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This is an initial logo I designed for my film.

As one of my group names is “Lone Raven

Pictures”, I tried to design a Raven which
would reflect this. I made this dark in colour
to match the film’s mood. I plan use this as
a base idea for one of my future logos
which I will include in my film’s opening.

This is an initial logo I designed for my film.

I liked this logo as it was different to other
groups and was very simple to design.
This, like the one above, will be used as a
base idea for one of my future logos and
will be included in my film’s opening.
This is another initial logo I designed for my
film. As my film targeted a niche audience, I
wanted to make sure that my logo was
basic yet got the point across. There, I
simply designed this as it had my group
name on it. I may add animation to this by
making it rotate in a circle but I would like to
use this logo in my film.

This is another initial logo I designed for my

film. I created this randomly and there’s no
real background ideas behind this logo. I
probably won’t use it because it’s a bit
random but I thought I’d include it

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