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Page Four
if Staff Sergeant Glenn Wilton, of ! if Captain Bob Donncll of the Armv
Camp 15. Camino, is one of the Air Forces is assigned to duty at the
men about whom this public rela- [ Fairfield Army Air Base and the
j lions release applies: SIXTH ARMY ! Mrs. and their twb-month old son
GROUP. France—One of the closest live at Mill Valley. Grandma Don-
; o! all railway units to th>- front , nell saw her first grandson, Lorcn.
; lines in the Vosges Mountains sec- j*syra* for the first time during a recent
! tor of Eastern France is the 750th ' ^~" weekend. Ar.d while we're on the
Railway Operating Battalion. It is ! .subject. Pfc. Jim Donnell is report-
one of the '.eteran battalions of the ed in the Philippines. One of his
Military Railway Service saw sidelines is carving heart-shaped
extensive service in the Mediterran- lockets out of shells,—sea shells, it
ean Theater of Operations before , r^w is >up;xjsed. Jim has been out about
coming to France to take on the \ . ~j~- two years and. according to Mrs
• normoub job of tran.s;xirt!:tg war —* Hardie. at the St. Francis Hotel, his
material from the ports of South- whereabouts and welfare are the
» m France to the U. S 7th and subject of frequent inquiry by his
, tiie French Annies, now ixnir.d- old friends at. the hotel
liig at the formidable Sie-tried de- if Art Smith, of Shingle Springs,
i . . .** •• • • * Robert MrC.:.-:•.:; :, re;,>::e,i '" fense. 750th found a tremendous and recently home from twenty-
i ::ttie !je::> u-hi- h a v e lx-:i >:•:: r,:-,)-, w i-irded w:..le job facing them. Countless bridges eight montlis overseas in the Army,
M--.::::; w i ' h ;!:•• Arm-. 1:1 G-:ma:r. had been destroyed by pre-invasion was in town Friday. Had his rain-
:-.. :• ci ..- <: Fe:>r.i .:: 1. '.<••• McCurroll'.s l»'.r-_s were Placer.ili-- Allied bombers and Nazi demolition j coat on so we couldnt see his .sleeve
• .. : •:..- ••: K "j ::::•:: - : ic.-.dt-nts at t h e t i m e Is.' ••::•••:•<•<! the
-: :. lor t::e rr. .r.t.i w h v h :•••:•. ice ar.d since ::!•>•. ••<! to
:.•:< ::-'-•- '>•••:. .1 '.:"•'•<• w a t - . - Sa rameiito
if W e l l - :t.s J::n P timer. CEM.
• ' .'..r the Mo-her I • ..• : 'iA Corporal Evon Stennett are among t ^ And by thp way its stajf
K i-h"> a'• 1 ••.-.••:' C. iloma a."d L > ' - • : - Shingle Tim is currently stationed armed .services. 17th Army engineers, the Military
* !.: Ru-sell L m l is .:. England those who are writing letters from ; gcanl ^j. Drcnnan He-s
. ::d has i n - t up w i t h Lt Stanle;. Railway Service men cleared the
if Prr.ate Norman Austin is re- , routes, re-built bridges, re-establish- "The Philippines." Guess there are promoted and we missed it.
th..M- t w v :> .:its -A .is rout.HI by w.r. Wider Both art- co-pilous. Ru.vse!l some others, too. among them First •Jt Pvt. John C. McN'ie is home from
ot Cn '.'. H.I. GUI.S.S v Hi k::rv.'. IMA sa:<5 the shower bath f i x - ported a.s having been ! ed signals, and pieced together ser-
wounded in action in Euro;>" , viceable locomotives from damaged Set. Bill Savers and probably a Camp Roberts.
that roio • • - -.ou f i n d out t u i - s '.sine .i:e primitr.e comp.ireii good share of the "El Doradoans
at cy.orr... tl.a* you can'* get to Lo- t ' »U1.S ' if Sgt James Winstead now g-ts j ones Their successful work was if Well, with the help of one of
his mall at APO 391. X.-.v Yoik | j commended recently by Lt. Gen. in New Guinea;"hull?
tus v.-.i ki..iW. w h > thci > o u t u r n cur operatives, we have some more
back ai.d cir.M up ,:ke > >'i were •*• sVr.:eaiit K >;. Millrz. and Jrank- if Lt M. E Faugsted i.s getting her; j Jacob L. Dt-vers. commanding gen- Pvt. Jerrold Potts is reported at dope on Art Smith._he rates T
c..:::.: in:- th- r.'ir-h i" M >:iume:st !\ -AC don't know w h e t h e r he's s t a f f . paper at APO 407. Xew York. i eral of the Sixth Army Group, in a home on furlough this week from Sst.. and we're told he has a "pres-
-—LV.'.v •-. u <: >::'•- ~ ' there Ke.-; :< ^-h or just plain buck, arrived if Private Leslie Mever is home ( 1
letter to Brig. Gen. Carl R. Gray. Fort Ord. idential unit citation and a whole
home thi-s week on a tti: lough Horn Irom Sui^um for a couple of weeks. Jr.. director general of the 1st Mil- if Pvt. Charles Metcalfe i.s at APO bunch of campaign bars." tShe
, - v 1 ' ' . • •• -.' '.ss tile IA>UI.S Veer- Greenville. N. C. if Bob Comstock. Whom we re- J I itary Railway Sen-ice. 113, San Francisco. stood on one foot and twitched the
L::-.-'"',1.!.-. !,nd th,-:. •:••• Will ported around last week. r a t « . > ' • if Staff Sergeant Robert Gillespie 1 other one while she said it. too).
FM1C. and his leave is for t h i r t y 1 ! is reported home at Salmon Falls Pfc. Bert Lewis, whom the Coin- |, if Any of you guvs are interested,
M.::.r ;>:.-u-t ..:-.d u. a :-.-t:.- whi> pany D lads may remember, is at | ~e can report ({m Thursday mom.
\.v.i M-I. r.-:i: a::-i Jo :•' the Four day.s | ! from duty wth the air forces m
if John T. Kimbrough. .>f the m e r - j ' Europe. Heard sumpn about 22 Fort Pierce. Florida. ing) that Grant Gerle knows his
C'irn.-. r.uci t h i n r u h t .1 M::I a:id *.**£,' «***«.• V ^_* A l« A 1 If *_J l_ A Al_ **.***_* n O A l A^>

chant Marine. has been home this i missions for Bob. if Pvt. James A. Arwood is home weather. Rain started during the
>c.-.i ::-.' Ho:i, 11 Hill, th.- week ! • if The promotion of Don M. Hoff- from Camp Roberts- night and there wus not a measure-
Radius,- :: :>•••< < . the plat- if Wilson Glover. S'JC. had about a i man, from .lieutenant colonel to it Melvin Marden. S2C, was home 1 able amount at eight o'clock—but
ar.d tl.e Rea .ci-p :i'..u-e .1: d <m ;ip week from San Diego. colonel, was reported during the a week or so ago and is now at we betcha there is now.
to Mr- G a l l - h , r N .-,•>:-,• In i~a s1 ' if T-5 Dale C. Chapm is home week along with the announcement Camp Rousseau. (Continued on Page Five)
liom Com;) Locket t. Calif Hm-m. if William H. -Bill, nisei., a para- ouj. fQrmer CQunty enginecr
you're co::r,- t::i- o'!:cr \vav. of
CiJ\:r>-. 'he route '.vuii'd be re'.e^eii. Camp Locket t — nope, she doesn't trooper, got a slug in the lett shoul- commrm(lmK offlccr of tne Tilird
show on our map. Gcrm;l y a n l 9t
V.'e h.:-.e r.v-^Uvted for a couple " " °" * ' Regiment of tlie European Civil
of -.\i'tk.s :<, report t h a t the service if Bill Owens and Oswakio S;vanot and is now at a camp I Affairs
r division, currently station- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST
j-tat.or. ji:>t cast of the Ivy are assigned to radio school in the France. He entered the service in [e"d', n" France! PLACERVILLE. CALIFORNIA
Navv at San Dlei-o July of 1943. if And, by the way—Stan Wirier
:.s op.-ra:.:r.- It had beeii clovcl :> ANN' •I'N'f'KS A
lor.j f.rr.e A::d. il you remc:nbcr if Fort Benmng. Cra — Pi't How a i d has been promoted from flight offi-
•Alien Be:me Ede'.man used to 'Aa'.t J Clark, .son of Walter N. C!nk.
of Georgetown, has won the righ-
cer to lieutenant.
if Pvt. R. O. West, of the Army
or. th, vUstomrr.s at the old Mutual ON
GiMCiry.—loi'k-s like there iusi;ht be to wear "Booots and Wings" of th-; Air Forces enlisted reserve, was
A p.iir.t .-.". '••; ot some .s irt t: >nii; in United States Army Para troop.-, He
ha.; complettd four weeks of lump
called to active duty tho fore part
of the week and reported at Cirr.p
there or.i «'. thoe days training during which time he mad.-
Horn- r Hun.sakiT cUxs' d h:.s f u r n i - Beale. I:.VTITM:I>
ture .-tore -he week w'nile he l u e jumps, the last a tactical jump | if Albert Lewis. CRT. has returned
at night involving a combat prob- "Christum Scii-nct- — I'raycr Mailc I'raclical"
•A.LS cut of t«>'.vn on busine.s.s Grant i to duty following his "rotation"
lem on landing — And thanks to i leave at home. HV
Gerle ^..^ ; in tlie o f f i c e and
.xax.s *h'Ti - :r. ce storm on the way PRO. I if Pfc. Norman Byers has returned
if AX KIOHTH AIR FOUCE LEONARD T. CARNEY, C. S. B., of Beverly Hills, Calif.
We1/., th> re's a h:t;h o\ Cvtu'.d i to duty at Camp Bowie, Texas, fol-
I5OMHKK STATION'. KXGLAXD— j lowing a furlough. Norman left us
Membei of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church,
bv. S'Tgeant James R Cooper. Jti-year- The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts
S"' '.:.' Cornet Store is t;e:t:nL; <ild son of Mr and Mrs T. C'.. Coo- a couple of shoulder patches, too.
started .. "r.r. in the temporary lo- per. 13 Flsk Street. P'.acervillc. Cal- j if Eugene Marchini, in Navy air Sunday. February 11 — 3 P. M. — Shakespeare Clubhouse
cat.or. tcr>v.s th" street u:ider -.vher,- ifornia, is serv.iu: lieie w i t h t t v - i training, has taken off for Okla-
the F-'-e.-t Serv.;o offices used to \ e t e r a n 30»>th II >mb iriiment Group ! homa following several days at The Public is Cordially Invited to Attend
be as a B-17 Flying Fort:e>.-> armorer. • home.
V.'e'.'.. -At-'\o ab-r.t run <>u* —r.n'ie-^ A \ > t<-rvn of more than t w o years if Carroll A. tBert) Olson. F1C.
vov/d b'1 ::iteifstt\i in rea:::iu; :ha % service w i t h the Eighth Air Force. signed on with the N'a\y \\hen he
amor.j t:: >s<- h:i'*e seen o:: th'* Conpcr is one of the men who-c was 17 years old, and :.s now in the
:r.a:n stt ::; tln.s m >-n:r - are Jo,- w'o:i: is c o t r r i b u t i n g to the all-i"!'. South Pacific.
Tii.iT. H I ^ ' . T \V::l:..:i>on. I-niis Mirrt ss of 'lie dr. 'ight bombing <>t- -*- An Eighth An- Fo-ct
Ar!i;-.- I-H.b Ho >•: F:a;-.k Tr :.-,•>' • :• :i. /.e .".:.\'.r. •• X < 'i Germany. Re- Station. Eri'land—Second Lieuten- '
,T »•, \j : • < : . F-a!-'-. \ V L - . : C\: i: 1 , ^ s;).':.s.b'.'- to: p:.>'. . d ' l i : the f.r.- ant Russell M. I.-'iui. 'JO P! i^erville. I
Mohr-.-r. P...! r-o.- 1 . 1^ .1 nur.;r:. power !or the huire tour-en :'.r.eJ. California, is IM--, in Evg'.and f wit'.i :
r, iV- V.-.. :. •' '.r. C.;"/.::. arc! !!•.:•'•. !>i:n:)i i.s. C. per v.o:'-;^ .1* lo ultnii the %th Bouih Gro-in ;!:r!cr :')in'-' j NEW LOW PRICES!
I., \\.. -..::-: :/ ' ; . • ^ iv - h,'- p-:'- !• >:i:K- and m i . n t a i n i i v ; t h e Fort- :v ]>re-combit trr.niiv period of t e n 1
t:n^ :v. . C".:. ."-'•'<•• '." <\ir.r.'•("'.<>"
v.'.'h thv '. x. o::.i. -m t l i ' S • .\ r. t
l.r Diriii.'. in .-•;: th.r
r-'s.-,' f.\ei\e littv-'-alib-T machine
s mis .ir.d p i w e r operated ' w i n gun
t u r r e t s On .some o ca.s.or.v. par-
days in prenar.ri m for .if'ion as a j
co-pi'ot of a B-17 Flying T.irtre.s-s
111 E.chth Air For:e hisrh a l t i t u d e
- A •-?-• V^.f -' iS^i" ".-..-. .*V- - * - •- ?

\V. :..-.•:/• iv.-'nt. I:H-CJ vt late';' l rular'.y f i i l l o w m g a lou^h ir.i^.ur. ^ John .I M .".-j..mir\. s - m e w here ' precLsior bombing attacks ou Ger- Q American Fruit Grower. — S2.75
but"i~ c <nt:n;if "in h.>"t the arnifrer.s work throughout th- iii the P u - t i r r.i'i.s F1C He was niany's military and tar- rj American Girl „..............— 3.50
5t:p;''.y.' ar.: we itr.o-A- a ;u;>e .suioker ni.'ht to get their gun.s and turrets with tlie .state Division of High- "gets. Lt. Land will fly w i t h a rj American Home, 2 Yrs— 3.75
«.'r fAO uho ' A O M I - I S ab iut his f u - in condition for the fol'.''.\,tu day's ways before enteriirt the .service | proup which has Ix^en cited bv the Q American Poultry Journal 2.fi5
ture sir.v.kt - .:'.'!: i\i"\: t h - ' i e is !io operations. The e f f o r t s ot giound f] Aviation in Review.........._ 4.00
if Ted May lone. SIC. was up from • President for its bombing of Focko F| Ilettcr Cooking & Hmkg_ 4.00
f-hort.citt .it t'..... : •:!'• It ar.y of men like Co>i;>"r riventlv received Alameda during the week. j \Vulf aircraft factories at Po^en.
off.cial recognitit)!) when tlie 1st A:r Q Cip|»erIs Farmer _ 2.ti5
yo;i>c ^uj.s kr..i'.v ,\ !;,•:,• :.".''re is a if Robert C. Barrett. EM1C, is a I Poland The group i.s a unit of Child Life _________ 4.00
strir.c <.if CM!.»T p-s:., \v.*h -inie Divi.s.on. of which lh:s group, corn- new subscriber: an' his paper's go- ' the Third Air Division, itself cited Christian Kcrald
bark •'<::. > < > • . :r./:':r a-t u ~ kr.o'.v; — minded by Colonel James S Sir- j by the President for its historic Coronet _ .......... 4.50
ton, of Findlay. Ohio. :.s a part, was ir..: to Camino. En
wV ur.ri-jrstar.d :' ha.-- I." en r'.or.e if Pfc Clifton A RoV'i.son o' Stond to Africa shuttle bombn:g Correct English 4.00
'S iibc>;:t ;t. niy fr.e:: :-. .ind h' x re> awarded a Presidential Ci'ation for
Smith Flat, is one ,,{ the men abou' of Me-sserschmitt plane plants at
•J.t- r.>;:nd-up: the "espirit rie corps" which made
po.v-ib'.e the success of the January whom this public relations report Regensburg. Germany, in August of
THE BIG 7 VICTORY SPECIAL! Country Gentleman, 5 Yrs. 3.00
L"] Ftude Music Maxpiine ...... 4.50
fj Farm Jrl. fc Farmer's Wife 2.fi5
1943. A student at El Dorado Coun-
•if Ti.e fanv.'.v :s .ni.ise: that Fran-
cesco Arad ).- lia.-; a.t.t:r. b-en •,\ounci- 11. 11>44. attack on the rr.cmey'.s air- applies, and if anyone knows Cor- ty
]v>ral Bill Field, of Folsom. he is the high school b-'fore he entered THIS NEWSPAPER [1 YEAR] AND [3] Flower Grower
n Household
craft center at CKchersleben. Ger-
rci. That's ab >ut three tunes that
Bud '.vho ;- one of the old Compaiv. many, in the face of formidable en-
Army in March. 1943. Lt. Land
another one in this same bunch: received his pilot's wings at Marfa.
SIXTH ARMY GROUP. France— Texas, in July. IP'4. He is the son
SIX GREAT MAGAZINES Q H\!;cia ............ __ . 3.75
Q Magazine Digest............_ 4.00
D nier.. has been hit. But he has emy opposition. A graduate of E'. THE BIGGEST VALUE IN YEARS!! n National Dit-cst Monthly. 4.00
Dorado school. Cooper was "Stringing out" isn't an oflicial of Mr. and Mrs. Carol G. Land, of
r.oi bt- r. out for Ions and the dope Army phrase, but that's preciselv 68 Cottage Street. Placerville — •TRUE STORY 1 Yr. fj Nature (10 !«., 12 >fo.> ._ 4.00
is that he'LI be back to duty soon employed as a truck driver by Kai- fj Open Road (12 I«.s., I I Mo.) 3.50
ser A: Co. Vallejo. C a l i f , when he v h a t the 713th Railway Operating; And tlianks to public relatoins. PATHFINDER 1 Yr. ALL
aft>T t'nis in recent experience. SILVER SCREEN G Mo. n Oimlo«ir* (12 !«., 14 Mo.) 350
entered the Army Air Forces in Battalion has Ix-en rioing ever since SEVEN [^J ParrnlV Magazine 3.75
Bud's :n France, Africa. S:n!y it arrived overseas two years ago. HOUSEHOLD _ _ 1 Yr.
PJ Patli finder „ 3.00
:i:ui Italy. He sends ureetm^s and January. IM'J. AMER. POULTRY JRNI 1 Yr. FOR
It arrived at Casablanca. French FARM JOURNAL & ONLY [~J Photoplay 3.50
urges --jy'Ci./i interest in the sup;»rt if Louis Robert En/.ier. having Morocco, in February. 1913, and fj Poultry Tribune 2.fi5
of the Pu-d Cross -.Ouch, he says, FARMER'S WIFE J2 Yr.
compl-'tod training in the single en- three month later the battalion was PJ Reader's Digest "5.25
is doing a s'Ae'/i job inr.e t i g h t e r pilot school at Luke strung out along 1400 miles of rail *Chcck one of tlicte in flaa of True Story if you prefer! [-] Rrdbooli _.. 4.25
•Jf Jack N:d..y .11.i! F/.'an Da'.en- line, from Casablanra to Mateur. ^] AMERICAN GIRI 1 Yr. rj OPEN ROAD (Ko)s), n Science Illustrated •1.00
port are merchant mariners report- Field. Ar:.V)iia. has been rated flight (12 luiin) . ..14 Mo. f_] Scientific Detective 4.00
Tlie battalion went to Naples. Italy. rj CHRISTIAN
rd at home tins week. HERALD 1 Yr D PARENTS' MAG .1 Yr. PJ] SciTtmlancl - 3-50
in October. Following the break D PROTESTANT fj Siher Screen
through last June, the battalion was n COUNTRY VOICE (Wccklj) 1 Yr. rj Sports Afield
operatine from the southern part GENTLEMAN . 1 SCREENLAND 1Yr. (^] "Flic Woman 3JM)

I Am The DEVIL of Italy to Rome and beyond. The

713th was the first unit of the Mil-
itary Railway Service to arrive on
the Riviera beachhead in Southern
1 U. S. CAMERA...

* rj SPORTS AFIELD _t_.I Yr.
.6 Mo. QTHE WOMAN „....! Yr.
DTriie Story
S. Camera
fj Walt IVuney'j Cnmin«._
fj Your Life _..

Dirt Is Sin! France invasion. And now. once

again, the men are following their NEWSPAPER AND MACAZIRES
old routine. They are scattered in
detachments along hundreds of
miles of French railroad lines, op-
erating trains, repairing bridges.
laying track. Their job is to make
sure that the thousands of tons of
supplies entering the great ports
Hcrc s Nnl d. CM3C. wno
reach the troops of the U. S. 7th '*
and French 1st Armies, now ham- | has
^turned t duty following a Tliis Newspaper, lYr
mermg at the Nazis' strong Sieg- j v-sit Wlth Mr - :i!ul Mrs
fried defenses. One company spe- i Marden. Liulc MAGAZINES
cialirr.s in construction, repair and ! 1f>r * - AMM2C. gels his pa-
maintenance of the rail line, anoth- [ I at Jacksom.Ile. Fla. ALL F I V E
or in the maintenance of equipment. ' * Pfc. Billy Hutchison is at Sioux
A third company operates the trains j Falls, So. Da. G TRLT STORY (, Mo.
while the Headquarters and Signal ; + Leonard Chapdelaine. F2C. is G MOTHER'S HOME LIFE.,.1 Yr.
Company takes care of adrninistra- .now Fleet P. O. S. F. r] AMERICAN FRUIT
tion and communications. Along ! + Lieut. Lillian Dixon. of the
We Want That Dirt, with other units of the 1st Military j Army Nurse C.rps whose head-
Railway Service, the 713th Railway ; quarters are at the Presidio of San
~l POULTRY TuinrvE
1 Yr.
i Yr.
Operating Battalion was commendt-d . Francisco, was here Monday visit- . ] FARM JOl'RN \L &
Grime and Grim recently by Lt. Gen Jacob L. Dever.s , !ng her sister, Mrs. Roy Scheibt-r.
commander of the Sixth Army n t Diamond Springs. I illmn was
I Yr.
Clttck mJRJ.'ino JctireJ and cticloue with (oupott.
Group. accompanied by another sister. Mrs. PRODUCER 1 Yr. Rcntlrmrn: I «-nrlo« $ -. P1«w »fn«l me the offer dicdted,

Modern Cleaners
if Saw* Joe Spattiford in town on Evelyn Owens, of Sacramento.
Thursday morning. Joe had fruit if Pvt, George V.irozza is at Spo-
.salad on his cap and a little insig- , kane. Wash.
nla of rank on the collar of his ' if Sst. Harry Mclaughlin was here
HHOrsrilOLD MAC. _ _2Yr.
2f, !„„„
I Yr.
with a year'f nibsonlption to j-our paper.

blouse Which we couldn't read, but | from Mlntcr Field during the week,
166 Main St. Telephone 65 we think the last WP heard he rnnk- Wheri's Mlnter Field.— Bak- nosrorncr...
rd lieutenant commander. I ersfleld?

Page Four
if Staff Sergeant Glenn Wilton, of ! if Captain Bob Donncll of the Armv
Camp 15. Camino, is one of the Air Forces is assigned to duty at the
men about whom this public rela- [ Fairfield Army Air Base and the
j lions release applies: SIXTH ARMY ! Mrs. and their twb-month old son
GROUP. France—One of the closest live at Mill Valley. Grandma Don-
; o! all railway units to th>- front , nell saw her first grandson, Lorcn.
; lines in the Vosges Mountains sec- j*syra* for the first time during a recent
! tor of Eastern France is the 750th ' ^~" weekend. Ar.d while we're on the
Railway Operating Battalion. It is ! .subject. Pfc. Jim Donnell is report-
one of the '.eteran battalions of the ed in the Philippines. One of his
Military Railway Service saw sidelines is carving heart-shaped
extensive service in the Mediterran- lockets out of shells,—sea shells, it
ean Theater of Operations before , r^w is >up;xjsed. Jim has been out about
coming to France to take on the \ . ~j~- two years and. according to Mrs
• normoub job of tran.s;xirt!:tg war —* Hardie. at the St. Francis Hotel, his
material from the ports of South- whereabouts and welfare are the
» m France to the U. S 7th and subject of frequent inquiry by his
, tiie French Annies, now ixnir.d- old friends at. the hotel
liig at the formidable Sie-tried de- if Art Smith, of Shingle Springs,
i . . .** •• • • * Robert MrC.:.-:•.:; :, re;,>::e,i '" fense. 750th found a tremendous and recently home from twenty-
i ::ttie !je::> u-hi- h a v e lx-:i >:•:: r,:-,)-, w i-irded w:..le job facing them. Countless bridges eight montlis overseas in the Army,
M--.::::; w i ' h ;!:•• Arm-. 1:1 G-:ma:r. had been destroyed by pre-invasion was in town Friday. Had his rain-
:-.. :• ci ..- <: Fe:>r.i .:: 1. '.<••• McCurroll'.s l»'.r-_s were Placer.ili-- Allied bombers and Nazi demolition j coat on so we couldnt see his .sleeve
• .. : •:..- ••: K "j ::::•:: - : ic.-.dt-nts at t h e t i m e Is.' ••::•••:•<•<! the
-: :. lor t::e rr. .r.t.i w h v h :•••:•. ice ar.d since ::!•>•. ••<! to
:.•:< ::-'-•- '>•••:. .1 '.:"•'•<• w a t - . - Sa rameiito
if W e l l - :t.s J::n P timer. CEM.
• ' .'..r the Mo-her I • ..• : 'iA Corporal Evon Stennett are among t ^ And by thp way its stajf
K i-h"> a'• 1 ••.-.••:' C. iloma a."d L > ' - • : - Shingle Tim is currently stationed armed .services. 17th Army engineers, the Military
* !.: Ru-sell L m l is .:. England those who are writing letters from ; gcanl ^j. Drcnnan He-s
. ::d has i n - t up w i t h Lt Stanle;. Railway Service men cleared the
if Prr.ate Norman Austin is re- , routes, re-built bridges, re-establish- "The Philippines." Guess there are promoted and we missed it.
th..M- t w v :> .:its -A .is rout.HI by w.r. Wider Both art- co-pilous. Ru.vse!l some others, too. among them First •Jt Pvt. John C. McN'ie is home from
ot Cn '.'. H.I. GUI.S.S v Hi k::rv.'. IMA sa:<5 the shower bath f i x - ported a.s having been ! ed signals, and pieced together ser-
wounded in action in Euro;>" , viceable locomotives from damaged Set. Bill Savers and probably a Camp Roberts.
that roio • • - -.ou f i n d out t u i - s '.sine .i:e primitr.e comp.ireii good share of the "El Doradoans
at cy.orr... tl.a* you can'* get to Lo- t ' »U1.S ' if Sgt James Winstead now g-ts j ones Their successful work was if Well, with the help of one of
his mall at APO 391. X.-.v Yoik | j commended recently by Lt. Gen. in New Guinea;"hull?
tus v.-.i ki..iW. w h > thci > o u t u r n cur operatives, we have some more
back ai.d cir.M up ,:ke > >'i were •*• sVr.:eaiit K >;. Millrz. and Jrank- if Lt M. E Faugsted i.s getting her; j Jacob L. Dt-vers. commanding gen- Pvt. Jerrold Potts is reported at dope on Art Smith._he rates T
c..:::.: in:- th- r.'ir-h i" M >:iume:st !\ -AC don't know w h e t h e r he's s t a f f . paper at APO 407. Xew York. i eral of the Sixth Army Group, in a home on furlough this week from Sst.. and we're told he has a "pres-
-—LV.'.v •-. u <: >::'•- ~ ' there Ke.-; :< ^-h or just plain buck, arrived if Private Leslie Mever is home ( 1
letter to Brig. Gen. Carl R. Gray. Fort Ord. idential unit citation and a whole
home thi-s week on a tti: lough Horn Irom Sui^um for a couple of weeks. Jr.. director general of the 1st Mil- if Pvt. Charles Metcalfe i.s at APO bunch of campaign bars." tShe
, - v 1 ' ' . • •• -.' '.ss tile IA>UI.S Veer- Greenville. N. C. if Bob Comstock. Whom we re- J I itary Railway Sen-ice. 113, San Francisco. stood on one foot and twitched the
L::-.-'"',1.!.-. !,nd th,-:. •:••• Will ported around last week. r a t « . > ' • if Staff Sergeant Robert Gillespie 1 other one while she said it. too).
FM1C. and his leave is for t h i r t y 1 ! is reported home at Salmon Falls Pfc. Bert Lewis, whom the Coin- |, if Any of you guvs are interested,
M.::.r ;>:.-u-t ..:-.d u. a :-.-t:.- whi> pany D lads may remember, is at | ~e can report ({m Thursday mom.
\.v.i M-I. r.-:i: a::-i Jo :•' the Four day.s | ! from duty wth the air forces m
if John T. Kimbrough. .>f the m e r - j ' Europe. Heard sumpn about 22 Fort Pierce. Florida. ing) that Grant Gerle knows his
C'irn.-. r.uci t h i n r u h t .1 M::I a:id *.**£,' «***«.• V ^_* A l« A 1 If *_J l_ A Al_ **.***_* n O A l A^>

chant Marine. has been home this i missions for Bob. if Pvt. James A. Arwood is home weather. Rain started during the
>c.-.i ::-.' Ho:i, 11 Hill, th.- week ! • if The promotion of Don M. Hoff- from Camp Roberts- night and there wus not a measure-
Radius,- :: :>•••< < . the plat- if Wilson Glover. S'JC. had about a i man, from .lieutenant colonel to it Melvin Marden. S2C, was home 1 able amount at eight o'clock—but
ar.d tl.e Rea .ci-p :i'..u-e .1: d <m ;ip week from San Diego. colonel, was reported during the a week or so ago and is now at we betcha there is now.
to Mr- G a l l - h , r N .-,•>:-,• In i~a s1 ' if T-5 Dale C. Chapm is home week along with the announcement Camp Rousseau. (Continued on Page Five)
liom Com;) Locket t. Calif Hm-m. if William H. -Bill, nisei., a para- ouj. fQrmer CQunty enginecr
you're co::r,- t::i- o'!:cr \vav. of
CiJ\:r>-. 'he route '.vuii'd be re'.e^eii. Camp Locket t — nope, she doesn't trooper, got a slug in the lett shoul- commrm(lmK offlccr of tne Tilird
show on our map. Gcrm;l y a n l 9t
V.'e h.:-.e r.v-^Uvted for a couple " " °" * ' Regiment of tlie European Civil
of -.\i'tk.s :<, report t h a t the service if Bill Owens and Oswakio S;vanot and is now at a camp I Affairs
r division, currently station- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST
j-tat.or. ji:>t cast of the Ivy are assigned to radio school in the France. He entered the service in [e"d', n" France! PLACERVILLE. CALIFORNIA
Navv at San Dlei-o July of 1943. if And, by the way—Stan Wirier
:.s op.-ra:.:r.- It had beeii clovcl :> ANN' •I'N'f'KS A
lor.j f.rr.e A::d. il you remc:nbcr if Fort Benmng. Cra — Pi't How a i d has been promoted from flight offi-
•Alien Be:me Ede'.man used to 'Aa'.t J Clark, .son of Walter N. C!nk.
of Georgetown, has won the righ-
cer to lieutenant.
if Pvt. R. O. West, of the Army
or. th, vUstomrr.s at the old Mutual ON
GiMCiry.—loi'k-s like there iusi;ht be to wear "Booots and Wings" of th-; Air Forces enlisted reserve, was
A p.iir.t .-.". '••; ot some .s irt t: >nii; in United States Army Para troop.-, He
ha.; complettd four weeks of lump
called to active duty tho fore part
of the week and reported at Cirr.p
there or.i «'. thoe days training during which time he mad.-
Horn- r Hun.sakiT cUxs' d h:.s f u r n i - Beale. I:.VTITM:I>
ture .-tore -he week w'nile he l u e jumps, the last a tactical jump | if Albert Lewis. CRT. has returned
at night involving a combat prob- "Christum Scii-nct- — I'raycr Mailc I'raclical"
•A.LS cut of t«>'.vn on busine.s.s Grant i to duty following his "rotation"
lem on landing — And thanks to i leave at home. HV
Gerle ^..^ ; in tlie o f f i c e and
.xax.s *h'Ti - :r. ce storm on the way PRO. I if Pfc. Norman Byers has returned
if AX KIOHTH AIR FOUCE LEONARD T. CARNEY, C. S. B., of Beverly Hills, Calif.
We1/., th> re's a h:t;h o\ Cvtu'.d i to duty at Camp Bowie, Texas, fol-
I5OMHKK STATION'. KXGLAXD— j lowing a furlough. Norman left us
Membei of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church,
bv. S'Tgeant James R Cooper. Jti-year- The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts
S"' '.:.' Cornet Store is t;e:t:nL; <ild son of Mr and Mrs T. C'.. Coo- a couple of shoulder patches, too.
started .. "r.r. in the temporary lo- per. 13 Flsk Street. P'.acervillc. Cal- j if Eugene Marchini, in Navy air Sunday. February 11 — 3 P. M. — Shakespeare Clubhouse
cat.or. tcr>v.s th" street u:ider -.vher,- ifornia, is serv.iu: lieie w i t h t t v - i training, has taken off for Okla-
the F-'-e.-t Serv.;o offices used to \ e t e r a n 30»>th II >mb iriiment Group ! homa following several days at The Public is Cordially Invited to Attend
be as a B-17 Flying Fort:e>.-> armorer. • home.
V.'e'.'.. -At-'\o ab-r.t run <>u* —r.n'ie-^ A \ > t<-rvn of more than t w o years if Carroll A. tBert) Olson. F1C.
vov/d b'1 ::iteifstt\i in rea:::iu; :ha % service w i t h the Eighth Air Force. signed on with the N'a\y \\hen he
amor.j t:: >s<- h:i'*e seen o:: th'* Conpcr is one of the men who-c was 17 years old, and :.s now in the
:r.a:n stt ::; tln.s m >-n:r - are Jo,- w'o:i: is c o t r r i b u t i n g to the all-i"!'. South Pacific.
Tii.iT. H I ^ ' . T \V::l:..:i>on. I-niis Mirrt ss of 'lie dr. 'ight bombing <>t- -*- An Eighth An- Fo-ct
Ar!i;-.- I-H.b Ho >•: F:a;-.k Tr :.-,•>' • :• :i. /.e .".:.\'.r. •• X < 'i Germany. Re- Station. Eri'land—Second Lieuten- '
,T »•, \j : • < : . F-a!-'-. \ V L - . : C\: i: 1 , ^ s;).':.s.b'.'- to: p:.>'. . d ' l i : the f.r.- ant Russell M. I.-'iui. 'JO P! i^erville. I
Mohr-.-r. P...! r-o.- 1 . 1^ .1 nur.;r:. power !or the huire tour-en :'.r.eJ. California, is IM--, in Evg'.and f wit'.i :
r, iV- V.-.. :. •' '.r. C.;"/.::. arc! !!•.:•'•. !>i:n:)i i.s. C. per v.o:'-;^ .1* lo ultnii the %th Bouih Gro-in ;!:r!cr :')in'-' j NEW LOW PRICES!
I., \\.. -..::-: :/ ' ; . • ^ iv - h,'- p-:'- !• >:i:K- and m i . n t a i n i i v ; t h e Fort- :v ]>re-combit trr.niiv period of t e n 1
t:n^ :v. . C".:. ."-'•'<•• '." <\ir.r.'•("'.<>"
v.'.'h thv '. x. o::.i. -m t l i ' S • .\ r. t
l.r Diriii.'. in .-•;: th.r
r-'s.-,' f.\ei\e littv-'-alib-T machine
s mis .ir.d p i w e r operated ' w i n gun
t u r r e t s On .some o ca.s.or.v. par-
days in prenar.ri m for .if'ion as a j
co-pi'ot of a B-17 Flying T.irtre.s-s
111 E.chth Air For:e hisrh a l t i t u d e
- A •-?-• V^.f -' iS^i" ".-..-. .*V- - * - •- ?

\V. :..-.•:/• iv.-'nt. I:H-CJ vt late';' l rular'.y f i i l l o w m g a lou^h ir.i^.ur. ^ John .I M .".-j..mir\. s - m e w here ' precLsior bombing attacks ou Ger- Q American Fruit Grower. — S2.75
but"i~ c <nt:n;if "in h.>"t the arnifrer.s work throughout th- iii the P u - t i r r.i'i.s F1C He was niany's military and tar- rj American Girl „..............— 3.50
5t:p;''.y.' ar.: we itr.o-A- a ;u;>e .suioker ni.'ht to get their gun.s and turrets with tlie .state Division of High- "gets. Lt. Land will fly w i t h a rj American Home, 2 Yrs— 3.75
«.'r fAO uho ' A O M I - I S ab iut his f u - in condition for the fol'.''.\,tu day's ways before enteriirt the .service | proup which has Ix^en cited bv the Q American Poultry Journal 2.fi5
ture sir.v.kt - .:'.'!: i\i"\: t h - ' i e is !io operations. The e f f o r t s ot giound f] Aviation in Review.........._ 4.00
if Ted May lone. SIC. was up from • President for its bombing of Focko F| Ilettcr Cooking & Hmkg_ 4.00
f-hort.citt .it t'..... : •:!'• It ar.y of men like Co>i;>"r riventlv received Alameda during the week. j \Vulf aircraft factories at Po^en.
off.cial recognitit)!) when tlie 1st A:r Q Cip|»erIs Farmer _ 2.ti5
yo;i>c ^uj.s kr..i'.v ,\ !;,•:,• :.".''re is a if Robert C. Barrett. EM1C, is a I Poland The group i.s a unit of Child Life _________ 4.00
strir.c <.if CM!.»T p-s:., \v.*h -inie Divi.s.on. of which lh:s group, corn- new subscriber: an' his paper's go- ' the Third Air Division, itself cited Christian Kcrald
bark •'<::. > < > • . :r./:':r a-t u ~ kr.o'.v; — minded by Colonel James S Sir- j by the President for its historic Coronet _ .......... 4.50
ton, of Findlay. Ohio. :.s a part, was ir..: to Camino. En
wV ur.ri-jrstar.d :' ha.-- I." en r'.or.e if Pfc Clifton A RoV'i.son o' Stond to Africa shuttle bombn:g Correct English 4.00
'S iibc>;:t ;t. niy fr.e:: :-. .ind h' x re> awarded a Presidential Ci'ation for
Smith Flat, is one ,,{ the men abou' of Me-sserschmitt plane plants at
•J.t- r.>;:nd-up: the "espirit rie corps" which made
po.v-ib'.e the success of the January whom this public relations report Regensburg. Germany, in August of
THE BIG 7 VICTORY SPECIAL! Country Gentleman, 5 Yrs. 3.00
L"] Ftude Music Maxpiine ...... 4.50
fj Farm Jrl. fc Farmer's Wife 2.fi5
1943. A student at El Dorado Coun-
•if Ti.e fanv.'.v :s .ni.ise: that Fran-
cesco Arad ).- lia.-; a.t.t:r. b-en •,\ounci- 11. 11>44. attack on the rr.cmey'.s air- applies, and if anyone knows Cor- ty
]v>ral Bill Field, of Folsom. he is the high school b-'fore he entered THIS NEWSPAPER [1 YEAR] AND [3] Flower Grower
n Household
craft center at CKchersleben. Ger-
rci. That's ab >ut three tunes that
Bud '.vho ;- one of the old Compaiv. many, in the face of formidable en-
Army in March. 1943. Lt. Land
another one in this same bunch: received his pilot's wings at Marfa.
SIXTH ARMY GROUP. France— Texas, in July. IP'4. He is the son
SIX GREAT MAGAZINES Q H\!;cia ............ __ . 3.75
Q Magazine Digest............_ 4.00
D nier.. has been hit. But he has emy opposition. A graduate of E'. THE BIGGEST VALUE IN YEARS!! n National Dit-cst Monthly. 4.00
Dorado school. Cooper was "Stringing out" isn't an oflicial of Mr. and Mrs. Carol G. Land, of
r.oi bt- r. out for Ions and the dope Army phrase, but that's preciselv 68 Cottage Street. Placerville — •TRUE STORY 1 Yr. fj Nature (10 !«., 12 >fo.> ._ 4.00
is that he'LI be back to duty soon employed as a truck driver by Kai- fj Open Road (12 I«.s., I I Mo.) 3.50
ser A: Co. Vallejo. C a l i f , when he v h a t the 713th Railway Operating; And tlianks to public relatoins. PATHFINDER 1 Yr. ALL
aft>T t'nis in recent experience. SILVER SCREEN G Mo. n Oimlo«ir* (12 !«., 14 Mo.) 350
entered the Army Air Forces in Battalion has Ix-en rioing ever since SEVEN [^J ParrnlV Magazine 3.75
Bud's :n France, Africa. S:n!y it arrived overseas two years ago. HOUSEHOLD _ _ 1 Yr.
PJ Patli finder „ 3.00
:i:ui Italy. He sends ureetm^s and January. IM'J. AMER. POULTRY JRNI 1 Yr. FOR
It arrived at Casablanca. French FARM JOURNAL & ONLY [~J Photoplay 3.50
urges --jy'Ci./i interest in the sup;»rt if Louis Robert En/.ier. having Morocco, in February. 1913, and fj Poultry Tribune 2.fi5
of the Pu-d Cross -.Ouch, he says, FARMER'S WIFE J2 Yr.
compl-'tod training in the single en- three month later the battalion was PJ Reader's Digest "5.25
is doing a s'Ae'/i job inr.e t i g h t e r pilot school at Luke strung out along 1400 miles of rail *Chcck one of tlicte in flaa of True Story if you prefer! [-] Rrdbooli _.. 4.25
•Jf Jack N:d..y .11.i! F/.'an Da'.en- line, from Casablanra to Mateur. ^] AMERICAN GIRI 1 Yr. rj OPEN ROAD (Ko)s), n Science Illustrated •1.00
port are merchant mariners report- Field. Ar:.V)iia. has been rated flight (12 luiin) . ..14 Mo. f_] Scientific Detective 4.00
Tlie battalion went to Naples. Italy. rj CHRISTIAN
rd at home tins week. HERALD 1 Yr D PARENTS' MAG .1 Yr. PJ] SciTtmlancl - 3-50
in October. Following the break D PROTESTANT fj Siher Screen
through last June, the battalion was n COUNTRY VOICE (Wccklj) 1 Yr. rj Sports Afield
operatine from the southern part GENTLEMAN . 1 SCREENLAND 1Yr. (^] "Flic Woman 3JM)

I Am The DEVIL of Italy to Rome and beyond. The

713th was the first unit of the Mil-
itary Railway Service to arrive on
the Riviera beachhead in Southern
1 U. S. CAMERA...

* rj SPORTS AFIELD _t_.I Yr.
.6 Mo. QTHE WOMAN „....! Yr.
DTriie Story
S. Camera
fj Walt IVuney'j Cnmin«._
fj Your Life _..

Dirt Is Sin! France invasion. And now. once

again, the men are following their NEWSPAPER AND MACAZIRES
old routine. They are scattered in
detachments along hundreds of
miles of French railroad lines, op-
erating trains, repairing bridges.
laying track. Their job is to make
sure that the thousands of tons of
supplies entering the great ports
Hcrc s Nnl d. CM3C. wno
reach the troops of the U. S. 7th '*
and French 1st Armies, now ham- | has
^turned t duty following a Tliis Newspaper, lYr
mermg at the Nazis' strong Sieg- j v-sit Wlth Mr - :i!ul Mrs
fried defenses. One company spe- i Marden. Liulc MAGAZINES
cialirr.s in construction, repair and ! 1f>r * - AMM2C. gels his pa-
maintenance of the rail line, anoth- [ I at Jacksom.Ile. Fla. ALL F I V E
or in the maintenance of equipment. ' * Pfc. Billy Hutchison is at Sioux
A third company operates the trains j Falls, So. Da. G TRLT STORY (, Mo.
while the Headquarters and Signal ; + Leonard Chapdelaine. F2C. is G MOTHER'S HOME LIFE.,.1 Yr.
Company takes care of adrninistra- .now Fleet P. O. S. F. r] AMERICAN FRUIT
tion and communications. Along ! + Lieut. Lillian Dixon. of the
We Want That Dirt, with other units of the 1st Military j Army Nurse C.rps whose head-
Railway Service, the 713th Railway ; quarters are at the Presidio of San
~l POULTRY TuinrvE
1 Yr.
i Yr.
Operating Battalion was commendt-d . Francisco, was here Monday visit- . ] FARM JOl'RN \L &
Grime and Grim recently by Lt. Gen Jacob L. Dever.s , !ng her sister, Mrs. Roy Scheibt-r.
commander of the Sixth Army n t Diamond Springs. I illmn was
I Yr.
Clttck mJRJ.'ino JctireJ and cticloue with (oupott.
Group. accompanied by another sister. Mrs. PRODUCER 1 Yr. Rcntlrmrn: I «-nrlo« $ -. P1«w »fn«l me the offer dicdted,

Modern Cleaners
if Saw* Joe Spattiford in town on Evelyn Owens, of Sacramento.
Thursday morning. Joe had fruit if Pvt, George V.irozza is at Spo-
.salad on his cap and a little insig- , kane. Wash.
nla of rank on the collar of his ' if Sst. Harry Mclaughlin was here
HHOrsrilOLD MAC. _ _2Yr.
2f, !„„„
I Yr.
with a year'f nibsonlption to j-our paper.

blouse Which we couldn't read, but | from Mlntcr Field during the week,
166 Main St. Telephone 65 we think the last WP heard he rnnk- Wheri's Mlnter Field.— Bak- nosrorncr...
rd lieutenant commander. I ersfleld?


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