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Rhino Mocks AAA Syntax Quick Reference

Create Mocks / Stubs

IFoo mock = MockRepository. GenerateMock<IFoo>();

IFoo stub = MockRepository. GenerateStub<IFoo>();

Mock or Stub
IFoo foo = MockRepository. GenerateMock<IFoo>();

IFoo foo = MockRepository. GenerateStub<IFoo>();

Method Call

Method Call with Return Value

Arrange Act Assert
mock.Expect(x => x.Age()).Return(9); mock.VerifyAllExpectations(); foo.Stub(x => x.Age()).Return(9); foo.AssertWasCalled(x=>x.Age());

Property Getter
Arrange Act Assert
mock.Expect(x => x.Name).Return("Bob"); mock.VerifyAllExpectations(); mock.Stub(x => x.Name).Return("Bob"); mock.AssertWasCalled( x => { var ignored = x.Name; });

Property Setter
mock.Expect(x => x.Name = "Bob");

mock.Expect( x => x.Name = Arg.Is("Bob"));

mock.Expect( x => x.Name = Arg<string>.Is.NotNull);

Act Assert


mock.AssertWasCalled( x => x.Name = "Bob");

mock.AssertWasCalled( x => x.Name = Arg.Is("Bob"));

mock.AssertWasCalled( x => x.Name = Arg<string>.Is.NotNull);

Arrange Act Assert
mock.Expect(x => x.Do()).Repeat.Once(); mock.VerifyAllExpectations(); foo.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Do(), y => y.Repeat.Once());

Once At least once Twice Exactly 2 times Between 1 and 3 times

.Repeat.Once(); .Repeat.AtLeastOnce(); .Repeat.Twice(); .Repeat.Times(2); .Repeat.Times(1,3);

y => y.Repeat.Once() y => y.Repeat.AtLeastOnce() y => y.Repeat.Twice() y => y.Repeat.Times(2) y => y.Repeat.Times(1,3)

Arrange Act Assert
mock.Expect(x => x.Do()).Repeat.Never(); mock.VerifyAllExpectations(); foo.AssertWasNotCalled(x => x.Do());

Multiple Different Return Values

Arrange Act / Assert
foo.Stub(x => x.Age()).Return(20).Repeat.Once(); foo.Stub(x => x.Age()).Return(25).Repeat.Twice(); Assert.AreEqual(20, foo.Age()); Assert.AreEqual(25, foo.Age()); Assert.AreEqual(25, foo.Age());

Equal Constraint
plain short long
foo.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Do("Bob")); foo.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Do(Arg.Is("Bob"))); foo.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Do(Arg<string>.Is.Equal("Bob")));

Constraints in Expect() and Stub()

mock.Expect(x => x.Calc(Arg.Is("Bob"))). Return(1); mock.Expect(x => x.Calc(Arg.Is("Joe"))). Return(2); foo.Stub(x => x.Calc(Arg.Is("Bob"))). Return(1); foo.Stub(x => x.Calc(Arg.Is("Joe"))). Return(2); foo.AssertWasCalled( x => x.Calc(Arg.Is("Bob"))); foo.AssertWasCalled( x => x.Calc(Arg.Is("Joe")));

Act Assert


Is equal? Is not equal? Is same? Is not same? Is null? Is greater than 1? Is greater than or equal 2? Is less than 3? Is less than or equal 2? Is argument of type SpecialPoint? Is Joe element of the collection? Is Sam the third element (index 2) of the collection? Has the collection three elements? Has the collection exactly the elements Bob, Joe and Sam in this order? Contains the collection the elements Joe, Sam and Bob in an arbitrary order?
Arg<Point>.Is.Equal(new Point(1, 2)) Arg<Point>.Is.NotEqual(new Point(2, 2)) Arg<Point>.Is.Same(point) Arg<Point>.Is.NotSame(new Point(1, 2)) Arg<string>.Is.Null Arg<int>.Is.GreaterThan(1) Arg<int>.Is.GreaterThanOrEqual(2) Arg<int>.Is.LessThan(3) Arg<int>.Is.LessThanOrEqual(2) Arg<SpecialPoint>.Is.TypeOf


Arg<ICollection<int>>.List.Element(2, Is.Equal("Sam"))


Arg<ICollection<int>>.List.Equal(new string[] { "Bob", "Joe", "Sam" })

Arg<ICollection<int>>.List.ContainsAll(new string[] { "Joe", "Sam", "Bob" })

Ignore Arguments
Is.Anything Is.Anything IgnoreArguments() IgnoreArguments()
mock.Expect( x => x.Do(Arg<string>.Is.Anything, Arg<int>.Is.Anything)); foo.AssertWasCalled( x => x.Do(Arg<string>.Is.Anything, Arg<int>.Is.Anything)); mock.Expect( x => x.Do("bye", 2)).IgnoreArguments(); foo.AssertWasCalled( x => x.Do("bye", 2),y=>y.IgnoreArguments());

Plain Equal Constraint Limitation

Two plain constraints are ok Cant mix plain with others Cant mix plain with others
foo.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Do("hello", 2)); foo.AssertWasCalled( x => x.Do(Arg.Is("hello"), Arg<int>.Is.GreaterThan(1))); foo.AssertWasCalled( x => x.Do(Arg<string>.Is.Anything, Arg.Is(2)));

Complex Constraints
Ensure that Do(arg) was called with arg starting with a B or a C
foo.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Do(Arg<string>.Matches( y => y.StartsWith("B", StringComparison.InvariantCulture) || y.StartsWith("C", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))));

Throwing Exceptions
foo.Stub(x => x.Do()).Throw(new IOException());

Event Registration
Ensure that some method was registered for the event:
event Action Done foo.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Done += Arg<Action>.Is.Anything);

Raise EventHandler Events

Instruct the mock/stub to raise the event:
event EventHandler Ready foo.Raise(x => x.Ready += null, foo, EventArgs.Empty);

Raise Other Events

Instruct the mock/stub to raise the event:
event Action<int,int> Finished const int arg1 = 2; const int arg2 = 4; foo.Raise(x => x.Finished += null, arg1, arg2);

Mock with Property Behavior

mock.Stub(x => x.Name).PropertyBehavior(); mock.Name = "Bob"; Assert.AreEqual("Bob", mock.Name);

Mocks/Stubs with Behavior

foo.Stub(x => x.Transform(Arg<string>.Is.Anything)).Return(null). WhenCalled(x => x.ReturnValue = ((string)(x.Arguments[0])).ToUpper()); Assert.AreEqual("BOB", foo.Transform("Bob"));

Return Out and Ref Parameters

Out parameter Ref parameter
foo.Expect(x => x.Do(out Arg<int>.Out(3).Dummy)); foo.Expect(x => x.DoRef(ref Arg<int>.Ref(Is.Anything(), 3).Dummy));

Verify Order of Expectations (pre AAA syntax required)

IFile fileMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IFile>(); using (fileMock.GetMockRepository().Ordered()) { // Copy() should be called before Delete() fileMock.Expect(x => x.Copy(Arg.Is("test.txt"), Arg<string>.Is.Anything)); fileMock.Expect(x => x.Delete(Arg.Is("test.txt"))); } using (fileMock.GetMockRepository().Playback()) { // Act }

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