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2/24/2011 Town Council discusses budget plans f…

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Town Council discusses budget plans for fiscal year 2012

W e dne sday, Fe b. 23 by Laura Pe te rs | 5 com m e nts | Em ail this story

Leesburg Town Manager John Wells presented a two-year budget for fiscals 2012 and 2013 to
council members at a Feb. 23 meeting. The budget plan involves the years 2012-2014 as a long
term budget project and primarily is looking for sustainability. The budget presented was an
outline and part one of the budget discussion.

“What’s sustainable is what we can afford… We are working under the assumption that we
would be building the budget with no change to the tax rate,” Wells said.

Council plans to make a long-term plan that would involve catching up on vehicle
replacements, addressing computer needs, having a creative use of fund balance and reserves,
providing compensation adjustments and finding a restructured and affordable debt with no
projected tax rate change for the years 2012-2014.

“We’re not only looking at the 2012 period, but over a six year period,” said David Rose, of
Davenport & Company, who proposed to look at the budget until 2017.

“When local governments look at getting the highest credit rating, they require the local
government to demonstrate that we have five-year plan with regard to revenues, expenditures
and capital plans. With all of that in mind is to look at that and then some with the six-year
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There will be revenue adjustments for the 2012 budget including development fees, parking Tue sday, Fe b. 22 | 4364 vie ws
fines, cigarette tax and airport fees. The proposed budget also calls for a capital asset Pedestrian struck and killed early
replacement fund, a vehicle replacement financial plan and a plan to tighten debt ratios. Feb. 20 on Route 7
Tue sday, Fe b. 22 | 2520 vie ws
“We’re not going to borrow our way out of this problem,” Wells said. “The bottom line we want UPDAT E: Ashburn wom an
to get involved with revenues [for a] relatively flat rate for the year 2012.” extradited from T urkey for
m ortgage fraud schem e
“It is very apparent that the party’s over, the economy is catching up with us and we’re going to Tue sday, Fe b. 22 | 1524 vie ws
have to implement layoffs,” Council member Ken Reid said of what lies ahead. “Nobody likes to COOK h as Ashburn residents sizzling
see people laid off, but there is a positive to this: we can finally get a grip on things that have Tue sday, Fe b. 22 | 1483 vie ws
been ignored and things that are a priority.” One Loudoun’s constru ction
tim eline annou nced
Council member Kevin Wright was reassured by Wells that the catch-up progress to counter
Saturday, Fe b. 19 | 1400 vie ws
debt contained in new programs being implemented will be over time, and will be help in the Beep-Beep! Lou doun driv ers m ay
longer run, not just a “balloon effect” that will eventually blow up and fix things temporarily. need to m ake way for golf carts

Part two of the budget meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. March 8 at Leesburg Town Hall. There will
be a series of meetings at Leesburg Town Hall starting with a budget workshop March 15,
followed by a budget public hearing March 22. The final vote on the budget will be April 11, and
the vote for tax rate will be April 12. Stay


Thu, Fe b 24 at 02:11 PM by A LeesburgResident:

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First of all the correction was made after I pointed it out.
Second, yes, journalist make mistakes, but my point was: what other mistakes
were made by this journalist? Do we have to double check their facts? Y ou
have to admit that it is pretty sad when the first word of the article is incorrect.
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Thu, Fe b 24 at 11:04 AM by l.resident: Ne ws | Spo rts…/town_council_dis… 1/2
2/24/2011 Town Council discusses budget plans f…
People do make mistakes. Even journalists. A correction was issued - just hours
after the original post. Cut ‘em some slack.

Thu, Fe b 24 at 10:43 AM by A LeesburgResident: via RSS
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Please tell me if the author of the article makes simple mistakes like this, how is
the reader expected to rely on the rest of the information in the article? Basic
journalism… Who, What, Where, ....
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Thu, Fe b 24 at 08:11 AM by Jana Wagoner: Sign up for
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The error has been fixed. Thanks for pointing it out.

Thu, Fe b 24 at 08:01 AM by A LeesburgResident:

“Councilman John Wells presented a two-year budget for the Fiscal Y ear 2012-
2013 to council members on Feb. 23’s meeting.”?????
The Loudoun Tim e s-Mirror
The very first line of the article speaks loudly on the accuracy of the article.
John Wells is the Town Manager.
is an inte ractive , digital re plica
of the printe d ne wspape r.
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