of living relate to the concept of health. Health being greatly enhanced can develop a person in efficient ways. An improved health yields higher confidence, an improved circulatory system, and an advanced immune system. Years have passed in my life and now it's 2011. The truth is never eliminated in my mind. The truth will flow worldwide like the necessary air that we breathe. The upper body and the lower body are vital parts of the human anatomy that enable us to live. Exercise and stress relievers are legitimate activities (especially if done in authentic, beneficial ways) that can manifest into a stable human lifestyle. Just because a person is overweight though, doesn't mean that person is less than a person or is worth less than any human being. There is equality in all humans. We shouldn't be ashamed of what we look like despite the pain in life. That is why I rather go out with a woman (that is a sister) that is a little overweight with a heart of gold than an extremely skinny woman that is stuck up, bourgie (that's short for bourgeoisie) and fake. Being bourgie has nothing to do with how someone talks like. It deals with how someone performs their own conscious behavior. A bourgie person acts arrogant, say disrespectful commentaries behind someones back instead of in front of someones face like a man or a woman, acts like that they are superior to someone, etc. They shift personalities & accents when they feel its convenient. They acquire the negative qualities of embracing obscene materialism & arrogance. Also, they look down upon the poor or anyone not looking like a so-called model. Thats bourgie. I judge a

human being on their conscious behavior not on how they speak or what

they look like as God intended. Folks know what Im talking about. That is why real
people exist in the globe who are skinny, medium sized, and those who are bigger human beings. As for the bigger sisters in the world, you know Ive always have respect and love for you. This

is all the more reason for us to always have a personal mentality of tolerance, love for all of the human race (regardless of their backgrounds), and a dedicated promotion of pure human rights among all of humanity. Fake people want us to have a
negative and apathetic attitude about life. On other hand, we should have seriousness in our life, including joy, humor, fun, and a purpose to do the right thing. There are tons of stories with my health. People love to see my write about stories pertaining to my life. So, I have no problem being honest with folks about my life. My family on my mothers side has a history with diabetes, so I definitely need to be careful with my health. I dont have diabetes now, but its a real problem in America plus the world. Im taking precautions now to improve my basic health lifestyle. I do this in order for me to live a long life expectancy. My fathers side has people living to their 80s and 90s, so that is interesting. Im nearly 30, so getting my body in the focused fashion is a determined action to go along with. I dont have serious diseases now. In the past, I had a bad immune system. When I became older and learned health techniques, my immune system has strengthened. Now, I eat healthier foods. Back in the day, I could eat tons of foods and not gain much weight, because my metabolism was high. I wasnt that big back then. I was 165 pounds when I graduated from high school. Later, in st college I gained weight to 185 pounds. For a time in the mid part of the first decade of the 21 century, I rapidly gained weight. I was at one point almost 220 pounds. I had a fast metabolism back in the day. I could eat a lot of food and not gain that much weight. Now, a lot of people especially in their mid to late 20s lose a lot of that metabolism, so its reasonable for me to perform some exercises to keep my weight into check. Then, in that time in 2008, Ive decided to exercise seriously. I first came to a gym in early 2008. I was aching at first since I wasnt used to the routines and muscle development. Later on, I was used to it. Ive performed exercises on bicycle machines, and treadmills. I performed weight lifting, doing exercises on weight machines, and I utilized other devices. Ive learned calisthenics to grow my strength naturally as well. Some famous calisthenics include pushups that can develop your chest and triceps. To increase strength, there ought to be some resistance like a back pack on your back to do the pushups. Then, my weight decreased to about 210 pounds with strong muscle (especially in my biceps and triceps. Naturally then and now, I have strong shoulders. Im diesel with my strength). Calcium, proteins, nuts, and other foods are key foods to develop physical strength. Also, eating cereal with milk has radically increased my strength too since about 2008. Today, my weight is about 210 pounds. I dont have to do that much with my legs since I have naturally strong legs. I just perform walking and running and my legs are fine. My height is the regular height of 6 feet tall. Im not short and Im not that tall either. Bicycle crunches, windshield wipers workouts (You simply need to lay down on the floor or

an exercise mat, and support your body with your arms outstretched on your sides. Lift your legs straight pointing towards the ceiling and bring them together. Move them in a motion as you are using them to wipe a gigantic windshield. It does wonders for your lower abs because these twists and not only doing the crunches but also burn the unnecessary body fat around your abs), and transverse abdominus have reduced my stomach. Other exercises that I have reduced my stomach include the following: side crunches, oblique crunches, a push up to a sideplane (to increase the strength of shoulders & triceps), and reverse crunches have reduced my stomach as well. These actions are done to lower my lower abs. Aerobic exercises are a great way to lose body fat in our system (like swimming, running, doing outdoor sports, athletics, etc.). Drinking
water can improve our backs and reduce weight as well. A good diet (that includes more fiber and less carborhydrates) can lower abs as well. Our lower abs is the hardest to develop because

most activities hardly use them, nevertheless they support your core and they are very important to maintain your bodyline. Ive done these lower abs workouts and my abs improved in about 1-2 months. One secret to get lower abs are to do cardio, muscle confusion, and

a great diet. Push up can increase your triceps, chests, and shoulders naturally anyway. Pushups determine how much muscle endurance that a human being possesses in their body. The more practice you do in pushups, the better you become at it. Pushups dont necessarily determine your bulk strength since many people with strong bulk strength struggle to do even 20 pushups at one time (without stopping). Again, push ups can strengthen your triceps and pectoral or chest muscles though. Once, I could barely do 25. Since April of 2011, I can do over 30 pushups without stopping. Im getting better with it as times goes on with an increase of better cardio.
There are other ways to increase muscle endurance. You can swim for long periods of time. You can hold weights on your arms for a long time. There are lateral lifts, bicep curls, hamstrings curls, the combination of strength & cardio training, squats, running, dips, etc. Strength training can help to prevent muscle loss and osteoporosis. A wide spectrum of exercises with cardio can improve muscle endurance as well. Now, I have more endurance, more strength, more speed, and more quickness. My reaction time with my hands is really fast now. I always had fast reflections anyway. Cardio is something that necessary in exercising to get your wind going. Cardio will make sure that your blood flow is efficient in order to decrease the chance of heart disease. Cardio is definitely a must when you get older in order to have that endurance to live a longer life expectancy. Cardio is different from weight exercises in that some people need to leave a day off from strength training to allow your muscles to rest. Allow your muscles to rest can strengthen your muscles naturally

in a long term fashion. Muscles are created at rest after you eat protein in order to rebuild themselves in layers (so, your muscles can be stronger in later or subsequent exercising). You need rest like sleep for your body to rebuild itself. Muscle confusion or allowing the human body to do unique exercises constantly can grow muscles and lower fat in hard to reach places as well. On
the other hand, you can do cardio every single day and its easy to do. Cardio can involve just long walking, running, jogging, and a wide spectrum of exercise techniques. Cardio is another easy way to decrease the stomach to get more refined abs (along with eating healthy foods plus drinking plenty of water). There is the abdominal vacuum exercise that can help maintain power in the abs. Some do cardio first and then muscle workout later or vice versa. Each person is different. Some believe that if your want to build muscle, its fine to do muscles first then cardio (if you want to burn fat, then it would be wise to do cardio first then muscle training second). Some people run or exercise on an empty. I wouldnt do that. I would eat a small amount of food and drink plenty of water first and then exercise. Im still here living my life and I am all man. Ill let that be known too straight up. My hand speed is very fast. Im stronger and faster now than I ever been in my life. Lets put it out there like that. You dont beg for respect, etc. You

demand freedom and justice in an indignant fashion like a human being. Also, just because you lack money, doesnt mean youre worth nothing (despite what the mainstream culture says).
I find it very hypocritical for some in the West to criticize Muslim nations for anti-women policies when it has a culture that objectifies women more so overtly than anytime in human history. I dont agree with anti-women policies in mostly Muslim nations. Im not a Muslim, but many

Muslim men treat women with respect and dignity. The racist Bill Maher again spoke about stereotyping all Muslim men in a certain way. I told you for a long time that this Maher is a fake liberal that supports the evil war on terror. Sexism is wrong here in America and its wrong in the Middle East equally. There should be equality among genders worldwide, but we in America have to get our house in order too since sexism is alive and well in the USA too. If a person want to expose oppression against women in the Middle East, thats fine. Yet, if you want to do that, you better make sure to get your own house in order and never omit the wickedness of Western culture today. The liar Bill Maher said that only 19 out of 21 Arabic nations allow women the right to vote. The reality is that over 6 Middle Eastern nations allow women the right to vote. People are protesting against violations of human rights in the Middle East. Maher also seemed to use Arab and Muslim interchangeably, perhaps not knowing

that a significant number of Arabs are not Muslims. Most Muslims arent even Arabic, so Maher is an ignorant man. I dont worship an Arabic person or a Muslim (since I believe in treating

any human the same without genuflection. I expose and oppose any imperialism and terrorism done in the Middle East. Brothers and sisters ought to have their mental, political, social, & cultural liberation in Africa without exception), but I dont scapegoat them for every evil under the sun. The bigot Maher omits mostly Muslim nations (or nations with a significant Muslim population) like Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan and others that have progressive legislation regarding women and which have had women presidents, prime ministers, parliamentarians, business leaders, sports icons, journalists, etc. If Maher knew real history and culture, he would have realized this reality. The majority of Muslims in the world arent even in the Middle East. That coward was joking about cutting Tavis Smileys head. He wont say that garbage to me, because I would refute that liar badly. Bill Maher wont even call for an independent investigation of 9/11 (to show the world what have really occurred during 9/11). I really dont respect fake so-called intellectual, condescending types. Tavis Smiley tried to show some rational dialogue to Bill Maher. They or the Left Gatekeepers think they know it all and try to intimidate folks. Yet, they realize nothing about the complexity of cultures. Bill Maher is a Left Gatekeeper. I thank God I expose this person. I knew
this man Bill Maher would come out of the closet and be a pro-war on terror cat. He says nothing about Western bombs killing innocent Muslim men, women, and children in a real fashion. He doesnt speak nothing about the Western war on terror war crimes spanning decades killing millions of human beings. Thats one thing that I have noticed. The reality still remains that all people are created equal and at least people in the Middle East are fighting for basic human rights. In life, more important things should be discussed beyond Mahers agenda. The real mode of promoting better health, promoting more confidence among people, and exposing stereotypes against folks are great avenues to delve into.

Some individuals neglect the need to build forearms especially and the wrists. The extensors are 8 forearm muscles that extend your wrist (like when you lift your hand up, of the mouse or keyboard, and move your finger like 2 of them help move your thumb). The 6 flexor muscles flex your muscles. This is when you use your wrist when you arm wrestle. 2 of the wrist flexors are responsible for finger movement and one is responsible for thumb movement. A strengthen forearm and wrist can cause a person to lift more weights while performing other exercises. You can hold more weights in your hands to reduce the need for straps as well. When a person has more lean muscle mass in its body, the person has lower body fat. To use weight training in combination of cardio can lose weight and build up lean muscle (in order to burn fat faster by increasing your metabolic level). Developing

the forearms is one way to break through plateaus and taking sports performance into the next level. The small joint deals with adducation, flexion extension, and circumduction. Dr. Michael Yessis said that the benefits of forearm training are about enhanced performance and injury prevention. Stronger forearms lead to increased effectiveness while training. The reason is that your stronger forearms and wrists can cause you to lift more weight while performing other exercise. You can reduce the needs to use straps if you can be able to hold weight in your hands. Some exercises to build up your forearms are reverse wrist curls for extension, dumbbell hammer curls, reverse grip barbell burls, one arm cable reverse curls, etc. Forearm exercises can reduce the chance for debilitating age related injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Health should be a means to improve human development, not a materialistic means to confirm to some fake Western standard of beauty (when beauty is found in many colors, shapes, and sizes spanning human existence). Anyone can be great and be dynamic to contribute to the world irrespective of what they look like or where they come from. I dont support some system giving people crumbs. We live in this Matrix of the worldly system, so we should call for radical changes. We have the right to live our lives in the realm of fighting for the truth period.

It isn't a secret that the Big Food lobby sent money to promote what critics call an unconstitutional food bill. There are over 200 groups that lobbied for the Food Safety Modernization Act or S.510. People should look at an unconstitutional section of the bill. It was passed one time in Tuesday. The Roll Call advised that the bill contained a provision called Sec. 107. It allowed the Senate to raise revenues. This violates Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution. It only allows the House to raise revenues. S.510 opponents now celebrate the House's use of the blue slip process. This is to return the bill to the Senate. The Alliance for Natural Health figures that, The only possible quick fix would be a unanimous consent agreement in the Senate to strike that revenue-raising provision from the billbut Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) has already stated that he will oppose it. So, unanimity will be impossible. ANH believes it is unlikely that the Senate will return to a debate on S.510, given its full agenda. Its only other option is to allow the bill to die at the end of this Congress [which means] a new Food Safety Bill will be introduced next year. President Barack Obama wants to sign S.510. He feels that this bill will make our food safer. The Senate moved too quickly. Their overreach only supports the natural foods movement's view that the bill is about the federal government desiring to control completely over local foods. Shiv Chopra is a Canadian health whistleblower. Shiv said that this bill will cause a corporate control of the food and public health services in America. Others believe that there is a corporate agenda to allow the feds to impose itself on local food production and distribution. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Kraft Foods North America, General Mills, and Big Agra American Farm Bureau Federation funds the S.510 bill. said that AFB spent 9.5 million dollars since 2009 to lobby for S.510 and against the House version. Food & Water Watch noted that AFB president Bob Stallman condemn[s] consumers and farmers who oppose the industrial model of agriculture, referring to them as extremists who want to drag agriculture back to the day of 40 acres and a mule. Clearly, the American Farm Bureau Federation does not favor small farms. Other corporations as funded this bill as well. Food industry lobbyists have support this legislation. The Tester Amendment exemption defined as those generating less than $500,000 a year in revenue is ludicrously low. The Tester Amendment doesn't exempt small food producers as proponents said. S.510 opponent Senator Tom Coburn believes that the bill will not make our food safer. In his mind, he believes that the bill will drive small producers out of business. Even food producers giving food to the homeless or supply home made products at bake sales, county fairs, church cazaars, and community picnics don't need hyper regulation. There is nothing wrong with legitimate regulation to protect harmful chemicals in our food supplies, but not hyper regulation that strife freedom among small farmers. It's not a secret that Obama's administration is filled with former employees of Monsanto like making Michael Taylor its Food Czar. Monsanto promotes the dangerous GM food system. S.510 has been recalled to the Senate Chamber. Many natural food proponents and small farm businesses oppose S.510. Large corporations support S.510.

Now, almost half of all Americans support marijuana legalization. This is from a new Gallup poll that found this number who wants the legalization of marijuana for general use. The number opposed to it now is at an all time low. The public is changing on this issue when California is set to vote on legalization of the crop. This indicates a significant shift in public perception about the controversial plant. Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s when Gallup first began polling the public about marijuana, only 12 percent or less of the population supported legalizing marijuana. The percentage slowly increases to 28 percent by 1978. It declined slowly in the 1980s during the Drug War peak. By the mid 1980s and about 2000, support only increased slightly. There was a major boost in support of legalizing of it in the early 2000s. Now, about 46 percent of Americans support legalizing marijuana for general use, while 50 percent is opposed to it. Support for medicinal use only dropped slightly from 78 percent in 2005 to 70 percent today. Yet, the people's support for general use of marijuana is now at an all time high. Liberal folks between the ages of 18 and 29 are

most supportive of legalizing marijuana. On the other hand, conservative Republicans are the least supportive. Men are more likely than women to support marijuana. People living in Western states are more supportive of it than those living in Midwestern and Southern states. Medicinally, the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in marijuana has been shown to benefit cancer patient by inhibiting tumor growth and causing cancer cell death. Marijuana is also known to treat chronic pain, improve mood, and even fight Alzheimers disease. There are more facts on this issue as well. Alcohol, Cocaine, and nicotine are more intoxicating than marijuana. Most people arrested for marijuana involve solely possession. Alcohol is legalized that have killed thousands of people per year and there hasnt been a recorded marijuana overdose in America so far according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (or the CDC). Hemp even has been used in Biblical texts and in original copies of the United States Constitution. In the 20th century, the United States government used strict rules to prevent hemp product and suppress any evidence of the medicinal qualities found in cannabis. In 1991, THC receptors were found in the brain. In 2003, Canada is the first country on Earth to legalize medical marijuana. Even Pat Robertson opposes the strict laws involving people accused of marijuana possession. A Harvard University study proved that Delta-tetrahydrocannabinal (or THC, which is the active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half (and radically reduces the ability of the cancer to spread). The lesson here is that drugs can be used for good and evil purposes. I dont agree with having anarchy and recreational drug use. Yet, I have no problem with hemp or medical marijuana for those that need it.

HMOs are controversial. Some folks love or dislike them. They have existed in America since the early 1970s. It was formed to lower health care costs in America. Now, we still have high costs, because of administration costs and other factors. Some European nations have lower health care costs though. The health care crisis in the world is serious. Some want the status quo to continue like some in HMOs, Big Pharma, and their agents desire. The battle is us vs. the elite. Either, we will have health care reform whereas health is given unto every American or the status quo will remain (wherefore, citizens are denied basic health coverage even if they legitimately desire it). Saving people's lives should be the primary or preeminent goal in health care. Today in America, some cruel people don't even want to help the elderly or poor under sick social Darwinianist philosophy of getting up by your own bootstraps. Radical privatization always leads into the same results. We know those results. They are about less service, less quality care, higher prices. The reasons is that mega corporations and cartels are used to maintaining profits for them, while some issue little money for maintenance among hospitals in some instances. This is why the top executive of the third largest health insurance company in the USA raked in 68.7 million dollars in 2010. How is one supposed to respond when one learns that more than two dozen pharmaceutical companies make over a billion dollars in profits each year? Tons of people have no health insurance at all. A decent society provides healthcare to citizens including housing.

A study proves that insured Americans avoid paying high co-payments and this can risk their health since the health payments are too expensive. Today, insurance companies have tons of cash and their shareholders pocket huge dividends. There are rising health care costs. These rising insurance rates and punitive co-payments have hurt much of the public. Some are forced to put off visits to the doctors and postponing important tests (like colonoscopies and mammograms. The upfront cash is too much for some to afford). A total privatized health system has its issues. High rates and co-payments prevent customers from obtaining needed health care in many circumstances. Some Americans can afford their own health insurance. Private insurance corporations are experiencing huge windfall profits. This is the modern age of the rationing of health care. The commercial insurance industry has admitted to this. Unnecessary deaths and the erosion of our overall health in America are here. America is ranked 37th in the world in overall health. The insurance people claim that they need to hoard big stashes of cash in order for the economy to improve and then people will start going back to the doctor again. This logic is illogical of the private insurance industry (that is now a corporate con job where insurance companies are allowed to rake in fantastic profits, charge astronomical rates that even prevent their own customers from getting needed health care during economic hard times). The reactionaries say that the customers need the extra money when good times roll around and that their customers can have enough cash to visit the doctor and take the necessary tests. We in America dont have a comprehensive national health care policy, but a national insurance corporation profits policy. Big Pharma is a deceiver. We dont need our health care rationed by managed by corporations, etc. The bizarre, inhuman, totally non-medical logic of the corporate boardroom then demands that insurance rates rise in order to pay for the pent-up health care demands that must inevitably be dealt with at some later date. The insurance companies project that doctor visits will pick up when peoples spending power increases. There is absolutely no reason to believe that most peoples disposal incomes will increase in the foreseeable future. Thats why people are holding off going to the doctor. We know that preventable illness and death will increase when people are discouraged from utilizing medical services. The U.S. health profits system is killing Americans and benefiting corporations. This is carnage. President Barack Obama cut a deal with private insurance corporations back in 2009 to form the new health care law. Now, big insurance companies have exceeded expected earnings by 30 percent. Some people cant afford the co-pay. That is why populists and those from across the political spectrum want a national single payer plan to help Americans receive quality health care.

People realize that tap water is highly toxic in America. Dr. Paul Connett, Professor of Chemistry at St. Lawrence University in New York gave an interview in exposing water fluoridation. There was the collusion of major industries to put certified toxic waste in our drinking water. Dr. Connett said that the government health authorities refused to conduct scientific studies into the dangers of fluoridation. Cornett said that he once believed that people who opposed fluoridation were a bunch of "whackos." Later, he has completed his own research. He figured out that sodium fluoride was a toxic substance. It contributed to many health defects. Heavy industry is banned from dumping this toxic waste into the sea by international law. They are being able to sell it that enables them to remove its hazardous characteristic and it becomes a product according to Connett. It pollutes not only our water supply, but also toothpaste and thousands of different foods. Connett gave a rundown of the numerous health problems that exist as a result of fluoride consumption. They can include dental fluorsis that the Centers for Disease Control just recently announced was a problem for 41 per cent of children aged 12-15 in the United States. This reality clearly indicating that children are being over-exposed to fluoride and that this is affecting other tissues and organs in the body, Other organs and tissues that are damaged by fluoride include bone disorders, a problem also wreaking havoc amongst adults in the United States (as one in three now suffer from arthritis, which again is being caused by a build-up of toxic fluoride in the body). Connett also points to fluorides connection with thyroid disorders. There are over 100 studies involving animals that show that fluoride that can damage the brain. This is why newborn babies who are susceptible to fluoride build up because of their weak blood brain barrier. Connet cites numerous studies

which prove a link between moderate exposure to fluoride and lowered IQ in children. Fluoride's impact is found in the pineal gland. This gland is a part of the brain tissue that sits in between the 2 Hemisphere of the brain. Fluoride attracts this gland like a magnet. Researchers have discovered via animal studies that fluoride lowers the ability of the pineal gland to produce the hormone melatonin. This can shorten the time it takes to reach puberty and it correlates with studies of

fluoridated communities that show girls are on average menstruating 5 months earlier than those in non-fluoridated communities. Children are entering
puberty at increasingly early stages and this is causing widespread concern, but health authorities have made no effort whatsoever to conduct any studies regarding this development and its link to fluoride. Health authorities in western countries are covering up this threat even in America according to Connett (with refusing to do studies of fluoride's effect on human health). This only continues the evils of mass fluoridation of people. This can harm the health of babies and children. Connett wants to show that there is no difference in the health of teeth between people in fluoridated areas and non-fluoridated areas. This proves that there are no health benefits at all that can be achieved through fluoridating the water supply. Connett exposes how out of control health authorities in America are. These authorities put out lying studies that claim that injecting mercury into a babys bloodstream through vaccines is perfectly safe and good for babies brains, while regulating mercury emissions in every other field because it is highly toxic. They have taken a similar approach in the fluoride debate, issuing studies that claim sodium fluoride, a toxic waste which has been heavily regulated in the industrial sphere for decades, has many beneficial health advantages when ingested into the human body. This is fostering widespread distrust in government health agencies because scientists involved with them are overseeing a sickening cover-up of the fluoride issue, states Connett. Fluoride has no place in our public

water supply at all. Fluoridation of our water supply should be banned worldwide completely.
There are people accusing Roundup and GMOs of causing deadly new pathogens in the world. These pathogens are causing spontaneous abortions among animals. Natural health experts have exposed GMOs for years and more years. Col. Don M. Huber is a former Emeritus Professor at Purdue University. He was an ex-military pathogen researcher. He wrote a shocking letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilasack. He warns that the usage of Roundup via GMO corps is causing a deadly new pathogen (this was previously unknown to science). Cattle are experiencing spontaneous abortions to it. The pathogen appears in high concentrations among even non-GMO crops that are "managed" through the use of glyphosate (Roundup) for weed control. Huber was the coordinator at the American Phytopathological Society. This organization studies plant diseases and pathogens. Huber sat on the committee for Emerging Diseases and Pathogen. That was chaired by an Agriculture Research Service (USDA) employee from Fort Detrick, Maryland. Fort Detrick is an interesting place since that is the place where the U.S. military conducts much of its biological warfare research via its United States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories. Some deadly pathogens went missing from this lab. So, Huber is an expert about this subject. As Huber explains, "450 of 1,000 pregnant heifers ...experienced spontaneous abortions." That's a spontaneous abortion rate of 45 percent! "[The pathogen] is found in high concentrations in Roundup Ready soybean meal and corn, distillers meal, fermentation feed products, pig stomach contents, and pig and cattle placentas," says Huber. Soybean meal is found in processed food supply. GMO corn is used in many foods. That is why natural health researchers want to stop GMOs. The inherit dangers of GMOs have been shown by experts not just by dedicated activists.

Whey protein is found to fight against liver disease and heart disease. Researchers found (as found in the Clinical Nutrition journal) that just after four weeks of adding whey protein to meals, key markers of blood fats in research subjects improved dramatically. That, the team of Swiss scientists noted, means whey protein could reduce the risk of heart disease. Whey protein supplementation can significantly lower the amount of fat inside the liver cells of people. The liver is an organ that can purify blood by detoxifying harmful chemicals and toxins. Folks with extra fat deposited around their mid-section have found to have an elevated risk for a liver harming condition called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This disease is a part of the metabolic syndrome and its associated with insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, and abnormally high levels of blood lipids (like triglycerides and cholesterol). The research into whey proteins was done by Muriell Bortolotti from the University of Lausanne. Her colleagues gave 11 obese, non-diabetic females diet supplementation with three 20 grams servings of whey protein a day (a total of 60 grams daily) for about a month. At the beginning of the study, the fat inside the livers of the overweight women (technically known as intra-hepatocellular lipid concentrations, or IHCL) ranged between 1.9 and 20.5% of liver volume. After 4 weeks, the womens IHCL had decreased by 21%, fasting plasma triglycerides lowered by 15 percent, and plasma cholesterol concentration dropped by over 7 percent. Dr. Bortolotti and her co-workers found that the IHCL reduction wasnt accompanied by any major changes in body weight or body fat mass. "This therefore indicates that the improved IHCL and plasma triglyceride profiles were to be attributed to an effect of protein rather than to changes in body composition," the research team said in a media statement. They added that their study suggests that a high-protein whey supplemented diet may reduce the risk of both nonalcoholic fatty liver disease as well as cardiovascular disease in obese patients.

Glen Beck shouldn't drink Diet coke. I don't agree with him on many political issues of course. Glen Beck said that he was a medical reason to take a brief leave of absence. Beck said that something is wrong with his voice and he isn't sure what it is. They have doing CAT scans, MREs, MRIs, and PET scans, and they are doing blood work like crazy. Of course, we would wish Beck would get better. Glen Beck admitted that he suffers from macular dystrophy in July 2010. Beck told an audience of 6,000 people in Salt Lake City that he had a problem with my eyes. He said that: "...A couple of weeks ago, I went to the doctor because I cant focus my eyes So I went to the best doctor I could find he did all kinds of tests, and he said I have macular dystrophy. Beck drinks a lot of Diet Coke and chocolate since Mormonism forbids drinking coffee. Rumsfeld promotes aspartame in his previous corporation for years. Coca-Cola has put the sugar substitute aspartame in Diet Coke in 1982. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, aspartame is about over 75 percent of adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of these reactions are very serious including seizures and death. In 1999, the Independent on Sunday found out that Monsanto (or the maker of Monsanto) used genetically engineered bacteria to produce the sweetener at its U.S. production plants. Aspartame is made by combining phenylalanine, which is naturally produced by bacteria, with another amino acid. To make the bacteria produce more phenylalanine, Monsanto has genetically engineered them. Increasingly, chemical companies are using genetically engineered bacteria in their manufacturing process without telling the public, said Dr. Erik Millstone, of the Science Policy Research Unit at Sussex University, and a member of the National Food Alliance, told the newspaper. Glenn Beck needs to realize that aspartame is linked to blindness. It is

made up of 50% phenylalanine, 40% aspartic acid and 10% methyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol inevitably affects vision. Back when the government imposed prohibition on the country, thousands of people went blind due to the use of wood alcohol/methanol in spirits.
The late Dr. Morgan Raiford was a specialist in methanol toxicity. He warned about the danger of blindness that was associated with the consumption of aspartame. Raiford wrote in an aspartame factsheet that: "...This product [NutraSweet] has some highly toxic reactions in the human visual pathway and we are beginning to observe the tragic damage to the optic nerve, such as blindness, partial to total optic nerve atrophy. Once this destructive process has developed there is no return of visual restoration." When the drug goes into the digestive tract even in the upper portion, the aspartame molecule spins off a by product called methanol or methyl-alcohol. Methanol is a very powerful neurotoxin. It can cause blindness, it can destroy cells in the brain and spinal cord (even in the optic nerves that has to do with our vision) according to the neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock in a radio interview. His book is called "Health and Nutrition Secrets that Can Save Your Life." It explains that a study shows that diabetics who drink large amounts of aspartame drinks are more likely to go blind. Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness. There is a report produced by the Department of Health and Human Services. It listed over 90 symptoms that are related to aspartame like

migraine headaches, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain. The following chronic illnesses are
triggered or worsened by ingesting aspartame: Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinsons disease, Alzheimers, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes. About over 6,000 food and drink products worldwide contain aspartame. Many foods have them like diet sodas, some chewing gum. Most non-fat diet foods have an amount of aspartame and the same goes for most sugar free candy. Many brands of cereal, ice cream, yogurt, iced tea, powdered power drinks, nutritional bars, pudding, vegetable drinks, and many more food products contain aspartame. There are neurologic, psychologic, eye, endocrine, and metabolic problems in dealing with aspartame consumption. It can cause addiction (according to H.J. Roberts, M.D. of St. Mary's Hospital and Good Samaritan Hospital in West Palm Beach). Many recovered alcoholic patients repeatedly stated that they felt worse after avoiding aspartame than alcohol (asserted that they had traded one addiction for another). Some doctors say that it's difficult to kick aspartame cold turkey. Many doctors and nutritionists say that a 30 day regime of slowly eliminating the toxin from the body is fine. Glen Beck talked about eugenics on the show. There is tons of evidence that the globalists are indeed serious eugenicists. Some are using food as a soft kill weapon to reduce the population of the planet. There are toxins other than aspartame that threaten people like fluoride, GMO, mercury-tainted pesticides, cross species chimeras, plastic compounds in chicken, high fructose corn syrup, cloned meat, rBGH and new aggressive GM species of salmon. These entities have entered our diets and environments. We don't want that. Glenn Beck might be a victim of aspartame. Beck attracts millions of viewers per week. We wish him well, but we should expose evil chemicals in the world and eugenics.

The alternative and health freedom movement have made a lot of progress over the years and decades. So much progress have been made that even some in the mainstream media (that receives cash from the pharmaceutical industry, the big chemical companies, and the health insurance industry all of the time) have admitted some realities of health. We have real health facts that we ought to know to protect ourselves, our families, our friends, and our loved ones. These facts are that:
*Fluoride is dangerous and especially high levels of it in our drinking water can damage our immunity causing fluorisis and other problems. Our drinking water is infected with pharmaceutical drugs and other cancer causing chemicals. High levels of the very carcinogenic chemical known as hexavalent chromium have been found in 31 U.S. cities' drinking water (according to the Washington Post. Erin Brockovich exposed this chemical). Time Magazine reported that about 3,000 prescription pharmaceuticals in use in the U.S. and thousands more over-the-counter drugs, not to mention creams and ointments we smear on and then shower off are in our water supplies. *Genetically modified crops can be dangerous. *CNN reported that at the highest exposure levels, using a mobile phone for a half an hour a day for over 10 years can have a 40 percent increase risk of glioma brain tumors according to a study. *Bisphenol-A (BPA), known as the gender bending chemical because of its connection to male impotence, has now been shown to decrease sperm mobility and quality.

*There is an increase of mercury occurring in our planet. Dr. Boyd Haley and Dr. Buttar have exposed the reality that mercury is poisoning our bodies and the planet. Mercury pollution is getting worse according to researchers. Mercury is a strong neurotoxin. Power plants in America emitted 134,365 pounds of mercury pollution in 2009, according to the new Environment America report, 'Dirty Energy's Assault on Our Health: Mercury.' The report found that power plants in just four states - Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia - are responsible for over 35 percent of all mercury pollution from power plants in the United States. This occurrence precisely means that we should involve ourselves to oppose mercury pollution in a thorough fashion. Mark Sircus., AC, OMD believe that there is a tie between the incidence of diabetes and the increasing exposure of mercury in the planet. The growth of the number of cases of diabetics in America has grown to almost 26 million (or a 10 percent increase over 2008) according the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention back in January 2010. Mercy can affect the beat cells, insulin, and the insulin receptor sites. This action can set up numerous complex disturbances in glucose metabolism. 1 in 3 Americans can experience diabetes if the current trends continue. With diabetes, ones chance of getting cancer, stroke, or a heart attack increasing. Mercury is a pure poison and it has no social redeeming value in terms of assisting the human body. It can destroy sulfur bonds in insulin and ruin the human physiology.

Signs of mercury poisoning include excessive peeling skin, discoloration, rapid heartbeat, muscle weakness and others. It has even been linked to the onset of autism in some cases. Mercury poisoning is highly treatable if caught in the early stages. Using the most natural and pure medicinals, starting with the purest water possible. Mercury toxicity has been said to have killed 12 coyotes on the beach across the length of the Padre Island National Seashore. The animals possessed levels of mercury as high as 16 parts per million in their livers. Dr. Rashid Buttar has stated that humans must be detoxified in order to handle issues of aging. He believes that all chronic disease deals with toxicity. Dr. Buttar is a board certified and a diplomat in preventive medicine plus clinical metal toxicology. He is the vice Chairman of the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology. In other words, Dr. Rashid Buttar wants humans to get rid of toxicity in order to improve human health. The status quo continues since the CDC and the FDA are influenced by pharmaceutical and vaccine industries. Some of Big Pharma would try to even defend the neurotoxin mercury when thats indefensible. There is mercury in vaccines as well. Cognitive development is paramount among a human and it can be improve upon with the elimination of mercury from the human body. Magnesium, iodine, sodium bicarbonate, and magnesium oil can be utilized in facilitating detoxification. Traditionally there are several nutrients that children suffering from autism (mercury toxicity) are routinely lacking at the proper levels. They include calcium, zinc, vitamins C and E, varied amino acids, selenium, magnesium, taurine, and essential fatty acids.
People want to protect children from toxic chemicals. This is just and important. Children shouldnt be placed into health danger. Health problems with children can include breathing difficulty and the disruption of male or female hormones. This can cut short the lives of kids. Dangerous, toxic chemicals are common in our homes. The FDA hasnt done enough in this regard except the concern over the disrupter bisphenol A (or BPA). BPA is found in numerous household goods, toys, and food containers. The CPCHE (or the Canadian Partnership for Childrens health and Environment. This is a coalition of Canadian environmental and health experts) wants parent to get serious about the potentially dangerous chemicals found in too many

homes. Some point to 5 steps that can avoid a chemical laden home and safeguard your childrens health. They include to keep dust levels down, avoiding plastics, saying no to mercury containing fish, using only green cleaners, and keeping pregnant women plus youngsters away from home renovation areas. "If parents take simple actions in these five areas, they can significantly reduce their children's exposures to toxins -- and even save money," Erica Phipps, CPCHE Partnership Director, said in a media statement. Its easy to see that lead paint and chemicals like pesticide residue can be brought to inside the home on shoes and clothes (and get into the air plus lungs). If there is frequent wet mopping, vacuuming, and dusting with a damp cloth can go a long way to keep way to keep toxic substances out of the home. House dust is a very big source of childrens exposures to toxic substances including lead which even at very low levels is known to be harmful to the developing brain (according to Professor Bruce Lanphear of Simon Fraser University. Professor Lanphear is a world leading expert on childrens environmental health who serves as an advisor to CPCHE as said in the media statement). The CPCHE expert wants parents to go clean when youre clean. Saving money, getting rid of toxic chemical cleaners, and switching to simple, non-toxic cleaner including baking soda plus vinegar. Some want to use fragrance free laundry detergents without air fresheners. Chemical scents used in some products have been linked to the disruption of normal hormone function in youngsters. The CPCHE panel also advises against the use of antibacterial soaps. The CPCHE wants pregnant women and children to not be in places being renovated to avoid toxic fumes, dust, and paints, Eating fresh and frozen foods can reduce exposure to BPA. BPA of course can harm the developing brain and the disruption of endocrine function. PVC should be rejected by children as well. People should make sure to eat fish that dont have a lot of mercury in them as well like Atlantic mackerel, herring, rainbow trout, and wild salmon.

It isnt a secret that testosterone levels are falling worldwide. Evidence has shown that it might be environmental factors may be a reason for the decline of testosterone levels. A new study proved that this big drop came about in the 1980s. The trend doesnt relate to age. According to Dr. Thomas Travison and colleagues from the New England Research Institutes in Watertown, Massachusetts, the average level of the male hormone is dropping by 1 percent a year. This explains a lot. Its like a 65 year old man in 2002 would have testosterone levels 15 percent lower than those of a 65 year old man in 1987. A more proportion of men in 2002 would have below normal testosterone levels than in 1987. The trend is going down in the intervals of 1987-1989, 1995-1997, and 2002-2004. Its likely that some sort of environmental exposure is responsible for the testosterone decline, Travison said, although he said attempting to explain what this might be based on the current findings would be pure conjecture. Some researchers have found a similar decline in Finland (from the research of Antti Perheentupa M.D., Ph.D., from the University of Turku, in Finland). A man born in 1970 had about 20 percent less testosterone at age 35 than a man of his fathers generation at the same age. When I saw another group reproducing our results, says Travison, that was convincing to me that we were seeing a true biological change over time, as opposed to just some measurement error. Mitch Harman M.D., Ph.D., an endocrinologist at the University of Arizona college of medicine and the director of the Kronos Longevity Research Institute said something. He said that society is pouring too much chemicals in our environment that are endocrine suppressing, estrogen like compounds. This is one of the reasons why some female develop earlier and some men lack adequate testosterone in their bodies. We should oppose anyone trying to disrupt normal biological development. Chlorphyriofs and Carbaryl are chemicals that can reduce American men sperm count and sperm count among any male. Phthalates can do the exact same thing. Its a scientific fact (as proven in studies published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, the journal Diabetes Care, the Journal Heart, and other major medical journals) prove that low testosterone levels can lead into the following problems: obesity, loss of muscle, weak bones and depression, but also increase the odds of heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimers and other major health problems.

Depression, lack of confidence, lack of drive, lacking the ability to concentrate, and lack of cognitive abilities are related to low T levels. Most men and especially those over 30, fathers, or men who have been exposed to toxic chemicals or potent medications need to maintain their testosterone levels to keep their health, power and confidence. *There are many ways to boost Testosterone levels. Thats the good news. You can sprint in a matter of six second at a time to increase serum totals of testosterone levels (according to the International Journal of Sports Medicine). Lifting weights like having resistance training, getting 7-8 hours sleep per day, and rest can increase T-levels. The rest intervals between sets can also stimulate different hormonal responses. A study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research found that resting 90 seconds between squat and bench press sets boosted post-workout T-levels the most. Vitamin D positively correlates with testosterone levels in men, according to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and researchers at the Medical University of Graz in Austria. Eating foods filled with zinc, magnesium, calcium, Monounsaturated and Saturated Fat, and antioxidants can grow T-levels too. Various herbs like of course ginseng, promgengrate juice, African pepper, and other herbs can help men grow their testosterone levels as well.

Of course, the sister in the middle is the great Health Expert and trainer the Sister Jeanette Jenkins. Recently, she went did a video to promote health and fitness with the sister Kelly Rowland, who is a famous singer. Jenkins legitimately desire to help women achieve an enriching exercise experience. Its certainly a joy to promote exercise among women, men, and the youth.
Its not a secret that children eating junk food can lower their IQ levels. This has been validated from the researchers from Britain. They have found that children receiving junk of processed foods can actually lower their IQ. They have studied the diets and general health plus wellbeing of 1400 children born from 1991 to 1992 (in western England). They were monitored at ages 3, 4 , 7, and at age 8. It was found that poor diet during the early developmental years could in fact lead into a lower IQ by the age of 8. The deal is that parents have been asked to complete questionnaires detailing the foods and drink that their children consumed, among other things. From this, its shown that 3 dietary patterns merged. One was that very health conscious and included salads, fruit, vegetables, pasta, and rice. The second included a tradition of meat and vegetable diet, and the final dietary pattern was high in fats, processed foods, and sugars. The childrens IQ was against measured at the age of eight. It was found that there was a huge different between the people who had the diet of processed and junk foods to those who consumed the salads, fruits, and vegetables. Those who had a diet of processed foods have an average IQ of 101 point whereas those consuming the healthier diet scored an average of 106 IQ pounds. IQ point scoring fell by 1.67 for each increase on the chart that reflected the amount of processed fat they consumed. So, we should have a healthy and balanced diet in order to raise IQ levels among children including adults. Children should consume a wide variety of fresh, whole foods. We should avoid junk food, especially for children in their developmental years (this can affect them later in life). Junk and processed foods can damage the growth of children. A lower IQ makes them less able to cope with school, peer

pressure and many other areas in life. From a young age, children should be encouraged to consume raw, whole foods and avoid junk foods completely. This information isnt really controversial. Its just plain common sense since a healthy nutritional life can develop into a higher human IQ.

It doesnt take a genius to see that drinking soda constantly can cause damaging effects on human health. Regular soda consumption significantly increases womens risk of gout, according to study. The researchers who done the study are from Boston University. The research has been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. What is gout? Gout is a painful inflammatory arthritis that is common among people in the past few decades. Its rising from 16 cases per 100,000 people in 1977 to 42 cases per 100,000 in 1996. The same period saw a large increase in soda consumption according to researchers. The researchers studied 78,906 women who had taken part in the Nurses Health Study between 1984 and 2006 (They had no history of gout at the beginning of the study). They found that over the course of 22 years, women who consumed one serving of soda per day were 74 percent more likely to develop gout than those who had less than 1 per month. Women who drank 2 servings of soda per day were 240% more likely to have gout. Stress, high blood pressure, and other factors can increase a risk for a human being to have gout too. So, I want to make that perfectly clear. There is a connection between soda consumption and gout. This isnt unusual because fructose (or a component of sugar) causes the body to create more uric acid. More uric acid build up is an immediate cause of gout. Its well known that sugary beverages (as shown by nutritionists) as a source of empty calories that raises the risk of obesity and diabetes. "Data collected from the study of 51,603 nurses in the United States found that women who drank one serving of non-diet soda or fruit punch daily, which was sweetened with either sugar or high-fructose corn syrup, gained more weight, an average of 10.3 pounds, than women who drank less than one per month," writes Gabriel Cousens in his book There Is a Cure for Diabetes. "In addition, the sugar consumers had an 82 percent increased risk of developing Type-2 diabetes. Nutrition is just as much a solution to health care reform as political solutions are.
Its been found that plastics chemical in packaged foods contribute to asthma in babies. This reality is found in BPA or bisphenol-A. BPA is the chemical compound that is commonly found in a large variety of plastics. Public criticism has occurred against the widespread use of BPA has come under public scrutiny due to known connection to many health problems. These problems include heart complications, cancer, neurological issues, diabetes, fertility, and sexual issues. The chemical BPA is found in water bottles, dental filling, plastic containers, canned food linings, paper receipts, CD/DVD packaging, etc. Tons of studies have found that BPA acts as an endocrine system disrupter, negatively affecting our bodies hormone production. Exposure is almost a certainly a 2004 study by the CDC found BPA in 93% of the over 200 urine samples tested. There is new information proving that linked BPA to breathing issues in babies. An article found in Mail Online discussed the results of a recent study by Penn State College of Medicine. th The results found that pregnant mothers with high levels of BPA in their blood during the 16 week of pregnancy. The increased levels of BPA are twice as likely to have infants with wheezing st problems in the 1 6 months of life. What is really scary is that 99% of all the mothers in this study had various levels of bisphenol-A in their systems. The uses of BPA are used in food and drinking containers should be banned. No country has done this policy so afar. Denmark is the first country in the EU to ban the chemical in containers that target children under 3. The entire EU has banned BPA from use of it in the production of baby bottles. North America is a little show on this policy. Yet, Canada and some states in America have begun taking steps to control the use of bisphenol-A in consumer products. 6 baby manufacturers removed the chemical from their U.S. bottle production after widespread public outcry. The plastics industry prefers to spend money to procure studies that attempts to cast doubt on the dangers of BPA (instead of

implementing safe alternatives to BPA). Consumers should take the steps to enhance their personal health. Expectant mothers and women planning to conceive should avoid the usage of bisphenol-A contaminated products (in order to promote the well being of themselves and their infants).

From left to right are the following people: Ana Julaton (or the famous Filipina American boxer. Female boxing is famous among the world today. They include human beings like of course Laila Ali, Ann Wolfe, Christy Martin, Leatitia Robinson, Mia St. John, Mary Jo Sanders, Jackie Frazier-Lyde, and other people), of Laila Ali, and Usain Bolt shaking hands with Tyson Gay. Bouncing on a rebounder can improve human health as well. It can strengthen, cleanses, and tones every cell in the body according to Melissa Markris from Natural Other exercise can only strengthen bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Rebounder exercise can promote body wellness in numerous ways. Rebounding tones the bodys internal organs, veins, and arteries (like every muscle and every bone at the same time). 4 basic types of bounces are done to make exercising fun and easy. They are the strength bounce, the aerobic bounce, and the sitting bounce. Stabilizing bars are available for those unsure of their balance. They can be used with any of these bounces until balance improves. The health bounce deals with a very gentle bounce where the feet are shoulder width apart and dont leave the mat. The bounce can be used for a few minutes a day to fully flush the lymphatic system and boost the immune system. It can be utilized as a warm up and a cool down bounce for any rebounding routine. The aerobic bounce has a person jumping up in the air as high as possible. This promotes the greatest strength gains since

cells are under the highest gravitational pull. Strength is achieved by becoming more efficient at opposing gravity. The aerobic bounce deals with any aerobic movement. Jogging, running, and sprinting in place, jumping jacks, and simple bouncing are fine options. Rebounding is low impact and nourishing to cells, so joints are actually protected and strengthened. More calories are also burned since rebounding is much more efficient than normal exercises. The sitting bounce is another excellent health exercise for disabled human beings that arent strong enough to stand on the rebounder. The sitting bounce can be done when someone is one the mat. The person leans back and lifts the legs in the hair. The bouncing occurs when the person keeps the legs off the floor. This bounce significantly strengths the abs, back, and legs. The sitting bounce is a great way for disabled human beings that arent strong enough to stand on the rebounder. This exercises deals with the individual sitting on the mat and lightly bouncing. This can flush the lymphatic system, boost the immune system, increase circulation, and oxygenate the entire body. Not to mention that the person can still benefit from placing their legs on the rebounder and having someone else bounce up and down. A thorough workout will transpire if all of this daily rebounder exercise is made up a routine. Worn out rebounder units can cause undue stress on the human body. A high quality rebounder is legitimate to embrace. Rebounding is easy to stick with and anyone can utilize it making it simple and fun. In our generation, more information about alternative exercises acuminate in our thinking.

Many health experts have talked in using simple means to maintain soft and healthy skin during the Winter time. The reason is that the Winter can cause a human beings skin to exist in a very dry capacity. Eating and drinking the right foods can even effect our health and the nature of our skin year round. The skin is the largest organ in the human body. Discomfort is found right away. Itchy skin, dry skin, rash, and worse can make a person miserable. Skin protection should be found on the skin and in the body too since the skin protects the rest of the body. So, what food you ingest in your body is vital to develop your own immunity. There are many ways to make sure that are skin is soft and healthy. One is drinking clean water. This is obvious since almost of the human body is made up of water. We cant dismiss water in our diet. Unfiltered water in at least 8 glasses a day can improve skin, hydrate it, moisturize skin, and cleanse toxins. Antioxidants can improve the human skin as well. Antioxidants fight against the aging process. Foods like tomatoes, carrots, red and orange bell peppers, and red onions are great sources of antioxidants. Like people say, eating foods in the colors of the rainbow is one pristine action to acuminate a lot of antioxidants indeed. Oils like oregano oil, extra virgin olive oil, and virgin coconut oil. They can protect skin from infection, promote healthy blood flow, moisturize skin, and repair skin. Too much caffeine, sugar, and chemicals (from medications, food additives, or cigarette smoke) can wreak havoc on ones skin. There is nothing wrong with active lotions to help skin development, but foods and water can be beneficial in improving our skin too. Of course, exercising can clear skin up as well. Shea Butter is a great product to help those improve their skin too, especially people of color. It has tons of vitamins that can hydrate skin. It has vitamins A, E, and F. These vitamins combine to create healthy skin and

limit the amount of oil produced by your face and body. Exercise can eliminate toxins from the human body naturally.
Mushroom compound heals cancer stem cells and prevents tumors. This is incredible new research that has been confirmed out of Australia. The compound called PSP or polysaccharopeptide comes from a type of mushroom called Turkey Tail. Its 100 percent effective at targeting prostate cancer stem cells and suppressing tumor formation. The research has been published in the online journal called PLoS One. It represents the first to show that a natural substance is totally and completely effective in every single trial. Dr. Patrick Ling is a part of the study. Dr. Ling is the senior researcher from the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre in Queensland and the Institute for Biomedical Health & Innovation (IHBI) at QUT. His colleagues fed PSP for 20 weeks to mice with prostate cancer. This was compared to another group of prostate cancer mice not given PSP, which subsequently developed prostate tumors. The PSP group remained free of tumors completely. "The findings are quite significant," said Dr. Ling. "What we wanted to demonstrate was whether [PSP] could stop the development of prostate tumors in the first place. In the past, other inhibitors tested in research trials have been shown to be up to 70 percent effective, but we're seeing 100 percent of this tumor prevented from developing with PSP." Turkey Tail mushrooms are native to many northern forests around the world. They have been highly studied for their medicinal benefits. In China and Japan, Turkey Tail mushrooms are already used as anti-cancer medicine. The mushroom has been used in antimicrobial, anti-malarial, and immunomodulating natural treatment. Besides PSP, Turkey Tail mushrooms contain many other anti-cancer compounds like beta-glucan proteins, polysaccharide K (PSK), and ergosterol derivatives, all of which provide substantial health benefits. Dr. Ling said that the findings show that PSP may be a potent preventative agent against prostate cancer (like possibly via the targeting the prostate cancer stem cell population). Turkey Tial mushrooms extracts with high levels of PSP and other anti-cancer compounds can be found at most natural grocers, health food shops, and online vitamin and supplement venders. Some people disagree with animal testing though and I can respect that. Our health care system is still having issues in the world. Its been more than one year since a new law has come about to promote health care reform from March 23, 2010. Some believe that the health care law is decreasing our health services. Some disagree with this view. Doing

something is better than nothing, so the law has legitimate parts in it. The law isnt fully implemented yet. Some people say that increases in health insurance
coverage havent occurred and the costs still remain. Health care in America is still very expensive. That is why some want Medicare improve for all in a single payer system as a solution to the health care crisis. Over 50 million American lack any health coverage. Over 45,000 Americans die per year due to the lack of health insurance. 40 million Americans including 10 million children are underinsured. America is having increasing premiums and coverage is shrinking. There are waives granted to the law that broke 1,000 protecting inadequate insurance plans. The Obama administration has told states they could reduce the number of people covered by Medicaid as well as reduce the services provided. And, the centerpiece of the law is under court challenge the mandate is the first time ever the federal government has forced Americans to buy a corporate product, private health insurance is heading to a close Supreme Court decision. Unaffordable underinsurance when those insurance premiums are made affordable by reducing the quality of health insurance. This results in more out of pocket costs. This is the new reality according to Don McCanne, MD, Senior Health Policy Fellow for Physicians for a National Health Program. There are increases in premiums from 20-60 percent for many Americans and businesses. Further, the law may decrease employment-based insurance by 3 million people by 2019, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Joint Committee on Taxation. This combined with high unemployment and underemployment will push people into the individual insurance market. The individual market is particularly at risk for increased premiums which is of growing importance because of high unemployment. Now, some states are cutting the number of people covered by Medicaid and reducing health coverage. Many people arent taking advantage of programs that provide

coverage those with pre-existing illness (which is one legitimate portion of the law). Even HHS Secretary Sebelius wrote that 50 states could cut benefits and the poor would be required to pay a higher share of costs and that federal law allows states to reduce people covered by Medicaid. Medicaid is health care for the poor and is funded both by federal and state governments. It covers about 53 million poor children, poor pregnant women, and disabled plus extremely poor adults. Individuals making less than $14,500 are in included in Medicaid. Many states are using the evil policy of eliminating people from Medicaid from Arizona to Wisconsin. Governor

Walkers wants up to 350,000 people to lose health care coverage by proposing deep cuts in Badgercare (including Medicaid and other programs). Cuts in Medicaid are going on in democratically led governors like New York, Hawaii, and California. Medicaid saves money since the cost is shared with the federal government being a source of revenue. Cutting Medicaid hurts the poor and health care jobs. Millions are eligible for
the pre existing condition insurance plan, but only 12,000 are enrolled in it. This is why some want the improvement and expansion of Medicare to cover all Americans or have a single payer system. Medicare has low administrative costs of fewer than 2%. Big Pharma gets annual tax payer subsidies that are taking over other parts of health care. Vermont wants a single payer system like Governor Shumlin. Medicare transitioned Americans over 65 from private insurance to Medicare within a year and did so without computers. A single payer system to cover all Americans is a much better than the private insurance industry controlling every facet of our health care system. I believe that the health care law should be revised or

improved upon not totally eliminated since people now are suffering from massive health disparities.

We have to assist the poor, the elderly, the ill or sick, the outcast (for a person who injures another human being in an inappropriate way, which is immoral & wrong, proves that the person has low self-esteem or insecurity issues period), and anyone disadvantaged in the journey of life. We have to be more militant in life without being passive, non-assertive, and just in love with the status quo. I rather fall in love with truth, justice, the will of God, and real things than evil.

The right to having health is a human right. Public health is an important issue to talk about. The WHO and the World Bank have controversies with health care. Health care deals with local and international communities. People want a roadmap to transition from the health care reforms promoted by the World Bank to a more equitable system that has been poorly addressed. It must be a solution nationally and internationally. There is still gender inequality, HIV, AIDS, maternal morbi-mortality, etc. that are interrelated. You have to address these issues to improve health care. They require other complementary responses in other sectors to handle the structural and social inequalities behind health rights violations. You have to address economic issues, food sovereignty issues, and poverty to handle health care (among migrants and minorities). The people's socioeconomic conditions should be known (including legal and policy context plus cultural norms in nations) to find health care solutions too. People should be empowered directly. People living in nations should be makers and shapers of solutions. The neoliberal mantra is that those who can pay should pay and if you're poor, you're basically on your own. Neoliberals don't want comprehensive health care options in the public sector, but mostly in the private sector with resources sent to disease control interventions in the public sector (for neoliberalism). Sometimes you need more than the market to handle health care problems or diseases. In short, leaving provision of health services to the market means that the poorest people must put aside a larger share of their incomes for fees for health services thus increasing inequalities in access and in income. Many doctors use market power to induce a demand for profitable services (many services plus technologies are expensive). More inequalities in health do nothing to maintain long term economic growth. Health equity is a part of knowing social justice. You have to have equity in the distribution of health in order to build up the standard of living among all peoples. We need real economic policies, social reforms, and political engagement to have health reforms. You have to increase the disability adjusted life years or DALYs in order to benefit the disabled and other disadvantaged people health wise. The British government squanders millions of dollars by having secret GM potato trials while nonGM variety is already performing spectacularly. Jonathan Benson from Natural have found out about something. He found that in the span of 10 years, the British government have secretly subsidized research that deals with developing a genetically modified (or GM) potato resistant to blight. Blight is the fungal disease responsible for causing the infamous Irish potato famine. The Indy media UK reported that the Sainsbury Laboratory (or the group tasked with development) spent already about 1.7 million pounds (or 2.7 million dollars) worth of public funds to form the GM potato. This is spite of the fact that a natural blight resistant variety has already been successfully bred and in use for the past three years. GM crops are widely cultivated in America. GM crops have never been commercially grown in the UK. There was widespread public opposition to their introduction in 1997. There is continued opposition now. GM food is out of food and off the land largely in the UK. The reports of GM potato research being done by Sainsbury with public funding is so secretive that nobody know if there has been air trials of test GM potatoes occurring or not. There has been a small Welsh research group. This group three years ago bred successfully a natural, non-GM potato variety with natural resistance to blight. This potato variety has been in cultivation ever since that time. The blight resistant potato nonGM crops are now available in more than 6 different varieties. Its safe for the environment, its safe for human consumption, and it does not require the yearly repurchasing of terminator seeds and expensive chemical pesticides in order to grow. The British government continues to pour money into useless endeavors to form a GM variety. This was prompted Stop GM (or an UK group devoted to ending the spread of GMOs) to take action. The group is holding an event on July 23 to speak out against the abuse of public funds by the UK government and it needs your help to make it a success. The event will have the dropping off of a trailer full of safe, non-GM blight resistant potatoes at the Sainsbury research center. This is where the GM potato trials are taking place. So, GM foods have dangers those organic foods than help to cure.

The woman to the left is named Shanaze Reade. The woman to the right is named Jessica Ennis. Both women are Brits or they are from the United Kingdom. There are more health benefits found of phytochemicals. Phytonutrients are chemicals that help plants defend themselves against environmental challenges (like damage from pests or ultraviolet light). These phytonutrients can provide humans with protection as well. There is mounting research proving their effectiveness in preventing and treating a range of conditions like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Even the FDA wants not advertise health benefits without their approved (or the item is an illegal health claim, even for everyday foods like walnuts). Phytochemicals are crucial for much of the disease protection granted by diets high in fruits, vegetables, beans, cereals, and plant based beverages (like tea and wine according to an University of California, Davis report). Its easy to witness that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses. Yet, scientists have only recently begun researching the effects of the different phytochemicals that these foods contain. Diets that are high in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains have lower rates of certain types of cancer and heart disease according to the American Cancer Society. Plants based diets does the action of reducing of risks of various diseases in some Asian cultures as well. The USA has more common cancers since the typical American diet is higher in fat and lower in fruits and vegetables. So, the point is that if we eat foods with higher levels of phytonutrients, then that can decrease our cancer rats. Research suggests that flavonoids, the most diverse group of phytochemicals, may be a key phytochemical group that contributes to the reduced mortality rates observed in people consuming high levels of plant-based foods, according to the UC Davis report. In the Zutphen Elderly Study, myocardial infarction was found to decrease as falvonoid intake increased. Similarly, the Seven Countries Study, which compared the diets of men living in various Western countries including the U.S., suggested that consumption of flavonoids was

responsible for 25 percent of the observed difference in mortality rates in the different countries. Ginger, coriander, and cumin can promote healthy digestion. Even beans and spices are phytonutrient dense foods that can regulate blood sugar, insulin productive, promote digestive health, and protect against cancer. Phytonutrients are found in many families like phenols, flavonoids, and organosulfur compounds (like the glucosinolates and indoles from brassica vegetables like broccoli, and the allylic sulfides from garlic and onions, all of which have been found to support our ability to detoxify noxious foreign compounds like pesticides and other environmental toxins.

Folic acid during pregnancy may reduce a babys cancer risk. Numerous scientific studies have proven that pregnant women should have a high intake of folic acid during pregnancy. The vitamin folic acid can directly affect the intelligence and physical health of a child later in life. A new study adds to the body of evidence. The study presents the research that there is a 64 percent reduction in colon cancer rates among children whose mother supplemented with folic acid during pregnancy. This study has been published in the journal called Gut. The new study shows positive benefits of taking folic acid (which is a B-vitamin that is naturally found in leafy green vegetables, lentils, and beans). It can help prevent birth defects. Folate is known to make and help replicate DNA as well as aid in the production of new blood cells. "It appears that giving folic acid during pregnancy and lactation reduces DNA damage and suppresses the proliferation of cells in the colon," said Dr. Young-in Kim, gastroenterologist at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto and author of the study. "It actually increases the stability of the DNA and this might be one of the mechanisms of how folic acid in utero may protect against colon cancer. There is a 2010 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. It found that folic acid supplementation during pregnancy can produce children with improved brain development and better motor skills. A 2006 study was published in the peer reviewed journal called CANCER. It found that folic acid helps to prevent and treat cancer in general. Dr. James Scala wrote about this information in his book entitled, 20 Natural Ways to Reduce the Risk of Prostate Cancer: A Mind-Body Approach to Health and Well Being. He wrote that folic acid is essential in DNA synthesis and how genes are expressed. He wrote that: Data ... indicates folic acid shortfalls predispose people to cancer." Therefore, folic acid can help pregnant women and other human beings in more ways than one.

Organic foods have many benefits. Conventional agriculture spreads enough synthetic fertilizer each year to cover one-eighth of the count. Plants absorb some it and the rest goes into rivers, streams, etc. and to the ocean. Algae feed on these fertilizers and grow into giant blooms. These blooms make up huge amounts of oxygen and choke out fish and other marine life. There is a place where nothing can live but fertilizer fed algae. Its called the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico made up of 3,000 to 8,000 square miles. Pesticides have been linked to non-Hodgkins lymphoma, leukemia, skin cancer, neurological problems, and other ills. Inducing cancer in laboratory animals is a chemical called Methyl iodide. It has been sprayed on strawberry fields in California to kill fungus. Conventional agriculture regularly has some farm workers to live and work in a pesticide saturated environment. Studies prove that this environment can have every child who lives and works on

these farms to possess carcinogenic chemicals in the childs body. Families and workers can have these dangerous chemicals as well into their own bodies. Antibiotics are in animal food within the framework of conventional agriculture. 70 percent of all antibiotics are sold in America to fed healthy animals. This can cause antibiotic resistant bacteria at a record pace. This is caused when bacteria is exposed to antibiotics for a long period of time. The weak bacteria will die and the strong will survive to pass their genes to the next generation. Half of all U.S. meat and poultry is now contaminated by antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus bacteria. Federal regulations prohibit organic producers from adding antibiotics to the feed of healthy animals. Buying organic says, "No" to the current dangerous way of handling antibiotics on conventional farms. Pesticides arent the only contaminants in food. There are artificial coloring, flavoring, and synthetic dyes allowed in conventional food. They are prohibited in organic. Organic foods readily reject having genetically modified ingredients in them. GMO labeling laws in America isnt foolproof. That is why more people are buying organic. Organic foods do decrease rapidly the chance of people being exposed to extremely bad contaminants that are allowed in some conventional food. Organic food can be poorly handled. It can be contaminated, but they are more humane and environmentally friendly than conventionally grown food.

Its a fact that leafy greens are very healthy for human consumption. For years, leafy greens have been shown even in Popeye the sailor man. Popeye ate a can of spinach in order to defeat Bluto, which was his nemesis. Bluto didnt eat healthy green vegetables at all in the 1930s cartoon. Sometimes, the culture in the West neglects the importance of leafy greens. Some Americans have a huge diet on diary, meats, grains, but excludes other important vegetables. Vegetables are incredibly important for an authentic, functional human diet. Green vegetables have some of the most nutrient dense foods available. They are high in calcium, iron, magnesium,

potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and vitamins (like A, C, E, and K). They have fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll, and other pytochemical and micronutrients. Some eat raw, to get live enzymes needed for improved digestion and nutrient absorption. Green leafy vegetables can boost immune function, have high vitamins to prevent cancer, improves circulation, helps reduce inflammation, improves liver (plus kidney and gallbladder function), it purifies the blood, it can ease feelings of depression, it gives steady energy, etc. Greens include broccoli, bok coy, napa cabbage, kale, collard, wastercress, mustard greens, broccoli rabe, and dandelion greens. Greens eating raw include Argula, endive, chicory, lettuce, and mesculun wild greens. Spinach, Swiss chard, and beet greens should be eaten in moderation, because of high oxalic acid content (except if you cooked something rich like tofu, beans, butter, nuts, or oil to balance the oxalic acid out). Cooking green can deal with steaming, boiling, and sauntering in oil water. If boiling your leafy vegetables, less than a minute is sufficient time -- anything longer will detract from the nutrient value. Vegetables that are steamed will be more fibrous and tight. Greens can help our bodys functions. They are foods for life. Leafy greens can give humans power and health indeed.
There has been new research that moving or exercises for just 15 minutes a day can save your life and increase your life expectancy. This action of exercise improves no pills or drugs. This has been found in the conclusion of a study. The study has been published in the online version of the Lancet. Dr. Chi-Pang Wen of the National Health Research Institutes in Taiwan and China Medical University Hospital, and Dr. Jackson Pui Man Wai of the National Taiwan Sport University headed a research team. This team investigated a large range of physical activity levels to see just how much exercise produces important health benefits. Previous research has come up with unclear about exercising less than 150 minutes a week can help you live longer. The new study involved over 400,000 Taiwanese people. They participated in standard medical screening in Taiwan from 1998 to 2008. They had an average follow up of 8 years. They discovered the information in how they exercised per week. The study participants were placed in one of five categories of exercises. These categories were: virtually no exercise (inactive), or low, medium, high, or very high physical activity. The scientists calculated the hazard ratios (or HR) or the statistical measurement used to find out the odds of an event occurring within a group at a particular time. They wanted to see what the risk of death was for every group that was active compared with the inactive group. The research team calculated life expectancy for each research participant group. Those who were active had dramatic health benefits as compared with individuals with inactive exercises. The researchers found that even people who

exercised for an average of 92 minutes for week (or about 15 minutes a day) had a 14 percent reduced risk of all cause mortality, a 10 percent reduced risk of dying from any type of cancer, and on average a three year longer life expectancy. An additional 15 minutes of exercise per day beyond the minimum amount reduced all causes by another 4 percent and reduced death from cancer by another 1 percent. These benefits were found across all age groups and among both men and women. The benefits were even applicable to the people with risks for cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, those in
the inactive group who had a 17 percent increased risk of mortality compared with individuals in the low exercise group. "In Taiwan, if inactive individuals engage in low-volume daily exercise, one in six deaths from all causes could be prevented," the scientists said in a statement to the media. "If the minimum amount of exercise we suggest is adhered to, mortality from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer could be reduced. This low volume of physical activity could play a central part in the global war against non-communicable diseases, reducing medical costs and health disparities." In commentary about the study, Dr. Anil Nigam and Dr. Martin Juneau of the

"The knowledge that as little as 15 minutes per day of exercise on most days of the week can substantially reduce an individual's risk of dying could encourage many more individuals to incorporate a small amount of physical activity into their busy lives. Governments and health professionals both have major roles to play to spread this good news story and convince people of the importance of being at least minimally active."
Montreal Heart Institute and Universite de Montreal in Quebec, Canada stated:

It is the overall distribution of resources that ultimately determines the state of peoples health. DALYs addresses the fact that differences can be (and are) very large between different social classes, but can also be large between the sexes (e.g., difference in life expectancy at birth between men and women in the UK is even greater than that between social classes). Health care resources should be distributed in a way that is feasible to an equal distribution of health. It must be fair. Some want poor users to be excluded by the fees since the poor can't afford a modest co-payment in many times. Uganda has had success in their health care situation when user fees were abolished. User fees, especially among the poor, are regressive

and ill advised. More user fees according to some undermine international health right laws.

Well, the quick ways to improve our health are to: -Exercise -Get Enough Sleep (at least 7-9 Hours a day) -Eat Healthy Foods (like fruits and vegetables in the colors of the rainbow) -Get your Mind Intellectually Stimulated by reading books or literature, doing puzzles, playing mind strengthen games, looking at plays even, and other like minded activities. -Become Socially active to Communicate and form Emotional Bonds with Human Beings like friends, loved ones, and family members. -Learn about your Family Health History in order to prepare for possible diseases or illness prevention -Get your Morality and Spirituality in Order *I wont stop living my life. I will never quit and I will keep winning.

By Timothy

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